The Signal, 1911-5-18, Page 7• & SOH 44j ors timers wiled to or day L18 ur he ad tier. ong I'll est, r 2d bag 3ey will his DM 4 THE SlG N A 1.: tOOD ICH, ONTARIO 0.4,449 si4949+*4'44 °+°g4+ riOcivoie*iviiiviegivointitstitoi nit sMpgWjaest Futures The News of the District.iluver71"laand"wci4t..t4.1.ck- 4445445+4454e 6P+45 464. +.x.44 +44 REID'S UORNER$. TttlatrieV. May kith. foul$$ .-elm Loft ba. returned Iwo . visit to Clinton much im- proved in health The old district erb.rul .deet wet In the Woodman Hall on Wednesday eveaiog to er- ne previous to their cuoosrt to be glue. aim Wednesday. May 8lst. at 8 ee You win miss • good deal If yeti fail to sojoy two house of roaring Laughter that .v.falg At the elmtnunioa at the Presbyterian .larch on tiebb•th Mat (lee united with the church by e.r:iAests and tee by eoofawiva... Rev. Mr. Hazard, agent for the Bible Rooi.Iy. gave a tees. in.taactive disoounoon the work l the rioeieLy on M.bbath sealing. 1.rv. C. M. Rutherford assisted at the ordination of the new eiders elected to that office in Huron cheer*. Ripley, on Monday. the llkh. WESTFIELD. MONDAY. May 15tb. Mies Lilian Clerk spent eluoday er ith hiends in Underfelt: a(otoett Snell uoderwent an opera. two for *hatless our the lunge on Sate urday but. He is doing as well as cin be especial. Me rifle club held their first 'honor tbe seamen on Saturday afternoon. A large number were present. Viet IRgA DAY KOrevtAL-The great attraction for the 24ih of May in this section will be the ice ertatn social and entertainment to be given under the empire. of the Donnybrook Speen Os Leag1e. Tees will he served from 6 to unlock. after syhieh a splendid pro - vain will he giveo, the following tabnt curving been secimrd : Miss Hattie Fletcher. of (loderieb, elocution - or : Moe Clark. of 8t, Helens, aoleiat ; Mr. Wilfred. of Wingham, soloist : the Simmons Brea, a Wingharo. mini- -.kens. uni_- kens. Admission. 15c and 2.5e. This will furnish one of the best entertain- ments held here for some time. and everybody is invited to come 5041 have . good tier. _ - -- - - ST. AUGGUSTINE TaggDAY, May Igtb. Mite Barkley spout Sunday at her home in .ishtjekt. lbe young people of t tencinity .peat a element evening together in John teddy's home Inst Friday even- ng. WI MEN's i%STITUTg MHETIN43.- The Women's Institute held a very -icor.+fol Meeting at Miss A. Hi:•,phy'a home last Wednesday atter- nmo. The attendance was good. The president, Miss Annie Flynn. or- rul.ied the Asir. Addressee were Oven by Mite Robson Tbuwpstln and Vi-.. Betsy McAllister no poults v ran - leg. Thy neatasrting is to be held in the St. Angeatine hall nn June 'god, when Miss M. Hot.on, of Parkhill, will Address the meeting. All the ladies in the vei]ity are cordially invited to attend. AT THE Ririz .ItANt:g.-Therre was a gond attend gens at rifle practice last Saturday afternoon. Following is the -tore at 2(0 yard.--pri.sihle 35: J. Brophy 27, T. NrCarn 27. T. Kearney. :11 D. McAllister 25, 0. Pollard 25, D. Tirdate 21 C. Robinson 24. E. Tiffin 2.1. T. Realtor' 24. Wen. Redmond 24. i. Hropby 23, J. Flynn 2t. R Mc'Allis- ter'•1, Win. Leidy 22. Gus Leddy 21. 1' Thompson 21. W. Thompson 22. tern. Robinette 21, M. Cummins 19. T. lu•ddy 18. E. R.ebirunn 18, John H. Hoyle life W. Craig 17. Otto Kinahan l.i. Wen. Nixon 15. J. Liddy 13. NILE. TOMMAY. May ltitb. Norge --We are pleased to report that J. Tiffin is soaking good Pree- mie toward recovery.... Rev. AI- rert Tlffn has retnroed to bis patter - ,ate and Mrs. Taylor bas returned to for home near tit. Thomas.. ..Astute nrrie leaves on Wednesday for a trip West to visit hie sister. Mrs Hoover, and other friends there Mrs. George Mci'bee. of O.derich. was the .west of her sister. Mrs. R. llcllwain, •'n Monday Mies Ruby Robinson -pent Sunday with friends in Gode- rich .. The organised Bible clamed; sleet at David Girvin's home on Wed- nesday evening. (knee Mies Tins. -A good program 1- prepared for the entertainment in the Methrdiet church on the evening fef May 24th. Rev. D lingers, of Sea- t„tth, and Rev. L Bartlett, of Dun- ginnon, will give addresses: Mr. and Mies Frannie, of London. and Mrs. Maguire. of 8e•afortb, will ripply the musical part of the pfogriem, and Mise 4 ole, of Ethel, a popular elocutionist, will render selections. Tea will he caved from A to 8 o'clock. followed by Abe program. This annual event 'order the auspices of t be Epworth League iv always • premier affair. and se an especial effort has been made this year to ensure first-class talent for the program it is expected that the •.ening will he a meet enjoyable One. Thr admission fee is Vic. and every. 1.ody i. invited. SURF SIGNS That Yoe Have Kiddy Trimble If your back to eminently aching and of josetre-rimedidoll .booting twine. ( your urine la thick and rl.wdy err yeor passages frequent, +runty end painful, your kidneva and hla4der ere ort of order. Neglect quickly twinge nn rheumatism. dlehetea I ei m- b.gn. e•istrs, eta Bnotb'e Kid- ney Puna are gusesetesi t n retiree or your money hack Thee err obs wne(d'. greatwst "M'riM for kidney and bladder V'w",)'(•. Alt Arngie M tint. or peIr"eh psid Rem tlhe pprrcc�� The R. �teed nei JAe Fla•OG., Liloilsst ort tet. sea `"+••et. J •w - by I: f:. Kinn rPiIIs LUCK NOW. MONDAY, May lith. John Hitched has disposed of hie in - tee est In the jewellery businvem berg to his former partner, Fred Arm- strong. Ou Muoday morning. May 7. thirty- e is person were received into mem- bership in the Luckoow tiletbodiet cburcb. The omen enumerators app inted for Luckonw are I)nvid Manor get. for the northern division, *.l George Potter. for the toultbern division. Joseph 1:. Agnew has hetet' ap- p.inted secretary of the C.acknow Agriculteral Society. to srtcoeed C. (i. Lode, who is leaving Lucknow for the West. Rev. T. E. Sawyer. of the .1abaeld Methodist circuit, was taken ill o] l$unday, May 7th, while condocting service. He is since reported much improved. AUBURN. W=DaraoAT. May 171.b. New's \terms -Rev. Mr. Rsithby, pastor of the 8t. Mary. Bsptist cbur,h, was visiting hie brothers and other friend, here last week Jnbn E. Jackson left vestenley for the Wast. He purposes teaching nut there fors few mouths, returning this tag to attend Norwood /School..... Rev. 11 A. Millar was c►Ned tie Hen - sell len week on acrount of the illness of his brother Min Sadie Carter returned from Clinton lase. week .. A. M. Crawford's auto from Wing - ham pealed throumb het/ yesterday en route to linderich . Ed Helwig was in (ioderich over Munday Mr. Mhertt is obliged to uss a cane the„/ days on account of an attack of rheumatism Rev. R. A. and Mrs. Millar are in OWerkh thin week at- tending district sheeting ....Mr. and Mrs. 1'. Beadle visited friends in Dun- gannon on Bnndey ..The "Old Maids" are going to give their per- b,nu/ore ar a concert in aid of the Eowortb Lague in Loode.lsoro' rIb the evening o.' May 24th. Women's Institutes of Huron County. The Provincial Government report upon the Women's Institutes of the Provin•'e, for the year 1910, contains the following information regarding the Imditutes in this ronnty : • eat Huron -187 members : 181 meetings held with a totd attendance of 1.FKi; total receipts, including bal- ance from previous year telsf.9t total expenditures, *12'J.95: balance on hand. $.iii v!1. East Huron -277 members ; et meet - in,.. held with a total ■ttendaoce of 1.385 total reseeipri. $149 11: total expenditures, 8112E r ; tetlance on hand. BM 64. South Huron -2.i members : '.1f/ m. -stings held with a teta1 attendance of 100: toW receipts. 841130 ; tool ex- penditures. 8:i7I8; balance on hand, Mi. 44. West Huron ba. eight branches : Blyth. Clioton, (snderico, Holmesvjlle, Kintail. Londe.hoori , Mt. Helena. %Nor ham. East Huron bgs the sante n her: Bleea'al.. Brussels, Ethel, Ford wich. Go. rise Jamestown. Moles- worth. Walton. Booth Humn baa only two : Bayfield and Exeter. What About Church Union 7 Many grinds stories have torn told by Methodist ministers gathered in conference. and one of I he beet is that retailed try the Rev. J weph B. Hing - ley, of Chicago. it Celle of the rase b-twe.n minister+ of rival denomina- tions to eetaltiish a church in one of the growing Montana towns. "A Baptist clergyman waw headed that way," said the Rev. Mr. Hindley, **end was discovered by a friend in one of the forward seats of the smoker as the train sped forward. "'Hush.' said the Baptist to hie friend. 'Don't mention me. There's a ('nngregational presecbee three seat• behind lis. and I'm afraid he'll heet me to Montan& i nun d,Lerminel to got these deet and establish my •burgh.' "But the Mao waw doomed to disap- pointment, for a Methodist ppreacher rode went on the cowcatcher. and waw digging the oerller by lbs time the Baptih emerged from the train." A Prompt Source of Energy. Macl.eo d's System Renovator is a tonic which renews the vital forces. it renews nerve and muscular energy and suppler+ mete energy. it does this by increasing app.. ire, by inaurine better assimilation of feed and by dir- ectly supplying elements that serve to strengthen the nervous syste►n. This reconstructive tonic is valuable in ail run-down conditions of obs system. esp.cialfy three marked by depression and nervous debility. One dollar per bottle. Manufactured by The Ms.• - i rod Medicine Co., Oedericb. For sale by B. R. Wigle, drolpti+t. Steamer Merger Completed. Montreal. May 11.-Tbe big steam- boat merger. involving the R. and 4)., Northern and inland Navigation Companies. bag been completed. All that is necessary now is the authnwlz.- tfoe from tee Government try increase the R. and 0 capital to $1gan,'U(. This will In all probability br put tbtolegh the Howe at thtawa on Fri- day nest The eserutve will be in Montreal. with divisional point• et Toronto. Sarnia, and perhaps aentber weans phot It is probable that the mane evreetofthemmhinedAtom pussiris will (alt oo R. and O o81-i.lit al though several chadors may he made According to a direr -toe. the rumen prairie receive 1115 for their bolding* in the Northern Navigation, 'w the Ac- ura at which they sequined rontrvd. The Inland .tnt't held by throe inter note will he taken over at the valua- tion of the appralsee., plus the amount decided upon ea due the com- pany for v*ated interest• In the way of ermtesrte for freight and as • rai- ning nommen Here's a Hempen Tito Weekly Ylelfs ten the Wend of this peer few Ord !/M �bsee71ht►e t' .•. en• .heed at 48. ("eel of rt. 0.1 G..dw lob. 645 'x°46444 454balt 45 464 BLYTH. TvtmoAT. Kay 19th. To BUY 8i11CTUI: Lw117 Puxr.- At the meeting of the ratepayer -e held ie Industry Hal Monday evening of this week tee discuss the raising of 85,- 011) far the purpose of paving for the electric light plant and installing a better f.►nn of fire protection, there was out a very bre* turnout. Reeve Hill was in the chair sad Brad a letter from an expert electrician showing where the low was in the present eye - tem and bow the money would be ex- pended. ♦ number a those in the audience spoke, mostly all in favor of .submitting a bylaw. It was decided to submit a bylaw to authorize the issns of debentures for 115,00 f .. twenty-dv-r vaara. 1 ERtioNAL AND (rKNERAI_- F. Mc- Intnsh is increasing the espacity 41f his mules stable by adding a wing to it for another box stall The mer - Mane of town have signed a petition in aeroedeo'e with which tory are to aass their businesses co Thursday afternoon from 1 to ff of clerk h'ooi June 15th to September 15th. This is a step h the right direction, as the mer- chants here have been tied in their stores tiro clneely John Den. holun wise in Kippen last week sod purchased a fine !eau of young horses and brought thein here to hie stables, where they will he again ants Mn.. W. Johnstone and Mrs. Dr Milne were in London last week on a business trip Mrs. ti. E. McTag- gart is visiting her mother in Clinton this week Rev. 8. A. Carriere, of Orsnd Bend, is exchanging pulpits with Rev. J. 1Small. of this piece. next S.bbatb, morning and evening. ..fee Preebyttrian Sahbath school *i11 change next Sabbath from the afternoon to the morning tar the summer menthe. W. Johnstone and D. McGill visited in London the part week Mrs. C. Hall. who has nevi) spending the past year. in the l'.wer Provinces, in at pr -sent visiting her FpFireots here before she leave. fur Orillia, where she expects to the next few months The ..pend - ing Wrack] is expected to open on fj}t- urday of this week and on May 24th it in intended to have a tournament if the weather is tavoratle. The piu.- pect. are bright for a large ,. wber- whin this year and a gd.ei ,.eaee,n H. Howard, of East R'awanosh, has moved iota town with his family.... Mr. and Mr.. Camphell, of Li -towel, .pent Sunday with their friends. Mr. end Ids.. J. Glennie. here . R. lit*watt and J. Curt visited friends in Wingbam and Brussels over Selnday;t Mrs. H. McQnarrie is at present vit.iting J. S. McKinnon and family in Tottonto .... Messrs. Fraser a n d Logan are getting their Mick and tile yard in shape for their reason . run and a -e expecting n good turnout ae u..nal. It is taro had we have not more menufactnrers in town who world employ as many hands as this firm does .. . Division Court was held' in industry Hall last Friday, Judge Holt presiding. There were only two cases on the docket : Livingstone vs. Herbs. the plaintiff losing. and Tamar. v.. Kelly, the plaintiff winning We bade. couple of days' nice rain thin week whi••h did a vast amount a good. and now everythinit is ..rowing fine Last Sunday being Mother's Div he Presto terians had a special eery e at the evening meeting In the, nate of a song service- The hymns were P. Bliss' and were sung very well by the choir. Mr. Conk in bringing rhe choit along well and now has the best choir in these parts. THE GLOBE FOR WES1tlEKN ONTARIO. Improvement in Delivery at Many Plants in the Province. Readers of The Globe at many points in the Province -and tbousar5de wbn would hare been readere lead it not been for a totally inadequate train service -will be gleaned t1 know that hereafter they will be able to enjoy their favorite paper with their break- fast. g Beginning Monday. May 8, a special G. T. R. train -'The Flying Post"- leeves Toronrn daily eseept Meindsy at 2:55 a.m.. retching London at 5:55 a. .e connecting there .with trains running north, south. east and west. • Another epeeist newspaper train leave+ Toronto for Hamilton et 4:21 a.m.. connecting at that city for all points in the Niagara district, and carrying s latee edition of The Globe. The new service means that from three to nine boors will be chopped off the time of delivery of The Ofohe at nearly every point in Ontario west of Tornotn. The (!lobe has organized a news ser- vice completely covering the -erritory affected. A bureau baa heel" est-,h- lisbed at King street. London, in charge of Mr. ('laude Managan, a thoroughly trained newspaperman. The Globe Is today a bieger paper and in all respects • better paper than at any previous time in ice history. it le in wry fa.:t as well *s name 'Can. .di. National New•peper," and the new early morning delivery thronith- nut Western and much of Northern Ontario marks • new era in Its de- ♦elopnleoL Consult your Inc..! news- dealer or write direct to Tbr Globe re suheeriptoe rates. HAIR GROWS THIN. Use Partes Sage u Tines and Prevent Baldness If soul hair b growing thinner end thinner and raining you enri.ty cwt.: R. R Wiwi* today and get • large bottle of Parisian Plage for only 60 rents 1t is sock a delightful and re- freshing dreaming that, von will like to see it regularly Pa Helen Mage a g Hama ted'o stip t•IHr.g hair and Itching avdp. to rrsdl Gate dandruff and make the hair h,str uS and radiant or money hack. There f. nothing )eat as good as Partition fleas firer yon Ret (.8. pack • sow which rnntalna the girl with 'he admen hair Sold .eel guaranteed in Aodwieh by R. R. Wig{w i,. morose thing shout scene men is darer .ry. n •K' ..f t' renselve•, CHICAGO. May Heavy rasa sod mammoth world to weakened wheat to -day from theater'. At close prices *ore 1-3c to lc eel lower. latest trading showed core 1 -lc to 1-4c down. oats 1-4c and 1-1t to tete and bog pro- ducts vary from lee dredge to • eine advance. The final tom was nrm. Dar- ing the eesstoo July ranged from SS%c to M 1-fc to M /-1c. closiarg 7-3c (a le down at M 4-4c to M 7-11e. Tb. Liverpool saarkot Mooed to. lied tower oe wheat. Rad ted ower ea seen compered with ReRWasy. Antwerp eleven lie lower on wheat Hemi*, unehaaged. Buda fest, Iil,c tester. Paris. tc higher to %tc lower. . Winnipeg Oldities, Close. Opes. High. Low. Close. W beat - ]f.7 0 Kia i% le% M� Oct lea seta et Rif s/y` Oats - Ma Jwy 3745 :iii see We Tedder Grain Meekst. Wheat. tail, bushel M 3 to 4.... Whesi. goose, b..bal. • M .... lye, b..>yl -.- • w --» Barky. hN • le .... Cats, bdsh•1 043 Bstswhest brienal • 45 •ii Pew, bushel • n • 0 Temente Dalry Market. Butter, store lots • 11 ale Butter. separator. dairy. Ilea 0 21 • M Butter, creamery, lb. rolls. • U • ■ Butter, creamery. solids• II • 3 yrs. sew -laid • 15 Cheese, ib • 14!.s • 19 IIs .Ycombe, doses .... 1 ist .... Montreal Grain and Produce. MONTREAL May 16. -Business 1• Manitoba opting wheat over the cable cottlnu.s du.l. but there is still a good den -.sod from foreign buyers for oats, for watch bids were easter and exporters re- fused to accept them. The local market was weaker and prices declined ',c to ileo per bushel. A fairly good trade was dot. In flour for local and country account. Oat. -Canadian western, No. 2. 4114c to 42c. ear lob ex store extra No. I feed. 41c to 4144c: No. 3' 4034C 4034C to 41c; No. 2 local white. 35iic to 405ic1 No. 3 local whits. 2fc to 2501Ac:. No. l local white. 310 ;,to irlbc. Flour -Manitoba sprint wheat patents, firsts. 86.35: needs. n1.10- win- ter wheat patents. Sad: strung t.akerd. 75.0; sirs -loll rollers H t0 Wit: In bags. I. Ad 8o 11.55. Rolled oats, per barrel, 14.43; bag of i5 rex.. tie. torn. Asterlean No. 3 yellow„'Mc to 41c. ]f1I1fsed-Bon, 0.- • Carlo, 172:__ _ Manitoba, 821: middlings, On- tario. 8.2to 832: shorts, Manitoba, U3; 946111111e. to 83). Ergs--Pte.h 134ic to 19c. Cheese -Western, tui c. Rutter -Choicest. Lc; second.. :1c a ZONA CATTLE MARKETS. Union Stock Yards. TORONTO, afay 15.-R,eceipts of live sleek at the ' Cnion Stock 'Yards Were 144 carloads, coediting df JONI cattle,' 23 h.os. 135 •lambs, 74 calves and 18 her -r+. Exporter's. ' • Coughlin & Co. tenon on order.. for & a d. Co. 0.1 export steers for -London, 1:11 lbs. fact:, at de. average. ' Butchers - Prime picked tits of butcher! sold at 3.e' to K.93: loads of good. $5.:n to 86.75; medium, 113% to M5.45; common. f;, 1.0 8:..5; cows, 13.5s to G.2:. bulls. 144. to 14.43. Stockers and Feeders. Short -keep feeders, 86.80 to 11..10. ord1- . ran feeders, 15.2• to 05.40;' stockers. 14.4 to M.11., -• Milker". sad sad Springers. A Itmitefnusber of milkers and spring- ers were so1.4 at prises ranging from 415 to lab trek. • Veal Calves. Pricer. for v -al calves ranged at frons 3 to S per cwt. Sheep and' Lambs. • There were some American Iambs sold as !KM to 11:.:, per cwt. 0. Dealers reportedi 311.006 for selects, fed std watered, art 16.75 for boa, Cob. can at country points. Montreal Lis Steck. 1i0NTBLAte May At the Montreal Meek yards. west end market. the �p�tw re - et of -co stock for the week endin.t Me 13 were]cattle. afar sheep end Ira• 4374 and UM calves. The on n the market the morning amounted to 1100 cattle, :4 sheep and Iambs NM hogs and 4S calves. Alto the run of cattle was somewhat kilter than a week ago. there was M further Ipre•slon In the ,ondltlon of toe market. as the fact was more than offset by the Improved quality or the stork and the increased demand for beef for local cis naumptlon, an.1 In cOnse- ete.ee a stronger feeling developed. Prices showed an advance of 10c per cwt.. eihkh, according to drovers and dealers let therm out with a snail profit on their day's trading. The market was more ac- tive than It has been of late, owing to the fact that butchers generally were pretty well cleaned out of stock and op.rated more freely. Choice steers sold at 3.23 golf, at MA to MM. fairly good, at OM to 4.110; fair, at 84.43 to 43.10, and common, at 84.25 to 11.9:4 per cwt. A weaker feeling prevailed In the mar 8e/ for Logs this morning on accoue1 01 lscreseed aurplle.. The advance in price* noted at the end of last week was al lost. but at the reduction the demand wes good frons packers and an active trade was done. wiles of ss6eaed Iota being made at 470 per cwt., weighed off the cart. The trade In small meet, was Quint, but the tone of the market was steady and prices show no Impotent change Old sheep •old at N to K. rash. ,prune' Iambs, al N to r; each, and calves at from t2 to 8:, each. as to Mac and qualltr East Buffalo Cattle Market EAST RL'IT'FALO, Max it -Cattle-Re cera. 374 • market. *(43 higand her prune steers, 111.15 to MA. b Jtchar fired.. .43 to 3.0 cows. 3 fo i. rale.•, re- ceipts, MM. market. actlee and strong cull to Choice. 14.30 to 37.50. Sheep and I.a.nbs-ftecelpts, 17,1119; market active and flet]: chole. lambs 51.2:. to 43.40. ern to fair, 3.M to 3; yearling.. IoM to t4 ser -.p. Y to 14.71. Hogs--RecOpts, 14.01 mark.t. active and 6c Maher; rerk.rs, 3.45 to UM; p1ge. 11.70; mitre. K0 to. 3.15, heavy, MO to KM. roughs, Kt. 40 Kw; Nom 3.0 to 3. New York Live Steck. NEW TORK.May 11.-11..ve.-Rae.ipta 1M bead: steer. (4c lower. bulb steady ✓ ows slow to a shade lower steers. Ki to 11.0; eatr., 3.0 to 3.10. bull., Si tr n.11 caws, M to s4 43. Calves-R.solpta. 5143 hes.. •sals firm at 3.78 to 17.78: suit., sew to Sao, but temente. M.M to 3 abep and lambs--R.relpt. 11100, steel firm lambs lac to lie . ,sher. Mlpp., sleep. M to M Ma. extra ,v misled oboe,. 1 M elfpr d lambs. 3.M ,. 3.43, *0,104 lambs, N to um eerie( ..,'•b. M5. M to 3 Foe head noon- Re e4pta 11.410 ' ...4 ,tarp- ' r" e1 31 3 o K.'a Mean, Lite. Sleek. He 4114, My 1E. 4 . .1e -it estirost.d a1 Mak Marker getrsllr 50 lower. beeves. M.0 0. 11* rex.. Pia M t to 3.1 sweetens now, 3.M to atrwkers and feeder,. 12.0 to Ka emit e nd heifers rM to, f • naves c4 4/ no 3 71. Hoge Receipts. estlattter mar - k.+. senses MOH 'r,a,.fl 3 Id' sessA- t e i•s. rr.-,rh, CU M t�1MAbYs���as�• MOW. 01 t -moi: NIL 4e. Naha *Lai to r.t "Rea 0AT, MAY 18, 1911 7 ALCOHOL thing for is • ��� ``_� e.r platy of the praparasions contain as mach as 2016 of alcohol; Scott's Emulsion ion n ot a .plop. Insist Ota having Scott's Emulsion 11M Ssti i Al'+i. SGGisa� COWAN'S PERFECTION COCOA Is rich in food value and easy to digest. It is just Cocoa, pflre Cocoa, ground from the choicest Cocos beans. Nunes asd Doctor seoosaMd its the 0 sicltnem of 0 heath. L, 1r - Mast Canadians Hare Catarrh Our Changeable Climate is Responsible. Where the atmosphere is damp, with sadden changes in temperature, almost everybody has Catarrh, in some form or other. The ordinary cold in the bead inflames and weakens the membranes lining the nose and throat, and starts a discharge. The next cold is more easily caught, and soon the patient is never quite free of it. As Catarrh develops the discharge increases - drops into the throat, es- pecially at night -and takes on an offensive odor. Besides being exceed- ingly disagreeable, there is great danger of the diaease extending to the lungs, stomach, or bowels. Though it is very difficult to cure, Father Norriscy devised a combined internal and external treatment that has cured thousands. The Tablets tone up and invigorate the system, and assist Nature in throwing off the disease, while the salve, applied up the nostrils, clean Out the discharge and heals the membrana. Combined treatment, soc at your dealer's, or from Father Horriacy Medicine Co., Ltd., Montreal, Que. ao That when you put a salve onto your child's skin, it passes through the ports and enters the blood, just as surely as if you put it into the child's stomach ? *You would not put a coarse mass of animal fat, colored by various mineral poisons (such u many crude salves art) into your child's blood by way d the stomach ? Then why do so by way of the pores? fa Take co risk. Use always the pre herbal entices provided is Zam-8.k. Z.m-Bek oestaiw no trace eel any animal al es fat, and no po oe ors mineral oaf -•r - Ing matter. From start to finish it a verde herbal. Is will heal woes. ail ors, ahem sea, eruptions. varletar 01.... cub, burns end bruYss sus. re qukkly than a•y 40105 brew. preparatroa. It Y a• ti opsit. quickly stop the ..inti el • sora .r tis. ceras pI.., ski. 'urn d wen./ .red &Mkt pebn..M:'N w a oOmWatlee rel heading power am/ seas eek p d1 y. A. k Omer who have rwrv.d 1r. M de..er.r..w. sono Aro Miehr S..• even. 1..'.., ellideniner • 1 Spring Tonics Carhartt Garments if you ooly knew the care that is exercised i11 manufacturing the Car- hartt Overalls • n d other Working liar- mellte, the pains that are taken in selecting the cloth eo that only the very best will be used, that the thread, the buttons, the buckles. everything should be of the high- est ,tunderd, you would then appreciate how superior these garments are to the imitation that .outb dealers sell, simply because they make a Tittle 1310re profit 011 them. Hold by McLEAN. BROS. Semi -Ready Tailors Men's 0utfitte . Spring .m soon be here.na s��� will i summer. you and will be and yon be needing a good tonic to prepare for the hard work of summer. We recommend and guarantee AWA V.drvro Blood Purifier \adrva� Sarsaparilla Yr1'ucu Compound Iron Pill Nadruco Purifier Nadruco Sarsaparilla Nmdruco Compound Iron Pill Nadruco Syrup Hypopbosphites Nadruco Tasteless Cod Liver Oil. If these remedies do not do as recommended your money will he returned to you. Agent for Ooderich. F. J. Butland, Druggist "The .tore that pleases.'. emeasweemeeee I 1 e.., Qe oi% BEST FENCINGN 0 0 d AT TI1I , BEST PRICES We have bought three c.uloads of the wen -known "Pittsburgh Perfect" Fencing to arrive about the end of March. This ie the lafence that islwelded by electricity, which proceed. the most of you have teen at Toronto sod London Exhibitions The uprights be- come part of the horizontal wires. Therefore it is impossible for them to slip es they do in other makes of fence. 0 For delivery from car and for cash with order we make you the following interesting prices .-wire 33 inches high, all No. 9 wire, per rod 21 c 0 -wire 441 inches high, .11 No. 9 wire. per rod . 24c 7 -wire 41 inches high, all No. 9 wire. per rod ...e M -wire 45 inches high, all No. 9 wire. per rod 31 r,' - ttwise 49 iochen high, all No. 9 wire, per rod 34e l(awir. 47 inr.ber high. all Nc.M wire. per rod 3 6 c ttOa FENCING law ire :12 inches high, all No. 9 stays,ii2 inches apart, per rod '33 c •i -wire 32 inches high, all No. 9 stays, 16 inches apart, per rod 31 iC '.-wire 32 inches high, top and bottom No. 9. others No. 11, "seri i2 inches +pert, per rod, 2 tc No. 9Coded Spring Marl Wire 'fully guaranteed) per NMI prelate 12.44) No. 12 ('oiled Spring Morel Wire (fully guaranteed I per lin pounds 3.401 Barbed Wire, per 1(n pounds. .... 2.50 These prices as .tested before are for cosh with older We will hook orders only to the extent of nut purchase, see we cannot dupli rate our oldie- for the money we are selling to you at, as there has been an advance on wire since purchasing these cars. Orden will h.• filled a. booked. COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH Are you going to roof your house or hero tbia year 1 If u.. w• ran furnishou with Metal Roofing or gt with our tarented Reedy itontines and can akin pot than ,on for you call reed en ssespes. before purchasing. How about clement i Ars vane Keene so. de. Any centrot war the. spring .w .no►►ner' We still handl. the Waned Porno Cement. the Cement that guess perfect esWtartsse Of `Shelf and Heavy Hardware sur never had a in.re-gcsr,ssaapMiete -trek Let u. Same nes van of hing heating ms.eeterw.eleio♦ sod *Mettle wiriest 0 O CHAS. C. LEE House Phone No Ila Store Phone No. 22 in 0 11 1 11 1