The Signal, 1911-5-18, Page 1Wedding Staytioriery Peecol in up ,..date 'style by The liigoal J,.h Department. Samples rent to any Address upw le - queer. 'MLR PHON se MKTv-THIRD YUAN -Na ale nat. G01►ERII •H, ONTARIO. CANADA MAY 18, 1911 1 Zell your -,N_ frienas of for mist -lel Trial off -.y of The Signal for the ha& once of the year, to new subecrileevs, for 50c TUE SIGNAL PEN; NO ON. IM.. PINUINANIL FINANCIAL OF CANADA ESTABLISHED 1863 Capital, Rest and Undivided Profits /M6114000 Total Assets over $13 ,000,000 MONEY IS POWER to help yourself and otbere But it's only the money yew rive -Dot the money that ilip. through your Anger'. Yon will find a Mavinga Account a great help in accumulatiog this power. Why not start tine non,, Ili this Bank:? • Int creel compounded at highest current rates. Money may be withdrawn at any time. Goderich Branch, W. L. HORTON, Manager v---f-..v • _v.>, GUNI)RY'S t. Livery, Cab and 'Bus } Stables Tlil. RED BARN South Surer. Goderich All our Rig. are New. 'Busts meet all Tarin. and Stasamers. (YYYPattie-solar attention given to calls from pr irate residences. 1 ,• 'Phone No. NI. PURE LAKE ICE We wish to anno Ince to our curt••wnere of'former yeas s and to t hr public in general that out icehouses Err stocked with pure lake ice end went" prered to supply all old sort nee customers. We ere the only dealers handling PURE LAKE ICE (t,RAIGIE BROS. 'Phone Calla : ( IMee 24 Hral.e 124 1 1 TEN PERS WANTED El) 1 Tenders addressed to the un- dersigned will be received up to 8 o'clock p.n,. on FRIDAY. MAY 19th. 1911 for minoring a prrtion of tbe side bill on the road to Seltford, between the G. T. R. overhead bridge and the highway midge over the River Maitland between Goderich and Seltford Plans and specification. mer he Ness at tbe Town OIsrt a Office, Goderich. Tim lowest or any fonder not neoema ily accepted. L L KNOX. Town Clerk, Goderi"b. B. 0. MIYNNiNOS, CbaitM O Fuses Work. Cosa - amities. a Aeries. • WANTED' LOST OR FOUND. 000ERICH MARKETS. 4 CND. - A GOLD W ATOM T11va.par. 11x1 I.t► sash. with teem attached. Apply at s nab wheat, par krb le EtlIONAL (I!T1( . 1E1 e$o,g wMe4par\ems". SITUATIONS VACANT. O.u. ver wee►. = Peas, per bosh WANTED. -- JOINERS, CABIN ICC'ltarlel3 g. ten maker•, tuterwr nnt.here, and painters i no e,►t er too ...o1d at sane- Hri hent er"er end!! w...•k. ' Fbnr. patent. "rime cwt pp p11i! CULLING WOOD dHIPBCILDING COMPANY.LIMII' D. editing +oat.00K B kiy rt Straw WANTED. - INFORMATION 0 F Robert Kerr. who married Oreeei7'o*-' moa and who lived in Chicago in Ian. Mole daegbter. Ethel Kerr. would like to bear Mem bite. or any information in regard: _thinner MISS NTR Ll. K EIUL 11118 Indian Are. ld Apartment Cberg.• 47-4e FOR SALE. WAGON FOR SALE. - LIGHT wap'. with good top used only ose sea I. Apgt to efts. A. G. Met DUN ALD..r J. J. McEWZN. grocer. TJIANO FOR SALE. - IN GOOD 11 ostditloa. For further particulate apply at THE SiGNAL OFFICE. WANTED. -A GIR[s VOR GEN- T kssenwork. Geed wags. Ret mimes regnlr.d- Apply to MRS. Y R. DRW- A RT oars et ohs Royal Beat of Canada. Eleg- em Falk. Out. GG9 FOR SETTING. - WHITE W'yandottes. Rascal snare large white ky tlpe : winners wherever exhibited , are everything at Goderich. t91Y Alrw brick Mitearca. p.ia.-winoen, Egon trout both pert- to per ll C. W . WOR-3ELL Matt - land avert, Goderich tout Smite Homes. NOTICE TO CREDITORS GOOD, *MAR GIRL WANTED. - P• - straw wages. telO! 7t hotelok NOTICE TO CREDITORS. N g MA• ER OF DLNCAN t TTE W IUST1 OF HiltuS.GII DOE t 01'N?Y OF H('RuN. GEN KRA C H ANT. L TSC% INT. WANTED AT ONt'E.-A LIVE rtlpreeeetative for dlodericb and die - trod. A pern.ansmt position with liberal la- dt4s.e.et. for the right Dart - eTUNI•: t W-iLLING]'UN. Nureerltuen. Toronto. rat Li 1VEMANOR WOMAN WANTED. -few work at home paying tIMW or 0Uq per day with opportunity to ad•Race, pare Uwe con be used. Wort not difficult tied require. w ex r.eoon. WIN'TuN. limited, 81p.dl•a Ave., Totowa.. 48 St. The insolvent hu made an aedgnment tome fer the beeeth of creditor's under S. 0. u. I. Merger 117. A meeting d reedlwrs will be Mid •t my ogee Ne. t8 wellimrton 9t. East. Toronto. op Friday) the ltgh day of May. 1911. at the hour of 3 •-clock to the &hareem. for the appelotmeot of Moneta,. the fixing of tae amount of their remooent1em and giving of airectioos .lth reference to the diapwal of the eetate. All tenons claiming to rank, upom the (ether of the insolvent meet fi1e their claims with m• os or before the tlth day of JUDO. WW1, utter which date 1 will proceed t•• distribute the notate. haring reran' Lothar. cL•im.only of which 1 .ball thee have had noise HENRY BARBER. Trimmer. Dated at Toronto tk4. Oth day of 1 n1l. MIL BASEBALL MITCHELL V. GODERICH MAY 24TH , 2:30 O'CLOCK AT AGRICULTURAL GROUNDS. OODERiOH Admission. 23e and 1,c STERLIM BAAN i of ca ►ea or if courteous treatment, prompt attention and safety is a factor in placing your account, we would offer you:our services. .Every attention given to farmers' business, .and loans made to respon- sible people on reasonable terms. GODERIICH BRANCH O. W AJ i rRera 4 PPRENTII'ES WANTED FOR t1 the trades of enl.hirtg and organ aerie. making. Boy• from enema to eighteen lean of age will be furl learnt the differed tads Required to be Indentured. Apply at tb* of - an of the t;OI)httleR ORGAN CIA. We.t et.wt. •AOtTION SAirs. WINDING -UP SALE OF l'RUPKRTI- BY THE EXECUTORS OF THE LATE GEORGE At HERON ESTATE AT THE I)1FFKRKNT PROPERTIES IN THE TOWN OF GODKRICH. ON SATURDAY. J UNK3rd. to D I.-1. at 1 o'cloat ,'harp Pateel L -Lot 3•...00t.h •cid. of E..t suet, on which then is a large frame dwelling and a frame stable, a111n good repair. This la the eec.ond lot from the American Road MacMn. foundry and in well Mooted In a b.r rsapea•. Parcel 2. - Lot M. north side of Nelson street, the property letd7 occupied W Dr. Turnbull and now occupied by Mr. Wilson. ILL in a .food brick house in a good part ae the Wen and bas been • good investment to rent. Them le a drivewal le from Brune street. d.3eg •war with driving over leen. with coal. etc. Parcel x -1.ot tO3 and part of lot ire. The property ooenriod by Wm. Costa, Esq. This lot yp=n. parcel Na 2. and le a commodious prick house with splendid lawns and ground.. The Executor. are determined to cloy up the Cote. Thi. is all t be propene they hare to Memo d and u will b. sold. TIKES :Ten per Deet. of purch.ar money to be paid to the Executers on day of .ale ; the balance within thirty days. when deeds .ill be given. TgnDien WANTED. tb w 0ITto 0 etas •48 e]tto e Iolo 071 El koro 1 73 te 1 73 1'O to e in naw ass 11 0te SUI 1eWow baaUI 4 a to Ste Wood, per Iasi 8 10 to S 34 Cheese. pie Ilo Butter. par W . 17 to 0 Si ffea, tr. r doe 1. 13 w 13 to lo e 17 Ofd w'0per tatoma. Der bushel.- m 43 to u 110 le.w Potatoes. per bu-beL.... 1 W to 240 Com* oral's to goad, per sot\ 4 Dow 3 01 ( LUO, export. par cwt 8 W to 3 73 Y i73to iia Yeearling Lamm .... ....•.• 4 s, to 4 3r1 Mem per owt 4 S. w 4 JO Tallow por lb - ttI to u5 Hides,p.r owl 7 T w 7 76 Illi • elm. so w OU RARE ANIMALS With the Great Loodoc Shows. The London Shows exhibit the only great. blue -faced. rih►nused baboon in captivity. He is a giant in size. and is possessed of the strength of a booth ed ,nen. Decked with rare tints, with gorgeous colors and with indescribable hues, be grins at the startled thous- ands, a degenerate man or a redeemed brute -which in he? Scientists haus not answered the question. He has passed through training sebeol for animals sed hat. thrown Beide many antics and notions of the brute crea- tion. and taken on tnaoy antics •pd idiosyncrecies of finite man. He is at once a wonder and a mystery, and his plerr grimaces end wise expressions provoke smiles and, serious refectiooa from the simple-minded and the phil- oeophical. To see this rare treak of nw':*se is never 6' forget ir. Howe's Great London Shows Con- solidated, according to the general verdict the greatest circus alliance the world has ever known, will be in Goderich on May 30t.h. Tender. will be received b the w r ad Execu- toup to 1 o Book on 1.he 3rd day of Juoe wet for the sale .f nye slimes fully paid common ▪ reek. par c.iw wee heedrid defilers mob, in the Goderich Planing )Ii11s (:o-, Limited : alee- eighteen shares fully paid .took in the Gale - rich KniUang Co.. Limited U preferred and 13 common'. par value one hundred dollen. each. For further particular. apply rn THOS. GUNiIRY. auctioneer. or Mr. J 1'. Brown for the Executors- ,(ilORTOAGE BALE Coder and by virtue of the powers contained le • cor abs mortgage. which will he ptooed at the Ume of sale. there will he ofdaf ed for role by public auction on Saturday. the Ash day of May. A_ 1). 1911. at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon. at Malloughs Hotel. in the village of Ihtnganooli. by 1bm oas Gundry. auctioneer, be fallowing prope-ty. nan wog ely:- The webatt of the east eleven in the fourth conceaton. n•stero division of the township of Aabael3. In the county of Huron. rove and except three aces converse for • cemetery. The parcel to be sold contain. forty -oven acres of land more or leo. all cleared. The .tolI 3.,n.apple orc11 Sam Theare thee. acres or w nall frame house with kitchen attached frame bare 311E42 with forme stable 18.24; drive homed 17.14 in fairly rood rep.lr ; elm • frame roe boom and .laughter hoose 18s7A. G.lod well at home and running stream on Lim : situated se.. then a mile from the village of Dnee moon. Tors : Ten par amt. of the combines money to be paid down at the t LID. Of rola balamoe to be paldvrltiin telt days. •Fpor7 farther particulars 'r'ycO Y and UD T conditions L Kir.!, RUN. Solic1wrnfir. THOMAS GUNDRY. A.Orlonesr. Dated at Goderich Use 4th day of May. A. D. 1911. TENDERS. L``tEALED TENDERS. ADDRESSED 17 to tae Portwa.ter General. will be m- reiresl at Ottawa until noon, on Frida . June Med. 1911, for the con reranee of 111. Majesty'. Matta, on ► prepared oo.u.et for four leant. three times per week each way. between Luck noir and Lanark, and three round trips per week betwere0 foreknow and Matnkirg. from the 1st October seat. Printed noele, dbutaleinur tinter laform•- tlon .a to conditions of proposed contract may be seem end Wrath forms of render may be ob Mimed of the podorloe. of Luckiest..Mafekiag and route otlfoe.r and u the omcr 11.4 the Penamoe Inspector at Lowden. G. C. ANDERSON. Supw4ntemdeat Postofdos Department. Mail Service [Manch. Ottaw.. May sib. 1911. 51.18. CHURCH UNION. DISCUSSED WEDNESDAY EVENING BY METHODIST MINISTERS. Rev. J. E. Ford Favors the Proposed Union, Rev. L tfartlett Opposes It -First Day's Work of the Annual District Meet,nR. TENDERS FOR THE PURCHASE of the triune cottage on Waterloo street owned by the Goderieh Curling and Skating A..o.•latioc will be rewired by the ender Aimed up to Friday. Maykith. The seamseful tenderer will be requiredt* have the Wilag removed et once. W. L HORTUN. Manager. 3•1.5. God's great cause and doubtless his FEW REMARKS. efforts will he crowned with success A tiS. y In his new field of Lhor. The annual meeting of the Woman's VicU,ria Day,May 34th ; the King's Society of North street Methodist church was bald in the pen lMrthday, Juoe 3rd; Cononti aoo Day. lor of the church on May 1st. The re - wen. Juoe tool ; Uomioiuu Day, Jul) 1st. pp r)orrttas were enursging. the flol.nee. It looks like • plethoras of holidays iteiog in advance of last year. The during the net six weeks, and a good following are the office for next many people t ink the making of hul- ear : President, Mt.. J. H, (•oleorne ; idays ie being overdone. Coronation year presidents. Mr'. 8meeth and DEy 1.. of course'. a special nceasion Mr.. Oso. Cox ; 1st vier -president, for this year only ; but the King's birth - Mrs. Geo. Aeheono ; end vice-presi- dent, dal' s1,niverwary dmories every ear. dent, Miss M•rearet Robertson ; :41d 1t is not at all likely that both King vice-president, Mn. Hickle ; recording George's birthday and Victoria Day secretary. Mrs. Herold Turner : nor- Will popularly known as "the Queen's responding secretary, !ties H E. Free- birthday") will both be honored with than; treasurer, Mrr. IV. C Pridhatn; holidays -the dates are too close to - superintendent 01 svetematic and pro- portionate giving. Mn. A. lJwvid- son. Last Thursday evening the quar- terly official board of North street Methodist church met to the closing official meeting of the church year. There was a very full representation of the uienilers. The reports from all the departments were preoented and The annual meeting of the Ooderich district of the Methodist church opened in North street Methodist church, Goderich, en Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. David i(ogees, of Seaforth. chairman of the district, was the presidingesmcer, and Rev. J. H. Ost.rhout, of boro'. wee elected secretary. The following ministers were pres- ent : Dr. Dougalh Dr. Medd and B. Clement, Goderich ; Jas. E. Ford. Jo,iab Greene, T. Wesley Covens and Henry D. Nrwantnhr, all of Clinton : David Roger; rtr df.n-tb : T. J. Soow- den. HolmeuviUe; E. A. Fear. Blyth; L. Bartlett, Dung.nnon : Wo- COO - way, Nile ; We,. Baugh. B.nmiller Rubt. A. Miller, Auburo : J. H. Oder - bout, L')ndrefruru', and Wm. H. 'Tay- lor, Vern.. In additi••n to the routine bueloe.a, J. Melville Key.. a probationer at col- lege, was coot f ors probation and recommended to br returned to col- lege. R. 8 Lerklend, of Walton, was recommended to see received as a pro- twtioner. Benjamin Clement, Josiah Greene and Henry D. Newcombe were recommended to be coounued as suppeeninouated minister. The Pessim was concluded with a general discussion on the work of class meetings and the promotion of the work of God in the district. In the evening the subject of church union was di.cuaeed at an open meet- ing before an interested audience. Rev. L. Bartlett, of Dungannoo, gave an argumentative address in opposi- tion to the proposed union and we. followed by Rev. 3. E. Ford. of Olin - ton. who declared himself in favor of union. Mr. Ford's address was a moot illuruina•iog review of the con- ditiooa which, as he sees it, face the church today, demanding such an ad- vents- as the proposed union would be, Rev. J. Greene. of Clinton. and Rev. Dr. [kings'', of G,detich, contin- ued the discussion, the tenor of their remarks, being favorable to union. Today the laym-n gathered to take part in the general sees' - A report of the proceedings will be given next week. ' FOR SALE 011 TO RENT Lt0MS TO RENT. - SUITABLE far cakes se heist resew Apply to . SHARMAN. Si -U MO RENT. -A BOARDiNG HOUSE, 1 ferobked. ceotrally iscat.d : Moot one Mock from W. Square ; atreemmedation for from twine to Mom boarder ; .11 m,dero aooveeienons. Moderateurspa Asplto MRS. A.G. MACfhUNALn.1J. J. McZWKN. grocer. JUDICIAL BALE. COUNTY COURT OF WZNTWORTH- SAWYER VN_ CONNELL Ponroaot te the ledge sot and order herein there will ie .04M at magic eviction in one 301 by Mr. Thema. Osndry, u (.othorn. Rotel. Ood► nen. es saunter. tl. 3rd day of Jima A. D. 1M11, at 11 o'ekek men. the tapes la tie towa- .k r'olboree. In the avant) of Heron. parts Of lourof numbers 2 and 3 In the let 0.0.05.. Wre delta'. described a. Mlbwt: -I'oo. meowing on said lot number 3 at • pmt pla•led as the .moth .W. of tan 00044: highway ..1 at the diatom. of 17 chains .od ai link. mere or low went from the noethwe■t ogle of tie Roman (Whelk cemetery. Thee -.oWO as • right eagle w the said public hie! war a owe more of 1'.s to the boundary of rid lot 3.t the Ree. benne westerly Jong the River fellow im the mv.ral wtndt ngs thereof .o ewe more or les to the onthwe.tertl ange of let !rum- ba 2 In the said eancewabn. thence north 43 Mirror. and 4 ^ minute. met t ewes mon or 1'•s ;o the public highway. Thane south r.li Ma ,.e.. end 2111 amine more or la.m to an ante et the rood Ittehwa . Theism doe east along tM.Oath limn et the rota highway 14 chains *ad 15 link. More orlamtotM pians Of begin nine. 000 W nine 40i oars more or lost SO- ..3..11 10 reserve bid and er .acing tan- gier,' oo-eery df aay)- Ten per tent. of pert -hese money at time of rale and balance 'without interest to he paid Into Coit within thirty day. tberwwlw. 1'I.e vendor. will fernlsh a Regh.trer's ale street and emir ouch document. a. are le their Rhoold ,tie pnrcha.er maks any rem iUos which the vendor are sae prepared to remove they .hell have o 0. right to ron.rl the re aid the rchwroe the Asti to *Mole rasa/meet of be t. in • 1 a her re.penel the needing coedit rot. d ,hi. • eget .111 Further partier from 11 WISPS. MART IN t HA1RwggTle Trader.. 0ellitars. Faneew4 Listed 4tM wk 114 'mama .8 Mai D. MIL LMlaaOerr. MEDICAL DOUSE TORKNT.-ON NEWoATE 1111 street, with 4. raceme. Coeve.Y.e.a. .sob en boob. clo.et heuse& electric tight, waressems. pent. y. those Mother eoomi and twe ediens. Rot sad cold water to bathroom. weehra.e and one et the milers. Apply to N. W. )NUT'T. N.erwe onset, ri1WO GOOD FARMS FOR SALE. -- 1 Cisme to the tows et U.derieb. The land Y 4reada..t archer] ora both plaore. em/ term- Bay ono. laud te going up_ Also for sal agreed building tot, it feet hostage. ea South ett.. 1 [part et the Watson property 5. Appb tel'HUS-OU-IDRT. 1.10U8E 'T () RENT.- O N RAST CHURCH NOTES. gether : the quorums us, which of the two will Cantdiao. observe. We believe that the Queen's birthday is the mote !,„pular date and by all odd. the better one to be observed by a holiday. 1t comes just at the blossom time when everybody wools to have a day out-ofrloors, and it has hecome firmly estahlisbed as the Ars: spring holiday-. With the 1.t of July a proved exceedingly rnootleaging• sal tied hohdaty, t observe the 3rd of !'bete bad been en increase in church June would oring the ohthing the memhenhip and Sundwy school at- closely tog -r her. which is a thing tube teodaoce. Tbe-tniesiooary .nntribo- avoided. Moirover.it would he with tions all told will total abnut 11,453.00. The ♦mount rased from all sources i. $6867.14. IA motion of apprecia- tion of the work of Dr. and Mrs. Dougall was giver. a most cordial smp- porgy Many kind things were said. Dr. Dougall is likely to doe moved to First Methodist church. 81. Thome., at the Conference which will sit at Stratford during the last week of May and the first week of June. extreme reluctance that Canadians. the majority of whom have celebrated the natal anniversary of Queen Vice toric from the time of their youth. would give up the holiday which brings recollections of the good Quees and of the pleasant.pring days wbicb have always heed associated with bee birthday. We did not holiday on King Edward's birthday ; there is no particular reason why we should pre- fer King George's anniversary above The Presbyterian my*: Among the that of his father. Let us keep our most hopeful of the various Iinei of good old Queen's birthday holiday o0 effort that have been undertaken with the 24th of May, and then our owe Canadian day, the 1st of July. This week, with plenty of rain to keep dawn the dust, the question of watering or oiling the streets does not seem so pressing as it did a few days ago -as it did last Friday, far in- stance ; but the du.t will root) be fly- ing again, and the town council at ata meeting tomorrow night should cup aider aeriou.ly whether it would not be well to have tbe railway around the Square oiled at once, as w• 11 as the roads leading to the Square for at least a block away. The nil is dirty and snake. a nasty emelt for a while, light to note. how man of our young we adroit, and it 41 bard upon er R 7 y g tire.: but none of these affi+ction.rubbis men slid boys Qre ready to respond to so hard to [sear aa the cloud• of du.t • retessableappeal. Since coming to which make life miserable in the sum- Goderich ,ft November layt I have pre- ▪ view to supplying the present lack of Christian ministers must be pleerd the "Order of Recruits for the Minis- try." The Order was devised and organize•! by Rev. Geo. E. Ross in Zion church, Charlottetown. It is only a few mootbti since Mr. Ross came to Ontario as minister of Koox church. Goderich. but already the ap- peal which was so willingly responded to in Prince Edward Island has met with a similar reception in this Prov- ince. Chapter Two of the Order of Recruits has just been organized in Goderich with a charter membership of eight and six more men in sight. Mr. Ross writes : "It is a great de - The Epworth League of Nor tb street Methodist church will:bold its service next week on Monday evening. Bishop William* has announced that the annual synod of the dlorxse of Hume will beheld at•sttatford this ease. At the Wednesday evening service 111 Knox church this week fes. ty-eix pee'oos were nomtuated for election to the elder.hip. Tbe midweek prayer service of Knox church and the Y. P. 8. C. E. meeting will be merged next week, tbe joint meeting to be held oo Tues- day evening, commencing at 8 o'clock. Next Snode Rev. M. Lymburoer will preach in Victoria street chutcb. Foreouon meeting at 11 o'clock ; even- ing service at 7 o'clock. The Young Men's Union meets at 10 o'clock in the for cumin. the Macldillivray Midhion Band of Knox cbuicb intends holding a "cor- onation social' on the evening of May 20t.b, at 8 o'clock, in the lecture room of the church. Admission 13 cents. Don't forget the date. The serve:es in Koox church next Suoday will be in charge of the paltor, Rev. (ho. E. Ross. Tbe morning sub- ject will be "Responding to (God's Coll," and for the evening, 'TM l3e- serest. Modem ooeve.leaeee. Apply at lirver s Assurance" is the theme W GNAL uFFI(1. chosen. FARM FOR SALE. -IN COLBORNE pswaAla, bite lot Bt on Maritiend mr.a- ee•wlon, Contains 149ee twor which L o.vared with bard eb. sixteen U wheat, dray In gine and remainder in good state of Gatti rat los. Thom ere mese sass of ■sad orchard and es the terte weal fenond. il.Me M a..od -.IM briek teen's and two bank harness the p•nperty. PM further pert{c.lar. as to•terms. sae.. apply to JAtx)B FLIC1I he premien. w 1feemfler P. 0. LIARS TO RENT OR FOR SALE. - r Gr.. hundred acres of tend I.+d, belay south Ref td Int 13_ 0000en{on 4. West Weir.- mob. ab. mart, all in •geed .tore of .altiv.tton. and nearty all •r+edd down Hallding. le Made brick Moo. hirer hero. shed, otk_ ypr1ng creak r u n . through property. Faroe la within half a mile or the thrivtng vinare of Dn.,aaneon and 1. .eeeenleet t0 eherrhe.. aeb u - and po.toehrOn the prem r a read 715..1 pit, wh1M et tate years ban averaged ores *An • year ; also sir arra. et c1 hardwood bol.- For fart her le fon'ae0 pinwales.dtng Visa i0. apply to 1fnp4 E. B. MILLIGAN. Dungarees. R. F J. R FURRTitR-Flag. EAR sero .sM threat eel Rome mesas* Telt Opbthalm)e and Aura/ leetlt..m. arraaneee_- Ear. Nese sed 10,1.3 tat ee en. Rm load. 5.51MSd y V t Rr.tM. .5peit0 Ilex Cl torkW Hears 9 anwa the 4s.ax. ttee aa Teepees* Oo tae the Geosaset Welt WINN for pore (K cresol sad Sissy sendaasg iiia sae t4`. 4 tl bop at the best of hewed* a-llldlell Mad I Ile won be eat Is me I Nae kheeela/ew Leiiss 111118.111.sR 'y rvM .Mom Ma.. all hours. °HOICK LOTH FOR SALE IN THE '3.n.w proper,) Plat 133.1225 tem g eted,noer.er of Merlinstreet and Elgin areas., ralteh4e roe three M..,e.. M NW Marla re .oar parehmer. Hier said dry rrwas4: chem -t le bort rse.Mswtla when. Sewer .t a •tensa ref pm be allowed under any eircyestans s p, uealare.pe(v et TAR Si \A1.0VF1(! Medical o/flapy l.i•at.-/'ol. C. W. ✓ ented from the pulpit the claims of the ministry on three occarioos and this response otelght young fellows is purely voluntary. 1 invited all who were interested to meet me in the vestry of the church. W net on two o ecasions and 1 have dealt person- ally with each member before organ- izing this Chapter. They are•enthusi- astic and s) is the session. in fact it is, 1 believe. the beginning of s great movement in our congregation." "The Inward Struggle" will be the pastor'. subject in the Baptist church next Sunday morning- Hie evening discourse will he entified 'The Shad- ow of Doubt." The Sabbath school and Bible classes meet at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Rev. H. T. Fergnsno, of Kincardine. occupied the pulpit of Victoria Metho- dist church last Sunday and delivered two excellent sermons. 1t wee the Kpworlb LeagIre anniversary. The pastor. Rev. Dr. Medd, took Mr. Yer,lus n'. work at Kincardine. Snoday evening 1)r. Dougall. of North street Metbrsdiwt church. be- gin. • new series of sermon's deeding with social q.estions. The into -eine- m?! sermon will be "Social Prineiples .ef .!esus." Others following will be ti rel Principks In Businoas Lifer" Arlt division. eAss'TeachingConeern•rig Wealth." D. A A. and Q M. (i.--Ma)ine i.. "Demme of Modern Family Life." W. Shannon. D. A. A. and Q. Si. 0., Under a derision arrived at last erns division. weak by the wart of 24,pe01• 04 Senior A. 8. C. ofec.r--4'apt. E. C. the Metbodi.tchurcb, women will not O'Brto, C. A. R. C. TO BE EXAMINED AGAIN. Medical Experts to See Jardine -How the Condeamed Mac Amuses Himself. The fate of Edword Jardine, sen- tenced to be hanged tor the murder of Lizzie Anderson. may depend upon tbe report of two medical experts whose arrival et the jail is expected daily. These experts will be under commission from the Department of Justice to examine Jardine and re- port es to his mental co edition. In the meantime the prisoner is re- ported to regent his position in the coolest manner possible. He is care- less and light-hearted, spending mach of his time in playing a mouth organ, which was secured for him at his own request.. He has ordered several photographs which he will give to his friend. before the day of his execu- time for those who have to spend the greater part of the day in the neighborhood of the Square. If the oil ie expensive. so is 11 expensive for our merchants to have tbeir goods covered with dust and perhaps spoiled, and to keep clerks dusting goods and counters from morning tilt night. With a little precaution, too, rubber tires can be preserved from the ravages of the oil; and we imagine that most people, between having tbeir eyes and throat filled with dust and bearing some annoyance to their nostrils from the smell of the oil. would prefer the latter. The experi- ment of oiling was not half carried out Ian. year : let us give it a thor- ough trial this year and then we eheil be in a position to determine whether in the future our streets are to be oiled or watered. While there is alarm in some On- tario towns over the decreasiog school population, Onderich is able to re- cord a substantial increase during the Let few years. At the last meeting of the public school trustee board the principal reported 587 pupils enrolled. Six years ago, in April, the enroll - went was 436. The increase in these six years waw tberefote 151. or 35 per cent. This should ise very gratifying to the people of Goderich. Of course. it means a larger expenditure to pro- ton). The condor where Jardine vide pruper educational facilities for spends hitt days lately became infested the growing generation ; but in what with rats, •and a traQ was set for the better crime can mooey be spent thee rodMts. al'b's prisoner's greatest -- training the pleasure is to &Leh a rat and to each e gives,a namee•calling it after some offlrial who !Wired in his trial. His guards say that so far be 1500 caught and bringing them up to good citizenship? `Vitt ill. new Victoria echesol and a splendid staff of teachers the educational equipment of Gode- the judge, his counsel, the prosecuting rich is better than ever before, and attorney and half the jot y, besides parents should earnestly and heartily various officer's co-operate with tbe teachers and the Rev. Geo. E. Roes goes to este Jar- ttluteee in helping to make the wo* dine three times each week, and Is the of the acb.,nle ns .ffe•ctive is poe.ible. only one who is permitted with the prisoner besides his guard. He nays NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, -May lath. that the young man 4. hotheted with ►•se his conscience, but that physically he W.te1, con Fend- -The 81tna1 t Greet take. Service -C. P. R.. ..... .... d If it'. a Klee -J- S Ihver. -. $ Not tis Chain - - W'. J. Mui ..... Cts - 4 01r1 Wanted -Mr. 5. R. Dewart, Niagara Fall. t Tender. for Meg Contract-- G.4'. Anderron . 1 Ottawa. May 12. -Hilitis order. to- The Beet result. -v1 after C. Prldbsm.. t day sive the dates and waft of ofllcere Rednotions in Carpet• - W. A*Os en Y ger, 2 at the instruction ramp for annual Wall Paper Special.- celesta/It l em e. e Store training of the militia at Goderich Dependable 'nems n Meba.d05 vet. H. et. opening June 19 : h«re 4 ('amp eowirnandant -- ltd. VY. E. Rorsm.toRn.t-W'e.Sbartim•t Hodgins, O. ('. l..dic. an:t Wal.b, 1). 611.1 ilk's1 General .tall om,.r-G. et. O. of Wagon for Sale -Mr. A 4*. 5 .1Iee b 1 Summer Mlllis.ry Hedger Ikea 1 Oxford. for Sommer- W Hera 4 Tie Waddler Ring Walter H. Neneeee - s :Larding Homo t• Rent -J. J. MORMIS 1 Properties foe •W.. Thee O.mh, 1 Rale of Property Acheron. KA•aM...... .... 1 the Your Brw.kt.•t Table The (abs• Lited.elca - Baeebelt .... i [t ' of Rosie wen, earner B.rseett area, then Brush Columbia Cenferesee. in J•I.w.a t .also Nabors. .M, . lestl_ igd.re0. 312".„2,0.„.."" a .masse 1,511 d wee Ordinance nflie.r (•rtiegi-4'nsidttk^tor o slhmrvrweM Mblpb.it p., {r1/, i at t..w •Ise b tie .roti sNo llM ewer .d • woman who. eluted by • iq. V. Hwe{an. C. U. C. • p N Mlearr syssr, anvte.iy' offleial board to et -pre -eat • PAymaa.fer-Major E. R. Tonley. C. AsM,e,a.,K welt slwrr•R ROadem R R ........ .... S =wiser. ONrt• •t e• on 'sort/ereec.. than A. P. C., pay fir •b divimlon. err 111111001116411112811111140.~ • • i~ trafmi.ed •dssietioy e.0 arrival Musk etry inot ructar--Major W. A. MOWN PROPERTY POR SALE. 1 iet twit hudr* and t live ilii w EEoter Advneate Rev, Mark Torn. l5imwoe. 7th Rae meet AUCTION eAti ! .reel.. Is tie woe of Osier eh. saw hull of 'snare eb tiro Rl lhIst dAleer iMot- 1- T. fall snogsartw of .a sow*. Os tM swtk amid lam ve 55rescse en behalf . C. S. t', teat tbs. em errty them a erected • seer pevee.i aan wa• r. y r - NOrtemp tam d leer rad a bait Iran. 4.sm* how. mrd . h4ses- oi..ios. foe Chins In the Trlriu Mere - . - -. rrtlawe•f jl.sgrabmea. rt M.iNL. .e p a , ew... eeeetpw ti the W AIe .sank rlbareb on Sunday lea. Mrear The Guelph Em ei si•n. sir s" v 0+esv. auea{rs a.iw 1tMbrNw Harr\ tM bele and do TOreboil hes • Mil from• Ftuisorte t.s4,ltete eseureion its t ...as, ' ' w ♦vwtln.l4Ra• ro11dOMe •re. at t sneer tome the Meme et ♦ ions rhumb in MsxiM, t rt► laer'Bs ( tl4oelph Peachy, gree Yt►. The pope- 1994rvma4y, M•1 nm emotion este of here two riff 1p. 1 where be will move shortly with his' ler event of the esassa IC sir the r s (het ort Alxs a 111„......11". family. The reverend gent Immo I. des rime sad look for feelay r •^am'r• ((t : ....awe •.(Ilkt rt s as ttar•rA sad (levOut works. to BBt14a'.1rs•eea. ew"k e ee sanikrr► is improving in health. _ THE GODERiCH CAMP. Militia Orders Ameo.oce Names o1 Olaf Officers. ices rrpreseetativeeauto.•aantedcon Bolin. P. A. M. 0.. A. M. O. thou 'OR HALF - TIN At 'RES, EAST fe ..three. The yet km was raised try dieinson. 11111111111111111111.1 - ! r eY*s,,>°^tlr ..a^;w tsar* "`d(!'t,a it' .w. • It; .i