HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-5-11, Page 1Che Signal FROM NOW TO 1st JANUARY, tett. TV NEW SUBSCRIB- ERS 50c 50c [til=TT-THIRD Thatt.Nus aro Cell J/oerr frien8es of the special trial offer of 'Ilse Signal far the hal- aDee of the year, to new subscriber., for GODERICH. ON'I'AR11►, CAN ADA : MAV 11, 1911 THE SIGNAL PhDs •'NG CO" Ltd.. WsrAs- FINANCIAL Capital, Ron and Undivided Profits 27,500,000 $49,u Total Amato over 849,WO,Opp. jail( i PAY BY CHEQUE Boniness men iu the cilias ahn•et lava' ia1.Iy pay by ebeque. %Vby sbould not business men on the farms'* OF CANADA ESTABLISHED i088 • It is safer sod mote convenient then paving by o ebb, and gives you act radi.putehle receipt for every payment. , Try a checking account for a yea' and you'll nes et Pant fogies it up. Goderich Branch, W. L. HORTON, Manager 1 GUNI)RY'S Livery, Cab and 'Bus Stables THE RED BARN South Surer. Goderich All our Rig. are New. 'Buses meet ell Trains and Steamer.. Patticular attentionven to ivate residences. g calls from Phone No. 50. i PURE LAKE ICE We wish to announce G' our customers of former years and to the public in general that out icehouses are evoked with pure lake ioe and we are prepared to supply all old and new cuaton.rre. We are the only dealer* handling PUNK LAKE Il'E (1,RAIGIE BROS. Pbiroe Calls : Office 24 He,ri"c 124 t TENDERS 1 WANTED 1 Tenders addressed to the un. der.igned will he received up to 8 o'clock p.m. on FRIDAY, MAY 19th. 1011 Inc removing a prrtion of the side hill on the road to Halford. between the G. T. H. overhead bridge and the highway midge over the River Maitland between Goderich and SeItford. Plans and specifications may be seep at the Town Clerk's Office, Oodetich. Thislowest. Or any tender not necessarily accepted. i I_ 1. KNOX. Tows Oisrk, (ioderieh. 1 i B. O. MUNNINGS. Cbainnso PsisM. Works ('000- mittee, doderiene 1 FOR SALE OR TO RENT HOVER T O RENT.- O N EAST OHa itiffiM� N U adMf oro' eMaoces. Apply at at WA TID TO RENT. - SMALL eyave.4ait to Square preferred. Apple MAN'S AN'8 GROCERY. HOUSE TORENT. -ON NEW(IATE Arose with six realer. Coaveoleoeer. mei r bath. closet. taraaes. elo'U0 light w•rheoom. poetry. three clothe.rooms and two callasa Hot and cold water in bathroom. emblems and one of the cellar. Apply to N. R'. NOT, Newgate street. FARM FOR SALE.-iN COLBORNE Wwnehlp. Mime lot a. on Maitland coo. 0.0.40•'. Contain.. Macre., elghtees. of which 1. ooyered with hardwood boob. sixteen In wheat. sixty ie ;rare and rem*lader 1n good sate of cultivation. There are seven las of orchard and the farm is well rented. Ir a rued woad brick house and two bank benison the property. For further particular. ao to prtm terror, etc.. apply to JACOB FLICK. oo the premises, or Benmiller P. U. HOUSE FOR BALE.-kES1DENCR of the late James Wilson. North sorest, with latrre eroande. stahle. etc. Aly to W. C.TANNER. 312 Dooereoen [toed.?oroot°. it FARM TO RENT OH FOR SALE. - 0411 bu*dred acme of good lard, being Math half of kat I&. coos mim 1. We.t Wawa - MM. nearly all in a good toga. of cultivation, aid nearly all ended doe'.. Huitding. ire Aide 1.ritk boo.e. large barn, .bed. elf. =ng .reek run . through property. ie within hall a mile of the thriving Village of Duoygennon and 1. convenient to akircbs- schools sod portaltloe. On we pace we, good gravel pit. which of late years b.e averaged over pee a year : atm .ix acres of Vhardwood bash. For further in olition. pDarticulars rreeggaarrding term., etc. apply to MISS L B. MILLIGAN. Dungannon. HOUSE FOR SALE, -ON WOLFE buret, seven loss.., good cellar under kitchen aod`t000datlee under house. belo•sging te the estate of the late Mrs. Jar. Reid. A o hr to D. BTODDART. Ifeet street, or to PROLD- FOOT. HAYS* KILI.ORAN. 161m CHOICE LOTS FOR BALE IN THE Darrow property. Plot 1.12: P.% feet. Se- cludes, corner N M.rket street and Elgin avenue. eaiteble for three benoee• o will divide to sit pureamer. High and dry ground : choloest location in beet rsideatla . action. Hewer atom Elgin avenue. For par ttmlan +poly at Td K Sl 'NAL OFFICE, �l)R MALE. - TEN ACRES EAST lde of South .Least. corner ronett attest. erfch. If you desire a linnet tract of von or two tame or a butldlug lot In we loath side write H. A. JORDAN. 173 Wlndaor avenue, .l'Iad.or. °ster/o. rf1OWN PROPERTY FOR' SALE. - L Lot two hoadred and [went eve feel be KinguWo street, In the town of h, eticnon. twining ooeQaarter of aa acre. On tbe north half of the. property there is erected • .tory and a -half tram dwelling house sad a black- smith .bop, woe occupied by the late Alex- ander Ylrkbrtde. Both the house and the W oo are. a pretreat, under leans. the Mose at 1/11 73 • month and the hop et tr per month. The property will be sold in one or two pare I. as the purchasers may desire. Apply to M G. CAMERON. Banister. etc-, Hamilton street Ooderit* Ontario MEDICAL R. F. J. R. FURSTER-EYE, EAR soya and throat only. Hones amoson ew York Ophthalmic and Aunt IneUtute. Clinical 'r.dst.. Kar. Nose and 9 hrowt Homiest Oolde1' Square. and Moorefield Kyee Ho.tdtak LondBn. England. Office. 53S. Waterloo `[mos Strut/ore. opposite Knox Church. Hoerr :9 to 12 a. m . 2 to 4 P m.. 7 to it m. Telepbooy 187' STERLIMb Manx d Of LAl1A0A \\ . t .ca. 4 Y:4 "Asti if courteous treatment, prompt attention and safety is a factor in placing your account, we would offer you our services. Every attention given to farmers' business, and loans made to respon- sible people on reasonable terms. GODERICH BRANCH R. yrAU.a O'. r• OODERICH MARKETS, TYWINIDAY. May Illi Fai1 wheat, pet 0049 et M' to tf 090 Idpring wheat.. 0 Co Rye perbush per bush.. 0 tF to 0 ei Baakwbeet. per bush 943 to 0 4✓t Oata. per be.h.. 0 94 to d w Paas, per hush 0 73 to 0 73 Barley. per burls 0 tO to 0 ss Screening. per ton 90 00 to in .0 Flour, family, per owt 1 73 to 2 7.5 Flour. patent, per owl . 3 r. l to sun Iran, per ten el W to ID tet per too ..., 5000 to 260, , per too to fie to 1'. ul 8l w .... 400 to 3W Wood. per load 6 .41 to S 30 Butter, per lb 0 le to 0 w ('hear, par 1b 13 to 0 le [Lias. hese, par dos - 0 13 re n 17 Potatoes. per bushel... ....... . 0 90 to ,t 30 Cattle, orate y a twett• ear Mist 4 40 to 3 ss Cattle. exporO Mor 3 30 to 3 73 Hop. 3 73 to :, 73 Two llog Lamb 4 NI to 1 Aft Sheep per cwt 0 M to 430 Tailors per 1b (8 to e,3 Huffer, per cwt 7 ne to 7 7r, eh amain, , 30 to sp AUr•TICN SLi.as- 11{ORT:AGE KALE 't oder and by virtue of the - powers contained lea ret uin misname. whleb will be p{rodued at the Lena of wile. there will he olre,ed for rale by public auction an S*turda the sftb day of say. A. 1,. 1411. et the hour of 2o clock in the afternoon. at Malloegbe Hotel. in the einem of Ihtugannon. by 1 bonier Oendry, aoefioneer. be followine prom ty, ouoely:- The wart half of tbe east belt of lot number eleven in the fourth onnos.,.ion, earthen dirb.too of the town..Mp ul ArhfieLl, in the county of Huron• rave and eteept three acre. conveyed for A cemetery. The parcel to be sold remote. fo. ty.eren .ere. of land more to- le.. rle., all cleared. TM ,oil Is a sandy loam. Tbere are three acre. rot gad apple orchard email frame hoer with kitchen attaches frame barn 71x42. with frame .table 11x11: dove house 1x:91 In fairly gond repair : ales a Paine toe hoose and .laughter honor lex94. tend well at house and *meninx stream o0 tum : sltested km than a mile from the village of Dungannon. Tram : 7'enr cent. of the purchase mn to be paid down et we time of sale, balance tato be paid within tailor days. For further pa sever.. •red condition of -.)e apply U' PROUDsfOUT, H.\YS t ItII.LORAN, Solicitors for Vendor Godericl. the, THOMAS OUNDRY, A sc' loner. Dated at Godericb the 4th day of May. A. D. lett. JUDICIAL SALE. COUNTY COURT OF WENTWORTH. SAWYER Vs. CONNI(LL. Pursuant to the iadginent and order herein there will ,e solo at public auction •n one lot by Mr. Thoeme.'sundry. at ('olborne Hotel. (lode - rich. on Saturday. the 3rd dray of June, A. D. 1NIl, at 12 o'clock noon, the lends in the town - Alp of Colborne. in the county of Huron, pan* of lot.. oumbe.- 2 and 31nthe 5400noewiou. West rn dh'br,n. de..cribed as follows :-Corn- Impeller on said lot number 3 at a poet pleated on the tooth aide of the public highway ani at the distance of 13 chains and 63 link. mores oe lea west from th-t no.rthwe.t angle of the Roman Catholic oemete.) Thence south at a right angle to mewed puWN highway s Weise more ore•. to the b .nndary of .aid lot 3 et the River, thence weoterty along the hirer follow- ing the several winding+thenbf .11 chain. more or lest to the.oewwurterly angle of Int num- ber 2 In the said ooncrssion. theme north 43 degrees and 4 , minute• east 2 chains more or less ;.o we public highway. Thenoe .outh 0134 degrees east chains more or lato angle of the ..aid hlt�pw ss hway. Thence doe east along the .outh limit of the said highway 14 chain. and r.; link. mote or lee. to the place of begin - nine. containing 404 acre, more or lest Sal- subjeot to reserve bid and exuding ten- ancy- /if any). Ten per ine of purchase money at time of ode and balance 'without inters/1i to he paid foto Court 'mitten thirty day. thereafter. Ilse vendors w111 furnish a Reglrtrar. ate B ract end only such document.l is. are in their pooserion. Should the purchaser make any requisition obloh the vendor. are not prepared 1.0 remove they shell have the night to cancel the sale sed the ppuurcha*er we right to obtain repaymeot of bis deposit. In all other respects the standing conditions of thM Court will apply. Further pertlou1r from MESSRS. MART - 1N t MARL 1 v, Vendee.'. Solicitors[ Federal Life Building. Hamllwe. end the Aectioneer. Dated the 9th day of May. A. D. NIL TENDERS. TENDERS FOR THE PURCHASE of the frame cortege on Wate,leo street owned bythe oderich Collies and Skating Association (i .1,1 be reoelved by the under - alined up to Friday. M. lath. 1 he .mcooestul tenderer will be required to have the bending retained at mos. W. L. HORTON. M anyger; TOWN OF GODERICH. l9t 1 CLEAN-C- P'DAY. The citizens of (loderich are requested to rake up their [root lawn. and boulevards and depadt the raking. on the tide of the road, whence they .111 be earned away bytown teams on Monday and Tuesday next. ole demoting saber er rubbish from their bark par& will be proaeonted and compelled to re move rase at their own extreme. By order N the Council. TENDERS. •- censer Iota evened by the town for rale. Tenders addrea•ed to the onderdgoed will be meshed •.p to A oclock Thmed.y. May lath, 1911, for the porch's.. of town lout numbers Ml end MI st the corner of Mo,tcalm street and Cambria road. The helmet or •y feeder not nw'e.o*rily .oeepted. Po order of the Town ('wncll. 1. L KNOX, Tow. ours. Oviedo-. O. QEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED 1) to toe undersigned, •r.4 endorsed "Tender for Public Huilaing. 9eeforth. (MGM., will be received until 1 p. m , on Mondey. May ei 1911. th for e ego'-trurtlon et a Pel.' Hul)dbsg a aeafort h. (rot. Ilan. new ilewtlon ..nd form of c.m.tr..rt can be seep end fnrms of tender Wk. td at the e tane of Mr H. .3 Limn. IH.Met engineer. Logsdon. 1511-. at the postofilese esefnrth. a..d at this Department. Fannie tendering are notified 'het tenders .Ip not be oonddered nnlee made oe the printed forme snpplled. and dared with their actual dgna' nese sta,ing their nmol+none sad wem of residence. In the nem of Irma, tbe armed dgnetars, the nesters ache w..'sp. Yea, and the plane c/ nrtdenee M earh mM.her of tee firm nowt he elven. Each tender moat he accompanied by AS aeoepteel Mopes on a Ore eharte e. y tesi t of Ur Honorable I"'dMinitar of leaNlr Wok& equal tote per .sat 110 p. est of the meeent N the ter. emus will b. Ar Wad if the pewee lendslae deelne to enter Wm s ceelteel whew' called ages to diem. se tan to cernow. the mirk emenuetad Mr. tf the � tesla ae be nee eupted the argue will be xbe D partamet deo. .we Med brae to ha area the Cswwiter tender Rf R ( ORaftrK'A91101, Deeegto.Mt of Ibbsn w'crk. aa.ssary. ()there, Ma► 1, (N1 pay1 OM lid- =UaWanneslaewl 1, webers/ a �tllcrR► t,cr, POWER FOR HURON - COUNTY DEPUTATION MEETSHON. ADAM tiECK AT TORONTO. Full *report on Maitland River Power Development to Be Submitted to 1 ounty Council at the June Ses- sion - Members of Deputation Pleased wits. the Interview. A deputation representing the Bounty of Hu,.vn waited upon the Host. Adam Heck, Minis,tnr of Power, at Torodsto on Tureday of this week, laco.ia.cUoe with the proposition to d. velop the wales power of the River M.itland Mai 'supply electric energy I to the various neuters of the county. The depotbtiun was aumoosrd of Ws' (Ira (Again ; ClioA. Reid, Reeve I of li.deriob t Jujtrl''Leckir. Reeve of Brussel*: J. C. lireig, Reeve of Sew forth : Wm. Line, county clerk : Dr. W. J. R. lllolture, twenty Lieasurrr Alex. Saunders. H. E. Hodeens and ):hat-. U. Lee. of L.e (iuderich Huard oI trade. M. Beek proutiard that the engin- ern of the Hydro -electric lannurie.H'n wound complete a full , rpm t epos the id.eislrt d Raver proposition 111 owe for the Jure meeting of the county coun- cil. and that this Report would show to what •went power could be profit- ably developed on the river. The • plan is to Moire an option on the pioprrty at the -Black Hule," and if the county council Tells io with the scheme to develvp the power at this pointwhamsCAP be distributed taito • the different towns and villages where 1 a market fur power esi.te. An extrn- ieleu or the Niagara power tranalnte- ISiou line W Seaforth is alreaJy- ' arranged for. and the connection 1'e- . twee.' this line and the Maitland parer Hue will be wade, to that in tiara of low water un the Maitland power tro'm Niagara can be made available for the Hut no county centres, and at titurs of high water on the Maitland any surplue Dower not required In the -aunty can he die - aloe to places m,.v suppp rid through the Niagara line. In this way the scheme, so i6 ns figured out, can be more economically carried out than if the Maitland Myer project were de- LOST OR FOUND. T OST. -PROBABLY IN THE iJ ..elghboi Mod of'Megfield load. on April 27Ai, a euro of mosey. Mese.151 plea.e leave at K H. CUTI'3 grocery .Irma PUBLIC NOTICE FIRE! FIRE! -TO THE LADIES ,t l3oderirh -sod eu•roanding country: As Mr 11.1.te•d 1. to the testber-renovating bosl- oes,. opal for a :bort period only. ho will call at any allies•.. Sail+faction guar mused or 00 pay. 8. HAtriert AD, llydench. FOR SALE. PIANO FOR SALE. - IN 000D eendlti00. For further particulars apply et"RE SIONA I. tFFICE. GOS FOIL SETTING. - WHITE Wyandotte-. Regal strain ; large white type • winners wherever exMbtted e wag[ everything at Ooderloh, 1918. Aliso kiMsi Minorca-. pNse-wlnnen. Egrgg from. bath Mew. 111per 13. C. W. WUR1ELL Malt - had @twat, Qoderich inset Smite Homo. WANTED' WANTED. - INFORMATION 0 F Robert K. rr, who married Gems 'Tall- man and who lived to Chicago to 1081. Hi• daughter. rubel Kerr would like to hear from him or any lafenny tio0 in rqmard. \ddres. MISS ETHEL K fbIR. 9816 Indiana Ave.. Std Apartment, Chlo e% 47-41. SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTKU.--IMMEDIATELY, GEN' LItAL good plain wok. No waehinngg nor Ironing. Higbee wage. Apply to MIL`[. D. Maobonald, Underlies. G0O0,YMAR'1 GIRL WANTED. - Apply. stating wages, toBOX 76. Oodert:b P.O. WANTED AT ONCE. -A LIVE repreeentauve for Uoueroh and die. tri0t. A perruaueet position with liberal in- ducement. for the right part ONE a W ELLINU rON. Nurserymen, TerMUNEcets. 49 3t 14 IVEMANOR WOMAN WANTED. -for work at latus payle r Seeger Wu per may with opportunity to adverse.. Spare time eon fro oewd. work nee difficult and requires nuexper.ee.(r. '.VINNTON,UmIced• Spedtw A v... Toro., o 48.51. APPRENTICES WANTED FOR the trades of finld dng end organ action making. Boys fro,n, fifteen to eighteen lean of age will he f:..rtyy %Sarni the different trwdo. Required to be dolentitred. Amity et tiro N. ate ct the MO./OUCH Willer. ('0., We.t street. (tHAKIRRY CLICHE WANTED.- CLICHE Active young mer.. good stock keeesppeer. O.se ac7'alnted with Uoderich and neighbor. Mood preferred. Applicant should +tete age. experWric a and eatery etereetavl %pply in own hand to P. t•. Bon 1t.1 li..d.ricb. NOTICE TO CRLRITORS -�: - _ 1 Norton T(f CRIDITOR8. TRE NIA r7 ER fir DUN( AO Poem i,►' TH.. VILLp,A�OL Of KItIN08BRIiKlZ (5 MK 4 ut'STY (W MCRoN OLA KRALMLnt 14ANT. IVIM'LVRN'i'. The In.nlvent hw nude en w.lgn(ne It te me for the besyllt el ire ieere under fit, 8. O lar. elinpter 117 a Mee/1w of crelltars will be brill .t my .0*m No. If •• enyas ttill. gait. 5 memo. 1.1 Freda, the Nth nal et May. 1911. at the hear of 3 adept' le the aetswseue. err the ageedef l opc .9 IseeerM. tee fires 01 tan ee..wet et their /...eMf.swa a..c ghlea wt thenthese with . elevens, to t he d al of the act e is. All lose- .• ela9.A.a tLrw.k .pyo. W er9stt ief the ImerSv...srwti FI. M.Ir elate).weirs are on e• Memo 11th tasy et Jaw., PHI. MMan�t1 yr. r aim roan. owed r deism oohs Dyed N peeper• Oda IAaRAay we May, 1� tM ' veloped independently. The county is to develop the.power, and the Pro- vincial Hydro -electric Comeniwiou is to distribute it. Mr. Beck et acrd that 1 the Previuee, if desired, would lend! the money for development purposes to the county. and the Hydru-rlectric ('ommi.einn would plate the cervices of its engine -to at the disposal of the county iu the carrying out of the pto- jeet. The members of thedeputatlon were much phased with the manner in which the Minieter took hold of he proposi- tion, and they believe that the poe- t/. of the *uocesO of the r 1 NEW SALT PLANT. Coy been materially advaneed. whcle matter will be placed in definite shape before the rounty council et its session next Wonlh. Following the interview the War- den and mrmhers of the county court - eft entertained Mr. Beck end his sec- retary and Prig/Pet/1-s et luncheon at the Prince Gnu, ge hotel. oject USED NAMES WITHOUT AUTHORITY. To the editor of The Sigrid. D3AR SIR, -On Wednesday of this week dodgers were distributed by the manager of the Heil Star Theatre an- nouncing pictures of the "White Slave Truffle," and sdvertiwing that 1 With a number of other gentlemen approved of the save. I wl..h in this note to env than toy n type was placed on that dodger without my knowl- edge or authority. I :earned about it only when my telephone began to ring. 1t was purely an advertising scheme. by wing •ny name and others to amine for public. draw patronage and collect dinsrc. 1'pon protest the manager promised to collect the dodgers. Mondaylast. on the request of On the Crown wttoruey. I with other gentlemen was asked to examine pic- tures advertised an exposing the ••Whitt• Slave Traffic," and illus- trating the. Jesse Jam.'. robberies. The t.rown attorney 'immediately Con- demned the Jesse James pictures as illegal. Nothing could be found in the "White Slave" pictures to legally prohibit them, so they could not be condemned. But there is a fax dis- tance between condemning a thing es ill• gal and approving it for public ex- hibition. And I certainly would not stand sponsor for the exhibition of the "White Slave' pictures in a moving picture show which makes no pre- tense of having any moral motive and where many people young and sus- ceptible congregate. Thanking you. More 8. DOCOAI.I.. Goderich, May 11th. A mmnher of others, including rhe editor of The Signal, were placed in the fame position as Dr. Dougall by the uoauthorized use ot their Lames. DEATH OF ARCHBISHOP McEVAY Former Bishop of London and a Prom - Sent Figure in Catholic Church. Archbishop McEvoy, of Toronto, who was Bishop of London from 1!4!10 to 1908, died at his official residence at Toronto early \Vedner.dxy morn- ing of this week, after art illness of 1 nearly two yearb duration. His death removes one of the most prom- inent figures of the Cathol:c church in Canada. Not an old ratan, as lite gees, he had pecked into his less than sixty year a vast amount ot work. His tact, his diplomacy, and bis consider- ation for others made him greatly be- loved of his people, and the diocese of London and the erchepiecopal Pee of Toronto mom n his lose as very per- sonal indeed. Archbishop McEvoy was born in Lindsay, Ont., in 1852, and received bis early education at St. Mi:hael'e College, Toronto, and then attended the University of Tor- onto, ononto, where he graduated in arty with high bonne s. He pursued hie theo- logical etudie• in the Grand Seminary, Montreal, end ih 18Ft2 was ordained a priest at Trenton by the late Arch- bishop Cleary. Hir marked cuecees as a priest soon attracted attention, and his advancement was rapid. After a very successful term at Peter - bort; he wain removed to Hamilton, and then to London es Bishop of this dire -este in 1899. In 1908 he was cleated Archbishop of Toronto.. STERLING MAKES STEADY GAiNS. Net Profits Amounted to tots Per Ceet. on Capital- Hank Strengthens itself in All Departments. Toronto Globe. The Sterling Bank statement indi- cates one of the lent yeaes of it& his- tory. The total net profits amounted to 11108,141.:), which is equal to 10 2.5 per cent. on the Bank's capital, and stakes the highest roti° yet shows These profit. (Y'llipere with 1192.Kt2 last year and 8914,1111 in 11*185 Out o1 these the emu ot 847,4125 was applied to payment of divklends, while the oonainder with what was carried for- '.trd from the previous year. making a total of 11045,24,1, was r plied to w profit and loarrotint. Toe tn'el surplus and undivided ptoflte now stem' at $308 It&, as against 8317,1511 at the end of the 'novelle year. The annual general meeting of the sherw- boktere of the Flank will to held on Tueetwv next. ENGLISH CAPITALISTS TO ERECT IVIG WORKS HERE. New Process Which Will Cheapen the Product -Old Platt Property on Maitland River Flats to Be the Site of the Industry -Plant Will B. a Large One. Will Goderich regain its obi -time supremacy in the alt manufacturing buesineww ? There appears to to a more encograging prospect that such will be the outcome of present developments. Fur a good many years the salt trade here has been all but dead, only one well being in operation ; and Vita one simply bet:aues it was run in connec- tion with the Western Canada Flour Co.'s mill. A few weeks ago tbe old plant of the North American Chemi- cal Co., now controlled by John Rens. ford, of Clinton, Wake put in operation Alter severs) year; idleness. And now Comes news of & project fur the establishing Dere M an eztenaive new plant by an F.ngli-h syndicate, which proposes to wanutactur•e waI bya new proteas which will cheapen te pro- duct greatly and enable the company not only to compete.uecesefully with the taoadian manufacturers hut toin- vade the United States market. Definite step. have already been takell to *scute possession of the Platt property on the river flats, where years ago a salt block was situated. There is plenty of room at this site, avid 1t ie • convenient 1'cation rot shipping, both the (i. T. R. and U. P. R. lines being clow at band and the harbor convenient of access. It is stated that machinery tor the plant is already on the way frons Eng- land. There is some .peculation as to the possible beariug of the project upon the reported discovery of pot- ash deposits in this neighborhood. Then is nothing definite as to this what the English capitalists behind the scheme are after i., it is believed, salt -not potash. Th.. plots for the erect i]ri of the new plant may be ex- pectrdU) mature very shortly. and the re-estahliabing of the •alt business as one of Goderich's chief industries, if such should be the outcome, will 4'e hailed with gratification by the people of the town and district. A GREAT HONOR WITHIN OUR REACH. Goderich Has Privileg- e of Sending a Boy Shot to Britain. A rally and review of Boy scouts is to take place before His Majesty the King in Wiodw,r Park July 4th. and the English Scouts are arranging to entertain representative Scouts (tom the oversee dowioiuns and coke..-. it is proposed to send 200 boys (cull. Canada. fifty of whom will he from the Province of Ontario. The local scoutmnater has been in -orreepondence with the Provincial secretary C. B. P. B. S.. and isasentred that Goderich ie entitled to send the one representative from title district, which comprises the tour et -runnel. of Huron, Bruce, Grey and Perth. This is a very great honor to Goderich and should appeal to the loyalty of our citizens. Each municipality is re- quired to contribute 21200 towards its representative's expenses, which coven everything, and the boy will be pr)perly looked after throughout tee The Mcouts are working hard for tint place in the cont.'.►[ now being heal for representative, and which- ever boy wins out be is sure of being a credit to his town and to his country in that great gathering of Boy Scouts from all over the British Empire. It rests entirely with the liberality of the citizens of Goderich wbether they share this honor or not. Boy Scout work is necessarily of such a nature that it does not fre- quently come before the notice of the Public. The work is carried on quietly to out-of-the-way corner.. Nevert he - lees it has become a force, the out- come of which no man can conjecture. Hen in our town the movement has had a steady and he.lthy Growth, The Boy Scout* wase ereenited it Godericb just & yearsgo, end al- though, through inexperience, a few miat.akes were made, such nu admit- ting boys who were too old to con- tinue their interest in scouting. never- theless the organization has been a decided euccam here. The organization requires an adult at the head of each troop as senntmas- Ire : then be may have assistant acnut- mestere Each troop is compoeed of from three o flp5alla,ach parol being undertat pysatrol lreadernewith w eort- po,al under biro. Each patrol in nom p need of from six to eight hour. In Goderich, the Y. M. 1'. A. took the initiative in organizing the Buy fecouts and five adults were selected as patrol leader*, .ai *w to inerts proper working from the outset. I'niler each of thew pettrol leader., the boy who took the hsghrot grade in the treat to become a *poet erns n'*de the corporal, and thus the work was carried out. iast year the office,* and scouts Were encouraged and honored by Use pine ntJ.tio.n of a bugle .'rum Dr. Her. aid and a flag from the D. 1). R., and byy the donation of *10 from the Worsen'. Institute T). ladies' ans.- Mary of the Y. M. C. A. has aleo set mold* a nem of eseni.y for the Scout.. Mr. A. M. Robertson awarded fewer pwisee tat variants numerate and the scoutmaster presented a shield Int eostit ion. Thpete aprieg the troop ban term New- ganhed. The troop baa Ines two valued offfcsas% thesetck the lemmatised death of Pam y Ratimay. sod tae e4 &ranger (Moo. ('ire M Taoism. LCUM Co(•aTy. i M' Freak J Cheney Makss owls that be la moiler owner of the arta e1 Y. .. ('sway it Co., doing beetroot In tee City M T.1edn, recant) sae seat• ateemale. lad that -aid flim .111 Joie the rem of one bendredd AN1wra to each eN ey�r� .sea. }f Catarrh that cannot bettered kg tta owe _s( Hair. Commis( are. IRAM[ J. I II EY ever* to fetom me a'd •'.b. --arid 1a la pre�M0. this wth day ofDeow (mo W , Rr, D I< ANON Nor •av Pr'MJ•r nail . ('.tank ( new 1• takee leterwldly, end rlaslesseety ea the *Mom a l a 'pr •-Iliad. hergeme w leas Cr�.ypa� F) ('l�lgtRttN39•kc 11.9edaa AVI Pits tet (krastystga perturb from town of Cheater McDon- ald. A. M. Robertson, M. A., is again patron, and W. Y. Hayden, D. D. 8., is again scoutmaster. The three re- maining psi rol leaders of last ;ear, Jas. Carrie, Dan. McDonald and Les- lie Inkster, are made assistant scout- masters. The that five scouts to peas Use taste as second-class scoots me made patio) leaders : thee. are Scouts Kenneth Hawkins, Watson Straiton, Obailie Inkster, Harry Watson and Briery Tufford Two of there boys be- longed to D. McDonald's patrol. and Oda patrol has therefore the aatistec- tion of flat providing two patrol leader's. On the otber hand, Jas. (car'rie's patrol hu the distinction of becoming so numerous 1.- to necessi- tate its being divided into: two pat- rols. Last Friday night these. flue scouts received t heir badge. and were duly invested as patrol leaders. Under this arrangement it is hoped by fall to bays three troops, each un- der one of the present aselatant scout piasters. 'who will then of course be- come scnutinaster.. The offer referred to, just received from the Strout cmineil, in surely • splendid recognition from headquar- ters of the work being arcomplisbed in Gude' ich. Cannot our people encour- age a movement which hen as its ob- ject the making of goon citisens of oat rising genersttop of boys, by helping that Organization at this moment? It ie contrary to the principlre, of the Boy Scout movement to beg for money, but it our citizens, will volun- tarily cont) ibute .ufllcient fund. Goderich will have the honor of send- ing one of the beet of her sons on this groat trip. The boy. are doing their share in preparing tbemaelvew to be worthy of the mis.wn. - We have only a few days in which to rise to the oecaeion.. Contiihurions for this purpose asoy he handed to Dr. Hayden, to James Carrie or to any other officer of the Scout.. WHAT SOUTHAMPTON THINKS. Looks for C. P. R. Conuection by On- tario West Shore Railway. Southampton, May 8 - Scout haimp- ton may yet be an important C. P. R. port, according to the views of some people who have been studying the situation. The .outs of the Sitncne, Grey and Bowe- Railway, adverti-ed at the time the eh:u ter wee recently applied for crests d rnuch inter• -t 5.5 tLt. section, and it is stared on reliable enthority tom the company does no- intend tet build the line, het to a -ll the chartet' to the l'-,nanien Pacific. OOfrials of the Ontario West Shove electric erred, to run nnite nut of (lode, ich, deny a report that the ('. P. R. is to take over that line, but this is not accepted ss conclusive in all quar- tets here. There is a belief that the Canadian Pacific proposes to have "ltirwately a line running from Gndench through Kincardine and Southampton and eastward (the route of t he Simen., Grey and Bruce). The only C. P. R. line in this part of the Province at present is that. to Ower Sound, with the branch front Saugeen Junction to Walkerton. The Goderich Rural Telephone Co. The .lir. dors of the Goderich Rural T. IIto....' Co. have informed us that on Monday, May 15th, at 12 o'clock noon, the stock sheet will be open. No sp'plicat' previously received will be apportioned until that data After that hour allolniente will be made to the various townships in the order of receipt of application, and with a view to a fair allotment to each of the townships represented. The tee i° t n of allotment ttuent will 17a rather a delicate one for the director' to ndjnet. With the limited amount to be disposed of, and their desire that each township should have its fair proportion of holdings in the local company, the directors have decided that no allotments shall be made until the 15th inst.. when every pe. - son in the various townships ahaT8 have an equal chance with those in any other township to secure an 'in- terest in thin absolotrly safe local in- vestment. The policy of the direotore te give every one an equal ebance is rometbing that deaet•ves r•ecngnirlmi. The investment, the directors aware us, fid ret a seven per rent, 19(1)4-n m the investmere. and while capitalise; are invest ir.g at a :i pe_ cent. rate they would be glad to take the whole amount offered at an &toured 7 per cent. return for their investmerrlt. The directors prefer that the whole *mount shall be held in the field where they ate operating, and lonstrqueetly make no hid for the Targe investment lin fact refuse it 1, on the ground that the hscat investor will he a far hetNr weans of ser.lrine the still larger business which they ere sure the oriel - patty will develop, than if the *book were held in Iatge amounts by outside investor Of course. in a matter of this kind, we hale no sdvice to give or sugprsi- tion to make to our readers further than thin : If there is a local industot that will yield to our constituents en assured i per eerie on their invest mart, it is * sof. policy to ea Moire that, rather than invest in same nest - aide monist n, whoop mane gwMerl t we know, halt little about, and whose dr veloprnent we cannot watch D seemss like an assured 7 per rent against w prospective something elm Until 12 o'clock ne=ts lfirmelay applt naW.ne will he received by the man sorer. Mr. W. R. Keely, A.tt no allot aaenb of etnek wig be made After that time. applieatn sea will be re ceived in the 111111101 way for any pow tines )et eek resold 1t ie a car 01 Ipliange MIiMk g an runs at all lea erewa-a1 flavors, fresh •Ism) day. at R7ODwr rVe Balmoral Ca 1. 1 t