HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-5-25, Page 7SOWS
Long. Con,
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he Dobai Grays.
neck Hussars.
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Pr Deeds
'e a few
tors for sale.
The News bf the District II
4.344lit 44414444***445444+44454444N
• Temente. May ant.
Joseph Kinabas, freeho hart been tattles a enures In tie.elleville BusiasBushnell(Why, b, ro]M
.d buena again r. Mrs.
V rm. MoAl11dK visited Bruen& and
Jamestown breads last week
uriag the tbnadaretorm last Wed -
...day ereni'g tM lightningfk
'f t ownins borer, afortunately
only sliest darasse was cine
Putting to mote it the order of the
a..y. among the tarsiers now....
David Yunnan'. of ?seawater. railed
on friends in this vicinity t.►la week.
... gen. yeses Wilson, of Toronto,
is visitlaU his tatter on the 7w eon-
. -saiws this week Miss Rank
i von and Mies Josephine McAllister
attended the Moessae lestitute meet-
ing in Blytb this week.
Tug Mtrt. unrest. -':baro was* good
attendance at the rise conte last Mat-
urday. it bsing the tlrst about at the
Sis►-yd. r the scoring was not as
high. O. Pt:Mord vies highest, mak-
ing 27 out at a possible 33 ..... A
number of Dungannon members
drove over last Wednesday afternoon
rod hada match with tbe member,
here. Wben the scores were
they wert found to he the same, tbe
snatch being a tie. The members
from bele Intend baying a return
match At Dungannon in the near
future. ,
attended to
tM .r day.
Dyspepsia may be completely eradi-
eated Pt rta
properly treaters We sell a
remedy that we positively guarantee
will completely relieve Indigestion or
dyspepsia. or the medicine used dur-
ing the trial win cost the user noth-
This remedy has been named Rexall
Dyspepsia Tablets. l'ertaiply no
offer could br more fair. and our offer
should he proof positive that Rexsll
pysp+psis Tablets are a dependable
Inasmuch as the medicine will cost
you nothing it it does not heoet:t you.
we urge you who are suffering with
indigestion or dyspepsia to try Recall
Dyspepsia Tablets. A scent (sox
oumt:tins enough medicine for fifteen
day: treatment. For chronic roes
we heli a two larger sizes. 5U cents and
!I. Remember you can obtain HezatI
H mettles only at The Recall Store.
1 U. Dunlop, south side of Square.
MONDAY. May '22 id.
L s eat. No-rms.-The heavy rainfall
,1 1 .t week has given the spring
grain ant grass a flourisbing appear-
ance. Most of the root and corn erupt
Are alievby in the ground.... K'illiam
Baldwin's team took a sherry run tbe
other day out of the yard. They ran
into the wire fence at the road. wbich
-topped thele, leaving them in a heap.
Fortunately no ser loos damage was
done .. . Minces ids and • Deneia
Sherwood, of Lucknow, spent Sunday -
it home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Mullin were presented with a baby
hoy last week Meet me at Point
Farm on lune ted . ...The store at
Lanes will be closed on June 3rd.
Kindle bear this in mind.
!front Another Correspondent ,1
Belere.-Ideal spring weetber pre-
vails here A few of our citizens
here have been out sucker -fishing and
report a good catch Mrs. W m.
lane atePeon Walter. accompanied by
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hackett. sr., of Bel-
fast. are *pending a few days of this
••r.-ek with friends in Detroit The
Misses Sher's-nod, of Lneknow, were
home over Sunday Mr. and Mrs.
&a. -rt Davi.00, of Dungannon, spent
Snndav evening of leak week at the
home of Mrs. W. H. Meal .... Miss
L. Alton was house from Dungannon
••n tiunday ['bas. Alton, of Peter-
borough, who is spending a fere day.
It his bonze in Belfast, called on
friends here during the past week .
The Rifle Au+ocestioi purposes bold-
ing a Match at tbe range on May 24th.
. We notice Janne Ritchie in our
midst again... Hsi J. Johnston
h., • t etutned fermi, the West.
When the 1Cidesys Give Oet
1 so you feel that, you simply can't go
am farther that you must have rest
for that lame sad aching back -relief
from that cc,oetant dead -tired feeling
- freedom from those stabbing. dart-
ing pains?
It is natures
warning that
the kidneys are
giving out and
you need the
hetp of Booth's
Kidney P 1 11 s,
eke gnarsm teed
kidney remedy.
is .veru mach-
ine there is one
part that works
'he hardeet and gives out first. The
ttdeeys work night and da , and nat-
urally a life of ani activity
dodges the duties of the kidneys .tad
time the *train tells. The kldoeys
Rive out and mature cries
Finrah•s Kidney Pills are .old by all
lead• 50c prntpeld. from the R. T.
R"O� (0-, Ltd.. Fort Brie. Ont..
Thew is no pill just as gond. send
td,- tr free
re �.r a la"will pence
i.net ., sta..sse t. Guertin
A cid le Oodericb by E. It
Gr1ee r-unk $.ev,Ce t• iter Nertt►.
the tseand Trunk are in rrterpt • f
eb► fnlbwte` 1*tier In <cened.ion
with th, foods sleeping i -sr rrpseet*d
hese Toronto to Winnipeg and Id -
mane') via Chicago April lath :
"UPun returning from my Wasters
21 fon it my duty t., write in lean
wdas• that the seiorsenassodatl,m err
t beyond Mor ezpecta-
� peaty ! ��taseem* w et nor
�� pleased with tied nate
Mew Plasma( Project Which Is Heading
for Gaderrcb,
A Toronto despatch, dated May
ltltb. is ea follows:
Sled is to be laid right away and
sass are to be reaniog before the tall
on an interurban toad from Guelph to
Loddon, through Berlin rod Wood-
stock, aceo ding to the promotes of
Use People's Railway, a line Intended
eventually to connect Toronto with
Detroit, end form the backbone of a
network of interurban ligps extend-
ing from Gollingwond \►id Owen
Sound to Goderich, Pott Huron and
Port Stanley.
The contract for the road, it resold,
bas beer[ let to the Actsae Cnnstruo-
tion Company of Toronto, the papers
being signed in Toronto yesterday.
Thous present were W. A. Bugg,
rector. of the
y ; H.tD. Van Norman k Com -
pony, financiers, eat New York and
Detroit, representing a syndicate of
United States capitalists, and R. M.
Jaffrey of Detroit Mr. \'oars Norman
said that his firm had underwritten
the bond issue. The company's char-
ter authorizes hooding for $25,01X1 per
mile of roadbed.
The municipalities of Tavistock,
Blenheim, township, Wellesley town-
ship, New Hamburg, Wilmot town-
ship. Waterloo township, Lutber
township, Fergus village, Berlin and
Guelph have subscribed for preferred
stock rtuounting to 9'286,41.19, and in-
dividuals have taken up about 5150,-
U00 stock.
Mr. Bugg stated that when work
had settled down more than a mile of
steel would be laid a day. and cars
would be running between Berlin and
Guelph in the early autumn.
"This line will be second to none nn
the continent," be said. "'\'e shall
melte the nip between Toronto and
Windsor in less time than the steam
roads take. and our rolling stock will
iorlodr sleepers, parlor and buffet
cars of the most modern type."
A further despatch says :
Mr. R. M. Jaffray, the well known
Canadian promoter, was the means of
bringing Mr. Van Norman in touch
with those who have formulated the
scheme. Mr. Van Norman says every
effort will be made to keep the line a
"people'. railway" in fact as well as in
nave. and it will as far as possible be
kept entirely independent of the
established transportation interests of
the country. .4 bond flotation is pro-
posed. holt no stock[bouus will .go
with it. and the share capiWizetinn
will be kept strictly within reason.
He says over $300.06. of the stock bas
alrere y been subscribed fain Guelpb,
Berlin and Stratford.
The route of the main line is a mat-
ter that ham not yet been decided, as
it is desired to complete the financing
before the details nI the construction
ase arranged. It ie. however, the. in-
tention'that the line shall paste
through every town of importance be-
tween Toronto and Detroit. For mo-
tive power, Mr. Van Norman thinks
itprobable tbat a high-tension poly-
phase current. obtained from the
Hydro -Electric (ouuuwsion. will be
weed through the medium of s trolley
system : Inst he ways it is just possible
that the gasoline -electric system. in
which each car is a unit, generating
its own current may be adopted.
This system. while ' comparatively
nen. has given good results in re-
cently -constructed radial lines in the
United Suttee.
Mr. Van Norman expects to remain
in Toronto until the end of the week,
after wbich be returns to the States
to attend to the underwriting nt tbe
company's bond issue ; but he expects
to conte permanently to Toronto in
the near future.
Read What Those Who Have Proved
it Say.
Mr. Thoma'. Pearson, of Prince
Albert, Sask.. writes : "1 must thank
you for the benefit I received from
'Lam-Huk. Last ennrmer 1 suffered
greedy' from piles. I started to use
Zam-Buk and found it gave Inc relief,
so 1 continued it and after using three
or four boxes I am pleased to say that
it has effected a complete cure."
Mr. G. A. Dutreemay of 188-iM5 8t.
Joseph street, St_ Rocb, Quebec. P.
Q , writes : "I can highly recommend
Zom-Bok to everyone who suffers
from Piles. i have also found it most
effective in curing a sore thump with
which my little tan was suffering.
The thumb had begun to swell and
fester and hod lost the nail. I per-
severed in the application of Zatn-Buk
and the sore is now entirely healed."
Not only for piles, but for inflamed
sores, ulcers, eczema. ringworm, foils,
eruptions, scalp stores, itch, children's
more beads, old wounds, etc.. Zam-Buk
1s without equal as a healer, and also
for cuts, burns. etiffoeas and wherever
and whenever a handy balm is called
for. All drugglrte and stares at 510c
hoz. Zam-Buk soap will be found as
superior amongst medicinal and toilet
soaps as the holm is amongst selves.
Mothers should nee it for baby's bath.
tic tablet, all druggists and stores. or
poet free from Zeno-Bukl'o_, Toronto.
Was Serena indeed. but It Varudted
When He Used Dedd's Kidney Pill.
Hermitialn, Lake Joseph. Oat.. May
;R.---i6'eela1)-"When 1 came to this
consul, " says Mr Bert. Grstick, a
well-known reddest of this. place. "1
worked (so the l' N t► Railway. and
wills there 1 was Wien with pains in
my bark and kidneys 1 wept to a
doctor he; he dkl mx no good, and f
got so had that when 1 came hose
from work 1 'ovoid not stead op
■t rang bt, sect m r Nabs mesad to tee
thetr prits*l sit»
"Reading of Ikwld', Kidney P111a 1
deeided to try Cham. and after taking her eaters! attractjrS. with a velear
era hrtiM i find myself perfectly dli/la7, she has •ohane d thorn. Aho
cured of all myteawblee." 1ta.MaZnesaa a ptbetie spertanhr and the
Dodd's Kne always • momM thing *boot it is her bd.
t n trs ore n•s 'soh .• %sena? *Meese. b ^v flbta0w -linker filet
MosbyMort ce(soca)(soca)a.' t) T. A. o.we- rnr h ....I PLOY Wood Ie theeeeb•wed ..e bee a. essac* of ardaile.
"M Resa*Meese. 8 -vat .ne of health. minis.
MONDAY. May Ibid.
Rev. T. E. n,wyes'r Ir ■ vtner -
Re,. r. B. Sawyer, motor of the Ash-
field Methodist circuit, is ill at bis
boase here, suffering from what is be-
lieved to be a general servoun break-
down. While preaching in Hackett's
church on Sunday, May 7th, he was
stricken sod was uneonaoiour for a
time. He im later somewhat im-
proved, but a general and prolonged
relit will be necessary to effect a nom.
Mete recovery.
BASEBALL. - A meeting for or-
g anisation of the senior Meehan team
for the present senors was held in the
Cain House. The following officers
were elected : President, G. A. Sid-
dall ; managing committee. Geo.
Smith, Fal. McGuire, Thos. Watson ;
,manager. Ruse Robertson ; captain, J.
King ; secretary -treasurer, L Mit-
obeli ; wasoot, K McQuaig. The pros-
pects for a good ball teem for the com-
ing summer are promising.
Wooten H INanTOTa.-The annual
meeting of the Wotmen's Institute
was held at the bolo* of Mrs. Moore -
bourse Mitchell on Friday afternoon,
May 12th. The following offlcere
were elected for the ensuing year :
President, Mrs. W. McDonald ; vice
president, Mrs. D. M. Thompson ; sec-
retairyaseteaurer, Mrs. R. T. Phillipe:
district director, Miss Fern Reid :
directors, Mrs. Cain, Mrs. R. Thomp-
son, Mrs. W. Horn, Mrs. J. Agnew,
Mrs. W. Davison and Mrs. R. Rea -
turn ; organist, Mrs. J. Ferguson :
auditors, Mrs. W. Murdie and Mrs. A.
Kenzie, editor of The Sentinel, left
last Tuesday on a tour of the Western
Provinces. He will 'spend two or
three weeks at Vancouver. His
journey was interrupted when be
reached Whitechurch by the news
wnich awaited bim of a serious fire
that had occurred that morning on
the old home farm on the 4th conces-
sion of Culross. He drove from
Whitechurch to investigate, but was
able to return to Wiugham the same
day, sod resumed his journey on the
afternoon train.
congregations were in attendance at
the Prsbyterien church on Sunday,
13th inst.. to take part in the anni-
versary services. Rev. D. T. L. Mc-
Kerroll, of West Toronto, a former
pastor. was the speaker at both ser-
vices and he also addressed the Sun -
city school in the afternoon. Follow-
ing the usual custom, the Methodist
church was closed in the evening in
order to permit its congregation to be
present on the special .occasion. The
people of Lucknow were greatly
pleased to have this visit from their
former fellow -citizen, Mr. McKenoll
having been popular with all classes.
Rev. W. J. Jolliffe and Rev. F. A. Mc-
Lennan assisted in the devotional ex-
A SIRtoes AuuIDeNT.-Jake John-
ston, team driver for Walter Stewart
& Mon. is hying et the home of his
brother, W. H. Johnston, here with
his thigh bone broken -the result of
an accident which befell him in .Ash-
field a few days ago. As reported, he
was driving along with hone and
buggy, when suddenly the horse shied
and seemingly fell. in an instant
both horse and buggy were turned
upside down. and the driver was
pinned under the wreck, tangled up in
the buggy top. He succeeded in ex-
tricating himself and righting the
huggy, and drove several miles into
Luatnow before securing medical aid.
He will be laid up for a considerable
Nares. -Ed. Robinson is now in
charge of the Luc know-Golericb
stage Miss S. J. Lindsay hos been
away at Mitchell on a visit A. C.
McDougall. of Calgary, who is making
a flying trip through eastern Canada,
spent a day in Lucknow last week.
Roy Finlayson has returned to
Toronto atter a week's vacation spent
with J. A. McNevin John Button
sad A. P. Stewart each have pur-
chased Lew Ford automobiles. They
CMOS to band last week A grand
concert. in aid of the Lucknow pipe
hand was given in the town hall on
Friday evening last..: ..H. J. John-
ston hes returned from the West....
Word bas been received of the death
in Vancouver of John Murray, a
former citizen of Lucknow Geo.
A. Siddall left last week for Winni-
peg. He will be away about a month.
C. G. Locke. barrister, has left
to spend a few days at his okl
h at Ridgetown before proceeding
to the West, where he' intends to re-
main The marriagewas quietly sol-
emnised in Wimgbam on Wednesday,
May 10th. of Miss Sadie, youngest
daughter sof Mr. sand Mrs. R. Mc -
Charles, to Clifford Rivers, of i uck-
TM State ana Marriages.
' Woodstock SpnUsd-Revtem.
An esteemed o,ntempnrsry says
that the state should d1orursre
mixed marriages, as sooner or later
they cause trouble. The stats would
probably do as well to mind its own
nosiness, and leave the religious con-
victions of the propos to themselves,
except en far as it may be desiral>te to
know them for statiatiral mirprsar.
The time will come, no doubt, when
the state will find it necesesary or ad-
visable to impose restrictions nn mar-
riage : a good many people believe
tont the time hag curse for mark,•oag
or forbidding the marriage of the un-
fit: but it is safer for the stage to
leave to the cburehoe the task of mak-
ing and enforcing their own ecclesias-
tical Tawe.
Listen' to This Wks* eater.
Hauls • o per- i
nu e.•e "vrvr day w,.n.ea dais/
our is uprise and N
in a wealth of decoration thea ossa
sev.ths Qeee of a oaasilal tslead
ought really to envy anti fancying
that. she has loaded down
t ha
T. NOT doth, 1011 7
Sa --
Spring ail Sommer Styles
THE lather are invited to call and inspect my stock
of Millinery for Spring and Summer. Both
trimmed and untrimmed shapes in all the latest styles.
Special attention has been given to the selection
of a suitable line of Hats for Misses.
Look at the Wheat!
There's a deal to know about wheat. 11 I didn't select
the wheat I couldn't guarantee the flour. Cream of the
West Flour comes from Cream of the West Wheat. And
it certainly does make good bread!
Cream West Flour
the hard wheat flour guaranteed for bread
You just try it. It it doesn't give you right down satisfaction your
grocer pays your mosey back. That's the gearantce with every bag.
The Campbell Milling Company, Limited, Toronto
LIGHT headwear is a requisite for real
comfort in the warm summer weather.
We have hats in all the latest shapes and
styles, suitable for all walks of life.
A large range to :h�se from in
C HIPPED STRAW (extra light)
We also carry a full line of Children's
Sailors and Canvas Hats.
McLean Bros.
Semi -Ready Tailors, Men's Outfitters
Spring Tonics
Yew KNOW will TO V
would s bays. Yew
know wile LOOKS tie beet
ad te lbs traitor to *SIP
olden. Boar Beside a s w i•
issbse ebis . a rust soot skit,
s tis or two of M -L FbsrPoko.
Too sb.id ses M -L P. Paint
o..1 a,ebi.s stet sods poios-
No. is •r.tsst•fir ..clone
sawed brow and leader tiew
mow weber m aw& Yw bwe ie
i. tis -.II cm* s. wok,
Mads of oeweewd Den
�, .iewri.lw wird wieb
"Pats v.wi Wow -
Wee .1 'eine- C
\� w.ki.a for
•sial ro s
M -L Is
The Mat
Paint Ye.
Can Bus
nit whew s..,i6sewee s
fur elle' worth el Y -L }urs
hit week. mss sleet We
bees, it weeid woks dews el
We wed -work Welt Ike wow- ter
a wets -len, .}sibr-ieebi d flees
nolo were ed opo a elbow res
S wot mid a it wr M -L liar
PINE tie WALLS ed Cal L-
iNtMwY M• L t1YWWI fetes.
If will id it Y — r hoop
Own due rad rubor, ss wi
u brigksw I.es es
wok. TM edws am erne
and iri leve t OM* it
tfOiSlt 1AOS lower.
A.eirie. iewisee,.der-
Alla umiak rdVIM -
! L come
Far Rears
Got 1114.
Flaw Psiat
Dries Harris*
Ween LS.
Spring will .Qoo.. be here and you will be
Spring will soot' wi11 needing
.► g cel tonic to prepare you for the herd work of
euW,uer. We rec.•mu,end and guarantee -
v,a�o Blood Purifier v,.a�,c.
�INn�m Compound Iron Pill ♦d�..,�.. �....., w
Nedruco Blood Purifier Nedruen Sarsaparilla
Vedetrco Compound Nadtnco Syrup Hypophoephitee
Nadruao Tasteless Cod Liver O0.
1f thee.- remedies do not do as r•rommended your
money will tie returned to you. Agent for Ooderieb.
F. J. Butland, Druggist
'The store that pleases.'
...mock.. t'nel Oil Stoves, Gasoline Stoves. Screen Doors and 111
\Vindows. Refrig i-, ,,,t, lee Tongs, Lawn dowers, Ice Cream
Freezers, Fishing To.-kle. etc.
We have just received a beautiful line of Florentine Braes
floods. Each verse possesses the aesthetic charm of Nature's Gar-
den. each decorative design artistically engraved by hand and
finished in black tui dull braes, $
We have also* Ane line of Rodgers 1s47 goods.
Big a.,sortrnent of Carving Knives and Forks in cases.
Recommended and sold by Howell Hardware Co., Limited
As full of fine quality and
as dainty in design as the
finest imported Biscuits ----
and at one-third lest net.
Almost as rich as short-
BI 5 J!T;
We are agents for the Canada i'ycle fi Moto, -'Co.'s Bicycle -4 and
,arry the Cleveland line in stack.
We have :.tided a bicycle repair department to our workshop
od tarry a full line eof bicy; le sundries.
is your LAWN MOWER ant of repair or does it ne.deharpen-
ing' We can put it in order for you.
We have about two thousand coals of Fencing left yet out of
abort four thousand. We are going to clean this Fencing out at
prim that no person can afford to miss. The lines consist of
The l'ittahnrgh Perfect Fenee, 7 wirer, 47 incbee
hiph, No. 9 wire, for 2lc a rod.
Cyclone Woven Wire Fence, No. 7 and No. 9 a ire.
American Woveri Wire Fence, No. 9 wire.
Page Woven Wim Fenoe, No. A.
Veiled Wire at elle per lux) lbs.
Barked Wire at 02.50 per 101 Its.
Does Your House Need Painting?
If so, don't forget that we har.,11- the Sherwin-\Villiams Paint,
the beat paint on the market.
i►o. you want to heighten up your furniture, floor, and wood-
work > if so. don't foryiret that we handle JAP-A-1..4C. a high-grade
•armish ser stair combined.
7o the first one hundred how.•wives who call at our
.tore next Monday. May Mtb. we will gine a saasple eta of Jap-a-ia
A fres*, wined of National Pestla.d Cowl* W "se seelsMd.
The !national it the beet and etrti.AMt tls�wlfi pp.SiS. t
Let a Serene en your Plmehlie . M—R,111.9ennmatioar.
Metal Renew se.
House Phone No 112 Store Phone No- 22