HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-5-25, Page 5LOCAL TOPICS west Huron Liberals. The annual weednngg the West Mario Liberal Asodatton ill be held is the Teyeeunos Haf, h. on el, y. June Sib, at 1 k poen. earthen will berretta and the regular *miners of the annual misetisg trains. ended. wage Covet Sitting. The spa -jury ses•lo.na of the High (}Dort ogosd this afternoon at the soot bones, Hue Mr. amities Mid - &eon is presiding and there are thee, ease. ou the docket. The wee bang been' today it Unit of the Guy G. major Co. as Turner -en actionea- weed on account of tits nondelivery of a quantity of 11az seed. opera Moine Grocery Changes Hands. Another change is the granary trade ie announced. A. IL. Matheson baying purchased tele business of J. N'. A'auatter OD Kingston street. gr. Vanatter has bees *mug a floor - „hog business. bet was Isdu,ed to +mil and Mr. Matheson tabso pores - aim to a day or tire. Mr. Verger lege not yet reds emy plans as to *bat .haps his fetsre aatdvities will take. C.samlt press Invited. At a resntiug of 11.., coulee• of the Board of Trade on Muuday evening it was decided to invite for newspaper uien of the windy to tweet iu Gudericb on Friday, June and. for a discuseicw of the Huron county power proposition. The power .lUe.taim if suer meuising dell Dur •nape. and it is felt that the men .+f the teras nen Rive powerful assis- tance in the forward movement for 'Weal county by informing their trader on the iuestlou. The news- paper turn will be eoter.ained at leo. o during their etay iu tows. The Latest. H, ry i. a Lib story from Location.: Uri little pike pond. situated only a few miles from Luckuoe. ooettrrrd the fullnwing incident : A hungry pike bating tease°. the tolling line broke i• • weak spot. and away went limb. heron, oid'torty.feet of line into the dri.tbs ..1 the water. About a week later. when the same &herniae was again 1i -tittle there. his attention was drawn to a piece of line lying among tb. weeds rot below the airfare On piekiug it up and putliug ,1 in be found ,t to Is the .one be bad previously lost. The pike "a,. still on the end of it and wdl ah,.. fait nearly starved t•. death. Ewen r, that ootidition it weighed five pound.. . F Emerson at Head of Big Company. The folio.% erg from The Edmonton (apical refers to a further resident of Gderieh. in the person of (deo. P. Eugenio° : "A new companyto be brow° a • ' Emerson'. lmited.' with Ge, F. 'Emerson .1 the Steri - ng Securities Co. a• president. has be.. nrgaaised with a capita'. of ts,lttilaf, to take over the tnauutactur- iayt pl.nt of the Edmonton Casket Co. associated with Mr. Enter en in tbe sew company will be A. Cleland. president of she former company. and V. Adam.nn ilas been appointed ac- ttountent. It the intention of the sew e•on.pany to increase the output br i5 Per cent. Mr. Emerton will rrrUT ge east to snore a mechanical seer.int-°dent and make arreagee- emit* for purchase o1 new micbrn- The Weather. The frequent rains and the warm weather of the last ten days have imeght on vegetation .;th • nab, sad not only are the trees out in full but the fruit bloom= have tome sad nio.tly gone with astonishing new. Ferntets say that the was is much better tbau is usual at Ileal .•anon, •1141 in town the lawns parts are looking line. The row at n estaute sroond the Square snakes &awl pretty sight just now. the trees knee tithe cm -pied hestnut �For • few daith the lager ys hurt week sad nn Sunday the temperature ors wound the fly mark and nsetsoriee of the long winter were melted away. last few days the atmosphere has • r off somewhat sad the weather ' ideal �. C. A. Seeger Goes to Vernon. Tee Globe of 8•turdar Said : Nev. A. t3eaget, of ! m Maher church. has decided tto be - teeter of Verson. B. C.. and has the warden,. of Grace cbureh, weato. to that effect Rev. Mr. had accepted the call to Ver- so when be was milted to become actor of Grain church. Toronto. The he left to the Bishop of New Wetetinater. sow in England. A re- wn. 1*oeived yesterday, urging . 11r. Seger strongly tort to Ver. bat leaving the final decision to Toronto rector. Rev. Mr. Seeger lately decided to go to Britisb He Ickes Toronto early Jliy. Rev. Mr. Seager ranee to ate frees Dederick. Ort., In 18112. graduated from Trinity College in Niece then he hat heed rector of Yat t from . cbureb has grown M 1 . pe•tet4trjly is a en- 'nRregation a s 1. et s Nonegeetariam Ote ha. removed &a aged a nisan the wveJooho H ekitho "mid MaudNUessruz. relict litho home Ce N ret week. on Friday .deceased ewe ef Montreal, being Mrs years age. her hishad en spent ernetownship. sear Drysdale. ` her heThe put b Oyyes+ the eid •.n had holo upon eseithlKiae she she wee preo- kileuake4iete, °lthsttt& site tenanted 1 New IInw} vMdaugbter. from Port ?144...y and was h1e , • the mil name ea P'r4dsy efs.% NNW ( took Sane ou the weroCatholic ~ (elbovam. Rev. Fattier 1%ist was said has/, behave Ibe +wearerin to their eel row lee pians et ant/ their wives, Mr. W. and Yea. I stent *to Mw Telephone Connection. Arrangements have been made for connection between the Colborne municipal telephone system and the Bell Trlepph..ue Co. at Goderieb at a rate of 10c for each call. Half of the toile collected its this wsv to to the Bell Co. and half to the Colborne sys- tem. Weawen's Institute Meet,ngs. The regular meeting of tete Gode- rieh branch of the %Vinson's Institute will be held in the Uddtellowa Hall on Tbureday, June let. at 3 'clock. Nem hers are requested not 1.. forget flu- open meeting at the hoose of Mist MacKinnon. Trafalgai street, ou bleu /lay attentions*. May Bath. when Misr Hutson, of Parkhill, and Mrs MeTurk of Lucian, will give addresses. Excursion from Listowel. A schen' children's excursion is ad v'ertbed tet noise to Godsrich from Iie(owel and intervening stations on the C. P. R. on Saturday, June 10 The Special train is to arrive at Gode- rich at Y:iirf a a. in. and leve at /1:31 p,m ra A peogm of sports has been ar- ranged by the excursion cor°uuittee. heeladueg • baseball match between Milbank and Walton. Hon. R. A. Pyre. Mit.i«ter of Education. is ex addresspealed t.. be present to address the gathering. A large crowd may be ex petted in (idderich on that day. Teachers' Executive. TBE SIGNAL : -GOD theassent-, assent-,sof a few of cet members. tae band gats an exll t perform". lance, which was beard with delitI,1 by lar is large ae'tnbly. Bandmaster Hunter and hie bandsmen have been prepar- ing a lot of new muatic, arra yestardaY afternoon's program is a° index of an eujoyable series of .outdoor concerts warn thwarn now opening. The Kincardine papers +sport anst accident causal a week ago laSun- day by an automobile 'rano Goderich. Jin Wylde and H. F. Dinning were driving down the Saugeen road south d en Kincardine whim they Deet the n auto. The hoe took to the ditch.gg overturning the bay and throwing the occupant,. out. 111r. Wylie was Sadly shaken lip and bruised about the shoulder. Mr. Dinning received a bad hump on the head. The bet y w as damaged ronsider•abiy. the top b e- - ing torn off. The horse was net hurt. The Kincardine Reporter of last , week mays: Mr. A. J. A. McEwan, .ecretar•y of the Ontario West Shore ;Electric Road. and Mr. V. M. Roberta, 'the eneilieer, were in town on Monday I last. They let the Contract for all the unfinished lenient work to the Hunter ' Bridge and Boiler Co.. asking that firm to push tbe work es rapidly as noesihle. The contract coven work from Laurier- to Kincardine. Keys Brrr. have the entire contract for the delivering of the Tails to the 22nd of !Huron. They have a ernodly number _ la/reedy laid down and have three teams hues every day dietributing the .i !rest along the line of the road. Theext.-wive committee of the West Hun,n Teachers' Association taint in the Model Scbo..l. Clinton. ..n Saturday Inst to arrange the 'regrew for the next Institute meeting. to be held at Exeter in October. The fol- lowing were present : Mia. 1. E. Sharman. vice-president, Gnderich: W. H. Johnston. secretary. Kippen: Miss J. Hamilton. Wincheleee, and J. H. Inwery, of Holuusville. A resolu- tion in favor of asking the Education Benettn►cnt to send S. J. Radcliffe, B. A . p inciptl of tbe Normal School of Luodun, as its repreeeutative to the institute was p•.sMI An intete.tiug program war prep seed fee the October meeting. Ueeaespers at Clinton. An int.-iwtine reinvention +vas held in ('lioton on Tue.day ..f lase week. when the newly -organized Huron branch ..f the Beekeepers. A.....cadre held it. fleet meeting. The "manila - thin w -aa formed in February Wet, largely through the instrumentalityof Jecoh }labeler, of Zurich. who has the largest apiary l eheiging t:' any mem- her of theas...ct•tiot,, and Alex. Smith, of Kippen. who i. deeply interested is bee culture. Thr.-, sessions were held and on each ..ceasion addrease• were delivered by. Prof. Morley Pettit, Pro- vincial apiarist of the Agricultural C'01 - lege, Guelph. The diseases atnong the bees were .leap with at the morning amnion and in the afternoon a talk was given on the .uhject.of wintering. disease and natural swanning. At the evening meeting all iihlarated lecture on the culture .nd care of hers preyed a moot intermititig one. The following i. a list of the members of' the saeocia- tiou : President. Alex. Smith. Kippen; ••ice -president, .las. Gwen, Hen.a11: seec,etar-, Jacob Haberer. Zericb : J. Brethauer, Wroxeter : Wm. Edwards, Corrie: W. S. M••Kercber. Wroxeter : William Muffin -h. Brucefeld : Tboe- Freeer. Bru,•efield: Edward Stoshnf, Zurich : Heir y Livermore, Clinton : R. Pepper. Brueefiel.t : Henry Hayden, Port Albert : Tho.•. Stinson, Varna; leaac Dodds. Clinton : L. Beattie. Varus: Hugh M.tite•gor. Bruce1rld: Jan. Fair-ervice. Londeshnro' : W. H. Elliott. Clinton : A. E. Brown. Port Albert. LO(.4L TOPICS 114 BRIEF. eaery w omen appreciate. the lift. ole miaow which do w roach to wise tlo, home an air ofdL.usetten it you wont t0 please r. •th. home-keepepre.eut her with one of the dainty article. of which there L. • lame aw.ort- morn u Wilmer .nibs Art Store. ;Art areet. Whether roc boo.. It or not, then is al= .00atitai[ nee in the clothing trade. PrM- hsn, the Tailor keep. cap to the time.. and it gee wart an uetorie mlaate tett for esesesr Ware year order with him. Loot for the Census Wren bent week. Our chocolate bon -bon. are always fresh and toothsome. At Bcnnrrre'ei. Cures while yogi eleep-Magic Corn Cure. Soid by E. R. Wigle druggist. (io.lerich. Lady readers of The Signal will find eometbing interesting in ('has. C. Lee's advertimemeot this week. W. T. ll'rney now drives a fine E. M. F. motor car. 11 is a handsome machine of ample power. The Citizen.' Marine Band played on the Square on Tuesday evening. the program being heard with much pleas- ure by a Targe audience. The Signal continues to ninon- Inst articles to their owners. The gold we:cb-cbain advertised last week was handed to the owner a few hours after The Signal was issued, We congratulate Harr- G. Hillier and Caswell J. Rumhall 00 their !re- cess at the recent examinations at the Ontario College of Pharsaacy Beth • obtained their diplomas. Mr. Hillier's mase appearing in 114 honor list. The Canadian military contingent 1 fur the coronation lett this week m their trip to England. The :tied Regi- ment is represented by Sergtsant- Major F. E. Hector. of Exeter: Sem genet A. K. Aegos. of N-ingbaa, sed (1. R. sergeant Jack Proudfoot, of ;..derich. decision waft given on Tuesday by W. E. Kelly. J. P.. in a came against tw-.e young lues. cbirged witb breaking into • hour in Colborne townsbip. One of the young teen was discharged. wbile the other. Har- u way Beattie, was committal for Ural. His ogee will be beard et the jury seer alms in June. The Aaolt utak Marie Kamer of May Ste says Among tie area import. MI real totate tdent•eti/fss reported hie week ham Iain the tale by Yrs. P ANNOUNCEMENTS. 1. It your treat ! Take home tome of Burderte's choice ice cream. Thome at home will enjoy it. Reciprocity Dope-bave you tried it= At the GungsticH Qt•tct: Li•acH. The Ial1hours. plare for pure ice cream. lunches at Remember the cn,nnatinit social in the lecture room of Knox church to - .morrow evening• under the auspieee of the MacGillivray Mi..inn Band. Admission 15 emote. LYRA THEATRE. - The manage- Iment of the Lyric Theatre has decide.! upon a change which we nelie:e will meet with the approval er the 11.. eliminating ptblie. After this week ell vaudeville will be dis.-ontinuerl, .end only a tint -clan. line of mot ing pietutee Will he shown. The admin mon will he at the popular price of : .r. It is confidently expected that the ,people of Goderich and vicinity will ;show their appreciation of this step Jby extending a generous patronage, CHURCH NOTE. Today !Thursday 1, was Ascension hay and morning and eve - gset-viers were 'add in St. Georges and M. Peter's churches. The ant,n:tl church parade of Court 'G.derich. Ni.. :,'?:, C. u. F.. will take I place on Snndav morning. June lltb. 'when the brethren will attend divine .end -e at Victoria .treet Methodist I church. Rev. hi. Medd, a brother i Forester. will preach. The young people of North .tient Metbodist church have arranged • 'series of monthly meetings for .t udy- j ing and discussing questions relative to good citirenship. The subje. 1 for 'nett Tuesday evening is "Political Parties." They hope 1.. secure a prominent citizen of the town to make the address. Fuller aonounce- weut on Sunday. Of the paster of Victoria street Met hod ist church. who preached in Kin- Ieardlne Methidint church on Sunday. 111th inst.. The Kincardine Reporter says: • • Dr. Medd eras beard with a great 'deal 01 pleasure, being a, reader of wide range and a reasoner of marked ability." The Reporter also gives a .umniary of his sermons. both of which were studies of the life of l'brist. Let Monde../ evening the Kpworth league of North street Methodist church gave an ••Empire Day" even- ing. The Baptist young people and tate Men's Club of North street church were invited. The lecture room was appropriately decorated in flags and hunting. and the King's portrait framed in maple leaven. A one pro- gram wa. tendered. Rev. J. Pollock gave •n inspiring address on the Em- pire and refresbmeots concluded a splendid evening. Owing to the peace proposals of Pres- ident Taft and Sir Edward Grey. the organized Sunday schools of the U nite.l States and England have •gr / ed to ask that i o all the tour tries concerned May 7114th shall be observed as "universal peace Sunday." In keep- ing with this agreement. Dr. Dou- gall'. subject next Sunday morning will he "The Peace of the World. in the evening his subject will be. "Why I Shall Vote for Church Union." The choir will render Dud- ley Buck's Eamon• -Rock of Ages." Miss. 'ley will sing a solo. (;oderieh Baptist church will cele- brate iia ninth anniversary next Sun- day. when special sermons will he preached by the pastor, Rev. .1. Pol- lock. His morning subbect will be lament' of the Future, and in the . evening he will speak on 'Ilse Ideal of • Great Mao." An excellent sessial of he Sunday sehool bra been planned for the adternoon. when Rev. Gen. E. Rose. of K°ox churrh. will deliver an address. On Monday evening the ladies of the .-beech will serve the an- eiversry tea in the basement of the church. from 6 to 8 p.m. The ter will be foll.wd 1n a lecture by Rev. Mr. Pollock. entitled -Life in the Kluane" The jw•ooewds are to he placed to the credit of the (wilding Mod. The eockeiestieat yenr now rinsing has been a pr.ospsi o a one for Victoria street Methodist church. The ached.- le +bed•le prepared t.v the pastor. Re. Dr. Medd. and read 1•y Mr. Million in the congregation on Monday shows every depart rnt of work to he in • very gratifying eoeditine In •nimionary paying there ie as increase of 14,pet mat- over the contributions of lam err There is also substantial rain than+ nsemlw+bip The report shows thaw Urs/ sseuihere won reemeed derisg the yew. moot intending thirty eateeh omensi twine people tinder six ler. rverivn tbreeegh the f►nnday sslsoet nem. aga.nre this steads • reeleesi net of twenty -three leaving a est faerease in tease, ►+rib e p nt eight Ileo. The peenre, edliedel hewed and oowgregatiee feel gratitisd mneme* over the .•.-1'.l Faker o► the veer% foe ft re... • +.., - ... 1. o o Ind eek, mall 11 Mar? than bud. W Jobn•ton d beer elettrant weideste and grounds ,n the mast end of R, street. nppns,ta • be alt Mary'. !(,vee Web hoar Th. per hneer wee M► Alfred Ernesgenera, teenager of the A4gom• steel t txnpen% •ed the pedes panda tor the dewr•aN• is -everts a ss ported at 11114.411O tine of the most papumr Natural. R Vieter% Day is Daderlea was the p10 - ,.on, rewasrwl he the feed Ihwati met *sea ` sat tamed Berea • Aathongeb not le fell force, ,,w ie, (•e C ' ONTARIO Stomach Troubles Cured by Viso) HERE IS PIMP • I suffered so long from stomach trouble and indigestion. that I hist flesh rapidly - VINOL oared Use after everything else had failed. It strengthened my digestive orgaa.- gave nee a hearty appetite, and I can eat anything without the dbgdt- est distress. I do not believe any- thing equals VINOL for sumach trouble and indigestion." W. E. Waraaisouas, Portland, Ise. Mr. Thos. G .Walla«, of Detroit, Mich, *rites, ' I suffered for years from a chronic stomach trouble. VINOL entirely cured me after everything else had failed." It is the curative medicinal ele- ments lmments of the cod's liver, combined w+th the strengthening properties of tonic Iran contained in VINOL, which makes it so successful in re- storing perfect digestion, and at the same time building up the weak- ened run-down system. Trya bottle of VINOL with the understanding that your money will be returned if it does not bele pe. lit C. Dunlop, Druggist, thsieri-•h GRAND T•UNritr " The Popular Tourist Route to Muskoka Lakes, Lake of Bays. Temagauli, Algonquin Park. Malt- arretawan River. French River, then gia n Bay. Lake ('.our i :ping, Hawaitba lakes., etc. ROUND TRIP lisaescetcrs' bc. st7sg5 TO THE WEST AT LOW RATES VIA SARNIA OR CHICAGO. Literature, tickets and full info,. mation from any (.rand T. utak Agent. .or address A. E. DUFF. District Passenger Agent, Toronto; Out . F. F. Lawrence, Town Agent. ly w t v r �' s-- i , 69 rf FECTI I C K COCOA Co van's Seems to hit the right spot. It is a great food for husky young ath- letes : satisfies the appetite : easy to digest: and delicious imperfect Kidney Action Cases Rheumatism Rheumatism with its kindred subtlest* -i analogo, Wry Neck, Neuralgia etc., tmafly results from lodgments of uric acid in the joints and muscle, Now the chief fuortion of ee L .Irma• isttodproperly Flier this pore from e'er- Only when t hey tail 1e dee thin is Rheumatism, pr•tnhie. Kidney steal:nets rusts is various ways. .A sodden chis, after perspiring; iring freely. sowerGnen settles in .fe Like -or an taluwul strain teat c •:t'e is Poisons which should Ge ';Iterrd • .: of the system ere pumped beck hien , I. blood, causing Cr,,: Acta. the real Of Rheumatism. Umber.. Wry Neuralgia. et-. In the early one. Nyars `lase le . Compound .f1 step it. Will start .••..n Lwinr,e wo t pr. ;. err se that tin l ric Acid is 1}Sry,it and eliminated Away goes vnwt Rtwurrsti.te ithh it Perhaps these early Wfbitilli 11Plive. have peened unheeded, sad '-out *fairs entices bre bemoan der; seated. Masco all steeled up is keels as it were Tien you'n need Ny1'. kirtwnat,. Care Mk ,out owe dreta-ra -wet der remedies His oriniss is worth while Seed and gtsarastsed by F J OUTLAND i E NICK H C DUNLOP IL R WiGLR GODRMIC N One etc;1 e-rerriety eamm lt II EZCITRSION IODERICII TO TR O�T AND RETURN iiLaAlt ilkl• ,ewe!+ 1, - r•- _� a._q ; =a r."iFRay= ��\ �.. sslof.'tiAtwumm."- _•.. _. --- --__.rani :' :C s►pwm�' =a/f!AIA!►li lA'g*r. wtomiliiiiiii tmitir - - y..iat' earner GREYHOUND Will Leave GODERICH at 9:30 a.m. (Canada Time) DAT, 111l111 STOPPING AT PORT HURON NOON : ARRIVE IN DETROIT 500 P.M. SUNDAYIN DETROIT JUNE 1NING. L:oo DETROIT MONDAY. TUESDAY, JUNE 20th FAR.; jONE WAY, WITH BA 3GAGE, $1.00 LEAVE GODERICH ON RETURN TRiP TO DETROIT AT d:3o A.M. (Canada ',TimmJ CHrLOR6N HALF RAT! IrlITCHELL, ADVOCATE EXCURSIQN Stenion Berlin Petersburg Baden 6 47 N. Hamburg 6:52 Shakespeare 7:110 Train std. Trisa.. Tiler , ream{. h 1;:30 a.m. $1.5C1 6 I 1 " 1.40 1.:1(1 1.25 1 119 SPECIAL TRAIN ViA GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY Rat. hip •tetiOn intent Train ltd. Tripp Rd. Trip Time tdoderieh Hotrod. $3.00 Stratford 7:20 a.m. $1.05 $2.55 2:90 Mitchell 7:-15 " .f4.5 •2.:15 1.1'0 Dublin dt,05 .65 '2.15 2.75 Seaforth fa: j,1) .55 2.f1.5 -' till Clinton dl `(talion Tr in I(.waM Imp The 1.o. Winghani 6::1•Sa.i.e. Be:igravc G 30 Blyth 7:04 1 !i:; Loneieabero' 7 13 Glweridt Tickets grind to return on any train June +7th and 19th. lnrluding Excursion ensu. Bele e- at_ igtb. 3240 2 20 , 10 110 Band Moonlight Excursion FRIDAY, JUNE 16. 8:30 P.M.. 25 CENTS Excursion from Stratford and Way Stations, via Grand Trunk Railway. From Milverton+ sad Way Stations via Canadian Pacific Railway -for the Moonlight Trip. WHITE STAR LINE E. H AYER, EXCURSION AGENT A BARGAIN OFFER THE SIGNALfrom ffUW CotI .l n u.11 tst, 1912, , 50c