HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-5-25, Page 6c i 'haw I..<., Nth jK111111 HAS BIG CONSTITUENCY af. K CORNWALL REPRESENTS There are 1101 NG OF M p0 010 ACRES people who °outfield that (snow is generally situated in the par- - I conn of men of few inches 8ogie have gone as far se declare that UNDERSIZED GENIUSES. Physical Peculiarities of Some Men of Croat Mental Ability. Mewber o1 Alberta Legislature F Athiseca Has Only 500 Voters Ht• Pelting Lists and Comes Fro the Furthest Outpost of His P erne-Huskie Dogs Do the Far Of great height and genius are lneov- on paLb{e. Lambaste was perhaps the chief ea- u` poamt of them views, but other labs ro- lot Dote have been in accord with Boob Wort.. Theta .. s member of 13.e Alb Lr Legislator. whose constituency e. tains O melba. acres and 500 vote J. K.' Oornwall'. parish is exact ave *Om the area .f all the °nide ed lad in Ontario. And it a pari m I op mons. In support of this argument Ns - {eon the First, Alexander the Greek Allan Poe, Alexander Pop.. n and Blake haw be.a cited. The !ist of roan of undoubted genius who have been short of stater*, some indeed almost dwarfs, is long. It is Mao • noteworthy truth than to ,u- rr at- sh many •.f the realer very great mw have bei not onlysmell bat diseased and deformed For instance. ]Blies Caesar. who may be classed among t1e short awe was en epileptic. Ka- poison Mpelmon suffered from ay, Alex- ander the Great and Edgar AILa Pv. were dtpwmaniaes. Pope wee gnar- louaty misshapen. Byron. although about of average height. was console:W..1] lame, Nel- son wa_+ a small man o1 trail health` and it would be passible to tabulate among men of genius of the first rank a large number who were under the average stature and atfiice d with bod- ily delecte. In Popular &heoee Monthly Chas Bawl attempts to overthrow the popular belief that great minds and short itature are closely allied. Mr. Kassel looked through biographies and concluded ilk a result of his perusal that so tar as Americans are concern- ed distinguished men have not been of short stature, bat ratber the re - venae He also di.eovered that many European eminent men have been of considerable height. In the first place, when speaking of average stature it must be borne in mind that the average stature of coun- tries varies greatly. The average height of men of this continent is about 5 feet 8 inches, of Great Britain less, but the average height of the Latin recta of Europe is tar below the standard But taking the average height of man as 5 feet 8 inches, Kas- sel makes out a goodly list of very eminent men who have exceeded the, average. Of the lives of 250 distjnguiahed men examined thus. those of 103 sup- plied the information, sought either in exert figures or by way of gen- eral statement: and of these person- ages it appears that 16 were of middle height, 58 above and 29 below. without a mile of railroad By two months' bteady shoepackrng and dog- trailing- mid river -mewing the man groin Atbabseca is able to get over ensi out Dee -third of the 'krrilorr leiter, hie five hundred erecters mark 'heir talkie Cornwall is the un - welled eiu.•n of the fwrther north He in lite advane a guard of . it-1lixa- Moh moth of tthaba.w'a Landing. which Le a hundred miles north of Edmonton. Fur -trader -he knows tel - tries as well as he understands r,..1 men, as well as he knows the trick. of the trail -and if you should ever go .trolling with J K. Cornwall y,.0 would discover that he strolls et the Pat: of five Hiles an hour. When be ,tarta to go down Jasper avenue in CAnionlon he "'flushes" through 0o pack -trail WSW But there', a big active brain In the member from Athabasca, and of all men In the Alberta. Legislature. from parallel •9 to .parallel 00, up near Great Slave Lake. he is probably the mast interesting. First of all. because be hails from a oountry almost es unusual ae Siberia. yet plumb on the edge of the railroad and the commer- .tal travekr There are no horses in Cornwall's constituency - bsrriflg a clew oars** down at the Landing. *hien is his gateway to Fdmontem . a few wild things descended from the jpoates--flat the Klondikers cut loose tat Peace River Crossing on the avor- land route twelve years ago He lives in dog -hind: and the dogs are :huskies -those semi -wolf caxavners sof the trails that have had b much to do with the transportation prob- lems- of Athabaiseo as the lean and ampotted caries had to do with the vwlttir'al economy of the Saskatchewan.: data But even the doge are beginning to siege it the twentieth century When our huskies can be hitebed• up Ns • potato ciltivator and get away with it without a free fight -well. Ici:vihsation is surely beginning to love in Athabasca. Some of there wall -eyed decadent huskies may wab- IbIe round long enough to see trains Tunri ug through the Peace River country 13.inte of the ofd Beaver and Swampie Indians may she sway from the winter camps het she unietab ss are printed. The 1. -- header's stn will still be doing hue - laa.s with i trappers. the shoepack. ter man at a moccasin man. skins tfor dry g and tobacco and t• las 1t use. to b' a hoi>.ire.l y. s Iwo and more. The rnissionary wi,l IStill go the trail and down the ricer ts the flat -boats and the scow.. Rut dors and fired men ani trader - Fared missionaries are beginning to find 'out that the eyes of the out.•wie (worts are 011 the "Last Great West." ins the lam •,t northern ancient Atha- Ibasca is e0 inmi,ethly called :n the inewmpapers. Boards of Trade and 'railway companies and 1end..eeke•r Iced spee.lalem are slowly pushing lip 'into dog -land; because the land of (doge and ot.besver skins is a land ,•f $,heat and barley .and oil and copper inner Iron; became. north of the Sas- rkatchewan there are a hundred an.1 ditty million acres of land. not an tacos of which is rock -and twenty. live million acres of it is 'clean prize 11ne, and as good se anyin southern mod middle Alberta or askatchewan AIJ.erta u what a poet might call a "sits -Works " i1's 750 miles from the boundary line below Fort McLeod t, the lower edge of Slave Lake Ed- monton a fifty miles south of the centre. Dunvegan, which used U. he • serf of herein backdoor to Edmon ton. is 150 maks farther north than Edmonton Bet wheat was grown at Dunvegan away bark in 1914. at least so Harmon the explorer says. And wheat has heen grown for sever*, ybare not meanly as a garden curio but in ronimerctal quantities enough to equip flour mills at Vermilion. which is NC resales north of Edmonton Qp ai Fort thipewyan on take Atba- bsera, wheat was grown that look the Medal et th,- Philadelphia Centennial in 1876 it was not ca;led tin 1 Hail fn thole days, but it was the kind of wheat thgt thrives on th• edge of the e1 belt where the chtntwka come swooning in from the mountahll. And there are [rests in the Pea.'' River couatyy; mainly spruce J K Cornwall estimates that the annum/ wastage rd timber through decay a•el ferret fires sine. eiviliration ere plate - sad .,n the Sa-ketehew-,n ha. 1..•i r mooch to pay all the public Jebt ..1 Alerts, te haute the new Par.lam• re Buda/rigs and 4i ronetruct a rails's. rh-efrom the boundary lute to 11 • ripe n1 Tient Slave Like The ('nr• Peri alien (ontmasiion have he. n S ing out '+. t. lal.•l, •!wont the work e.t.•rwl by their organ sett ,n during th p"-' yr' fir sn 1 the were that is pit., g up ter the future it may in- terest the ennee•n•ation Cnmleisair.r lab 1 tee treat op in Mr ('oyewg:I'• constituency the great -7 enee forest - of which he nekf et, ek.ga cntiy are retool' •ori prole i«t bl' etae'tlT wensig!,• w h.- ,. come-. ce'.'t travel atm vl.•r titan •1 . .fir nc•-a will tek- t them) Mew. '.rr*, and selose is better f • ranging owe. wi{1 h MOO! fir • The e. 4. rst'wsy.. set • M' Ce'' It Maori. eeaiml.t, reads Th r rtereb ra lways snit swede T lea's are t.•c.•oh nr M hod that wisp alrveuly 1h• (;Mar Trawls PtelIe end M t'an, t sa I1«tbert, new* lane e, bended fie Ilse boo 141st ,erne tib &th.isase landing n. r.• fall tar. year The railway. -ant tour tae egos M wit 1 E flnrwwvl Hon. Helen Joins Chows. The Hon Helen Cecil Montagu, daughter of Lord Montagu, of Beau- lieu, is causing her father the great- est anxiety Some months ago, Helen defied her parents sod sought a stage career. As she is neither good-looking nor talented she was obliged to ap- pear in vaudeville sketches as • super. Bbe persevered, however, had her hair Welched up, her complexion coaxed and her figure improved and now she reached the summit of her ambition as a Gaiety chorus girt among the prettiest collection of soubrettes in George Edwardes' musical play. The Hon. Helen ints on using the tam - name on the Gaiety programs to ich her father moat strongly ob- jects. it is understood that she is -eajoytng herself thoroughly and has • already joined what is known as the Savoy Supper Sisterhood. Women at Prize Fights Should women attend prize fights? The question has been revived by the presence of a number of women at a recent boxing Contest held in London. Those who regard a prize fight as a spectacle too brutalizing even for grown men to witness will, of course, he in violent opposition .o the idea that women can benefit in any degree by attending such entertainment. On the other hand, Eugene Corri, the well-known referee, declares that box- ing in England offers a very display of akill and an exhibitionof erwuranee, *d that no woman can watch the display of those qualities under, absolutely fair conditions With- out herself receiving benefit. The Fresh and the sweet '"Haub you some real nice ch000- iabut?' be asked in a familiar man- ner Mie have,.' replied the sweet-faced gir' behind the candy counter "Are you ems they are fresh and eweet7" .'Sun ie "Have you any r sweet as yaw - self r "Yes bat none as fresh as yea." A Sent Fee Each. 'Has your college son derided ou a career as yet?' "Not quite. He is somewhat wide - aided as regards medicine, law, news- paper work. civil engineering, litera- ture, mercantile life, banking, poli- ties and mining " Marengo. In the battle of Marengo 511.000 men participated, and of that number 12,- 000 were killed or wounded, about 29 per cent. Napoleon thought Mar.ngo hit greatest victory. He always kept throughout life the uniform he wore on that day. Markin` Linen. When using marking ink to put.ini- teals. etc.. nn linen do your work fire with an ordinary lead pcnc,1 and then sae the marking ink over this work. The pencil will prevent the ink from spreading nth giving the linen • blot- ted app.'aranee Denny's Weakness. "Well, Warns M.kah7, 01 are be th paper* ilenny's bees discharged boa/ the prnitineeery.e observed Yrs O'Hon/ igas "Yrs; ogees' Mrs. Mieleaby; -Dan- a miser iDan- •iser cewld hooter try told of a A fsetraweeh Telescope A oessa.4 mleert ga. 1 Londan e.rgsoe a. . eons at :r , Ss aclit..pl(.J tw that dr. enables a desks Is me the saws a1s.dIY.a a1 seta *Mire lEAar/s .4 . goalsat'• ries ash wy ref ;" : 11 k14 •r a THE E S I (. N AL : GODBRICA, ONTARIO. • MARKET REPORTS. 1 Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Future* Clow Hrghor-Live Steck- Latest Quotations. CHICAGO. May 3. -Rollet tram as. Weir eencarnlag drought resulted to-d*1 In atsagatag market for attest. Because et delivery Special support. eow.wev tee Mar ry was an exception. closing %c ftp. Other months finished etc to lit dew/ rhe end of the d.v lett cora at the to a dad* advance. oats, with tee to rte de - roar. bad provfalons varying frown 21ks Bain to • logs of a d*0s The Liverpool market eloped today f•1 (0d Waiter win/at. Saturday' e• wnt. and fid to ltd higher os corn Berth closed tee higher on wheat, Budapest 440 higher, Antwerp unoftaeged, Havre its Unbar. and hamburg unchanged et Re moue Winnipeg Options. Close. OWa Mgt. Low. CMM Wheat -- May - - wt► Sitio fix Nth tell July ... IM( Mil 01% M Oats- tg'4 ( wti Mar Mta lee we July --, y'7 su. sa. ma I a Toronto linin Market Wheat, tall, M*ahol -sf n to M M W baeL 'fsn, eMtaaL e M 054 W ba.I a e,p,, Mabel. Rya, bushel - - • 71 .... oats, bushel, N .... Barley, bushe 0 M Ruekwbeat, buabel 0 N *0 Peas, bushel a 76 • se Toronto Dalry Market. Rutter, .tore Iota..--._ :117 • M 1. utter, separator, dairy, Ib0 21 • 21 Butter, creamery, Ib. tons122 • M Butter. creamery, *olds • n 0 31 Eggs, new-lald 019 Cheese, Ib- 114% 511 honeycomb., dozen r M Homey, ertracted, Ib • ee 0 U Montreal Grain and Produce. MtoNTItEAL, May 2I-Therw waa no improvement .n the demand from foreign buyers for Manitoba spring wheat. and what few bids came forward ware •way out of line with values hero. Cables on oats were weaker, and the prices bad would brine bare over Mier per bushel for No. 2 Candidata. afloat at Fort Wil- liam, consequently, so butanes. was done. The tonal marker was weaker, and prices declined tar per bushel on account of the Noir deemed and the easier mar- kets in the west .A tatr volume of busi- ness continue@ to be dune ht spring wheat flour for local and country account, and the undertone to tie market Is firm There was some Inquiry for winter wheat [knit' from foreign buyers, kat the preen bid were lust 0 pr sock hewer thaa millers were disposed to accept. Oats --Canadian western. No. 2, 41c to fibro, car toes, ex -Mon, e>ttra No. 1 teo0, wee to nue. No. 1 C.W, Mc to *cc peer-Maaltnba swing wheat patent. first; Ree second.. 0.01; winter wheal pat..ta. MO to TIE: strong baker/, 71M, stratgbt rollers. MU to has. 51.0 to W. Rolled oats -Per barrel, M.*: bag of M 1ba, MIL. Pore-Ainericas, No. 3 renew, Inc hi ■ulteed-Bran, Ontario, 111, Meattob. ti[, 11154d44sm, Oatarlo, tt3.M to 09: .home. a aakob; 14; moalnlet 11a to 9119 llkis-Prost 1Nte to Ile. Cbesso-waiters. nee to 1211.e - Butte east, 211rt b Ile; isaoondik ' CATTLE MARKETS. Union stack Yards. TORONTO, May 431.-Reoeipte of live stock at the Union Stock Yards were 103 carload`. consisting of 2085 catUe, 173 hoes. 17 sheep. 102 calves and 16 horse. Exporters Oso. Campbell boight 301 cattle for ex - part -tor London. led steers, tate lbs. each, at Ns• for Liverpool, lee steers, 13M 10e. each, at R. Butchoas, Blot loads and lots of holden. Good enough for any market, EMT at WAS to Illload& of good, tab to WIC medium, .M to W.M; common. I to ; but there were vary tow cattle in this common ctassa. as will be seen by tie Many *..sr given bodes. o Stockers :saw Folders, 1•ort-keep fender•KM to 11-05: fee& m lento S.M. stod erj, 39 to WM. . Mllkoes and Sprl Milkers .dispeinger■ weq•oted at 11• to 570Ea.each. Vaal (Salve*. ♦eat mires mid •1 54 1. 41.N Sheep and Lamb. 14..,, ewes, N -7t to % 3t, rams, rias ter fit; yearlings. *111 to M. :a, .prla. lamb. M to *1.M. tier Amertccwt. mr tob. are quoted at R to *7.71 H Hop are hlgha. at MR for .erect, led and watered, and see talk. ears M country pinta. Montreal Live-Stsfh. MONTREAL. May IL -At the Montreal Stock Yards trust wad market film rwtWpte of lire stack the the week mann Way M were 1155 cattle. 1110 sheep ala lamb. 11M bogs W tea °•lees, wane the ott.r- I g. on tea market this moraine consist- ed et 1 cattle, Se *bom ad lambs, Illi bags ed 1 coleus. A feature .1 the trade was the *Mesas °dorsas to the lark.[ toe cattle, avid prices this day week Mow o ad- vance of per bed M., h .sppis• err the extreme heat which hoe erevalled daring the past few der. and the oontmu.4 me- weragetotwgrewosMta. readved nook Illaro- peaawweek `botlnE• fertile whine awuass *5 Prices e: per poem, Immomakes a .et drop r 4 le post two week; importer' w111c� . iiif will low mosey oa they nest a 4---ta, whish treat f.rwerd trim this pert. Instead 0 wa�kl g some, ss the, would bave In ft! ! p.p., bat d wyather an 1p• Int'tas.e sappal+ ware too much for rho mart The gaMlteealmg •g buyer/ w the heal ' tui btfilt(ib 1Blrwaag wa• fairing large• the very warm wester ase the hlgier pdcs. dsMa.4.d tee 4.1441 for cattle was only fair, and the trade le co•.equence was waif moderately active. 1holoe lavers sola et .tic, good al de to site, hlrty feed .t stir• 1• the. fair at in to 1%c, and t8. common • t epic to Ste 1 per pound. A few eatr■ heavy choice Will. hr"ugit as Minh •sane to Hie, and lower grades sold down se low se ec t. MMM' per pound (Dews of good quality sing • t .:11c to dile, end Inferior owe at Plc to tr per pound. Owing to the smaller run of hop and tkr keener de.nand trail ppaacckers for top- plles, • rtrnrger beths developed it. M. 1o•rket. a.d peters, es compared with thine of last Wednesday, show an advance of 1's- per lel pounds. The trade was ac- nes and sans of .N.d.d Into were made at gl a to C i Par IM pried., weighed ..71 tars The trade 1• mall meats was TRIM. but, a. the stf.rtana were Nmtted, m •tesdi f..lieg prevailed In the market e nd prices show se Mnportes( cheers se it rep oils at M to pt, end sprang '.mss at gl to M sash Calve. brought from t' is gl sicb, Y is ds and quality. Esse Sul4.le Cattle Market. 1. tee R(lP'FAt o. May II -mettle -Re- eetpta .7111, tnerpt active bee to lr men.. hoe Mtge Mess* IIS to *O. bee- , her grates glee to lel eaws sM ee as e airs. t 3>A mark.' seeP&. fir algia. , a',.. a u eth.tee ,. Sl p bad Wei.---Rte.n.nli; �- aw Tab's .hive ad elettly ION* R ay' ee era. eat, is tarNil * �l.S •saAl.i� 015 ea gl •hs... • M m•► -5 '14pl. 161 Mars. e•trq o► :"'`Ina te Is Ili: LOCAL TREATMENT FOR WOMEN'S DISORDER 0 et 1sith we *envy depends vary largely op. em • - the blood circulates In nut boodles, to wear were, .l we have perfect circulation we w111 huv• perfect heal h. There is • constant veering out of the tissue* 111 every part of the body. The bleed lowing throne:, it... velas carries off lila waste or deed matter. wine the blood corning from the heart through the ,roles esh fond we Havings the e• digested.ttong replace whet 5.. beent, cat lie tied This constant warring out and e.pelll .4 ue sad *tatter and the repl..ang of 11 with nee natter. atom by atom. goes on day and night, soul In about 7 years a complete change has been effected. Tree every man and woman In■ an entirely different body In every particle of It from what he or air had 7 years before. It sometimes happens. however, from a variety of ea uses, t tat the blood beku0.. Lt./tweeted 1a certain portions of the body. This meen. that the blood var. sets In them parts become weakened, and the clrcu• Lotion In that arctlon of the body becomes sluggish and stagnant. The eon•equcnc. Is that the dead mat- ter In that part of the body L only partially carried away. and that but little of the new. vital .natter M introduced there to build up and strengthen the tissues and nerves. This condition 1pvarlably Meta In all eases of f•. male disorders. The dead matter retained In the clr- cul•tlon, whk'h should here been expelled. causes Ir• rltatlon •ad inflammation of the delicate men.terane. and oppresses the nerve centres. This ronditlan•7- th• cause of the grievous phyalcal and mental .ur',-ring wG1.5 accompanies female troubles. Ti obtain relief It Is evident at the first (l` not g 'o be done 1■ to gel rid tit the dyad matter which 1s be- ing held In tis• circulation If this dead Millar is to r•- ,. ;here• a q,e,les, .d Wood poisoning will result and solum wt.. etdestor to art ri-1 of It by forming ulcers. tumor.. etc. The Wiwi- r.li.ryttoa w111 also dhow why ORANGE LILY Is ro strwces-ful In curing this „r•Jiumr It la • lo,a.l treatment, and 1a applied direct to the al.rtau o'g.n.. Its u.at,t• .lementa are it:sorted Into the congested tissue. and arum th; seer start the dead natter begins to be dlsrharr d. A feeling of immense relief, bole .urnrat and physl.•.l. a.rompar lei It. end the Imprq.etnent is conat.nt . awl p0.l.he TON feature of the expeithg of the drat' matter is •Iwals present to a irrigate, or 1rws extent, and In some case. It 1. w marked as to be amusing. The ase dr,. Mena in the foie.wing !titer Is bol exceptional: 1)r. C.on're -1 set thankful to lira. F E. Currah. your C'.nadlan reprereuts- tier for mi, i rlit 1, restored by your wonderful remedy. 1 hive suffered for 11 years. but . tit e, had until 3 veers ago Then 1 had a doctor. who toll me I had a ttunor, and could live no more than a ye .r. If 1 went through ■n operation 1 would net the through II. A ' C. r later 1 sent for hum again, and he gave nae up to die. M. husband then' sent for r.nother doctor. who performed an operation. and .t ded.etie rnocl. good. I doctored with him 3 or 4 months, but became N. lard • g'alr. that 1 thought 1 could lire no longer. and 1 beg -.n to long to die. Uur day •,y huaLnnd •.,. ue borne and threw a Nip of paper to me with Lira. t'urrab's ad- Jress and udi me a lady' had advised hint to write to her for a treatment that would cure my'. 1 sal'I It was too tate, flat h would die anyn-ay. I could not lift • teacup wt:lrout hurting me. Then the first doctor told isle 1 'en. worse than etc. Hovertermy husband sent for ORANGE LILY, and the third treatment brought awls one .tumor. Others followed until 7 lu-nnrs hid been etpelled. 3 tartn unw and 4 .hull ones. 1 know 11 it had not been for ORANGE LILY I e. hl have died, for I could not live much longer. I would have thought it cheap s row l.tm,'rel dollars for a month's treatment. Instead of one dollar. It ise• " ,rib it, wei.ht in, gold.. -tit$. CF.O. LEWIS. Huntsville, Ont. ,• The •lot,' letter is published with /Ira. Lewis' permlaslon. All letters re.. abed are treated as being Iwcredly confidential. but occasionally some patient feet. .o grateful for being cured that she is willing to make the matter known for the b... chi :1n.1 enco(rragement eft her suffering 'latera ORANGE LILY is a positive. .cl- snunc remedy for all disorders of the fen, de functions. A. explained above thcsr troubles are of local origin, and re.ruire local., treatment. It is Just as sensible to take medl:-lne Internally for'femaie trouble,. as It would le to take medicine internally for a bruise, a boil or an ulcerated tooth. In all *Ilene Crimea •o,. dead matter is be- ing retained, and the cure la effected by employing local methods for ex- pelling the dead matter. ORANGE LILY has antiseptic. soothing and healing properties, -end also tones up and Int lgotates blood vessels ■nd nerves. I on, so anxious that ever suffering woman may satisfy herself, without cast to her, that ORANGE LU..Y will :ore her, that 1 hereby make the following O FREE TRIAL OFFER I will sent. without charge, to every reader of this notice who suffers 1m ■ny was .-om ani of the troubles.perullsr to women. If she whit send me her address, enough or the ORANGE LILY treatment to last her ten days. In many cases this Trial treatment ,s ■11 that 1s necessary to effect a eomplet• cure, and In every Instance it will give very noticeable relief. If you are a sufferer. vnu owe It to youeselt. lo sour family and to your friend, to take advantage of tiffs offer and get cured 1n the privacy of your home, without doctor.' hills sr expense of •n► kind. Address MRS FRANCES E. CURRAH, W'adsr, Ont. 1 UOWESGR coNooNSNOWS ATsN'tricn, Monday, May 29th is Full of Honors and Wonderful Triumihs of its Lang. Con, quaint Tours of the Continent, and presented on a Stall. of Colossal Magnitude and Lavish Expenditure never known before to this country. THE TRAVELING AMUSEMENT SENSATION OP THE DAY. BRIMMING OVP" WIT I MIRTH AND OP JOY. 20 CLOWNS EO L1?APF.RS 100 ACROBATS KENTUCKY HORSES, -THE MARVELOUS EDDYS- OONAtC419 SUPREME 1h TME emuseM14T *BALM. THE ROY�4L YfDDO✓APANESE TROUPE And 200 Other Great Acts. DOUBLE MENAGERIE Containing Wild Animals from Every Country. THREE BAND. OF MUSIC. ..ROYAL ROMAN HIPPODROME. Many tines the Biggest and Most Bewildering Production) ever is America blest Stupendously Stirring Sptt.cle OW Human Eyes ..Ever Witn000sd. .aLarymakarcscosir L'z' Y "iwz s- 'R• aLe the GRANO FREE sTRUXpjRADB AT 10 A. M. f- J"The . Land That Pays.for Itself , inta TSingle Season."-Prof.lThomas*Shaw.• Waal M pill paying Meet end haw a Me farm et year me II Come is Ba.bdwea 1 Waal • isms 10Yie shat tae Lot seep pays for year Wadi O0me to Rsska/ahwaa1 wast fl•e .aat, magenia1 wort gat pays gnomes rer wards? Oso. le B.iMr*wa.l West M live where health, .et Ndasaa, is 'attain't Com. le 8as- ka*14maa 1 W.14 a hem. sarressdd by ft.•d ..gakers..dss..l., 45,,x. ase r.rs.a.1 0..a •. E..t..M....l weal M 11.4 eat dart, te lave wb.re eaiaia•ai w 0155 yea, sot •guest ym ; wait a fair aha... WeirI5 o. wM� I.... poor baa kaa wk.. Od.rM ... ••..t • rare,. Ow5 N aaa ef .0,50 m 00 Hos.pNyr. Cs alae! wheatroper Ace'wMIre year 3o11.oe0 k.m•melr• a.m. Te tie average ..e Ma weld man t. Wiener. Owed*. Ths pnwm.s year. •+•ribs, 5.l it is done by (ammo t. .a.mrai.p et immtreWa .atber1wm, eh. t.AAT KOVIrTAIlr yAI y, M wgl ens 445,000 p••pks Ig' S.msassea. ad 55 y art Md, d ltl.kisg l.mm a w tk' W lamely es bard r their the dor- wise baa YNr [..ilia wow ,Chan *014 triesda 0l.unease. M a�� WM memo ant i. 55i MUM min teem I . going •• Oma. 3Ma✓ et: 4. - .f n..g.e�.y ~'ff• 55. every 3M .s.e•t .a•• is 55i wrdsr Oppr rw Lamour Terme ilwaal0�-this h.v. .erg kwi...55 1. 55. boa@ pot odor we haw eewer 17I ow fir kt t. br Soni i.m�e " when taM i i Oof w barons. of germs gram, w.rt4 neSr M1e bad e. railroads i• Ithe Lem W asrr-4. � ' k.w • r were 8.ogk metaled Mil maple rake alumina* We Mea Oar parlem we fs. The Lem 1[outaia Valley is •Mea mask easy Mym ten es .we sell � ram Imam etsaps., Cali liege le Met Ulna term and palm berm IMMO ~ had ... la oath tM.rmso• fusel., • Always Delivers the Geode 0.y' belief i. tie L.. Moret. Val- k* is met s • .•kebekt W. wive i. he Loot Y5.t5. Teta bee.w w • knew ft_ we know it wise it wee • trsrin da Marmot, Mem �e w ►ard- .5.1. basket Wel s here watchedheel N r year far eight sewn, owl now i1 or. p ~dawtSeet 4a.4 s.4 *5. 17.Nd Sums u the bem ehaearr.wiag d,Wet Is A.erira O.11len Saskatchewan! .tea of sem eeaw.seaa mashies, were aasM abesed.-. dismal Mat bends tst.Yty Pulmonary disease •r oltf- denim of u7 kind aro ■ak•ews bore. Railroads Osl•nl ins Ma's mad is Nye "forty .ins hem, aowkine," either, sr "seri deer to alr�w Toe are -inntie -muttof oh. mei Mr district 54.n Weedy is gulag es hero thea is • 7 ether Nd of Oa•ada. 1. lsio ooaehird of the Comedian Peelle '• reaitrmet4• wee 71. Ceeed.•p Nertth .' is mow ses55sr read thes the beset wt fie * Ywatela vane A(it•-v•T'd tt'A\'TKlo • e • 1• 'et/lyll/. Free! A Csnepeob Library et western Lend Literature! inn s eat .endi�r�md We semen baram yee lm It eel wattles �. _� to say or r thea. w$r.. es Sows. M^w.a. and a fir .w .nM no psfat free. w. swine 0 era Yea des AE Mab et orae, a.d a�al.aI,es+wsstet M� Oar meow now MI 'e s.1a Berg.Ms wit Se eat 7s. W. awe Y youpsma's get away hew, w will par mMwaeh' p =Lee a.Iag. la 0•id, M reaAibeesed le sl.aews Amid M wIL PEAR11101,Limbed Ae I.T TORONTO. UM 30 Buggies TO BE SOLD. We bave just received as car of buggies, sod nave ever tithing t h•tg erre :,-new and up -to -dot. i; in the cairiag.lio.. _ No better buggies - ever came to town.," We have them on tbenle floor now. Cell and inspect them at the r=1 MASSEY-HARRIS WAREROOMS on Hamilton `Teras, We have th. Nteen- ARD WIRE Parrs and (1*'ra.t. the earn. nna FLNI•RT Punt., CREAA SEPARATORS and almost every- thing a farmer Deeds on • farm. Robert Wilson We also have a tew extra good drivers for sale. J. BKOPBEY & SON OODERIOH TH E LEA DiNG Funeral Directors And Embalmers Orders carefully attended to st all hours, night Or day When the Children Come Home From School -- give them Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes. "Kellogg's" is a wholesome cereal that satisfies a child's (Paging for sweetmeats. You can give them all they Orae of it, too, for while strong in quality, it is light in digestibility. Be sure to get " Kellogg's'" a ill i lh ea M tr .0 1v •b 4 4 wl Bs to \t' i• Ip ua Pt da Di 017 is 1', et Id at, ur yr hi, int 0t .hr .11 he th in fn m! fu w in U °r .1 1) w L der 31 k