The Signal, 1911-5-11, Page 41 TnumemA V. MA! f1.' 1911 District News. NILE. ToissmeT. May 0th. Bement the tea -meeting at Nile .butch on tl ' evening of the 'llth of May. Ottt•ruARY.-(:gorge McIntyre. wbo had been 111 tor some time, answered the final summons un Friday, May 5th. Death was due to poeumonla. The funeral, which was very largely attended, took place frow his tate residence, Dungannon road, oo Mon- day. May 7th. Funeral 'entices were couducted by Rev. W. Conway of Nile. Besides his widow and little .on, Oalvin. be leaves to mourn his toes his aged father rod mother, four brotbera-Williartt and James, in the West, Thomas, on a farm near DUO - Kennon, aod,lh ank, at home -a..nd one sister, also at the old home.. I)s- sc&.ed was in bis for'y-third year. BEMMILLER. \VEDNzsDAY. May 10tn. News Noi s. -Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fisher are visiting in Clinton this week Miss May Dewar, ofCedar- ville, is employed at Mr. Walters' store here Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ptrimmer were both ill with influenza bast week. We ate glad to ewe them around again.Mrs. White. of Goderich. 'spent Zest week with her mother, Mrs. Heddle Mrs. Peter Fisher took a stroke last week. Very little hope is entertained for her ty- ro v e r y.... .. Numerous carriages drove through the village last Sunday from town. Two prominent town gentlemen walked through the village. We hope they enjoyed the twelve -mile tramp Mike Pfrimmer lost a valuable young colt last week. W ESTFI ELD. MONDAY. May 8th. Mr. Suiter, rat l)undns, visited Mr. Woodcock and farnily lust week. W. A. Harrison. of Lurknow, vis- ited his daughter. Mrs. W. B. Camp- bell, Inst week. 7Trc Donnybrook Epworth League purpow giving an ice cream social on Msy 24th. Efforts are being put forth to make it a success. Further particulars next week_ BAYFIELD. WtsDtrneDAY, May lOtb. INDUCTION or Rev. A. MAt'rAR LAIrs.-The induction services of Rev. A. Maofarlsrte into the pesters' charge of Bayfield and Bethany. which tank plans in 8t. Andrew's church bete oo Tuesday evening of this week. were witnessed by a largo congrega- tion and were of a moat Interesting and impressive character. Sevin members of Huron Preetiytery were present, including Rev. J. L. Small. of Blytb, moderator of Presbytery ; Rev. D. Joboston. of Varna, interim moder- ator of the vacant confit gal ton ; Rev. James Hamilton, clerk_ of Presbytery Rev. Geo. E. Roes, of (}oderlcb ; Rev. T. L. Pearcy. of Londe -mimeo' ; Rev. K. H. MBrumfield; !bowery, of Brufleld ; Rey. 8. A. Carriers, of Grand Bend. Rev. Mr. iJohnston preached a very impressive sermon from the text, "Wbat think ye of Christy' In which he pressed home the question of his text to his bearers in a very earnest manner. He then briefly narrated the steps which bad led iip to the calling of Mr. Mac- tarlaoe by tithe congregation fr..m the time of bearing in February until the present Mr. Small then put the required questions to Mr. Macfarlane, regarding his motives and doctrine, after which he was declared inducted and received the right hand of fellow- ship from all the tnembers of Presby- tery. Rev. Mr. Ross, of Godericb, then addressed the newly -inducted pastor from 1.11m. 1: 4-14,giving hint some very warm-hearted brotherly advice regarding his life sod cooduct as a pastor. Rev. Mr. Pearcy in ad- dressing the congreget loll gave a very plain. practical talk, telling them their duty to their pastor and their church, in the way of regular attendance. sym- pathy and help. A most pleasant and happy feature of the proceedings we; the receipt of a telegram from Rev. J. NcNeil, former pastor of the coggre- gation. now of Baddeck Forks, Cape Breton, expressing hie hest wishes and congratulations for both pastor and people. During the service the chair rendered t h e beautiful anthem, "Praise Ye the Fatblr," while Mies Laura Richardson delighted evert one with her rendering of the solo, "l My Cross Have Taken. After the service a dainty lunch was provided in the basement, which was profusely decor- ated for the occasion with daffodils and buttercups and presented an ex- tremely attractive appearance. Here the members of the coog•egation had an .opportunity of meeting Mr Mac- farlane and the warmth and cordiality of their welcome were such as might well encourage him in beginning his work here and glee promise of a bright future kir pastor and people. DUNGANNON. OHITUARY.-David Dunbar passed away on Sundae evening. May 7Lb, after a lingering illness of some ,months. The funeral will take place en Tuesday afternoon. The deceased leaves tesidea bis wire three daugb- •iees : Mrs. \VIII. Graham, of Strat- ford ; Mrs. Cunningham, of near Bel - grave. and Mrs. Barr. of Westfield. The fain ly have the ayuipathy of the eromtuunity: • REIO'S CORNERS. TCEssn.ty, May t)th. We are sorry to hear that Jas. Steele does not recover as speedily as we should like to see. Miss MaeGilliytay treated her pupils and friends to a May outing by the lake oo the 5th. A very enjoyable title indeestl is reported. CHCRCII Neuss.-Rev. D. A. Mc- Lean, of Ripley (Huron church). will twist Rev. Mr. Rutherford on Friday at the pre -communion 'service The V. P. 8. accepted the invitation of I the Olivet League for the 23rd, the program to he furnished by the visit- ors and refreshments by'the League Rev. Mr. Hazard. agent of the Bible Society, will take the service in the church here next Sabbath evening. The district includes Bethel. Amber - ley and Pine River. 4 large dele- gation is expected to attend the Pres- byterial meeting at Ripley no the 111th Considering that this is a busy time the W. F. M. S. feels en- couraged by the good attendance on Tuesday afternoon. AUBURN. WEDNESDAY. May lith. News NoTEN.-The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered at the cline of the morning seri-lee next Sunday in the Methodist church. The tuarteily official h tad meets t his evening in Westfleid church The cement foundation fon the new Bank building waa completed list week, and the rent of the work will be pushed to completion as rapidly as possible. Rev. R. .k. Miller will address the Oddfellows in the Methodist church .o Dungannon next Sunday sight, Will Taylor, of Kpox College, taking Mr. Miller's work at Donny- brook Mr. Ferguson, who bas been working in Toronto with the Canada Foundry Co.. is home with a sore hand .... Rev. W. G. Hanna, of (be Lord's Day Alliance. addressed a fair-sized audience in the Methodist church Monday night. He gave e good outline of the work heing done Isy the Alliance throughout Canada and solicited the interest and aid of those present Miss Sadie Carter is visiting friends in Clinton for a few days .... The Rifle Club will held their first shoot on Friday. ST. AU(iUi8TINE. Teeanwv, May Ittb. Neuss.-Mr. and Mrs. Clark. of St.. Helens, called on friends in this vicin- ity last week...... Wm. McIntosh is in Goderich thi. week . .. Joseph Flynn and his staff of men are work- ing at W. J. Foran's this week Both Dungannon and Whitechurch creameries have their wagons out gathering cream again T b e Women's Institute received a library of b oe,ks front Toronto this week and any of the members who want hooks Stay get theta at the home of the presidents Miss Annie Flynn ....Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McAllister visited Bel- fast and St. Helen. this week. WITH THE Rtrt.EMay. C n.idering for tart that quite a few were not through seeding. there wee w good turnout of members at the tine shoot Mat Saturday. Following are the scats of Slt) yards---prmtnhle 3i+: 0. Pollard tF A. Brnphy M. 3. F1vtm 18, R. Mr Allister Z. T teddy 24. D. Mr- ellieter Ing W Thom ;woe SI, K. Robinson 21 t;. Hobhtwnn 111, M. Ours - rains 10, D Tisdale iP. Wm. i .tidyy 1e. R Thos ..no 19. \' Wi eb 1A 1 , ,utomers lbs Rank . to he cos- Reopby IA T Kearney 18. !• Leddy g,stulated upon *scoring tee service, IF A. Campbell 11 Harry Bellamy of a man of .soh high 'candling in lbs and Wee. Moffat of Detsgwnnnn wee coQ1u .nit o The late manage. R A. preeset. H. Bellamy sawed 81 out d Mitchell. has left for Toronto, where K end W. ilfofat 1. out a*. - Pear• he repress At the bead •fftsoe. Me. t... Peers Ratnrdsy attevnaer• lb"' and \iia, Mitchell were esteemed HU. wesUt.r permietteg. seise of Dammenos. LOYAL. WEDIIIIMIDAY. May 10M,b. Psaeoerl*t. MAtrnon. - Mise Me Murcby, of Ood eieh. spent the week - rod with her slater Mrs. Oeorge Pita Mrs. Herbert Murdoch has eh for her home in Poetised, Ore.. atter a visit of some esoetlas witb het parents, Mr. anti Mrs. Andrew ()seen. Charles McHandy and family moved to Goderich last week. We are sorry to bee such gooddUssaa... Haughton Strnsrsall, v( Uederich, spent tittoday with his paresis Mts. Ferguson la visiting with friends at Kintall Our esteemed friend John Buchanan, of Carlow. apewt sev- eral days in our neighborhood this week. hit. NEWTON. DENTIST. OF 1l Lucl.now. has •ea.ed visiting outside point. and will henceforth give bi. entire attention to the home oMee. Lneknow. wnerr be will be t.snd every day.. All tttodern meth- miYr1CF..-THE LOCAL AGENCY le to [hmgatrat for The Menai le at the Pew °Moe Book and Stationery Stat, where order. wW Ue rene'ved for .abe°roasee•e, ad- vertLdnyn and job work. and reoNyts will be elven for amounts Deed for the same. WALL PAPERS IN GOOD VARI- ETY ARi- E l Y and meow dsstgts at the Poe- ottloe `tore. Be ewe to we them it you are thinking of Deportee any of your tams. A supplyof beet gardeu seeds deo on hued. M. RYANd . Daasannw. WEDNEMD\Y. May lith. Go.. Bradford Left last week for Cal - gory. Alta. E. Murchison, of lucknow, visited friends here last wee[. Mrs. Bell. of London, is visiting her bent her, Res. L. Bartlett. J. Wilson, of Napanee, is visiting his sister. Mrs. N. J. Treleaven. R. Reeves left Tuesday to attend the funeral of his sister in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Roberts have re- turned trout ere visit to Butfalo and Fort Erie. Fall wheat in this section is in poor condition. A goal maoy fields are being plowed up. Ed. Whittaker, who comes from Varma, is the new junior on the Ster- ling Bank stag. A number of the member, of the W. M. S. attended the convention at Clinton on Friday last. Miss Jennie McMath returned Sat- urday from her visit to friends at Lo ndeshori, Seaforth and Clinton. Jesse Mountain last week moved his household effects to Goderich where he and his family will reside. Rev. L. Bartlett. J.IWalkom, J.Why- ard and IS Sproul spent Tuesday at Goderich harbor on a fishing expedi- tion. The \lieses ('ulliton, of Stratford. and Mrs. Harris, Farquhar, were here attending the funeral of the late Jas. Curwen. NOMINATION MEgTtNo.-A meeting for the nomination of a councillor for Ashfield tow nahip, to take the place of the hate Councillor Kickley, will be held in Finlayy's scbool.house on Fri- day. May lYtb. from 12 o'clock noon to t o'clock. If a poll is necessary it will ire taken on Friday. May drtth. DEATH OF .iAMER CURWEN.--An old resident of West Wwwanosh, in the person of James l'urwen, palmed away Wednesday night, May Sed. at the age of seventy-eight years. Before cool- ing t.. this locslity Mr. Curweo lived in Goderiob townsbip. where his brother. Henry ('uuwen, still resides. Deceased is survived also by his wife. The funeral tot.k place on Saturday, a service being codusted in St. Paul's church by Bev. T. nicks. The pelt - bearers WPM J. McLean. .las. Why- wrd, J. Parks. W. Thompson. H. Cleft and Thos. Y nnng. The intet ment was made in Dungwnnon cemetery. NEW BANK MANA..RR.- The Dun- gannon branch of the Sterling Bank is now tinder the managership of Andrew Porter, late of Goderich. Mr. Porter is well and feverishly known throughout the district, and in additinn to his well-known eternal/ qualities his post experi.'nee in beak- ing will he ria guarent• r of excellent serves. both to thte Rie,L and to 10 CREWE - Moines T, REWEMONDAY, May 8th. Andrew Culbert left for the West last week with a, carload of pota- toes. Victor Whillyhad the misfortune reeo•ntly to lose a horse, as the result el a runaway. He left his team on the nod while he went into a neigh- bor's house and the horses, probably frightened by something, started to ruin home. In trying to make the crossing over the creek in front of Mr. Whitly'• place one of the horses fell and was killed. PERSONAL MENTION. W. E. Bator, of the dank of Commerce, ha.+ left for hie horse at Ottawa for holidays. Mrt Ilh.i Duggar, of Detroit, 7r visiting at the parental hems, Keays street. isafortti News Ms Annie Moro, of Oodr- rich. t. visiting her deter. Mrs Chow Andrews. Mr. sod Mrs. K. B. Hale moved their house- hold effects this west to Atwood, when Mr. Hale 1- in bashers. Mi.• Irene Saulta Is baste from Winnipeg. after an etpo able .salt of .evesmonths % mons with relatives 1n the Prairie City. Reeve Kerntgbao, It M. Young and Gordo° Young were In Toronto this week on bu.iner for th-- ',borne munlclpai telephone syatam. Re, ,lea L Ras was at Konaondville last Mond evening and 'levered a lecture In the 1'eeabi .alan church os bls wort in Demerara. .rnftoo. Mae Mason aad MDR May Dude • e attending` the eonventtoo of the Wanes., Foreign Mi donary Seefety of the Presbyterian church at Chatham this week. Harry LeTousrl. of New York. spent a few days last week at the parental home here. HI+ vi.it at tin" tine wax owing to the Illness of Ma father. J. C. LeTourel. who. we are pleased to hear, is considerably improved. Lawrence J. Tierney. of Chime.. is here on a visit to Ms wrest tattier. Patrick Tierney, umbar Illn.-se la causing his. relatives much onetasl- nee, Mrs. Peter McCann. a dater of Mt. Tierney. sad Man Carrie McCann are hen a 'EAST HURON LIBERALS. Annual Meeting Held at Brussels -Hon. . A. G. MacKay Present 7'he annual meeting of the Liberal Aemoeiatinn for the East Riding of Huroo (Dominion) was held in the town hall. Brussels. Thursday after- ne,on. April 27, a. representative etfrndauce being present notwith- standing the holy season of the year. Alex. McLaughlin, of Howick, sic- cepieJ the chair and the regular e•out- iue business was dealt with. Officers were elected for tbe current term as follows: -President. A. Mr - Laughlin, Howick ; let vice-president. �Vut. Elston, Morris ; 2nd vice-presi- dent. John Gillespie: East Wawa - nosh ; secretsry-tr•essurer. F. S. Scoft, Brussels : auditor, W. M. Sinclair, Brusselae: municipal cha;rroen :-How- ick. John Hennrberg • Turnberry. Robt. Stewart ; Grey. \Ven, Cameron ; Morrie, Peter McNah: East Wawa - nosh, E. Taylor: Blyth, Gen. Powell ; Bi useele, J. D. Warwick ; Wrozeta•r, John 1)ouglae ; Winghatn. Rich. Clegg. A committee on resolutions wain ap- pointed consisting of Thos. Strachan, J. M.Murchie and W. H. Kerr. Moved, seconded and carried that the date for the annual meetiog for this Association in future be the last Tuesday. in May. Moved by W. H. Kerr. seconded by Thos. Strachan : ''hat we, the Lib- eral'. of East Riding of Huron, desire t0 express otlr conflden a in the leader- ship of Hon. A. G. MacKay in the On- tario Legislature and to assure hint that the course he is pursuing in that important body meets with our cordial and uuanimons apnroval. We re- cord with pleasure tbe fact tbat he is following out a program whereby he is tneeting with the pe.)ple• of all sections of Ontario and at public gathering is deed- ing with-tbe live, questions of the day in a thoroughly statesmanlike man- ner. showing a ready grasp of the ninny matter pertaining so materi- ally to tbe wellbeing of the people of this Province. As Liberals we con- fidently look to his tneeting with such success at the next Provincial election as will place him in the position of Premier or Ontario, which office we believe he will flll with nobility and to the credit of himself and the country." Ferried. Hon. Mt. MacKay, who was present. was very heartily received and gave a brief address outlining some of the work of the Provincial Parliament and speaking also of pending features of the recipr.,city agreement. Moved by J. R. Miller, seconded by Adam Turnbull. and adopted unani- mously : "That this meeting strongly approves of the reciprocity agreement and believe* it will be of incalculable Iwt,eflt to the agricultural community :sed to the workingmen, without in- juring the manufacturing interests. and that it will therefore he of great advantage to all sectious of the mom• eternity. Moved by R. Clegg. seconded by J. McMurrhie: "That the Liberals of Kart Hunan desire to place nn record their devotion and loyalty to the great leader of our party and the greAtest Canadian of the day, Sic Wil. frid Laurier. No man stands higher in lite eye of tbe world. no man hes a greater cove for Empire and country. possibly and lei other man could rt. whet he has done by .uniting all c1acM•a :and creeds and removing 411 friction. resulting in the building of a truer and a greater Canada. Nie tru.r that he will brag he spared to tie. bo Vaned* mat to the empire." Ad.lr•eases were given hy W. Prnud- fnnt. K. ('., M. P. P for (i.ntil• Huron. and A Hielnp ex M P 1' after which the meeting adjourned it the .venins a p.iMir averting woe bele in the town hall and was ad die. of M lion t i. M.iKsv and W Preielfont R ptv 1.Peltte was �s►rsown H• I Kr MacKay gave e thorough priffeenfrition of the goeet$nn of'eriprvw•ltN • n1 else rime of the ere s k ng a rr.Dln tion was pegged ternngty eodtsiag the iwd and eat - trig upon Pa i asoset to ecmdeee it et �[tia rn,erift ars 1' GODRRIOH, ONTARIO Lod Maiden ars simply kidney disorders The k Mar ar the blood xd of athat •houl.in't 64* Name. The blood plumes through tlw kid- esys every torte minutes. if the kidneys do their work so impurity or cause sf disorder can contain in the car, ulatioe longer than that time. Therefore if year blond is an of orale your kideeys have failed in their wont. They are in need d atimulaia.n strengthening or d...-toring one medicine wilt do all three, the finest wild moat unnamed blood medicine ties u Dodd's Kidney Pills A DRY SADDLE- WHEN IT RAINS IF YOU WEAR /tat IttA1 POMMEL SLICKER Tree lees service and the coolest it .,v,. Mauled dr Slicker of Oaahty V Sold Every.vuers TOWER CANADIAN OILED CLOTHING CO.. LTD., Toronto. Canada. rat COWAN'S PER FECAGN C13CA 14 good for Growing Girls and Boys -and ti:ey like it. It :touris es thea little bodies and makes them healthy and strong. Cowan's Cocoa, as you get it Isom your Froeer.hs absolutely pu:e. Its delirious Ivor is obteiccsi by the me el efts hirb.est rade of Coma beade skiJ.lhy bkwdrd. NetMs is added to impair the heafth- mt p'opertca of the Cocoa. Do You Use Cowan's Cocoa 7 J 1 174 Col UmonWith tie Oil Takes Out A TaimistmfairesesegesiCbmnicalZros err Od from the liver of the and -fish has bees used as a preventative of disease t ed a restorative for ages[. For a long time it has been the general 09k40 itself that the medicinal value of Cod ever oonlly was wbback beinggreasy, �oily fishy taste of the oil. From the first experts have been try - Mg to find means to make it more pala- table. They used to "cut' it with whiskey -take it in wine -flavor it with lemon juicy -anything to get away from that abominable fishytaste and smell. Lots of people stl take it in Emul- sion form, which is nothing more than "churned" oil -broken up -but still greaay, oily and • strain on the digestion. Doctors used to think it was the oil itself that built up the system -they were slow to find oat that the oil was a distinct drawback to the medicinal prin- ciples contained in it. Crude oil is quite indigestible, and will, in time, put the strongest stomach set of order. A way las now been discovered to de away with the grease and the smell, and yet retain all the medicinal properties el the liver. This is dont by removing tbe fresh oil from tie new liven. The liver pulp is then reduced to the form o( as extract IDs beef extract. Nyal's Cad Liver Compound is simply this lever extract combine! with an en - tract of halt wad beating wild cherry. It also contains the tyre hypoehnsphites. This cot ibinatioe makes h yal s Cod Liver Composed s delicious tome- builds ome - sTabtrdosdsg up the system, and mals yea O it what you id yourself losing Tem nlee take- "68 ems tis Iag a to take - QK 1 bUf IS is tley wad ward c/ ..E.atiET---4 •eN awd H J. DUNLOP t. R. %VIOLS GODIAIC* One -e:.: c-: ..-eryday ^alma siimmemmenemilesimmr r Values! 91 We wish to emphasize the word "Valga and define what we mean by It -which giving the best quality and the greatest quantity tor the lowest price consistent with up-to-date merchandising. We want your business and promise you a big Dot LAWS worth for your DOLLAR. HOSIERY Now that the wariu days Dave come you must want warm eeathcr stockings. We have them in all colon from 44 to ladies sissy and in Is great range of prices. PURITAN BRAND Hlack, sky and pink, cbil- dren's sizes, 41, 5. 54, (1, a• 7, 74 and (1, fast eye, prices 15e to c. SILK I.I8LE White, sky and oink, 44, 5, 54, d. d4, 7, 74 and 4, will wear like silk and coat only half as much. fast dye, per pair 25c. LITTLE DARLING White, pink, sky ran, red and black, 44 to 7 incbes, made of fine imported pure wool, silk toes and heels, great to wear. BLACK PRINCESS Fine rib, sizes 5 to 111, abso- lutely fast dye. hest cniton stocking in the trade. WEARWELL HOSE Sizes 5 to 10, best stocking wade at. the price, 15c for all .iz-s for boys or girls. Ribbed, great value. TAN HOSE Ribbed. for hays or ,girl", two 5 to 10 irehe., 15c and OPERA N(1SE In correct colors lie, size.. 84, 0 and 94. HOSIERY --Con TAN LISLE in .11 WILCO. from 84 to 10, 85e. Misses, sizes 44 to 8. WHARWELL FOR BOYS Heavy Rib, best cotton home made for bo e, 25c for all sires. No stocking like than for wear. HOSIERY Plein and Embroidered silk lisle. einem 84. 9, 94, and 10. e and 50c. GLOVES Silk lisle, two button length. 215c. Mc, 40c, and 50c. in black. white, tele hello, navy. Alice, grey, chamois, in all sines, kid bound. KAYSERGLOVES. Ask for Kayser Silk gloves, 50c and 75c. Patent floger, double tips, black and colors. No glove wears like Kayser at the money, and Soot forget the prices, 50c and 75c. PERRIN'S KID GLOVES ' Black. tor. and grey. 91.00 and 11.2 Always buy Perrin's if you want the hest. LONG GLOVES GLOVES Silk and lisle. Sic to $1.00, bla,k, w htte and tan. AUTO VEILS 1n black and et tlors. just in this week. They are a smut lot and. only 51k. LINOLEUMS and OILCLOTHS We have put into stock this spring a lot of there floor cover - togs, from two to four yards wide, tile and floral. new pat- terns, Ibis year's dialing.. and you will find our preys right. LAWN WAISTS Our stuck is well assorted sad direct frost tale makers, anted we never offered such values. F=oes from S C up to $3.50. Ia�et dodges in Maltese ferrate. beautifully trimmed with Val- enciennes or Maltese ingestion, open back or front, large stock to sele_t from. D. & A. CORSETS You have no doubt received a D. & A. Comet catalogue whish brings to your notice a Krill of many beautiful diatoms of this season's newest and smartest corset models of the latest modes by the great fashion creators. ('orae here for your corsets and bring your catalogue with you. We ran get you any Corset shown in it. PARASOLS We have got direct from the maker the best ,.election of plain and fancy Parasols we ever offered. Come and see what we ran do for you in a para- sol. J. H. COLBORNE AN ARMY OF' PEABODYS HAS INVADED OUR STORE TO BE GIVEN AWAY FREE ONE ONLY TO A FAMILY WHILE THEY LAST :•SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY, MAY 13th WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF A SUOF :-...?1-.421:12)=.15a3 iODYR ' S �nn • GUARANTEED OVERALLS • WILL GIVE( GRATIS ,AS ABOVE ONE1OF THESE !` 1 ANDSOME DOUS FOR THE LITTLE ONES • Ther toll. ata of elate. Indsstruetible. and will last tum years with the hardest sort en play. They will stand date if the Mt are peeped weds. No child ew poas+bl' booth ens w heat itaslf in handling it. The geed load 1 a tis. (ling your Andre. up right and teach thew to ply with Peabody's dells wawa kids ad .war Pesbody'e Overalls were se mess they oalartake their were swieas detlss in the world WALTER Cs PRIDHAM CANADIAN PAC. FIC LOW ROUND TRIP RATES WESTERN CANADA WINNIPEG and return ....933.00 BRANDON and return. .. 34.5o MOOSE JAW and return.. 37.00 EDMONTON and return 41.00 Also to 8o Other Points. TUESDAY, MAY 16th THROUGH 8°EC.A1 TRAIN BEM/ICI NO change of carscustoms or transfer troubleeen route. JOS. KIDD. Agent. Goderich. 1 GRAND T NiC5Tg' AV COdorla Day Single Fare for Round I rip (with minimum charge of 280i Between all stations in Canada. al.o to Niagsre Fella :ind Moffatt.' N Y.. Detroit and fort Huron Mice "nekton. good going Nae 24 and 2! Return limit May 20. 11111 ROUND TRIP Isaaeekers' Eversion TO THR WEST AT LOW RATES ViA SARNIA OR CHICAGO 'Ater/one, and hill tntorruwtton from any Grand Ternk tweet. •te address A R I)i-FF' Diet rine Pieeaen ar Agent TorvW.., Oet 1' F. LAWRRN('R, Town Ag;Pnt. FOR TASTY JOB WORK TRY THE SIGNAL JOB DEPARTMENT' 410004101010141414141011110100414140011‘1410011041 *VI Orr Platte: "A spare dem! M rwe►yone " 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 13 3 3 HOW DO these beautiful spring mornings ? Do you waken at 6 o'clock refreshed with your night's rest or are you tired and sleepy and longing for more rest ? if the latter is the case YOU FEEL DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU NEED? Not a spring tonic, but one of our nice cool, comfortable mattresses or a soft,elas- tic spring, We have them in all styles and at various prices and can guarantee good value for your money. 44/E141.2V NORDHfi1MF.R PIANOS F F W. J. MUIR & Our Atm, ' flier best ea/rt poetab far ___ sumo ..