HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-5-25, Page 1Wedding Sttrtlogery Printed in up -us -dare 'Pyle hy Teo Signal J..h D'epert nista. Samples sent to any address upas 1-e- queet. ThI.SPHON F as e*X1 Y THIRD YtrLA-the, MIP 'twat. QODERICII. OKTA,BI). CANADA : MAY 25, 1911 of the aeweie l t raw l off.-, of the Signet fur1he tail anew of tar year, to new subseriliers, for THY SIGNAL PR1N. 'NG Q)" Ltd., Poathoote. FINANCIAL Capita, Rest and Undivided Profits '7,500.000 Tota Assets over $41/,000,000 MONEY OF CANADA IS POWER ttoTAttttl1HXD 1alto to help youtseIt and others. Rut it's only the money you save --•sort the money that slips through your fingers. You will find a Savings Account a great help in accumulating this power. Why not start one noon, its this Bank • interest compounded at highest current rates. Money ruay be withdrawn at any time. Goderich Branch, W. L. HORTON, Manager FOR SALE. LFAMILY LAUNCH FOR KALE,- F sit-, both s IL tease t k. it ApplyBTON.IL WAGON FOR SALE{. - LIGHT worms, w iia Resort top owed ens sae. d only e S. Amply in MRS. A. G. MACDONALD. sr J. J. Mt KWRN. at•ear. PIANO FOR SALK. - IN GOOD E•sdlti•a. <'I•r further partscalei• apply .t T?E SIGNAL OFFICE. .[j (}(3Fi FOR SETTING. - WHTT AJ v► yaadottar. Renal sendstare �b�• mgety type whore wkWerer exhibkei .SUS. ever) three at 01/001'- iia Ali fawn both pear. 11 pat 13., C. Z /I lad .!oast. Oat 1 Most limb lasses. rte_ -...p~ ��- A BA RG AIN FOR • A QUICK BUYER 1 ave ter . gsMk sabot a deckled bargrie corner Mt ea 4hesow prop soy. 81410.00 soder to market prior. For particulars see J. W. (-RAIOIE• Real Fotatc Bt.ksr. 1/4....-,........--. - - ....01 sir •- - ^� GUNI)RY'S Livery, Cab and 'Bus Stables TIFF, RED BARN South Surer. Goderich A11 our Rig.. ate New. 'Moan meet all Trains and Surinam. Particular atientinn given to calla Iron private residence. ,II'Phone No. 50. PURE LAKE ICE We wish to announce to ler customers of former Yeats and Lo the puhlic• in general that out icehouses are stocked with pure lake ice and we are prepared to supply all old and Dew customers. We are the only dealers haodliog PURE LAKE iCE CRAIGI E BROS. 'Phone Cells : Office 24 Hone.e 124 AUCTION SAi.aa. WINDING -17P BALK OF PROPERTY BY THE EXEC UToRli OF THE LATE GEORGE AuH1SUN kkITATE AT THE IIlFFERENT P1tOPERTiE! IN THE TOWN OF OOIJERICH, ON SATURDAY. JUNE 3rd. to osatmesoe at f &shoe .harp Paras! 1. -Lot 3 -. ..oath side of Earl street. on wick then 1. a lame frame dwelling and a Mame stolid, all is good repair. Thi• u the assosd lot from the American Road Machias tbettdry and Y well situated in other respects. Panel L - Lot IN. north aide 3f Nelson sumo. Ike Property 1atd7 occupied by Dr. Turnbull Yid new oocsOMd by Mr. Wilson. This it a ?Pod helot house le a good part of the town ad bar bees .good torerment to mat There L • driveway 1. hoe Brno street. doing away with driving ever laws with coal, the. 1!ared 3. Lot 03 and part of lett..( The pl•ierty ooeiOlM by Wm. Costa tip. Thin lot sirsoi No. 2. W M a oeiaioodroas bear w4 h splee4 W laws sad ground. The Exowl.rs .re dst.e4.rd teeters up the Innate. TW, i. all the property they have to tlepa at sad it will be odd. TERMT :Tee per cwt heehaws eehaws money to be paid to the Kzerilore en day of Bale : the balsaer withal, thirty days, wisp deed," will be Oren TENDUIS W aeon. Tender. veil be received by the raid 1- ecu ton up to 1 *cloth on the 3rd day of June nen for the sale of eve .bares Cully paid common rale. one bs.drnd dollars emot , in Planingalb CM.. Limited : also eighties res fuly pad stock to the Gode- rich Knitting Co.. Limited d preferred and 1.1 common'. par vlwone hundred dollar. each Far further Psruenlare appy to THtoi. GUMMY. roetsonesr• or Mr. .1 P. Rrowo for the laile.tora JUDICIAL BALK. tOUNTTICIOURT OF WIINTWOSTH. SAWYER Ve. CONNELL ['umlaut to th5 ieldgm•st ad order herein there will w die opaline dation in ore let by Mr. Thomas G.edry, at Us@ Rotel. Gods rich. on nouMay. t.Mse he 3rd day of June. A. D. 1*1l. at 11 o elect noon. the lands in the towm ship of )olborme. in the count" of Haroo. parte of late mamba. 2 aod 3 is the let e000esdoo. Wesb m divide*. described as follows - -I orn. meodim on said lot number 3 at. twist planted on the month olde of the public highway ani at the distance of 1.1 chain. and eft link. mon or ler w•.t hors the northwest .nide of the Kowa Catfish, cemetery. Thence mouth at • ✓ ight angio to the said pudic highway a chains mare or ieo to to boundary of said lot 7 at the River, thence rioted? doog the River follow- ing the .event w todlogs thereof 52 chain. more oleo to the swthweetedy angle of lot num, her 2 ie the said ooseetdou.thence oo,th 13 Moved and 41 umlaute, east 218.14. toner law to the public highway. Theses south ai degrees .set detains mac er lass ue an angle of the said high w. Thence due art along IM sostb !mit of the raid highway 14 miss aod 13 lines [bore or lose to the place of bede- O ro. nostalnlny iii mays wee or Isla Bala whines to reserve bid .ad misting ten. seal 411 .al. Tea per rent. of purchase mosey at time of .al. sod Wants 'without intrrertl to be pail tato Court with* thirty days thereafter. 115 voodoo viol turns a Reg60reri v meat amt only such document. a. an in tide . M t Ph.the purca.er make any requisition which the median are not prepared to reweave they dell aro the right to cannel the sale .ad theOposprtst►1.mer the right to obtain reswyme.t of uIn .1It. other respects the standing condition. .f thlr Cart will apply. Further petticoats from MEBSRS. MART- IN a dM ARM., Vendors'. 5glfdhe teen. Federal IAN Bolding. Hamiltee. and t Aeolis/seer. Dated We 0th day of May. A. D. 1f11. It's a standard of excellence, a household necessity : Hl.ickstoue's de- lic;oun ice cream in bulk or fancy bricks. Phone. ST€RLIII& BAlI 61P CANNA JOINT 'SAVINGS ACCOUNTS at this Hank are provend to be • great oar veCteoee to many of our customers Either of Iwo per*os" of the bou•ob*id may deposit or draw Dorney. lateral* lo /aid oe all balancer tWIY • rat. to the eves( of the death of either party. the servivie toes draw the mores. GODBR4CH BRANCH ■ •t.ap •em OOOERICH MARKETS. Tgtraepat. Nevin' h. Per p• tr. t0 9 r 5 , put ltwkper ilea Ids. sae ns,k. tar hath . par bow per Iiia . Melly. per eel erea, tar math per tea , per hen w. . Deset ow mr.molt. ...... poe td to no • arts oto' • ks to • dr FIRST PRIZE AWARDED TO A. J. • 3Y to • M BARCLAY. • 11 to • 73j •r to •f• lbnsto *w, - - Y.3to 273' a 4* t•1 r' Settlement with Kensington Furniture este a •s Co. -Fifty Dollars for Orange pet TOWN HALL PLANS. ...... :oto as M 7a a In w. ebration-Tenders For River Hill tato sw 6'a to ) s* Job. 16 tie •i* L1s•ry - � ` u to • 1• New P t1tor m ba •u to * It Potato*, Ma per M.►al tate Y op a Caws, seamy to e••(' per cwt •Mie 3 M Caul*. impart. Per cwt 1 3P s J Ts Ms _, 3 Ts is 3 73 dhow ppeerr oat 4 y to 4 30 Teem per e h aio.eer6 to to a1, ro to T .o 3• to U i slruATIONS VACANT. WANrEI►,-SERVANT FolkGEN- YRAL b.a.ewoek. amity to MR.'. A. SAUNDILltd. umbel road. WANTED. - JOINERS, ('ABINBt' makers. interne aatr►srw and paint ere wanted at odea Mistiest wages. weedy work. .apply OOGLiNGwoOD slilu.131'ILDING CL/11 PA VY, Ll YFrYD. Callas wool. out. 4t GOD.'MARI' GIRL WANTED - P.t)m Ab• shine wast t&JIOK T4od Oedea WANTED AT ONCE. -A LIVE reprmenlatire for Goderich and dis- trict. A persimmon petition wftb liberal le - decorticate tot the rata party. STONE R IyELLINGTON. I\urteryme'. Toronto. 11.11 j IVE MANOR WOMAN WANTED. L4 -far work at home paling MAO eve 11.1* per day with Apert unity to advance. Spare Use can be toes.!. N'nrb not d'MctIt *ad requires no expeneeos M'11STUN . Waked, Spading Ave., T010.10. i• 3t. A PPRENTi('ES WANTED FOR t1 the trade. of finishing and organ aeries making. Boy Tem fifteen to eighteen rearm 01 ere lee be t lrlyy hunt the different tends Required to be indentured. apply at the of- fice of the G .DF.KICH ORGAN CO., Wen street. TENDERS. MAIL CONTRACT. (LEALEI) TENDERS. ADDRESSED to the Po.tm•etor Genre'. will be res mired at . atawa end' noon, oe Friday. June Wird. l8'l. for to conveyance of Ht. M.jent,'a Mans, on a premised contract for four Ione. three timer oar week emelt way. between Lock - now and Lane., and three mend tripe per week between Lock Dow and Mafekirg. from the 1.4 October next- Prtnted notices ooutaining tun leer informa- tion as to (reedit ions of proposed noir wart may he seen aod blank form. of 'ender tnms be oh- taln.d it the po.toMees of Lockno.. lists. Mafeking and route *hors and at the omce of the Porto4a Inspector at London. G. 1'. ANDERSON. Supetiatendeat. Post office Ocean meat. Mail Serrioe Beaaal . Ottawa. May Rh. NIL FOR SALE OR TO SENT DOOMS TO RENT. - SUITABLE At for *metes or Heine mew Apply to WM. 5HARMAN. st-U /il0 HENT. -A BOARDING Hy1.-SE. 1 furnished. cent. ally lowed : ennui ere, block from the -quote: accommodation for from twelve to fifths. boarder.: .11 modern sesvwiwma Ilthando Ul J tart.-. ..j�ppl�iy to MRS- A.O. AOLO er J. Mt E IYEN. VON! TWO GOOD FARMS FOR SALE.- ▪ Cosy to W town of Oedslob. The led is 5nR-ciao, ardor! on both placer, may term!. Hay now. Lame M Rohs up. a Imo to .dd *good bendiest 1st 0 feat hostage, on Boob area mart of the W.t..n property!. Apply to THod OU IDRY. ANAL OFFICE. TO RENT. -0 N EAST sweat. !•Mees cwvwleoesa Appy at ANAL OFFICE. FARM FOR SALE.-iN COLBORNE [owa.blp, below lot 39 on Maitland ma. oared. Osetaihs iso see. of wilt Y towered with hardwwdsixteen 1a m. wheat. dxty In prosad nsaalader in mad state of hakivatlm Tft•m aro raven NM •• of M. errba.d and the dem le well ?.seed. Is a mod .ofd brick beams sod two bank barer .d the p..perty. ter further pootiodss .. a erica ?.ria one.. emir is JACIOB F LICK. s the prealaer. er Heatni ler R. '1. FARM TO RENT OK FOR SALE.- the hundred screw of wood land, being math halt .4Imo U. eonoe.nkin t, We -t Wawa- is'i. nearly all in a mood .ta* of cultivation, sad nearly all seeded down. 3(.114141 t ia• Nude With these. arse tan, .bed, eta Me tar emelt r u n . throwh prophet!. vlmrlsa stet In halwfOin tnsavrioon er i� venison oto dniebe... eras and w•to*ce. ()r the piece r a god gravid nit wbleb of kite yeah bar averaged ores- OM a 3 -ear dao .i. metes et bw'b. 7 h r further la fYertlsa _ps s B Y L1 dior trona eta ii p19 r0 YLwt WOR N. Dotha1esw. `?ALE. -- TEN ACRES EAST .lele et moot .crest, corder Bathe* sus. t. If per deet. • so, •iter trod of o.. - et tee saes or • helldlsw let in the mouth .Ue write H. A J(')RD 1N. 171 Wanderer ammo. .VI.dew. Ontario. WN PR.8.1PERTY.14a.4. Ftrest SALE. - let tom hgd..d std twe.ttgee tlD6, on wrest. to the brim of (iods.leti. sw- •s►•iarter of se sera On the nose h holt .f this PeePee*y then t. erected • .fary end •-Wf froth dwelled aped mod • bash emMi Aida .n•• wended let 165 late A.- •ea•r KirtWeds. bob tate I. sad tis Asp are. se penes,15. der -805 at llf per m•nk 710. the then at • er 4, •ad the T►• seem, eat b• 411111114a• erer• pee ee b. CS tlrao .rw. . ._Apply a eat A Preempt Source of Energy alar Letd's System Rennv a bow M • tome which rew.w• the eat a) forrK It renews serfs and mn.rolar energy resod supplies new enesR7 it does this by ineressiag appetite. by insnering hatter asiesilatiss of Mod .cod by Me- ath. .'upplylgtg r1.m eibm that 315vy to .are0Rt cis the nervone erste,*. I1M ries e' .rs.ereetive took a valsakie is all rw.k.wn sesdkisss e1 Ise t.yMmr .eq.ei.lfy tyke d by �e.siks aod Matt1..r. Oss dellklr .r�'db. K"�"�bi,ri� All the members of the town coon MI except Mayor Cameron were pies- e0t et the regular meeting of the nonoral iaat Friday evening. Actit.g Mayor Reid presided. A petition was presented from rats payers on Wellesley street asking f• r a cement walk to be laid ou that stmt between Lighthouse street and Brit- annia road. It was sent to the public works committee. Kensington Furniture Co. Proposition. A letter trove the Krnsin,lt00 Furn- iture Company was read, in which at was askra ••tbat, in order to .nsi.t us in rebuilding our plant. you accept an amount equal to the net amount of in- stallments ion our loans now past due in full settlement of arrears, and that the insurance cheques over this amount made pasabie W the town nosy be math sed over by ua. This Would enable D. to go on with our new tuildingr at once. and assure a speedy resumption of our bushman co r props footing." On motion of Councillors Nairn and Wallace the rale which directs all sorb communi- cations to be dealt with by a commit- tee first was suspended. Councillor Vanatter thea moved t hat the a,uount offered in the communication be ac- cepted. This w«c seconded by Coun- cillor Nairn and catried without ob- jection. Eztvwoa from Millbank. Geo A. Sinai), of Millbank, sent a letter stat tug that it was intended a public school «scut stun shook' be run to Goderich ou Saturday, June 10th. It was expected that attain LOOP people see ,u Id avail themselves of oppurtuni.y of visiting the lake on that dates The 'request was male th•t the excursionists be allowed the ter of the parks and be permitted tat erecta booth. The special committee will deal with the matter. Football League Application. A letter front A. M. RobetLi.on ached that tbq town football league be allowed to pee Victoria Park for practice purposes and for games and .lett 10 nee Agricultural Patk -for a siwiiar perpo-q on certain occasions. It .leo was cop -steal that the mound in the cenire of Viet our Park 1.e lev- .l1eJ. ('ouncill•.r Kell- stated he had assured Ms. Robertson that his re- quest would be wanted. Mut in reter- en'w to the tuound he advised that the boys take the matter in hand them- selves. This was approved of by the council. The rvcret:wry of the puhlic library Send asked that Siete he transferred to its account This was granted. Two letters respecting insurance on the Rooming' on furniture factory were sent 10 the special ccutuittee. Insurance [Honey tutahioo about $8,41011 wear received from the Keteiog- tnn Furniture Company. The co.u- mun.catir.ns therewith were referred to the finance committee. The Toronto Geoersl Trusts Cor- poration &eked what steps were being taken to have extra insurance placed 0o the buildings on the At, ill errop- erty during sib• period of the. 11 1.sty Camp. As th . tatter wan 8.11 w148 the Mayer ...one 'irne ago, it will he attended 1.• lit due time. To Buy Strip off Harbor Park. The Wet ern Caned* Flour Mill. co„ in a le. er tnade .n off -1r M So per foal fora -tr'p of load nn thw emwtb- went ..iter ..f Harbor Park. Thi offer was refe•r-• d to the finance committee fur a report Prises for Town Hall Placa The public wot k-. .-ototoit'Pe in its report r rommesdeJ that the prizea in the new town hall plan competition be awarded no follow! : First pelts. A. J. buck y. 0..deri, h : second pt fru. J. A. Fowler, Ooderieh : thrift' mite, Gen. W. King, T. rtnto. it was re- po.ted 'h:., the stet of • bathing Meath 10::4. containing about ten dtweln3 ,...'era, w. uld fee shout 4150 It wee n' wonted -led that Al bathing- hn ue he leu It below- the enemies hotel, .h. cost not to exceed thi. w.n.'unt, ••.d thr s•rteti1re In be built under the •oren vision of the public w... Rs r-om'nit Pe. 1t els.. w w4 recon, - m ndrd •)., t else idea ..f ,siting the ser ♦t. 1'- . year he not sot er- (•..o4. h th.t ante her watering cart 1e P,.cehased, ibis. 1.. he left in the haewl- f th. riveted tee t•. repr.rt. (to the iendortending whet t' Spence will do 08. work. it wee further rve- cwmmiee.desl that tile be f3rrialue him to eon.1,.' t a .Train n• the Huron roma from hi. property to the drain et the enrolee ret Kepis Meat. The re- port mos • .nisi -weer quietly. Orme he Orange Calsimbee The 11 '.... 00.ewittow 7410».. •ended the payrmeet el • smasher me eeeamsa end that H. Handl and R G. MeiLty he 'sold the ewe of SLOG earls as mese e • wr fall for ams elate two- d•red as tore Ilrewe11 a' the f..ewi- tore fact.- t bee 1t wee 'wA.wmgn- dee that a gent .4 elk sr tmesb to the oreilse. `ot'eiety. rhe »isms a i. be meed ?oriels ler •deweseiy /Purposes is esee eetlee faith the 12th of JtsIv tole Maine n 'p head is Oederkh O ome 'k , =flint* tont ..tlleetasen is ream 1 to tates.fmsts.t denoted to the Th. " eekshe .tlom. He theesila the /cost tllro..ld be larger He nerved that, the report he conaid- en d floors by cla•les anal hi• motion was •erosid I. Councillor Kelly When the . I.,k Rad the last clause ('ouneilkr 'mien was ready with tb molioa to make the amount NTS. Councillor Vawterr reworked that be could not see wby the amount should he increased, to which Councillor Elliwt repti-d: ' Why make it i5tt taxa then NTS ? " The answer to tb given by soared' the others was that it watt cheaper The yea end nay wet. then taken. Commodore Elliot and Kelly voted nay and Deputs Reeve Mooning. and Councillors Nairn, Clark. Vaoatter and Wallace voted yea. The motion was declared lost and the report a read was adopted. The cemetery and perks committee reported that Mr. Luzion hal been engsged asre.eiake. of the parks. a a salary of $35 per month. until such se time as it is en Ile to cancel the con traadopted .To The report we. adopte. To Retain Old School Site. 'rhe Deputy R••eve'• mot ion 111 with draw the S.. Pat. tels'r ward J•chow properly tcoin the iiiai t, no. ice 0 w6.:h '.as Riven ret a i-r•vinn' .nest,. Ing, was carried. He suggested that the cellar on the property be filled up, after which the fence might be re- moved. The idea .Pe.ueu w utero with general approval .song the aldermen. The hest medium. to he utilized for adverti'int f .r ten i e•r., for sewer ono- structiuu was the subject of some dis- OUMIun. I t. w•a. .tiggente'd 1 hat the dailies in the small cities in Western the Onto in were e I.Cat, I.u1 other7'con- tehded that the Toronto da lies were the tort. a. they were circulated in all the sandier town.. The matter was Slimily referred to the publi: works committee. Tenders for Work ea River Road. The tenders for the cutting of the d h Saltfor,11 were laid before the ss.uu- rol and it lees proposed that the time he extended for the receipt of tenders. ('ouocio..r Elliott was averse to this sod Councillor Vaoatter tbuugbt the th matter .80uld be referred to e pub - lie wink. extremities.. He did not think it edyisable to undertake the Murk Iesfere the week of the military camp. Councillor Elliott affirmed teat it lege a poor loneness proposition to ask for teatime and then not open o. Ile. It was decided at last to referen the u. •tier to the public works co- witte. . LOCAL NEWS. e Empire Day at Victoria School. Empire Day was observed by the carrying out of an excellent program at Victoria school on Tuesday after- s noon. Patriotic chortles.. twet a sung u I with entbusrasui by the boys and girls, and addrewnes approvelate to the day • were given by Rev. James 11,mil'oo, 1) Rev. r. Druga'l, Rev. Geo. E. Ro.a, Iorpeet .r Tow and W. H. Robertson. 011ie numbers on the program were solos sung hy Bert Cott and Addend McColl. piaoo solo.. by Verde Kodob, Etta Halliday and Emma Wallace, and a dialogue by Albert Baldwin and Lawrence Wasik. The boys and girls all performed their parte well. and the L choruses. which were under the direc- tion of Mr. Hunter, showed that tbe _ pupils enjoy the musi:al exercising in which they engage. Principal Tigers presided over the celebration, and, with the other teachers too the »teff, - had ►eawtn W be gr.ttiflrd with the I good *hewing maple by the school. A Big Time on June 3ro. No Firecrackers, Councillor %Vallate asked that tbe police be notified to hews the lylaw relating to the exploding of firecrackers eDtorr(d. The acting Mayor promised to a'tend to the mnattar. The Deputy Reeve intiln-.ted that some sideeamka te.luired repairing and he suggested some improvements at different plates. on emotion of Cnu'n- cillots Nairn aro! Clark the p.tt.lic works comtniue. war inot rue t' d to have the work done. The public works committee was in- structed to keit into the natter of coon ructing • sewer to the furnittue factory mod to ask for tender* for the installation of the shower baths on Um military camp ground... The council then adjourned. SUMMER SPORTS. The football game in the town league »stiles between the G. C. 1. and Victories was not played last Friday evening as scheduled, ea the students were handicapped by the in.tbility of two players to take t.berr places on the team. A. r'ngemeote are be. ug made 1for the gamer to he played at a Inter ?fate. 1 The gan.e .-f football ye-teiday ' morning hetween the Victorian led Ithe N . M. (' A. resulted in a complete victory for 18e Victories., the sour* being 8-41. C. K. MacPherson was the referee. Goderich t 1, llrerJ. 41 r, H the class of hs11 which was played by the Uodericb baseball teats ns Wedweslay afternoon is ale indication of what may be expected from the local boys throughout the selene, the prospects are that baaeb•13 will he of ,nose than peening 10101e•t to e11 loves of clean sport in Goderich thin summer. Their oppowlegtts form Mit- chell in yesterday a game played weil, 3)01 were Un*M.r to make cooneetioo. with the twisters served them 8. the Ooder.ch pitcher. E. B►N, need in the seven innings ol.y.d they secured only two bits, while the •oderieh boys baited Livingston, the Mitchell pit- cher, for Ove hit'., se -n ing s ltog..l her .Isere runs in their opponent: one. Hert Potts, of 1111nui.., officiated as iinpir•e in a very se t i • fart<ry manner. Thr Kame was call.) a. the end of the 'seventh innings to allow the Mitchell h •la u. catch the gill train for home. Below is given the net *..noel M the two teams with the mon.. bits and errors made by each player : .:4nsrean11. weft. 1. f. . n.d•at r r. trim. e. t Devise. se Writes. W 1get.,r. 1 to it 'steamboat*. t b. Y. iWen. e. 11 s e R. H. K. O e 1 • 1 5 • • 1 • 0 •. • • 1 • • • • 1 • • • Y 3 t . t i ilea les» .. w .ea gl�egr we ltrl~` thomj s isles si� Y' tJytmpashe e t Fresh sad e Re.ldIItts p dere hy � the The third annual tournament and picnic of the Huron Oouoty Rifle League is announced to be Leld at Point Farm on Saturday. June 3..1 (the King's birthday). This event promisee to be even more successful then any previous event. 0f its kind. Nearly six y prises will be awarded to the winners in the different contest*. The tears of ten Sten Staking the higher', aggregate score will take the Lesion.Leetrophy. and - the team making the .ecood highest aggregate score will he preeent.ed with the trophy don. Med by E. N. Lewis, M. P. The Huron County Rifle League and the Bank of emutileree respectively ..flet medals as that and second indi- vidual prizes. A general picnic is being arranged for and baseball aod other games will be put on in the af- ternoon. There will be music and dancing in the evening. Li..k for the posters. tioy Stout Notes The th,nks of the Roy Scouts are due M.-rv. Mesons% Mornay. Hdw- kin. and Humber for a splendid auto- mobile ride given the boys to Benton - ler on the morning of Vietorie Day. The Semite after•watde spent, the day in practical senut.nq along the river from B-nntilier to Piper's Dam. The officers would he glad to enli.t new members-hoyr front eleven to trio -stamen yews of age preferred. The fee is tett cents per month for ten months in the year, which includes Junior Y. M. C. A. membership with privileges of the room!. in the renew contest referred to last week. the Pryovimtia' ..cretary has de- eidel that Owl -so Inkster wins, am oe stood h ghost in the tests claimed to be the tno-t impnt•tant. Special men- tion should he wade .1 !Centre h Haw. kin.. who, ,thuttgh thise years younger than the other three hnys, beld Isis own with them, rto a I.,w- ance beiug made for age. The Fruit Prospects. Contrary to somewhat general ex- pectatiotn, there will not be a heavy crop of apples nest fall, so the or- chardists say. The blight that affected the tresed bowl' year hes mit yet ex- pended ita f.,ll esff.et, and rhe molt is seen in some rates in an almost tote' absence of blossom. The Baldwins - one of the lending commerrial var- ietie*-make no *bowing at All. while Northern Spin have abort one-third of the normal bloom. ?!Som. other varieties of winter a pl.s make a bet- ter showing, especially the greening. and Kings, which show a full blooms Tbe fall apples, s* well .. peers, plume and cherries, ha.. blossomed heavily and will likely he a good crop. The weather has leen favorable for the pollenisation of the blos.oms and those useful little rreattures the bees have [teen working hard. While, therefor,, the yield of 1811 will not he a phenomenal one. the prnspect. are the. there will he a good many more apples in the country next fall than tb.te were last year. An Explanation. Considerable curiosity was crested hat week by the sppearanee of the following pIregrspb on The Signal : "Empire Day. May 'bird, will ire fittingly celebrated •t V'ctoti• .cbonl. It well he an 'Empite Merviee,' with fitting decoration., vasal and instru- mental music. n• •itations aod eddies[. The young people of the Baptist church have hero invited, and Rev. Mr. Pollock will .peek nn 'The Em- pire.' R*friehn,enu will he served. All young people are invited." This was the result of en unfortunate 'unix-up" of two peragr.phs which should have eppesr•ed ?hue : "Empire Day. May gird, will he fl -- tingly ceehrat11 at Vi.:toria ocnool.•' "TM Epworth Ls:agns of North street Methodist church will bold its service next week on Monday evening. 1t will be an •Empire Service,' with fitting derntationa, vocal and instru- mental music, recitations and ad deem'. The young people of the Replica rhureh have leen Invited. and Rev. Mr. Polkwrk will .Irak on 'rhe Em- pire.' Refreshnteeata will be served, All young people are invited." Death of Harvey G. Mulholland. The death cork piece et Maple ('reek• Sask., net Friday, May 12th, of Hervey George Mnlhodland, young,st son of Mr. and Mrs. Wlll3em Mulholland, of Halme.velle, and a former r•ewideet of (lod•ri. h The deceased had not been to retinal health Ion some time *..d went West neer a year ago In the b�ere'Qps� that t1e obits*,0004 elits•ts wrw.ld move beneficial His health showed signs of lasprove.nen.t t►nwshowt the ,gw►e,.r •reel WNW: the toll 1.e west to L�Q4eyo, whir. hr t. Todeed ee ►b �wp■�p1 asd drug het '11.tyjuM ae depths the wistkpr aid rs. flew week. h.fore his demise the deceased returned to Saskatchewan. whore death coons suddenly as the result of a severe .••old, M r. Mulholland war in his twenty-eighth year. Hie early death is unnorned by his wife. wholes* Mies Alice DePendry, of Godericb, and one little daughter. Marguerite. Re is survived else by his parents and two hi Other* aer.t three sislets: Fred. of Cleveland : John, of Clinton ; Mrs. Walter tote. of Seafortb : Mrs. Fred Draper. of Goderich, and Miss Lulu, of elision. The remains were brought to O•xlerich for interment and the fusersl to.ve place Iasi Friday after - anon from the tesideoce of Mrs. De- Peudry, New��gtaa'e street. to Mahtaod cemetery. 1'b. taer•eaved relatives have the sympathy of the community in their sorrow. Harbor Notes. Th. wt1.0*1 Bluehead is being re- uu.lelled by its owner, Bert McDon- ald. The coal steamer H. N. Jex arrived 011 Wednesday with a cargo for the Big Mill. The Government is receiving tend- ers for the removal of the wreck et the barge. T«lum.eb from the harbor. Hotting promises t.. be a favorite Pastime thinear, as civet fifteen boat - homes have been erected already this eye log. The steamer Wexford is expected this week with a cargo of 12-1_6011 Mmhel, of wheat and oats for the Ele- vator Company. Thr swiliwoet lily Bell was placed in the water on Tuesday and the Dor- othy, the Bluebell and the Shamrock are atm ready for use. '1 he steamer Kaiuinietigoia washer. ors Tuesday and unloaded her car -go at the elevator and the Big Mill. Her (-ergo consisted of ROM bushels of wheat and 35,1I10 bushels of barley. Tbe steamer J. A. McKee arrived last Saturday with s cargo of 136.000 bushels of wheat and oats for tbe Sle- w -or Company. She cleared the .leer evening for Loraine to load coal. The Victoria Dsy Concert. One of the most papular concert e vent. that have taken place in Goole rich for some time wee the Oentral school entert.innsent Riven last night at Victoria Opera Hou.e. The house was filled, and as tbe progtsm pro- ceeded roceeded 18e audience grew more and mor- appreciative of the efforts of the clever hoys aod gill. who took part in it. Stege deem a'i.nta appropriate to the Imperil day.' thorn--• and solos, recitations, nnarchev, drill. and other elierciixes, and shove a 1', oh - bright feces of the youthful performe'r*, cotu- bined to make an entevta-nuent that was delightful from hegmning to end_ The program has aloe say Leen pub- li.hel in The Signal. a'.d it is not neva-aro to particularise. The May - Qle drill and dowsing of the May ueen we. One of the most. -pretentious exercises, and it w.'. ex.xuted very fine•tily: inneed, the lame might he said of ail the half-dozen drills on the program. Another effort which is worthy o1 special mention was the 'perch on -The British Empire" oorn- 'Mtand delivered by Mite Annie n -• very clever performance fer one so youthful. The program was a long one, but there was no waiting •'hetween acts," aod the whole per- form.. too ma. c'rried our. in amas•ter stile h reflected great credit upo'. Mise Sharman and her coilesgu.w of the l'. n'ral.cbAol staff. We should like to seen program of this character made an annual feature of Victoria Davin Goderich. Mr. Barclay's A ppoi ntrne nt. The people of Goderich well learn with mingled pommels and regret of i he appointment of Mr. Arthur 3. Bar- clay to a position a. architect with the Department rel Public Work. at Ot- tawa -pleasure because of the recoseni- tion of their fellow -townsman's abili- ties, end regret because of the feet flet the appoint/nest means his removal from Goderich. Another honor which ha. coma to Mr. Barclay wltbin the last few days a baa election as licentiate of the Royal institute of British Architects Before aiming to this country Mr. Barclay bad already taken a high position in he proneness. Pring a medallist or the Royal iwstitute of British Archite•rte, and he has since bad • markedly *wrongful career, and, being a young roan with hin life before him. we may expect touch of him. Mr. Bars•Iay's cnlnino to Ootierich,lwo years eau, errs in ex,nnw•tion with his appointment em architect of the new Victoria echo-rol, and the hand.nme Molding at the head of Vtcu.ria street is and will be . splendid monument to his executive skill It M ■nnouo-ed ▪ week that oh. Rs.t prize offered by the town council f•'.- plans for the new municipal building has hien won 8'. Mr. H.rclay in nsn•p-titian with the atehitrrt• of the P.••vinee. ant we tont that an rang-t»er.t• rosy Ise :.tads, whereby, in op.'s. .4 him removal to 4 )baso, the toe n may to souse extent have the benefit a his services in the superintendence of the construction of the building. Mr. Ha,r'ey experts to leave for the repital oe Saturday next. Birth he and Mrs. Barclay have made many warm friendh during their com- paratively short r•esi.-s(e in 'itodarieh. and they will he aniseed hi atrial circle. AGAIN OPEN FOR OUSINES$. 1 am pleased to amsnuare that nee doors are again open for hu*ieese. The trouble of the Inst few w...k• hat hews aired before His Banat Judge Doyle wttb the resell that we have F•a•m siren p'»miss. n1 the .fess H I G ORR RARMAlfl5 TAN RV KR will be the rosok To. .sow h sees tees entirely by e.rsAoaA and yam Slap .tepee* the more .e- .bsuss treatment Veen flee fkirldeor hasisem, A. Oi. OMISSION