HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-5-11, Page 2t TUvuat, Mae 11, 1911
Cali Nall.
Tseme M ouaaor.atise
Liiipszaansa in advance
les ; tars months, Ma
To Ueit.d Mates subscribers, $1.6u • year
strbatty la ads asset
Bebsortbse.wbo fall to receive Tan BIGNAt
esoteric by small will sainting mot trot � early • date as
ci sibie.
Mara • Miami at address L desired, both old
and the saw addrw should b. liven.
Attiwslita wets :
Least aad ether elmtlar advsrttementa, 100
pet tin. for Mt iaaertloo and b per line for
each subsequent tnaratlon. Measured by s
n onpareil seal*, twelve Un.s Wan inch.
Rosiness cards of six lines and under, IN par
Advwtlssme to of Leat, Found. 81reyeed, Stt
malaise Vammt, Situations Wanted, Hoose. for
8a1. or W Rents Farms for dale or to Rent
Articlestor Sale, eta. not exceeding eight
Itnert. vee each In+turn ; $I tor tint moothkoto
tor .rob subsequent month. Larger advertise.
meat& In proportion.
Annocm•mentt lc ordinary reading type ten
OWL" per Urso. No notice less than tie.
Any special notice, the ob)ert el which 1s the
D iary benefit of any Individual or asr+d-
Woo to be oonddred an advertisement and
le shareed ,000rdingty.
Rata for display and contract advertise-
ments will be riven oa alrolicttl•c•
Address all oommueloeuooa W
Oodwich not
0 )DZRICH• TRUItW*AT. MAT 11. 1111
The recipt'ocity agreement, cpening
the markets of the Potted States to
Canadian farm products, is just what
Canada has been wantipg tor the last
fifty years. It will increase the
profits of every Canadian farm. and
directly or indirectly it will benefit
the vast majority of the people of
Canada. It will not affect - in the
slightest degree the loyalty of Cana-
dians to the Imperial connection. It
will noUyinder, rather will it acceler-
ate, the growth and development bot a
strong, self-reliant Canadian nation.
There is not a eubatagtiaL argument
against re'iprocity which re based on
public interest, Sectional Interests
are opposed to it for their own ninth
reason.: combines) which for years
have battened on monopoly see in it
the destruction of their opportunities
for inordinate profits : but for nine
out of ten Can,udians the agreement
means larger opportunities and in-
creased returns from heir daily
lab r.
But we are told that Mr. Taft says
so and ,o, .and Senator Somebody nays
something else, and hecauae of what
they choose to say Canadian, should
withdraw from the agreement! Pres-
ident Taft and his followers may bit
hard put to it to justify the agreement
to tbe pimple ot the United States.
and they may say things and use argtl-
taletlts in addressing their own people
which do riot appeal to Canadians ;
but that is no wagon wby Canada
should refuse to take advantage of the
offer which is open to her. What
sort of Cnnaiientam is it which is div-
erted from its purpose because of
statements trade by the politicians of
,another country? Canadians are not
babies tbat they do not know their
own minds or understand their own
The agreement is before us in black
and white. We do not need to en-
quire whether it will benefit the
United States or not, We do not
need to care wbat arguments are
being need by {'resident Taft or any-
body else to persuade the people of the
United States that they should en-
dor*e it. The question for us is, is :he
agreement a good thing for Canada?
The Signal believes that the agree-
ment Is the biggest opportunity for
material advancement that Canada
has bad within theist fifty years and
that it ehould'have the endor•eentent
of the Canadian I'alliameot at the
earliest opportunity.
Port Arthur west the l'aoadlan
Northern line is already completed to
the Rcckies, end when the I'e.aflc
cant terminus near Vauoouver is
reached another ocean -to -ocean rail-
way will be added to Canada's great
system of transportation.
According to the resolution of
which notice bas been given in Parlia-
ment by the Minister of Railways, the
bouds of the company are to be guar-
uaranteed to the extent of $16,000 • tune
for the whole distance from Port
Arthur to Montreal .1a Sudbury and
toe Ottawa Volley. As recurity the
country is to have a first mortgage on
the road, and also on the line from
Hawkesbury through Ottawa and To-
ronto to the Niagara River. It is, of
course, expected that the company
will be able to meet the payment* on
the bonds, but in case of its failure to
do so the Oovernmeot would come in-
to practical possession of nearly 1,400
miles of eompleted railway at cost of
IMM() per mile, and this stretch of
reitway would be a natural extension
of the Interoolonial to tbe bead of the
Great Lakes. A feature of the agree -
w t is that the railway company is
to hive an undertaking that export
traffic, unless rpe cific&Ily routed other-
wise by the *chipper, is to be carried to
Canadian ports.
Canada has bad such great develop-
ment within recent years, and her
financial position has become so
strong, that neither the completion of
another great railway aysteni span-
ning the continent., nor the liability
which the country incurs in helping to
finance the undertating, will create ss
much interest end discussion as would
a much smaller project some years
ago. Still, the proposition now placed
before Parliament and the country
should be thoroughly examined, so
that the public interest may be well
safeguarded. Canada has done a
great deal in the way of assisterce to
private railway enterprises, and Per
liameot may be justified in giving fur-
ther assistfrncefrom „time to time in
the future as conditions may seem to
warrant ; but in giving such assistance
a clear case must be made out for the
contention that the project is well cal-
culated to advance the Wailes interest.
Macken.ie and Mann; the leaders of
the syndicate who own the Canadian
Northern systelm, are not exkctly
white -winged patriots—in popular
estimation. at least—and the Govern-
ment May expect .Dome criticism of
any bargain made with them. How-
ever. if the project is one for the up
building fff Canada, on side conditions,
the personnel of the promoters is of
minor importance.
Anti -reciprocity organs make a
great deal of n sp e erh by Cotngtev«-
MU) Prince io the House of Repre-
eantatives at NVaalringt..n. He is re-
ported as saving :
1 «ay to our neighbors on the
north, be not deceived. when we go
Into a te try and get control of it,
we take it ; it i.pur hiatury, and it is
right that we \bould tae it if we
want it. The Speaker has pro said ; the
party hack of hint has said. and it does
mot deny that t bat is its desire. Now
let us ere if the people of Canada be-
lieve in reciprocity and aonezation."
Wbat the "anti" papers fail to tell
their tender. is that iwme.liately after
waking thi. d.r-laration itepreeenta-
tive Prince VOTF.D AG.%INMT THE
1t U anno„tn.•ed et Ottawa 'het the
dr.vernment will eek Parliament to
nein the l :•oadian Northern Railway
by • guarantest4 bonds for the Ulmer
end-milelink between Port Arthur
and Mootreal Tose building of this
.ins sill prartieall •n iiplete the
third 1 sttedorn .ranenonunental lin•-
Moe its through tram, f...m Motor a'
•.•gt t.. the ABente nate the . V R
is to use tee Interoofontaf hoe emir
Between theta the Ikea mower and
the va_uuw cleaner can make quite a
raceet these fine goring mornings.
One of the United State* Congress-
men says that Toronto is strongly in
favor of commercial union with the
States Col. Denison ought to buckle
on his sword and proceed to aveuge
the iosult.
The Toronto World commends to
Sir James Whitney's attention the
difference between tbe tax systems of
Vancouver and Seattle, and their re-
spective results. Vancouver encour-
ages improvement by exempting it
from taxation ; while in Seattle the
Ontario system prevails of .niGg a
man for progressiveness by Increasing
his taxation whenever he n.kes any
improvements on his property. The
World quotes from an ertic?e by Al-
bert Jay Nock in The American Mag-
azine s. -me statements in illustration
of the contniat between the Van-
couver and the Seattle method.
Itis it& Vancouver city, and in its
effect upon property development
that the operation ot the new tax sys-
tem has most interest for Foronto and
other Ontario cities. Vancouver has
grown in ten years from 28.11110 to 100,-
800 people and Mr. Nock anticipates
tbat in twenty years It will be by far
the most powerful city on the Pacific
roast between Cape Horn and the
Fifteen years ago Vancouver wanted
to encourage building and decided
that the best way to do it was to stop
fining and penalizing the persons
who promised to build. So the city
authorities began to lighten the tax
on improvements. They began by
assessing land at full value and im-
provement« at 75 per cent. In a few
years. when equilibrium was restored,
the tax on improvements war reduced
to 50 per cent... in a few years more
to 25 per cent. and finally improve-
ments have been entirely exempted.
leaving the tax tate undisturbed at 2
mills. The transition was made with -
nut the slightest disturbance of any
kind. and everybody is satisfied.
Mr. Nock mentions many instances
of vacant leets with fine bedding' next
them. the taxation in each cave being
the *tome, while in other instances the
vacant lot pays a higher tax than the
one built upon. If you were going td
build would you build in Vancouver or
Seattle? asks Mr. Nock. He would
substitute Toronto for Seattle if he
were here in the contrast with Van-
eouver. An example er given. "Mr.
Jamey Barron of Everett, Washington.
owns land there and also in Van-
couver. He made praperatinos lief
byear to put up a substantial brick
lock on Hewitt &venire, Everett, but
corresponded with Vancouver and
changed his mind as any sane moan
would 1 sow his correspc,ndence
when i was io Everett. In Vent—trivet
his brick block e,ista him nothing : in
Everett it weed probably have been
amassed higher than his land. He
built in Vaarrtntet." And an would a
Toronto man who owned property
there and here.
And The World in conclusion asks :
Why d..ea Sir Jame. Whitney re-
fuse t.. allow Ontario t . adopt this
sensible system of taxat ra in ?
tt he /Mould Canadian. carte whet
I'e.e•ident Taft Gaya .!abut rerlpvrs-ity
latnadan• arc n tay.w .1 reel noreity
for their .we reasons. not for Mr.
Reciprocity was to destroy east and
west traffic, and tiers is the Canadian
Northern Railway planoiog to build a
thousand guiles of cast and west track.
The anti -reciprocity arguments do not
wear well.
An allegorical figure representing
the free trader should be drawn with
r.o ears. sightless runt and an Abnor-
mal development e.1 jaw. Thie would
illustrate his inability to understand
logical argument. or to comprehend
cb.tnges io toonoruic conditions,
while it would set forth with quiet
force his infinite. capacity for talk.
This from The Toronto News. Un-
answerable, isn't it P
We do not want to be pulled up for
contempt of court ; but we cannot
help remarking tbat if that old Duan,
Michael Eraser, of Midland, regarding
whose marriage such a fuss bas been
made, is not out of his mind it is a
wonder, cunsidermg thesy be has
been pestered by the lawy)rr and the
judges. Probably ■t the time of his
mart lege he was about as level-headed
as m a men are on their wedding -
W. \'. German. the Liberal tneunber
for W.:.intl. bolted on the reciprocity
question, and now he is threatened
with opposition at tbe nett election
froru Leslie McMann, ex -Mayor of
Thorold and a prominent Conserva-
tive. who says the reciprocity agree-
ment is the hest thing ever offered to
Canada. Is the time really corning in
remade w ben people will not look at
public gJeations merely as party dif-
ferences ?
The Se*fortb Expositor publisher a
n ote from a subescriber at Sheldon,
North Dakota. who left Scafortb
thirty years ago ;
"i tee that you are petty strong an
Tteeiproeity. I1do not think a man
would have for be very .inert W see
a great benefit in this agreement for
Canada. - \Ve are wending a large del-
egation from the Western States to
Washington to fight against the
agreement. You are getting tbe big
end of the stick. and if the agreement
gases through you may consider your-
selves smarter than Uncle Sam."
The Right Honorable David Lloyd -
George batt week introduced in the
British House of ('ommons another of
those schemes for social amelioration
with wbich his name is identified.
This is a ecbeme for the insurance of
workers agsinat unemployment and
illness. Prominent memb.re of the
Conservative party have already en-
dorsed the measure, which is described
by one of them as the greatest legislm
tive experimeet ever introduced in
any legislative assembly in the world.
Amazing to Contemplate.
Prince Rupert Optimist.
It is one of for amazing things to
contemplate, that the people of a
country should have to be argued
with by the Government to induce
them to see that a proposal to remove
93.000.000 tales from their food bill is
a wholly desirable thing.
The Good Roads Movement
Henan Observer.
Some of our county exchanges seem
to have come to the conclusion that
Huron coetnty is making a big mistake
in not taking up the good roads move-
ment, and securing the Government
assistance that other counties are
receiving. Thee are right.
A Man's Work.
Woodstock Sentinel -Review.
1►r. Macdonald. the editor of The
Globe, is going to England. it is said,
to prorncte the movement for plating
tbe relatiooubip of Great Britain and
the Coifed States on a perpetual peace
basis. it le a man's work, and it is a
work for which Dr. Macdonald has
shown both inclination and Benne.
I:Anode is directly and specially inter-
ested in the peace movemeol and
should not begrudge to do her
best and give ber best for its promo -
Lion. The proposal te mark the ceo.
tenaryof peace on the international
hordeby the adoption of a treaty be.
tween (treat Britain and the United
States is one that will appeal te the
highest patriotism of this country.
Do Not Want Anaexabee.
( eleland ilain Dealer.
The people et the t-nitel States do
not look with favor upon the nugget,
tine of annexation. They do net want
the Dominion minion tinder the Start and
Stripes. They tee not expansionists
at heart. hitt would prefer to rife their
present continental territory higbly
developed rather than to tithe in more.
Like the Canadians themselves, they
are seti•fled with the attunequo.
The Englisb-wpeaking perspiese of the
earth need on this North Anlerieen
rorttinMI two stron independent na-
tions to steed shoulder to shoulder in
defence of western rivilizatlon against
whatever forces may hp burled toward
it in the years to .•ossa There is far
more weenie in aucb . defensive sill -
ante. with its Breech onnertion, than
could po..lbit Ire ram to a .Ingle na
Gen •tr.•tebit.g from the (coif of Mex-
ico to the Amor caner. rh. ' nited
mates a •nada met •. s .,mla.n
ant part of trade. tear as • meter se.
tion with idsstteal .mbltione and I
metal earnsstann to defend '8. rrn.tin-
ant .Telntt aggreacie e.
1 Was Card by Lydia L Pi■t-
Laarrt Verdant' Composed
W surtka, Okla —"I had female trou-
bles for seven years, was all run down
and eft nervous I
could not do any-
thing. The doctors
treated me for dif-
ferent things but
did me nogood. I
got so bad that I
could not sleep day
er night While in
thiscondit3ort 1 read
of Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable
Compound, and
began its use and
wrote W Mrs. Pinkham for advice. In
a abort time I had gained my average
weight and am now strong and well."
—Mrs. SALLIE STsvINs, R. F. D. No.
3, Box 31, Waurika, Okla.
Another Grsdeful Woman
London, Ont —1 feel as if 1 could
not tell others enough about the good
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound has done for me. I was so
weak and tired that I could not rest
nights. A friend recommended your
Compound and I soon gained health
and strength and could not wish to
sleep better. I know other women
who have taken it for the same purpose
and they join me in praising it—MRs.
Ws.. A. Burry, 905 Dame St.,
London, Ont
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound has surely cured many cases of
female ills, such as inflammation, ulcer-
ation, displacements; fibroid tumors,
irregularities, periodic pains, back-
ache, that bearing -down feeling, and
nervous prostration.
\ L.\IUIK elCIteIOL, A t;001) S('HOUL
'THE MMI. -.Thla school has a continental
reputation for high-grade work and for the
acro. of Its ',indents. We have three de.
pp.a tmen•s.—C:ommerelat Shorthand. and
Telegrnphy. Ambit young men and
Nom«n .honld -tendf et nnee for cam large
fre.- c.tt«!corn. Write for it at to .-o .ted
see what our graduates ars doing. rho 1s
s gond t terse of the year for you to enter our
el.a.e+. ..dent- are entering each week.
I;Ommence your COMM. at once.
11. A. 1d :LACHLAN,
1s calling you. Wby not
prepare now P The lead-
ing mercantile Nowak of
Canada and United
States recognise o u r
Tile SWstts. B9ds Cages
Have given tbouasods of
young people a good start
Janie. We can assist you.
Our Boma Study Coupes
Offer unexcelled advan-
tages to those who
cannot atteod college.
Full particular u po n
Business Clinton
Business College
0E0. BPOTTON, President. r
ach at, you may obtain under the very
twat onnd it lona at The Central Huainan.
1 oltrge of Toronto, Is • sure passport to
...Deese. Thousands have proved it.
Why not Investigate fur yourself I (Our
free catalogue uplrinn. Write for IL
\V. IL D&IA W. Principal
Toronto. Ont•. has a national repu-
tation fur superior work. Open all
year. Enter now. Catalogue free.
The b'gge.t thing about some men
is their opinion of themselves.
When you do any painting inside or outside
the house better be sure of best results by
using M -L Pure Paints.
Color. rr clearer rod elraner .,.d kayo • more
Lame glow Oise ..ort pewee. Ad ye. ea. deo
• good ,ob ..ick 1... M • 1. Pelee Nee with other
k ted.. (peed. ratter, coven mere .e'f.ee. end
because of . spend ,.yrrdi... I.at. .bot twice
.. long.
Forty-seven enlore for interior .ed exterior work
.1 .11 kende. Soid *sly a tier -1.11 aemewr.
Made by Imperial V armee & Ceder Co.. suited.
COLORS --16 shades
— ws tear Ne Nis to
eon •at oke we
.fair. of meet deeer-
lh.m. Artistie. .e••
;tory. dwaelm -maim
waked like twisted
woodwork WA
Recommended and sold by Howell Hardware Co., Limited
An Encouraging Message •
have a message of hope and gond cheer. of encouragement
and Inspiration to every suffering woman. I have endured aha
torture due to female troubles and the consequent despondency
mad mental ngony almost to the point of despair. and 1 have
been restored from this condition to a slate of vigorous health,
and to the happy. exhilarating frame of mind which accom-
panier phvd.al well b.tng. This r ha nice has been brought
about wholly by the use of ORANGE LILY.
In addition 1 have had the privilege and pleasure of Induc-
ing multitudes of other suffering women to give ORANGE
LILY a trial, and have received thousands of enthusiastic ac-
knowledgments of the blessings It has brought to them. The
following is a sample:
Truro. N. 8., April i. INO.
Dear Mrs. Currah,—Tour very kind letter wan received yes-
terday. In reply to your question about my health. 1 are
thankful to say that I am very well. As I have never given
rem ya statement of my case you may be Interested In It
Por several years I have suffered untold agony. This suffering was eentin tea
but I would have violent attacks every few weeks, each attack luting we ral
Sava The first Sunder In November, I felt the pain Increasing and so did not go
to prayers. The rest of the family did go. and soon after the forcing down pains
seised no and t had to retrain ors the flow until their return. I was In great
pain all night and was very sick for a whole week. •
Then Mrs. 1.. cane to see me and told M of your wonderful medicine I got
my husband to seed for It right away. a. 1 was too sick to write myself Illy
doctor could do notNng for ma) I have used s boxes of ORANGE LILY, have
had three months of pod rest, and am sow welt never bettor In my site. I have
Det had the old pales since. f Otis tat my hunbend If It la myself that Is gWsg
•round and doing my pwn work. 1 ran .**route believe IL it brings tsars nt joy
to my eyes. 1 could shoat It to all the world. I t t speak enough. 1118- IE. 0. p; .
ArtYew H fes.
Recetving. as 1 ddnd Nei such resorts each ley. 1 ei imRppelled to snake
known to mi suffering sista. the /yearns of ORANGE LILY. It differs from
ntt,er no-ealled remedies In that It 1s ..t taken Internally. 1t 1. • strictly Beal
treatment. and 1. spoiled directly to the Affected organa Its curative sten*Ota
are absorbed Into the rnngasted tissues. Opp, Oiled the stagnant foreign -natter
whit' it has hoer. Irritating the membrW W eesadaeemeiing the nerves, and a groom
lug feeling of physio*l and teetotal meet Y noHigaW almost from the etari It
moatyou will
lyi be very lmand eves eterali M~yes
N mfrs than the Tina
T want r vol.,' Hader of this. who
suffers le any way hent painful
menthlymperind. trveegolarn
..a 1l.s. len-
e.rrhnnflamma tint w resseetioll
011 the wnenh pains In the back. etc.
In send one their addrea..., and f
w111 forward ..t nice. without charge.
10 dare' tresttn•r11 11 mer rasa l•
not far advance/ It may 0,41,07 rnrf
eon and end. 1any s *se e n will
much 1 am ea e d .n 1n neva
Me Oft Is t ale •n tesstttree.
rho .�S is asters en 0 ,
Mare streamers of ray Weeend s••
cured o1 h•tr,s, wl *.**calf • .werwe^e
Lilt Add, era merlon ag 1 . •roes, 1111_1_1111_,L,. res
W.., cheson 4 Son
Embroidered Flounciog.
or Dress Embroidery
8PSCIAL SALE fine Embroideries, 38 to 42 Inches
wide. Beautiful work and designs. Embroidery from 20 to
>01 inches deep. A manufacturers over.supply lot shipped to
es at 50 per cant. under value. Regular U)c, $1.00, j11 26 and
11.50. Goods on special sale. your choice, pet yard
Rugs and Carpets
Rugs—Axauioster, Brusaele, wool and union, a large
choice and exquisite patterns, and our values are unsurpassed
in Canada. Prices range from 95,00 to 940.00
New Tapestry Carpets in heavy pile and new conven-
tional and neat scroll patterns 65c, 86c, and 75c
New 38 -inch -wide Union Carpet, reversible, at per
yard 30c, tee and 50c
Brussels and Wilton Carpets at. ...110c, $1110, $1.10 sod $1.36
Dress Suiting.
Thirty pieces new Toiler, serges, French tweeds, in
shades of grey, specially priced at 75c, $1.00 and 91.23
Tailored to
We tailor into your clothes, style,
refinement and perfect. fit, and yet the
cost is no more than "good" 'ill-fitting
Martin Bros., Tailors
Howell Hardware
you have many requirements at this
season of the year. We have the
goods you need.
Screen Doors
Yru need to get theta on be-
fore the house is filled with flies. 1
We have a splendid range.
We sell a g.s.l, strong door with
hest quality of wire screening,
panels are nicely stained, with
pair spring hinge.. all and book
and eye, complete for.... 91.00
Other lines nangitng in price
up to, eacb. $2.30
Window Screens
No person needs to keep the
windows closed. in a/I widths
to suit. Prices range from lfle
to the
Screen' Wire
Perhaps you hate an old
does needing new wire cloth.
We have it: in width* lg inches
to 38 inches, and nut price et
ideal Fencing
Ideal Fencing, the best
feoeing. is what you must have.
Ideal M the fence far you. 7
wines, all bard steal, ell No 9
terms nitro wire per nod .. •le.
• Poultry Nettie&
After getting the garden in
good shape, don't let the bens
de•etr.ty it. We have Poultry
Netting in widths from 12
lodes to 84 inebee. We sell it
in mils, or .gut lengths to suit
your requirements.
It no' only reinoves every
particle of duet, dirt, grease,
stain and scratcher from pianos,
furniture and woodwork et one
sweep of the cloth. but it leaves
tole surface shining with it
beautiful, glo•.v newnewe. it is
very simple to use ; a child can
do the work.
We hare iboot fifteen gal-
lon+ of Paint In one-half pint.
pint and quart tins of the Rob-
otism make. which we mast
clear out at once. Last of the
Nide-Aeon mock. You ran haat-
avewhet you need at 10c belt -plot
or Me per *quart. This is lees
than most paint vests today.
The Wet Kitchen Cabinet
value. made in oak : very enss-
plte. only $25.00