HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-5-18, Page 3THE ORD=INAL AND ONLY GENUINE I5EW♦RF OF IMITA- TIONS. SOLD ON THE MERITS OF ,t (al ..,14e$410.4.�.« •, - f.:Yl`!i 'r, a�w rJ�i' 1'ts�st:+aJf`..zl�'.fx'1 THE SIGNAL, : ii01)EItIt'11 ONTARIO 'Yewei of the Sistriet. Mrs. Wesley Heywood, ul Ushr•rne, r=age was ronsuourneord. when r•e-to died uo Friday, May 5th, aged testy• were prawul (torn leen ,4nL. 11_,a....11 SNIP yeah. and uTdltbrr p/.cew. Mr. and aft -s. Miss I''lytter, saa--CoaRWts wedding. ot Wellington, New 'Zealand, are visit- ing lenitives at Exeter. (tuj�•ssSwtuda)', M.y tl•h. Min. 11.7 Peter Ito,tbdrmel, ewe of the early Fin olein .i hIin. dhiin,lrif t'prtar ttima. - setUees of Hsy tuw'nabip, died on I 1 relic, nal M1 r. hIingblis, of r b htee.day of last week, aged righty Princess avenue. Loudon, sae. war- ye5re.who moved West from HUCILM county ri�11 to Ur W. J. Tillwao Ay Bisb••f. Thomas Hi►kp, of Ate.ia, Seek., Fallon. The ce,rwuoy, wbieo trek place in the Hisbop'r chapel in N• Peters Palace. Landon. era. • quart one. owing to the atoms of the grown. Miss Eche Coughlin. cou•Io of the bi ids, was bridesmaid and Norhit Cor- coran. nephew of the go00te, wee beet wan. In. Tilln.an ha. been ill I. r ibe past two wrecks, buffeting from a err• you. breakdown, end Lis phys.cien. have ordered him ale'Ad. Isn't for ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Thiol .Il left for Toronto and from Gide they will go to New York. whence ,bey will sail for Europe. They wi 1 to nano about three mouths end *to vis t Ir. - laod, Sco.land and Germany. in the year left ie deed, aged seventy- six years. The IOU acme known w the alba" pe farm, on the bth line of Moon', has teen purcbsaed from George Keys by Allan Speir. John Story, of Grey township. is in Wingbam &capital suffering front a compound fracture of berth bonen of C the right leg. IINARD'S Mrs. James Carn=e, of the Brunson line, Stanley, died at St. Joseph's bore LINI/ENT(alai, Lundtw, un Wednesday imoi'n- iug of last week. BOOK BINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LiBRARIES ;land or repaired. GOLD LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS A110,600. au.d.d W 0a leaving then at TH SIOSAL Oodsrteh. A. E. TAYLOR, fSTaATTman CIVIL ENGINEERING VAUGHAN M. KU ITS. CIVIL vel B)d+wabe gaa•.•r. Oatarle lead ollbso-IdoLeaa lfseak. Gol.r)ea, owner Mastesal asst. Ts1.Woa. IT:. MEDICAL DIL W. F. CALLOW M. B. Vi)Moe.ad ,akineses North ems., Goderfeb. earth of toasty tteseary oiler T.Ispb.e. 11. LEGAL DitWUL 1 OUT. HAYS k i(ILLuR- 1 AN. hamster., verb:bora notaries subtle pectora 1. lbs Mariuiae Court. ate. Private triads W Mud at lowest rata* of interval Whoa. Loa side [quare. God.rieb_ W. KRUViYUIYt h.. C., it t.. HAYS. J. t- P1LLoKAN. 1,11 G. CAMERON, K. C.. BARRIS- 7EK..olleitse. astaer psWfc- 011010- swathes dtz tet, UMatiest. Wird dear from Sows. CHARLES OARRO W . LLB., BA f KIMTIGt. attersays. •olicitor..t... and. .,c . MWasi to lied M tow wa rots. 1e0. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER eiH lot. reluiesi,uer..otary public t♦pse Ma ()too sumint t,ad.ric14 wt. INSURANCE. LOANS, ETC. • 1I ct1LLG? MUTUAL FIRE IN dl 60 M 6 N C k CU.—tars sod waisted Wan escapism assrea- Utn.are--J. b. Molarn, Prim. Ssaturtb P.0 Js. Caonour. Vivo—rpm. t.adarlea e. u.. Thomas kr Daps fisc- - I r.... easN,tb P. 0' UMraetors — M a. t arael .. newfortS : Joan U. Wises. Winthrop; w ill..O K,nu. teDatas+e; Jobe H.an.w.r., moo wino: Jamas Kvsus. Hoseawood : Jinn a .u, uariuea ; )lalcuam Meawen, bre40S field. ageut.: _ Ha m * ; J5.. lu.w0 . aamat.l ,ifs its Haase* !lla:alel. 05.20, W- rower -Duster* sou par wawsbt. sou set theta cawss rew.pteu al Tow a ruawoe, t tiptoe. or u It FL (Anti. O,0wry. [lantaa street. 0edarleh. ,I, PRIVATE FUNDS TO to 000 loan. Amity to M. O. CAM- a1U.: Brrrtuer. rtamilien street liod.r,ca. Ili . R. ROBERTSON. y •INSURANCE AGENT. tea Asti Lina NINA : HtWs , Canadian and American. CcaDaNr. ISICINalaa AND sairaormts' Li. am - ITT 'I1e 0e550 Aootd.dt and Ooarwn105 „orporstloe. Limited. of 1.ud00. kelt. VID.LIT1 AND VtVA*ANlu BONDS : The 1..8.1 Fidelity sad Guarantee lam I Fie Wier a d rin_ etvo.. cert bee corner d of ie and 5t. David's streets. JOHN W. CRAIOWK, L'FK, FIRE and accident. lasar&000. Agent tea leading ^latwr1 and Hoek oomp5.54 . Insterfous to W • 5d.eted On bee. Wass and at lowest rat o. ..all 51 WOOS. carom M eft enema and Moore Os damn J. W. U)WNIb., tsedwlea. that Nene shoo. M NAREIAGE LICENSES W AL'1 K!t hs A1tiLLY, J. P.. OODLRLUH. ONfT'. ISSUER OF KARELAOS LICENSES. LAN188UER RI OF MAR - W ..inti Itsesem. t1.deriek Ont. ERA VINO PAR Los UR;DFORD BLOCK BAttBKRr1HOP- A1 -1k w.11-kaows and popular stall loon Ite patrons tar bait wrvios ts Aortae Wraattlna• .t0.. euo. Ladies nhampOM•t e o.e.eisIt/• oat7 sidled Sande wNored- low p•trease• 0611 M spg,adabad. H. B. 111EWlK11, l ,0001.ter. ARCHITECTURE ARTHUR J. BARCLAY, MEDAL WWI Royal Institute If1t1.4 Arektteeu I.wddeeo.-A.alt. lunar. lieowILla Plaut. dr Who and et scatestlless prepare/ err reideses o d public b.,:Qt•p.. 1 orromm060eoa AUCTiONEERINO 1IIUNAt1 UhNUR Y, LIVh0BU(.k no a ....rwr ruotreo.w. Other on Desna stew • w b. re 'r wie be bend at all Use.s when nn r.71nR *sift. Terme ,w.us.bls rad crit)a. *du toed to 5115 you aatratostio • Rev. Ur. Rose, a former pastor of Melville church, Br,u,srle, ha, resigned his prereot charge et Port Dalhousie, owing to ill-bealtb, Clayton Proctor, teacher of S. S. No. 15, Uiey. has been re-engaged fur another year at a salary of 1625. This 1. 11.o more titan last year. A quiet wro+diog at Winghsui was the marriage of Miss Olive F'itzsim- umono to IN m. Martin, of Winghaw Juoction Rev. Ur. Rutledge offici- A Slick Game. Exeter Advocate : The old epee- tacle racket was worked or town Thursday last by a glib -tongued young man about twenty years of age. His wiasinn, u usu.!, was to sell some u.efnl hr•rset..1 article -this time can ape nets -111 before leaving he would intr . du. e . h spectacle gs.ur. As he weer fre mt house to Louse pis sru, y was u hilt 1,e had just aniir.l' homes C. -nodes mud •led• whit. their bed pocked tip fi one to, Mrs. \V=illain Cowan, of Bad Axe, stlret a pair o1 gold -e=ndued spr.•- Micbigan, a cousin of NO m. and Ed- t.iie*. He n.qu Seo and . tul.l find no owner and ail • hey were o1 nt. 1450 11, h.•would -el. thein ober.►.-a dcl lar. Th, sr wt..,, ',ought w•it have tetter idea of their ' low gem" after thwarting the • pr. tacIe- ,, few dry.. Time the old a45.lte •gam spell..., fool end his enemy sown pat 1. d." ward GI.u, of Stanley, and Mrs. Frwuk =)'VAIs of Clinton, died on Dun - day, April ankh. Mos. Wm. Rands, a former resident of Morrie township, died at \Vresiug- too Sponge, South Dakota, on Turn day. May 2i.d. Mbe was eighty-five yeses ot age. E. W. Lewis is dead at his home at Wroxeter after an illness of several weeks. He was ,n his fifty -remold year. He is survived by bas widow and one daughter. Alva We.tcott, son of Mrs;. West- cott, of Seafmtie who went to Cal- gary Inst summer, is going into burl - nese at Habkirk, Alta., with Eel. Cud - none, of Kippen. George Muldu.,n, of Bruamcls, ham leased the W. H. Maunders farm five miles south of Brunets, in Monis township, for this year. The farts is nearly ail in gram-. Mrs. James Livens, ot Ingersoll, well known na Grey towppchip, wan found dead on the kitchen nom in her home by her husband • few day's ago. Hart fa=lter was the cause ot death. Dr. el. S. Hackwell, a former resit dem of McKillop, died at Cbicagn at Um early- age of thirty-three years. He had wren a sufferer from menin- gitis for severs! months. His widow survives him. Mrs. Joan McIntosh and family,• of Ethel, moved lest week to Stlatto/d, where they will reside. Before their demo (lure the W. K. M. 8. of the Pres - I vtrnan cbuteh presented Mrs. Mc - !Marsh with a tan.y roeking-chair. MI/SIC _ _ ��OUBRII H OONBERVATORY OF lT NL ell Irma. L L (. M. Lashed,. r T.C. IS 17aros,o. erg•ru.n Kana armee vane eel sora areas sad peas hara.rey eo ollwebbbw• um A C t ossa Saba bara.^S7 4t.lna0 nett. eV Mir. AMDwtwe 'Radon:arts. ial NaMir Munn as .4-115. A. F. wowsno mend.ba manor ..d l•w.eaa Ter Woe motion as t5 memo ere ,ver/ 41 IM 'Ware* .tart W. J. MUIR & CO. UNDERTAKER( AND aHIIALMfR• (a�.1aa�.�e Prbswr ,a wase ip4 d nese Lae opoodea Roaplit5its.c rl.iew. 1. 1 the great public questions of the day t. r 1ra•5u by r.• . bnei c .n vera t.••n with him. .1 ..t u..w Engl./id ,. ail 511,•K whh prpm alien for ibis co- : .yit, for ..I. that, ,•en cau,•••t (,g 1 es it,. greet I•.uu... ..nte,y a•••. 11,.t tl•h,.gb wbelch W -y err ow=ns ••. .b... their syr. in the fa• that usuy lnt.Wrlus nwtaln Irl to Ir cul v ed. t'•absda." said Mr. McKe.z.e,. I eon large is the tet a ists . yr. Thal is evinced by the tart that. its the utier.urae u( 1 b , public men Sbe is wuwlly .rf.erud t•• taus, so •guar.' She ,. looked up I. as the right atm alb, Ewl.ln, at,J thole is piactit•ally nothing U.at they would Dot du, In w ltrylrli•uau aay. to further her in t -i e 1 is tee &Jen of the B. 'limb NO REASON FOR DOUBT. A Statement of Facts Backed by a Strung Guarantee. Wil Rua: antes. con, pletc relief to al sufferers frvul cor..tipstio11. in reel y case when we .vel we will supply Lb. medicine free. i(exall Orderlies are a gentle, effec- tive, do -lendable and safe bowel regu- lator, strengthener and ionic. They re-eetahlish Dat ore's functions in is quiet, easy way. The) do not cause any inc*uvenience, griping or nausea. They are so plresant to take and work so easily that they may to taken by .nyone at any time. Tin y tele - ought). el e- oughiy tour up the whole system to healthy activity. Hexa.( Ordeiliee ate un..uipareahle and ideal for lite use of child, en, obi folks and d.-licate persons. \%" cam - not t..e highly recommend them to ell Buffeters Iritll any form of coustlp- (ion and its attendant reale. 1 wi sizer. 10c and •Lac. Rememtwr you can obtain Resell Returdiee in chie community uuly at our ..roar -The Retail Store. H. C. Uuu.op, south side of Square. LEAVING ABERDEEN. Shortly after noon a tew "days ago John MacLennan, Canad an Goveromect fire was d=iscovered in the track fart of Agent, Removing to Live.pooI, the wart -memo of Broadfoot. Box A The Aberdeen Gazette nnhli-hes a Co., Sraioto. It was extinguishedportr..it of Mr. John MacLennan, ('a - 'ohne much dameg0 was done. but 'utilise (inv.rnrlarut agent et Alwer- had,tgot a start it might have re- deer, with the folloiticg anuource .•ult,.1 seriously, as the scene of the 11,0111 Hie was surrounded by frame build.. Mr. John MacLrnnnu, who ha- Mira. been agent of for Canadian Govern - Jas. %lrKeever. of near Crediton went in Aberdeen for the pest four met with a very serious accident ou and a half yr are, has been appointed Tuesday afternoon of last week while to takr charge of the Liverpool office. drawing out manure. The horses be- andMr. W. Bs him-ining, Sas a Me - came trlghteotd and ran into • post. r. throwing Mr. McKeever about fifteen MacLennan was horn in Bruce feet. The gravel box was thrown on county, Ontario, nearly fifty- piers top of bile. One hip and both legs' ago, hie parents hailing from Wester were broken, besides otber injuries. ,Rose-sbire. He was reared under the Mr. McKeever is in a serious condi- bard eonditione of pioneer life. clear'. (ion. Following a lengthy Moen of nearly eleven years 11om cancer, Mrs. Adam Knox died at her home on the If51h concession of Grey township on Sunday morning of last week. De- ceased was torn in Scotland sixty-nine years ago, but since the year 18(51 she had resided in this country. She fs survived by a family of two sons and three daughters. fier busbard pre- deceased her twenty-three years. Mrs. Andrew Simpson, of James- town, answered the call higher on Tuesday afternoon of last week, after an illness of about three months. She was sixty-nine years of age and was a native of Scotland. She had been a resident of Grey township eine the year 185.3 sod torty-seven years ago elm was united in marriage to Andrew Sampson. who survives her with a family of ten children. Roes McKinnon, of the 7th concea- ing the land of tbe heavy woods o Vieaten. Ontario. He afterwards took a eollege course, studying law and architecture, and on the comple- tion of tbat t•rurme he settled for a time in l eetern Canada, carrying ou business as • general cootracuir; Four and n ball years ago, when the Canadian Government decided to open an office for the north of 8cotlaud, Mr. MacLennan was appointed by the How. Flank Oliver to take ohaage n1 that. office. "In the coulee of an interview yes- terday. Mr. MacLennan said he would leave the north of S.•ntiand with con- siderable regret. He had come in colonel, with predicts ly 1411 cleans o1 the English speaking purples through. out Canada .end the United Stater. and there might be, from fon e of cir cumstances, tmme .v ho were more promr...ive, nut the Aberdonian hitt' made • place for himself in every de- partment of life, whether it was s1, Sion of Grey. had a clone call the ether finance. commerce, education. or u. day. Hr was driving a three -borne the exercise to nein i.1 funetieos. Re- learn attached to • cultivator. The (erring to the que.tion of imrnigr'- animals became frightened and run- - . be admitted that there were ning w their beads to bold them be many people noting f0 m this country was tbrown to tbe ground and the who were ,in►,ilted ro for commun.. horses and cultivator passed over bun. I of Canada. tint^oar :het country lied He punned severe bruises end had not developed i,.dustriee rn which some ribs hrokes, interfering with they could Ie ily find work. Asked one lung. :be patient is now mating to explain thF-"movement which had fair progte.s taken piece Itom the rut nl du isicta in Canada t.. the West. be said that the p, more was purely economic, nett as it was in thi. country in the rural ,lis• - tracts the guest adveneement which had been nude in the introduction of d habrit hiving machinery had Ihrewn II; many fum-eervente net of denier meet, with the tewult that they had to find a field for their labor, lust lied e. i was being found in W estern (;anal.. •oar a investor. Mae and more the Bru11b ui,unryrd s..ro the looking .n time dir- rr:410u. The psesour spring and the , cowing summer will witness • tee- mrudous minus of Br)tu) c.pilal.l One thou. a • apitatsat in Dunn,. to . whoa. alt. M,Kruaie explicitly le - fel red- ext:eet. to ti,.r.t h 'e bund. id lou.atwl Bullate to ti. vel. p tl•r ,obaC- a. lode -try 1.. Bondi tohuuhi., .11 rat'.) dere. (it...re sir 1• ac.ollg or•reti ...is 04) et. .'i .ally large ee air. Hundreds of thousands of poem., a of Biting'. emery a1•• • ego ing eta more • teen 0. C and 0,40-1 o f per cent. inter- est or ulvwrUU.a ill the .,Id Irnd. tiue e. not tar di.tent when the la. ger ; pot. ion of that w y will be invested . ere. 111 11.1. C4.1;11* C1.011. Saye Mr. Mcheua,e, (..135(1.. w..uld du they. L. I.r ac,wewbat cauti.us in her flirtatious. l'. P. R. .tock in 1.00.dou has done 1 ta nisch to int,c.tuce 41145 win cuulideuce tar ('enact• an s. cue=t trs. (i r and Trunk Paeihe ie now tering sought as' similar ts,v.ibilatirr. riot a few as 110. al schen.'.', rnvnlving lose • and theism ,.l..'int. to the Bluish in-: vas..., wetted du much 113 desttov that cuuttdeu,e, end •. n. w. rk meat 111-. jar). 10 leges iotate • r.•j• (til`. . btu ,he 'toIhe, L. 0,1 a4 sending M. a than her 111,44405 , u t l.e Duwn1- ,. n ; 'rrg.eifel.v e, c ,s seidirg, or tot1, r lei.u,tiug lou.- drpai lure ul, 1hr 14.-t .4 her ..n.. ..t.d uat•gbtere, 1,5.. H..1 En/ Lu•J and Scot laud, seya A,1. 1,c11ruxir, ate being drpopu- lat.,l til y ew,, ,"rt.. n. Perine=a evei vwh.le , re saying ,het farming uu henget pays th.th there; rent. are Ula bieh, 11,lifi,iet u.srrurre sae (ou a opt floor, ,,sial . 1141 'U.14 thauuelves vara b•,u40R.tuft hrrand lrufltable de` clonal, n. ; .0 the fans. are being he es ken sod their .-ccupauts ale coo, ing t,. ruj..y the 111.e111'. 111141 lbs pt0 esti icy ot the Dew um Id. In une in wane.- cited, ten maids from one locality bad declared their intention of removing h. (:.nada. The nal a al u.usequeocrs, fur hrcrd I.y the new Lloyd George Midget. •will 1a• the ht+aking up of the large eatat.s aid the til-.nvr.uuent of their salute in .ether rutr,priere. Reference .o thus prose of lie e'co,iomicsl satire Lien c1Nwd Mr. McKenzie's all too inlet re - 11 alike : • '•Lilyd-G.t..ge," he said, ••l- Iled 1W, i•i,-ds Willi .u,r slum. Ne shilt-d tbe louden of taxatioi, w here it eboutd I. ash lava• leen • hilted ; snit he doomed tat til..,45i.0,. Among c•rr,.tin elas-es, be is the r,.r.st hated end 1•r- vilea man io Enda d : hist Leidy. Wk.* i. br iutrodu,x.l ei. iew insurance While at work on the farm ni An drew Miti hell in 1'urnbrny townebi Wm Clendennin` suffrrvd a Brno accident. He was engeeed in draw ing manors. with a team est ho,.e.5 when the lines fell to the ground. ao in ende,.voting ti r'ea"h them he fie front the wagon tongue and was drag gild a oiliesderelite distance, Three rips were broken and he received be oral had cuts on the ►,ndy Is Tins the Record ? Exeter Tines It is quote webs that Will Jaffray. of t shorn*. I held the 0004.16 for catching em Ask this season in this seetioo Neturday he caught a ,erp tb w.igbed sixteen pomade A Teekereostb Wed.atg A pleasant mat r isnoo iai event use Mleinnifld al the manse wt riSd• 1,110 nn Wednesday of last :wIsr Mir Jrnnw Pearson Chesney'. dimwit tee of Mr and Mrs Wm 1 Nbeswey, the Mb ronrsa.kw of Tweke srni wee united in marrow a• Matt►ew i� coedit lone ail they sea That1.1(1(110, rti Niag•r• Pall• 'v Y The ons rwrewsony was perfor 1..44 by fin►.be made gond rase of kin npptwt onil iwr Nell elinin. ♦ rsrs�abs was held at Ord et � � ineermeet feel. soma d tis home d tae kelie sAar LM IOW- � rs. - BACK FROM THE OLD LAND. Ahs s P. H McKenzie, e: -M P.. Tells dCeD- set dittoes e. the Boni Isles Gs ,reem Toe i.eckaaw dentie0 et Peter 11 McKesane. ex -IL P . at rived home Ism week after hie six ' months' a(.joure is the Brit.isb late. j He is looking hale and Marty, a if toast beef. haggis and teeth potatoes had well age ew^ with hist Hn duties se e.rnmi..ioiner of immigration took of i Aiwa into variates parts of t • three ti,. emistrl .. End gave him many npper- C. + tenities oil ohne wing soetal and wens .Iv. fL•°v' %yi;d3l+rrr u :rte• tlsurawas. Mar 11, IBII of i Take One Pain Pill, then - T.. Ke is Easy. To Head -Off a Headache Nothing is Behar than Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills They Give Relief without Bed Alter-LIf.cts. 'For four years 1 was subject to almost constant headache. At time. so severe 1 was un:itted for work. Throug', the adv;:e of a friend I was persuaded to try Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills and the result has been that 1 have entirely eradicated my system ui those cottinimu•, headaches that followed a herd ac.1 cnntitntou• mental strain." -(J. L. Russell, Agt. C. Sc N. W. Ry. Early, la_ For Bal. by Alt Drugpl.ta. 25 Doses, 25 Cants. MILES MEDICAL CO.. To onto.Can FEEDING BRAINS Why Studious Children Always Crave Oatmeal Nature gives oats more organic phos- pborns than to any other grain she growl And phosphorus is tbe brain's main con- stituent. Brains can't grow. brain. can't work without it. Oats also contain more lecithin -the nerve food -than any other grain. Tbey form our greatest energy food. That's why growing children love oat- meal. Some instinct withi0 them call. for these elements, and woe to the child who doesn't get all it wants. rbe right oats for food are tbe rich. plump grains. Bn the choicest oats there are but ten pounds to the bushel. In mak- ing Quaker Oats these choice grains are se- lected by a separate siftings. Quaker Oats -just the cream of the oats Ehmosesu bet one-half cent per dish. One us worth two dishes ot oosnan- al. Don't you tbink it would pay W serve your children such oats? Made in Canada. Wil Sold and guarahteed in (aalerich by F. J. Burt. -(mo. .che-ne, it was received with apldaube by both ra fir,. in Pertiamout. A men whn call a^c..rupl sbe ibex'. in ,he fa -e of the oplr shin,) he has encount- ered. meet be as. st-t(,w(11an md.-est." . FINEST WESTERN WHEAT FARMS Dirt Cheap ! WM. PEARSON d wl."1 se, ks.w. se '• art tlWwt ib r.ssss- Iand-hungry hom..eekers are rushing into this fertile valley by thousands. Seeds railroads reach this distract. Entire town- ships are broken up and put under cultivation every day during plowing season. New towns and cities spring up over night. The population of thts valley will increase four -fold In five years. Liv- ing In Last Mountain Valley L like living In your own home country. These new settlers have all the comforts and luxuries of the homes they lett. and are GETTING RICH. BESIDES' Grasp sow this great opportunity to secure cholce,K wheat land .•heap' Our Prices Lowed—Our Terms Most Liberal We have a list of land bargains such as were never before known Our prices are absolutely the lowest—and we sell on small, easy payments. No other Colonization Company can hope to meet these terms and price* because done can buy land now in such enormous tracts. Send for Free Library of Information about the Last Mountain Valley—book,, pictures of farms. crops, pictures of people who will he your neighbors, their own stories of success. our special low prices and liberal terms. and all about excursion trains, rates. date of starting. etc. Address your letter to Wm. Pearson Co., Ltd. "x5": �,'1` Toronto, Ont. AIiK\'IS \vwNTFD I have 175,000 acres of the finest wheat land to the world. I am going to sell a part of 1t quick, at low prices; to advertise the district, and to the eon bomeseekers or Investors who write me. I am going to make the moot remarkable land proposltion ever known. The price Is so low that the first, year's wheat crop will, in all probability, pay back Cte en- tire cost of the land—and payments so easy that you will scarcely miss the money. These farms are right In the heart of the Western Canada wheat country. located in The Famous Last Mountain Valley SASKATCHEWAN "The Golden" rwiNGLE UNDERWEAR THAT is the name, and 1 below is the trademark. you are to look for next time you buy underwear Your size in any garment with that trademark will flt perfectly. will outwear ordinary underwear. will not shrink Yet you pay nothing extra for this extra value and you get OW Guarantee of - money back if you ran fairly Mahn it - Made at P•ilis In Canada, by P E N Mt A N S limited. - c ts r� Q�� 7 XYN $H PIN KABLL'11k 111g/( 11 tie SPECIAL PURCHASE OF Ladies' Silk Skirts Last week we were fortunate in securing the samples of one of the best makers of silk skirts in the trade. Twelve only, ladies' high-class guaranteed silk Skirts, beautt- fully made of rich lustrous taffeta silk, regular price from 118.511 to $1.2.50. all marked at a saving et 25 to 93 1.3 per cent. off regular prices. Kayser Silk Gloves Kayser Bioses enjoy the reputation of Is-ing America's beet Gloves. \Vehave a full stock ..f all sizes, in black, 'white and colors, in loug and abort lengthy et exactly Swine Wipes as charged in the Seale.. Kayser Silk Gloves have dout.le Mager -titre which will outwear the rest of the (:loves. Per pear 75c. Kayser elbow -length silk Gloves, per pair, 111.0/ and 111.25. Full range of Perrin'. fabric (:loves, ih all the leading colors, in long or abort lengths, in flsle, cotton and silk. Radium Hosiery We again feature this brand of Hosiery which nude so many satisfied customers for us last season. Our stock includes hfaek. white, tan, sky. pink, mauve, cardinal and fancy lace and em- broidered effect-. From 'tic per pair. Silk Jacquarde Siwcial showing of .ilk Jarvis rite in ell the newest destines in alma -r every wanted color, 27 iochee wide. Very Special, et per \aid :111i• and Millar's Scotch Store 'Phone 56 L 0 HOW TO HAVE tylish Footwear 1f you buy first-class shoe, don't you want that shoe made in the latest style ? Why should you pay the price of a high-class shoe, and, in return. get a shoe one or two seasons How do you know, for instancy, when you ask for the newest footwear that you're ;veiledly get ting the newest? But why takechancet Why not ark for the shoes that lead the styles in Carada - INVIC1US Shoes .% isn't there a great satisfaction in knowing that for shoes you're wear- ing are not last year's et yles but the newest there is in footwear % Thi. 'satisfaction will he vomit when you wear INV I( l'US Show. There are other fashionable eh -es hesides iNVICPUS, hut bow ..re you to know them Why run any risks. why not order the shores that have trade s reputation throughu;:t Canada for their atylieh appearance? 'You rho 110 risk. when you older INVI(,'TUS Shoes. Wm. Sharman The Square Ooderich The Signal to January 1st, 19 1 2, only 50c SHOES FOR WORKINGMEN If you want a good solid leather pair of shoes for }'our work, come and see what we have to offer. Our range of this class of footwear is very complete, from the best manu- facturers at the lowest prices. Have v ou seen the shoes made of the new "Tan Broncho leather 1 They are the e:(7olest, cheapest and most durable shoes ever offered tor summer wear. We will be pleased to show you them. REPAIRING Downing & MacVicar North Side of Square. Ooderich