HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-4-27, Page 1che Signal FROM NOW TO let JANUARY, Igiz, TO NEW SUBSCRIB- ERS 50c 50c iIETT-TMI*D TRAM -Ma SIM GODERICH, Zell Your Friends of the special trial offer 4-4 The Sigrid for the bal- ance of we year, to new subscribers, for 50� ON I'ARIo. CAN ADA APRIL 27, 1911 THE SIGNAL PRINT !Die O0.. Ltd., FIRILI MIlle. TIMAMCIAL a N O. 1tal. Rest sod l; Bdiv idnd Profits 111,e00,(I)0 Total Assets over $43,000,000. OF CANADA ESTABLISH ID 1855 GE T READY NOW Opportunities for ex- ceptionally profitable investments come oc- casionally to every man. But it is only the man who has built up a SAV- IrGS BANK ACCOUNT who can take advant- age of tbem. We will gladly help you save the money. and give you sound advice on its subsequent investment if you wish. One Dollar opens an Act•ount. Goderich Branch, W. L. HORTON, Manager LOST AND FOUND 1,"" --ON SUNDAY LAST, AT the Deese church or nn the liarro, • SIGNA paa MAW rr, Will Meas leave M THS TOR SALE. ES FOK SETTING. - WUITK raadsttem. Rowel Aside • Wile white 1700 winner. wherever exhibited e ever/Habig et Goletieh. 'MIR Aim hianb Mtatrss. nine wiener.. Rigs room both pea.. p per 11 C. R. WORIRLL Ueda rich. eta PIANO FOR SALE. - IN GOOD eseeitton. P1, further pertlsalata apply at THE SIGNAL OrrIC2 WANTED' WANTED.- INFORMATION 0 F Eehwt Kerr. who worried G ren f'hn ✓ an and who lived is Chicago is lel. BM daughter. Etas) Ken. would like to bear [rem htm, et elm lefras.tien In regard. Address. MISS ETHEL KERR. a10 Indiana Ave_ lied Apartrest Chicago. 17-42. SITUAT10M8 VACANT. WANTED.--0lRL.F'OR GENERAL MVRNEY, Brit aAbIsargest L et Mite. w . T. LluMARORWOMAN WANTED. work at berme paring Weer $&J1 per day wit h e.pperteretW to advme e. Spare time car he aced. Wert set dlmcelt and requires no eea�rr•seeenaaa W IN$TON. limited. 8pdlss Avg. Taos e. sta. APPRENTiCBS WANTIHD FOR tits trade of Snkbing aid organ act4ow t.akiaj. Bops Mem fifteen to .ighreen rear - of .ge will be hely learnt the different trades. Required to be belentured timely at the of - gee of Use GODEHICH ORGAN CO.. Wed street. WANTED AT ONCE.- A 0001) AND. Cambriiad MKS.RUT- L aF. J. HOCKRY CLERK WANTED. - {T Aobve Tess mon. gopd deck keee.pperer. One atq silted with (ioderteb and neighbor- hood leered. Apniloaa' should .tate age. salary petted. Lied sed rlaex Apply in owes hied o P. 0. Box lot Goderich. W ANTED.- A MAN PART OF THE 8�t[[ pprr(�ffpn.tfreratoo attend o lawn lid gvden der- 1A4O1tR. wen t. months. �-tpoly teC. INFANTE D. - BOILERMAKERS and rarbini.4 who are oetevstom.ed he marine work. Three bolIrraxen one Meet Iran wetter. two itis hand. and Meet two rise kande or neer ren. Only flr.tel•a., steady men need a ANAs..[ wages and Deed work. A pp LOLa• L iNOWOOD SHIPBUILD- ING COM ANY. ,LIMITED. Collin/mood. Ontario 41.42 GUNPRY'S Livery, Cab and 'Bus Stables THE RED BARN 1. South street, (iodosrich All our Rigs are New. 'Busse meet all Trains and Steamers. Psrticolar attention lei wen to calls from private residences. 'Phone No. 50. FOR SALE OR TO RENT HOUSE TO RENT -FURNISHED. Right rooms, good cellar. centrally located. Or might share with smelt owueo ill Lolly. Particular. at THE SIGNAL OFFICE:. It HOUSE FOR SALE. -RESIDENCE of tae late James Wilton. North -Greet. with lamps grounds. stable. ere. Apply to W. C. TANNER. 3r: Dovercourt Road. Toronto. X HOUSE TO RENT. - ON NE W- 11 (TATE street. with eltbt rooms and other ooevsnbwees, each as both, cleert. furnace and electric light- Apply to N. W. \O1T. New- gate street ',URN TO RENT OK FOR SALE. - 1r' Oil hundred acme of good land. being south half Pt Inc IS. t000es.Lon 1. We -t Wawa- ss.b. ae•rty all Ina toad state of cnlnvaterr, sod ssarly all seeded down. Buildings in - etude trick hoose. lame barn. shed, stn creek run • through property - 'Far is within half a tulle of the [arising village Of Dungannon and 1s coo crelent to d.rohen. schools and ponofaoe. On the place •• rood gravel pit. which of lite ler. hes svwersd ore. MOn • year : Mrs *ix .eta of geed hardwood bosh. F o r further in rrrat40., p• rticular• regarding term.[ etc, apply to Mtge C B. MILLIGAN. Dungannon.' IJO!'SE TO RENTOR FOR SALE.- Hetet ewer boor. eery and a halt. oo David • Brost. For terms mod farther par. Ucuier. •pill to M188 Ct'NNINiiHAM. 8t. David s sUeet. 47-11 HOUSE FOR SALL-ON WOLFE •tient. wren rosins, good cell.,r ender kitchen end fosbdarioe snider bou-e. belonging t• gee state of the late Mrs Ja, Reid. Apply te STODDART East street. or to P51O1 f,- PUOT. HAWS it ItILLoRA1, a- /a FOR RENT. - A NiCE SEVEN - room cottage with hot water heating, electric ly[bt .ad bath. beautiful ground, good orchard and large garden: e..y.renientll Toe•ted to equate. Apply W. J. MC IR. CHOICE LOTS FOR SALE IN THE Garrow proper,Piot 12'x123 feet. in- clyding corner of Mrrket street and Elgin avenue. r nimble for three hn.ae.: o• will divide to suit purchaser. High and dry ground ; chon.t bcstioe In best re-ideatla seethe. Seem et pr'` Elgin winos. For par tfeular. •pMy it TBE 812:NAI.OFFICE. kOR SALE. - TEN „ACRE` EAST side of South street. corner Herm[ street. dddmi'di. if you desire a aw.uer tract of one or two ewes or • bonding lot In the ,Doth side write H. A. JORDAN. 17 Windsor Arnow. .Winrnl.or. Ontario. WN PROPERTY FOR SA -LE. - Lot of two huidred and twenty nse ea.. es Kingdom street ie the own of Goderich. con- taining one-quarter of a. awe. 0. the nor h baE of this property there Y erected • •tnry •nd• half frame dwelling house mod • blaek- emith shop, oboe occupied by the Imo Alex - ender Kirkeride. Both the hoose and the shop are. u present under Mora the home, at 1973 a month mad the .hop at 97 per month. 7be property will be sold in one or two pato {a ms tha r•e ccha.emay de1fe. Apply to Y G. ((A M IR0l . B e ieter. etc.. Hamilton steep MEDICAL' kft. F. J. R. FORSTER-EYE, EAR. sew and throat only. Hesse amaesn• w York Ophthalmic and Aural Inautnte• Criminal 's,44.. liar. Noneand 1 hroat Hospitai pe3en true. and Moen88M Eye �t•1. LwMsa. Of toe. Albert street, rst- fsrd. Windsor ha el. [loner : 9 to Is a. m.. 0 p a, 7 is 9 P m. Telephone sir• -7t An Afterthought s%iisad to Xr psseive plaid. "L.ag46Ay Me. Sines we are serried. I ne •trod Bhe'a as ex-pesslve wife. STERLIfI6 inK I OFIANApA I SAFETY AND INCOME are the two primary remote for depositing your money in this Bank. A Ravings Aerount bete is sitsolutely safe. it receives Interest belt -yearly. and Coin he added tt, or drawn at your pl aeure. TO HAVE REAL PEACE OF MIND YOUR MONEY MUST 19E IN RAFBTY. Every snootiest gives to Farmers Bunt GODERICH ARANCH w w*1JgMl►.. w GODERICH MARKETS. Ran meat. per bombTatUBapar. April o 2iii .1 . ertlla• del SWthg wheat, per bock M to 0 s. 1ICtee, Mrbush O fir to o e. Beatwhest. per Oats. -a. ph-. 0 30 to 0 il Para. per bosh • 731 to 0 7.3 Battey. par bush 6 63 ta 0 Screenings. 99 M to w n near, fames. meows 1 76 to 5 73 Floor. patent, per ant ,. 1 00 ce 3 On Bran. per too b 00 to 11 00 ([arta per ton .... 1a 00 to SI Oft Hap. per ton. 1081 to i.. to Strew 4 al to 3lal W. nor load s ento 531I Batter. per Ib.. 9 Si to 0 16 Cheers lfss. fi W.lgk�e d�ss� A U la a 17 Pot.osaas �WIIC �eatI1�1,1e.�...... s e r to n a -- cazik.sl/.st..-wi.mrewt , i e too s m • THE TOWN COUNCIL OILING THE SQUARE UP FOR CON- SIDERATION. Cg(tncillors Are . Canny and Want to Find Out the Cost -Condition of the Court House Park Is Receiving Attention of Chairman Kelly of Parks Committee. 76 Bela..... ..................... sof to • ss B8Ybeseae�lisE ta0M 51.5 t. 3 00 =arrows e M .. /01) to 10 o ( 41a6 .t.i - ebesaddes - r7 msfoto 74 13011N. SALT.-1.Osegrich. oe Bonday. April Ord. MIR. ars yrs. Sale, a daughter. MAY. -la Oadarlcb. oo Th urnday. April 97th, to Mr. and )int W. J. May. • .on. WHITTLE. -in Goderich, on Saturd*y. Apra 191 h, to Mr. and Mis. A. L K [deie. s son. KNIGHT. -In Goderich. on Mooday. M•trh 17tb. to Mr. and Mrs. Jonah Knight- • son. WAUGH,-le tinder!• h. on Mooday. March Mr. and Mrs. Cherie. Waugh. a MtLDOD.-In Goderich. on Wednerlay. April 11th. te Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth 370 • daughter. BUCHANAN. In Goderich. On Monday Mareb Or h. to Mr. and Mre., Oliver Bu- chanan. • .on. POS ENER. -1r' 11.11apmn. Roston. no Sunday. March eggs. to Mr. and Mr.. H. B. Pososer. • son 'Joh . Kbov Pawner.. MARRIED. CRADIsiCK ALI.IN. At Victories rtreet� parsonage. no tl ednedy. April fifth. by Rev. Dr. its r1.1. Mt.- Addie Allan. of B.1• - miller. o Jdbn Craddock. of Ueda icb. .. I DIED. PUSF.\ ER. do Mutmp•n. Boit- a. on Pen- i day March 36.h. infant son of Mr. and Mrs H. k Po..irr. BELL -In Unclench. on 'Wedoasday, %Kfl 96th. Isabella Th agomp,oi. bebced wife d John M. Boll.ed 4d yean- PRIDDLE-In Goderich. oo Fridoy.A pril 11.t. Emerson R W. bslnred sop of J. W. Prfddle, aced 2 years.1 mouth. and 24 days 1100 Reward. 1100. The readers atilt* paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that .science bas be.n .ale to rare io all its stage... an] that i. catarrh. Hall's Catarrh rump the .,oly positive cure pow knows to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being • (on.tl. tutioaal di-e.=e require. a constitutional treat meet. Halt. Cute is taken l.tero.uy. acting directly upon the Mood and m000to sur- faces of the system, thereby destroying tae foundation of the disease. and tying the Mono[ strength by building nn the constitu- tion and a.-i.tine nature 1n .tong IU work. ib. peop•fer..n. harem much frith le it. curs tire power's that they offer one burdned laty for any ra.* that it fa11- to curt'. S.ud for list of testimonials . Address F. J. ('R ENEY & ro. Toledo. U. sold byall druggists. 75e.Take ... Family P111, for constipation. PERSONAL MENTION. 7. W. i.oty left today on a trip to N'ieuipec, Mrs.• Fulford has returned from an extended visit with mance. it Detroit. De[.. -Give- Boyd. of the Provincial poneel force. . -11.11. town tor n day or twothi. week. Cap. Andrew Fowlie left lad week for Chi- cago to take charge of his boat for the coming ..asap. Fred Davis returned lust week from the %est. where he had been for some time die;. poring of • shipment of horses. Mien Marl L M. Carney. of Phepp•rdten. haw returned home. after spending Eioter with Mend. ,n Dublin. Oast and Seaton b W. A. C entmloa who moot Eater week in town. tett oci Monday mor Toronto and the hal- lowing day commenced the journey to kir home at W•poeever. Mies Clara Elwood. of Moo.omin. Soak . who la arteeding Hi.bop betboae `cboon at Osbawa v,.aed at the t.onme of yl r. sad Mn. F. F. niece over over the later holidays. A. Baldwin. operator at the 1 .1'. R tRafb.. was called to bike:num this were owing to ibe death of a rebtiv.• He is bong rsl5srsd by wormer Harrt.m. of west Mentions. Mitchell Recorder • Mr.. R Gliddas. wilt) had been spending • couple 0( weeks with bar daughter. `Ir.. S. A. Hewitt. returnee to her , home is Gederlrn on Tuesday. Mrs Hewitt noon .ienisd her home and will remain there for • .bort visit- Rev. ldLRev. C. A. Seager. Of Toronto. war a visitor at MP home hero for • few days last week. B. returned to the ttueen City to be pease[ at the oevoosuooryes at Trinity sones s os Mow day. when the degree of D. D. wow roderred upon Higbee De Pewter. of New Westminster. Rev. Mr. Seager was osis of the speakers so the seas 4011. C. F. Campbell, of Toronto. representing the McLean publications, wsg in town this week canvaadag for subscriptions for there publloa- Goe.. particularly McLean a Mngartneard The Financial Post. The Mclean pubtia.Uem .over a wide need and each w see • high standard in Its particular tine. The Matinees people of (ieder,eh lie well acquainted with the trade publication. issued by the McLean Sion, but McLean • Magazine 1. • publication w'.ich appeals to •11 clearer of people and -kould he welcomed into many i;oderich toms. o- • mag• in. of culture and propwer. You nosy drive some men awns from drink, Mit they will ;rot iltark of their own accord. PUBLIC NOTICE TENDERS - C0ri... sot. owned by the town for sal.. Tenders addressed lathe undrr.tgned will be -evolved -tO to * eelerk Thursday. May lath. 1.3* for the o the .r of town ata numbers 7. aV and 2x27 •t the corner M Vlat(alm street and ("umbel• road. The highest or any lender sn pat ne.r•rily •nopred. P) order of the Town ['napes[. I. L &NOS. Town Clerk. eakrleb. 1t PUBLIC NOTICE 1 em iestreeW to me that ell Melt .lira • e elesaed op at NI early date and to request •roe 7e ne tete (est Gee toserme re 4.0*.-ne the meet se the hill toadies te Omltford thereby wising a large eegseme le MOIng R. C. PUSTLITHWit rrg, 1111• Street ingsrer THE GODBRi('H ELEVATOR AND TTt.AMMMTI'OMPA NT UNITED Pinar tab' metres dist the swum/ genu Rls sea*of yvals(7 •mss set ile wedeewiB los 01.M at the of the Margie sed North "Peat 4c(-Ats•'(li`/DaY MAT 004. tet1. et Reeler* noon. for tie Mee lee of dimmers We qe earaf year sad the liveable et pR titer[•�g teat ,any bye ekpeeurgbt 1 �1ea A1r8 0000 MIL g•a, - Tbe regular meeting of the town council was held last Friday evebiug. All the member' were present. Petitions for sanitary sewer' on Bruce sweet between Victoria and North etreeto, on Keays street be- tween Britannia toad and Blake street, and on Bruce street between North street and Waterloo street, were leceived end referred to the pub- lic works cumerittee. m A tomittee� representing South Huron Orange Lodge sent a request tot- e grant of $100 to be used for advertis- ing purposes in ronnectson with the 12th of July celebration.. "We are of the opinion," the letter stated, "that the gathering in Oodericb will put in circulation at tenet $10.000." The letter was sent to the linan.te committee. A itew-hall committee asked the council to put the diamond at the Ag- riculture/ Park in proper conditioo f..r nee during the cowing, •eavon. The parks cotnruittee will deal with the mat ter. Proudfoot, Hays & Killoren lodged acomplaint in reference t1 the mato- nor in which the residence of Mrs. Peter Macfarlane had Leen Hooded with water. A Ixesui' ne44 [tweet - engirt if Um corp•.tetion did not pm - vide a it mete. Some of the council- lors were io favor of filing the letter. but it was Reath- decided, nn moi ion of Councillors Nairn and Kelly, fir re- fer the neuter to the puh;ic works committer to be looked into. The public works eommiuee r•erom- vended. in the matter of the quest front the \Vattern Canada Florequest Mills Co.. to leave a ..trip of land, tweoty- five feet wide, off the pouthwe...t side' of Harbor Palk, that the company be notified that the council is willing to sell d portion of this property, reeerv+ ing a strip of et lea -t ten feet on the lower level. it also wee recommended that the rnmpat.v le naked to make an offer for tbi•t desired strip of land. las the (natter of repairs 'n the smm- trier hotel it we., rerornr.nded that Die wetter he left in the hands. ..f the Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Council- lor Kelly with power to act. it was recnwwrnded that the Squats and street. heeding frena the Square he oiled and that the matter he referred to the Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Councillor Kelly with power to act. (hi wotion of Councillor Wallace it was agreed to deal separately with each clause in the report. No ubjec- ti. n was Laken to the two first chaises, hut -cher' the manse• relating to the tiling of the Square and the streets leading thereto was read Councillor Wallace moved an amendment to the effect that the committer. find out the different qualities of oils and endeavor to secure a kind that would not injure rubber riles. When he ridded a clause r.fsrring the matter hack to the pub- lic %Yorke comu.ittee for this ,au pose and also to find not the relative cost of eater and nil. the motion was ape- onded by Gouocfllor Chars, and car- nal Thr finance committer recotn- mendevl the payment of a numtwr nt acco.nrt., and that a grant of fib iir inade to the Canadian Free Libriir-y for the Blind. Tbe report carried. Tbecensetery and park. committee reported that "in the matter of the ..1. of St. Pau ick'$ ward •choral prop- et•.y. provided this council will wake the lots 1i 4 feet wide, we find butt to retake this property this width it would he rae(e•esar y to take about [went)• feet off Victoria Park; we. therefore recon,wend that the coun- cil do not agree to make the property any wider than at preseot." The re- port was adopted. There are three lots on Wolfe Attest. facing Camhr+n read, i- l••nglog t., the town, which the sa.uncil was asked to put a trier on. Deputy Reeve Mun- nin •• saki be had heen approached by p -un wl •i -lied to Imre,,-op (limo. 0 • motion . f Councillor. %o wllac- and \ matter it was aet1'ssd thea the coun- t 1 sboul.1 advertise for tender., on tl •-01. What bo .I.. with the cedar piles which were purchased last fall for the purpose of repairing the Saltfnrd hill, and which are 0• t now requited, was w quests..•• ht ought up by Deputy Reeve Mn• rings. H. .ngg.reed that they he u-r•.l in the projee. of rioting away the elbow on toe hill leading to SnitJ:o[d. (hr ruction nl 4'ouncin(.ra Nairn and \Vallane the matter wan sent to the pubic works committee 1..r a t rsp..rt Councillor Kelly, shah roan of the ppi•ks osewmitte•e. intimated that he b.el been in eretimunleatinn with a firm r•.epat ing the fertilizing of parks sod be reported that the committee wAg now in a ►Haiti. ,r to take action. Tor o.urt bones park wn.tld require. e..neidersble *tient i.e. ser he had found upon investigation that in the pest nine veer. the wags•. of one ,nen was all the, had heen expended on it Fer•Ul,srr would Dost $12 per ton and k wr.ntd rvgnire about Vete trier to alio the jnhp1over 19 Tho [)poly Reeve w.•i,eal nn se. a Vigorutia edam put tot h to hove the people kaoff the fit -• -• and h. ...net ended the bettM way to treat the park was to sow gnus as el sed pet several leads of manure on nest 'i•11 Onttneill.r ICIIioU et - pre• ed bis.aslf as in faro, tri Oauoeil- lee 01.11 y -. psy,pe.Rlon and the motion be Reeve Reid Ned Oomseibor Mirk. to leave tbe matter in the hands of the chairman of the parks c..wmitter• was finally carried. A suggestion of the Depety Reeve wee to Imre a clean-up day at en early date. It was decided to notify the public to this affect through the local Ptt The cowtcil then adjourned. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. Whets the matter with this weather t It's all night. If you are nes let cu.d out with • summer amt tau and mea F. J. lhidkar, who has • line of elegant anilines and Debt over- ooatindn .uilble to the .ta.00. Due t forget that Wilmer 'Smith's Art Stora, last street. it heaths for ptetuees, Mestere ftwoung. M4 Man ll•ea tor hove-turnIbing always oe head. hila you are brigbtealog up the haw for the summer .$sans call •*odd see then. Have you heard Mn. McKee? Don't miss the meeting in Knox church Fri- day evening. - Thomas Sturdy has purchased the Williams farm lit 150 aches at Dunlop. The price was $4,010. St. George's Day was celebrated in Goderich toy the hoisting of the tlag at the Bank of Commerce. A meeting of lnveroose Camp. dons of Scotland. is called for next Friday evening. A full attendance of the members is requested. We as pleased to see that Mina I. E. Sharman has again been successful w the Queen'. 1'nivet-rity examine - Lien.. Tom yeer slid Iters pissed in senior Englisb. We reggret to terrain of the serious ill- ness of Willem' Acheson, one .t the pioneer business wen of the town. Hie condition is giving much anxiety to his fawily anti *meed.. Robert Holmen, formerly of Chit' on and n..w of the Toronto customs staff was elected to the executive commit- tee of the Civil Service Association of Canada at as convention last week. Jos. Beet -Wer was the purchaser of the Yule property. cx)ruer Cambria road and Perk street, at the auction sale on Saturday. Mrs. Yule and Miss Yule .ill make their home at Vaosuu- ver. ' Mi•e Pearl O'Neil. in ber recitations, attitude al.uo iu her claw and has a de- cidrd cuotrol of the lrtttb dialect.- Torunt/ World. Hear Mier O'Neil at Citizens Marine Band Concert, May 5th. The regular monthly weetiog of the Oodericu branch of am Women's lu- ...lem r will be bed in Oddfellows' Hall on 'Thursday. May 4th. at 3 o'clock. A full attenosuo - i+ reque.Lrd for the 0iecttou of officers. The Pruvincial Standard is a weekly paper that has just made its appear ioce at Calgary, Alberta. The Mat 11111.116. 1' 11; alu-aetfve And the puo- li.urn, pc-uwlre to wear 1t eveu trotter with succeeding issuer. Work has cuwwenced on the exten- eiou lit the municipal telephoue sys- tem iu (*Wench towu.hsp through the northern part of the township to Goderich, where connection will be tuade with tbs. Bell Telephone Co.'s system. A tire in the roof of the kiln at the Wheel Rigpo twctoty vas noticed by a member of the crew lit the midnight G. f. R. train Tuesday. Tbe alarm was sounded. the brigade responded prowpuy and the flee was seem under contrail. Thr din.age done was nut of a seriotry nature. Officers of the Goderich Rural Tele- phone Co. report that duraug Monday utgbt last two of their poles in Col- borne were pulled out. aim the holes tilled witn earth and $tutees, showing that there nest nothing accidental about. it, There will 11ktry be some further developments. Mee Perri U'Neil, the bright and vivaciool y oung elocutionist, carried tbo audieuce away from turn wir- t minding. se .he told so sympatbet s- catty the story- of a rare. Warm applause greeted her rendit•oo. Mira O'Neil oleo gave monologue se well es two encore.. --Kingston Whig. Mins O'Neil will recite at tee Mat sur Bred tortcert May Zth. Something out of the ordinary in advertising schemes Is to he seen in F. J. Butland's show window. It is an electric -lighted miniature reproduc- tion of the Metropolitan tower in New York and is used to advertise Huy lei chocolate.. Mr. Bntland-is the fifth penun in Canada to secure the tower for *hi. purpose. it goes (torn Goderich to Cornwall. The officers and boy .coats of tbe local corp. wish to acknowledge their indebtedness to the war.agement of the Lyric Theatre for the benefit they so kindly gave Mooday night. The performance was very well patronised. and the pictures shown of the hoe .routs and of the "riders of the plain" were partieulaa ly line. The 00.1. rich boy recuuta gave tau demonstration, of tendering ..f "brat aid." The order for the china for the ('ho. trail Laurier. the new Grano Trunk hotel at Ottawa, nae been awnrdad .n h.- Theodore Haviland Company ..f i..mogtee. Fouler. Thi- r hie,. is (0 a very handsome and unique patter... and will he the la -.t that can be tented nut I. this well-koown romp.ay, 0,1.1 inrh regular (terrier, banquet •er- viev, palm room or tea room asrvice and a de luxe ..t for nae in the rnyaf suite. An PRIM is being glade in town to organic a town foot hail (..sour and with this end in view a meet int, was held in the Y. M. C. A. room on Mon- day evening. A eomitt.-., ap- pointed m nted to draw np • end. of rule., will report at • meeting to ►. bead at the [[awes plane own Nwtutds, evening. when it la asked tibat a'1 to ...,. wh,.I, t�, ..• entering th- l.ngue have heir revetment [.pbrim aN, h. rid 'Merr- ier sone talk of .n "All kngl..h teem being ferment. whish would no doubt add greatly to the interval in t.hei port during the ermoo J HON. A. G. MACKAY IN GODERICH. The people of Ogderich and vicinity will have an opportunity of hearing the Hon. A. O. MacKay, leader of the Opposition in the °oleoio Legislature, on Sr iday evening next, when he will ai...ress a public meeting in Vic- toria Opera House, under the auspices of the West Huron Libetal.Assocfa. tion. In addition to Mr. MacKay, W. Proudfoot, K. C., M. P. P.. and others will give brief addresses. Mr. MacKay will discuss the reciprocity question, which i, of especial interest at the present time: The meeting is for the public gen- et -sally without distinction of party. The gallery will be reserved for ladies and their escorts. The chair will be token at 7 : 30 o'clock. CHURCH NOTES. Rev. John Pollock will pt -ea -h in Victoria street cfurch next Sunday morning at 11 of clock. The pastor, Rev. Dr. Medd, will preach in the evening. "floe Sabbath for Man" will he Rev. Geo. E. Ross' subject in Kneix church next Sunday tout nine. In the evening his discourse will be on "1 he Meaeage of Jonah." An order has been issued by Rev. John Forrest. D. D., of Halifax, mod- erator of the General Aseesot.ly of this Preshyteriau church in (knows r•e- qne-ting all ministers to preach a ser - won on Alley 7th on the subject of •'Univer-.sl Peace." The Order of Recruits for the Mois- tly. ini.-try. the second organization of •tach a kind in the world, was .t ganized at a meeting held in Knox church vestry on Wednesday evening. The order has eight charter MAW bers and several others may be added shortly. About 100 members of Huron Lodge, No. B4, I. 0. 0 F., attended divine service at the Baptist church last Sun- day morning. Rev. J. Pollock, the pa -tor, -bed a very instructive armor, 1bel. text : "And Jona- than cru Dseiu to swear ter-clIu•e he loved him : for he loved him erg be loved his own soul" -1 Sara. H) : 17. The London Conference of the Meth- odist church will he held this year in the Central church, Siratfold, com- mencing on Tbursday. June l.,. The ministerial ses,.ion will begin on Wed- nesday. ?tiny 31st. and tbe stationing committee 1e 1.0 meet on Monday, Maly 29th. The Laymen's Association is to holo meetings on Thursday. June 1st, and Saturday. June 3rd. with a nutu- her of interesting subjects for discus sion. The annual convention of the. ode - rich District Wnwen'. Missionary So- ciety of the.Metbodist church wtil be held in Wesley church, Clinton, on Friday, May 5th. Morning, afternoon and evening sessions have been *r- r•oged for. The meetings promise to he of special interest to mission worker . Mr'. Gordon Wright, of London, is announced to give ad- dresses in the afternoon and evening on subjects that are receiving wide- spread attention. The doctrines of the Methodist church and of the Evangelical Associ- etiob Are practically the same. The Evangelical Association made a epeeist ples for the retention of their paper published in German at Berlin. Ont. This is just a matter of finance and can easily he are ed. The pub- lication is self -sus it is estimated =here are 0,600 member' of the Evangelical Associa- tion in Canada who would be affected by a vote on church union. White the membership has declined some- what in Onttario, there baa been a con- siderable loci -elute in the West, due to immigration. Dr. Dougall will preach forenoon and evening in hie own pulpit, North attest Methodist chinch. nest Sunday. The subject for the morning, "Using our Lives for Others." The suhject for the evening "The Brazen Ser- pent." At 't otlocs the worth. Bible class e ill take up the problama of Jonah. Anyone interested is invited. The subject for di.cuesion in f.he Men's Sunda! flub : "Power of Mind over Body. The club meets every Sunda s- at 10 o'clock in the church pot-lor, anti the doors are wide open to any .Ban. young or old. Let him walk right in, and he will be made at home. Mr. Ki•. a (recital on Friday. May 12th, wi' be under the patronage of Rev. ih I►oswell and Mrs. Duu*.,U, Rev. (ie. 1:. Ross and Mr.. Rotor, Rev. IR Medd and Mn. !Medd. itr. J. B. Whitely and Mn. Whiter,. Mr. Howard Russell. baritone, will make hie fleet appatsnce in Goderich ore Urns nocaainn. which promises to he a musical event of the fleet initiation 7.e. '•Ren I: tr." than which no moth fate einating tai. ltas tern written in w,od- ars timer', w ill h. .-e&*0 d s .eOf10d time next Mooday et ening, May 1st. in North street Methodist rhitreh. by Dr. Dotagall. Thos.. who before h.wd this lecture •od saw the inanTreesark- able pictures will come again. one re- porter pact it : 'The rants] of the (moss thrilling pagan/es as In the char- iot rare was Menu worth the i. Italy endit1Ind the ere Ibis time c. At the votary meeting of Rt. l i.orgte's abut eb held oe Em .ter M oe- day the rector antsounced that he had tsnd.r,d his eveign*tion of the parish to tab. efffeset at the end of Septembsr, and that is Jase be would iaawe few Merton laity to wlchangs pulpits with Archdeacon Jones -Bateman for thee. months. At the adjourned meeting held on Monday evening last the foie lowing were appointed to bold official positions in the church : Rector's war. deb. Geo. Porter; people's warden. Judge Holt ; side.w.o, Messrs. Tiger[, W. L. Eliot, J. Platt, D. Nattel, 1. Salkeld, J. Sowerby, Dr. Haden and P. Walton ; business committee. the sldrmen with the addition of R. C. Hays and C. Se r ; auditors, C. Seager and W. L Eliot ; lay delegates to the Synod, Judge Holt and W. L Eliot; substitute., 0. L Parsons and J. H. Tiger[. The service •t tbe Baptist church next Sunday morning will be in charge of Rev. Dr. Medd. of Victoria street Metbndist church. 'lite Sunday school and Bible class meet at 3 p. m. The evening service will be taken by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Pollock. Theregular meeting of tbe Minister- ial Association of Goderich and vicin- ity will be held on Monday, May 1st, et 10a m., °in the pastors vestry at Koox chwch. The secretary will re- view Dr. Kelloggs **Handbook of Comparative Religion." Next Sunday evening Rev. John Pollock, pastor of the Baptist churzh, will begin a series of evening ssrwone on the general theme of 'Sunshine and Shadow of Human Life." The pastor will deal with some of the dark and bright malities of hnwtan experi- e neeie. The messages will aim to be neither theological noir theoretical, but religious and praetieal. The sub- jects are se follows : "Getting the Viewpoint," April Math ; 'The Bios of Humanity," May 7th : "The Energy of God," May 14th ; "The Shadow of Do.tht," May 21st: "The Certainties of Faith," May 118th: "The Problem of Pain," June 4th; "The Luxury of Lfe,"June llth. An ordinal ion council met at 4 p. sr'. on Wedneeday of last week, at the call of the Goderich Septet church, for the purpose of receiving Pastor John Pollock into the ministry of the Baptirt church of Canada. The follow- ing were accepted as members of the examining council, viz., Rev. Dr. W. E. Norton, of Toronto. representing the Baptist Home Mission, as modera- tor; Rev. G. Victor Collins, of Wing - hem, a. clerk : Rev. J. F. Dingman, of Mount Forest; Rev. O. B, Davis, of Kincardine ; Rev. W. W. Wylie. of Clinton ; and Descnne Fisher, of Wiugh.w, (hitting and Cknusins. of Antal, n. ant A. ('.moon ar(1 Newton lib/alien. of Goderieh. Pa -t. r Pollock having read the statement of beliefs and given ■n oral recital of his cnn- vr rsior, and call 10 .the rniwietry, he eras put through a thoronrgh ex -twine- Oen try the council,• which :hen re- lirrd to prepare for the evening meet- ing and bring in its tepott. In the evening Hey. Di. Norton announced the council'. decision to fellowship Pastor Pollock. Rev. Dr. Aortoo then preached the ordination sermon Rev. J. S. Dingman offered the ordin- ation player ; Rev. li. B. Davis gave the charge to the church and Rev. G. Victor Collins gave the charge to the candidate. When this order of pro- ceedings had been carried out Mr. Pol- lock was called to the platform and, as be knelt in front of the ministers who placed their hand. on hie bead, Rev. J. S. Ihngu)s,i offered the ordination pr. yet-. The wreaug was closed with tl a drn.•di. tion. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. WEDNESDAY} April 28th. UNION CHURCH RK -OPENING, -A• annn nu need hut week, the re -opening set vices at Union church will be held Sunday next, when Rev. E. F. MeL Smith, B. A.. of Hebsall, will conduct service. at 10:30 a, m. and 7 p. m. On Monday evening a grand concert will he given by the choir of Koox church, with violin solos by Mrs. Hunter, mandolin selections by Mr. Shore and readings by Mina Hattie Belcher. Rev. Geo. E. Ross, B. D., pastor of Knox church, will give an addles.. Admission, 25:, children lOr Special. Changes of ad. too late for this week : Downing & Mac Vicar have a special line of shoes for workingmen, and a new line of surnfner shoe. -_tart hmneho-which they wonid like one to see. J. 8. Davey tells bow a gond time. piece cost. only 00c a year, He Mit a guaranteed twenty-year movement in a case to match for *12. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -April 27th. Pap. Readers Goderich Quick Lunch .. -. .i Low Round trip Ratee-1'. P. R The H -(,` e.torsa Woridtlaton RuM.. ■e.Col ' Vies Wasted Mrs. W. T. kin 'Ivey 1 darty and Income- The Startles Rank .... 1 Pnb11. Neu,. R 1 Patiethwatla . 1 mynah Font wear Wm. Sharman. 1 Special Purchase of Hats W. C. Pellellise1 Marti. !•[.Hour PlFM . P pei-ig nkril.ig Timote-D. 11H1iuntlar t ea.6 1 Twirled Route F r. Lwremw 1 illorvant Wanted Yr'. F Jmitoses .11 4 1 The :ewe `show -J. H. Colborne. g lllLive Yan teef•Weafaa toanted--wiestela t [hens 1. Teresla..... p suse for wale -W. C. Theme. Tn.a.n... t Cedemb . 0isph-ghtmee -esu hist a Kase • Osaurwear - Metdse lbw 7 Plane for tale -The Pineal Ones.. ..... 1 Pleat Frb-- kaOamerso'. D.p.rta...ral Stoma Leen Mawr. -Hewell Hardware ea. s Rse►nret Lost row 0teat 1 Agerstter Warner -- Gedr4ea Oras I.M1 Beto R•wt W. Vete ...,1 a!• es lar nlaLnigN 4 w. We„1i11 . 1 Redsee E, R WIp. A r aMtw -L L Kees / Q.mbrHO.M �1 endee-asbM essr • llestbead Rat i ees-Renese• area . • t(utabb.d Nona* to Mut- T1. I1rBS1. .