HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-4-20, Page 8ri . • 'FHt rwDAI, AnuL S. HII THE SIGNAL : GO1►ERICH,' ONTARIO • 1 Wall Papers That Satisfy Our Imported Papers are ex. clusiwe and will make any room attractive. They ere satis- factory to the most exacting teem. We are showing them au a wonderful range ad color- nage olorlugs, dainty ,.tripes, floral. eel( tone. and tapestry effects. We want you to sew them. No obliga- tion to purchase if you come in to look at teem. Prices range front 15c per Roll up to 7:,c. while the Canadian tapers range in price from 5c per roll up to 25c. Perot y Cut - out Borders ranging in price from lc pee yard up. iheColonial Book Stere Gt9O. l'oRTEH. Prop. I'boue 1(1). Goderich. Pitchers and Batters that erno on to the cargos aro WINNERS THIS LUCKY CURVE MAK(3 Parker Pens Winners The Lucky Curve is the vital part of the fountain pen -its very heart. It u a patented feature of and u found only m the • Parker Fountain 7 s P... The Pen ehr ad Peas to s, way bawl. Prices to sail every pens. For sale by first-class deal- ers throughout the world. YOU ar. Z. FREE �► C.0 and we will show you Ne.204 why the Lucky Cure $ 2.50 Porker Pro is superior to it all other. No. 14 $5.00 Walter H. Harrison C. 1'. R. Watch Inspector Jeweller and Optician On the Square Goderich 1 OPERA HOUSE GROCERY First door off Square, Kingston St. t.eeyt.,.' In Groceries Freels. Pura and Oood Potatoes Wanted Two hundred and flftf bushel. of good Potatoes Want e d. Highest price going in cash or trade will he paid. Housedeaning Requisites T„Its, Mops. Broome. Brushes, soap., 1'leaneing Powders --.II rind.; Silver' Polishes, Stove Polishes. Stovepipe Varnish. Etc. Garden Seeds Ot:ION SETS and MULTIPLIERS SEED POTATOES FLOWER SEEDS It -adgn. t ter, for^hniee Rutter and fresh ops. 1 CHURCH MOTU+ The Christian Guardian will be sent to sod of 1911 to a new subscriber f $1.00. it should be a weekly visit to every Methodist home. Address William Briggs, Wesley Building,,, Toronto, Out. •'Brainstorm and Responsibility" will Fe the su jest upon which Rev. Dr. Medd will k in Victoria street church next unday evening A cordial invitation to attend is ex- tended to a1L Rev. John Pollock is to address the (Mdfelktws at the morning setvioe in the Baptist church next Sunday. The brethren will meet at Oddfellowi Hall at 10:15 o'clock and march in a body to the church. The morning service in Knox church next Sabbath will he eopducted by Hee. Dr. Dowell. all. of North street Methodist church. In the evening Mr. Ross will occupy the' pulpit and instasd of the regular srrvioe the choir by request will rsoder again Stainer's "Crucifixion." which was so greatly aitpreeiste.d on Good Friday eveniog. Next Sunday is the celebration of the sixth anniversary of North street Methodist church in its present home. Rev. Geo. K. Rocs. minister of Knox Pt-esbyterien church, will preach in Use morning and Rev. Dr. Dougall in the evening. An effort is being made to assure the t attendance of every member and adherent. There will be special music at Loth services. At the annual business meeting of the North street Epworth League last week the following executive wee elected for the ensuing year: Presi- dent. W. Hero ; secretary. Mise, C. Potter ; treasurer, W. H. Harrison : 1st vine -president, A. M. Robertson ; 2nd vire-President, Miss 8. Allis : 31d vice-president, Miss Rose Aitken; 4th vice. ,resident. Miss E. Rohfueon pianist. Mies R. 8nytier. Stainer'• sacred cantata, "The Cruc- ifixion." received are effective render- ing in Knox chureb on Good Friday evening by the choir of the church tinder the direction of Mr. Hunter. The chief soloists were James F. Thomson and Milton Tyndall. The work was interpreted with sympathy and appropriate expression and the precision of the choruses showed care- ful training. There w -an :. large audi- ence. The board of managers of K nox church has the very gratifying an- nouncement to make that the sum of $1,800 was Contributed last Sunday in the effort made to wipe out the stand- ing debt of $2.200. The amount would leave been fully realized had not a number been out of town and thus had not an opportunity to contribute. Subscriptions are still coming in aed it is now assured that the full amount v. ill be received in the course of a week. The lecture on Demerara given in North street Methodist chur,h last Monday evening by Rev. Geo. E. Ross was very much enjoyed. The matter in itself would have been interesting, but the descriptions ot scenery, people and customs were so graphically and racily given that the audience was de- lighted. The pictures were beauti- fully colored and trade very realiatic tnany things strange and unusual to Canadians. The audience heartily applauded Dr. Dougall'sexpressions of pleasure with the lecture_ In his discourse in Knox church last Call or 'Phone W. B. i.rvrt.Him. Ilton have _wbeo W. R. 1 i'r t r.. Ham- ilton Street, when you have anything to do in the line of ELECTRIC WIRING PLUMBING HEATING or METAL WORK All orders will re- ceive our prompt and careful attention. No job is too large or too small for us. A full line of Granite and Tinware, Electric Supplies. Stoves and Ranges. W. R. Pinder 'Phone 155 HAMILTON STREET eseweseeneweeseeneweas oseetaleseeIteeseeleitiaWsitereesesteeeesessee ICY YOUR LB SALT AT THE NORTH AMERICAN SALT WORKS Near the G. T. R 8tetion FINE AND COARSE Barrels and Necks AND AND ('ATTLE `ALT I seeessoeselaseateeentieiriessweeeesesasease Jno. W. Vanatter J. BKOPHEY & SON Opera House More Phon. 164 Magmas -levet 'rrt ti1•THg IST. IT PAY& Elli.tt Ilaissrs Cases t nr.rtrt... i, , he. • natH+aal rwp.r sass a frrr duper eve o oak t)pen • H Lee- 000ERION /Oar 1lsowter wt�ataM.gue Ines • Ting LEADING Funeral Directors and Embalmers Ordure carefully ettmrded Y 11 d tors night a div Sunday rveniug, Rev. Ili. R. P. Mac - Key. secretary of (ores e' missions. I dwelt on tbe work of for Pueshvtrri.n chis b in the foreign llrld, mintingapes itl reference to the work among 6e Chin se. His addre.« was of a (highly educative character Ns to the mariners and customs of the people in the inner Provinces of China. He also of the succorees of the mission - a and tht difflrulties encountered b the workers in that last field of Dr. MacKay's address was beard with intense interest by a large 000grega t los u. Hon. A. t;. MacKay's Meetings. Blyth -Friday, April s',ab. Goderich-Raturday, April :deb. DUN LOP. TUESDAY. April 18th. SCHetetl. REPORT.-Iteport of S. 8 No. 9. for March and April. Those marked* were promoted : V. -[sura Lau tends ser. .Sr. I V. -Clementine Williams. Jr. IV. A -Alberta Hoe ton. Etta Stewart, Annie Barker Tommy Glazier. Aon a Stewart. Tommy Chisholm, Lilian Lauten- slayer. Jr. IV. $-Pearl Fulbrd' Joe Glazier', Harr Shaw'. Willie Chisholm'. .1r. 1 II. -Hamilton Clut- ton. Edward Williams, Beattie, Chis- holm. Jimmie Chisholm. Ethel Jewell. Jr. Ii. A -(.race McLeod, Frank Shields, Harold Nblfgf'd Beth Parrish. Jr. II. II -Josephine Chisholm', An thouv Barkers, Mildred Horton'. Pt. it.-IIcIeo Chisholm. Virginia 'Wil- liams. Chester Fulford. Jr. Pt. 11. - Grace F'arrish. Pt. 1.-- Myrtle Ful ford and Jimmie Horfoo (equal,. Lomerrii E. Yol'No, Teacher. NOTES OF StOR TS. G....t interest Whoa taken in aiir' kith car' l.s neer be. grand ('aaadiee mateshun, popularly known as the Specratar luaratbun, to be bell at Hamilton, on Wednesday, May 24th, under the auspices ot The Hamilton Spectator. The flat runner to floish in this race will re- ceive, in addition to a trip to England to participate in tbe Englisb chempiose ship marathon, a solid gold con- meterorat ive medal, while the hugs mar- athon chaileoge trophy will bacons his possession for one y sec- ond se and and Lillie mete to finish will re- ceive very elaborate silver cups. which will become their own poesert aloe as well as silver commemorative medals. All tbe starters who finish within the time limit of three bouts and thirty minutes also will receive commemorative medals. The race is the only Canadian marathon and carries with it. the Canadian cham- pionship dtle. The third annual - Aocastsr-t -Hamilton race fcr boys . neo will be run on May 34th over tbe Bret seven Mika of tbe Spectator mar- athon course. Throe handsome silver . cups will be given to the first the e boys to finish in this race. All boys twee years ot age and under ei e ble to stare All particulars. entry biianke, etc.. for eitber of these rso. s may be sec ured flow M. M. Robinson sporting editor. The Spectator, Ham- - Ilton. The Champions Entertained. As the re.ult of the G. C. I. teams winning the championship of the town hockey league and of a promise made to them, the champions and some of their ardent supporters were treated to oysters by A. M. Robertson, M. A., at the Imperial Cr.fe one eveninv re. ceutly. With the exception of Tom Elliott sed Roy Walter, the uiemoerw of the team were ail prevent and the oysters dispppeared rapidly. After tbe supper proper was over the boat of the evening led off with a clear-cut speech in which he expressed his grat- ification in being connected with the champion team and.hia hope that it. would be bis privilege to be connected with a winning football club this sum- mer. Preston Strang followed with a few congratulatory remarks, giving it as his opinion that the 0. u. I. won by playing hockey all the time. Charles Macpherson was the next teamster. He said that it would be a source of Listing pleasure for him to think. that he had helped the G. C. I. to win oat and he hoped that tbe school would succeed in bringing the Hough cup, emblematic of the collegiate football championship of Western Ontario, to the 0. C. L He said it could he done if the boys played football with the pine enthosiaem as they played hockey. Eugene Dean, the henedict member ot the team, was tion called on and delivered the epeecb of the evening. He wished to thank Mr. Robertson for the unbounded support he gave the team and also the **root- ers' brigade" for the part they played in w1 Ing the championship. He did not forget to thank the "co-eds" for their loyal and organised rooting. Chester MacDonald was the last speaker. He gave great praise to the diligent way in which the G. C. 1. team had trained and practised. He also hoped that steps would be taken to form an athletic association in Goderich this summer. He made the remark that Goderich should be repre- sented by a rugby team this fall. a statement which was appreciated by all present. After an expression of thanks to Mr. Robertson for his kind - nese, the gathering concluded with the singing ot "For we are jolly good fellows.•' LAURIER. TI:ra:DAV, April 1St!). Mr. -and Mrs. James Grant, of (lode- ' ich. visited at Ken. McKentie's last week. Among the Easter home j.urners were Isabel MacLennan, of the G. C. l., Lorna Maclennan. from Thamee-viile, and Jamey MacLennan. fromWater- loo. NVood-bees are quite the order of the day. On Wednesday of last week Ken. D. MacLennan had about twen- ty cord. cut. J. Jamieson. too, bad a very successful bee- on Tuesday of this week. Look out for a cold, winter in 1911-12. DEATH'$ HARVEST. -Again we are reminded of the uncertainty of life and the surety at deatb. fors neighhorin home on Wednesday last was plan into double mourning when the spirit of John Johnston took flight from its tenement of clay to it. eternal rest. The sad news came indeed as a blow to many. for scarcely had Mr. John- ston been missed from his daily ap- pearance in public when the death message came. On Saturday previous be was stricken with a severe pain in the head, which proved to beim ab- scess on the brain. Two doctors were sbcrtly summoned and all that was known possible to do was done, but none could stay the mu tiering hand of death. The deceased was born some sixty-two years ago in Hasttntte county. At the age of twenty -thee years he moved to Ashfield, settling for a few years on tbe boundary, thence to the farm where he had re- sided till death. In religion the late Mr. Johnston was a Methodist. but his faith was broader than tbe bounds of anyone church. His soul longed for true Christianity and not creed. Already mourning the loss of a mother (eh.. only a month ago dephrted this lifer. the family of two sons. James and William. and two daughters, Mar- garet and Jars. Andrew McCaul, now mourn the loss of an affectionate father. The funeral took place on Saturday to Kincardine cemetery, Mr. Youogs officiating. The pall- bearers were Wm. Wiles, Wm. Kemp- ton, Thos. Johnston. Sam. Mac\ain, Robert. Walker and James Bradley The sympathy of the entire commun- ity Is extended to the sorrowing ones in the hour of their eo-e bereavement. A Prompt Source of Energy. MacLeod'. System Renovator is a tonic which renews tbe vitai force.. It renews nerve and muscular energy and supplies new energy. It does this by increasing appetite, by insuring better assimilation of food and by directly supplying elements thatserve to strengthen the nervous system. This reconstructive tonic is valuable in all run-down conditions of the system, especially those marked by depression and nervous debility. One dollar per bottle. Manufactured by The MaeLeod Medicine (Jo.. Goderich. For sale by E. H. Wigle, druggist. Homeseekers' Excursions To Western Cenada (via Chicago). in- cluding certain points on Grand Trunk Pacific Railway,May 2nd. 18th. 30th ; June 13th, 27h: July lltb. 26th ; August 8th. 22nd ; September 5th, ltltb. Winnipeg and return, $3g.00 ; Edmonton and return. $41.011. Tickets good for sixty days. Propor- tionate rates to principal' points in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta Hlomenosekers excursion tickets will also he on ale nn certain date. via Sarnia and the Northern Navigation Company. Secure tickets and Illus- trated literature from F. F. l ewnsnce, G. T. R. town agent, Goderich. or ad- dnvs A. E, Duff, district passenger *gent. Toronto, Ont.. Only a fighter or a runner can afford to call apices • liar. Wealth tnav he within the Mc! of all. but all do not reach it. MOO Reward. 8100. rM ranawv euf tW popor nib be sloes to Nero that tean is at hest am doodad dyers that mases her bone Ode N owe to all Its team. Uowlly positive ease mow Immo • oeat that la oallarris emu . th. sa.dtosi fraterntq. Catarrh bans •een5h t tattoo& Storm ngatrw • eas.ocitattaoat tees& resent. Nana( .iamb Cars is take. IMere.i p. erase d1,ealy .Viae Ib. Ws.d W meows. .e. - tango at W qR.a ta.rtp d.otrpt.s the tes.detlss .f t&. sad 'Mins tae Eisse Rs.asrtk h h+WIn tbe esn.ttt.- •wd awWag setter* Is It. wort. qv. �5sa6... s.s hoes s. eyed) Ass Mit. eons Mae fa► •a/ that t llA a se... A...d t Yat of yAyddeams RNLI' CO..C Co.. ?.•. :Mse blare esostlpatlss. The ("wee ata/ sembers e4 Hemet Lodge. No. 8 1 0 0 R will attend dieing service at tae Raped seinen eel Renday morning, April Med The hem item are rewsgqvest ed to meat *1 Mei Oddfellows' Hall at 1@;i$ o'etoek. ANNOUNCEMENTS. If you want a nice refreshing drink go to BueexrrE's, Balmoral cafe. For smutless grain use the reliable grade of fonualdehyde. Sold by E. R. Wigle, druggist. \Ve have a remarkably doe showing of sponges for all usea. E. R. Wigle, druggist. successor to Jas. Wilson. For all occasions use Blackstone'• delicious ice-cream, in bulk or fancy brick:. Orders delivered. 'Pbone 240. A sure cure for the famous spring fever -a dish of Burdette's ice cream. Most any flavor. Maple Moose every 8aturdey. "Mr. Howard Russell bas an ex- cellent voice and sings with taste and expression." -Toronto Saturday Night. In Goderich May 12th. Two BARGAIN DeTe.-Saturday April 22x1, and Monday, April 24th, in dress goods, prints, gloves, hosiery. embroidery, cbinsware and other lines. P. T. D=AN, corner East sweet and Square. Mr. Tom Marks. the clever bias comedian, with his expansive smile. bis eyes that beam with roirth, his pbysical nimbleness, his irresistible comic magnetism. adds materially to making Tom Mark.' Company as suc- cessful as it is. Nothing but praise is given to the east and plays this season. and the appearance of the men - patty at Ooderich next week M eagerly awaited. Corning. The most popular of all comedies. "A Fool and His Money." with Tom Marks In the comedy rote will he the offering at the Victoria Opera► House on need/ay. Wednesday. Thursday April 26, 27,wben Tom Marks sad his excellent company appear here. New scenery has heen provided for the clever comedy and Mr. Marks'sup port i cg rom pan y is said to be the dew - arced yet seen with this unlet popular .ronsrduan, and t is is raying is gond deal. The rat villi specialties in- troduced I,.tween the seta are fulty up to the standard. Plea opens at ht4ward's reinsureot on Fstasi morning. Priem 4h. a� nsi 1 dren lbc. AUCTION BALM v. fid •ashes este .t • Maas t/ saw • gysfi 1st 1M s Whoa • eta truereasels {ass e[ moo 5. s sees other boos : attoored • moor et Om thee the beemoban fu a.rood Sod Part *rest wit v .w.tlaswa rreris fliWrildoesig -1111i AA" .sw'. ~los se inol Will Build You Up and Make You Strong Old people, tired, weak, run down people, delicate children, frail mothers, and those recovering from severe illness, this is a fact. Thousands of genuine tes- timonials from reliable peo- ple prove this claim, and to further support the fact and prove our faith in what we say, we unhesitatingly de- clare that any one who will try a bottle of VI -NOL will have their money returned without question if they are not satisfied that it did them H. ('. Dunlop, Druggist, Godes irh s The Happy Man. •'i hear she is to be married. Who is the happy man?" "Her father." Ladies' Wear FEST STYLES AND SPECIAL GOOD VALUES 111 THE )(des Spring Coats Collor -made Suits Separate S4Irts ligder:k/rts Waists, Ek. All made by the befit ladies' tailors and marked at th, lowCat price possible, consistent with value. We shall be pleased to show you. John Stead Ladies' Wear and China Hamilton Street A Special Offer. Over eight months 'for &1.0U. The Chnstiao Guardian will be sent to any address in Canada to a new rub- ..criber to January 1st, 1912, for $1.00. It was never so gnod as now. Every Methodist in the Dominion should read it weekly. Addt•ema William OrBriggs, Wesley Buildings. Toronto. Domestic troubles should be bottled for home use ooly. A man's word may be as good aa his bond -and still be worthless Time is money ---especially when you hire an automobile by the hour. A man may know his owe mind and .till not know a great deal. -E. P. Day. A Suit at $ 12.50 That Is Extra Good Value This Suit is made from a nice quality French Venetian, heavy enough to retain its shape and hang nicely, but not too heavy for spring and summer wear. It is cut in one of the most popular styles for the present season, and trimmed with strap - pings and bands of tbe same material. The entire suit is tailor- made,has exceptionally good style and fits perfectly. We show it in navy, brown and black. The price is - - $12. 50 Other suits, all man -tailored - - $15.00, $20.00 acid $25.00 The Popularity of Serges Not -for years have Serges, especially in black and navy, been as favored for suits and dresses as today. Trimmed with the wide heavy braids so much in vogue, they make most stylish Spring and Summer costumes. Our stock of Serges has been carefully selected for their wearing qualities and the permanency of the dye, and every piece can be de- pended on to give satisfactory wear. At 75c we are showing an all -wool Serge, made from bard Botany yarns, the dye of which we guarantee absolutely fast. it roves In genuine indigo, blue and black, and is 4 4 inches to 48 inches wide The valve of this is really exceptio nail} good. At $1.00a yard we show a Serge in black and navy. made from fine, purr wool,, a little finer than the 75e quality. it is a splendid serge for dresses, suits or separate skirts. The dye is absolutely fast. and at $1 00 it is the best serge value we have shown for many and many a day. At $2.25ayard we wee showing a regular Suiting Serge that is particularly well adapted for high-grade Tailored Suite. it is mads from the best Alratrslian wools by one of the lending serge maim. facturers in England. it is practically the same quality but possibly a little lighter in weight than is used for men'. suiting. We coosider this one of the beet suiting materialaewe sbow today. An Extra Oood White Cotton at i24c This cotton is at full yarl wide, finished oft for easy mewing. Hae a mond even thread and is a splendid rotten for general household nae. The actual vain* is 15c. We were fortunate enough to weans this lot ata price that lets us sell it at 121 per yard only A Splendid Assortment of Artistic !; Curtain Materials. Iva an «bowing today the most complete as- sortment of artistic curtain Marlins sod drapery Wisdoms we have ever opened a anseon with. From plain er fancy scrims at 124 up to floe net. end m*drw• wt $1.110. we can show you a range of correct and artistic tnaterlaie for window draping. that you will not duplicate outside of the large citirw. They have hew. Imparted direct frost to n of the la moot manufaetunn .4 tbese toads un Great Britain and are the newest mater. litho sbmrn by Owen. We will he clad to bare yeti come wad lack thein over at any time. 'Celina. madras. fancy seta. Serb nets sea 154.' arrfses. w°M ors. or oors. at per yard 51.00 1. ol Genuine Kayser Gloves There is no need to recommend Kayser Gloves to any lady who has ever worn them. They are the guaranteed ailk glove of the United States and have the largest tale of any silk glove made. We have just played in stock this week a full assortment of these famous gloves in blacks. whites and colors. One pair will wear out two or three pales of the ordinary make. Two qualitiee at per pair, $1.00 Tae and.... Other Gloves A full assortment of Baling Glove,, silk. Bele thread sod kid. at aur glove counter. Every eine and every wanted sbads,and at each price t al nen good enough to tall special. Lisle thread Gloves. all sinew, black and colors, !6c to 50c. Silk Gloves, double tips, Neck or cobra, per pair, 50s. Genuine Neyeer 8 i 1 k (.loves, per pair. lib sed $1.00. Kid Gloom. every pair gueranlesd, $1.00, $1.46 and $1.50. have You Seen the Handsome New Coats? ass Have you seen the handsome Spring and Num rner (loots we opened up last week t 1f not you really ought to cone and look therm over. Tees are enete that are decidedly nut of the nedinary run and here the seyis and eheracter that aappppr*ol1 1o; rope who like individuality in sir... shells baodsome garment* they are, each and every one. Silk and lees ('oats $15.0D to $45x.0$ ('loth 1 lase........ . ....x.00 to $10.M Rapp Giros 88.110 to $17.50 Linen Oeste .....,$600 to $12.$O Ii Children's Oasts IMO to $$40