The Signal, 1911-6-1, Page 3—u,,._ . re C.C1eUAMit • InE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE ItgWLRE OF IMITA- TIONS. SULD ON THE MERITS OF IINARD'S LINIIENT BOOK BINDING MAGAZI NES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES ` :and or repaired. GOLD LETTERING 0o LEATHER GOODS All orders promppt) attended to on lesvtng ieem at THE 8IONAL Godarich. A. E. TAYLOR, STRATFORD CIVIL ENGINEERING VAUGHAN M. ROBERTS, CIVIL a*d Hydraulic Engineer, Ontario Lind e ( McLean Block, Ooderlch. corner Montreal street, Telephone 007. MEDICAL 1)R. W. F. GALLON, M. B. 0 0s and rsddooce. North streett,, (roderlch. north of Comity at.Rlatry omoe. Tdaphsne 1f. DR F. J. R.kORSTER—EYE, EAR soar and throat only. Rouse .arneon Naw York Ophthaln.ic and Aural Institute. Clinloal t oast.. Kar N use and 1 hraat Hospital Olden Square. s ee�leantldd Kyee Hospital• London, Laotiand. Odo.a Ntl.Waterlao'tree $tratfad. opposite Koox Church. Hours to ll a. m . 2 to I R m.. 7 to 8 p. m. Telephone Sr• LL+GAL DROUDFOOT, HAYS k KILLOR- AN. barristers. toucttors. notaries pubile prooWes in the Maritime Court. eta Private made to trod at lowest rate. of interest Omoose._ Rest side square. God.edoh. W. KROUnIOOT K. C., R. C• HAYS• J. L PILLORAN. 1G. CAMERON. K. C., BARRIS- TER. solicitor, notary public. Omoes— ton titr*ot. Godetich, third door from square - (CHARLES GARROW, L.L•B., BAR U RIBTEH, attorneys, eotfcitor, eta., Gode rich. Moog to lend .t lowest rates. �O. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER . soamtkom treetesl oder►ch Ont. publfe INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC. UCKILLO? MUTUAL FIRE IN JJ1I a U R A N C E C u.—Farm and isolated tuna►.rupsrtr insured. °dicers --J. B. McLean, Pte.., Seaturth P.O Jas. Connolly, trios -thea Uoderich P. u. Thomas L lease. ones -Trow. usaforth P. O tltrsotors —W m. Chesney. (..•forth : John G. Grieve, WinthrpV W Itham Rutu.l oases, John Hsorwda, Hrudtrrgea: Jamas Evans. Bseohwood; John Watt. Harlock: Malcolm McEwen, ifavoeeld. Agents: J. W. Yeo, Holmeaville : Ft Senn Harlook : Jas Cummings. Ygmoodtil s : L Hinckley. n.atorth. Puuey-bolder. ono pay ass.soo*M .ad get their cards reo.ipted at Toes► st t cw� s. t:llnton, or at R. H. Cutts Grocery. Cfarsse* s reet. Godsrioh. Tont© 00o PRIVATE FJNDS TO �!r lout. Apohy to ]l o. CAM• jGWI 4 barrister. R•mutoo ctr.et Godarloh. IIT R. ROBERTSON. /� INsURANCL AGL'IT. Ftai ens Ism■ antro : British. Cr*setaa and American. MOUNT enemas LAD eierrevaae' Lsai4 m (loss* Accident and Oilman". Lashed. of London. Log. P m-UTT LAD t117sassrga BONDS : TM U.S. rldebt7 a*d Gua an".Company. sass re.l,caw northeast owner d vie •ted at ilavid's streets. Phos. 174 JOHN W. CRAIGIE, LiFE, FIRE and geniis► Ito urrance. Acre leadisg satiteal and meekff ▪ sereetid 5. bbss'. plsos Gad at knees roam ..a11 at eats, Mesar West Street and Square .r addrss J. W. CRAIu11t. (ied.rieh. (let two .h.sm m itAltt1AOE LICENSES WALTHIt E KELLY. J. P.. tiODHIUCH, 0)11. �t%' ams or MARRIAGE LICIDrala• - MAHHI- v V . Amos ='H.r O.aawh. o t. HAVING PA RLR BEDFORD BLOCK BARBER SHOP- -This wan -k own asd napalar steed ober* Its p�aatrons te. hast wr^o. 10 ebavine laaircutusa, ens..ta. LadW' .haspooir g r per- 0.117 wane. spot dst�d driM. u tiL8.MLH.B P1. 4stss. AUCfIONnotoG ll• SOMAS GUNDKt, LIVIl1'IU(;K art gement a.eteoseer. (late.. r ttmata Mee. t who re 'we will be hard at all tastes Wb.s r e.71sg sales. Term. rw.on.ble and greet Igor wM te Mrs you .au.hetton. MOTIC L�OLHRiOH OO1U$KRVATORY OF lSJ MUSIC. J. H. H r terra, L L e. M. r engtand s r T. C. M.'Taeon on. etgan1t Karl church vde. eel tare. organ and lsano. harmony counterpoint ata A. E. t'ana plana h■rmee (nutter PMnt. Ne. M.a. A,+ntlsw. sinderea►tan and Pteno. Yt.ra Hurt at .11111,1. A. . Ssose-e.andolin. omits, aid dentine Fw iytor�on w t e t.nne. art.. .Delp at the W. J. MUIR do CO • 1 UNDi RTAKi R• AND IMIDALMI iIN.�,.r. • w).t. 4PaAM al. deollor•Inh.Ad- THE S1(NA : t,UI)ERICIP 0 ARIO 1ewj of the Sistriet John Hey, sr., has purchased Obese Ettehler's twenty-five acres on the Babylon Ilue, May town ship. fur •1,2oe. Admit Bowman, a ytning man of Wiugham, died in Cobalt following en attack of peeumonis. He wt. In hie wenty-Aral year. Rev. Dr. Gundy, of St. Thomas. formerly of Wiugbum, intends taking a year's test and then returning to bis duties. He has been fifty-one )ears in the ministry. Mrs. Mary Crich. one of the oldest residents of Tuckersmith, panned to the Ore... Beyoud on Sunday, Ma) 211t. She had reached the advanced age of eighty -Ave years. li♦eorge [tale, of the Huron road. at Aima, sustained a heavy lose the other day when two Ane young colts Met on to the railway track and were struck by • train and killed. Word has been received at Exeter of the death at Detroit of Ray 1. Fan - sou. formerly of Exeter. He had been in felling health few some time and wits thine -three yews of age. Prior to hie departure from Clinton for Montreal. D. A. McClure. of the Molsons Hank staff. was pit -welted with a handsome leather sultraar by the members of Ibe Pastime Club. Dr. Jas. H. Armstrong, of Belding. Mich., an old Mcaforth boy. utas chosen president of the Mi-higan Stale Dental Association at the an- nual convention held at Grand Rapid. recently. Duncan Stevenson. who has been with J. Twitnhell & Son. Clinton. for the past nineteen year*, his severed hes connection with the Arm and has gone to Newmatket to go into busi- ness for himself. The sad news has been received by relatives in Gley township of the death of Jobe Glassier at Celia! y on Tuesday. May 18th. deceased was twenty -thee rears of age and was a carpenter by trade. After an illness of over seven wads, Mrs. G. (iibscn. are of \Singbau►'s most esteemed citizens, ( nosed to her long home nn Sunday evening. May 21st. She was a Comedian by birth. being bolo in Pekenbam township in iKfB. Rev. Presby te been gra absence. joy ing t hoped a beneficial Robert Morris, killed by centiy, s ert David Grey, h in the .a On w Whiting, church. knot' het maker, o kopf, of Marys. in the pa in the Fu John is Iahister. to the designer construct for the Victori.t months adisn Ge Torento, work at The ht kine on t was the W edneed est daug united in of McGilli Tharnrs moot'. front Ck i.ondcn F. H. Larkin, poor of the ►fan chunk at Seafr.rth, ba. need there inoothii Irave of Mi. Larkin ban not been en be hest of health and it i+ prolonged holiday will prove Anderson, of the 4th liar td had Ace bend of vu00g cattle ligbtning Doe evening re- nd a few evenings later Rot• - son, of the 1&h concession of a l tbr.-e good cows destroyed me manner. elnesday. May lith, Ker. R. pastor of the First Methodist l.cndon, tied the matrimonial ween G. C. Manners, harnev- f Brussels. and Mrs. Gro.-- IBtroit, formerly of St. The is reIa,ov was performed riot of the Cecua.aeh House Forest city, Mater. B. Se., 1.00 of William °f Mot-ris, has been prcmotmd position of superintendent and of the new sutretati,.t, and tom of the traosmi-eine liar Mond Nickel Company, of Mines. For the prat Hvr hr bora been with the Can- adian Electric Oompany, of working on rnn.tnldi on Belleville and l'.mpbllfotd. .me 0f Reeve and Mrs. Hun - he &h a oocesaio0 of 1 .brio., Irene of a pretty wedding 00 ay, May tlth, when their eld- bter. M&M Florence May, was marriage w Amos Darling. McGillivray ger. ('olio Fletcher, Roads performed the eere- Ahnut RU guests were preesot •eland, Mitchell Seaforth. and Exeter. A Driving Aoodrt %Vhile out driving tine evening re- cently, Jas. Martin. of Seafortb, and Wm. Higgins, of is neo had •n un- pleasant experience. borer waa standing to the middle of the road and when about to start it turned quickly, upsetting the buggy and occupants. with the revolt that Mr. Martin sus- tained a badly sprained wrist. n split nose and other injuries. Mr. Higgins was con.ideraldy bruised about the head and the rig suffered ered alight in - Jar!. Farmer Resident of Wrawster Deed. Mrs. Rasmussen of WCroxeeter, re- ceived a telegram • few rays ago ao- nooneing the death of tier father, Alexander Srnith. a t Stoughton. Sask. The deeraaed was seventy-two bncars of •ge and wee a satire of Ror- rougbaPite, Scotland. He ram. to Canada in tbe veer 1&ki end settled Bret at Dalt. where be remained Rev. era! yearw. He aftwrwards lived at Wroxeter for tweet% yearn. Four years ag.. the deceased and his wife went to Stni'alltne to reside with their .on. A family of four sons and three daughters out vivo. A Sudden Call. The death of !Ernest Hennrweiss at his home on the 14th ^nncenaiein of Matinees. on Monday. 15th ult . tante as a ger 41 snrprioe to his friends. Hr had Steen in Mitchell on the Friday previous to his death and the follow. ing day he rempleined .d net feeling well. Pneumonia drvel.epe•.1 and on Monday. feeling aernewhat letter, he intended getting up. He •nope in his wife's reb.rne. and when ,M tame hack she found hint dead on the Anon Death w.• due to a sleeker The de - 'cased was sixty-eight yewrs of age and was one of the pOf.1.t ..I 0.r. of McKillop township. He is wrtived Foy hie wife and a family of three acne and five daughters. P'OR PALLINOiIA1R Vas Ren No Mat VOW Ten 11'. Teti 11g00011y. (V. promise roe time if your hair to falling out end rate have wet Mt it go t.x. far pm, an spat the (arn*go stew)) done h) dein' Retell MH" hair Towle, with pereiatenev and r -R. nlartly, fee s meter esa hie length of time. It le • seieetifr *lessening. .wehapeee gersieidel oreprwtiom. that destroys microbe.. i i f�Ri.red cireutatiOn roust th 1Urtr. pr.aaotett hair nun. iehme rooves dandruff and mato.ew hair beelike It is se pleasant to use rs ppuurr water. and it is deli.•.1e1y per- fuwed. It is a reel tuiht nemeieny. We want you to G y Resell "Uel" Hair Tonic a itb our p1 outlay that it will stet you nothing unleas you L. a per• Tectlj sati.Aed with its use. 1t cumea in tee sizes, plies bre and 111.00. R• - member, )oil ran obtain Rrxall Rem- edies 1n I hi+ cowwnnity only a• our K ole - The Itexall Store. H. C. Dun- lop, south side of Square. w healthy climate. He spoke Ibe great cereal and fruit crape bleb w. rr ptrtducrel end toe wi rale • +wd'th.4ei lee of the c wintry. If thea wnul'1 .• o•rn deletatonwl h• take awlvs''tgg.• of the 'pro. 1u fl.• - t t•t wulatre lay hetete them and .Ire ihs taw r hair nlatrrf .1 of the rouut ry for tl.e1r b it oi, rr- try', then there were pro+(.rete for them in Can.de. Nr advisred then to go 0u the land sill get apiece .1 it for themselves, sit ►bat uu . ii eou1.1 itell them he did nut wGut their ser - viers longer. M r Mclennan con- cluded with the es�cplauatiou that Ibe aim of the Guveiinutent agents was not t i depopula'e our conotry dis- t. icer. but lar prevent tpe streams of r111 Aratit.o frow going to fo.e`gn . Onnlr•e+ a• d diverait td Ibe dtlofrka. id' . W. 11. ( uaIlali, g, the a •at ages in Al erdeet., ruade a few reit arks, ex- ptrwine 11pleasure it g.ye him to m. et ism Ab-rdeen audience. and his intentions of doing a+ hi= predecessor had done—give etrry information in his Ise is ewaiun to iitendine emigrants. A numb r of enc lent last rn slides Illutt alive of OAcadian life were throw n on the a rein. THE CANADIAN GOSPEL IN ABERDEEN. John McLennan Tells o[ the Oppor- Masties This CousNy Presents. 1he Signal Gag already noted Ib* removal of Mr. John McLemtar, Van - *dun liovrrumeet armee (a Locher h .'ofd boy".. fe Aberdeen Us.L•tee- pee'. Ou the eve of his do partu a lot his new location, Mr. McLennan gyve an eiddtr.s on l'enada in the Arabic Hall. Aberdeen, a repots. of whieb. from The Abet deco Free Pr. s=, may be interesting to many of our evaders as ethos ini bow the Cansa.en props; geode is being carried on. The Vire Pleas n p rt is as !ullow. : A lecture oil Canada was delivered is the Music Hall, Aherd. en, last night. Ly Mr. John McLenna.•, Cana - dun Government sarut. The meet- ing was 1 f special into rent o.tirg t, tbe departure of Mr. McLennan from Aber•een, and the introduction t f his iiKcesor, Mr. W. B. Cumming.' Lord Pt 0% M.( N ilron presided over a large attendance And. in .ntaoduoing the lecturer, said they might rely upon anything that was said that night about ('arcade, lecause Mr. McLennw was for a, ••l edited agent of the Gov- ernment.)levy p. ople emigrstrdto Carted* in the belief that life there was nurh r asi• 1 than in Scot laud, but Mr. Mclennan would he able b, t-11 tbrin juit w hat the state of thit.ge in that ,saintly wr" Mi. MCLennwn said be wished t.. resole theta th..t Canada was nut the Eldorado, ni r the paradise, not the Garden o1 Eden, that some people thought it was : he questioned if it was the land of Lenean, though it. was a land flowiog with milk and h iney, but they hid t., get the COW laforr they could drntk the milk. And tb•iy h ad to bare t..e hers before they gut Ibe he toy :.and it took ntrrory W buy the one or the other. Ref. reins to the varied accounts which appeared of Canada. Mr. )1eL nnan said they no- doxuhtrdly a it tanned halt 1i tithe, which vete the worst kind of lire that ever were told. He wished to in,pt0.s upset the nt the fact that Cato. n was an undeveloped Country, but, if Ire he. Hewed that the re was no higher des- tiny for the people leaving this onuntry than to lay bricks and build h ouses and stteete for other pr„r le itis Canada and work in their mills and on tbeir tinny. he would gayly, there w leutein where they were, It uta• true they could get better wages at certain wort in some tarts r.f ('an ids than they could get at siiuil it wilt k iu this country. but that only refensd o mtwin pens of the cuuetry, and people treeing Britain did nor inmate +uflciently about the varied condi- teem. • 111 p.we pato. of the land a lab.rer made a a day RI it in others Its to I.ie a day, so that people going out would be well advised to first know wbe e they were going and wbnt they were to do. The Canadian Government were charged with at- tiacting pet•ple out to Canada for the exprrM put p,tse of starving them. but he quo. al Roes a Goternment an - n oubernlent which ,toted—"Fare,t•I•s, fain lahor:re. $ud female domestic servants are the only pe ople whom the Canadian Emigration Dopar Intent ad- visees to go to Canada. All °the vs . bould get definite assurances of em- ployment in C..naLe before Ieavine home and have money enough to sup- port them for a time in Cane of disap- poinment"--(applause). The C.tnsdt*n Government bad never issued a single pamphlet under its authority with tut. (.bat advice in it. Canada. he a •i I, had one thing in abundance, and only one thing, and that was opport 'ties. She wee an undeveloped country and she ioyited them to go there and de velop the undeveloped. That Meant that they bad to stat t at the bottom of the bidder. Let uone of tbeuu im- agine that they could go to a new country arid start to develop it and h es a an easy thee. They emelt 1•r pioneers going to do pioneer work snd that was the dare of woes he invited them to go to, and, unless they were prepared to take at least a part in that development, then he said they better r of go to Canada, because they would he disappointed. 1 here w. re opportuuities in the greed cities wise r their paths 'nigh. he in Ileaarnt places, but they did not guarantee these: all they guaranteed was the opportunil v of deveiopieg the country. If be were to advise mechauite g-ing out, he would -ay to them to take the tint they could get, to leave V ' i trade and go and get a tar tn. 1 hey might say they did out kr ow ,ny thing About 1atm.ng, taut they •r. it hrainn and in. mint renee to le*r•n, had they had not • tee) had better art on 'all. Hundred, of wen would g., tett f: Ahwrulren and write piteous let- ters abet for:nada being no g. o.1, Mit he inelaticed case. it people with tittle prospect but 'whose grit and w11- hnr ne'5s to (earn 1 ail pulled them. through. People w.re *di, inn Lt .-I .0 aareiloe the it ►minter G. Lacuna/1v, -, but 1 51 her tee .nitride eircutuatenres Gad eoodillens. Npeeking, of the movement from the United States 10 Canada. Mr. Mclennan said they had nothing in tear from that inssotos. because w hen prop" found orwodit.ions teener in • country than in the one they left they were ready to become loyal citizens, of that country Mr Mrl.ennan also spoke of the °pemngs' for prnfesiosal ►nen, and awed that tbelr was mom for Mat -clam lawyer* and doctors and teacbers. There were not many chances for tnediorre Koen. alttnttgb t.bere was tote for ail elegem, as the civilisation Bras eons. phew Mr McLennan refuted rover& of Lbw critical etal.rneta shoat tee eilmate, welch, he said, was teak Ipso asset. It was a cold and rigorous his The June Bug. Now doh .b.. ft'iky June Lug B log forth his aeroplane, And try to male a ratted, Awl tiu.11eaue his brain ! • He biers against the eider. He bergs against the door, . He canons on the ceiling. And turtles 011 the floor! He to. ra aloft, erratic, He lands upon fey neck, And makes we el rep and shiver, A neuraslhet is wreck ! —Jur Lippincott's. Getting the Young Man in Bad. A writ meaning 1Vhshiegton florist Was she tauten of h emhareaar- went to a young mall who was in love with a rich .1 d I e.rietifnl Rill. It appears that one afternoon she hammed the yr ung OA .n that the n' xt• day world be Ler 1 irthday. whereas ,n the srt11.•r remarked thet he would the next d.tv send ben some 10•et. one rase 1• r e year. That night be erten. a note to his fin,int, nrde;int the de vety of twe I. y ernes for Ile peter woman. Th.• florist himself filen( the order, and, thinking 1.1 liuprnve r n 14, said to his clerk : "Ilere's an order from young Jones tor twenty ears Ne's one of my best cualomer, so 1'11 throw .in ten more for g.ad rueauurr."--June Lip puKott's. Modera'i. n 'seine thing that is rate in the exit eine. If is gill huta preefy hands the can edictal to di.pease with gloves. Hicks—Literary fauti y, *4 a Green - smiths. The daughter writes poetry that noho.Jy will poi• t ; the stn, p'ay. that n dory wit Get. and the number, novels that unh dy will read. Wkk.• —And what dow,. t' a farther write? Hiekt•—Oh, he writ s .-becks that no- b,.fy will emote A Good Defence Against the White Plague No one can afford to lessen thee pro- ducing power to-dav, and to have lower you must have good machinery. The human body is the greatest ma- chine ever produced—the most wonder- ful mechanism in the world. It is sheer economic waste not to keep your body in the hest condition. There is 110 valid excuse for allowing the tissues to become attacked by the white plague. You need your health and Canada needs you. Insure against it by building up your reserve form and bodily defences. The best defence you can get is Nyal's Cod Liver Compound. It builds up the tissues and prevents disease. AAIelicious tonic and a splendid vital- Iser;wpiats on good, solid flesh, and makes you feel fit for any task. • For tbe puny and backward child there Is nothing better. Nye?, Cad Liver Cone will woo bring the roses back to cheek and give vigor and vitality. our oto Druggist cheerfully guaran- tee@ Nysl's Cod Liver Compound. Fold and guaran'eed by : F. J. BUTLAND S F. HICK H. C. DUNLOP E. R. WIGLH c' rut !' H "The Liver Pills act 1 So Naturally and ,lye" Such a statement, coming from the cashier of a bank, shows what co tfidence responsibk people have in these pills. Mr. A. L. Wilson after trying them wrote: "1 tine used Dr. Mlles' Nen e and Liter Pills and ala,, Your Anti -Pain Pols. a myself, with good regatta The Liver Pills set se naturally gad se ouuy that I s.•arceIy know that I E.ve token a pill T equ.nuy beteg troubled with h.adache 1 take an Antl-Pain 7'111 and get immediate refter he every case " A. L Wilson. Marta, IU. Mr. Wilson was for a lumber rtr years cas!tlor of the Flet National BankR�o-rs Sparta. Dr. Meg' Nerve and Liver PiW are different from other. Many kinds of liver pills are "impossible" after one trial on account of their harshness. Dr. Miles' Nerv: and Liver Pills do not act by sheer force but in an easy., natural way, with- o•.it griping or undue irritation. They are nix habit forming. It the nest bottle fails to bate,. your Msdig1st will return the price. Ask hien. MILES MEDICAL- CO.. Terwtss. Cats. THE LOVE OF OATS Why Normal Acrtizurzdo Abraym Cee Oats contain more body-ontldiag toed thea any other grain that grows. Tbey casuals more energy -giving food. Yon know thntt effect on horses. Oats contain more organic bospborsa thin any other grain, and pboapbotns is the brain's main consutncat. They contain more lecithin. and lecithin is the chief component of the entire nervous system. That's why workers love oatmeal. That's why growing children crave it. It iv simply the call of nature for what bodies, brats* and nerves require. Bat some oatmeal fails to meet these requirements. Only the richest. plumpest oats supply a food worth while. The choic- est oats are sifted, 62 times to get the grains for Quaker Oats. Only ten pounds are secured from a babel. But these fine oats. when prepared by the Quaker proc- ess. supply the utmost to oatmeal Oatmeal is the most important food you serve. And the best costa only ane -half cent per dish. Don't sapply your table with interior oats. Made in Canada. ass Never indite a taan's strength by the ease with which be bleaker' remit 15.., seneeeremeemeemeeseerareereesierinionsarese 30 Buggies. 'r0 BE SOLO We lawn jute( rrreiv.d a car of huggi.•• sr d nave ere. y. tong th..t a new .044 u7. -G -date in the 111 .g. No Ire t' er letter i0-1 aver rare •0 le•w'e. We hay? 4.rn• on t l .• floor now. (ell end inspect them at the MASSEY-HARRIS WAREROOMS on Ilriuilto° Strew. We Is •• .• the STAND Ann Willi Frtlwca Goal OATEN. the taw.- . no 1 u' rRIf PLOW*, (r$gA( HEPARATOR. •r.d almost evety- t hlsg a far n rr needs on a farm. Robert Wilson We also harp a J. w extra good delvers for sate. D.MILLARUSON r SPLENDID SHOWING OF ATTRACTIVE Summer Merchandise Anderson's Scotch Ginghams for Linden' and ('uildren's tut) dresses in great va•iety. The brei washing material made. 124e to :Mc a yard. Itoncled and Hyde GIa•le Galatea 1luitinga for Boys and Girl's wroth suit. There are no better wearing watetiabe, made in a variety of tie it designs. Ironclad American (ta1- &tea•. 20c a yard. Hyde Grade (ialatesa, Ise a yield. For Ladies' Wash Suits Thistle Linens are the ideal material for Ladies SV.sh Sults, to hid had in twelve shades, absolutely fest redone iu plain or fancy Weave.. at 21k, 25e' and lIk a yard. Ladies' Neckwear iseje sho g ..f all the 'ate.t novelties in Dutch end sailor culla hf• h are so nice and cool and dressy for t he summer ther, from a wards. New stock of Jabots in all the latest steles. from 20c - Ladies' and Children's Hosiery We are the recognized headquarters for Ladies' and Children's Hosiery. Specs! value in Ladies' Cotton lime, in plain or lace patterns, in black, white, sky, pink, mauve, cardinal. per pair. tic. Children's Silk Lisle Horse. very specal. in white, pink and sky. all Arse, per pair, Sc. • Princees Hose for ebildren's dressy wear, black and tan, 'tie per pair. Child, en's Fancy Sox in white, blaiek and tan. 13r, 20c and Mc per pair. Special showing of Children's Wash Dresses and Children's Millinery Millar's Scotch Store 'Phone 56 HOW TO HAVE Stylish .Footwear if you buy a first -elms shot, don't )oil wast► t;la t shoe trade in the late -t style? '.Vhv shr•irld you p,,v the pike t f a high-class .hoe, and, in return, get u shoe one or two seasons old How 40 )oil know, for iustsne.' when you ask t..r the newest foot west' th:.t you'1e actualt) get- ting the n1 -West But why 1a1e6•1 avert :• Why not ask for the shoes that lend • he styles ,et ('armla — `(hoes -len'1 th• it a great sat isfsct it it in knowing that tbr'•ho.- you're wear - .ng are not feet year's styles but the newest there ie in footwt•at? This sat isfact ion will be gouts when -ori wfat' iNVIC1 t'S Sho&F. There are other faehimlable sh-es besides INV ICTUS, but Low are you to know thein? Why tun any risks, why not order the shoes that have made a ieputation throughout Canada for their stylish appearance? You 1 un no risks when you order INVIUTUS Shoes. • , . Wm. Sharman The Square - Goderich The Signal to January 1st, t 912, only 50c r e CituSe ... e n- A n g 1 '. Underwear unshrinkabi'•' Except1071a' value because' It does we.a' amazingly Real corntort, because so knit that the shape stags in it. These reasons should make you request the bland and look Ior the trademark. Fi.isrr' you tried Penman s r, T 1- . the rhllrttr- WHAT iS LACQUERET I.acqueret is a peerlema wood 1 repel retire sit 1 l•eau- tifter. it works freely, dries hard ojtrekly. pt.aluces a high lustre and 1e vety durable. inn can ter ut with perfect satisfaction anywhere—nn floor.. .at ling wsins- cotirg, (loot.. furniture. etc. It ie a verit flair p•na(ea : it cu1e1011 woodwork ailments. rlartii� = Senour Paint 100 PER CENT. PURE is sold 0nhje,t to chemical analysis. 'I hie means that )•oil cat. take any can of "Martin-Srnottr' Paint off our shelve., and have it analyzed by any rebahle chemist. If yon do not Ansi it ahsnlul.ly putt and exactly es we claim. we will pay the ebergea aril mate you w p:e*ent of *1(Itl for voter er.,uht. We ane sole agents in (oderich. FRED HUNT ..,,..ee...g, 4=r, ir. `.a£ "w Hataikoe Street UNDERWEAR. & Hos' ERY'