HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-5-18, Page 24 ±�
▪ Tee*Dee. Kos lit Nu
Uoincedeii. owlre JO.
Telephone � Its. M.
Teems el aimr.elMe
per amens le marine►
M[c morake. He ; three smtas, toa
To United Stave wbmie.. pato • rear
starter is advanceglabseriless was '
aglaindYM mail whin res' towereceive Twit W .m
__!neat_ us et the ted ea as .arty a date as
sed W se
w salterosM b err
both old
Aare tlshmg \Mae :
Leg�aallWeer Maar er daOadvert areata,pen iso
sea ass
sahmeseat loes MUr laseribea and � bytos
seepamll seeks. twelve Iia.. to se lash.
Briars rage Meta nae and mailer. els tear
Adverelsommete at Led. Pound. Strayed. Me
Treat, n
ateateene Wae. Hoare for
Srlr nr to Remit, Pus. for We Cr to B.r.
Articles tar Nair. OW. not .xomaiog
t seeekk �bagar t moinfernos ; od'. Lazier Lazier.dna ted errtiw
mesa is prePerutta.
in ordinary r'eehrt 1751 to
ems pr urea No mike Um than Mn
Aay special ,.ohne, the ogler of whir' 1s the
p.tratiery beimat d ray individual or rear -
Wm. to De ..sidred so .dvertYnm.nt and
be ranted seoadli*te.
Hauls to display and ooatheet ideetiele
„a will be given on •pplbatlaa.
address all cremanieatisee to
TH IC SIONL PRINT IND 00.. limited.
asieetea Oet
OODLa1CH- TRUinfissAY. MAV ls. 1111
"The talk of annexation is bosh.
Everyone knowing anything about it real-
ises that it is bosh. Canada is a great,
strong youth, anxious to test his muscles,
rejoicing in the race be is ready to run.
The United States has all it ran attend to
with the terntory it is now governing,
and to make the possibility of the annexe -
boo of Canada to tbe United States a
basis for objection to any steps toward
their greater economic and commercial
union should be treated as one of the jokes
of the platform, and should not enter Tato
the consideration of sertoos men engaged
in solving a sertoes problem...
The rains we have had this week
are worth thousands of dollars -and
they dont cost • cent.
The curtnber for West Huron is
probably the most prolific producer of
stillborn legislation in the history of
parliamentary institutions.
if anything bad been needed to con-
vince anyone of the advisability of
oiling the roadways in the neighbor-
hood of the Squats, that duet -storm
on Friday should have supplied :he
the people on his Nieto( the 1 000ld
not compete with the Canadian farm-
ers under reciprocity. 0. K. Bassett,
eeeretery of the Michigan Horticul-
tural Society, said the Ootarb ,fruit-
growerw would ship eooresoas giianth
ties o( fruit to the United States
Washington. May 11.-Ann.satbo
of Canada. instead of reel why. was
advocated by George fi Ladd m.1 the
]la•sacbu.eUa State Grange before
tbe Senate finance committee yeaeter`
day. Mr. Ladd argued against any
trade agreement, declaring it one
were made it should be by annexation,
•o Canada might share the burdens of
the United States as well se enjoy its
This deepatrb, published by The To-
ronto World, is another bit of evi-
dence showing that Canada's enemies
in the United States are opposed to
The Supreme Court of the United
States has ordered the dissolution of
the Standard Oil Company of New
Jersey, better known as the Standard
011 Trust. The decision is given un-
der the Sherman anti-trust law. The
outcome will he watched with almost
worldwide interest. Hitherto the
Standard Oil Trust haa found methods
to circumvent adverse blurt deeidoaa.
and doubtless all the ingenuity that
the uailjions represented in the Trust
can command will be put to the test of
thwarting once more the intent of the
law. If the Government really suc-
ceeds in crushing Ibis gigantic mon-
opoly, it will be a great victory for
the people.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier is away to
Great Britain for the Imperial confer
eoce and the coronation and wilt be
one of the greatest figures in the gath-
eripgs that will take place in f noec-
tion with these events. It has been
arranged that Parliament will con-
tinue sitting at Ottawa for a few days
until necessary business is transacted,
and that thea an adjournment will
be [made until the latter part of,July.
When Parliament resumes tbe reci-
procity agreement will be put through,
unlewe in the meantime the United
States Senate refuses to ratify it.
Mir Wilfrid i.i accompanied te Great
Britain by Sir Frederick Borden. Min-
ister of Militia, and Hon. L. P.
Brodeur, Minister of Marine.
The Toronto News dents adm.thet the
"bitter campaign" against Mr. Foster
should end at once. "At the last gen-
eral election the et tack on Mr. Foster
constituted four-fifths of the cam-
paign literature and the campaign
speeches of the Liberal party." And
The Nett, might have hone on to say
that tine ot';the strongest denuncia-
tions of Mr. Foster used by Liberal
cauipaigne`r4 war from The News it-
self, written probahty by the same
man wbo now complains of the tteet-
ment accorded to Pieter. Since J. S.
Willison became Distiller Gooder
ham's hired man he has had to do
many remtu kable things in the way of
"swallowing himself." and Obis refer-
ence to Mr. Foster i. one of the most
Another surplus for the inter -
colonial Railway is reported as tbe re-
sult of the operations of the last year.
In spite of heavy expenditures tor
equipment, the surplus amounts to
$2'/2.712., which is considered a good
showing for the new method of man-
agement adopted by the lion. George
P. Graham. Minister of Railwayr and
Can els.
Before the United Staten Senate com-
mittee on reciprocity a plate glass man-
utacturer objected to the proposed re-
duction of duty on large sizes of plate
glees, fearing that the change would
result in the building of factories in
Canada. It seems that the upanufate
takers of Canada and the Uuited
States are terribly atraid of each
The United States Senate may refuse
to pas the reciprocity hill, in which
case there will be rejoicing among the
Yankee fishermen. wbo buog their
flags at balf-swat when the pact was
first aonounoed. In the meantiweour
fishermen will have to be content witb
the prices which they racers on the
Buffalo market after the United States
duty is deducted.
man of his age in the Mawr town are
getting. The oast time Mt. Lewis be-
gins to feel -tempt." we imagine be
might midi, sed in his eonstitueecy
weany cues moire deserving of his
sympathy tints that of the book
clerks. But then. of course. we must
remember that Mr. Lewis' alas is to
attract attention. sod for this purpose
freak pr'opoaais are much better than
sensible ones.
It is charged )'y Sir Sandford Flem-
ing that an "extraordinary misap-
propriation of capital' has taken
place in connection with the forma-
tion of the Canada Cement Com-
pany. It is well known that there
was extensive watering of stock in
connection with this transaction, and
in order to pay dividends on the wat-
ered stock the price of cement was
boosted under shelter of the tariff.
Tbis was not so unusual a procedure
as to cause any greater protest than is
ordinarily wide wbeo the public is be-
ing •'squeezed :" but when one of th e
promoters is suspected of not playing
fair with his comrades In the game an
outcry is [aimed. and the attention
of Path/insect is engaged. it ia to he
hoped a thorough investigation will
be made of the whole series of trans-
actions which culminate.l in the
formation of the merger. A little
publicity turned on an affair of this
kind might have very interesting re-
The member for West Huron last
week undertook to advise the Finance
Minister regarding the revision of the
Bank Act, making the startling state-
ment that bank clerks are grossly
overworked and underpaid, nod ask-
ing that the Government step in be-
tween the soulless eorponitiona (chit
is. the banks) and their much abased
employees. Humanity in ilbtrese
always has our profound ayanpatbv,
but we have never been arrustomed to
regard the sportive bank clerk as is
need of ally special coromirerataoo
So far am their working hours are roe-
oerned. they have the laugh on most
of the rest of us as they pass ..piek
and open, an the a ay le tenets or golf
Nova Scotia Is to have a Proviociel
general election ort June 141b. The
Provincial Oovetntsent of NovaSootia
has been under Liberal eootrol for
twenty-nine years cootinuoudy, and
in this time there have been only two
Premiers -Hon. W. R. Fielding toe
fourteen years and Hon. George H.
Murray for fifteen years. it in ex-
pected that Premier Murray's party
will be again returned to power.
'a�' lift!. is said by the Option pews of
May had Jutta. sock. Coeservwtives as Mr. J. 11. John -
Wooed le the May. sae will be wig is Jags. �' Grower,.
r,. Abeger the Noe. J.ik Fruit -
wawa womb will she rem..asr seta that demos.s e a surer ire : e et R An-
derwos, treasurer o( the gestate Os -
apply aobntite paia. f y
can mals a prod$ andd pay
res for the
laaod. surely tae foater hi t theywho OPERA1!IONI
own the land oould do it. .
Conservatives Who Support Reci IIERONLY
. Let a Liberal give bis views se being
opposed to reciproaty and lssseediets-
1 be ie ea:lsisd by the Cocoons -
Lives. m
.es, who do not for one moment
fess that be is doing it rely from&
pereonel monetary standpoint in place
of for the Dominion et large. But
Otndeh Msvemy-
In day to be. as time roan pre away 1
?wW be the swell btaetW mesa\ sr May.
When with the opedog buds her yoeag Mvw
Whim tike the sett vetoed hinds beg high hopes
Whim like t he deed her real wart dotted anew.
Ithe will remember. 1a that het to be.
The wblapsed vow., the air heeseta the taws.
And hew the wort in nyspatby with her
Bedecked tart 1n jeweled g•searr•
Aad hew We apses tree a orchard seek
a201101111.• term • emery veined sheen.
Te show bet bee a sweet. oak bride shoald
8111111 re re again ths ran in verge time skies
warding the two et them with smttlss ere .
Shell hear her night hawk sad bee wide -emir
8peekag -ham troth tows her owe hatuted
Shell hear the erickst• in the .eft yeses gram ;
tarso Dairymen's Associntlon : Mr. B.
S. gamin, president of the Nova Semi*
Fruit Growers' Aesociat.ioe: Mr. Louis
Wigle, es -M. P.. of Essex : and Mr.
Harry (Isrby. es -M. P.. of Belleville,
who. recognising the value of the reoi-
procrty agreement 1° the fattuers,
have cut boss hoot party afttiatiosr.
and are earnestly supporting the pact.
But that is another questiou.
Are You Doing Your Share
Belleville Owtario.
Our young ansa. m far too many in-
stance., are rp.uta and social Inose, but
nothing more. Tu them a town is
"slow" *burn inhaheant. are not rav-
ing toad on the gression of sports*, or
wbere social functions are not of
n ightly occurrence. noeisl function.
and .porta a.m all right in their
piece. but they are not every-
thing. tiowebody has to work. We
eannnt all be •-preen" or .peed the
She feel the e-p'yre.. they idly Pees. major portion of nor time in the pur-
Never to cool her cheek again -ales . Nie of pietisu, e. if +e dad "this town"
Ad shell remember everything be amid. Some-
Lemming.ld he mower then ever. Some -
Lemming. a happy girl. with beaded head. -body- bas et shovel coal. tai eels
HM kir will start!e her and make her heart
Leap like a frightened doe that feels the dart.
And every wad sad movement she&al prise•
Ad. be-•. M all. the levelight in Mr •ye.
Well b.:. er naem'ry till the dal she dies.
She wU. r member tt.eae. 1 think. and not
The ru.. r cbapeL crowded. dim. and hot :
'Me .tat . Noes and tie emitting tereag.
The Pulsing organ sod the bridal .ogt.
The sharp a•:Mtler, the moment. tense.
One crowded hour. tied then the ening kenos.
The laughter and the idle compliment•
shell eine her dimming eyes ad yet shall me.
And In her nostril. tor • .pace .bell dwell
The fleeting. subtle. Msytitue. weedily, • we&
Mai M the rainiest boar to itf.'. forenoon :
The .un dote wither up the gree. so nasi '
Thou bast iby triumphs .d thy epee. 0
- The Khan in Torento Star
streets, tin, bell grooaeit it, to keep books
and te manage bank•. Somebody has
to do the work_ 1f we all do our
@ bare t h- burden is reply carried. If
some of u+ shirk it toakee t be burden
-all the beerier for the °their.
W un.AN a Hoes COMPANION. -Thr
June nuu.b-r .,t Woere..u'. Home ('om-
panino has many timely artie r.- 011e
ct chow i. on •Tae Ig•tquet sof Wee-
ding.- Another. is on transit Mortal-
ity. All of ibm articles are full of prac-
tical sugge.itione. One very intew.t-
ing article is called •'My Happiest Vo-
cation." The Action in rhi. mnntb'.
Cornpanion is n..table. Ther • is a
splendid story by li iraim-th Stuart
Phelps. the last piece ..t w•.rk written
by rhi. famous author •hoetly before
FROM OUR CONTkMPORARIES. her death a few mourn: ago. Other
Wbere Free Trade Counts.
Hun:lt on Sps Bator.
A drititsti firm has secured the job of
building a new Port.uguewe navy, in
face tit numerous competitors. includ-
iug Aruerica Wben *menders want
We latest and best in warships they
always come to the old shop.
Throwing Dalt.
Rne mgtLeade.-
The use being mode of all this silly
twaddle about annexation is merely a
eoofeetion that the reciprocity agree-
ment is at ktIYng and' sono] when
judged upon a husit.es. basis that the
fogy -organs' dere not so consider
and discuss it. but must endeavor to
throw dust iu the eyes of the people
by introducing • subject M dead as
Mr. Lewis Provides a Shock.
Guelph H. raid.
The public. which has all along been
of the opinion th4t hank clerks were
a very lightly worked clear of people.
Will receive a shock when they learn
that the very opposite is the ca,e, and
that to prevent their being worked to
death Mr. E. N. Lewis bag introduced
• bill in Parliament providing that
they shell not be worked more than
eight hours a day.
The Toronto News goes to unneoee
fiery trouble to show that the meat
packing trade is opposed to reciprocity.
Advocates of reciprocity are prepared
to admit that oonditfons will not be
any tuner for the packers when the
agreement goes into effect. They will
have to forest the eompstitkn ret
United States bsysn a ad consequent! y
will bare to pay higher priors to the
farmers for live stock. The day of
fifty per regree dividends for the meat
packers is probably at an end.
Fie men and fruit -growers are tell-
ing the Sweat* committee at Waah-
initns how tis) will staffer from the
tnvaekwt at their market by Canadians
if gM rwiprwdty bill gnaw into effort
Ore el the witnesses wee 1)r J L
•sMlsr, pawkiest of tee Ylcbgan
State Apiemitassi Onlleg.'. who slid
Conservatives Malting Mistake.
Hamilton Hw.ld-
Ez-Maynr Glebes& of Belleville, is a
Constar vative. speaking et it Conserv-
ative meeting in his town last week,
Le said it appeared to hint tbat his
party was meaing a mistake in oppos-
ing reciprocity. Harry Corby. of
Belleville, former M. P. for West
Hamting.. is of the rams opinion.
Heciptocity will prove an apple of dis-
cord to the Conservative ranks.
If They Had Had the Chance.
Wlutpeir Tribune.
It is not straining the fact an iota
to say that if the Conservative leaden
had negotiated the present reciprocity
arraogernent and recommended it to
their following. it would have been
acclaimed as the salvation of the
country. recommended to the follow-
ing and faithfully- accepted. 1t is well
that in the attempt being made to
stampede the following against the
measure this fact should be borne in
stories ere contribute 1 b.v M.riuo Hill•
C. N. and A. M. K'•lltaniinu• Zona
Gale. Fannie Heaslip Ira and otberr.
The special department of the maga-
zine aro of cape -sal interest and value
to women, and attog..ther the June
number of Woman s Home Com-
panion i. $ prott•tction of exceptional
Be Warmed.
Nvood,4 m k Senn nel-Berfew .
The chief engineer of the Toronto
Electric Light Company treys that the
insulation of electric light wires is only
a custom. and that so far as high volt-
age wires are concerned it does not
insulate -t'a't is to say. tbe Madeline
oda high voltage wire is no guarantee
of its safety. it is well that a!l people
who are not electrical experts, and
most of us are not, should keep this
statement in mind as a warning All
electric wire. should be rrg•MM with
suspicion. They may be harmless, hist
they may be deadly.
The Apple Isd..try. rb.1
tttrattoed Hearn.
TheWlndsor Record noes that
apple•be Mae of an rwdinery heeehall
are .riling there for five rents earhs
dearer than oranges. and that a good
('satadian winter apple will bring •
shilling in the Old Countryin fttr•t-
or pink tea. Wires • lad is takes out 1 ford they would hying about the same
of whore and pieced in a tank. umw.lh mime as le Wiodeir This should not
be does not at •ince receive the salary he. The mintiest of Perth and Hume
of a railway. president : hest be gena .me well wdaptesI fix *Mite growing•
b t otJ►!r brave h a t
proh•My as mueb .a. If 001 • Bede ' tis to rvory c hags
inq there miimt be arientiflr north.+do
more thi& the name •mount tit labor adopted limpets attack them semi
end brain power mould Irk Ikea in they wrest be sprayed The reed faah-
any other position. TMs 11 ile b ray eased idea that the orchard is the last.
good at els he gets hie resift laersaam � ton the farm te re -wive attention
•spledM It warda good
and tn.metirnw. • bones bridra and ries coil- pricer matte -mine and pro -
when he bra h.-er in the hank a ea- tertian froom inerrta, and if thew are
ploy ern 6v.ss rear. he is gettingCo there will he gond retar•ns
• fairly pod eatery, prehet., a steel (�Immo.*d ing gyeaseem ed Herne
better toiletry than most edam he.. nret dte•W ref inured
young hero r•on'ert n+-tt.s.d. and intnw.i w
.a. �,.... �,. Jr...� .\.ear -.ate -tea -.Lem sass
L� M
If you
want the
paint that
spreads casket,
covers tte meet
surface and stands all
kind scot wear and weather,
ask the dealer to give you
Whatever it is that reeds
painting. inside or outside
the house, you'll find
M -L Pere Pasts
tbe moat eme-
can buy.
your walls in
the up-to-date,
tannery. artistic way
-usirg stencil designs,
if you like, but surely with
M -L FistWallCotoe.
Easily .ppfied, ovsrw•li-paper,
er burlap. or se pl•aese.
Washable, damble, sae -
mammal. tri abodes.
Made by imperial
VsesW &Cebr
M L .
T. M Mite
Was Cored by Lydia E.Pink-
bam'sVegetable Com pou red
Lindsay. Oat-" 1 think it is ne
male than right for M to thank Yrs.
Plnkbasa for what her kind advice and
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound has doom for
ease. W bea l wrote
to her some time
sac I was •very
stet woman. mi-
tering from female
troubles. I h a d
inflammation o
the female organs,
and tout d not
stand or walk any
distance. At last I
was confined to my
bed, and the doctor
said 1 would have
isgo tasak an operation, but this 1
te[tlasdmto 6a A mead advised Lydia
E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound.
and new, after using three bottles of 1t.
I feel llkeanew woman. I most heartily
recommend this medicine to all women
who seder with female troubles. 1 have
alai taken Lydia E. Ptnkham's Liver
Pith and think they are fine." -Mrs.
FRAM 'CHALKY. Lindsay. Ontario.
We cannot understand why women
will take chances with an operation or
drag out a sickly half-hearted exist-
ence, ming three-fourths of the joy
of living, without first trying Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
For thirty years it has been the
standard remedy for female ills, and
has cured thousands of women who
have been troubled with such ailments
as displacements, inflammation, ulcer.
•tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities.
periodic pains, backache, indigestion
and nervous prostration.
Recommended and sold by
Mr. Andrews Praises Dr.
Norse►'• Indian Root Peble.
Mr. George Andrews d Halifax. N.11,
"For unary years I here been troubled
with chromic Constipation This ad-
mire sever comas sniffle -handed, and 1
have been • victim to the mane Oberlin
that cnastipetioo brings in its trate.
Medicine after medicine 1 have takes' 1•
cads to fid relief, but one and all hit
see is teas mase impelling condition It
seemed that nothing would expel from
me the oar aihsest that caused s murk
treelde yet •t lest 1 Had above theme
Iodise knot Pitts
Teat was indeed • haler day ler sere
Ise 1 was m iampesmsi
determined to
wits Me steep -
meets meads t t 1
give thea • fair trial
They tot.e regulated say mewl and
bewwta 1 •m cored of e•eetip•tlsa, ata/
1 deter they hem em sped s • m•r-
Per ens hell • emery Dr Verse's
ladies Rase Pitts have twee cserisg ens -
wild sat eikssuts which meth from
Dam dame De wbde "Omsad _y bleed Sold creme tree
se inc • toe. J
l+.calling you. Why not
Levitate now? The lead-
ing meictntile houses of
Ct.nada and United
States recognize o u r
.Me iency.
Tke Spst`ass [seises Cages
Nave elven thousands of
yetteg r rcpt. -aimed .tart
iu life. V1 . can assist you.
Our tiome Study Courses
Offer unezxlled advan-
tages to those who
• anoot \treed college.
Full particulars upon
Business College
010. 8POTTON. Prow/set.
Isee es yon say obtain udder the very
best eendltiee ter The Central Bordner.
I'•nate M Tweets M a sen pmampoa to
.pores. Thousand. have proved 11.
Why set iaverele t. to eon^_ elf t (lar
tree 14. bMAW. Pr Perini Write for IL
•rt*TPOf4O. OMT -
TBL Ylie1'-Theeetteel W a ineetal
reparation for h rad• wort and ter the
.,tees. et Its erred.. 1t-• bare twee ge
pps+ toes•..-(bsmercW. tilertherd. a.d
Telmospby. isWtfeue reset men .d
women Moab seed u can tee ear large
tree retaie n's. tt-rim to It at Siecand
see what our graduates are dolma. Tee M
• geed time et the year ter yea to eater er
clans.. Modest. are interim seek week.
Cenuevece year serve at sem.
Price Reductions in Carpets
We have picked out a lot of Brussels. Velvet
sad Tapestry Oarpsts and carpet ends that we
simply must *ell this month and are oferiog them
at remarkable reduelioos, alto ail Kugs are aft
away down for cleerlog.
33 yEnglish Tapestry Squares
203 yards
• ......... 6.75
Sz34 yards 7.50
3s4 yards.... 9.50
3�z4t ysads 14.00
English Velvet Sqtt
8x3 yards
8x34; yards
34x4 yards
•...`..... 1800
... y0.110
English Axminster Squares
3x3. yards 12.00
3x4 yards -.--... M.W
304i yards so.ou to 30.00
yam? inches wide. new deeis�� and
a splendid eoioei . . 7pe
Brussels Carpet
With or without border, at per yard 75c, 90^, $1.00 and 31.10 -
Curtain Nets
New weaves, white or Paris, at per yard 15c, 20c, 25c sad 40e.
Linoleuetns and. Floor 011 Cloths
In every width leen 1 to 4 yards, ranging 2.x: to alk: a square
The Signal to January ist, only hoc
Tailored to
We tailor into your clothes style,
refinement and perfect fit, and yet the
cost is no more than "good" ill-fitting
Martin Bros., Tailors
-- J
Toronto, Ont_. has ■ rational repu-
tation for .uperkw work. Open aY
rear. Enter now. 1'atekigu. hes.
TUB TUNE T.. flair
That New Sprang Shit
and Overcoat IS NOW
Thr tie-lortions ret gie,de which ea
carer are of first-s4•n quality
and we have all the latest trltalee
The upte•-.t ate Tailor
Howell Hardware
YOU have many requirementsat this
season of the year. We have the
goods you need.
Screen Doors
You need to get them on be-
fore the house is filled with flies.
We have a splendid range.
We sell a gond, strong door with
hest quality of wire screening,
panels are nicely steroid, with
pair spring binges, pull and book
and eye, complete for.... 31.00
Other lines imaging in price
up to. eacb. 112.60
Window Screens
No person needs to keep the
wiodows closed. In all widths
to stir- Prices range from 18c
to., 466
Scree& Wire
Perhaps you have an old
door seeding new wire cloth.
We Dave it In widths 18 Inches
to SM inches, and our price Is
ideal Fsaeias
Ideal Fencing, t he hest
fearing. 1. whet yoe nine have.
Idea 1. the fence foe you. 7
wirve, all bard .ted. .11 No. 9
large tries wire. per rod 80e
Poultry Nettings
Alter getting the g rain is
good shape, don't let the brit e
destroIt. We have Poultry
Nng in widths front 12
inches to 84 inches. We sell it
in rolbs or cut lengths to salt
your requirements.
It not only removes every
particle ce dust. dirt, 'reser.
stain and eerwtcbes from pianos,
furniture and woodwork at one
sweep o( the cloth, but k leaven
the surface shining with a
beautiful, gloomy newn.ws. 11 is
very simple to use ; • chili can
do the work.
We have About fifteen 0 1
Moe of Paint in one salt pint.
pint and quart tins o( the Bob-
m.tsnn make. which we deme
clear est at mice. Inst of the
Nieboiet-to stock. You can have
whet you need at leer half-pint
gr 4tlr per quart This is less
Gum asset paint refits today.
The hest E itches (Wiliest
vafs&, nide in oak r very cone
piste- only .. ileal
Howell Hardware Co., Limited