HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-4-27, Page 7'`rev 'hone and ut- wben :hing of FIRING O JORK 11 re- t and 1. No et or e A mite rctric and inder EEr tallegellearsteleees Les We ed a and that date line. Wier DwO. s the and the ►RRIIS MS least. AND - t heft tam - owe, TORS ilson few for sale. wrwart. nd • tr7 e kind th the ilk or Wig IAIZ� .414.4.+49.49.41949°Stk ',' . 6104 911.4InikP L'.TheNew 11' .5,b,....;54.4.4.+4,4454.464.44444. BA V FIELD. Wttosteemee. April ]111th. Rey. ]Ir. Taylor. of Varna. ex. ,•baogett pulpits with Mr. Laws on Sabbath last. Her. Thou. Davidson, of Mount For - ,y(, retched in the f resbyt.erbin •burcb last Sabbath. Thr telephones were installed through the village o. Thursday and Friday of last week and we now have connecter° with must of the surround - ng towns and townsbips. LOTHIAN. Tee.DAT, April 26th. Locsis., Mia Edyth 4rving. of I.ucknow, spent a few dare the guest of Mia Bemis Barnby ....Miss Jean tlilmore is epeodioj a few weeks visit- ing her sister, Mrs. O•Hara, of cess - ley While botisreleanlag Mrr. Campbell bad the misfortune to fall and fracture a ample of rihs, which will leave her indiepuarl for some time . elms. Barnby lett Wt week OD a visit to his eon. Rev. R.. H. Hoe - by, of Lambeth R. H. Me�Krizie has his barn equipped wltb lightning rads, which adds great) to its appear- /IMOD John Helm has moved to the farm which be purchased from his brother.. ...The trustee. of 8. Si. No. 7 juave re-engaged Mies Johnston for the coming year at an increased sal- ary. WESTFIELD. TCICnDAT. April 25th. Ntc vi Norrvs.-The WestAeld Ep- to ort h League will give a concert next Monday everting. A good program is being prepared. Admission tic. J. mstebcr the date -May 1st ... Miss Lilian Clark returned to bar duties ss teacher un Monday. alter spending the past three weeks at her home in St_ Helens. the sebwol ls•igg ch -.d for two weeks previous. t Eas- ter ,,wing to the scarlet fever in the -met lira Albert Campbell visited friends in Goderich on )4uodev last. " Raymond Reckoned has le sti ea. gaged as teacher in S. M. No. n- Kau W:twanosb, at • sal*, i of $ is per annum. His Artie, evomrnenes Septenr her I.t . Mrs. Wm Graham. of .Stratford, is home at prrs.OL having Breen salted bete on aceouot of the ser - i rue illness of bar father, D. !Nohow. Ret. J. R. Mann, of A nbure, will ocer tor thepulpit• on this cimit next Sabbath, Bev. R. A. Miller tak- ing Mr. Maori work a: Auburn and Carlow. IT GROWS RAM But Net After the Heir is prat I be K. R. Wigle will tell ou slat ee w sells* great many bort of P►risiaa , of ...attest because it gives satiefacti.s ' k He guaraeb ss it to s adicajr din- w iiruff, step felting and plitttow hair \ .end itching scalp, or moseybark. R Parisian Matte will ma air grow if th HOLY mom) . April 24th . INS GP Tie Ackert spent a few r in Toronto Last week... . J, el ckert delivered m Wednesday for Mr. White, of G ph \tarter Albert (Jerboa and rather Calvin spent their Hester idays with Mrs. Shelton, near Ber Mrs. Bur- k itt and two childre rrived ho tie to- day. after spending eek visiting tee Tortures father, .1 Itobloson, and other friend,. near. Augustine Mrs. .1. H. Ackert nd her daughter Nbtr M;tttms are . ing a few days vesitstte frit -ads in ineerdiue. ST. H ENS. Tr .. DAY, April 25th. THE NEWS IS hill :t••. -Mr. and Mrs. Will Todd end baby, from Cargill, are visiting a;j Mrs. D. Todd's, sr Miss Lau S•Ikeld, of (ioderich, vis - JI. ih. Miller's over Sun - thong those who have re - r spending the Easter hoe - t• Mies W. D. Rutherford pion. Miss Lilian Clark to Slim Elizabeth Miller to O. Misses May Cameron and rk, D. M. ('lark and Dtti-nin Uolerieh Collegiate, Misses therford and (iretta Webb, rustle and John Webb to high school, and Miss etherington to Winghaut oSollkkekd has Misses retuned to atter spending part of the with friends here -- Jas. urned to Michigan on Mon- t isiting him sister. Mrs. D. Rev. Mr. Treleaven, of will occupy the pulpit in hutch next Su day..... Mrs. phrey and Mise Lila visited in Goderlch jest week. 919 sit `fie**°*°Q°°p * °** °g°+•,• fit" ***•' ilit* Nature makes the cures e after all. 4 INow a.nd then she gets into a tight place and needs help -ng out of the District. • a 414645 64545 454545 4°'x°'5'6'644046 44 4 4 4 444464e KICK. Ela EAST WAWANOSH. . ► MONDAY. April 24th. ter a floe carload of salt ited at M day tinned a day. her. to Sett. West le Dungan Colina P1 lip. Annie Hugh Win, R�.xie burin hliza (eerie holed& Neely dry a' Todd. Luck Calvi \V. J Fri Preempt Source of Energy. 's System Renovator• is a too ' Bich renews the vital force.. It -ws nerve and muscular energy ant melee new energy. It does this by ' creasing appetite. by insuring assimilation of fond and by di ally supplying elements that serve ter trrngthen tbe nervous system. reconstructive tonic is valuable is all run-down conditions , of the speterne especially these marked by deprrr,iun and nervous debility. One dollar per bottle. Menet:retured. by The MacLeod Medicine Co.. Goderich: Forrale by E. K. Wigle, druggist. REID'S CORNERS. TVE$DAY, April 25th. !tiICN'a NoTgs.-We are glad to re - I0 rt that Miss Nettie Courtney, who was taken to Kincardine hospital to. treated for appendicitis. is doing ell- Everyone will be glad tet see its Nellie hack again, as one who noes how to serve in the sphere in rich abs takes such interest. With three wen 'and teams in a field Reid ought to lead the way out, °ugh John Henry will by appear aces be a clone second, if not first. Not all of us have read "Sowing Seeds in Denny." but. most of the men, women and children everywhere are enwiog'seede somewhere these days. Only good seed grows good grain Tbe scholars who were home for Eas- ter vacation have returned to their various schools.. ...We felt lonely while 1he teachers were away, but are glad to see them again at,tbeir post of duty Mrs. Rutberford w ke to the W. H. M. Society of ICinrardine on her experience in mis- sion work in New York, on Tuesday evening .. ..Tht minister seems de- termined to provide shade for himself or for some future occupant of the misuse... . The Young People's Soci- ety- takes up its first study in "Evan- geiin.-- on Friday evening at t be liter- ary muting Quite a few re- sponded to the pastor's invitation 1.0 u communicants class in the vestry on S abbath evening at 7 p. m We ex- tend to the lays true across the sea the hand of fellowship and wish theist well in Trying to crake their fortune in this land of .splendid chances. the hair toot is not dr ; et put. life rid lustre into dull a laded hair. end is the !nowt delgbt( hair dress ing in the world. Only :tl u a large bottle. Parisian Ssgr is the (test hair grower and b•eaatjSsr. .druff Imre arid scalp clearer kno Try it on our money hack plea. S • and Roar- .inteed in Goderieh by R. Wigle. KIPPEN. ' Magnet T. pill 24th. NEWS N(rrei.-Mr. and have returned after ant time with frr ye•nds iu Miss Mettle, teach,r in school. Hay, roma bar village ' Mrs. Johns Cecil. spent the holiday And among 9eanmith Mn. Reynolda had a p from her parents during vacation. Mr. Del taken over the bo ine•s 1 by W. E. Cusses, who to, but is not certain likely to Iodate. Me. missed, u be was a• able businesal roan. and do vaso he and bis family they made mace friends. evening lit. Attarew's Mab presented him wild an token of tbeir apprecia work as Mise Mtar eJ. Me ay went atoriurn at Byron, where main for some time, friends here pre for her. to health.. ...AI.*. McBe b haa re- turned from a visit to hts tenter limit at Powamen, wbere be found the work progressing favorably Wil- liam Rathwell, the eldest sap of Thos. Rathwell, of the 2od mneeseion, Stanley, returoed home recently from `teattle, Wash.. when be had been for several months In the bnenitai no the result of a fall of forty-five feet from a Midge on the Milwaukee and Puget `touted Railway,on which be was en - Felted ea a builder. For • long lime his life was despaired of, Mut his iron constitution triurnpbed and Imlay he is fairly well. re. Meilis g a pkaa- on Parr Line. n in the and son, in Exeter Ods. . of visit Easter ler h a s rely run to toron- be It will be c. honor - g the few pent here Friday school rem in n of his Saturday the OW - will re- s many toratioe SIMPER RE11110Y • For Backache and Kidney Tremble. The airnplest and most effective remedy for sick kidneys is Hmeth's Kidney PHIS. If than is west»aril, (»ateration. Inflammation or enrenese Ronth's Kidney Pills geir1•ly relieve 11. Teary gently stimulate, toe. sad streogt.hen eiek kkt°rys, drive away haek.,9ss, t•b.a- matte pain and dewiness, stews up and regulate the urine and rester. a perfect 1I$etel Altering of the umbelit of tel , this rrvtfee/ y per AM esti and guareseee wtleer Mlle We. be:. \I"^eT, e,a• 4 i th ) ►- i' senates. P 'I'hs R. T. Booth r ss. id cert Krie. era.. for a fres al. WEST WAWANOSH. Corse IL MKKr, NI:. - -Council met March29th as per adjournment Mem- bers all present ; Reeve Bailie in the chair. Minutes of Net meeting were teed and approved, on !notion of Messrs. 'Wilson sod Watson. The treasurer's statement showed balance on hand of 0 -le 44 : filed on motion of Messer. Murray and Wilson. John Mcl)sir•mid and O. smith, of Luck - now. ani .1. Reid, of Dungannon, waited on the )nerd ,caking for grant G• their agricultural ,ocieties, and on motion of Messrs. Nilson and Watson Ltickncw Agricultural society was granter) $10 and Dungannon Agricul- tural Society $!3. Accounts to the amount ot $28.5& were passed and orrlerred paid. on motion of Messes. \\ ikon and Murray. The fence - viewers and l!irundkeepers of last year were all re-elected end the fallowing pathmsetets : A. Riven, J. H. Pent- land. Therm. McPhee, D. Wilson, S. Lawler. M. Sproule, D. Sproule, A. Kirk. W. Oliver. S. Vienne S. John- stone, Wilmer \Nitron, H. Feagan, J. Rrithhy, Win. Stnther'. Jas. Red- mond, J. Nicene, Win. Smith, jr., A. Pollara. R. Plunkett, H. King, F. Maes, J. Wightntan, W. Andrew. O. Brown, D. Fowler. Wm. Campbell. Geo. Henry. R. Smyth. W. Andrewa, G. (heaves., A. Brophy. .los. Leddy. John Jefferson. W. J. Perks, A. Stew- art, J. Reid, E. Fitzpatrick, O. Me - Roberts, Thos. Taylor, J., Kenahan. John Craig, Thor'. Finleon, S. 1homp- sntt. A. Alton. 14. Mc(•r•n.tie, A. Har- per. J. B. Rutherford. (4. Stuart. R. Wads, D. f)nnoven, J. Barker, Thea. Ctiwminse. A. Rintotil, R. Haines. J. Bowles, J. Smith. Neil Campbell, J5.0. (taunt. L. Wrwtberheu4, Watt Webb, e. Aitchs'ann. B. Naylor. R. Taylor, John Laidlaw, D trealloghen, R. Webster. 1'. McMillan, Wm. Merlon- alA..Iohn Mrtlnillin. Wm. IMrQuillin. D Met niestd. Jas. Folder, Thos. in• iiia. Wm. H,trha•ni. J. Rag)!•r ) mI. W m Mnle *Monier" meet se a enure nf revl- tlbo rlyd for general budoew oxr Ms y:t'e At 'f/ nese -1r W c M 1 let. 1'KEet*NTATIUN.-Hugh McBurney. who recently sufeted the hors of bis burse by fire, has disp.ned of his farm to his son Stewart and es leaving for Montana et visit for a while with bis daughter. Mrs. ('barter.. A party or friends and neighbors gathered at bis house to tender tbeir good wishes and presented hint with a Bible, a wata•hcbain and locket as tokens of goodwill. HEI-mese& Apt il 11. Towsatrri• COLNCtL.-The epuocil .net today as per adjournment. Mem- bers all present- Minutes of last meeting read and count-med. John Howard war appointed patbrnaater in place of Wm. Toll. ('has. Carter In place of And. McDougall aid Stuart McBurney in place of Hugh McBur- ney. ees for the etion crete piers and abutments tfor two river bridges were received from Messrs. Mowbray a; Barber, of Wing - ham. Vint, of Blyth, Looby, of Dub. lin, Gnfney, of Keunicott, .Davies,' of Stratford. Barnby, . of Brrtarrls, A. Hill at Co., ofJfitefseil, and the Hunter Bridge Oo., of Kincardine. Tendere for the steel superstructures were re- ceived from A. Hill & Co., of Mitchell, the Hunter Bridge Oo.. ot Kincardine, the Stratford Bridge Oo. and the Sar- nia Bridge Co., of Hernia. Moved by Mr. Stonebouse. seconded by Mr. Cannpben, that the tender of A. Hill at Co., of Mitchell, at 118.1:+0, for the com- plete constnuetion of the Marnoch bridge, abutments, pier and sixteen - foot roadway superstructure, and the tender of the Hunter Bridge Co., Kin cardine, at $7,5O for the .owplete construction of the 10th line brides, abutments, pier and sixteen -foot road- way superstructure, he accepted on condition that the strain .beet in both cases be approved of by County En- eineer Patterson and some other qual- ified engineer named by the Reeve. Carried. Bylaw No. 3, 1011, ratify ing the appointment of patrmasters. poundkeepers and fenceviewers, was read and fussed. Accounts of -R. Vanatune, Wingham. of $4.58, for ser- vi•es as township solicitor in 1910, sad H. McDowell, $2, for repairing wash out, concessions 4 and 5, received and ordered to be paid. On ni 'tion ret Comer cillos. Campbell and theneheuse, the council then adjolirned to went again ou Monday, May 29th, at 10 o'clock r• rel`, as u court of revision and tip- pmd and for the transaction of any other township husinees. ALEX.. PoJTeemgee. Clerk. The man who wants the earth can expect to have a lot of mud thrown at him. • FOR OUT DOOR WORK IN WET WEATHER NOTHING EhUAL. 12nt stag) WATERPROOF CLOTHING TO KEEP YOU DRY. Made for hard service and guaranteed wsterprool. Beet Dealers E.e,ywhere. TOWER CANADIAN OILED CLOTHING CO.. LTD. Toronto. Canada. Ent J . COLBORNE. TDI$DAY, April 25tH. Things get started i Remom. RIPORT•-Th• following is the wrong direction. the result of Baster examinations held at M. A. No. 8. Ooihorue : Jr. IV. to Sr. IV. -Lucy Feagan, Reggie Fowler. Something is needed t Sr.a III. to Jr. IV. -May Jr.lte" check disease and ata Ralph Million, Olive Fowler. Jr. iiL i to Sr. i IrL-ene FPagan. Luella the system in the right Femme Irene Mitchell, Bella Camino, Gladys Kirkpatrick. Fir. II. to Jr. III. ` direction toward health. -Olive Tebb, Ella Cousins. Andrew Stiaugban, Reggie Allen, Pt. II. Jr. to Sr. -Laurel Treble, Sarah Walter, Scott's Emulsion of Chester 1•'eagan. Pt. L Jr. to Sr. - Laura Cousirte, Iona Fowler, Wilfrid Cod Liver Oil with hypo - Fisher. M. E. FOSTER. Teacher. phosphites can do just TOWNPHle COUNCIL.-l3olborne couu- cll held their regular meeting April this. 11th. All members present, except Councillor Halliday. The minutes It strengthens the were read and following accounts paid : Hebert Bogie, breaking roads, nerves,feeds famished tis - 59 : CI irence Walter, breaking reedy. $4; Albert Ma"kelt• breaking `wads' sues,and makes rich $1.75; Edward Shaw. breaking roads, 57: Abraham Fisher, breaking roads, blood. $1.50; Wm. Allen. breaking roads, 76e.: Arnold Harris, breaking roads, soy aeL5 ST ALL DOOGOISTS *260; Globe Printing Co., advertising, send tae., of rarer aaa rte .t ter .as $8.75: S. B. Potter. breaking roads.! 5.5.u5.1 5..i.e. Esse .aa elle'. Saeera-2.006 125: Thos. McIntyre. gravel, $1 : Rob- a..a t"`A •••c•+•• • o.d 1...& n..se. art Bean, discing road, $4.10; M. G. SCOTT& BOWNE Cameron, law Costa, nett ; witness Its Waimea. S4...k Wort Trees.. oak fees on Carney case $15 40. Council - wiH meet again as noel of revision May 25th at 10 o'clock a. tu. F. W. Marine Etiquette. D e O rt M COONAGH, Clerk. As one of the Wt.ite Starsteantahi CONSERVATIVES FAVOR IT. cae up New York barb or the other _- damy, a grimy caul hatge floated imme- diately in trent of her. Petition for Reciprocity Largely Signed "Clear out, of the way with that old in Duferin. mud scow ! " shouted an officer on tbe . Orangeville, April 21. -Petitions in bridge. [ever of the reciprocity rgreement. A round, &tin -brow -red face "Are ye signed by, 2110 Conrervativer and 351 titer the cafit hatchway. ye Libreria of this conies-. were sent to"No,"the captain of that tees•rt,. rr Sir prewottratlyir small porniurier un of thThee a "Then *epake`�tnh yerM'eyuels. I'm onuntr, as it was impossible. owing to eap'aim o' thee!"came (tour the bw•ge. 'the state of the roads. at this season. -. . to get the whole feeling. of the county - on this important queetion. 1t is he. lirved sheets that a majority of the CCWAN'$ favo r o 4e thus co. not itb are igifavor °[ reciprocity. Dotwithstaadhgj the fact that in the past the Conserva-1 Live maj n sty baa been $b ut 1,500. �` R ECTI0 N The following is the wording of the F rtoirltl► k' p••tit�on :-•' Ve, t h e tindersigned eleetKey« r that the county ofej Du green e t 1 leave tbwt Lbw reciprocity agreement i now before the House. if carried.; ciA would rettalt in lasting benefit to the agricultural community of this Domin- 'COwee' , sccr'..s tp bit the ion at large. We also repudiate tit* right spot. It is a great views °80 freely expressed by tbe food for huskyour gentlemen representing the privileged young Ath- clatter,. and the moneyed institutions letes : satisfies the appetite : - ef the country. We consider it little ley tp digest: and delicious better than an insult for thein to die- I tate to you what they consider goal l for the farmer. Nee ask for no privi- trees, only tee chance to buy and sell where we think best." A Ge nt'e Method. Little Edward bad been visiting bis uncles ranch, where they were very much bothered by rata. When he came back, he started to school, where be received the information which he gave bis grandmother one day. He said : eGrendota, do you know bow to get rid of late?" No, Edward. How V* -' Why, s soft answer turoeth away rats." Bills are brave -and. least they do not run when you foot them. You couldn't get the truth out of some men with astomach pump. 'l DO YOU USE COWAN'S COCOA ? It's Different Since Q It may be that you have visited the Semi -ready store in the past, and that you went away with the idea that we could not fit you -either physically, fancily or financially. Q Now it's all changed 1 - Q it's a different Semi -ready Tailoring to what you knew before. Q Every year we've made progress, but in the last few years we have been a conquering force of irresistible power in the tailoring of good clothes. Years ago we started out to make clothes "just as good" as retail tailoring. To -day we can proudly prove that Semi -ready garments are tailored "better than the tailor's best." If you are one of the men who came. who'saw, and went away, it's worth money to you to come again now. The man we want to see is the man who can say " I have always had my clothes made to order by a tailor." If you cannot surmount that idea at one jump then I can make you to order a special order Semi -ready garment from any one of 350 samples which 1 can show you. .ktlilL g0. lYll 7 Underwear spring is here and you will soon require a change of underclothing. We beg to remind you that we carry a full line of Natural Wool Balbriggan and Zimmerknit Underwear If you are in need of anything in spriugjclothiog, remember we are in a position to cater to all your requirements. McLEAN BROS. Semi -Ready Tailors Men's Outfitters Spring Tonics Spring will soon be Isere and you will be needing a good tonic to prepare you for the hard work of summer. We recomurood and guarantee Nedruco Blood Purifier Nadrucn Sarsaparilla Nwlrtcia Compound Iron Pill Nedruco Syrup Hypophosphitee Nadruco Tasteless Cod Liver Oil. if these remedies do not do as recommended your money will be returned to you. Agent for Godericb. 1 F. J. Butland, Druggist1 ..The store that pleases.' '•The pleases.' (SET THE IIBEST FENCING AT THF_ BEST PRICES TfiIJE WELT%`_ n 77/AT 11 11 Q IIWe'beve bought three carloads of the well-known "Pittsburgh Perfect" Fencing to arrive about the end of March. This is the fence that isjwelded by electricity. which emcee. the most of you have seen at Toronto and London Exhibitions. The uprights be- come part of the horizontal wires. Therefore it is impossible for pthem to slip as they do in other makes of fence. For delivery from car and for cash with order IIwe make you the following interesting prices 5-wlre Eel inches high, all No. tt wire, per rod 21 c fr (i -wire 40 inches high, all No. 9 wire, per rod.. 2 4 c 7 -wire 41 inches high, e11 No. 9 wire, per rod...... 2113 -Se 1i -wire 1:5 inches high, all No. 9 wire, per rod 91 c 9 -wire 49 inches high, all No. 9 wire, per rod 34c 10 -wire 47lncher high. all No. 9 wire, per rod i8 c 1100 FENCING 8.wire R2 inebee high, ell No. 9 stays, 12 inches &wire 32 innch93rod c ea high, all No. 9 strays, 16 inches apart, per rod 31 is 8•wirw 32 Inches high top and bottom No. 9, gg nthen No. 11. stays 12 Inches apart, per rod, t No. 9 Coiled Spring Steel Wirer fully guaranteed) per 100 pound. 52.40 No. 12 Coiled MpringSteel Wire Gully guaranteed) Per 1(10 Barbed Wire, per 100 pounds unds 2.330 These pebes as stated before ere for cash with order. We wiU book orders only to the extent of not purchase, as we cannot duple este our nide. tax the money we an selling to you at, am there hes been an advance on wire since purchasing these pan. Orders will im Ailed as booked. OOMR EARLY AND AVOID THR RUSH Are you going to roof your house or earn this year? If e, we• ran hernisb you with Metal Roofing or with our guaranteed Ready RooAae, and can also pat them on for you. (',ail end see eampies before pnrebaaing. How &hoot Cement 1 Are vol. going to do any cement work the, spring er .ourener? We still handle the National Pentane Ce esseL the Cement that gives perfect est9dactiee- Of Spelt and Heavy Hardware we never had a mare egos to starek. Let ns figura on your pluntbing, beating. saveretrous js►R asd-sMetrir wiring. 11 tt CHAS. C. LEE Hoose Phone No. i 12 Store Pbooe ilio. as !m`=1 l x"11 7!7"."s- - tee