HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-5-11, Page 8• • "RV .l, • Tt;<v*DaT, Mai u, 119111 Wall Paper Bargains We are putting sin sale Friths), and fiat urday several hundred rolls of Wall Paper. dainty floral and stripe effect•, regular llte and 15c. special. choice 10c per roll. Granite Papers • Several colorings to choose front. These papers are spec- ially suitable for kitchens, pan- tries. Lath rooms, and tack halls, regular 10c per roll, Fri- day and Satdrday, 8c. `° Ask to see our special Cana- dian Papers, 5c and 0c per roll. No better value shown aoy- wher• for the money. TheCeloaial look Store _ TT3E0. PORTER, Prop. 'Phone 100. Goderich. r If you are on the lookout for , something useful for Birthday Gifts Wedding or we want you to know that a jewellery store is the best place in the wbrld to end it. We Kaye made SPECIAL preparation for this happy sea- son. and wbetber you wisb to spend 50 centa or $51) you will have no difficulty in finding something here to exactly suit your taste and pocketbook. We shall be glad to show you our magnificent aaeortment and to help you end exactly what you are looking for. Walter H Harrison 1 C. P. R. Watch Inspector Jeweller and Optician On the Square Goderiohiggi fit• GOMM OPERA HOUSE GROCERY First door toff Sven, 1Grrpsren St. Everything in Groceries Fresh, Pure and Good HOME -GROWN Rhubarb Lettuce AMp Onions Bo THE BUNCH Butter Crocks Flower Pots NEW STOCK JUST IN Ileadquatten for choice Butter and fresh Egye. Jao. W. Vaulter Opera House Block 'Phoebe 164 Kingstoa Street. Call or 'Phone W. R. Putnam, Ham- ilton Street, when you have anything to do in the line of ELECTRIC WIRING PLUMBING HEATING or METAL WORK All orders will re- ceiyeour prompt and careful attention. No job is too large or too emelt for its. A full line of Granite and Tinware, K).rtric taimplies, Stove. and Ranges. W. R. Pinder 'Photo. iM HAMILTON MTRBBT CHURCH NOTEtti. A►n Durtow, of Nile, wi be a dale - w the intettt}ti Sunda eseventiou to be b in 8w Francisco on Juue 30-87. Inst Sunday wee missionary day in St. Georges church and sermons appropriate to the onoasioo were pprryecabed by Rev. E. 11. Grisly, of W Ingham. Rev. J. Pollock will be the speaker at both services at the Baptist church seat Sunday. In the eveniughe will deliver his third eddreer in bisseries of "Sun- shine and Shadow of Hunan gspsri- enoe," the subject bring 'The Energy cot God." The Sabbath school and Bible classes meet at 3 o'clock it the atternoou. Rev. W. G. Hanna, of Tomato, ago - rotary of the Lord's Day Alliance, oc- cupied the pulpit of Knox church last Sunday morning and addreeesd the congregation of North street Metho- dist church in tbe evening. The rev- erend gentleman gave a good presen- tation of the work that has been done sod is being undertaken by the Alliance. Rev. H. T. Fera uson, B. A., B. 1)., of Kincardine, will be the txeacbat of the day in Victoria street c urch nezc Sunday. It will be the Epworth League anniversary day, and there- fore the services will be of prune im- portance to every person who is bound to keep young. Rev. Mr. Feitwuson is sure to please. Neat Sunday morning in North street Methodist church Dr. Dougall will present the subject, "Debatable Territory ;" in the evening, "The Death of Moses." This subject was due lest Sunday evening, but was withdrawn. Another series of moat practical ap- plication win be annouoced during the eveningser•vice. Next Wednesday- afternoon and oa the following Thursday the annual meeting of the Goderich district will be held in North street Methodist church. About thirty ministers and delegates will be present. The im- portant feature of ttie meeting will be the vote on church union. On Wed- nesday evening tbere will be a public meeting at which two addressee will be given on this subject. The question will then be thrown open for tree dis- cussion. Anyone will be welcome. Rev. Geo. E. Ross will occupy the pulpit of Knox church at both ser- vices ervires nett Sunday. His subject in the morning will be "Religious Train- ing ;" in the evening, 'rite Office of the Eldership." It was announced last Sabbath that Knox church would appoint twelve new elders at an early date. The service Sunday even- ing is preparatory to this There will be a special meeunrg of the con lion on Wednesday evening, Stay 17th, to nominate candidates for elec- tion to the eldership in the tear future. Presbytery el Huron. The Presbytery of Huron held its regular meeting at Brucefleld on Tues- day. May 9tb. There were present Mr. Small, 'moderator, Messrs Cars- well, Roes, Shaw. Carriers, Sharp, Fletcher, Smith. Larkin, Pearcy, Richardson, Johnston and Hamilton, ministers, and Meagre. McKay. Man- son, Dickson and Elcoat, elders. The two chief features of tbe meeting were (1) an address by Dr. Dandier, prioci- pal of Knox College, on the require- ments of the College. and (2) a confer- ence on "How to Reach and Win Young Men tot the Ministry." In answer to Dr. Gandier'n earnest plea the canvassing of the congregations was committed to the care of a com- mittee composed of Messrs. Fletcher, Shaw, Pearcy and Row. The subject of conference was introduced by Messrs, Rose and Sowers and by the convener of the committee,Mr. Sharp. A splendid contribution to the discus Bion was the address of Principal Gan - diet. The moderator was appointed to represent the Ptprbytery at the semi -centenary celebration at Caven church, Exeter, on the 210 and 28th of May. In the evening of the same day the Presbytery- met again in St. Andrew's church, Bayfield, for the induction of Rev. Alfred McFarlane into that charge. A repppprt of the in- duction is given in another column. DISTRICT W. M. S. Annual Ceaventien Held in Wesley Church ea Friday Last The nineteenth annual cot ention of the Goderich District Woman's Missionary Society was held in Wes- ley church, Clinton, on Friday, May The morning eewion opened with Mrs. J. H. l.eecb. of Goderich. who 1. district organizer, in the chair, and between sixty and seventy- person. present. Mrs. Leech led the devotional ex- ercises, part of which was a prepared responsive service, wbich was very in- teresting. The question drawer was intro- duced, after which report s were re- ceived from the following auxili- aries: Godericb, Brumfield. Blyth, Clinton, Constance, Dungannon, Goshen, Hnlmesville, Jackson. Tobe.e reports were exceedingly interesting, and the majority showed an increase it funds and membership. Tee in- crease in funds for the whole district over last year was Ur. Miss Freeman was called on to offer _special prayer for Mr& Wilford. of Blyth, who was unable to be present on account of the serious innate of ber b us bated A consecration nervice was led by Mrs. Jas. Sattbcombe, of Clinton, which was opened with singing and prayer. Mrs. Southenmbe then gave a few thoughts on the subject of con - secretion, which ebe said was not merely one set in our lives, but an act which must be constantly renewed. After a uumher of sentence prayers bad been offered, a short testimony service wars held. After singing a hymn, the morning session was closed with the benediction. The afternoon seesioo. which eons 'Evened at 2 o'clock. was opened with a Bible retiing, led by Mise D. Holmes. The minutes of the morning session were read and approved. Mrs. Gordon Wright, of was then intentioned to the conven- tions. do s. and spoke a few suitable words. Reports were then heard from the auxiliaries of i.ondeebnro', Nils. Sea - forth and Vanua. Kra (Rev.) Pont of Clinton, then gave the address et sr/stemma which Ism erotism/ to by Mrs Diehl. of THE SIGNAL, GODER!CH' ONTARIO Varna. The oonsination ot dirar1ct organizer gaits omit. This proved to be a tedioss 'ably as it seemed Iwpos- sih)r to find sole+ one to take Mrs. Tenn'• play& Ater for convention bad balloted twice unsuccessfully, th *tied ballot was east, and Mrs. Leash was usanimowdy elected organiser fur aL least nae year more. The invitation far pleas of asestir.s for text year's 000ventjoa was left with the organizer. A very excellent paper was given by Mrs.Revs.) Fear oa the suoject of "Our Dubtwty to HeatGreet- ing from sister enaielier ere then given by Mrs. J. McLeod, the Pres- byterian cbureh, and Mn. W. 8. Har- land, of the W. C. F. U. The Watch Tower meek. was very interesting. Three wbo took the dif- ferent party were Miss Freeman, of Ooderich, who read a letter from Mies Grey, of Port Simplon ; Mrs. E. (Jour - tic., who read extracts from some letters from her daughter. Miss Sybil Courtier, who is a missionary 1n Japan : lint Rev.) Swann. of Fuller- ton, wbo spoke of some of the work her daughter, Miss Anuabel Swann, is doing in Japan. A letter was also read from Miss Turner, another young lady from this district, who is a mis- sionary in Chios Mrs. Bickle was then called on to otter prayer for the girls of this district who have so will- iogly given themselves to this work. A very int.erestiD and instructive paper was read by Mrs (Rev.) Medd on systematic giving. Mrs. Gordon Wright gave an ad- dress on ••The Wbite Slave Traffic." Mrs. Wright is a very earnest and forceful speaker. in her address she made a strong plea for the girls who leave home to seek situations in the large towns and cities, that they should not be allowed to go unless they are quite sure where they are go* iog, are' m Loy advertisements in the papers are just "fakes." The offering was then taken, amounting to $7.45. The session closed with the benediction. The evening session was opened at t, o'clock, with Rev. Mr. Ford, of Wesley church, as chairman. After the opening devotional exercises, Mr. Ford made a short chairman's ad- dress. The boys choir rendered a se- lection entitled "The Fight Is On." which was very much appreciated. The address of the evening was then given by Mrs. Gordon Wright., on her trip to Scotland to the mirsienary congress in Edinburgh. This was a very interesting addres., and given in the speaker's usual pleasing manner. Miss Wilts. gave a solo, which all enjoyed. Rev. Mr. Couasns and Rev. Mr, Greene, of Clinton, addressed the con- venti en in • few words. Miss Freeman, of Godsricb. an• swered a few questions which had been handed in earlier in the day. re- lating to the work of the W. M. S. After the offering had been taken. which amounted to $7.75, the meeting was closed with the benediction. The expenses of the day were 19.75, the balance left being $5.45, which waa divided between the two entertaining auxiliaries. Empty bottles -must be clean. E. R. Wigle will buy. them on Saturday. May 13th. The new dredge is expected to be ready to launch in the course of a couple of weeks Arsenate of lead, the popular tree and vine spray, in pound bottiva• for sale by E. R. Wigle. druggist.\Gode- rich. An advance agent of Howes Lon- don Shows was in town on Tuesday and made arrangements for the com- ing to town of that company's circus on Monday. May 28th. Mr. King's Recital. The following is the program of the grand recital to be given in North Street Methodist church on Friday evening under the direction of George Harvey King : Organ solo....Yidsummer Night/. rD, �.� N.edslreoho George Harvey King. Chorus .... We Pralae Thee. 0 God Parka choir. Bolo Sae Remembrance .... . Johnston (bi Spring .twain ....11111.n Wright Howard Rowell. Plano Duet.... Poet and Peasot _..F. V. Suppe Mr. Adams and kr. Kt•g. Solo 0 Dry Thorn Tears. ....Dal Rieao Mrs. King. Sol.* . .. oa the Rosi to liilaaialay ....Klpiing Howard Russell. Chiron Solo Selected A. Roy Adams. Selo... The Italian Haatrwn'a Song. ...Natter Howard Rowell. Chorus Selected Phots. Dust ' octnrne L. Deers lira. [hug and Mr. Russell. 8olo. .....Hall. King George.. .... 8t. Quentin Howard Rummell Solo ... Fee All Eternity......Maacberool Mrs Klug. O.d Save the King. SCOTT'S EMULSION is the only emulsion imi. toted. The reason is plain -- it's the best. Insist upon having Scotts -it's fine world's standard flesh and strength builder. AIL DRUCCarr TRt TIME -') traT That New Spring Suit and Overcoat IS NOW The selections of goods which xi. carry are of first -claws quality and we have all the latest shades at HUGH DUNLOP'S W1cwr WFR$fT The up-ted*M Tailor �sasa�•---iy �' i i 1 Our Venetian Suit At $12.50 The ladies' Tailored Suit we are, selling at $12.5o is without a doubt the best suit value we have yet offered. This suit is made from a really good quality wool vene- tian. It is man -tailored throughout and cut in one of the best styles shown for the present season. The linings are high-grade and take it all through the suit is one that ,appeals to purchasers. Black, navy and brown shades, all sizes, each . . $12.50 Other Man -tailored Suit. $15.00, $40.00 and $45.00. A Large Shipment Of Rugs We have just passed through the customs the largest shipment of Rugs we ever imported These Rugs come to us direct from the manufacturers in England and we know prices will stand compari- son with any you will get anywhere for equal qual- ities. They come in a large variety of pleasing patterns in all the most popular colorings and are suitable for any room. Tapestry, Axminster or Velvet in sizes 2Y x 3 to 3i x 4i yards. A special feature is the large number of seamless velvet and Axminster Rtigs in high-class de- signs. Also some very handsome velvets in medallion patterns. If you have any thought of Rug -buying you certain- ly should see this collec- tion. Tape'.t $1ry11.00. !tugs $7.50 to Velvet Squares... $2$ 00 and *10.000. A xtmineter8q mares .,..1$25 00. $30.00 and $36.00. Medallion Velvet Rugs $40.00, $lfi.00 and $80.00. Tweed Dress Goods Fifty - fou. - inch Tweed Dress@ Gado, wash and weer well, half - a - dozen pattern& Per yard. 35c - worth double. Handsome New Curtains • This week we ha`ve opened up a Targe ship- ment of handsome Lace Curtains. These Cur- tains are up-to-date in every way and are decid- edly out of the ordinary run. They come in deep ecru and Arab shades in heavy and plain net with braided or woven designs. They are curtains that have character and style and will materially im- prove the appearance of a room at a very moder- ate cost. A dozen or more high-class designs, not more than two or three pair to a pattern. Prices $3 to $12.50 Our Two Sptclals. We emphasise again the ex- traordinary vans of the Laos Ourteins we are selling at $1.33 and $1.70 per pair. As good values in Lace Curtains you are not likely to get again for many a day. Lace Curtains $1.33 Twenty- pairs new Lace Curtains, 3 yards long, made .. from good quality net. nice ►acey- effect. Very $1.33 special, per pair.. Curtains at $ I.79 These Curtains are the pro- duct of one or the best manu- facturers in England. The designs are neat floral ef- tslte. They are from 3 to Si yards long with heavy but- tonholed edges Regular $1.50 at least. Very special Saturday per $1.764 Pair Bath Towels 2 for 25c Special for Saturday, ten dosen new Bath Towels, heavy weight, red and white stripes, 19x30 inches, good enough to sell for more money. Special for 25c Saturday, 2 for Spring Underwear A very attractive display of Spring and Summer Underwear mow on our Underwear Counter. All garments are well made and perfect in flt and finish 5c 1 for ` Ladies' white knitted cot- ton Vests, arms and neck nicely trimmed, half sleeves or sleeveless Special 25C • 2 for Very Fine Vests 25c At 25e we show a splendid range of really good gar- ments. Made from good quality Egyptian cotton, woven fine and closely twisted and will give excel- lent wear. Nicely trimmed. Half-dozen different designs. Special per gar- 25c [seat A White Skirt at $-I.00 This white Skirt is made from a high-grade English cotton. It is cut just right for the prevailing style of dress. The seams are all double sewn. ft bas a 12 - inch frill of fine muslin and Swiss embroidery. A de- cidedly good garment and extra good value, $1 00 at noly... w American Curtain Madras 19c • One-half dosen patterns American Curtain Madras just arrived this week. new and attractive designs, rood quality cloth. colon fart. Special at per yard 19c only...... Hosiery Values that are (iood Our Hosiery values are decidedly out of the ordinary. We buy our hose in large quantities and go to the makers in every case where it is possible to do so. You can depend on the stock- ings you buy here. We are ready to guarantee; them. Here are some special Values. 2 for 2Sc Just to for Saturday. 300 pairs ladles' plain cotton Hose. made from good qual- ity Sea Island cotton, dye guaranteed absolutely fait, seamless fest, a splendid stocking for ordinary wear. At is perfect, to they *rspro- perly shaped. Two 2'�sJc too Children's School Stockings 1Sc An extra purcbs,.e ot 1814 pairs goes on sale Saturday-. These stocking* are made from exceptionally et rong cotton woven firmly. feet and ankle well shaped, no aeons. all sizes, stocaings that will stand the rough end tumble wear the aver- sg- boy and girl give their stockings. Special per at 1 SC pair Embroidered Lisle Hose 25c Ladies' lisle thread Horse. good quality Hermstorf dye, front needy embroidered in colors, black, sky or pink. SpaelaI pee 'ems pair �/l, Heavy Cotton Hose 25CThew. Stockings are made specially for people wbo do not desire the reel floe or more open weaves. The cottoo need is very strong. the finish .oft. The stock- ing is perfectly eloped. . We have there in all sizes a pairto 10, at .. Pb.. LJC Fine Ribbed Lisle Hose 25c This is a lies that is very good for girls' wear. Fine one and one ribbed, rich glossy black or the popular shades of tan. Feet are seamiest.. All sizes, 25c per pair Other Hose in line' wool or cashmere, et per pair 350 1100 and 00. • The Special Suits for Stout Figurels Our special Suits for stout figures seem to ell a long - felt want.. These Suits are cut on different lines alto- gether from the ordinary garment and are designed specially f r stout people. With them we can et figures of this claw with out any trouble. Made in black only, sizes 38 to 44. good materials inside and out., at. $1800 t° $25.00 New downs 75c A shipment of Gowns right from the factory. Values decidedly out of the ordinart Made from a good Yusury English eot.too. oke of clusters of narrow tucks. Ostler, front and sleeves trimmed with good Swiss embroidery. A gown worth eoneidcrahly more money. Thirty only to sell Saturday at 75e earth a This cut illustrates Nemo Corsets, style 330. This is one of the new models brought out this Spring by the Nemo Corset Co. It is de- signed for medium or slender figures, has long skirt, is made of high quality white Coutil and has the famous Lasti- kops bands which is one of the newest and at the same time most popular features of the Nemo Corset and can be had on no other. This Cor- set is already proving a tremendous seller in the United States. We will be glad to explain its merits if you will ask at the corset counter. Sizes 18 to 26 only. Standard price per pair $3.50 A Display of Sum= mer Millinery Commencing Friday, clay 19 Friday, May l9th, and following days we will make a formal display of new styles in Millinery for Summer wear. You may call it a summer opening if you will, for it will be to Summerwhat our first opening is to Spring, an introduction of the styles that fashion has decreed correct for the coming season. A large number of models have been prepared for the occasion. We fele' sure they will be of interest. You are welcome to visit the showroom at your convenience. No need to feel under the %light- est obligation to buy. The new Summer Hats will be ready Friday, May 19th, 'at 2 o'clock p. m. New Imported Lino- leum' Big shipment of Imported Lin- oleum ujust received this walk. patterns sad splendid wearing quaalltiee In two. thew and four yards wide. Rio 41.1110 and 1100 the square yard - eon eassismas sat 1/1111111/1111 11110 Kayser Gloves --the glove with the double tip that outwears the glove. Per pair, Ric, 75e, $1.00. 1C13 Summer is here. You want good, pure Ice. W. W. SAvI.rs can fill all your needs. He has the best and purest Ice in Goderich---cut on Lake Huron. Service is prompt and efficient. All ice washed and placed in refrigerator. W. W. SA U LTS PROMS 88 Gonziuci .74,1 $ h! ,. 4' ,t> :4` i,• ie;yam" ,eF nt4:1'1" t' :tsar Spring and Summer Styles THE ladies' are invited to call and inspect my stock of Millinery for Spring and Summer. Both trimmed and untrimmed shapes in all the latest styles. Special attention has been given to the selection of a suitable line of Hats for Misses. MiSS CAMERON HAMILTON STREET OODERICH