HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-4-27, Page 6Er. 81$1,airi ' titi'T k,
• roe aatA., +Milk V, 1911 THE SIGNAL : GODERICH,r ONTARIO
FOR FARMER'S 1001)..1
How It Will Help the Growers of Many
tines of Farm Products- The
Cattle and Hog Markets Farmers
Should tie United.
Replying to a conv,ponalent who
wooer', the reciprocityagreement,
the editor of Fares and airy writes:
Is the foregoing letter Mr. Birdsall
has given a strong presentation of the
armaments used by the opponents of
reoiproeity. As moat of these argu-
uleats have been already answered in
Farm and Dairv, no extensive refute -
thin is here needed. That the great
majority ot farmers are in favor of the
agreement is proven conclusively by
the resolutions reseed almost unani-
mously by all the important farmeri
organizations of both Lantern and
Western Canada. We intuit also dis-
agree with Mr. Birdsall when he
claims that by the agreement we will
lose our national and imperial self -re•
sprit. 1f a low of such i elf -respect
follows on larger trade we must have,
lost a lot of it in the last few %ear.
In 147 our total trade with Great
Britain was StinAM5,(1W. And with the
United States $Rtd,740.00.1 In 1910 our
total trade with Great Britain bad in-
erimee•d to $244.$19.000. but with the
United Miatrs the increase was to
$CM1,7'IrLUUt. At the same tiute, in
spite of the great increaser of our trade
with the United t)tatra, there baa been
a steady growth in Canadian and Io1-
pert& e,etiaot. The question of our
trade relations is an roonowic ques-
taon purety. and It it will add to the
pecnepestty of our Mariners the proposed
reerpenriiv agreement should receive
the suppwrt ret all intelligent citizens.
lir. Birdvil doe. Dot see tbe pecuni-
aay advantages to follow rrt•iprucity.
A ooatparUioa ot market, quotati.its
ebooki cueviat•e anyone of the advan-
tag,a of free entry to United States
tmarkets. (beefs., which .old in Can-
ada IAA year at an average price of
101 cents, avenged 144 cents in the
United States. Batley will bring et
Meat So ceets snore uoder reci{nociry.
Alroeedy tis• price has goer up 111 cents
under tbe influence )f the prospects of
free etitiv- to the United States mar-
kets. Beans are twenty-five to forty-
rve• conte higher iii the United Stater
then in Canada. What a boxed a free
entry to the United States market
would be to the bean growers of
Southwestern Ontario, who eyen now
handicapped by the tariff. sell their
beans in the United States. Peas are
20ceuts higher. Putiitoes seldom go
below Canadian prime, and quite fie-'
quently are 100 per cent. higher. The
potato market of the New England
Slates would mean the regeneration
of agriculture in many sections of the
Maritime Provinces.
To compare prices of hog,; on Mon -
tree' and Chicago markets is obvious-
ly unfair. As well might we compare
In ices on Toronto and Montreal mar-
kets and then condemn Ontario farm -
eta for not ahippiug to the latter mar-
ket. The difference come. in freight
rates. The only tete comparison is
between hog prices on such markets as
Toronto and Buffalo, which are slium=
l.rfy located, and then compere only
hogs ot similar quality. Our readers
should iemetuhet that hogs of the type
of almost all those marketed in toe
Bistro could not be sold in Canada at
all, Quotations for bacon bogs (Yue k-
ers) in'Bufalo now are $8.75 to $6.85,
and on the Toronto market $8,15 to
b/b.b0. And this will be found to be an
average gompari.on of prices the year
rotund Cattle on the Buffalo market
are now 65 cents higher than in Tor-
onto. -
Our fruit amen. who at fltat saw ruin
in the agreement, have now changed
their views, and ouch a piontulent
fruit man as Robt. Thompson, of St.
Catharines, has dec•dared Aur the agree-
- went. The growers have already .old
their fruit on contract for the catalog
season at higher prices than ever be-
fore. The price nr fruit lands alsoa far
from declining, has actually- shown an
increase this spring. With prospects
of 50 cents a barrel ntcre on every bar-
rel of apples they have to sed, toe
apple men are a Mit in their support
u the agreement.
HGw IT AYFE(TM rionerte,
For horses of the cheaper grades
obr roaraet in the West may be in-
jured. On the high quality draft
horses, however, and these are the
only kind our farmers should raise.
values in the two countries are prac-
tieaUy equal. As it is the farmer in
the West is placed ata decided di. -
advantage in purchasing horses for
the advantage of the Eastern farmer
and horse dealer. Do 'se faroters of
Ontario wish to lay sueh a burden on
tbe shoulders of our brother farmers
in the West for a small advantage to
°tersely,. ? We think not.
The recent shipments of egg. into
Canada from the Linited States were
duce to an almormal supply of cold
st<e'aage stock bring dumped on the
market, Such • thing may not occur
again for year.. Already United
State• shipment,. into Canada have
Noised. and eggs in Buffalo are now
se high as they are in Toronto, and
are likely to remain so.
There can be no two opinions as to
the effect of reciprocity on the price of
wheat. Both ('anedian and United
Suttee millers have admitted that the
farmer will get better priors for his
wheat when both Canadian and
itnited Slates millers eomp.lt f.tr his
trade. Alnadv land •slows in the
West ire elilening. More land will
he seeded 1,. Prop then ever before.
And what makes far the gr•eat,i prom-
per•rl y of the Canadian Went adds
to the wenitb of Canada ss a whole.
We would euggs.+t that Mr Birdsall i
eovopare ('hirago and Minneapolis
Quotations with those of Winnipeg. )
they will prttve illuminating.
We *re' en' 'tilled by Mr. Rirdaall's
reference* to the ruinous a deet that
chs eerrsen.nt will have on nut mann-
teeluring Interest*. The agrewn.nt
deals Almond exetlusively with natural I
produce The .ediwtMns on farm im 1
ples.nts ore alight as to make'
pew-Welh ere et a If a motes-
ties tariff twit reboot keep
..or SgtkwItkw learlenisot osanufac
eorears *Nye thee, to tamely matinee
apemen* somewhere. H suet is the
-1 r'eeneole g1 +rrrr,
case eate mng ire anors han
they ,thaney esu: th Betiut 110 nonte of
them have expressed their intention
of I.iiving the country or even of re-
ducing the eine of their planta
And the'; trusts! The fainters of
Western Canada and the swine raisers
of the East are in the bands of com-
bines just as powerful in prupportiou to
population and just as merc•ilerw ae the
trust* of the Crated States. If the
beef trust is so much W be feared,
how is it that American farmers girt
higher price* for their live stock than
we do ; or that hog raisers get better
prices for pork ? The larger the terri-
tory over which trusts must operate
the more ineffective do their efforts to
reduce pricer to the producers become.
There is little reason to fear that the
proposed arrangement will injure the
British preference. The farmera at
Ottawa who asked for freer trade with
the United States also asked that the
British reference should be increased
from 3i to ii() per cent., and that we
should have free trade within the Em-
pire within the next ten years. Was
that request disloyal? Compare it
with the stand of the Canadian Manu-
facturers' Association. which dote not
want freer trade within the Empire to
any extent that will impair their pres-
ent advantage in the Canadian mar-
I'eople who allow themselves to be
misled by the waving of the old flag
and the shout of Imperial connections
should pause to consider the comt.any
they find themselves in. As previ-
ously stated. every large farmers' or-
ganization in Canada that has voted
on this question bas prouounoed prac-
tically unanimously in favor of freer
trade. Opposed to them are the pro-
tected interests~ it is unfortunate
that the old policy- of dividing 'ermine
on questions on which they should be
united is still being attempted, and ap-
parently with some degree of success.
In this quebtion of freer trade. how-
ever, we believe chat our farmers ate
more united than they have ever been
baefnte on any one subject.
We would advise farmers who are
opposing freer wade and who -are ob-
taining their views through political
channels to write for a copy of The
Siege of Ottawa.' a T2 -page booklet
giviog iu full the arguments of the
flamers who went to Ottawa past De-
cember. It is only fair to their
brother farmers that they should do
this. Copies may be obtained for 25
cents, either from The Grain Growers'
(Aide, Winnipeg. Man., or from Farm
and Dairv. The shorter Government
report may he obtained free by writ-
ing for it to your local member of Par-
liament at Ottawa.
A man newer realizes what a' re-
markable memory he has until he t
tries to forget something.
You Risk Nothing by Trying This Rem-
We waut everyone troubled with
indigestion and` dyspepsia to Dome
to our store and obtain .e box of Rexall
Dyspepsia Tablets. They�contain
Bismuth -Subnitrate and Pepsin pre-
pared by a process which develop.
their greatest power to overcome di-
gestive disturbance.
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are very
pie/talent to take. TM.y soothe the
irritable, weak stomach. strengthen
and invigorate the digestive organs,
relieve nausea and indigestion, pro-
mote nutrition and bring about a feel-
ing of comfort.
If yeu give Rexall Dyspepsia Tab-
lets a reasonable trial we will return
your money if you are not satisfied
with the result. Three sizes, 25 cents.
50 cents and $1.00. Remember you
eau obtain Rexall Remedies only at
The Rexall Store. H. 1'. Ilunlop,
south side of Square.
A Modern Visionary.
Poet -"Thompson claims that he
once saw a vision."
P arker-"Blonde or brunette?"
A Statement of Pacts Backed by a Strosg
We guarantee complete relief to
all .uferets from constipation. In
every case where we fail we will sup
ph- the medicine free.
hexad' Orderlies etre a gentle, effec-
tive, dependable and safe bowel regu-
lator. strengthener and tonic. They
re-establish nature's functions in a
quiet, easy way. They do not cause
any inconvenience. griping or nausea.
They are so pleasant to take and work
so easily that they may be taken by-
enyooe at any time. They thorough-
ly tone up the whole system to heal-
th activity.
Bezel' drderlies are unsurpassable
and ideal for the use of children, old
folk,' and delicate persons. We can-
not too highly recommend them to all
sufferers from any form of constipa
tion and its attendant evils. Two
sizes, 10e. and tic. Remember, you
can obtain Rexall Remedies in this
community only at our store -The
Rexall Store. H. C. Dunlop, south side
of Square.
In for it 1
First Small Hoy -- 'We'd better he
Second Small Boy -''Why ?"
First small Boy -"I heard do for
tell mother to take plenty of err
But Dodd's Eideey Pill. Quickly Cured
W. F. Black's Sciatica.
Newcastle, N. K. April 24. -(Spec
loll-.Relieved,if the agonies of .anti
es and lame hack. Vl'm. F. Black, of
this ?fare, is telling* his friend,' th.it
Dodd • Kidney Pills ere all that. they
are reenmnaended.
"i was in agony." 'Kt . Black .tate...
"not being Able to Igoe my •hews or
Mire ruts in bed A friend advised me
to take iindd'e Kidney Pills and gave
me arms of I hem. i didn't have mu' -b
faith in then' but started to take them
and found them to he all that was
claimed for them "
Other' here who have need Do4d's
Kidney Pili' for kidney diseases are rt/
We same npinien as Mr Sleek They
claim that no kidney disease ean eland
below Dodd'' Eidnei PQM.
- aragiiirAgoogre ;iere mere . '-. ++, the 7+^ar
rIe •$11RKETS.
Liverpool Wheat Futures Close High.
er, Chicago Lower -Live Stock
-Latest Quotations.
CHICAGO. April 34.-Altbo wbeal
averaged higher to -day on accuunt•ol
hnit.h foreign news, th - close 'bowed
a net denims of 2-1$ to 6-1 and 1-4. be-
muse of selling by traders why at-
tached more Importance to henetclal
rates wast of the Mlssourt River.
Latent figures were 1-1 to 1-8 road 1-4
down for Dora; oats on a shade to 1-0
sad 1-4, and provisions ea mier by des
orate to i cents.
The Liverpool to -day 0
to 141 h onmwheaat, et ane tied to to
higher cm cora. comparedMot at ib
urday. Budapest closed
wheat. Paris 14c to a bgk
ter, Aatwer/
sad Berlin sac
Winnipeg Options.
Wheat -
Close. Open- High. Low. Claes
.... �14 8114 57 567le xk tih
nay • •. •. 2y4 Z% sex � a
Toronto Grain Market
Wheat, bushel 35 35 to I0 t/
Wheat, goose, bushel a 411 ...
Rye. bushel i to ....
Barley, bushel S / w ..,.
festa bushel e 45
Buckwheat, bushel 0 M • N
Pers, bushel 073 0 1
Toronto Dairy Market.
Butter, store lob 017 0
Butter. aaparator, dairy, Ib• 1 • 90
Butter, creamery, Ib, rolla0 90 Oil
Butter. creamery. melds0 M • 35
.Eggs, new -►aid • 17 0 1t
Cheese, Ib.• 0 1214 • ld
Honeycombs, desert 260
Homey. extracted. Ib 0 10 012
Liverpool Grain and Produce.
LIVERPOOL, April 2r. -Cloning -Wpm.
--Spot dull; No. E red western motet, ail
stock. Futures easter, May M YM(d. Julyi
Y IOd, Oct. is •'tttd.
Hope --In Loudon (Pacific Coast) item
14 las to tis 10a.
Montreal Grain and Produce.
MONTREIAL. April 34.-Bwlnema Iso
Manitoba spring wheat over the cable
was slow, the demand bents limited, anti
bid' are s114 a trine under coot, even at
the decUoe in Winnipeg. There was a
wood demand for oats. and bids were 1i40
higher. sales or several toads being made.
A fair Local trade was also done In oat/
at fair prices. The demand for sprint/
wheat flour was quiet, but there was
some Inquiry' for winter wheat flour at
aha advance 01 0d par sack. but on se -
soma of the small offerings from millers,
ao bsminsam was done. The local ant/
oo41lry trade was fairly good.
Ow-(ssadian wasters, No. 2. 4c is
Mho. cu g
iota, ez-ste; extra No.
901 1000..
Mc t0 40c; No. 3 C.W.. 1I%c to W,4c; Na,
• local white. War to 35)1c; No. 2 Meal
welt.. -17%c to 1gc; NO. 4 local white. MS
•o gJc.
0oro-American, NO. 3 yellow. 40o 111111
tpihe -
I oats-Pdr barrel, MI6, bag 01 (�
1Dgg.-Presh. 17c to life.
Cels.e-Western., lilac to 1Pl4c.
Better-Choiceet. *6c to kliec; s careen
No to mac. l
Union Stock Yards.
TORONTO, April 24. -Receipts el
live stock at the Union Stock Yards
were 72 carloads, consisting of HST
cattle, 156 hogs, 74 sheep and lambs.'
82 calves and 8 horses.
Export steers ranged from $6.50 to 114!
and only 14 extra quality steers. void b7
McDonald & Halligan, reached the latter
'Here. Export bulls sold at 24.76 to $6.
Prime picked butchers' cattle sold al
M.55 to $5.90; loads of good, $6.05 to M.A•'
medium, $6.20 to 26.40; common, 14.a0 to
'X.15: cow.. 13.60 to 1115; bul4, 84.10 ts
tR Milkers and Springers.
Pew milkers and springers were oo rale
at unchanged prices*.
Veal Calves.
Prices for veal calves, still remain easy.
at 35 to $6.50 per cwt.
Sheep and Lambs.
Sheep, ewes, sold at MN to 36.35; rani.
42.65 to M; opting Iambi/, is to 35.1 ea0k:
ysarting lambs at 26 to 35.50.
The hog market was repeated steady all
DIM week's' prices; that L, $.60 for um'
testa fed and watered at the market.
and 84.10 for hogs f.o.b. cars at oaantry,
paints. Hotta over 220 lbs, 60c per'cwt.
less than the above prices.
Montreal Live Steck.
MONRaleAL, AprU M. -At the Montreal
Mock Tarda west end market, the re-
ceipts of ave stock for the week ending
April II were 1500 cattle, 1471 Steep and'
Inds WM hogs and 1160 elves. The
supply on the market this morning for
sale oo.mlated of w cattle. 50 sheep ani
hull*. 110. hose and 310 calves -
A feature or the trade was the stronger
undertone to the market for cattle. and
prices. .s compared with a week ago.
snow am advance of Sic pm pound. --.a
guaUty or the stock 1a moat maw was
very good. and drovers stated that eve
at tae above advance noted it wag
doubtful It they would Ret their own
mousy back as prices were very highthe
as tbe butchers weather was the
generally were r
sat or the stock of beef 10.y carried over
6r the raster trade. there was a Ise'
a45smdance of them, l..lt,ding several
tem Quebec, conwqueotly the densest
was good and quite as active trade wee
apse. Choice .leets sold at Vitt; good at
ea t. 354'- fairly good at 614c to qic. fair)
at is to Iitac. and commas at 414c to Hiss
=pound. u ice cows and bulls brought'
6wm Ric, and the lower graded/
void down as low as Phe to le per Pored-:
where' warn no bmportaat Doane' in taw
condition of the market for boles
Wes were larger, mid, so packers
were rather low, the demand was good;
and the undertone to the market wail
steady, with eo change is prhae to note.'
Bales or selected lob were made at Ks
Iter 100 potted&, weighed oft care
The trade in small s.taaa say quiet. an&
prices ruled about steady. A few M
sheep .old at from 35 to We i,
each; Wring
Iamb at $3 to 35. and ashes at teas p
ab 35 seek, as to .tats sad quallty.
East Buffalo Cattle Market.
RAST BtTTTALO, April M. -Cattle -
Receipts, SOD head; markst ./ow. lee iown
er. Pettit* steers, 357E tot 90; ahlppiat'
steers, X.50 to M. hutch* grades. i5.70 to
es X. heifers, 114.50 to 35.71; Bows, $3.0 50
35 R. bulls, $3.50 to 90.90; m11eh now. eat .
springers, 120 to $90.
Calves --Receipts, 7045 bead; market tale.:
ly active and steady, t•u►1 to choice, nisi
to 35.15.
Sheep and Lambs-Rerelpt., man mac,
market fel/1Y active and steady. ewe"
Iambi. XS to 90.1, roti to fair, $4-1 *0 Ali
Yearlings. 16 M 90.70: sheep. >s to k0,
Hags--Rerspta, 173110 heed. market IM
to Se lower corker,, 35.40 to at.40:
3531: 0110.4, 11140 to MM. heavy, 4.9 tai
35 M: rough, 35 to Ilse. stns.. 54.90 0a!
tel 70.
New York Live Week.
RIM. YORK. April le -)Terve.-Re-,
eetpta, sea head; steers• Mew; Melt aa4
far cows, steady: others. skew to shade
Sewer_ steers, 015 to RM; belle. M to
SS coves, w to 35.
ceIves-R.eetpte. art head, market.
Mow an 0k sow*: realm, KS to 35.7{•
cons. N to NM buttermilk*• 5140 to 84.
Sheep and Lambe- Receipts. 11,905 trade
.R Noy, iambs, steady le firm. steep.
M to M 71 cupped, 35 b Pi- ; culla
90 te a 75 useless. iasehe. SO le R0;
velisy�.,s M 111 to-nerdta,M0.
er •r as 40* Ss* lege* Mot
Call or 'Phone
W. H.l'iAt'itt,11rn1-
Mon Street, when
l you have aaytblog
to do iu the line of
"The Land That Pays -for Itself in a
Single Season." -Prot. Thomas Shaw.
West to quit paying rent and have ■ Inc farm of i our own 1 ('oro. 1e
Saskatchewan! Want a farm so fertile that the ant crop pale for your Sad
Come to Saskatchewan! Want pleasant, congenial work that pais generous re-
wards! Como to Saskatchewan:
Want to live where health, not sickness, is "ratcking" 1 Come to Sar
katcbwan! Waal a home surrounded by good neighbors. sehoola, churches and
rearoadal Come to Saskatchewan: Want to get out of a rut, to make a new
start. to live where cediaiona are with you. net ammo you: want a fair chance
Io make meaey.-.s good a chance M your dad had whvu Ontario was "out
Wm 1 Come to Saskatchewan!
filo Farms Grow 40 Bushels of 400,000 Homev.ekers Coming!
Wheat per Acre! hast )ear 100.000 homearekers came
To the average teas this would seem to Western Canada. The pretest year,
Impossible, but it is dose by farmers in according to immigration ■utborinea
the LAST MOUNTAIN VALLEY, in will see 400.000 people settled on the
Golden Sattatcbewan, and they 'dan-t land. and =slung homes for them -
work nearly to hard as their ler,* for. selves and their families. Western Can-
ada will soot be u densely populated
On -
Thine.' friends who staled "at home." as tit best agricultural sections of On -
The average crop in this fertile valley tario. Land price, are goingu eve
Is about 30 bushels per acre. The first day, Those .hr buy'no. ill get tY
fn acekes laisndth: inTh.eurendaerrs beOeeulrt Pofritthye. aLdowaneset
-Our Terms3y55esrthouaspredssiroe
hal valley -4s rirh apo any soil in the Most Liberal(
world -that have never been put under We t..r. over 175,000 acres of the
cultivation. They await but the touch Mimi unbroken wheat lead in the
of the plough to bring forth temente work, near towns and on railroads in
of ofgrain.
sd the Last Mountain Valley. We have •
harvests gulden g
list of land bargains such u were
never before known. Our prices are
absolutely the lowest, and we sell on
mall. easy payments. No other colon-
ization company ran hope to meet these
terms and prime because Hoar eau
buy land now in such enormous trans.
Always Delivers the Goods!
Our belief in the Last Mountain Val-
ley is not a "mak.-belief." We believe
is the Last Mountain Valley because we
Golden Saskatchewan!
Though provided .1 ample rain-
fall, the Last Mountain Valley is • land
of almost continuous sunshine, .here
health abounds -a climate that builds
vitality. Pulmonary diorama or epi-
demics of any kind are unknown here.
Railroads Galore!
Teo don't need to live "forty miles
eirevflisn ionwhere, Tei heou r, or•li"inside- nor dr to °ow 1t. W e know it when it was •
ilisation. Seven grassy wilderness when there was hari-
great railroads already y a huabel of wheat grows within its
terve this district Mon railroad build- whole area. We ham watched it year
lag is going on here than in any other by year for eight years. until now it
part of Canada. Is 1.10 one-third of has berme widely known in East-
** Canadian Pacile's construction was ern Canada England and the
here. The Canadian Northern is now United States as the hest
building another road Into the heart of wheat -growing district in
the Last Mountain 1'.! ' *scrim.
teat. e'aeo
AR a
Free! A Complete Library of Western
Land Literature(
Fill out and seal the coupon below. It
roots you nothing and entbin you to any w
all er Ness booklets on Ooldea Saskatekewan,
and to the new onto we print from time to
time. Yon get full report' of crops, cbmate,
soil, schools, churches, towns, prices, and
description of land, etc. Our &peels! new list
of Land Bargains will he sect you, too.
Even it you can't get away now. it *III pay
you to keep posted on doings in Golden Sas-
katebowen. R'•B.1'Pt.
All communicatioua should be
addressed to
III Tweets Ss. Reset
TORONTO. 0147.
All orders will re-
ceive our prompt and
careful attention. No
job is too large or
too small for us. A
full line of Granite
and Tinware, Electric
uppiles, Blowers and
Ranges -
W. R. Pinder
'Phone 155
P35 Oat
and Mail
M e Books ea Canada
R.. 20 15 Twee. SL, Teresa.
Please send me all the booklets from
your library referred to abo,e and your
list of Land Bansaina
for The Signal from now to January ist, 1912
to new subscribers only. Tell your neighbors.
have just received a
car of buggies. and•
have everything that
is new and up-to-date
in the carriage+ line.
No better buggies
ever came to town.
We have them cit the
floor now. Cali and
inspect them at the
on Hamilton Street.
We have the SZANo-
and GATsa. the fain•
Dug FLIMSY Plants,
Copses SKPAntewon6
and almost every-
thing a farmer needs
on a farm.
Robert Wilson
We also have a few
extra good driven for gale.
Help the little folks get a pony and
outfit like this
Every boy and girl in Western Ontario has an equal chance to
one of these handsome ponies with harness and trap without paying one
cent therefor.
Just save the bottoms of your ORANGE MAIZE cartons EDI-
ORANGE MAIZE is Toasted Corn Flakes -white
sweet corn in its most delicious form.
ORANGE MAIZE is a taste that grows on you -
is a temptation to a poor appetite. Moreover, it is a dish
of which you can eat of your fill. without fear of harmful
If you are tired of other breakfast foods jest tr7
ORANGE MAIZE. it is full of nutriment -the kind
that strengthens brain, bone and muscle.
ORANGE MAIZE agrees perfectly with the
most delicate stomach. With Cream, Milk or
Fruit Juice it is very palatable. !�
. it 1
Do not accept substitutes. Your grucor Col 13 ft
W Wel
Keg/. Mr. Tay
..banged pallet*
tiahtnth last.
Bev. Thos. Davi
est. preached ie
•burch last Sabha
The telephone
through the villas
/today of last wee
connection with a
ng towns and t
Lue'Ats.,- Mus
I.ucknow, .pent a
, d Miss Beanie Bar
Gilmore is 'pendia
log her sister, Mr
ley While t
4)ampbell bad the
and facture a a
will leave her it
time .... rhos. fi
0o a visit to his so
by, of Lambeth ...
has his barn equip
rods, which adds gg
mice John H
the farm which be
brother.... , .The t
7 jtave re-engaged
the coming year
Ngw•a N(rglta,-•
north League will
Monday evening.
hying prepared. A
member the date -
Lilian Clark retui
Isere ,'s teacher
'mending the past
home in ML Helena
r.11, sal for teen wrel
ter owing to the
reel ion Albert
friends in Goderie
" Raymond Re.
gaged sa reacher i
Wnwenosb, el a
annum. His duties
her 1st . Mrs.
Stratford, is horse I
been called bete oo
i are illness of her
Ret. J. R. !
will occupy tel pulj
next /tablet h, Rev.
ing Mr. liana's tea
IT =Oil
Bet Not Alter tie I
E. 1L wig(, ail
sells a great many
Se a because it give
H. guarantee. it
.Ir•uff, steep falling
And itching scalp. or
Parisian Rage will
the hair toot is not
and lustre into du
and is tbe moat del
ing in the world. (4.
Parisian Nage it
grower and beeetii
and scalp cleanser
our money hack pea
mitred in Ooderich I
NEB-* Noris, -Mi
have returned atter
rr ant time weth fr;s•nd
Miss Mellie, t
school. Hayarrest b
, iPage Mn, J.
(%sell. spent ibe M
and among 9.1am
Mrs. Reynold,' had
from ber parents d
vacation. M.e,bkera
t tay W.
ovE.r (lassoolbs . sainl
to, but is not eort
ly to locate, Mi
iitISUNL *5 be esu ti
able hamsrano, ai
ears be and his ti
they made many frig
evening 4t. Andrew'
present him witt
token of their app
worlikek as
MiwMkry1,Mc sy
atorium at Byron, w
main Mr some tit
friends here pray tot
to health Alex
turned from a visit t
at Pow.asaao, wbe,q
work pnigreeaing fat
Ilam Rothwell, the ei
It*thwell, of the
MtanIey, returned hal
`ieattle, Wash„ whet
aev.,*l month. in tel
result of a fall of fort
bridge on the Mil."'
Monad Rallpro
a wm build*, w
his life was deep/Lire
eometitution Wuinpba
as fairly well.
n•i-SIMPLR lel
For Rackach. sod I
The simplest and
rsmwdy for sick kit
Kidney Mils. if th
• nogestion. i*Aatemee
ilootb'. KGluey P111,
5R.te sit is ill
Rrvxlt'a+r ite'1P
k! tr�t tT.1
011 Kri4 (int-, foe a