HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-5-11, Page 6w•wn-r
• IMPWI21aT, MAI 11. 1$11!
nausea, flatulence, ezorssiie looseness,
diarrhoea or other anon fres effecL
They are taped Ily (rood foe chiWrre,
weak per -epos or old folks. Two •alas,
2bc and 10c. Mold only at our Mose
-The Rezall Son. R. 0. Duaiop,
month side of Mquate.
CoI. Hossein: and Meier Shannon Con-
fer with Councillors--Robt. Mc-
Lean to Be Paid IIi400-[lathing
flouts for Beach below Hotel Sun-
Meese Reid presided at the regular
meeting of the town council last Fri-
day night and in the absence of Town
('Rork Kooz, through illness, W.
Campbell act.td as clerk. All the
members of the ootutcil except the
Mayor were prelent.
After the general business had beeo
put througb, the council went into
committee of the whole to diecuts Ibe
prfkWunery arrangements to be mfde
itt the tntrtary camp grouds.
llodgina. 1). 0. C., and Major Shan-
non, of London. were present pi d out
lined to the aldenneq what the Gov
ernulent wisboa the town to do in the
matter of supplying necessary woven-
iences. In addition to the supply of
water and light it was asked that
thirty shower baths be installed on
the grounds. This the council :greed
to do. a resolution to this effect being
passed. As a precaution against ex-
ornitatut charges. the officers strongl)i
advocated the arranging of a tariff of
rates for liverymen and draymen.
This matter is to be taken up by •
committee. It was pointed out that
the majority of troops would be
brought to town via G. T. R. and that
the council should endeavor to have
arrangements made tor interswitching
between the two railway compariee so
that the troops could be transported
to a point eta near as possible to the
tamp grounds. Saturday morning an
inspection of the grounds was trade
and the officers expressed themselves
Ws highly pleased.
In the order of general business a
petition was presented for a sanitary
sewer to benefit residents on the Bay-
field road. It was referred to the pub-
lic works committee.
Chas. Gamow, town solicitor. sent a
communication advising the council as
to the real position in reference to the
efforts being made to obtain inter-
ewitchiog arrangements between the
two railways at the barbor. He
stated in the letter that he hoped to.
bring tbe matter before the Ontario
Railway Board at a sitting to be held
ebor'tly. The letter was filed.
A. Straiton, secretary of the public
school board, sent a deed . to five acres
of land and the necessary land to open
Raglan street. The deed was passed
on to the special committee to be reg-
A letter was read from the British
American oil Co. soliciting business
for the coming season. The company
claims to have the best road oil on the
martet and states that it has made
large sales to many cities. There is
so objectionable odor to the oil and
what alight odor there is goes off almost
Immediately after it is Lid. The
price. per gallon, f. o. b. Goderich, is
eve cents. When Acting Clerk ('amp -
bell had finished reading the letter,
Councillor Wallace remarked that one
clause had been omitted -there was
nothing about the oil's effect on rub -
her. The communication was referred
to the public works Committee.
Two commenicatioos having refer -
rice to the installation of a fire alarm
,ysteru were referred to the sire com-
Under the beading of notices of mo-
tion, Deputy Reeve Munnings gave
notice that at the next regular meet-
ing be would move to rescind the offer
for sale of the St. Patrick's ward
school site.
Tile public works committee in its
,sport its adopted recommended tbat,
respecting sewers on Keays street and
Bruce street, tbe same be referred to
tbe clerk and engineer to report on ;
[bat the following sections of sewers
he undertaken hy the council on the
initiative plat.. and that the clerk be
instructed to have all necessary steps
taken respecting advertising and no-
tices given, viz : from South street to
Keays etr•eet• end from Waterloo
street to Wellesley street on Britan-
nia toed. Time for further considera-
tion was saked tor in the matter of oil-
ing the streets. it glen was recom-
mended that the chsiruan of the com-
mittee ask for tenders for cutting off
the angle of the Saltfoed hill, accord-
ing to plane and specifications in the
clerk'.. (fire.
Robert McLean. who has a sub-lea/le
of a portion of the Attrill property,
was beamd regarding bis• terns for
allowing the place to be used for the
rnilitar) camp. Mr. McLean asked
*1011 for the two weeks' use of the land
ea the mouth side of tbe road leading
to Menesetung Park. Solna of the
members of the council protested
asaiost the charge as excessise, but it
was finally agreed to pay it.
The Deputy Reeve intimated that
$lfbi bad been expended on improve-
ments at the summer Loral and it was
necessary to expend about 1,75 more to
put the place in proper condition. He
eugge.ted rent the town erect a small
bathing house on the beach below _the
hotel and the public works committer
wan instructed to End out the cost of
tete sane. The path leading to the
beach require. some attention. but
this will be attended to by Mr. Lee,
the leeeee of the hotel.
Mucb Sickness Due to Bowel Disorders,
A doctor'. first queeti.•n when con -
milted by a patient ls, "Are your
downs regular?" He knows that
ninety -sigh• per cent. of lube.. it at.
tended with ins/live bowel. and for
O il liver, and that this condition miler
be remover! gently and thoroughly
before health can he restored.
Resell Orderlies are a positive,
ptra.ant and safe remedy for ceon•tipa-
tion and bowel disorders in general
lee are so certain of their gloat tetra
Uwe value that we promise to return
185 peirebaaae's money in every case
when they fail to produce entire ratio -
Retell Orderlies are eaten like
aemdy, they act quietly and have a
e. ebleg. stro.egtbw►ing. healing in -
/ senor no the entire lateatiaal inset. -
Thor tub not purge. gripe. caw
Enumerators Will Be Corsrsseins flair
Work is a Few Weeks.
The census of the Dominion d Ma-
eda will be takeo on June 1 and fol.
lowing days, Use decisive bour of reck-
oning being 12 o'clock midnight be-
tweep May 81 sad June 1. Anyone
born before that sour or dying after
that hour IOU he taken in the cansw.
Provlaious have been sande for enu-
merating up td 4000e000 population.
All information is eolleeted under oath
of secrecy, each collector bring ewvra
in before be starts hie work, and net
one questioned need fear that answers
may be used for taxation or any other
Pp t
Miens, fw M! known. forms
the basis of reform tion of the seats
to the Howe b!hormone at Ottawa
goulberatora. who are not allowed
to sub -let their work, must oe as ex-
peditious as poseible. They are not
confined to any specified hours during
the 'lay and are cot paid by the day.
All returns must be made through the
coulmissi goers to the cet.stu officer at
Ottawa. who expects to have all
papers in his hands before tbe let of
Jul .
Manufacturers are requested to be
explicit regarding the kind or claw cif
products made and their respective
values. No such statistics will be used
for sny other purpose than tbe tome
pilation of figures to show the whole
volume of business it. the different
lines. When there are only three
manufacturers in any one department.
no figures as all will be c nnpiled. so as
to maintain secrecy.
There are thirteen schedules of ques-
tions and the head of each household
will be required to give all information
about his family, household. business.
deaths, diseases, in feet, almost every
feature worth mentioning.
A new set of questions covering in-
surance has been added this time. ,
Although D. D. D. Prescription has
been recognized for years se the one.
remedy for eczema. psoriasis and all
other fornis of skin diseases, it is now
known that there is no other wash,
even those used by the beauty special-
ists, tbat can compare with this mild
liquid for cleansing the skin of
pimples. blackheads, rash and all sim-
ilar skin affectiona.
For this reason alone. a bottle of D.
D. 1>' should be kept on band in every
bousehold. A free trial bottle will
.bow you the merits of this great rem-
edy as a complexion wash.
D. D. D. seems to remove the cause,
whatever the trouble may be. cleans-
ing the skin. arid leaving it as eat, as
smooth and as clear as that of a
healthy child.
Write the D. D. D. Laboratories,
Dept. G. S., 49 Colborne street, Toron-
to. and prove its wonderful effective-;
(For sale by all druggists.)
Llv.r'..1 and Chicago Wheat Future*
Clem Lew.t-- Iva Steck-
Latest Quotations.
C 1CAtiO. May a -Year of deo ant
Image counterbalanced today with
wheat mei Waters tee Nee that the gee•
animist report wui peeve decidedly pear.
Leh. The slow was easy. 1ic� Re off r'
two.cors (tabbed Xc we to, nee
sews, oats laver by %c to Roe to +l,
w bee pr-oaycts at T%c to 171jr advaase,
The iJverpodl omen clewed today itd
to lid !ewer than Saturday oa whys.
•od %d lower on oorrr. Berth Mem 1%p
lower on wheat. Antwerp etc leaver, ad
Budapest 1%e lower.
Winnipeg Optima
WINNIPEG, May L -To -day bei A1r
her Daly la this city. the grab
was clesed. Trading was done ea
5srb at eastarattveiy unebaag•ol nate.
Dem peweer as tolesWhea;•
t -nal' qty Jule stye Bete- teles
O•le-May Cc. July *sec.
al •
whoalT nel Urals ar St et. t....
Wheat gome, bushel 0 M +
Aye bimbo! 070 .... 1
y, bus bet 000
Oats. bushel 0 41 0 a
Buckwheat, Dmitri • 4$ • NI
Peas, bushel 071 • M
Toronto Dairy Market. t
Butter. store Iota..., 0 17 41 ,
Butter, separator. dairy. ito0 It • *0
Butter, creamery, Ib. s$ MI •
Buttes creamery. rues_ ogee0 ID
ECP. sew-lald 0 I ....
Cheese. 1b. • • R% I if i
14onffeombe, deem I11
Honey, extracted. Ib 010 012
Liverpool Grain and Produce.
LIVERPOOL. May t-Cbatng-Wheat-.
Spot dull; No. red western winter, are
Meek. 14s 2 Wealtoba, 7■ 0d. Petered
y; May is I114d. July r 11x4, O
Pleur-Winter patents, 27s ed.
KHoge--L. London (Pacific Coast). f be
Meertreel Grain and Pesch/ee.
MONTREAL, May L-Tbe foreign ds.i
mead for oats continues good, sad Id
syrepatby with higher prices ruling bees.
bids were advanced 2c per Quarter. The
demand w spot from exporters was geed.
and sales of round lots of No. 2 Canadian
western were made at 42%c per Matd
ex -store, end to arrive by May lb at 4liao
afl et. The local market is strong at w
further advance of %c per bushel. The
export trade in wheat la quiet. bids beta*
away out of line. The local' and mummer
demand for flour was good, and a large
buatara was done at firer pricer.
Oats -Canadian western. No. 2. trim is
6%c. oar lots, ex -store; extra No. 1 feed,
u% to t2c; New 3 C.W., 41%c to R%c; No.
2 local white, 40%c to M%c; No. 3 local
white, 30%c to Mc; No. 4 local white, 3Wie
to MM.
Flour -Manitoba spring wheat patents,
nista. 15.20; seconds, $4.e0; winter veered
patents. 14.50; strong bakers'. 216M,
straight rollers, 24 to 114.10; In begs. Waal
to *L2t1.
Roiled oats -Per barrel. 14.L; bad of w
r_06 -
Cern -Americas No. 3 yellow. Me to da
Millfsed-Bran. Ontario. aft; Manitoba
SW; middlings. Ontario, 224; aborts, Mani-
fold, $22: elouttlte. WS to 221.
Lsed how-Abattolr, OW per 100 lbs.
B -Plate, half -barrels. 100 lbs.. 26.75:
barrels, IN lbs.. 317; tierces. 210 16a-. 2:.
Lard -Compound tierces. 276 IDs.. Wiel
boxed IS lbs. net (parchment lined). '%C
tuba IS lbs. net. grained, two handles..
fey: palls. wood, 20 lbs. net. relic; t8.
pails. 20 lbs. gross. 01ic.
Perk -Heavy Canada short cut mess
barrels. i to 45 pieces. 2r+' 50; half -barrels.
211.11: Canada abort cut and back port,
K to Ski pieces, barrels. 223; Canada clear
Pori. barrels, 30 to f5 pieces, S20; beset
port. small photo. but tat barrels, 21L10.
Marg: --Freak, Ile to Sc.
Cheese -westerns. 11%c to 11%e.
Butter- Ch.ke.t, Mc to lac; seconaa.
lar to few.
Not a Cent to Pay. Do You Want One ?
Wouldn't you enjoy one of these beautiful little pets ---
with handsome trap and splendid harness? Think of
the fun it will afford you. Then write to -day -just fill
out the coupon, mail it to us, and we will tell you
HOW TO GET ONE. We will send you full particu-
lars and instructions. Don't delay -time is short. No
boy or girl has a better chance to get one of these
ponies than you have. You can own it if you will.
Ii.psrtaat-Real This
Only Boys and Girls
who send in their names
std addresses will be elig-
ible to compete (or the
Ponies and Traps. Regis-
ter at once, and get an
early start.
Use the coupon below.
O.' S
Charm sad Useful Pets
The three ponies offered in
this contest are splendid and
handsome children's friends.
They are beautiful to appear-
ance, quiet and docile in nature
-a charming children's pet.
They are tree pongee of med-
ian sire -small enough for chil-
dren to manage, but large enough
to be meta to grows ups as -
Cot out this Coupon'
and Mail it Today
I wish to enter the e.maetition
ler nae of 18e maim and outfits.
Engineer my nam and mail me
fall particulars.
W • r
Horses Needed for Military Purposes
Might Be Raised There
Walter James Br1'ewn, Toronto,
writes to The Canadian Military
Gazette as follows :
"in a recent issue of your excellent
publication 1 noticed a clever article
1'y Mr. Brynton Payee, in which he
advocated that the Department of
Militia and Defence and Agriculture
should co-operate in providing horses
for military purposes. When I read
the article referred to I was greaUy
impressed with its timeliness and
good sense. The horse problem in
Canada in serious. It deems not need to
be as difficult as it is to secure horse*.
of the proper type and in sufficient
numbers for not only our own uses,'
but for the Imperial army as we1L
"If your readers will turdto page 46.
of the Report of the United States
Secretary of Agriculture for 1910 they
will find that • peen is there suggested
whereby the Secretary of War and
the Secretary of Agriculture are
co-operating to supply bores for the
cavalry and artillery of the United
States. On the present peace footing
the army needs from 2,000 to 2,500
horses • year and it is proposed that
1110 stallions should be purchased and
owned by the Government and ar-
rangements made for the use of priv-
ately owned mares of suitable breed
and type, the War Department to
have the option of purchasing the foal..
The cost is to be *2110,000 for the fleet
year and *100,000 a year thereafter.
"Secretary Wilson says :-'ft seems
eesential that the Government should
undertake some plan of breeding suit-
able horse. if the efficiency of the
mounted service of the cavalry and ar-
tillery branches of the army is to he
maintained, and such a plan would
also have experimental possibilities of
bigh value to the borne -breeding in-
"Is there not in this a suggestion
for Canada ? Horses are badly needed
for military purpose, in this rnuntry,
while we might, if we choose. become
the source of supply for army honor
for Great Britain."
It is suggested by a Goderich citizen
that tbe Attrill property. if purchased
hy the Government an • camp tete.
would he a suitable place for the
bleeding of army horses.
Mr. tier's Trial of Uodd's Kid-
ney Pills Cured His Gravel. Rheuma-
tism and Diabetes
Rousseau Mille, Port netif t ..-, Que.,
May $-IRpeciail- "Yee. I want to tell
you of my care. 1 t may he the mean
..f helping others." Ho says Rerapbin
Carpentier, • well-known ntsident of
thea ase. '•i em fifty -right years old
and )odd'a Kidney Piles have rimed
me of gravel. diabetes and rhrurna-
time. f enfferrd Mr ten years hefore i
heard of Dodd'e Kidney P111•. Thee 1
decided to try them and glad i am
that 1 did.
i used two hoer of Dodd'. Kidne
Pills with the result that the Rrsvel.
diabetes and rheusnatlem have entirely
Union Steck Yards.
TORONTO. May 8. -Receipts of
live stock at the Union Stock Yards
were 96 carloads. consisting of 1906
tattle, 241 hogs. 519 sheep and lambs
and 110 calve,.
E. L. Woodward fought for Swift ar
Co. ate export cattle, all told. as fellows:
For the London market, 141 States Rams,.
12N lbw. each. at Xl•: also 34 Staten
steers, 1200 Ibe each. at 3I % also M On-
tario steers. MK lbs. oversee, at 16.16.
Mr. Woodward also bought 0 Ontario
steers. 1130 lir. average. at OW. for LJv-
a(ko. B. Campbell bought for Mortis A
Co. i0 export cattle. as follows : Sixty-
seven States steers. 1211 lbs. each, at 31lk
merege. also 123 Ontario enema, 1150 t•
1206 1b•. each, at 25.7* to B.
Mayeee & Wilma bought three loads or
export cattle at $6.116 to $LL•%. but Daly
one load at the latter price.
Pelma picked butchers. WS to lif►.
loads or good. 26.0 to Salle; medium. R+.341
to WM common. B to 16.25. cows, Woe
to WIS. bulls. 111.26 10.25.
Milkers and Springers.
Ten milkers and springers sold at ff>•
to en each.
Veal Calves.
Priers flan, at 23.50 to 360 per cwt
Sheep and Lambs.
Ahem ewes: are worts from M.50 tae
at; rums, 2311 to els; yearlings W.1F
to SUM: 'side lambs, M to XIS melt
altlleets, red and watered. wen gtrotW
at tl.U, and B.7* to drovers for begs
Lo.L can at country porta.
East Buffalo Cattle Market.
BUFFALO, May f-Cattee---Repents,
as; market aetivs: Mc limner: prima
etMO. X to II.B; botcher. WE to was;
COMM 3210 to B.B.
te.o-TM; market acKli
as.l Maddy. evil to choke, 1115 to 12.
Weep and Lambe -Receipts. 21.600: mete -
MK arrive; We tower; choice lamina
ILO to a.15; cal to 11•le, Mie to Bet'
Trains•. N.B to 24.71: sheep, ate WL4i'
Aar b-1NoaBta, 1;7M. market actio
end We Aar; porkers, KN is SSW
stage. MO; Nm X* to -Kin. :baro,
3110 to X26: Wary, 31 * to 36.60; rw[gltib
MO to IS.
Nor York Live Steck.
NEW YORK. May l-Aee es- -
>IM head; mans use to se ow•
slow to Se lows; cows eb0afj
Me higher. steers, XIS to SAW NNW
to BJs, cow, ales to N.B.
Ca1vee-R.relpts, 2I01 head; ttrheti
weak to Se lower,
firers. weals. Rio to 17 few b
at fl -2f% to F.5, culla, OLX to IS, Mtn" -
meta, 34 le to B.
Mem sad Lambe -Receipts. Uwe haat
blaring steady, cupped stolen. RIS to
31.0. .vgw, a 7* to 21E. clipped tams
B hands, se wooed lara, 31.37% ro KO1k;
earns iambs, law to Bea aaeh.
Aoga--Rterfptr, 11,7N Mad. marker
Aetrber, at Ku to B.A.
British Cattle Markets.
LJV 0POOt. May a -,lona Ream a
Ce., Liverpool, cable that, the trade at
Worded. L ar age wee extremely abw
t.. -day. Saturday -a ountatises were mean-
owtented es the Mort supplies.
GLASGOW', Mey e --Reward Watanw •
RAM. ,•port fie Vetted States esetle
tittered: tet twenty steers. taw to lee;.
se•eedary and beery. lee to ly%e beta%,
111er to 1*0
A Veteran et the Cloth.
Kingston Mai A -Rev William
Short* arced Al • Methodist minis-
ter for b year. Is dead He was emir
ill three weeks Aa had held
Oseawa. �a��p1w`e
*Mae. !!ells mg
IgR mss,"
Dtdd'e &bdnwy Pilo este all a id nyI is
diseases tress hael!<aehe to Rrigbt s I
te gait payies rent W hew • far farm of year real Cor t.
seakaislwale t War • arm se 15544. ehd ta. fret ern pen ter year WWII
M Wkeishemal went derma .segsi•1 work tad pay wiser e• re -
Owes le getttiuhewaa I
Wirt is in More !garb► .M kiss, t. "s•trbbg" ! Cam to 3...
la0awr t War • bee wnessiel by Ped .eieabers. admi., Media sad
salheede t Ono. r `daer.wr I Wes 01 514 .N .f • nit te make • was
MM. M Mw were mailleas me Mia yea, set ageis•t spa; mat a fair &see.
• ea.h. mer",--+• clad • dame • year lad had wee Omani war •••••
aim M 00•tnteheme l
XS Farms new M Btrsaefs M IMAM H.taesa tsrs Cemlegl
!reboot For *wet IIs you Mesaese la m iters ram
Ire Ne avenge ass thle soye 0 rM Wdat gnr.la_ •arty prism year,
6eit,miw.. kat M Y fere by tdnmmA t• :mediae Mlarmigralke
Or LAIN worisrust ♦ALLBT, it win ae• M•••0 Noes redid w tae
`Ile. gmA
k+•esy, •ad tars ds't ani metier bars hr term
wen wry es awe r main mass fur- else teas 4800, 1•mil.d. West.rs 17w.
86505. tr.erb .b deed ' M bas." the r era M r dsaaeb t.F•lMs
e..'^Ye nee h am fart!r valet teras Leal miague 1 •y'rr
same M beads per r.. 7a1s air �• tea.. w6begr66y • tb
t'ar'e elm Mew v tare, item see !rave of tle
!d tbsom.4..4 arm is �b waudw-
�d r.eb m say mail la ir
wend b.. wine boos pot soder
odtbrartit Mr bomb
.W th. 4440 04 briag fs.t0 mm
bn.da .4 g.Y.. gra..
Os4a.a SeekatehswanI
':heed teeeviled with ample cels
4M. Len M.eat•.a Toney e a bad
se Moan ,.aria..,. .sass aa, esker.
Weld abN/da--y ehintr tk t beer
elhMtr Takes• -y !.rams et apt -
'Mae of say keel •r• mamma berm.
Rsltesab Garret
Tr Are era to live "forty miles
a.skne." eek•.. r "met dser M
Tw are 'aside" N wow Xi diorite 5 e mares! bi
tar a enee n k«, tea b say Aber
MA of a ua/a 1• Isle s.ftrl of
teas hallo redeye 5r5ertles w
71. Osad4.o R.ASs M ere
8 Wt.g ...taw nod kus. Os wort of
Or Len Ls.aalsaa ♦.•BByq
AOKlt71i WA
Oar mato.. Levert -Our Terme
Meet Liberal,
We boot own 175.000 arras of M.
`ata imbedks" wisest 'sad fa tb.
warts. Mr Mesa led .4 r•ilr•ad, fa
Se Lao It.aslsia valley W. b.• •
lief K 1•N bargain sorb r wort
astir boas Mem. Oar priers are
abefilaisk lb* hare* sad we MI um
east.. NW pal .b 1. i e sow
Mrs • pisrR b•so'M .� li a
bey lase .ee le Mea m ortoros waw.
•Always Me
bYM• Om ta as Ur�aO s•yal-
la Ike Last M'.e.h be• behove
Mee N. W knee M Me hammed we
widenedMeet Os', was bre
• ba•M4 A .N.e sow. saki• mss
1144 5.00 tw vel tune .•tads a rear
bee berm t.i j,dale t>.Mrn is _
Massa arm al eso
star Mend 4.re Orals. Ilheatema sal ia•
see a
Frail A Cemplste Library of Weeteew
Land Literature,
010 .ai and
ltt�: ad de mime beim. 1t
rens • of a MOM Millet pee to aay er
a.l a the sew ear asides aa•k.tenewas.
tam. Tee pint free tido to
••ll mani fall
terra. mient of cress res and
d.eerip a .f 1end
Leal 1• •~' mod Owe •� new list
rp+et wig b neat yen, he
Rem If y.e ey't got away art, it WI pa
Yea la =ire gr Is Belden Nam
kah*ounia y leis
Al remma•+ntier ohm* be
aWarm 4.
111 Tomer St. Room a
rostoITa Oahe.
have just received a
ear of buggies, and
have everything that
is new and u
in the yardage line.
No better boggle.)
ever mates to town.
We have them on the
floor now. (fall and
inspect them at the
no Hamilton Street.
We have the STAND-
ARD Wm* Freers
and GATE,. the fank-
('REAM 81:PARA1t3A
and almost eveerr�y-
thing a farm* Basis
MI a farm.
Robert Wilson
We also have a few
retro good driven for sale
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders tarM/y ae6sd - r
at at bests, MOM se M♦