HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-4-27, Page 8...aatll�....
-v. -seer -itiaw ee9''f
• 'foruuAv, APRIL 27, 1011.
-ia,t�s1fK:'Y„ t:w i1 ceafp.k,
If vuu need our, you 'will
need one soon.
NVe have • well resorted
stock of guar 011 Mowers to
choose frons. When your lawn
hes been cut by to Brockville
Mower it has a velvet-like ap-
Prices to suit all . $P.76 and
Garden and Lawn
Our stock is well assorted.
Prices at 27,c. 35c, 40c and 45c.
Flower Bed
Would you like a nice fence
wound your flower bed: We
have it 12 inches and 18 inches
Poultry Netting
All heights trona I to 7 feet -
1 ft. high. at per yard 3c
2 ft. high. at per yard ..... ...4c
Each additional foot .........2c
Howell Hardware Co.,
The 'West Place to Buy Hardavore
First door off Square, Kingston St.
Erarrtaent in l7roc.ri.r
Freon. Pun and Good
Two hundred and fifty bushels
of good Potatoes Want e d.
Highest price going in cash or
trade will be paid.
Tithe, Mops, Brooms, Brushes.
`coapt, 1 %leansing Powders -all
kind.; Silver Polishes. Stove
Polishes. Stovepipe Varnish, Etc.
Garden Seeds`
Headquarters for choice Butter
and fresh Egra,
Jao. W. Vaoatter
Opera x,� a��.
'Phone �6� Kingston Sweet
Opera House Block
164 Kingston Street
W guNfeUA . April lletb.
"OLU Maros" FOR ()Ng
"Old Maids' Maids "stook in this locality bas
risen c ,nsiderably as it re.ult of the
admirable way io which they enter
twined the large audience present at
the Epworth League concert uu Fri-
day evening. 'I he humorous Play
entitled 'The Oki Maids' l'onvenUou'
proved to be very interesting and was
well given. reflecting credit on those
who took part.The proceede
amounted to $N).
Orin/ten Notts. -- Ret. Meseta.
Hiller and Mano will exchange pul-
pit work next Sunday . At the
'-lose of the prayer -meeting service on
'Thursday evening, the Methodist
Sunday school was re -organized with
the following officers :-Superinten-
dent, O. E. Erriet; seeretary erase-
ttree, Geo. Sturdy : organist. Mies N.
Blair; librarian, Ralpn Munro. Mrs.
Andrews will take charge of the class
formerly taught by O. E. Erratt. All
the other teachers were re -appointed.
Barer's-Mr. and Mrs. Will Helwig,
of Lucknow, visited the former'e par-
ents here on Tuesday Mrs. Chas.
Hell and Madeline visited friends in
the village on TuesdayDavidson
k Son, of Wingham, are drilling a
well for Fleury Sturdy John Mole
was in Seaforth oo Monday.......
'Phones are being placed in Phillips
blacksniith shop and it. the residences
of Thos. Manning and John 'Raithby
this week.:... Ibe cellar for the new
Sterling Bank building is beiug
cleaned out and the cement founda-
tion will be put in at once.
LAWN TgNNts CLUn.-On Thursday
evening a meeting of persons inter-
ested in lawn tennis met in the pub-
lic library room and elected the fol-
lowing officers for the current year,
after the eecretary•tresaurer'e report
for the past year was presented :
I'resident, A. A. Naylor ; vice-presi-
dent, Miss Gertie Asquith ; secretary -
treasurer, Charlie Asquith ; grounds
committee, H. Knox, Dr. Weir, '
Messrs. Binns and McElwain. The
lawn will he got in shape at once est
as topermit of a long season at this
interesting sport. A program of
local oontests will be arranged and a
good time is counted nn.
Keep t'riday evening tor the W. to •
T. IT. meeting in Knox church.
Deiielous ice cream. any flavor, at
the GunFttu-ti QUICK LUNCH. Try our
Fruit Spilt, the beat vet.
Wall Papers
That Satisfy
Our In.ported Papers are ex-
clusive and will make any room
attractive. They are satis-
factory to the most exacting
taste. We are showing them
in a wonderful range of color -
Inge, dainty stripes, floral. self
tone. and tapestry effects. We
want you to see them No oligo
tem to purchase if you come in
to loo( ac tom. Prices ran{e
I5c per Roll
up to 75c, while the Canadian
papers range in price from 5r per
roll up to 25c. Pretty Out - out
Borders rangiet in price from
lc per yard up.
T be Colonial Book Store
Phone 100. Godericb.
Spring and Sommer Styles
THE ladiev ire invited to call and inspect my stock
of Millinery for Spring and Summer. Both
trimmed and untrimmed shapes in all the latest styles.
Special attention has been given to the selection.
of a suitable line of Hats for Misses.
r611111.111111110 1111111111111111111.
I Columbia tiraphopholles
All the !MIMIC of all the world is at the command of 'h,
owner Of a ('oLcrwlw. if you are confusing the word. "phoeie
graph," "talklpg machine" and "graphohone," or if you are no.
familiar with the extraordinary improvements developed in ,M.
('olumbia Laboratory within the last fair months. you esnn, t
possibly know what • wonderful rnudeal instrument the Coheir -
Ida (itaphophone is.
Hearing is Believing
"No one flung coal leve so ,wscA pkaso.e to so Tann errdsote,
for so long a tone. of so little cost. sr a Cobsnbu
We can y a rotnplrte stork of Columbia M. Nin.., shoo the lataat
••.meds, ('all and hear t he wur4d's best ,lager seed m eslelaies.
which eau at our command tame. Ott Oolurnbta.
teseetisr see Oetatear
Sere Ares' for Colombo l ver g L
411111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111W
ay,April 29, Mon ay, Ma
ea't ',1 ... %w: •arki4k;, ,�7,"iN` .4:.
Are Our Regular Month -End Sale Days
WE WANT to wind up a big April business and give May a good start. This big rest of
specials for Saturday and Monday will do it. This space twice over could have been. filled with
the list of the many bargains that will be ready for you then. Every item here spells ECONOMY,
for each and every one is priced below regular, Read the list carefully. It is well worth your while.
Ends of Linoleum
Eight or ten ends cf two to
four -yard lengths. Bach piece
contains from four to fifteen
square yards. They are !Mole -
urns left from a big selling this
last two or three months. Sat-
urday and Mooday will clear
there all out at bargain prices.
If you can use a abort end it
in your chance.
New ainghams 10c
Four hundred yards new
Scotch Ginghams. New de-
signs,- just in this week.
never on sale before, strong,
Arm cloth and fast colrs,
regular 124 to lf'c. Month-
end Sale, par yard 1 0c
Large Flannelette) Vl.
Blankets $1.45
Twelve pairs only largest
size Flannelette Blankets,
American make, white or
grey, regular $1.73. Month-
end wale, per $1.45
Curtain Muslin with
Frill 25c
One end only new white
Curtain Mueliu, best Scotch
make. 41 inches wide, 4 -inch
frill, splendid for bedroom
curtains. Per yard, 25-1.
Striped Curtain
fluslin 18c
One end and a pure white
striped Curtain Muslin, :30
inches wide, 4 -inch frill, new
design. ju.+t in frorc Scot-
land. Special Month- 1 Qc
end Sale, per yard.... C7
36 -inch Curtain
Muslin l5c
Pure white Curtain Mus-
lin, neat, small design, very
suitable for bedroom cur-
tness, 36 inches wide. 15c
Per yard . ... .
Curtain Scrim 121c
36 inch striped Curtain
Scrim, two or three rood de-
signee white or ] cream.
Month-end Sale, per '1 1
Hand Bags 49c
Large size leatherette
Hand Bags, well made.
strong and serviceable, com-
plete with coin purse.
Month-end Sale, ape- 49c
cial ..
3 Boxes Hairpins Sc
Three bones Hairpins, as-
sorted cites its each box,
t. b e standard 5c box.
Month-end Sale, special. 5c
3 for.
Tapestry Cushion
Tops 39c
Twenty -Moe only Tapestr y
Oushion Tops, a splendid
assortment of designs and
color combinations, reviler
Ilk and 60c qualities. 'Irk
Month-end specials JUC
Middy and Dutch
Collars 25c
New Middy and Dutch
Collars, made from hand-
eome Swiss embroidery,
half-dozen good patterns.
Special, 25c�nd35c
Belts Half-price
Twenty only ladies' Fancy
Belts Three are rh• last we
fusee left of a line we sold at
lean The to 51.60. A splen-
did atm ortolan, to ehooee from.
Yore choir. Mar 'inlay and Mon-
oo-day for oorialf price.
Hose Supporters
3 for 25c
ladies• and children's Hose
Supporter', black only, as-
sorted sizes. good, strong
elastic, new, fresh goods.
Very special Saturday
and Monday 3 for 25c
25c Handkerchiefs
2 for 25c
Ladies' pure linen Heui-
atitt:hed Handkerchiefs, two
rows hemstitching, one-
quarter -loch hem, very
tine quality, rctgular tic.
Mouth -end S a 1 e, 2 25c
Linen Handkerchiefs
3 for 25c
Ladies hemstitched Hand-
kerchiefs, guaranteed all
pure linen, fine, soft 1
weave, etrong thread.
Month-end Special. 3 25c r!
Fancy Handkerchiefs
One-half Price
About 150 fancy Handker-
chiefs, fine, crossbar muslin
with neat design embroid-
ered in corner, very neat and
serviceable, regular 211c.
Month-end Sale each 1 oc
3 Beauty Pins 10c
Gold -elated Beauty.pins
with imitation pearl set-
tings, very serviceable and
strong pin that will keep its
appearance. Month-
end Special, 3 for1 Oc
Silk Gloves 33c
Ladies' silk and extra
quality lisle Gloves, black
and colors, last of lots that
sold at 50c and 00r. Clear-
ing Saturday and Mon- ?')
day at per pair JJ
Black Venetian 63c
An all -wool black Vene-
tien Cloth, 48 inches wide.
rich, satiny finish, just the
right weight for separate
skirts or tailored suite. De-
cidedly special for Month-
end dale. per yard 63
s V
Black and White
Suitings 75c
Three patterns only all -
wool black and white Suit-
ing Materials, broken checks
and 'tripes, resider 11.25.
Month-end Special at 75c
per yard
Remnants of Black
Dress Goods
Thirty abort lengths black
Drees Materials. lengths run
from two to four yards, al-
most every kind of blaok Drees
Goods, suitable for waists or
skirts. Clearing Saturday and
Monday at one-quarter less than
neurtl prices.
42 -inch Black
Lustre 22c
This hlack Lustre is worth
,dile. it is good quality for
skirts, eaten.' nr underskirts,
will retain its color and
give exeellent wear. Fifty
yards to sell Saturday
and Monday at per 22c
Colored Lustres 25c
Fancy striped Lustre.. a
quality mule to retail at
40c per yard, neat stripes in
navy, brown or green
grounder. Special $ a t u r
day and Monday, per 25c
yard only
Dress Trimmings
2 Yards for 5c
Three hundred varlet
fancy Drees Trimmings, 1
black and colors. all on a
table. and your choice,
commencing Satunlsy
morning. 2 yar5e ds for 1
Half -bleached Table
Damask 29c + f
One end only Table
Damask that will hle.eb
quickly and wear well, 68
inches wide, good quitlity.
Special Saturday and Mon-
day at per yard 29c
only 6�7
Bleached Table
Damask 87c
This Table Damask is
worth easily per yard $1.96.
It is heavyweight, ell -linen
and a splendid design. It is
made from the best of flax
and will retain its baodeome
appearance until worn out.
70 inches wide. Mont h-
en d Special per 87c
Fancy Lace
and insertions 121c
About on hundred and
fifty yards fence Lace and
Insertions. white. cream
and ecru shades, a dozen or
more patterns. a clean-up of
rhe stock. regular '25c to
50c. Your choose per 1
ward ... .. ......... 122c
Embroidered Cotton
Horse 25c
Ladies' black Craton Hose,
famous Henustorf dye, fine
yualitp, spliced heels. front
near. design embroidered in
colored silk. a standard :15c
stocking. Satuidi.v and
Monday per pair 25c
Children's Cotton
Vests 3 for 1Oc
strong. cream, cotton
Vests. emelt sizes only.
Saturday a n d Monday,
cleariog at 3 for 10c
Satin Ribbon 7c
This is the biggest bar-
gain in good Ribbons we
ever offered, Five hundred
yards Liberty Satin Ribbon.
gond weight and splendid
finish, white only, 24 inches
wide, regular lois at least.
Saturday end Monday this
t'r00 yards to sell at per 7
yard only
Veilings 15c
Ten pierce plain and
fancy Veilhtgs, black, navy,
brown and combinations.
regular25c to 36c. Saturday
morning on sale at i 5e
per yard.
Tea Towels 10c
Sixty only all -linen Tea
Towels, each Towel 21
inches by 31 inches, white
centre and red border.
A Mouth -end Specie/.1 Oc
each .....
Linen Towelling 7c r
Five hundred yards a11-
linen Towelling to be cleared
Matti' day and Monday.
There ',liquid be no difficulty
selling it, for it is unques-
tionably splendid value.
Heavy linen crash with red
border -10e in •ll store..
This lot of 500 yards came
ort ua at low prices and Vat
nrday morning we offer it
to you at tie s'.r low 7c
price of per y.. ..
A Very Fine Lawn I9c
One hundred and tle
vards flue India Lawn,.be'-i
finish, standard width, reg,-�
lar 311t•. Saturday and 1 t
Monday per yard....
Bow Ties 19c
Ladies' fancy Bow Ties.
lace and silk, white and
colors. regular e5c io
35c. Month-end :tele 1 9c
each .
Swiss Embroid-
eries 10c
Three hundred yards new
Swiss Embroidery and in-
sertions, widths up tri 6
Inches, beat designs. Very
special, Month -rod 10c
Very Fine
Embroideries 19c
There Embroideries are
extra fine quality, new and "
handsome designs. the work
is of a high order, width"'
run from 4 inches to 10
inches, regular 25c to 30.
qualities. Saturday 19
and Mooday per yard �7
A Black Silk
Waist $1.45
Seven dply black Silk
Waists, two linea we are .lis -
continuing. last few gar-
inente now clearing, regu-
lar 1X3.50 to $4.00Saturday
and Monday, $2 45
Two Corset Bargains
We are discontinuing 'face-
er-al lines of Corseta and
wish to clear out the r•eieio-
ing pails at once, es the
reason for this very low
price, commenting Saturday
morning. C. C. A la 98c
Grace Corsets a7t7�
Fifteen pairs of t belie
famous Corsets, two broken
lines, made to retell at 11.11
and $2.00. white only, prac-
tically all sizes. ('bearing,
commencing Sat u r- 9 c
day, at per pair 7VV
Corsets One-half Price
Tbeee are Covets specially
made for stourflgtites. They
are made from an extra
heavy quality white nutter-
ia1. strongly boned. We
have ahem in sizes 24 to 3 )
ono ' Regular price' per
Pair Re.00. Saturday morn-
ing take your choice
at per pair $1.50
Waists 85c
Twenty-five only Iadie ..
new Muslin Waists, fine
quality lawn with froxit of
handsome Sw•ivs embroidery,
three -it nt.e
arrsleeve. end Special, at per ea
White Skirts $1.35
Tet: only white cotton
i'nder•kirtse made from a
high-grade English ootton
with 13 inch frill of clusters
of fine tucking and finished
with handsome Swiss em-
broidery, a really good
garment. Special (or
Saturday and $135
Monday ...... .
Black Cloth
Skirt $3.60 r
Laeli.s' Cloth Skirt, merle
from good quality all -wool
black thea, material, invis-
ible stripe, a cloth tbitt will
give excellent wear, made ht
one of the newest. styles for
this season, regular 54.511.
Special Seturita $3 60
amid Monday only illi
Fawn Coats $7.66
Six only ladies' Lawn Cov-
ert Cloth Coats, 21 inches
hong. tight -fitting. very
stylish *temente. Material
is of is high quality, regular
11 rind 511.00. c7 L+);
Saturday Special, Vl�
Black Coats $S.00
ladies black Cloth Coats,
new spring styles, just put
into stock, very neat gar-
nxnte, sixes 34 to 44). Spe-
cial fhaturdey and $500
Monday.. ... ... \Jl)
(tore Rug Bargains
Six or eight Rugs we want
to clear Out on Saturday and
Monday if possible.
Pawn Axminster Rug
$24. 50
One only Axminster Rug.
English nuke, heavy weight,,
ssamlesg fawn ground with
neat floral pattern, a ser-
viceable and handsome Rug.
Clearing Batter- $24
day only
A Velvet Rug $15.75
One only high quality,
Engli-h take, searules,
velvet Rug, size 3 yards x
4 yards, red grouted with
Oriental design. Special
forSatordayand 515.75
Monday only -
High-grade Axmin-
ster Rug $24.So
Jost two of these Rugs.
the same size, ' yenta x 34
yards, high-grade English
Aznninstrr, two-tone effects
in green .hada.. really worth
glass). `+aturday and Mon-
day very spa- $24,50
Tapestry Rug $6.75
Two only tgiish Tepee -
try Squares, at- designs in
red shades. e1. 3 yards x '34
yards, Sate y and Mon-
day special at $6.75
A Tapestry
These Rugs
Anders tt ith a
and green,
aide, good
Rug $7.00
rme in fawn
pattern in red
es 3 yards x 4
alley. Mawr -
day and Mo ay $7 00
very epeeial. a .t. ,
Large Tapestry tom;
Square $14,50
Two only errs l&rge site
Tapestry kttgs, each 4 yards
x 44 yards, regular $lS.00 to
$22.(10. anteing Saturday
at each
Lace Curtains $1.33
Twenty pairs new Lee
('urtains, 3 yard• long. made
from good reality lace, neat 1%
buttonholed edp, nioe Casey
effect- V special for
Saturday art Mon- $1.33
day per
23 Pairs Curtains
at $1.79
These Curtains are the
products of one of the
largest manufacturers in tai
England and are really a
high-class anted*. The de-
igns are neat, Abral effects,
Thew are from A yards to 8j
pinta long. Strong, button-
holed edges. Regular 52.61)
at least. Saturday and Mon-
day. 25 pals threede-
wgns, towel tit per $179
Lisle Gloves 1 7c
Fift} pair. ladies' Lisle
(cloves. Rood Quality, black
and et1ors, not all Rises in
an one make. Special Sat
u�y ao,l Monday, 17'c.
per pair. ......