HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-6-1, Page 1irwTre Wedding Stationery Printed to up.to.date style I'y The Signal Job Departtuent. Samples sent to any address upon ,e - Quest. Cell /our Fr#9nas TKI.RPHONE Se MITT -T1112.0 YLARMM. as of [t hr special trial offdr of The Signal fort he hal rice of the year, l0 new subscribers, for GODERICH. ONTARIO. CANADA : JUNE 1, 1911 THE SIGNAL PR1N I rNO CO.. Ltd.. Pvatms>os. FINANCIAL OF CANADA MTABLIaHED 18111 is the United St wee. Capital, Rest and Undivided Profits 117,500,000 Total Assets over $49400,000 USE -OUR BANK MONEY ORDERS the erect time you send a Small sus to any point in Caeedis, or to any large city They cost in hollows $5.09 and under 3c L($) t) =111.00.. 6c 1110.00 to $30.00.....10e 80.00 to 50.00 1'ic With t`+is low cost they combine convenience with absolute safety. For larger Mimi use our Drafts. Goderich Branch, W. L. HORTON, Manager ' r-,rr•- +-..--- --ter•-- Y --Y-1.. POINT FARM SUMMER RESORT 1 WILL OPEN FOR THE SEASON ' On SATURDAY, JUNE 3 mitt -so Birthday) with the ANNUAL SHOOT OF HURON COUNTY RIFLE LEAGUE 60 Pangs WILL BS RHtrr Fon LuCENOw PIPERS' BAND WILL BE IN ATTENDANCE BASEBALL AND OTHER Am ra- ,MV41C AND DANCING IN THE Evueten LOST AND FOUND Lj'UUND.-ON THE SQUARE, ON 1.• Monday. May 29. • panurel. Apply wt THE SIGNAL orri E. . FOR SALE. FAMILY LAUNCH FOR SALE.- applyL nru`7AL30 IL. beam b ft. motor 4 h. p. L1GUS FOR SETTING. -1 WHITE ,4J Wyaedott.s, Regal strain large wbtts Naok7 17pe "rimers wherever exhibited • &brat. everythingorcs-t wins. frerich. UM om Meek Ml• rr+s. fL gg both pane, Si per 13. C. W. WORSELL Malt• Lied street Goderteb Inert Paidtgleeelet 1 I A general Picnic and everyone 1 I. invited. ou, *AVS 11111R RING A BARGAIN FOR A QUICK BUYER 1 1 have ter a quick rale at A decided bargain corner lot s Gamow prop .erty. $140.00 ander the market price. For p.rtbcsiars new 4. W. clI AIOIE. Real Lame Broker. PURE LAKE ICE We wI.b to anDou.Ce to our customers of former years and to the public in general tbat oar ioshouseti are stocked with pure lake los and we are prepared to supply all old and new metetaeee. We are the only dealers haodliog PURE LAKE ICS CRAIGIE BROS. 'Ponos Calks : OQjes 1( Howse 194 TENDERS. MAIL CONTRACT. 4. EALED TENDERS. ADDRESSED AJ to the Postmaster General. will be re- roived at Ottawa until noon, on Ftiday. June Wed. 1911. ter the conveyance of His Majesty's Malls. s a /expo oassumes for four year,. three times weak mesh and h way. between Luck - new d and three round trips per week between Lsekoow and Mafeklrg. from the tat October matt_ Printed notices ooetalatag furl her informa- tion as to condition of proposed contract may be seen and blank forms of tender may be ob- tMlned at the poetoMoes of Lncknow, Lane,, Mafek/ng and route nines and at the otbce of the PoidoWce Inspector a Landon. G. C. AIs DEMON. Superintendent. Postosloe Depertmst. Mall Service Branch. Ottawa. May sib. 1911. 51-3t. CENTRE HURON LIBERAL ASSOCIATION The annual meeting of the As- sociation and the convention for the selection of a candidate for t.be Legislature for Centre Huron will be held at fleaforth on Sat- urday, June 2403, et 1 o'clock p.m. Hao. A. ti. MacKay will be present. J. L. HILLORAN, Secretary. F THE RED BARN 1 South Street. Goderich All our Rigs ase New. 'Bases meet all Trios and Steamers. Particular attention given to 1 calls from private residences. 'Phone No. 50. • GUNDRY'S Livery, Cab and 'Bus Stables STERLIM BAMIf OF LAMApA JOINT SAVINGS ACCOUNTS d tbM Bank are proving in he a great con venieeoe to many of our customers Zither of two persons of the household may deposit or draw money. !Merest is paid oe a.11sbalences twine a year in the event of the death oCeitber party. the survivor may draw the wcnev secessameratenindienn AUCTION Al.as CLEARING AUCTION SALE HOUSE FUaNISHINGS Mrs. A. 0. MCDo..id will sell by autism •t her reddesow, tit. David's street. OodeiMh. on FRIDAY..7UNE ilth. 1911. uomm.uciag et 2 o'clock sad continuing said all la dimmed of : AU the cements of the hoose wodmUng of *crime dlsi[Ig tom. bdieem mad furniture. linen. bedding. carpets, cur tains, shod.. china. stemware. crockery. etc. Event/Mg about the pre 1.. sum be staid, as Mrs. McDonald is airing up h.u.etteeeiag. The house le well furnished and then vwelWrr hie no reserve. TERMS CASH ling A. O. McDoerta. Proprte(re., T.oaan OL IU,I r. Auctioneer. WINDING -IJP SALE PROPERTY BY THE EXECUTORS tx THE LATE GEORGE ACHESON It TATE AT THE DIFFERENT PROPERTIES IN THE TOWN OF GODERICH, ON SATURDAY. JUNE3rd. to esmmsnee at 1 o'clock sharp : Parcel t. -Lot 3e south side of East *real, on which there is a lenge Rase dweillag and • frame stable. all in good repmlr. This is the *mood lot frau the American Read Machine foundry and is well altasi ed in o- her respects. Parcel 2. Lot 334. north side 3f Seism street. the property lately occupied b Dr. Turnbull and now occupied by Mr. Wiilroo. This is • good brick home in • good part of the town end has been agoud investment to rent. There Is • driveway to from Bruce street delimit •way with driving over lawns with ooal, mer. Parcel 3. -Lot stn end pert of let WE 7be property occupied by Wm Carta. Yap. This led insparte( No. 2. and is • oommodt.ss house with .pteodld lawn. and grounds. The Executors are determined to cow up the Estate. This is all .he property they have to dispose of and it will be sold. TERMS :Ten per Dent. of parch/se meeey to be pall to the Ezecutory on day of skis • the balance wit hie thirty days. when deeds will be given. TIOD6aa WjxrgD. Tenders w:U be received bythe mid Execu- tors up to o'eloea on the 3rd ay of Jule nem for the eats of Ove shares fully paid common mock. par value one hundred dollars wok, In the Goderich Planing Mills Co.. Limited : aka eighteen shores fully paid stook in the Sae - rich Knitting Co.. Limited O proferred and 13 common). par value ow hundred dollar. each For further particular. apply to THOS. GC NDRY. auctioneer. or Mr. J. P. Brown for the Executors. JUDICIAL SALE. COUNTY COURT OF WENTWORTH. SAWYER VP. CONNELL Pursuant to the lodgment and order herein there will * rota at public auction 1n one lot by Mr. Thomas tlundry. at Colborne Rotel. Gudes rich. on Saturday. the 3rd da)- of Jane. A. D. 1411, at 4 o'clock noon. the lands in the town- ship Colb-rne. in the county of Huron. parte of lots numbers 2 and 3 in the td e000sadoe• West en di%hien. described as follow : meneiog on said lot mother 3 at a post planted on the south side of the public highway est at the distance of 13 chains and e3 links mere or lees wee from the northwest eagle of the Roman Catholln cemetery) Thence with at a right angle to Horrid pubiic highway 8 chaise more or les to the boundary of sold kat 3 at the River. thence westerly along the Rtver follow- ing the several windings thereof 52 chains more or less to the southwesterly angle of lot num- ber 2 in the raid 000ceselon.thence north 43 degrees and 4, minutes east 2 chains more or le.. to tie public highway. Thence eou[h Osi degrees met t1 chaln. more or les [mannng M egh otlbesaid hitherto r• Thence due Beet alosg the south limit of the said highway 14 chains and 13 link. mote or lest to the place of begin- ning. containing 404 acres more or lea Sal. subject to reserve bid and evicting ten- ancy Of any). Ten per cent. of pnrchaee money at time of este asd balance (without inbreed ) to be paid into Cbnrt within thirty daye theroettic. The vendors w411 furnish a }leftovers ab- stract and only such dwvments a4 are io their pcwnessioe. Should the purchaser make any requisition whims the resident are not prepared to remove they shall have the right to °lancet the Bale and the purchaser the right to obtain repayment of his esposft. • In all other respects the gazelles condition* of tale Conti will apply. Further pertOuler. from MESSRS. MART IN t MARLIN. Vendoni, Solicitors, Federal Life Building. Hamilton. and the Auctioneer. Dated the loci day of May. A. D. 1911. 000ERICH MARKETS. Fall wows*. N WW1 Tturstwev. Jose tat. aro o 1.$ 0t0 Sselas.per Wash wheel. pr boob_. so to to as v. `bo.ab..b i w i su0 0Wto 0 d Pews per hash ..., 0 73 to 0 73 i BatDer hsih .... p of to 0 R) es j'1gp avec 1 M 10 •2 00 near.3 le to 31 410 Was, per Ws Mt t W e .. 23 10 Ih•rta per tel .. W Of to tit 00 rR+asOg per ie W 70 to I0 at Straw i 5Wedprtlowoto S Bettor, pre go 0 13 to it Cheese, peen, a lb to 0 la to asrb •• 0e6too 0w New Potatoes, pay bu-..L 1 W to 240 C.dW, agollily fa good, pee eft. b d to 6 411 CHatfL expect I10Iewti M ie 3 73 0 10 se 010 4deto 410 4U to 410 96 to 06 Scrap+ Tse 0 to 7 000 Lomb /Mistimed Pelt........... a 15 to 0 to Spdnnt Lambs _ ream pm D Hideo, y.r cwt srcwTioNa VACANT. WAN1'KD.-AT ONCE. A DINING - ROOM flit Apply at Smite House. JANTIfD.--A MAID VOR GEN. ICRAL bOu-rw.rrk. Aopty to MISS BHEPH ARD. Norte street. WANTED. - A PROFESSIONAL *Sensor ser 8. 8. No. it, Aabaald : duties a osesseesee after midsummer holidays, ApWtie R. NSTON, Masking, Ont. 53-41 WANTED. sly .4 THC TOOD RSI a MAN. WHEEL RIO& WANTED. --SERVANT FOR GEN- EaMA. homework. ' ALMS' to MRS. A. SA U N DERS. Cambria road. WANTED. - JOINERS, CABINET makers. interior tin4be ,.. and painters wanted at epos. Highest wage.weedywork. App.gIf, COLLINOwoon SHIPBUILDINO COYPANY.LiIIITSD, Collins rood. Out 41 C100D. SMAR I' GiRL WANTED.- VAspIy. stetter wages. to BOX 7e, Goderich P O. WANTED AT ONCE. -A LIVE reprveseadve tor Oederieb and Ms tricl. A permweeet position with liberal in- ducements for the right party. STONE & WELLINGTON. Nereerf•men, oronto, 44-54. PUBLIC NOTICE MEETING OR THE HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. The t.'reneU et the c .rporatboe of the County of Huron will meet in the moaned chamber. 1n the town of Goderich. on Tuesday, the 0th day of June nextsettlement . Alinements against the empty Jengrk before toy date.Aust be plead- wish the W. LANE. Clerk. Dated May 81th. 1111. NOTICE OF. COURT OF REVI 81071. TURN OF GODERICIL Tate notice that the ('ourt.f Revision of the town of Goderich will hold its Ant sitting In the council chamber., town of Goderiob. for the purpose of hearing appeals against the as. meanest roll of the town for the year1911. on Thursday. the lith day ot June. 49)4. ate oclock In the evening. All parties Interested are requested to attend. L. L KNOX, Town Clerk. Godericb, Jane 1.1. lltl. FOR SALE G8 TO RENT NOTICE TO CREDITORS. (fig IN AM L T EEtTOF HR TOWN OP GODERI( i, IN THR COUNTY OF HURON. 131C CEASED. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R 0 0 111/1 Chapter 119, 14e1 all oredtters and ethers Marl Mains against the a tate of the mid Jame ham, whe died on or about the 9th day of . Ulf. are required to esreefnddsle 4 solicitor 1,. Ppoet . rank Bingham and er to tbe eF rl h am. the exeootw and szeoutiix of the eata on er before Thursday. the:Dnd of June, 1911, their aaeses Sad .ddre.e... with full por- de/Mare of their atom. in writing. and the ns tare of the sseeriUea. If any. held b7 them duly veiled b statutory ded•tatlon. And take so that atter the mid dabs the madam %Ul proceed to distribute the assets of the .Sid deemed among the parties en titled thereto. havkag regard only to the Mabee et white they shall thea have received pease, and the executers wilt net bltleble for 185 eeid moats o mit Part thereof to anyperson or Der moose/ obese Mho nether shanot have trleaceeived by them at rhe data of sees dlstrlbs- DYad at (sderit& *hie Nth day of May. ♦. D.WUI. M. 0. CA M ER 74. Ooderinh. Solicitor for the said Ex.o.tor e. Meat - LOT FOR SALE. -O N SOUTH street, high and dry. one-fifth acre sear proposed menu extea0s. CSD be had at, a laminate ter quick •ab. Particulars at THE SIOYAL _ L.O0MS TOmx„BENT.-SUITABLE t tar ow or tarts( rtrsaAPO,. APO, 141 M.BHARMAN. SII 42 fi1WO GOOD FARMS FOR SALE.- 1 i 0rola.w. obar.t on beth places, easyte terms.wtBal now.rcLead Y gang ap. tl.. r esti awed building, lat. 41 tat hangman. entomSouth screst the Wats* pl. oesrt, herd* to THUS. 111.7 `WRY. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Close to the town of Goderich. The land LIARS( TO RENT OK FOR SALE. - Or a bemired sores d good lend, being .oath Malta Int 73. emaciates 4. West Wawa - 1 waeb, nearly all in •geed .tate of cultivation, and Dearly all seeded down. Buildings In elude brick house, Imre barn, shad, etc. prim meek rune through property. •7 is within half a Idle of the thriving vl eniest to cbnrchea, schools peptones. On Dooraitimos and la arta Woos ..• good grovel pit. *bleb of late years has ala mpm ever A • abs .h acnes d faote daL part bnuro. P• •r further in I •pp17 salt Ler MiLLIOAN. term. nes. R SALE. - TEN ACRES EAST side of South carom Bennett street. erica. If you • sdsper tenser d mss er two ease .t • alt fa the south side beenwrBe B A JO Nlsd.er ear en. vladeer, Detach. OMR TO CREDITORS. PN1 THE ppfgRA OIS t.14, LATT* ('7 THE TOWN OF HURON.DRCDR>t3C 1,tSK E COUNTY OF Reties Y hereby gives pursuant to P,. O. 1407 Chapter 1W. that all meditate sed Mains against the set taw w raid Joanna $M.. pan, wbo died on or about the twenty ahs d.t sf Marc). f11t. ate required to sand by post prepaid, or donee* ro the ender Mined. e.diester fee Albert Strengthen. tete ex Scoter Lhasa soma on or MF re Then dal. t1,a UM day of Jane. MK their 11411114 u,d .ddrvssw., with 4111 pa tkolmt. d the ntel rw. In writing. andmature of their es. sororitiIf saw held by therm dai`l ..r48.d by tatetery declaration. And tat. amine lost atter the said date the .1.weer win premed to d4.1r(let. the sleets of Ute said deresset among the parting entitled thereto. Iuvrwg regard .nty to the Maim. 01 who h be swell the here reeive4 norbea mad the .a.eetew will act he liable ter 0.. said se este or may part thereof to any p.rwnm ne One .vas ei wlione Mare retiee tell eel here be.e Heaved by him M id ad meth deer diatribe. end et YMrish tide Nth der et May. A. D NIL m O.atMeMewLR1. 8. elfeltirterreler On TM Grand Trull Railway StMsen ko the Popular Reale to Meorketa Lama. take of Bays, 'Lltsarfyasl Algonquin Park. Magee - Massaro River, Premeds River ,J Georg. last Rey. lake Deere tettiratgg R.w Leiner, etc !hell p►rtJru4are said Bests free. stay (iv.rid TSrwnk epees err mddrese A. R. Deft. D. P. A.. Uaiw Statlot1,. T tr space Unwede. l rpowi PROPERTY FOR 8A.LE.- 11 i.ot two hominid and tee dEederito Udt,el en Kagsiw tat See. in the (5*n of tieeD. t•lInU.g one-o.artet of as sere. ton th. Deets half of tae property there le erected • stony and a -half frame dwalla, hones and • blest. mita shop• ewe oompied he the leve Alex ander 11.88.id. Roth the helm a.4 the shop ere, at present,soder team, the hew at 73 • month and the -hop .t 97 per month Tae property ail I be sold in owe er rs say doers. ttlwo parcels ea AtMkRRON,N,•Ryerrl. etc.. R.mlltae7tostreet Goderich Outer. OPERA HOUSE GROCERY. In patina . toraection with the gin - eery ba»iness I wi.b to ray that i re- gret, very mu h the eever•snre of the oordial huain.•+e relations that existed between near iv all of my customers and myselfin the heroic a year that b.• elapsed Once taking over the stock and h.tsdnesa of Mesh Mor- row t Mermen 1 bad hoonme Inter- ested in the ti- ',plowmen of tbe ho.i- nes• and it. vlationabip to sy eta, towers to - degree that ! did not think wee t. ,.0444e at the outset 1 wish to than* all who Wave been in say way In.• rum.ntal in aiding by their patronage and goodwill the sue- rem uo-rtes• of the peat yew i trona ow pay metwesor. Mr. A. L Metb.see, will twain the sfplea414d Itrads that nes been seeesded the Opera R. I4roeery. Tomes faithfully, JMO. W. V ANATTd • OLD DAYS RECALLED the country is that during tbe course . of such *year as the last has born the READABLE CORRESPONDENCE FROM A C*ODER'CH "OLD BOY." Wnyamin Allen, of Chicago, Writes in Appreciation of J. J. Wright's Re- cent Article in rhe Signal and (wives Some Reminiscences of His Own. Mr. J. J. Wright, wbu, as our read en will remember, contributed a rem- iniscent article to The Signal a few weeks ago, was greatly pleased to re- ceive the following letter from Mr. Benjamin Allen, of Chicago, a Gode- rich "old boy" who. as many readers of The Signal kuow, is the proprietor of nue td the great commercial houses of Chicago. a wholesale jewe'lery eo- tablishment : "Mr. J. J. Wright, O -siert ch. "My Deem Ma. WRIGHT.-Being a reader of The Sig. I was muchSigrid.ln- terested in the artirle by you to the publication of the fah inst. You are to be colon sate/tied on the occasion of reat-hing your seventy-eighth birth - lay, anti..also ori .your capacity of writ cog so inter. sting a letter on his- torical h..ppening..4 tlfty years back. As • school boy 1 can remruiber many of the occurrences and many of the choract.rsas stated. If I ant correct you opened the fit et telegraph office in dude!ich in a little building nppoeite the old Huron hotel. Life is not so short as is often claimed, as that seems ro be A long time ago. I hope you will live long to cherish the kindly memories of the past, and take this opportunity to seed my tent wishes. Yours sincerely, "BENJAMIN ALLEN." Mr. Wright„m acknowledging Mr. Allen's Fetter suggested that be give his permission for its publication in The Signal, and Mr. Allen, complying, added the following interesting ref- erences: ' Judge Doyle as well as myself and many others heard with regret of the passing away of our old teacher and kind friend John Haldane. which has come to my knowledge only recently. He was an amiable man of correct poise of character, and a Christian gentleman. It is forty-seven years since i attended his school, but it has been my privilege to meet him a pew times in the interval in Toronto and eleewbere. 1 entertained him at my house in Chicago. i think in 1881, and have a most ple•l.ant recollection of his charmingt mariners and gentle presence. His great age may he attributed to his humane disposition and the quiet attitude taken in laily Concerns. I trust you will not cease noting down such matte's as are recollected regardin; the past history of the town which has been your home ao many years. 1t is a pleasant occupa- tion. I Am a member of the Chicago Historical Society. which has a record of the people and events of the city as well asof the State of Illinois." STEADY GAINS MADE BY STER- LING BANK. Annual Statement Shows Bank in Strong Poeitaoa-Number of Shareholders In:ramed to 4709. Toronto, May 23rd. -Tse annual statement rat the Sterling Bank of Canada, just issued, shows that this conservative vet progressive young in- stitution did very well hi its year's operations. While up to the present time not very mach has been beard about the Sterling, still it hoe gone along very quietly building around it- self a very etrong chain of !ranches throughout the Province of Ontario, and bas alread rounded out its oxganixaUion by hranchee in Montreal and Winnipeg That its branches must he well located is indicated from the showing they were able to make during the past year, when, as is generally known. banking conditions, more particularly in Ontario. were somewhat unsettled. The Starling's net profits for the yrar amounted to 1$W)1,82&00, equal to 10.25 per rent. on ebe capirsl, which compares with 192(3$00 in the previous year and 164,141{.(10 in 1909. Out of the net profits the sum of *47,025.00 wap a►.- plied to payment of dividenda.swbile the balance with what watt carried forward from the previous year, mak- ing a total of 145.24&48). was a plied to pmflt and loss •count. The total earplug and undivided profits one amount to 1801,e0114), as rout par o with 1 41 417, IN' ell al 18..,of 1918. 'IT. general statement shows the I Heady headway Ube Sterling has made during the past r.w years. the t..tel e..tots now standing at 17.202.341.1.1, which comperes with S$.3111 :114.70 et the end of I911f1 •n-1 $4. Mille 114 at he end of 1907. Fb. total dap .s t. ,..e now $4,1k01,047,00, as compared with 112 :Kiehl 46 at t.h. end of 1ist8 and 11,11eft,tel 114 •4 the.nel of 11107 The report of the Hoard of Directors showed that, owing to tbe somewhat unto%orehle hank ing conditions which had prevailed mor•* esp.eielly in Ontrriu during the pest year, a gnat measure of conservatism had bstee maintained. Tib resulted in the Bank's having at all them very large reserves ner hand. Notwithstanding the fact that the remoras had 8..n harbored le a must serer* scanner, the per menage of Sacro4 to capital the *arse* in the bYfory of the Reek. hawing sesorretod to HUB per amt. an the eapiW. A 1eatare of 410. .totwcwnt rebirth rather Indicates the hy.1t mei ems In which the Beak is bold throughout list .•f shareholders increased by some Iforty, now reaching A total of 1706 as comer; ed wit, 1600 at the end of the pmetiers year. The entire Board of Directors was re-elected with Mr. G. T. Homers as president and Mr. W. K. George aa vine-ptesldent. THE TOWN HALL PLANS. Outline of Architect Berclaj s Designs for the Municipal Building. The plane for the new town hall, which were submitted by Arthur J. Barclay, architect, and chosen by the town council as worthy of the first prise, call for • frontage on the pres- ort site on Kart street of 132 feet, 8 inches. The front line of the main building has been kept back T2 feet., d inches from the present line of build- ings, giving much architectural effect and dignity. The front of the fire hall is back slightly from the bee of the main block rod is to the wart aide, so that a good perspective view of the maiy building may be had from the Square at the opposite side nf the atteet. The exterior of the building is proposed to be of dark ted brick and grey stone columns and trimmings. All pitched roofs are to be slated and the flat roofs covered with rubber roofing. The interior of the building is to he tuinished throughout with Geo. gia pine. The town clerk'&.. treas- urer's and collector's offices ..n the first floor are readily accessible one to another. UK the main hall a larg.. and well -lighted corridor is arranged, giving ae..xsa to the Mayor's office, the council chamber, the court room and L►y;Wriest, making a simple, ecun• ontical and well-balanced plan. A spacious hall and stpitease are provided which will allow easy exit from the public hall on the second floor. This hall will be large enough to accommodate OM persoun sod pro- vision can be made over the retiring rooms and staircase for a galla y to seat 160 persons. Provision is made In the basement for caretaker's ap irtment•, boiler room, coal and fuel storeroom, police officers' qusrtery and four cells, and • large Mom for hand practice. The building will he heated by direst radiation, the beating system being combined with a syystem of nat• ural draft ventilation. 8ufcient rad- iation is to be allowed in the different rooms ip h i1 them to a temperature of seventy7Iegrees when it is ten de- g.ees below sero outside. The fire hall in the interior is of suf- ficient dimensions to hold an engine. hose wagon and ladder wagon with fifty fe't of extension ladder, with separate exits for each vehicle. There are four horse stalls to face the wagons, with automatic doors to open when the alarm is given. There is to he a bo -e tower et the rear with ac- commndttion for at least fifty lilies of fifty -foot hose. Provision is made in the upper floor for sleeping accommo- dation for Nye single men. with a large reading or recreation room, kit- chen room and we -s tootle and • slid- ing pole to the engine. house below. It seems to be genet ally understood that nothing will oe done this Reason towards the erection of the building, the proj.ct being left over for another year. DR. DOUGALL ON CHURCH UNION. - _ 1 Paster of North Street Methodist Church Tells Why He Favors IL A LANDMARK GONE. ITHE LATE EBENEZER WOODCOCK AN OLD RESIDENT OF TOWN. .r Came to Canada to Live Six Months and Made It Sixty Years -come In- teresting Notes on His Lite Con- tributed by a Friend. The hand of'ath has removed a most familiar figure in the town of Goderich and the county of Huron, in the person of Ebenezer Woodcock, wbo passed away at Alexandra hospi- tal Let Friday morning. Mr. Wood- cock, although unknown to many of the younger generation. Wan a man of noteworthy character, and a friend o( the deceased, who knew him well and appreciated him, gives The Signal the following sketch: The deceased was born in the parish of St Ieonard Shoreditch, London, England, on May 19th, 1821, and thus at the time of his death was over nine- ty years' of age. At the age of four- teen he was Apprenticed to (he Sta- tioners' Company for a term of seven years, in the establishment of McIn- tosh & Co., off Fleet street. He was the youngest member of h's family, which eame originally frrm Wales and settled in Kent in the fourteenth century. The family had some distin- guished members, among them the Lord Mayor of London who, during bis tetra of office in 1406, freed the River Thames from tbe encroAch- menta of the wealthy landowners. These men had erected dams and webs contrary to the charters of the city. Many of the deceased's family were identified with the cathedral church of Canterbury and held livings in Kent. Being of a delicate constitu- tion, the late Mr. Woodcock found the position of foreman in such an eatab- lishmeot se that with which be was connected too arduous or exacting, and was advised to come to the back- woods of Canada with the prospect of living for six months, or a year at most. Arriving in Canada. at Hamil- ton, be and Mr. Tioie, ■fterwards a schoolmaster here, walked to Gode- rich, leaving tbeir baggage to he for- warded by the carrier, Mr. Doyle. He, however, micceeded only in bring- ing it M 1A.• am Stratford, se the roads thence were so submerged hat a boat seemed • more feasible nt .le of con- veyance than r wagon. This was in the fall of 1847 and tbe trunks and cases came up early in 1838. After A short stay, during which bis health was much improved, he went back to n England t arrange tlnanctal matters and [Dake arrangements foe bringing out" a newspaper plant. He was ac- , compaoied on this 'lip by his broth• r, wbo *48 an a^vumplished musician. The newep *per. ala- ! was a losing in- vestment, not fr. w lock of patronage, but from the inability of the patrons to give cash fur their papers, while presses, paper, ink, and the many nec- essaries ot a printing otHce had to be paid for in coin of the realm. The climate of Canada and the colonial living seen[,' however, to have been the meats of prolonging the six months' lease of life to a period of over sixty pearl., during which time Mr. Woodcock was variously occu- pied. A11 his life he was an "old Tory," a reality on which you could ay your fingers. "Conseryative" is a mere name : the man who answers to it today was something else yesterday and may be something else tomorrow, nor does be even know today very clearly what he ' is. But the "old Tory" never changed. The world -- his world -moral, political -might fall to pieces. hitt he remained immov- able. He was ttorn •Tory, he lived a Tory, and he died a Tory. The patty. the church and music were the three engrossing subjects of his activities. Apart from politica, his d'ieposiUon was amiable and he would do much for • friend. Although very much failed for the last two or three year•-, he bore the weight of his decades eel,. His retentive memory was • store- house of the sayings, doings and hap- penings of the town in bygone days, some of which may he saved from oblivion by • record in the columns of The Signal. Mr. Woodt'ock is survived by his widow and one daughter, who live at Boulder. Colorado. The funeral of the deceased took place last Saturday morning. An appropriate funeral service was conducted over the re- mains by Rev. M. Turnbull in St. George's church and the interment was made in Maitland cemetery. The pallbearers were E. N. Lewis, Capt. Shephard, Jas. Mitchell and O. F. Carey. "I'll try to be sure that i am not op- posing a movement that is right and which comes from shove," This was statement made by Rev. Qr. Dougall last Sunday evening in Not th street Methodist churnh, when he discussed the question of church union and gave reasons why he *min favor of it,. His text was taken fro.n the six- teenth'else of the tenth chapter of John : "And other sheep 1 have, which are not of this fold : them also 1 must bring, and the shill bear my voice; and there shell be one fold and onesbepbeed." One thing which influenced bit. in favor of union, the 'pester said, was the way the widespreadthe rit of union bad been aroused and strik- ing argument. advanced in its behalf. The idea came spontaneously from the hears of the church People and the proposition was a sudden and spon- taneous movement towards such is thing as they all believed in. He cheract.eriz..t the world's pewee move- ment as a similar one and something that was not born yesterday. it was not the striplings and the fervent young fellows who had given birth to the thought. it was those who had given their life service to the church with which they were connected. continuing. the reverend gentleman stated that if he considered Method- ism and his own pettishness h, might vote against church union. He dearly loved Methodism and the name togs •vert to him, hut there was some- thing bigger than Methodism. The greet truth. of the three religions which it was proposed to unite were eternal and they wooled he gathered tosether and live nn There wits nothing distinct and separate about them Than, ton, there was wanted a truer metre of organisation than si- nned at the p"eseet time. and church union would do much to brims thle about He would not oppoe.. church .anion 00 the ground that the proposed hags *moot exactly as he would Ick. it. The pelmet Mole would not aeneeme- ily be perwaaent end any shames iso smoded 000ld he msds later. Oen- riesling the speaker etsted that hs thoeostfthly believed the MawarMod was displayed in tbe movement and for that memos be well{% not net no a ...teary agent. Bit Auction Sale. We are now preparing for the big - Kest art,tion sale this town or county ora ever seen. in the meantime all our goods are out on display and the big price-cuCLing selling -{tut pale will continue until everything it sold. New millinery, flowers, etc.. at heli• pries now. t;AIIE1H>N'S DEPARTMENTAL STORE. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Fresh and ftmy the medlar powd- ery sold by R R. Wigs, drnjgi.t. Wake, poor blood Ark. Wilson • Iron P411.. made from s tested form We tepid by R R Wig*.. druggist Ahertlutaty more, therefore the beer -Blackatow's dd4eists. 4s eroems in balk or fumy Welke 'Phone M0 This week 1 alas a3ee4ag at rwdu•w$ tow a good aosort..t of kwhi.. melee **mots, btasee , ladies' wash wades. sad • gnndpp at Iwooee.et. per rot lellgiloset war W /amt leisteam P. TMax. w. 1*• 7 .4.. .w...y