HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-5-25, Page 4..�.,.,,.....,._....�,..- :sn. n..,e:soss [met 4 TioratiliAlt. Met Yb. 1911 THE SIGNAL : GODERIH, ONTARIO District News. COLBORNE- MoxDA v. May 2'nd- Ruu. lug..-Tbr township of Col- borne has pester% out announcing that a ouwhrr of road jobs are to ba be ca.mmeur ng at Benmiller on Tues- day. May a1Mh. at 8 o'clock a.m. All contracts are to be completed on or befog.- August 1st. PORT ALBERT. Mo.\DAT. May =tut CHFRt 11 ,d- CHt-Rtu MIME& -The reenter meet - int of the A. Y. 1'. A. was heli on Thursday evening. May 1S. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hayden. and a most delightful social evening was spent. It was decided by the timid to told • box social and patri- otic concert on Coronation Day. whew a good time may be expected. Fur- GODERICH TOWNSHIP. TtturaDAT. May 25th. Tut RNLI l'Lcs.-The Ooderid Township Rifle A.iuciation will bold a practice *boot over the range o0 Salkeld's farm on Wednesday. May 31st. to prepare for the county shoot at Point Faruk oo June 3rd. T. R. Rt:,DLt, Secretary. CARLOW. MOND-[ T. May 22nd. New. Noyz,L The farmers ars through seeding and are bow bevy putting in corn and roots. P.etures are in spleod,d shape and prospects for the sea.o. are excenest Miss Jacksoo. reacher of w. S. Non tibas been ill and the school war closed all last week We regret to report that Mr. J..bn Barbarian is in poor after aonourteetueota later. beeltb. W. trust that be will recover 'strength with the summer weather. NILE. ... The interior of the Presbyterian i THUH*DAT,May 25th. I cbureh in beleg renovated and other LAST Nu:Hre ENTERTAINMENT.- • improvements are being wade on the The r,nnual t,•. -meeting and entertain- . dttech ay Th rt - - e rpri°g entail cat siesta under the ampof the Ep varies ve baso de, and as tauten [.segue of Nile Methodist I usual the Carlow bre•esfersu,•turned out ebureh w.s hell left evening and was *°"'"" Prime animal- Prion• rstged e decided success. The tea served in � hum S3 to SS i3 a huodre n are t.... the kwaement of the church was well I The orchard rvbaicate men aro busy eat r•oeized and the musical and liter- Putting tie ort bard'' Jo *nape, g.roning pat ▪ program given was a credit to the; and 'praying. e ort. of times io charge of preparing AUBURN. that part of the entertainment. Rev. D. Rogers. of Seafarth. chairman of the Gndericb district. presided. and excellent service sifts rendered by Mrs. D. .1. McGuire. soprano soloist. of Seafortb. whose fine voice and distinct articulation made a most favorable I t.od•y and tomorrow . .. Mn, Chao, impression, Arthur 11. Francs. hail -Seel. of (•ranbrvsok. and Jahn Naylor, lone soloist. of London. also was well 1 of Elgin. Manitoha, are holiday vials received. Miss Ida M. Crib, elocution- tors at A. A. Hailer's... On acrount int. of Ethel. gave several selrrtione •+f the wet evening. the Epworth which wet. much appreciated. nee League meeting for last night was L. Bartlett. of Dungannon, was pies- withdrawn. Raton: Munro taker, the est and gave an address and the gath- tope(.. Political Parties.," next raw - ming was very pleawsotle surprised day evening .. Mrs. Straus .r, of by the arrival, unannounced. of Rev. Sehringville, is visiting her parents J. C. Reid. of Atwood. it former here. Mr..aod Mr-. George I►rtstedt. pr,st.r, wbn ale spoke. The pnweeds She will Ietura on 'Thursday Alt. of the entertainment amounted to A.quitb baa been putting in some neatly IS'. and everyone is ' well drains for the enlarging of his evapor- pleasrd with the mutt. atone.. , .. The brick work on the new bank is now up to the windows ..n the DUNGANNON. *snood floor Quite a number will (►R- NEWTON. DENTIST. the attend e coe0M at L ad/abot to - 1J LucYsew. ban, .sass "..,,,na o■tmae• olgbt given by the "Old Maids" of An: point. and will beeoefortL "icot tri. entire; burn. The ice-cream social at Donny - emotion to the bowie sew. Gaetaow. nacrebrook aka will attract some. bo m will be round every day- All modemeth , NOTICE --THE LOCAL AGENCY YOU TAKE 1110 RISK._ in 11=moon for The Signal i. at the Pal . esus nook and Stationery Stow. whine - order.. will to sen•- red for .+ib.eriptlon.. ad par Repstatiow sad Mosey Are Back of vanisher and job work. and receipts will b. I This Offer. civic for emotion. told for the asime. • 1 \We icy for all the medicine used AL PAPERS IN GOOD VAR'- 'during. the trial, if our remedy fails to WALL El Y and t...•tefut de.Jans at the Post- ` t serene relieve 'you of ronstipa- otMee Stnr.•. He «ore 1.. -en. [them if you are 1 ( y minting of p.p -r - ...t or your root%.. 'AI tion. IA take all the risk. You are Hot amp! of be -t sante" .red, ■l.0 fund, on M. I obligated to us in aur way whatever. .TAN- ilurtaasnw..if you accept our niter. ('null silt-- Ti-taiu-ty, May 23rd, !thing be Mote fair for your it their Jas. At.iio Ei-tu-rxn.-At the nom- any reason wby you should hesitate inatioo meeting in�ehdeld on Friday to put our claims to a practical test •.last James Alton as elected by ac- Il• The moat scientific. commonsenseMtdamnation to t t e vacancy in the 1treatment is Rexall Orderlies.. which township council caused by the death , are eaten like ean•iv. Theo are s ery of the late Councillor Kickley. Janice pronounced. gentle and pleasant in a- Kickley. the late corm 'llor'sots, was tion. and particularly agreeable in tthominaLed, but dtcliaed to stood. every way. They do not cause diar- Ctrr OFF 1H EARL. Ma tuuoo.-Mr. rhoee. oansea, fiatalence, griping ..r sod MIP- Williams Riven. have the sins- inconvenience whatever. Hexall beartfelt sympathy of the *°tire row- Oran. at dies are pticularly.good for munity in the loss ..f their sou. Earl. children. aged and delicate persons. who mowed to the (.rent Beyond on We urge yon to ti Recall Orderlies Friday last at the early age of eigh- al our risk. Two sizer, lite and tEc. teen fears. Coining with his Iwrnta Reeiemtwo you can get Rex•U Retires to the village from 1'ee•swatc•r mune dies io thin community only at our four years ago, by hie courteous man- n er. cheerful disposition end manly behavior he made many frieods and worked his way to a high place in the esteem and respect of all with whom be came in contact. Owing to ill - health about a year ago he was forced to resign his position in the Sterling Hank bete. and since then he had slowly declined. In addition to his parent., be near., to mourn his depar- ture • l.rother and a ester. The un - era! on Sunday was largely attended. Rev. L Bartlett officiated and the pallbearers were all chums of the de - erased : Clifford Rivers. lobo Newton. Harry Bellamy. Lot ne Young. Wm. Nivlos and Pord Elliott. WaDrorSDaT, May 24th. PKItno.NAL A\11 (irYtfAl- - Miss Erma*. Symiogton is spending the holi- day at Ler home here J. H. Short is visiting his pare -Cts at (iorrle- DENIM OF AN OLD Kxsit.RNT.-One of the early settlers .4 obis section passed away on Wednesday. May I itb„ in the persue of Samuel Stothets, who had been failing is health for the oast four or five years. He was hero not far from Dungannon. Fermanagh County. Ireland, nearly seventy years alto. coming to this country when about eighteen months of age with hie parents. who settled ..v what is now known as the Soothes hcme- stead, e.nceesion 3, West Wawa - nosh. He raided on the home- stead until abo t thirty-five years ago. when he moved t.. his faun in Ashfield, where the remainder of his life was spent_ Though of a quiet disposition. Mr. Stothers Was know-% and esteemed by a wide circle .1 'friends and was highly respected by all the ronrmunity. In politics he was a Comers rider and in religion a Pres- byterian. re♦byterian. being a member ot Erskine church. He was .leo a stanoeh Or- angeman nod the funeral on Friday was under the auspices of the local lodge. the chaplain. Ray. T. Hick,, otflciaung and many menibers being present Mr. Stotbe.s leaves, besides his aged motber, four brothers and one sister : David. of .luoction City, K an s a s. John. of Woodstock Stephen. of (iodericb : and \\-illiam and Mn. J Elliott. .•f Qungeneou. The panties's-re were thaw brother -a John. sterilise and William --Aad three nephro. • Will strebere• Her- bert /anthers and Will Elliott. WOMEN READ THIS. Pangaea Sage Pets - Lame as. Del, Faded Han Every woman resider n1 Th. ownal store -The Rexall Store. H. C. Dun- lop. south side of Square. LOCHALSH, Tr KSDAv, May tied. A.NlvsttliARy 8txvic'te--Tbe an- niversary servicer held io Ashfield Pteshyterian church last Sabbath were attended by large congt,gatioos. The sermons of the day were delivered by Key. D. Pe1•rie. of Wingham, and were able and in..piring. It was Mr. Perrie's gest visit to Ashfield church, nod the congregation will he pleased to bare him repeat the visit nn future occasions. The chow rendered an anthem effectively at each service. The pastor. Re:. J. 8. Hardie, was present and took part in the services. This splendid congregation is flourish- ing in the care of the worthy pastor. and the various organisations of the church are doing good work. SARH ATH Moisten. Ixs1TIT•trg.-A Sabbath school institute, under the auspices of tb.- Presbytery a Mait- land. will be held in Ashfield Preeby- terian church on Wednesday, May .het. There will be afternoon and evening eternal*. at 2.8) and 7:30 p. m. The speakets and leaders in the conference will be Rev. Ale. MacOil- Ilvray. of Toronto, convener of the General Assembly', committee on Sabbath schools : Rev. A. E. Arm- strong. assistant secretary of the For- eign Miseiooary Board. and Rev. A. C. Wishart. convener of Sabbath school in Maitland Presbytery- AJI fictive Sabbath school workers and friends of the Sabbath school in the Presbytery are urged to be present DRUGGIST PRAISES D. D. D. •,\- our D. D. D. Ptern-ript.ion for reassure is tbe hest thing we have ever handled. and is giving good eatisfar- tion with ..ur ellstomets,'_ Spur Stereesoo Drug Co.. BIrtle. Mao. •'1 have had seams .w and off for ►limn three years sed nothing 1 trial bas dour sci murb proud as D. li. D. It wiU stop tbfit irritation in i few min - Mee. I ran do ms washing( and 1f I base D. D. I►- ..n Baud it will ase it at o.ce," writs Mrs \ J. /Oysters,. a. Coleman. ()at. Thews ars jurat samples .d letters we are receiving veer% dao from grateful patients all over the nw,otrs "Worth ito weight in grind " -AN whod...t.. redmnt hair tJtat every ms sr.ahed away by One aduure• abouts 10 R R \Vg�e D'' 1 instant relief-" D, D. m Lodes end a I D is Ingle .b. rt ,d hers lila es get lams +►•sent '.tittle •.t There Parisian Mage en the word.. 4 others in d.r•eribitsg It is nM cowl,• •t"hghtfol and .. the great skin remedy. h. D. D. meshing hair dressingni hes .1iq,.r Proem by th.wsaads of cores. for but it is a..ld under a rigid gIfus.fe(o.e and iters• t� h' arse•iurels harmless.4 10 banish dandruff stop 1. I .q glair and *+has, eerie' ., . ,if akgm staid larking soap, not ti0OTSI l tr Wert as, . atter what Mr n Pariaian stager• Y the tae.• hair too.. µ+'it oda, for to .oil tin( Ola k.ewe- I, t. the .wilt one tit to i -- U I (o r Toronto eJ r ears dandruff rerano. ' h. egg* and to ("th"i r.e Oros Ttwonto soaks fthe a hair irrow orar.t� gad bosun p^' mM do 411 drowns[ Inn by IL. 1L Winn' utast, by iagt aA throttew utast, Balmoral Cafe �� r TAX NEUORM. There could perhaps be no better tastiraoay to the vales of the tax re- form toovumsot in Weirton' Canada than is footed in the report of a emu - mitten of the Boar& of Trod* of Soto .take, which visited Vaaawver, Vic - Weis, Edmonton. t angary aid otter cities to study the question. lo its re- port this oummittee ra1d :- "We dmire to call your attention to what baa bean door by our oetgbbcxe and competitors across Um Brilisk has To anyone who investigates carefully and intelligently, it is stn. dent that Canadian commtstuties, by e hanging antiquated inetbods of taxa, tion, are offering iodeoemeots that di- vert commerce from Seattle to Van- couver, and dr. farmers to Albert• from frothe State dear Eastern Washing- ton." After quoting a statement by the tax commissioner of Edmonton to the effect that the taxation of land, with• out regard to improvesents and per- g ola/LI ersola•! property. was found in Alberta to lemon onoducive to the prosperity of the nomwunity, the Committee turoed to Vancouver, which would make a better comparison with the lams cities in Washington State. and Raid •To satisfy ourselves that these oon- elusions harmonised with t.be facts. we turned our attention to the build- iog records of Seattle. lacoma, Spo- sane and Vancouver: We have Mom - pared the remolds of the building in- spectors' offices of these cities for the first seven months in 1909 and 1910, and the figures are certainly warding. In Spokane t herr was • decrease of 16 per cent. over Inst year : in Teatime the decrease was 21 per rent , and in Seattle there was a decrease of m per Beni. In Vancouver there was an in- crease of tiff per cent. These facts and floury" indicate that Tacoma and Spo- ken.. with approximately the same ls+pu a 'ion. are no longer in the race with . inoouver, that within • year it will • lad Seattle in building opera- tion.. twith.tanding .tbat this city has 'tone thaw double its population and has the lest natural advantages of aov city in the Northwest. Here we have conditiow ronfr.nting us as well as tbeories, and it will not do to play ostricb, with our bead in thermod.and paw trsolutionb that we are safe. It is time toact or Washington will soon be playing second fiddle to British Columbia, with Vancouver the lead- ing city of Puget Sound." ' That is to say. the cities of the state of Washington attribute much of the great pra.perity of cities in the Can- adian West to their adoption of a better system M taxation. No cities iH -America have made greater efforts t.. ••bower" themselves than those of Washington State, and yet Van- couver outstrips them. The city .1 St. John needs tax re- form. The civic authorities should gather information and set ataart the solution ot the problem. The general principles adopted s.+ suecesefully in the West should 11 applicable here, perhaps in a modified form. in an a.' -dr -wee delivered Before the International Tax Aneeeiation the tax commissioner of Edmonton made tbe following statement :- ,"J'he oyster, of asersemeot in vogue in frost of out towns and cities is as- s•snnent according to the actual value of the land. exelusiee of the improve- ments thereon, and there is no assess- ment of personal property. As it ma} - be of interest to some ot,you to know how the system works out in practices i uiay say that it is found to give splrodid satisfaction. This system is found to he most conducive to the prosperity of the rommunity. In the opinion or some of the moot promi °sot men in some of our largest cities tbe system of taxation oo land values without regard to improvements or personal property is the most equit- able fore, of rueessrtent. and any move to make a change would meet with little. if any. support 'This con - cluso° is arrived at after years of ex- perience is the raising of funds to meet the requirements of rapidly growing cities. and the expense of carrying 0.0 the affairs of such cities in a new country, such as the Province of Alberts, it., .i you are no doubt aware, very high." -8t. Jobn Times and Star. G, T. R. Special for the West Oe Tuesday. Mac 30th. the O. T. IL will run a special brand Trunk train from Toronto to Winnipeg and Ed- tnoetoo. via Chicago, laving Tomato at 11 p. m.. carrying through pullnu►o tourist sleepers io connection with for bomeseekeri excursion. Passengers from this vicinity join Irani at Strat- ford. Passengers desiring sleeping ac- eomtnodatiou reserved c000munieate SA snow as possible with F. P. I•iwr- e•noe. town agent. G. T. R. (iodetich. Out. YOU CAN RELY ON A ZENITH WA TC H No stutter bow ter mart' it is for oto th to know e pre- rise..ssr.s-t time to the second. 'nu will Mod the Zenith Watch on the job any time, day or night. In all the world there to nothing better -few, if Rey. f1gwl. Thissetth roues in Y+ and 25 -year movements at ilk sad up. We sell it to you with the undersaaading tbat .t will do sweaty as we tall you 'w y,„t get another watch Ob. reit! It u .at. to se be do dile bosses.. l with sever dinowelllt. J. S. Davey foe/Am and Opele-ean fle.fllk bean at Base, (lois 4.1 HEART1 DISEASE is Demme. AN Widgery wen -t jester bas s.Id. '• 1 tasesr yet nuke pest-mortsrea- ar,ae►troo iaacase el death from Heart D..eaae with- out fin.Lrrt he kidneys we:reat (Aub." The Kidssy medicine which was first out the market, most auoceas- tul for Hent Disease and all Kidney {roubles, Aad met wily imitated is Dodd's Kidney Pills PORTER'S HILL ' Mot) ' I. May. Norms -Sam Hilb_k,o I Joliet. Mich . is visiting at Mrs. TirhbcrnvOr ...Mies Florence McDonald left for Detroit on Friday last... O. \V. Potter at- tended the Methodist dist,ict meeting in Guaei ich on Thursday. WEDNsaDAv. May 24th. BARN BrRsgD.-During tbe• storm on 7 uerday evening th , barn at Percy Wesson's, on the &b conrw.sion three miles south of Porter's Hill, was struck by lightning and burned. A horse and cult, a hinder and a'�rill snit a considerable quantity of oats were debtroyed by the flames- There w as some int urance un the profit -0y. see 1 Lime Value Is a Great Factor in Business There is a great supremacy of merit in it. It is sought after by the economical buyer. If you are in pursuit of values, we are here with the articles. Always trying to beat our best past, with new fresh merchandise. Always reliable. Always up-to-date. DRESS MUSLIMS We are extolling all past efforts in Dress Muslim and Colored Voiles, all new, (•CLO*. Farr, and priers are from Ilk to 50c. The Voiles are particularly fine. buperb patterns. VESTINGS We are showing • fine lot of these goods. heti 124c to 2Sc, checks. "tripes and floral pat- terns. at- Itttr.. LINEN SUITINGS white Linen Suiting., 'LSc, 30c, 35c. 40.- and Stk, all inches wide. You ought to see our range if you want • linen suit. lu Colors we are show- ing a desirable loL HOSIERY Ye.. we aro still talking Hosiers- and intend to hold first place with theta. too. An immense :tuck in black and cloak, and at all kinds of prices from 3 pairs tor 2.•e to 50h • pair, in cotton sod .ilk lisle. UNDERWEAR Summer [•oderwear for children, [Wiese, and ladies. hest makes, prices l0c and up to arc. Our stock will be found as good as the best. PARASOLS \Ve have gat direct from the makers the beet selection ..f plain and fancy Parasols we ever offered. Come and see what we ran .lo fur you in a parasol. GLOVES Silk lisle, two button knfth, 11,c. Sic, 40h, and 30c, in black, white, tau. belie*, navy, Aline, grey, amnion', in all sixes, kidbound. KAYr4KROLOVES. Ask for Kayser Milk gloves, Slk and 75r Palest finger, double tips, black and (orlon. No tlnve wean like Kayser at the mosey, and ion't Gorget the pt -ices, 50c and 75c. PERRIN'S KID GLOVES Black. tan and grey, 81.00 and S1.LS Always buy Perrin's if you want the heat. LONG GLOVES Milk and nide, 3Sr to 51.00, I.lack, white and tan • LAWN WAISTS Ask tc see Brim BR-t\t. wbite !Iwo Wallas, •hill erubroideted front.., lace and embroidered trimmings. long and three•-y•.arter sleeves, „pro back or front Prices two tot. W50. Tailor-made Waists. collar and eufr, 511c to 11..6. D. & A. CORSETS You have no doubt re•reived a D. & A. Corset catalogue which brings to your sootiest • 'pries of many beautiful design. of this se -eon's newest and emartrat corset models of the latest modes by the great fashion crestot.. tome here forvo ur eoraeta and Aping yr.nr {ogee with with vou. We cell get you a••y ('•Srset ebowi is it. • J. H. COLBORNE IMO SHOES FOR WORKINGMErl If \'ou want a good solid leather, pair of shoes for your work, come and see what we have to 'offer.. , Our range of this class of. -footwear is very complete, from the best - mann factierers at the lowest prices. ' Have you -seen the shoes' made of the new Tan Broncho leather ? They - -are the coolest, cheapest and most durable shoes ever offered tor summer wear. We will be pleased to show you them. REPAIRING Downing & MacVicar North Side of Square, (loderich 1C13 Summer is here. You want good, pure Ice. W. W. SAI LTS can fill all your needs. He has the best and purest Ice in Goderich-cut on Lake Huron. Service is prompt and efficient. AiI Ice washed and placed in refrigerator. W. W, SA U LTS PHONE 88 GODERICH 4 h OXFORDS for Summer Oxfords are naturally light, dressy, comfort- able and stylish. and our claim is that we can present a line that will make a selection satis- factory. We have them in all lasts and leathers, Men's and Women's all priced to suit the buyer. "BRONCO" SHOES Boys demand a shoe for summer that is light and strong Why not try our "Bronco' line at $1.25 and $1 5o ? Also men s "Bronco' for factory use TENNIS SHOES To meet the demands of the spiv -nag season we are fully stocked with bowling, tnnls and running shoes NUN° YOUR REPAIRiNG TO US PHONE W. HERN T1418 SQtJaRti s Clothing You get the befit re- sults by buying the best Clothing. loth Century Brand is the best. The -best dressers wear them. ,Get in line with the best. They are the:best sh p retainingEothing made in Canada, they feel com- fortable, t Zook stylish, and give splendid satis- faction. Made to meas- ure it you want them. Special for Saturday Suspenders Six dozen pairs of Suspenders, .reg u 1 a r Soc. Saturday Special 35C Walter C. Pridham 40. The House of Real Vales. (h" �fta : "A square Mel fs sus rosin E Not the • CIlI;rQ ,� , t ...► ,� lF butF. the PricesF t tk of [Nesmg ro..m ('bei 6• and T chairs are all new. bevieg l.op,, parchment rho apri o wdd rstularly at 70c. eqe, Si.t0 and S1 IS but r . g.t rid of • these will WI at Nle. 70r, 1gemad S1 tet. in Rotng met our -tock aunpriaed to Ilori we had .oeb • Chao.* w. were quantity on band and its t he et the stack we are going to offer Diners from now to lune he et Cut -Rate Prices ?Cm' N your chance Don't let it e*g> Sta ten A "4ORDHfiMER PIANOS W. J. M UIR & CO. 4w,rdlas - nil Best easier (Moraine tee par Mow • ift,".M444 *IR*011* 141*