HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-4-27, Page 5s: 44 THE $1GNAL : GODE1t1C1 ONTARIO j/rgsr - tvwt r - ,r "' t1aRt7R" Ttb)tao.Y. Daft 27, LOCAL TOPICS conatraWletions from Ottoton. 1 Craddock -Allen. ('tinter New Sr.: ()congratulations ' A quiet wedding wee solemnized at Are In order, we presume, to Uoderich, Ibe Victoria street Methodist parsec- .wr.ister town, over the fact that the 'lege '.0 Wednesday afternoon at 1 ,,,,,p sought after militia camp is to o'clock, wheo Mise .toddle Albin. of Ie located there. It will mean much Beemill•r, joined hand and heart with Pleaa.ug I•In4en1'e and retied one of to the county town. No one is more John Craddock, of (iudericb. Hey. selections, conld not but find favor Jeservieg orf credit tor the successful In.. Medd tied the nuptial knot. \Ir. as etb all pre -rut. For the mum part ,L;;c„mpliehwent than Mayor M. 6. and Mrs. (haddock will reside in h.r numbers were hutortowe, imclud- i'awat'oo, who worked with uuceas- G;oderick logo xlu•,ng others, the pe;.rlliar trials ing seal, te,npeled with good judge of au Irish womanre iu austomipg meat, in securing the preferment. The Davie Brothers W:II si..1 be, -elf to Aruei i• au liar. and an urigt- I.ondon press is vur authority that the The Hotel Bedford was out of hasi- nal and 'highly Amusing ,.ketch of a ,estimated low to that city by the nese for It day or so this wee' . Pro- woman at A hall game. "The Song of withdrawal of the camp is 11100,000 per pxietor Uavb and landlord Belford the ('asp" wee of a waver nature, Vera. having been unable to agree upon and gave evidence of a depth of feel - terms for ii continuance of the leave. ing and power. of interpretation on the An Ofd Subscriber. The boarder* left, and bills were putt of the Artist. 1'o numerous re- Ww. Met/rattle. of Dungannon, was posted Announcing a Pale of theeffeca. calls Miss (1'tieil cootrihuted lighter in town tbe other day and gave 1'be This afternoon. however, it is an- r• Adu,gr of a thoroughly enjoyable signal a plea ant all, renewing his nounned that new arrangements have ,uha,acter. subsea iptiou for eootber year. Mr. been [Wade and the hot will be ro- Mctrwtten is one of the oldest readers ducted by Fred. and Norval Davis as ..f The bignal. his father having cow- partner*. Centre:trots Licenses - The board of license cowmissionere for Centre Huron las granted twenty- four license, to ►e11 liquors for tbe' license rear I911 -LI, all the present' licenses being t'ruewed. Marine Band Concert, May 5th. Brantford Expositor : A talented and a et.a' ile .lueutiudist iu the per- son of Slim O'Neil. coupled with a wended taking it over sixty yeate ago Death of John Correll and he himself having continued it up y• to the present time. Henry Horton John Currelly, a hose death at Tot - and W. S. Clark, of town, are two onto was announced last week, wee more of The Signal's oldest sub- known in Gods -rich, hsvir.g aq.i.te•I scribers, both bayiop taken it Almost th.• late .1. W. Broderick in his husi- ever wince it was started. It would be inteteettug to bear from any others who date back fifty years or mute as eubsoribers to this paper. Getting Ready for Summer. E. N. Lewis, M. P., has been busy during the Parliamentary process sup- erintending the anangewents at Lewin Park for the bummer tourist season. He hots made further addi- tions to his string of .summer cottages along the lake bank until now be has eight, which will accommodate quite a targe colony during the summer months. These cottages, er luoga- lows, are fitted up in excellent style, with a cosy fireplace, electric light. complete water supply. et.., and plenty of verandaho and with the nom - 'Anent water view and the fine fresh ire•ezes from Lake Huron they mean ideal summer homes. e Horticultural Society. Thu Goderich Horticultural Society her distributed 7.700 bulbs and plants *mate it• members for 11110. Each member oleo bac been supplied with The (;anadien Horticultu:1.1 and bee accear to the library which cont.iioe a uuu,her of valuable books un horticul- ture. A dtet.ribution of Millis. ete., will kw made to ail members of this year. The membership fee is SI. The hoard of directors for 1011 is es follow*: President, Dr. (ielk,w ; secre- tary. W. lane : H. D. Reid, W. War- nock. F. E. • Bingbam. W. Coats. S. Morningstar. J. H. Tigers. J. i eith- waite. J. Hitcbell and K. l'. Hay.. Furniture Factory at Work Again. " The Kensington furniture factory resumed operations on Monday morn• ing IAet. The old St. amid s ward .chord building is being lord for fin- ishing roam•. the port cot the factory frortuerly weed for this departtoent„ of the work having been burned About tbirty•nve men are already at work. sod the number will he increased as the former employers return to town from their temporary employment elsewhere. The ineu,ance adjosters have been at work and ,.her a Nettle - If you want a nice refrerhirtg drink +nen' of the insurance has been oto Bu*orrr w, Balmoral Cafe. ,Peeked 11 is likely that a ptcpmition g will bt made to the town cOuncil in re- At the County Fair. gard to the eontinuanee of.the in- The production of "The County (Jamey here. The terms of the prop- Fair" last Friday evening under the 11 itioo are not yet ■nrentweed, but auspices of the Menesetunl oe Can it is to be hoped they will be such as will fw aawptahis to the iatepeyers, eo that this important eatabli.htnenn ma • remain with os to help in the building up of the town. Harbor Motes. With the departure o f the steamer J. A. McKee late Sunday the last of the boats that wintered here has cow - mewed tbe rraaon's work out the Great Lakes. The eteatuers Ro minis their native Ability and to the training Ftlda, aoddtan and ler. S lett on [which they received from Miss Ella L and and the steamers on Hato -t Beers. of Cleveland, under whose di - do $esyeeton departed on Sstur- rection the production took place. It Ilse ds M iwpo meihle to mention each one of Met vessel to arrive this meson suer tb performer*, numbering fifty or w•tth ♦ grain cargo was the coning_ tame.: but a eeterenre W some of the woo oon, which nda arrived front tolling- chief characters in the coat may not wroth of Huntley. She was cl I be invidious. As "Mrs. Killjoy' Mies At the Kt.amer t chnontav dock. Ads Moore took a difficult part in a IUs steamer 1of wheat unloaded very clever tramper, and H. Sturdy elevator end cls of wheat wt the starred as "Adam Stubbs." filling the el aced Tuesday bt %Vedaeaday witb a cargo of [16,0011 the ctdeshow barker and tatabels of wheat for the Elevator i 1'111• ' the medicine vendor, NAP inimitable ; and as "Heinle Kraus - The steamer Dundee arrived on I tneyrr" and "Mrs. KIAUPmeyer" 0. L Wednesday and unloaded 102.UUO 1 d°sen the better, . F. I Koke bbroueght buPbeb Of wooer at the elevator. make-up being alone worth the price J. 8. Johnson who has been super' of admission. "Jeremiah Hoopole" SPAS well pr,•sented by Joe Doyle, and Dr. Sale end Mime Lottie McCreath, Av "Mr. and Mitt. Heory Polk." were an interesting amiple. Mies Brimicombe as the deaf aunt and Willie Rabb es her apart. a'mete nd MissoWells andhad aHawley Smith as the newly -welded pair were AA Pweet And happy (respectively) AS bride and groom are supposed to 'be. There were A number of good spec nese bere for some time. He was born in Port Hope sixtc-seveu cmire silo And when a young man moved from there to Exeter. where he was in busi- ness until 1981. Ile bad lately been residing in Toronto. He 1. survived by bis widow and one eon, tirades T. ('nrrelly. of the Ontario Maseuro• who bas made. a name for helmet! as an archaeologist. Power Engineers Han, Meares. Yates and Akers, engineers of the Ontario Hydro -Electric t'otn- mitsion, were in town this week 'in nottrection with the proptatal f,•r the development old Maitland River power. They wet representatives of the coon- ty and town, and as a result some pro- gress war made towards .n under- standing as to the manner in which the project is to be approached. The cnuuoittee of the cnuuty council will i;,o to Toronto sbortly to meet Hoo, Adam Beck. and it is hoped that some definite information will he Availahle for the June meeting of the council. The engineers wppraeed to be satisfied that the Maitland River has possibili- ties of profitable potter development. Craigia --Kelly. A very quiet hut pretty wedding' Iwas oelehtated Wednesday morning when Miss Kathleen Kelly, daughter of J. B. Kelly. wad married to one of (inderirh's poptilar young men. Fred- erick T. t .raigie, The bride was given away by her tether and looked very pretty in a grey travelling snit and tailored hat. She was supported by her cousin, Miss Edna Moore. of Stret- ford. who wore a blue wait and bat with willow plumes. The groomsman was John l rsigie. Atter tbe mar- riage a delicious breakfast was serve{ at the brides home, atter wbieb the happy couple left oo the 7:10 (i. T. R. train foss points east. The groom's gift to the bride was • handsome neck- lace. to the bridesmaid a peau ring. while the groomsman reeeived a solid gold locket. Mrs. Craigie will be at uCsne to her friends after Jurie 1st at her home on Wellington street. Death of Jess. Snyder. After au Mora which had eon - tined bun to hie bed .ince New Year'.. Jesse S, yder entered into .set at his h on Bruer street on %Vedneeday Club was a decided emcee. Victoria Opera House was well fIlle'i. and the audience was appreciative and et times ent.huaastic. The idea of the production was simply to present sari• caw types of cbaracter which one might meet at a °omity fair, there be- ing little or no plot. The performers bad only three or four days to get up their parte. and that they made so ex- cellent a showing is creditable alike to evator and cls a ay nig • Mie to pet fection. A. Roy Adaats AS Tbr steamer Wexford arrived on I afterwards as Imperfect Kidney Action Causes Rheumatism Rheumatism with its kindred ailments —Lumbago Wry Neck, Neuralgia, etc -i mually results from lodgments of uric acid in the joints and muscles. Now the chief function of the kidneys is to properly filter this poison from the blood. Only when they fall to do this is Rheumatism probable. RMney weakness starts in various ways. A sudden chill, after perspiring freely, sometimes settles in the kidneys --or an unusual strain may cause it. Poisons which should be filtered out of the system are pumped back into the blood, causing Uric Acid, the real Huse of Rheumatism, Lumbago, Wry Neck. Neuralgia, etc. In the early stages Nyal's Stone Root Compound will stop it. Will start your kidneys working prop- erly that the Uric Acid is reabsorbed and eliminated. Away goes your Rheumatism with it. Perhaps thew early warning twinges have passed unheeded, and your Rheu- matism has become deep seated. Muscles all marled up In knots u it were. Then you'll need Nyal's Rheumatic Cure. e Assk your own druggist about these HL opinion Is mirth while. tnold and guaran,eed by F. J. BUTLAND S. E. HICK H. C. DUNLOP E. R. WIGLE GODERICH intendenl of the construction work on the Big Mill elevator, left last week for Buffalo. where tate lames Stewart Co. has a contract for a large elevator. He will make regular visits here until the work hi completed Mr. Kumm. who comes bore from Texas, is now in charge. Another Old Resident (lone. After as illness of over two and 1 - half years, Margaret Halkeld, relict t ties, one of the twat being a **suitcase the late Archibald Riddell, of Spar- chorus," in which six as as t tcae. land, i uosia, pawed away at the y Aelrher, home of Mise F • oo the Bay. (Mime. Smith. Scrinige*iI• nem road. (iodericb. lam Snoday Urtel. MrKlnncn sod fitttidy) antisix tau x afternoon. Deceased was a slaughter voung men (Joe Doyle. HAy R of the Mr. and Mea John RErnest Colborne. Fred titunty, Melo alkeld Platt and R ('raigie) took part. Mies K. Brown sang a solo very sweet!. and the "metope chorus," by tbe l a girls and boys, was fetebimg.Means. Parson" and MWrely contributed in their usual clever style. and iloIo by Miss Olive Smith wan received with h appreriwtlon. Mise •gn.s Me - and was born 1n t ornate. Cum an noway, England. Mgbtt-three years ago. Kbe was flim third In a family of twelve children ►Ij of whom have joined the silent majorityaderie one brother. Wilson Illalkekf. (i Her twin abler, Mrs. John Hunter, a >I 4 FAMILY frEly1EIPIES O.e fog' each everyday Ailment foriner well -knows resident of sale- 'Donald. as a Highland dancer. Harry Who died In Dakota two years ago. Buchanan and Reggie King all gave When tare sf aject of this notice I/44 is valued wsaiatanee. Tbe accompanist eight yeas• if age to a !ivy carne to one Mr. t4. H. Ring. mbar sevvioru Nomem and for s tame lived in New were rendered it exn.11 cot banner t'nrt. oomiel later to god.tirh town- l and were highly appreciated. After the prriduction threw who had taken part gave II MP Beers o MAK enthusi- astic send-eff. with many wars ex" precsio n• of Appreciation of bee ape vireo M director. A sore mire for the famine spring fever- a dish of Burdette's tee rrea•. Moet any flavor Maple Moose ovary ship, where tbey settled. After marriage to Archibald Riddell the de - cared cased and her husband rade their horde at Spoirland. near Chicago. i'pnn tbe deafb of bar husband ..' A - team years ago Mrs- Riddell ram to has afore resid*d. She b eirrvtved by nese daugYter. Mrs. (Genoa, of Vawcoover ISIe hone'•!. wbindn ruse pwivatt& reek plans 'we •stu,tdsy Rlwttay alternor4 to Maitland eosin.atwrdard et esn►Il.reee Black tort. Rev. Aero. R. Rem conducted A in bolt kr the fpnwrat services. The pallbearer, o*5's delicious we crease m -•A s'r o.rh•w+..arehs lltswesrr. Jain Awry bricks +a'k•'r1, Phone OM (iw. A, 1, e. lime v 1" r. re hirnary mess lefty 4.I ( w h ton one has • 1, •rs►v w, a,ra lsoArt UlCtp• (loderich, where she J. BKOPdEY &SON GODERICH GODERICH THE LEADING Funeral Directors and Embalmers LEADING Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders carefully m carefully attended to At all Moan, night or day. of last week. He was iu his i ninth rear- Deceettaed was a native Waterloo township, Waterloo count??-, being bot n there on March 7th. 154 - Ab.•ut forty years afro he came to Colborne townsbtp and settled on a teem on the let concession. near Ben - miller. About. a year previous to his cowing to Colborne he was united in marriage to AIM Mary Frances Schultz, of Waterloo township. who survives him. They continued to re- side io Colborne township until three years ago, when tbe failing bealth of the deceased forced bin retirement from h Agricultural pursuits. It was at this time they took up their reeideoce in Godericb. The late Mr. Snyder bad been for a number of years an active worker in the Methodist church at Benmlller. Io politico, he was a supporter of the Liheral party. Be- sides his widow he in survived by a family of three sons and four daugb- tete : Henry, of Ooderieb, and Nor- ma, and Levi, of Radisson. Sask. : Mrs. John Tebhutt, of (ioderi.-h town- ship : Mrs. Wm. Finnigan, of Ash - Held township. and Misses Mary and Rebecca. at Dome. The funeral took place tie Saturday afternoon. the ser- vices bring conducted b. Rev. Dr. Dougall. The interment was made in Colborne cemetery. The pall-Iwrrera were two brother.—Aaron Snyder, of Waterloo. and John Snyder, of Clin- ton—a brother-in-law, Jos. -ph HAR-s, of Waterloo—and W. R. Robertson, of dodericb. Mrs. McKee Coming. Me.. McKee of Barrie. ex -Provincial president of the W. C. T. 1 "., will give tin address in Knox church on Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Mt -e. f: ittg will sing. Silver onllectiou at the drew. Mrs. McKee is a forceful and well-in- formed speaker. Don't miss this op - port ' y of teeatring her. Mr. Ross will preside. Everybody come. On Setnr.Iay afternoon at 2 ...clock there I tin for ay owe nod irk, w t se x [nee om t ori II R K at the'Temperance Hall. t'otne and hear 31ris. McKee on matte's of world- wide intrust. Are You Like This? Tired all the time, not much good for anything, hardly able to drag around, just all run down. If you are, we guarantee our VI - NOL will help you. It has helped marry people around here who were in this condition. Now look here, just try one bot- tle of VINOL, and if you are not satisfied that it did you good, come back and get your money. It will be returned without question. That is a fair proposition and shows ow faith in VINOL, and that we do not want your stoney unless you re- ceive benefit. We know what we are talking about because we have sold VI - NOL for years, and have seen how much good it has done among our customers. ' VINOL is not a patent, secret nostrum, but an honest, tried and true body builder and strength crea- tor of world-wide fame, delicious and easy to take. Come in today and start your cure at once. You take no risk. 11. ('. Diinlop, Druggist. boder► li 0 i i 0 eO I9II GREYHOUND 1 DETROIT EXCURSION i JUNE 17-19 • • White Star Line : E. H. AYER, Excursion Agent ' • V '' Oftl Toronto. April. 26. --William Ray. secretary -measurer of Heintsman & Co., Limited. and a prominent fra- ternal .oeiety man, died yesterday at Isis home. 20 Roxboro street. He was taken ill last fall, knit' been confined to his bed for some weeks. and was unconscious for three days iunuetti- ately prior to hie death. Mr. Ray. who was horn and raised on a farm near (ioderieb, came to Toronto, when a youth, amu entered the service of Heintsman & C'o. His con• nection there hurled moil hie death. s period of thirty years. Mr. Ray he Catholic took an active part int Mutual Benefit Association. was a member of tbe Knights of (:olumb,ts and also of the Knights of St. John.' And a past supreme regent of the Royal 1 Arcanum. He was a member of i Leaf C,ntncil, Royal Arcanulu. Air. Ray had been t wice married. His first wife was Elirshetb Forbes. His ser and wife wag Miss Jane Perking of Winnipeg, who. with three ••bildtem survive.. Stn 'ra. t ge _ Mous/silo _ ,d Ltltrt-11. w .•s . nr-o- .- - GRA D NI(RAILWAY 11.SYST M. The Popular Tourist Route •)) hdlnskoka Lakes, take of Bays, Tetnaeami, Algonquin Park. Maganetawan River. French River, Georgian Bay, Lake Coucbichtng, Kawartha ' LakesEtc. Round Trip Homeuekers' Excursions TO THE WEST AT LOW RATES "IA SARNiA OR CHICAGO. Literature and full information from any Grand Trunk Agent. or address A. E. DUFF. District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Ont. F. F. LAWRENCE. Town Agent. CANADIAN PACIFIC Low ROUND TRIP RATES T.r WESTERN CANADA WINNiPEG .nd roma BRANDON and rears. MOOSE JAW and retain EDMONTON sad return i 611111111111M 1111111111 •1111/111111111D 111111111111111111 1111111. 1 Now for the Final Finish OF THE CAMERON STOCK Lease Expires on May Ist of the corner section of the store and up to the time of writ- ing this advertisement other arrangements have not been made and we might he forced to vacate the premises without a day's warning. Our advice is : Come right away and share in the great- est Going -Out -of -Business Sale that is liable ever to occur again. There is about $9,5o0 worth of goods -left to dispose of and it has got to go novr . Included in this stock is a lot of new Millinery which is being turned out as fast as possible by the workroom and an extra lot of Trimmed Hats will be on display Saturday at prices that should clear the tables in a hurry. There also is a lot of new spring Dress Goods and all kinds of Whitewear. All the Boot and Shoe stock is out on the tables now marked in plain figures. M Four hundred and fifty men's Suits and Overcoats to clear away. Everything has got to go, as the business is being finally wound up. Also to ao Other Pants. TUESDAY. MAY i6th r.ea(1.e»' aos f`.•, rw•.• *Pwv.ee V emala s• oar• ....tome w trash' trsurW •" ems.. fOR KIDD. a ren, Ondeeteh VmN • CAMERON'S DEPARTMENTAL 41111/11111111 Mi111.11. 11111111MIND 11111111111111 1.? 4, r STORE 411111111 111111111111MD 111111111111111111111 4.411131.1111144 s _>