The Signal, 1911-5-18, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT J ise cal that oar itself. I the hast ▪ wan ever u^ you 1.. I et1 API it prime. ,OTHS r a Int of nor verde his year's rh'• Vie. and !le, grey. k. Patent No adnve te't forget Always w hit.. and W were to reduce one 1st at mirt dM ppri.g yt rid • ties ggt OCAL TOPICS tibr••rf• me members of the board present meeting of the public libraryary th! tee May -18th were Masers. Kidd, i, whot4 Strang and T1gart. Aa pinata f .rp Oso• Mortar of glo. IO for supplied ware ordered paid. librariansoil f nxn and sales for 7r-di sod papers. The books Issued demi the weariest !lotion 116,juvenileoo If ia- tesso11e R,14 anagislwe Rs—tow sy Evening Wedding. w uq pet wedding was Sprou solemnised at hors of John 1 Ian ,hest on Wednesday evening. when m. daughter, Mho Martha Mpruul, coed hand and heart with Wilbert Bertgougb, of HeosalL Rev. Geo. K. itos performed the ceremony at no'clock, in the presaoee of a few Iw- frie.dsoff the cootractiog melee. Tits beppppy to toe the present will make their house In (V suit have the best widths& of their Moods for their future happiness. Annual Meeting May 43rd. The mum/ meeting of the Women's geditute of West Huron will be held m Milnes• balk Blyth. on Tuesday, play'efed, at 1 o'clock p. rte. A aeries ;a meetings under Ib. auspices of the lostitute has bets arranged sa ful- (;twr Monday. May 211, at the home yr., McKinnon, Trafalgar street Oodsricb 13 o'clock) ; ?i ssday, May 31), soolwe.ville (8 o'clock): Wednesday. nay .11, at l.oOdeabnru (3 o'clock? Thursday. June 1, at Blyth (8 o'clock) : Today. June 2. at St. Augustine (3 o'clock): Monday. June 5, at St. y,elens i:t of clock) : Tuesday, June O. at lttatatl (3 o'clock). Killed by Drinking Lye. A sort distreesiog accident oc- curred in Goderieh township bon. work which resulted in the death of s well-known resident of the town- ihip iu the person of Jams Mcllwsin. The unfortunate man drank diluted 1, 11.1t's lye in mieteke for buttermilk. F..r years be bad horn troubled with e .touieen ailment sod had been in the bat.it ret drinking buttermilk ae a monks On the day of the a.•.•i.leot, the vessel c outeining the buttermilk tool been emptied and removed froth tie a^cuptotnel place. When Mr. Me- llo -On went to get a drink the only !noel to hr seen was one oonuio- isgthr Gillet '• lye and he took two mouthfuls of the deadly liquid before be discovered hi■ 'Mistake. Medical aid was summooed at once, antidotes were administered. lout iespite all that could be doh. hlno•i-p •ironing retia and death ensued Wedneadey afternoon. The deoeseed was eeventy- ua• yetis of age. Death of A. Osbaldeston. The death of Audrey Oahaldeston e'..k p1 toe et his horse in 1 lintou on Nuad+y. 7th inst. the deceaard wax the arrond son of the late Alexander tlshaidestuu. r Goderieb townnbip. Ake. O.boldestoe, cif (icderich. is a broth. -r. For several year the de• erased had heen a graft sufferer from rbewnati.m. Soar years ago be went to California, thinking that the wanner climate there would benefit him. No permanent cure was effected sod ;trier rteiding at Rpolende fur dare years he returned and resided in Clinton For a few months previous to Easter he was able to work • little and bad been in charge .of a maebine to the Jacks •n factory. At Rester be anted him brother in Oodetich and while here took • turn for the worse, User which time he bad been coo - teed to the house, suffering intensely until his death as stated :above. 11. - tides his brother. Alai., of Goderieh. the dere awed is survived by his wife. three little sons hie mother, and one mater. Mia Marv, all of Clinton. Death of Mrs. S. Megaw. Another connecting link with the pioneer days of Goderich hem been severed by the, demise of Mary Jane Riggs, relict of the late Sun. Megaw. whose Meath took place at the home of her (laughter in Se•forth on Sun- dry last. The deceased lady had tossed the allotted span of life by al - Most a score of years, her agt being eighty-nine years and fifteen days. Mb` was a native of Dublin. Ireland. Mit for the hist fifty years ber life bad Men associated with the retie of Huron count= from a wooded wilder- ness to its present fertility ma an Wrri- udtatsl dtstrict Since tial death of her husband eleven years ago, the k". Km .gaw bad made her hoe with her daughter, Mrs. Archibald, d **forth. Tb• Moor members of the family are Ei. A.. of Winnipeg: W H., of Vernon, B. C. t; J., of s'oiderich ; Mrs. Holmes, of Olinloe, area Mrs. Davidson, of Vancouver. All will be peeeent at the funeral to- morrow (Friday) except Mrs. David- son and S. A. Megaw. who in in Rs% iaad et present. e rentals. will be 'marred Th en -ed in M• dandb.ok cemetery, f4eaforth. The tate Mrs. gingham. By the sudden death of Mrs. Bing - heel on Tuesday, May 9th. at her bons on Wilson street. a pioneer rose 4set of this town hem been called xwey The dressed had not enjoyed goo.1 he•itb since four rears ago, at which time she wufferva • paralytic • Doke. Just • short time before her death rep Tuesday she had another stroke, which resulted fatally. Thr let. Mot Hiegbam was a daughter of th" fate Me. and Mrs. John Blake, of '( oderie.h, sod was seventy-one years "f lithe was the widow of the lata Rdwie ginngghams a prominent *Urea of Godes a who deported this life twetstytwn yens ago. The fur- members aremembees of the family are ars, G. B. (,ox. of Toronto : Alfred &airbags. of Mamdltoe, and Frank R. and Mho Bvah, of (iedeeicb. The re- mains were borne to their haat resting Were in Maitland .wewtery oe Frtd•y afternoon. The funeral w•a privet* mmd Rev. M. services were oosdneted by TrrshbelL The pallbearers were Dr. Hunter. e. O. bee, C. A. `cairn. H.Dunlop, W. Mariand Tia (tnusjey t:de k(n G. B. (hex. of Toronto. eNrompanled by bee arm. W. Z. and Mem se Fanny 11.. ate• peep,, as eb. Aemeae.L !'h. -'*."4 fYsslh have be rvwowatbv (,ti, sniff ,tn th. l.,w weic Rev. H. Ferguson to speak. Rev. Hugh Ferguson, of Stratford, a Provlaelal agent of the Children's Aid Department, was In town last week, onosallting with the local oW- eere and clergymen with • view to boidioq a meeting here in connection with the movement 1 organise local branches of chiWrao.* aid work In the other towns and villages of the coun- ty. Aa a result of the conference a mass westing mss arranged to he held In the lecture room of Knox churns next Monday evening. The pleo of genets! al conot y oeganizatioe a ill be discussed and the accede of an ezt.t.- sioo o.f the w,.rk will he presented by Mr. Ferguson. The public is cordially Invited to attend and hear this most luteresting .story. Open Meeting May 29th. The Goderich breach of t h e Women's Institute will hold an open meetiog at the horse of Mre. McKin- non, Trafalgar Street, on Monday, May Stith, at 3 o'clock. Mir M. Hot - son, Parkhill, or Mrs. K. B. Mt•Tu,k, Lucien, will lie prevent to address. the wasting. All 'adios interested will he made weleo,ue. The annual meeting of the besoeb was held on Thureodey- last. when th• following officers were elected fur the enoting year : Presi- dent, Mr -s. Charles Young: vine -presi- dent, Mrr. Swanson ; ancr•etary-wear. urer. Mien M. E. Salkeld : diretor•s for lorao.:b, Mrs. Alex. McLean, Mrs. Fowlie and Mrs. R. (i. !fawn : audi- tors. Mrs. C. Reid and Mime Porter: district directors, Mrs. W. T. Murney, Mrs. Jes. Buchanan and Mrs. Angus McKay. A Musical Treat. Thaw who hard the program pre- sented at Mr. King's recital in North street Methodist church lest Felder evening will lung remember it se an occaei'm of rare enjoyment. Every outntwr on the program added to the merit of the ent"rtainmeet : ever•• artist moored a brilliant success. Mr. Howard Russell wise heat t ily received. bis flue baritone voice end bis splendid enunciation commanding the warns appreciation of bio audience. His ..l..tiors were so varied a•i tri alt greatly to the iutrrest and plemoure with which they were beard. firs K ing, who hex deservedly woo a high place in the favor of Goderich audi- ences, added to her laurels as a vocal- ist !y bee exquisite rendering of her numheKs. Mr. A. Hoy Adams. whose popularity never wanes, contributed low ruw iitai soles -tions and had a very cordial reception. Mr. King's numbers. on the orgag and piano were given with musicianly- still. and the choruses by the choir. under alt•. Kiotc'. dile•ction, were merited by good tone and precision. Encores were numereua and the responses gen- erous. Altogether Mr. King is to he congratulated upon having given Goderich music -lovers an opportunity to spend an evenirg so plesaaatiy. Harbor Notes. The machines- for the new dredge is arriving this week. 1 paCkage freight steamer is ex- ported to make x call in the course of ■ few days. The steamer \Vesfoid arrlyld last Thursday morning with a c:arge of hrt,nist bushel. of wheat and ones for the Klevstor Company. She cleared for El 'Mpg. Obit,, the soros evening to load noel. The stealuer .1. A. M.Kre will arrive today (Thursday) with is cargo rel wheat and mite for the Elevator Company. Two drowning accidents hive been narrowly averted at the harhor dur- ing the past week. Last Thursday afternoon Melvin McNevin. the young arm of Mr. and Mee. Alex. McNevin. Victoria street. fell off the footbridge between Marlton's shipyard and the wharf. The cries of alarm raised by his two young eomp+ttinns arrested the attention of Murdoch Murray, who was on the river breakwater at the time. and in due time'hr had Mel- vin safely landed on the wharf none the worn • for his ducking. On Mon- day night ahrout 10-.30 o'clock. John Mclean. of the fishing tug Two Macs. fell off the checkwater and was not revelled until be bad risen for the third time. It is fortunate that assis- tance was at hand in each case, there- by averting n serious tragedy. John B. McKay, who has been ap- pointed weigbmarter at the Conti- nental Grain Gr.'s elevator, com- menced bis duties this week. Busy Building Season. With the advent of the spring seas- on. ell interested in the building trade experience the natal rush of work and local tradesmen report that they have sufficient work in eight to keep them busy the greater pert of the summer. The erection of that part of the plant of the organ factory which wise destroyed by fire Bast fall is nee of the lergrtt projects in the building line in Goderich for this year. A good allowing already has hewn made on tbe brickwork. The ezeavation work on thl• mite of the ad- dition to the postoffice building was eommeoced last week. The memory work. which has been awarded to • At. Marys 000tractor. w111 be gone on with at once. Nasgle sit Mills.of In- ger sell. are the contractors for MPtbe Pub- lic of the building ► proper. fie Works Inspector t it stinglast wweear as here on an omW c ioo of several sew residences have The cootreete for tbe bbeen let er and a number of citizens dill have the matter of building under ronsidere- Uon P. B. Burdett* is having a two- story brick -veneered house erected on Montreal street and tbs (ioderieb Planing Mills Co. is t ullding • similar residence on "teem .treat R. P. Man - rill is erecting a bungalow oe Wright street and Rolwrt Doak is building a cement block hoose on Eight avenue. David rftwompeon sad Janes Garrick have reeidenoss in coarse of 'teeters. Geo. Hewitt's home on the Rayfield road is being remodelled and Mr Pat- tersnn's bows on Glrwueseter terrace •len is bieg remodelled and • Iaege addition pet to it In addition to the above a owmber d rinser,* are Me - proving their rsw(denrea in different wept ) Maple Mews special every Matur- h stay Orme and be popular seal ttr7 .mat GI y n art sun 1a^ s' I8.ra1•2TTZ 4 91414110,0$ We. To Rangiest County Councillors. It has been intimated to C.waty Clerk lame that the officers of the Med Itrttlment propose to !soder a banquet lie the members 4 the eotset council during the term of the nu tory camp bene next month. The regular date for the assembling of the oouucd for the Jnlle session would be the Oth of June, but in view of the banquet proposal it is likely that the meeting will be postooned to Tuesday. June 'nth, and Duct the baogoet will be heti come evenln, the elute week. 24th of May, Band Concert The :i!ied Regiment band will give its first outdoor concert of the swoon on the Samos on the afternoon of Victoria Day, Following is the pro- gram , to nommen a at 3 o'clock : 1.—"Gar Nation. Pry•• L-`l'araller Rn.tleena.' S.—Overture "Peet and Passant.. 4.—Yards Cdawet. t—Waltz-Love Thear to t= Jarry earnlvar f.—"Tea,. Medley. t—•-re.ur•e Mr' a—M.teb '•United i�atra •rioa !tare tie Yiaa. Wanted by Two Congregations. The following from yesterday's Tor- onto Globe refers to the son of C. Seager. county Crown attorney, Goderich : The congregation of Grace church. Elm street, will today submit to Bishop J. F. Sweeny the mune of Rev. C. A. Seager•• whom they have selected to become their rector. Croon G. L. Starr, of Kingston, accepted the invitoinn to become rector of the church, but this week circuwa'ances ar•.,.e which compelled bim to with- drew his ac'eptance. The decisioo of Canon Starr was quite nnexperted by the congregation, who were ca'led together and inform- ed that it would be necessary to again the ) to office of the sawn Cour look fair a rector. The cbuimittee who p(tny Un the eve of his departure ha.l the mutter to hand hive ninon decided that Rev..C. A. Seager should •••• in•-ited to take up work at Grace thumb.• ns been deemed wise to take prompt action. for Rev. Mr. Seager be now considering an invitation to be- come rector of the Anglican church at New Westminster. The eongr•e- gation of this church in considered to her one of the wealthiest in Canada, and the charge is, therefore, coosid- ered.one much desired. Hie decision 01.1.4 be spade st once and the invite- ri.,n to hi.n to remain in Toronto and 1..- ere t•octor ofi (iraoe church fnwarded to him today by Bishwillobep Stv.eoy, Tbe new Greet- church is t.. he Ire eased rep on College Heights, where litany of the tnen,b.rs have !moved lately. The building on Elie street will 1,. aild, and the pro -reds used to erect, the new edifice. Some large subscriptions have br"o prwruised to- be took the note for the amount. B's wards the funding fund by leading mortgage cud all that it calls for citizens who will become members of tike priority over the mortgage held the church. by C. The comuutter, therefor*. hope the invitation to become motor of the To- ronto church will he carefully consid- ered by Rev. Mr. Seager. Rev. Mr. Seager is at present rec- tor of St. Cypriaai r .Anglican church at tbe' corner of Folli. and Manning avenues. The parish las grown rap- idly Mao. Rev. Mr. Seager breams rector Some years agn. All the or- ganizations have prospered and tbe r oogrsttatioo will he sorry to lore LOCAL TOPICS 114 BRIEF. H., a you eel -hes the..print homes -cleaning! Rem ember twat W llrner Smlti. Yost .meet, waken wn.dow shadow any sirs. to order. Alm headquarters for picture -framing. !thaw that hummer suit- Have yon lltt your order yet with Patna= the Tailor. who g uarantees wen, fit and workman blpr Call and see the extensive amortaaeot of elegant and esrnet gouda tor.ammser wear. Supt.. Forrester. of the G. T. R., cow in town on Wednesday on an official y isiL The wet weather interfered with the work of •'clean-up day." Why not have another one ? The Doty engine Works (:owpany shipped a carload of hoisting engines and boilers to Winnipeg on Wednes- day. T. W. Harrison, otpanizer for the Sons of Scotland, is in town working up the membership of Inverness Camp. A hasebfill game between Mitchell e nd Goderich will be played in Gode- rich on the 24th of May. Turn out told help the buyp. The monthly meeting of Ahmeek Chapter, Daughters of the Empire, will be held in the court house next Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Arrangements sena he made for a day's sport on the may green on the 24th of May. The executive oom- inittes bag the matter in hand. in the results of the second -year examinations of the Winnipeg Medi- cal Gillette the tame of Frank Turner appears In tbe list of successful stud- ents. %V. A. Chisholm has been appniated one of the areas enumerators for Godericb. taking the pleoe of J. C. Le Touzel. who on account of illness is unable to undertake the work. Bert Pieter. the young mac on whom sentiment was suspended sem • larceny charge. in order to enable him to .ie ure work, secured a position on the steamer Wexford and left Gode- rich last Thursday. The "Indian lister" whose case wail adjourned to Friday of last week was convicted by Magistrate Butler and lined $10 and coats. Tbe prosecution was unable to secure evidence to con- vict the person who void the liquor. A joint meetinit of the tows council and the Board of Trade eminences to !state further ar•rwogeaeote for the military estop was held oo Tae.day evening. Committees were appoieted to enrol In traesporytioo and ether mattes. t hwsa. ad be havrthe enumerators for divisions of the rldiog iu town ping o4 tbs inta ectiotu to IL H. Ayer, es oo agent of the White Star Lina,' blsal pres- ence about tows this w Ile was acoompas,led by his assist at, A. A- McCutohsoo, acid they were attend- ing to the advertising a.d other arra+�,[et�teoto for the popular Grey - bound trip to Detroit ot. Time 17th. The result of the •xamlaatiooe of the School of Practical Science, Tor- ooto. have been announced. G. R. Elliott has taken b000re in his third yyoar In otvil eagtoeerieg. Walter L tiaaroden and Herbert M. Smith are .uocesatui in their finhyear examina- tion. foe tbe degree of bachelor of ap- plied assess.. Empire Day, May lUrd, will be ft - tingly crleheated at Victoria school. It will he an **Empire Service," with fitting decorations, vocal and instru- mental music, recitations and ad- dress. The young people of the Bap - Bet church have been larked. and Rev. Mr. Pollock will speak oo "The Respire." Refreshmente will be nerved. AU youog people ere invited. W. R. Pinder bar been awarded the contract to supply the piping end other supplies treoeseary for tbe in- ewletioo of the water service ■t the military camp His contract price was $445.80. The pump and boiler have been secured from the Doty En- gine Works and an engine belonging to J. T. Goldthorpe will saw be util- ized. John Page, who has held the posi tion of bookkeeper in tbe after of the Western Canada Flour Mills Co. at t4oderich for the past levee years, left for Toronto on Wednesday, having been mod to a similar position in week the v the employees of the Big Mill pre- sented bim with a handsome gold watch as a token of the amicable feel- ing existing between them. Jack has a hod of friends in town who will join in wishing bim succe.. in the Queen Oily. A Question of Law. From The Mail and F.mpto H. H. R., Goderich.—Q. —A\ gave a find mortgage to B and a second mortgage to (7. When the interest on B's mortgage came dam, A did not pay it, but gave B a note for the amount at a higher rate of interest. Afterwards A made ao assignment. is the note held by B prefer"retial to C's mortgage claim Ans.—The n..te did not pay the in- terest upon his IB's) mortgage. At most, it was merely an extentner of time. '1'be interest can still be claimed by H. notwithstanding that ANNOUNCEMENTS. Ice cream—all flavors. fresh every day. st Bvaoarre'e Balinoral Only fail* once in it hundred—Magic Corn Cure. Hold by fir 11. Wigle, drug gist It's a stsodae,d of excellence, n :wu.ehold necessity : Black.tone's de- liciou( irx cream is bulk or fancy bricks. Phone 240: There is • revival •of the effort to form • hewhall imam. for the towels of this distriet. Tb. slob .zpes•t d to join ars Clinton Mitchell. Oicidreirb and pnsdhly Biyth. Tb. organisation meeting May a plasm in Gb oderis on the y The grounds were trio damp to allow the foe -hall game between the G. C T and the ti M CA. in the taws Crepes• arise to tis played on Tnesdey evening Tomorrow fl y) evening t h. A. O. 1 teats meta the Victimise. pr•o/iji_R the gr endo ate sen shape . Keerb, eerier orramisekiewe \Vileoo'a icon Pills are the beet Mood -builder we know of. Mold by R. R. Wigle, dntggiet, (.oderich, Oat. Go t.. the GODEEII H Qt'icg LUNCH for pure ice cream and fancy sundaes. the best of hotwe-made candies arid fine chocolates. Lunches served at all hours. A STMER FOR LAKE HURON PORTS. Our Challenge If 11'e • ring, a necklace. chain, or bronchi, or whatever it is, put our prices alongsiie of the all order offers. It isn't likely that atter you do this you will have the slightest desire to send your Cooney away. Beleausu you will have nu reason for doing so. Try it sod see. We match all prices and qualities sod styles and every- thing else. J. S. Davey Jeweller and Optician South side of Square, Goderich Special attention given to REPAIRS PIEINCEGCOIEfiPAr I1OT[E. Assistance of Dominion Government May Be Secured. Soutbamptoo, May 7.- Southamp- ton is waiting with keen interest the answer of the Lk,minino Government to tbe prayer of a recent deputation from this and other poiots fora steam- ship subsidy this summer. As a sum - mei res.rrt of growing importance the town needs a passenger ete•rteer call- ing here, and the amount of freight business from Southampton would be considerable, provided the •.»vice was regular, which has not always been the case in other years. A shipper whose goods are left standing on the wharf one trip is not likely to make any mord experiments, especially if the oonsigotnent ie perishable. it is recalled that a man wbo took passage on the King Edward one sum- mer for the purpose of act lag es best Wean at a Southampton wedding had to drive here from Kincardine, Mune twenty-five miles. to make sure of be- ing present at the ceremony. Tbe captain would cot promise to call here on the up tip, although he did actu- ally do so. Hon. Mr. Pugs). „ on bin tour of Lake Huron porta last summer. *fated, so it le said, that a requ,.t for a sub- sidy for a s(-a.nebip line of gbt be ex- pected to toeet with tav,, , and it is boned that at rangeneot.e ((my be ro.s- Dieted in time to maitre a service this summer. Southampton bas even .elrct.ed the vessel in reuline.ait it is the Majestic, of the Northern Navigeti.on Oompeny. Port Elgin, on the other head, is urg- ing a smaller boat. bedsit*, it ia more then doubtful if the harbor there would provide auffisieot ,cater for • vessel of the Majeslo'. draught. Port Elgin is having a cement dock built oro the east side, sad will have some dredging dons mow but, ercording to Southampton patriot*. "Port Stab bas no harbor and never will have. ImpeoYemenite are •tllut In he Grade here also. The breakwater is to OW es - tended in .oder to put the sea west of Atlantic pier. konthamptosa'a fishing fleet eonsinte ret four tugs and a doom smell Aosta. sed the work of est chow sad abippisg Rah to Buffalo is going .o• vllrernsdy Jost cow. I fav tl eek Ssrtnp wan be t,..0 d.re. - Sag a% nese-r..'..,. ,.,µ-,.ret..-•• a en Mho the Sunday. May R'Itn, saniv .ervteee will he held in ' be (i Haptiet shoo h, both .r. MOOS to he premised by Nev. J. Pollock. The aftetraonis n.Mns wW Ian M el r'gr of the Sunda schoolfoldtd an ex tea program wischool ll be op vee by the sondes.. On Monday evening. f"asi 8 re e o'nkrek. the ano.vetwary tea w.11 he .errvnd In the 5. p.eeet of the ebureit by the (RAW.. .4 the •ragrep stlor. TAY will he fritiewesl by a leaser. cry Rev. Mr. Politick ou ►ale is 11.. Mame." The adesisMnn tto the tea eieff•nf c.ot of bee war.. dead this and h^Deer• 4. phew., at 'Leo. Three Blocks from Union Station In the centre of Theatre, Shopping and Business District 250 Rooms loo with Private Bathe EUROPEAN and AMMAN /148 A la garter Resturat.t At Reasonable Prima CANADIAN PACs F$C Great Lakes Service FIVE SAILINGS WEEKLY TO Soo, Port Arthur Fort ,William Daily except Fr.day and Sunday from Owen Sound Cooneetiog Train Leaves Tomato at Soo a.m. Ask Agent for Particulars JOS. KIDD. Agent, Goderich. Sommer Millinery EVERYTHING DESIRABLE FOR SUMMER MILLINERY, IN STYLE, QUALITY AND PRICE, ON DISPLAY AT MISS DONOGH'S F R 0 M NOW UNTIL THE END OF THE SEASON. INSPEC- TION NSPEC- TION CORDIALLY INVITED MISS DONOGH WHAT IS LACQUERET Iacqueret is s peerless wood preservative and beau- tifier. It works freely, drip hard quickly. prndmees a high lustre and ie very durably. You can use it with perfect satisfaction anywhere—on floors, ceilings, wains- coting, doors, furniture, etc. It is a veritable panacea : it cures all woodwork ailmente. flartin a Senour Paint 100 PER CENT. PURE is sold subject to chemical analysis. This means that you can take ant can of "Martin-Senour" Paint off our shelves, and have it analyzed by any reliahle chemist. If ysu do not find it sheolutely pure and exactlyas we claim, we will pay the charge& and make you a present of $:v• for your ttoubfe. We are sole agents in Goderich. FRED HUNT .'Iun.brng. leeat.nt EawetrougM.q and General Hardware. Hamilton Street Ale aeteseNerantanearriessWinenseuraieessainsir Are Your Kidneys • , Working Properly?, It Will Pay You Well a Mike Raga There's been a lot a "guessing" about rheumatism and rheumatic pains reser- ally, but you can be dead sure that fink. pain across your truck came trom de- creased kidney action. The Lidnevts ditty is to filter the blood - take out the impurities collected by the rrturnin; blood stream—do ft just hese absorbent cotton in a fu$nri alters the impurities from polluted water. Hien the kidneys are not working you ce bowel 4-•r ex of two courses--Dia- hetes ourses--iDir`rtes ant Rrieht"s Disease or Rheum's - toes 1 setliaj•i •s riatina. The for- mer enol.. is trsuaily omit!, and the latter n!way. paintal, hut you need not have either.:.: they both clan be easil7 pre- vrme.l The .,cry best pre-eripeion for an kid- ney tr.obkks is Nval's Stour Root Com- pound It is no " intent " medicine. but a scientific prescription composed ,t St.n eroot, Ruche, Juniper and other remedies of proved valor. More than dint, it las been proved by thousands who have had ;lad relief from its use. Ther', nothing Tule so miserable as the draggingmalts of sick kidneys. You are trilling with your own future when you neglect so simple a precaution, as a pleasant home treatment with Nyal's Stone Root Compound who remits are. eu certain It scour bladder 'irritation, glues you rest and comfort at sight, and makes ik ran more enjoyable The kidneys, hoer and bladder are all Shine decor optse oar soother, yarn tWgasd to help them all psrtlptlas� Sold .d guaranteed by F J 'JUTLAND 5 R HICK K C DUNLOP E R WIGLR t.VDRRI• H Ono fear each everyday shwa 1 'THE NEWEST AND SMARTEST • BLOUSES We are showing attractive* .lines of WHITE BLOUSES in a good variety of new styles at prices ranging tram hoc up to M.00 each, hut the warmel- s loin values in Dainty Lawn and Mudie and Linsoette Blotter, at Me, 11.5 and 11.50 are;tbe beet yeL Lace Curtains Special Bargain Values in Nottingham Lace Curtains. :4 yard', long, new patterns, at per pair. 44k :Si yards long.lvery fine timidity, at, per pair. 01.5(1 5e1 pain of 24 and 3 y.ud Curtalas. bargain value at, per pair .. ......... 45c JOHN STEAD Ladies' Wear and China Hamilton Street Saturday, Juke 17 STEAMILK (REYHOUNi) Leaves (todericb s fs arm .('aesda Tlrne C H. AYER. Etcun,ion Agent 1 TINERARY Leave Detroit for Goderieb Friday, June lbth, g •. m.. Central Time. Arrive Goderich 5:30p m. Goderieb Band Moonlight. 8411 p. ni., Friday the 18th. (!Special Train leaves Goderich via G. T. Ry. too Stratford find vi• O. P. Ry. to Blyth, eta.. 11::84 p. m. on return from "Moo.- lighL") Leave Goderieh for Detroit Saturday. June 17tb, Il:.i1 a ni Canada time. stopping at Pert H uroo. A arterial excursion train from Kerlin, via (1. T Ry., the mot ing of lune 17th, stopping •t way stations to Hoimesville. From WIngham, Begone•.. Blyth. etc., take morning train. June 17th, oonnests al, (%limon 14 40 a. en. with spe Dal train lot Goderieh. Returning to Goderieh Leave Detroit. Moodiest. .lune IAth, 1414 p Peer NUM.. Por 6�p m., Genteel Time Arrive at (hiderich u:'f0 p. m. Hpseeial train leaves Goderich on arrival of Mt.* .s from D• trait 10+*1 p m ' via (4rarad Truitt R. to Bselkn For Detroit leave Gorier,. h Ar. partsolo for Detroit, lseek; Jens *kb at w 4) e s Vote ea. time e•MI caned* Dias. WHITE STAR LINE a