HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-5-25, Page 2S Tebwat, Mas Si Hil•l
Talisphom !tall N. *
Y. of thraatryYee :
us per amNestle. qui advance.am its
• trnabs& "was ealmodksrw ft„at • Mar
stziaNy to advance,.
8a4seribsrs who tall to rsosiv. Tu Susxat
egolarty * will • favor by so
ea of the fact amt as early • data as
W▪ eer • seams of address le desired. both old
sad the gene address ,Mala be given.
Adv*rgeing Rams :
Leal sail ether Midler advw4ismsnt•, lee
ret Has }sr ars, iassstim nod Ie per line for
molt wbs•vasat lassrnsn. Measured by s
seamanU scale. twain lines to an Lech.
!esteem cards et da lines rad wader, IS pw
Adtifissm.nta of Inst. Found, Strayed. Mt -
asthma Vecaat. Situatioa. Wanted, HoUMAfw
Sale sr to Rent, Farms tor Erb or to Rent.
Articles tar tisk. eta, not exceeding suit
flaw. Mc sate insertion : 311 tor first uaootk, 71b
k ANON ruin Larger t month. ter ad vertu.
Awooseoementa to ordinary reading type ten
snob par nue. No Dance law than MSc_
Any spacial notice. the object of whack la the
pePaniary benefit of any individual or sand.
W on. to be considered an sdverUsesneut and
be chatted accordingly.
Rates for display and oontract ad remise -
E MU will be pato on aPpliellitio0.
Address all oommuntostie•s to
Geaw4ra nae
G')o TRVJE$uAT. M.\Y irr. ml
Victoria Day i, a fitting !mora rial
of the good Queen whose memory Ca.
nadians cherish.
An election campaignonthe+ reci-
procity question i. regarded Ivy Lib-
erals as a pretty good proposition.
Has iug donned her stormier gar-
ments Miss lioderich is prepared to
receive visitors. The Clear girl grows
lovelier every year.
The Dominion Parliament ad-
journed on Friday last for • two
months' recess. July ltitb being Heed
as the date for the resuming of the
it is shout time for the cnrnmenc.-
ment of preparations for (odiericb's
Dominion Day- celebration. Will the
Mayor rail a public meeting to set the
ball rolling %
Ee-President Roosevelt opposes
President Taft's proposition of a gen-
eral arbitration treaty between great
Britain and the United State& Arbi-
tration is too quiet and respectable &
proceeding for the wielder if "the
big *tic.."
The Toronto New: publishes ao
interview with the editor of a London
(England) financial paper. wbo states
that half a billion dollars of British
capital is corning to Canada lot invest-
ment during the present year. The
British capitalists apparently are not
in any funk about reciprocity. despite
the frantic efforts of the anti -recipro-
city organs.
Scotsmen are coining to Canada in
great numbers. 1f they hare decided
to leve their own land. they (night do
worse than to throw in their lot with
Canada -and Canada might fare won se
in the matter of immigration than in
having her vacant places filled 1.y tbe
sturdy eons and buxom daughter. of
Caledonia. The Scot iv all right : the
ScottishCanadian is just a little more
eo. -
The member for \Vest Huron en-
quired in Pmliement last week as to
tbe lloverntoeot'u intentions in regard
to the appointing of Canadian rnm-
nurrial agents in United Ruts• cities,
suggesting that such +appointments
would he advisable. Mr. Fielding
agreed that there was uo reason why
Oaeada should not appoint suck reepre-
ssotaUves. •-onlrss." he said. -by
cluing so we sbould he deemed dis-
The Toronto Star protests against
the manner in which the C N. R.
bond guarantee was rushed through
the House of Commons. "with hardly
a pretense of discussion.- it pointw
out that this was decidedly in rno-
crest. with the trowtment meted out to
the reciprocity hill and comes to the
conclusion that Parliament is much
more ready to hand out special privi-
legeo to corporation• than it is to pans
• mese ure enlarging the liberties of
the common people as the reciprocity
agre.m•nt dor.. And The Star ap-
pears to he just shout right.
An ofii,-i•tl retort presented to the
Usit.d stales oenate litotes that • too
rel new -punt patty is mad. in l'amade
for 1:..•t; loss than it is made in the
1'nited states. 11 free entry of Cana-
dian paper into the t'nited Stat..
could be worurnd, the paper -making
indoetrs .d tbe continent would in the
natural .•owes1, of pronto be trooster-
ryd to Canada hut it is doehtful of the
dames cd the rsripoeity agreement
soep."ttast paper and pulp will w stn
offset Tie Pr,vindal laws prohibit
the Provisoes will recede from their hdow to protection. Therefor., they
position._ ( are utmost their utost tats discredit the
The Massey -Harris people And their I tociprocity ptopooal. It they had
trade iocreasiog to ouch an extant as I ter way teciptoc•Ity between Oas-
t° modelueoessary a large ezteaeioo ada and tbe United titat.es is say fortsro
of their anat Tonto. Additional i sad l'' any "teat would be imw
laws is 1. be secured and from 500 to
700 adds Ionil men are to be All that President Tett appear. to
ployed, and about a quarter of • mil- here done int W tan his people "nut
lion of dollars is to be spent in new the situation as he Dees it. He has
buildings. Agricultural Implements-
warned them that if they fall to take
Implements -
the product of the Massey -Hurts advantage of the present opportuatty
Company -are among the few menu• to secure better trade relations with
tactured articles affected by the reel- Canada the opportunity may not offer cared by Lydia E. NA.
y itself to them o H b of t7 �1Y�
sou ht to interfere with the of ' ._`
reduction of duty, contrary to doleful g ProDl• hem's VegetabkCompatnd
predictions. has not yet delivered the either Canada or Great Britain in
business over to the Yankees. It is their eboiee. He bas not sought to • Fox Oreek, NIL-" I have elves
significant that this extension of the dictate to them or even to advice I had pains Io tie Willa adaa a�
often atter y
procit agreement • but the minae& again. • las n
Massey -Harris plant is the result of
the increase of the oompsey's foreign
trade. In the foreign market* tbe
Canadian manufacturers must sell
their good* in competition with the
w,.rld. and the rapid development of
the Massey -Ham* business may fairly
be claimed by tree traders as evidence
in favor of the contention that condi-
tions in a Mw -tariff country are favor-
able for manufecturibg on a large
Washington. May Bit -A remtrk-
ab:e appearance before the Senate
Finance Committee yesterday after -
note was that of £rimcis J. Arend,
manager of the De Laval Separator
Oosepsny of New York. He objected
to the duty tieing removed from
cream separators, althougb he has for
years bad free swear to the Canadian
mallet and does quite a trade there.
He said it would be giving the Cana-
dian makers a big market and getting
n othing in return. He prophesied
that in five years. with the duty off,
the Massey -Harris Company would
have a ,quarter of the trade in the
United states. -some place in Can-
ada, between Buffalo and Detroit,
would be the ideal place to make
cream separators for the t w n
countries," he said, ""and if this agree-
ment passes we would be very much
inclined to eetatofieb a Newly there."
He thought two ('anadiad Senators
who are interested in making cream
separators were responsible for get-
ting this clause in tbe agreement re
moving the United States duty."
Anti reciprocity organs, which
plate .o high a value upon statements
from the otbet• side of the bonier, will
please note the complaint., as given in
the above despatch. that the Cana-
dian negotiators gut "something for
nothing' in the deal on cream separa-
The Qttawa Citizen (Conservative)
is considerably in advance of its party
on some questions. notably the ques-
tion of taxation. 1❑ a recent issue it
takes around out of Sir James Whit
ney in ilia fashion :
The little city of New Westminster,
B. 1'.. voted on the 13th of April by
nearly five to one to follow the ex-
ample. of Vancouver by ezemptiog all
real estate improvements front taxa-
tion and raising its revenue by taxing
hand values only. While Ontario is
bound by its ;.'esw
resent Aaseent Act
progress is retarded in many directions
little su�sppeeeetett by the Premier. Sir
Jetties Wbitnev-, who. judged by his
public utterances, knows little of tbe
fundamentals of taxation, and appar-
ently has no time sir inclination to
study this important question. In
fact, Sir James attitude towards this
question reminds one of the Irishman.
who. being asked if be liked lettuce.
replied : ••N.. and Oi'm glad of it. if
Oi loiked it Ofd have to eat it. end th
bate the d - stuff." Mir James does
not know mucb of this auhjeet, and be
is glad of it, for if be did understrtnd
the merits of the question he would
be pleased to permit tbe requested re-
vision of the Assessment Act : and be
hates the d--- thing because a man
named Henry (ieor•ge once endorsed it
-and that's one of his prinoipal rea-
sons for opposing it, as be stated to
the Legislature
Froin The w'ood.tock tiontinel-Review;
.1 paragraph in a recent speech on
reciprocity by President Taft has
given serious offence to some Cana-
dians who profess to Abd in the
woe!. some traces ()f an insult to this
country. Preilent Taft is scarcely
the man to go carelessly Burling in-
sults at Roy- neighboring nation. Ho
far. in internationed matters. he has
shown not only a large measure of
good sense, but a most commendable
desire for the encouragement of
peaceable and friendly relationship.
His words should therefore be care-
fully considered before being inter-
preted as an insult. This is the
offending par•a(tteph
"The forces which are at work in
England and in Caned* 'to 'separate
ber (Canada) from the United States
by a Chinese well, and to make her
part of an imperial commercial bond
reaching from England arouoa tbe
world to England again by a system
of preferential tariff. will derive an
impetus from the rejection of this
treaty : and if we would have recipro-
city, we must take it now or give it
up for ever."
Vbat is there of an inaniting char
atter in all this? It is nothuag more
t ban • plain statement of a feet as Presi-
dent Taft sees it. There ars influences
at work to prevent tie pimple of 1ALD.
ade and the people ,of the United
State. from realizing their Common
dewire cif placing their t rude relation.
on a better bailie. The tatit reformer s
or protectionist, Ie England •nd
threw in this omen-. „ bo rake their
tosptratioe and dirver..11 town them
prof... r. ,.. to too sidoptnrn • 1 fire
WS the airportralw Ytre • ,t . igrwwsent • seen•-• terms
i'dpwr+nd from to their .lesion No dnubt it trout
tossers lands play • nest is toe agree be • Now, la the anise that every
mask sod (limo la so ltkdtieod that step es Ib. &treatise of hese trade le a
them. He was talking to his own
people. as be had a perfect right to dte
and he was iet.ertpeeting for their ben-
efit et situation anyone is free to in-
terpret according to his light. He has
said nothing More then ban been mid
or implied over and over again both
in England and in Canada. There is
tun secret tuade of the fact that tbe ob-
ject of those in England and in Can-
ada who are opposing the present teci-
proclty proposal u to nusiotain • Chin- many mothers o
[amiliea to take ii, as it is the -best rem-
Me tariff wall between Canada and the tidy in the world. You can publish this
United States. President Taft was to the Paper." - Mara WILLI"
guilty of so breach of courtesy or good BoUOQG>R oz Crest N.B., Canada
meals toy f
world dimness nee
and cause sore-
ness. Lydia B.
Pinkbam's V
ble Compound bas
dope we much
goo& I am
er, digestion ls Ds1
ter, aid I ma walk
with ambition. 1
have eLoouraged
manners in saying so, and it does The above is only ant 01 ,bee ,bon- i
seem met Oboes Canadians who per -e sands st grbeingl lreceiv which are
oottstandyM being received Dthe
seekiog to And an insult to Canadians Pinkham edicin Company of Lynn,
in his words are putting themselves to Maws., which prove beyond a doubt that
a good deal of trouble to find a canoe Lydia E. Pinkha>t's VegetableCom-
of co deal t. potted made trail roots and herbs,
actually does care these obstinate dia-
1 eases of women after all other means
Sprint; on the Farm.have failed• and that every such snf-
I-tering woman owes it to herself to at
0 for th. ' inn with the spring on the hill.. I least give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta-
And the ley a•tinkle with ripple ot,riva, ' ble Compound a trial before submit-
ting to an operation. or giving pep
hope of recovery.
Mrs- Pinkirasr of Lynn. Maas..
Invites all sick women to write
her for advice. She has guided
thousands to health said her
advice is free.
wttb the Wt and the song of the robin and
And the rollick of bobolinks up lo the step.
A breath from the south with a.weet verdure
The leaar g and budding and grana. a;liut :
The warm loamy meadow, have droning and
And w bi,per of billows of clover to come.
to for the farm with the lllaoe in bloom.
Where the orchards are white with ,het:
wealth o1 perhna..
where • pink and white shower rains down on
the grans. 1
A� dept tie f a r feet ee EDUCATION I
with a fret,
1s calling you. Wby ant
prepare sow I' The lead -
tag reelcant►le bosses ofQanada •nd tiu1ted
States recognise o u r
The Sites Boise's Cs Have given thousands of
young people agood start
in lite. We can assist you.
Oar Hsme Std Courses
Offer uneztelled advan-
to those whoa attend college.
Full particulate u po n
„�e== �o��eReClinton
Business College
0E0. 8POTTOr►n►,o.nt
A LARGE SChOOL A 000D S(HOOLTHE BEST -This .chool has • oetiaeotal
reputation tor high-graade wort aped far theof its stn t.. W. have threed•partnienr..-Commerclelhorthand. sad
Telegraphy. awbitious young map sad
w -omen -botel •end at once for our large
trer catalorue. (% rite for it at ons sod
see what ou, fraduat.. aro doing. This b•good t imp ofe year for you to enteroar
classe.. Student, are mitering each weak;
(ommesoe your course at onceU. A. M eLAr Ht.AN
And leave the lu-h ',astute+ with muoibistg
And he Plongbbo, goes whistling. his task to
When work become, tdesaure, and lit ins a
0 for the farm, arid the wood, vend its .cent.
And a hunt for the woven with flower. be.
The vine+ reaching out from the great -presid-
ing root+.
'Che fetus reaching rep with their soft plumy
The tassels that fringe all tee tree; overhead.
0 give me the book of old Nature instead
Of the narrow walled city, it. probtsms and
And give inc the music of Pan. and his haunt..
1 am tired of men- 0 give back the chum.
And the sweetness and breath of the spring on
t he tum.
-Emma Playter `eabury, in N. Y. Indepeod-
An Example for Canadians
.Saturday Night -
Principal Hutton. of Toronto Chi.
versity, in • lecture recently pointed
out tbat patri•itism in England goes
without raying: that it web not nec-
essary to proclaim it from the house-
top : nor was it necessary for an Eng-
lishman to wear his heart upon his
sleeve. That he is British, that he
dearly loves Britain and will remain
British, is accepted as a matter of
course. Vi e would do well here in
Canada to take a leaf now and again
out. of tie Englishman's book of life.
The Cuckoo Parent
Montreal Herald,
Mr. Roosevelt shoots at so many
subjects that it is not surprising ,bat
be frequently hits it bulls eye. His
latest ()eject of sooro is tbe "cuckoo
parent." the father or mother ••who
deposit. the child at the school door
and tbeo goes away with tbe feeling
that ail tbe futute physical, mental
and moral welfare of the cbild lies in
the bands of tbe teacher." Canada
should thank Mr. Roosevelt for that
pbraae. We have the cuckoo parent
here in large numbers, and its com-
plaints because the other birds are not
mother, father and everything else to
Its children are s standing nuisance to
school bards and teachers.
Protection and tbe Sheep Industry.
Hamilton Times
A great httempt is made by the
United States woollen combine to
make it apbear that the protective
duty i. neoemsrp to the sheep In-
dustry of the R,epublir. Notting
could be further from tbe truth.
Great Britain hem free Oohs, and with
a territory no greater than that of a
mttderate-wi.ed State has belt s. many
sheep as are to be found in all the
forty-two States forming the Ameri-
can l'nion. Protection has not built
up the United States *beep industry.
Indeed, in Vermont_ for inetasce, it
has afmo.t entirely died out. Bet
protection has built up it great woollen
manufacturing combine, which fat -
!ens upon the taxes. oil the clothing of
the people.
Flags sad Patriotism.
Si ..od.took seanise! Regiew
A report comet from Ottawa t.. t he
effect that hereafter the Unice Jack
must Ay every day- from all public
huikiings thorewbout the eoantry
Thies ought to 1w good waw% fur die
flag -makers Whether it will be gnod
for patriotism i. ant neo Mertens The
pstrinemmi that is Nlsulated- it
world M•rtety do to Se) nourished
try flag wavtf N Rot lik,I to he of
the b or uxeo-sbtstaatrwl tttat-
ct y beat was to echoers(' pat-
notYmw .s by warning the 4mti.e of
citisea*bio 4 prop., i nowiedggr of
woo moppet telt Om flag may b* vxv
the • ni is the tesebtof a proemsIlea
tined veeNsimblaes, in-
stead MOM it, is
mo ♦ M tend to fly rpl,ty,:le
' mel isle
-tics A.
best conditions at The .-..tral Business
College of Toronto. le a .ure passport to
-uoeea . Tamaaa&a have proved it.
not investigate for yoornelf ! Our
tree o•[atp�u. ��yirtos. Write for it.
W. H. rKA\t'. Prfacloai
$ Toronto, Ont.. hits it national repu-
tation fon superior %cork. Open kll
you may obtain under the vary year. Enter now. Catalogue free.
IT PA Vii.
R F•rigere laetitute excursion to
Guelph Friday. June vth. The popu-
lar event of the season. Keep tbe
Idate clear and look for further an -
We are showing ;attract:Mee lines of WHITE
BU)USIER in a good variety of new styles at pricer
ranging from 50c up to 5.5.00 each, but the marvel-
lous values in Dainty Lawn and Mu,lin and t.inenette
Blouses at 0Stc, 1L25 and 11.50 ate-tbe best yet.
Lace Curtains
Spacial Bargein Values in Nottingba a Lace
34 garde long, new patterns, at per'pair rt1
34 yards long.lvery One quality. at, per pair. 51.5(1
50 pairs of 24 and 3 yard Curtain., bargain value
at, per pair ' ...... ... 4bC
Ladies' Wear and China
Hamilton Street
and Return
Saturday, JUas 17
[swiss (Md stab a ! am .Cassia Time
L H. AY!0. Esea rsa Mem
Leave Detroit for Goderich
Friday. Jules ll(tb. N a. no. Centre' Time. Arrive Goderich
5:91 p. in.
Goderich Bead Moonlight. AMM, p. m.. Friday the lath.
itipecial Trade leavers Goderich via G. T. Ry. to Mtratfod and
via C. P. Ry. to Myth. etc., 11:911 p. m. ()t. return from "Moors -
Leave Goderich for Detroit
Saturday .tune 17th, A:Nt a. m.. Canada time. *topping at Port
A s wrial excursion train from Berlin.. i• (i. T Rio the moon-
ing of Joon 171 h, stopping at way mistime to Holaseavilie.
From W,nglam. R.Igrave Blyth. Mc . take morning train.
lune 17th, evo.n.e-t• ae Ulinton Q M, a m with eerie" (rein for
11. odes k•b
Retoraisit to Gooier ah
ow, oft. Mr•nday ).ire 10th. 1>(IDm PoHuron
51310 p m Control Time Arrive at Orem-eh p�n t p e
(epeeist trolls leaves Iinderich nn arrival def steawoe. tr.sn Is.
..,.r in ;11.) p sa.1 •.a ((rand Tr. nk Ra to Serbia
For Detroit
.rsae...e.aNprich .•r, 1s.t trip for Detroit fcads Jas,e lith at
8::31) • tit (Note the 'true M 71 (heads time.)
IQ. Acheson A tion
Price Reductions in Carpets
\1'e have picked out • lit of Brussel& Velvet
and Tapestry Carpet. and carpet ends that we
..imply must sell this month and are offering titan
at remarkable reduction, also all Rugs are cut
away down for clearing
English Tapestry Squares
±41:3 yards
3:3 yards
3'34 yards
3z4 yards
34114 y side
English Velvet Squares
3*3 yards
3zz4; yards
3114 yards
31:34 yards
3z4 yards • ...
34:44 yet& ,-...
• Tapestry Carpet
:.P7 ioebes wide. new dings . and splendid colorings, at per
SOc flOo 75c
' Bruises Carpet
With or witbeat Mier, at per yaid..75c. 90)^, 61.00 and $1,10.
Curtain Nets
New weaves, white or Patio at per vard 15c. 20•, -25c and 40c.
Linoleums and Floor Oil Cloths
In every width from 1 to 1 yards, ranging 25e to 50c a square
P.ttl�#sM Axminster Squares
30.0U to 50.00
The Signal to January ist, only soc
Tailored to
We tailor into your clothes style,
refinement and perfect fit, and yet the
cost is no more than "good" 'ill-fitting
Martin Bros., Taa3rs
'Howell Hardware Co.
•.ye. teat neat AS
We are not advertising skates, but hot -
weather goods: things that are needed in
every household these trot days. We have
bought lines that we Can recommend, and
you will -find the prices right..
We have them from 51.00 up:
also the oveas for the stoves.
We can give you the fonds
most -suitable for your require-
reKeeaifdogHraons. re'nsot.' iotf
Priors from $1.111 to *2.50. Our
$2.00 Door is a beauty.
We make is study of what can
be done with the right goods.
We heive extra good value at
,12.30 each
Ours are the Brockville
make. We get them
direct from the factory at
the right prices, and w•
JRA. the Mast goods.
ours will kr. Ws have the best quality
getting pp the milk (nom Paint 4 few quarts left of tae
m. out 1tt nn leve tar pet quart lime.
We have heen kept extremely busy. but we are
well prepared for the rush. .t. tart have the goods,
and the clerks, to make ehopp,ng easy
Howell Ha^dtware Co., Limited