The Signal, 1911-4-20, Page 7TIIE SIGNAL : GODER'ICH, ONTARIO
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The News of the I
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?WHOA r, April 17th.
News or TH4 WEZK, -.)fir., Brad.
ford has ',turned to her home herr
after .prodin' a toss weeks with
friends in East Wawaoorb Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Gerson bleat 4ion-
dry with the former's brother, 'Wm.
(;moon, pf Kiorarf .. J. Hodgins is
on the sick list. We bops to hear of
biz speedy recovery.. ..Mrs. Wm.
Burkitt and daughter, Miss Kline. are
spending a few days with her father.
J. Robinson, of St. Augustine
The funeral of the late Mrs. Suther-
land, of Kinloogb, passed through
here on Friday to the Kitties. ceme-
Ler•y.. Alex. Pierce and his two
sisters. Nissen Uzsie and Jennie, spent
Sunday with their sister, Mt... OeV.
Har•rieoo, Dear Kincardine.
4Id Folks Sh.sld Be Careful an Ther
Sp ectrea of Regulsove Medicine.
We have a sets, dependable tool
altogetber ideal remedy that is partic-
ularly adapted Lc the rrquirew.uts of
aged rople and persons of week noD-
stitutsons who suffer from cooatipa-
tioo or other bowel dittoedes.. We
are so es -eosin that it will relieve these
complaints and give absolute satisfee.
tioo in every particular that .r' niter
it with our personal guarantee that it
shall cost the user nothing if it fails to
substantial,. our claims. This remedy
is called Reza!' Orderlies.
Resell Orderlies have a soothing,
hrrling. strengthening, tonic and reg-
ulative action upon the bowels. ,They
remove all ibritation. dryness, soreness
and weekoess- They restore the
bowels and aarociste organa to mote
vigorous end healthy activity. They
are eaten like candy, may be taken at
any time witbout inconvenience. do
not capes any griping, nausea. (liar -
those excessive looseness, Hatulenoe
nr other dleegrer•ble effect. Price -25c
and Ilk•. f4old only at our store -The
Ro'xall Store. H. ('. • Dunlop, south
. side of Square.
MoweetY. .t Aril 17th.
News Norse. -Miss Bertha Shackle-
ton end Victor Curran, who ate at-
tending the boainets college at Wing -
ham. are 'feuding their holidays at
home Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ce.•-ar
moved Irons the fourth concession to
Hackett'sTown on Thursday last
Mils Myra Durnin and Mee' Mionie
Sbackkt4C, of for 0.4'. 1.. are spend-
irg the Easter vacation et their homes
bear Miss Minnie Taneott left to-
day for her home in Ooderich after
spending • few days with her friend
Miss Minnie Sbsrkleton . John
Curran. of Detroit, is spending hi•
holidays at his borne here..... tenor Is
teilnett, of Luckoow. went Sunday
with Mends here .... Aibrrt Shackle-
ton, who is teaching near Fordyce. is
bome for his holidays.
Get Rid of in a Few Hours.
There is nothing made that will so
quickly rid the scalp of dirties -Mg
itrhioe.s as Parisian liege, the bait -
dresser and beautifier.
E. H. Wigle guarantees Perisian
Feer to cure dandruff. stop itchin.g
.alp and falling hair, or oney- bac.
and sells It for unly 511 eents a large
bottle. it puts vitality into the hair
and gives it a radiant lustre.
it is the favorite hair dressing of re-
fined worsen because it .o quickly re-
freshes the .stip and not being sticky
0, grease is delightful to use.
TURISDAY. April 18th.
t�. UUOL RRPORT.-Following is the
report of the promotion examinations
of C. 8. S. No. 1, Colborne: Sr. iV.
ITnW mark feel -Hao old Mellwain
eke. Jr. IV. Motel mark 1128)-Voiiev
McWhinney 517. Ernest Glen 511,
Marion Ryan 481. Lacy Currey 465.
Vers Tiffin 458, leoyd i oung 431. Sr.
M. (Total 5801 -Howard McNee 444,
LI/1nie Pentland 4811` Maegrte:He Glen
Ott, 11. A. McDermald 377. Jr. Iii.
(Total F60) -Is nee Currey 382. Alice
She J15&, Vk4rt Kerr 324. Edgar
Shepeked 802 Sr. 11. IToul 510) -
Henry Matthews 285, Mym•1 Currey
191, Frank Maiseio 1831. RUBY A.
Emu tome, Teacher.
('gtRUH Norrsa.-Very interesting
Faster services were helot here on Stan-
dee. in the scorning the pewter, Rev.
W. ('ooway, conducted an imprer*Ivr
rco'eption Asrvice, when twenty-three
lens and girls were received into
church membership. In the afternoon
a poises,' pptr•((mwan given by the
junior fits school scholars. The
evening service was in behalf of the
W. M. M. and Mr. Conway spoke on
the work of the Society and of the dif-
ferent fields of labor where their mis-
sionaries represent them Tbe
monthly meeting of the organised
adult Bible clew% was bend at R.
Ryan's on Monday night last. The
sect meeting will is at Uevid (Arvin's
Pea/meAL Mnrriow. --The auction
tale of Stanley l'ook's farm sleek and
imptesostnu was well attended in melte
of the unpleasant weather. Mr. ':(sok
and family arse moving to Toronto,
where they will reside for a time.
Mr. too intends taking a trip %Veet
and will probably locate there later.
7weye (rave many warm friends at
Nib who regret their departure hut
wish them every straws and bappi
est@ seheee er they may go Mr.
eel Mie Oam/dy. of Landow are vis -
419,11111 their Monroe here a PeeviUsed. wbn ass hese intend
belt Stratford Normal Doling'. 16 •t
Issese for the ►o.11days 'lir Roby
Vkysoe is spend) the Easter vera
else at Ism boorss in l4ssisast Mrs
Oswey is wishing her 'len. It -e• W
0lb pa.VIm le MM M, of R M.
ee�. at ,sat es nils holiday,miss Issue her
51%a Kirks is hese frees ber eehocel tor
ohs holidays KM Mahal Bailie
►r Ilnhb.'.d Mr torte et the Normal
1ilr•. Strw•v.-rl...s4 r .r was b.
f'w w•.he h►fnre rating n con a
MONDAY, April 17th.
Somme IMPORT.--Tbe following is
the report at the Easter peomotiou ex-
amination bald at 8. 8. No. ti, (i udericb
township Tb. (tames appear in order
of merit : Jr. IV. to Sr. lV.-McKee
Falconer, George Rose, Harvey Mc -
Chesty. Sr. Ill. to Ir. IV.- Warren Mc-
Clusky, E tweed elowerby, Hugh Dav-
idson. %% Otte Klliott. Jr. III. 1 •. ,r. 111.
--Lewis Iver., I'o rl Awv. M. 11. to
Jr. 111.- Ma. t• Elliott. Jr. II. to Sr.
11.-R.-ggl.• eowertoy, Alice Falconer.
he high -et smirks were obtained by
%Vatreu McClusky.
SeiIoQL RKI•.IRT. -The following is
the class etandoig of the pupils of S. S.
No. 1. (i derucb township. Those
marked "p"' hevr leen promote(' to
the rle►s in which thev are now re-
cotdrd. Tbe name« ate in order of
went : Sr. IV. -Nina Driver, Ella
Hicks, 'Herold Montgomery. Sr. III.-
ler+nk Hicks, Arnold l.aithwaite, Ade-
line.:u•zcn, Orval Strep. )fiddle II1.
-JackieJUnnllmn. Jr. til. --Stewart
Akl..u' p, Thelma Laithwaite p, Tom
McBride p, Melt land Driver p, Willie
Shaw p Sr. Il. -Edwin Slontgnmety
p, ('141.ner Mt.•. -p p. Jr. 11. `Villard
Hopwood p, Il. -o nice Shaw p. Sr. I. -
Edna Driver, Howard Hick.. Jr. I. -
thee lie Shaw. J. E. CLurro t,
Teacher. -
Wellesley Man Clued of Bed Wetting of
Long Standing by Dodd's Kidney Pills.
One, April 17.-('special)
--l:eorge Strel.l. a young herons.
maker of this pl•re, tells of bis cotu-
ph•te cure tem a troublesome and dis-
agreeable disease of long 'standing.
Mr Strome'. in an interview, says :
`I was tt..uliret with bedwetting all
my 111.- till 1 was thirteen year* of
age. Our d..ctor could not even give
Ise relief. All other special remedies
were useless,. (onetent readingeon-
voiced use that lbs kidneys were
the cause of toy trouble and 1 decided
to try Dodd's, Kidney Pills. After us-
ing tune (foes. 1 found 1 was cured and
in five years 1. have had no return of
Illy trouble."
All urinary diseases aro caused by
disordtrtd kidneys. That's w h y
DoJd's Kidney Pule never fail to cure
them, •
MoNpAY, April l7tb.
News N(rres.--Mrs. Chat. Boyd, of
Laurier, was visitiog lest week at the
home of her pareuts, Mr. and Mn
A1rx.itrKenzte Mrs. le. McDon-
ald is pending Easter with her
daughter,' Mr.. John Campbell. of
Hamill on . The Misses Isabella
and C@.nie VcThai mid. of Paramoant.
were visiting last week et .1.1ez. C.
McKenzie's . Min Rebecca Finlay-
son is at' .resent a: -tine in the capacity
of nurse in a Cas, of illness at Purple
(:rove, Huron Donald Mc1.•od, of
the sideroad. who lately had been seri-
ously ill tor some week", has almost
fully recovered and was able to pay ■
vu -ie to the town of Rip'. y last week.
.. We regret to learn that the
health of Mr.. W. Matheson. who bas
been laid 01) .11 winter with genital
weakness, has not much improved and
that "he is still oonfln-I to her room.
.Sucker -fishing and duck -hunting
is the rage at present with some of the
lads in this vicinity, with not over-
much success in either of these lines of
@post . It is probable that Duncan
C. McKenzie and Jae. McKendrick
will this spring buy 'Tall the wool in
this sect oa for the Lucknow woollen
mills. Dnuhtlees they will act with
great rnthnaiaam in this matter
Jes. McK.v arrived her to tart Mon-
day ft the Northwest in order to
twist in the opting seeding. Jim hes,
in company with his father, Murdoch
McKay. beet' complying with the
homesteading regulations sine last
tete on their extenwlve propertie. it
Alberta... . Mise Jessie McLennan
left Islet week in order to work at the
millinery hueinesa at Mei. Vounds,
Riplry .... Lyon. Fintsys.rn, who has
("barer of a school et Herpley. arrived
home last week for the Baster boli-
.Iays Miss Ada McKenzie, teacher
of the Hemlock City reboot is spend-
ing the Easter holidays in Toronto....
While two cowboys were padding
along the sidernad last week they
were auddeoly alarmed at what ap-
peared to he a red streak of lightning
flashing down the boundary with fear-
ful tepidity. and they climbed up on
top of the fence to ire wbat was
struck. The cause of the 'therm was
"imply Wesley R.abh's ht*ndnew• top
buggy on ata way home Welter
Hough. of the Wingbato business col-
lege, is visiting at bb former home at
:Nil Campbell's A. R. Finlayson
end Murdoch Matheson left last
Thursday on a lesions trip to Bruce -
field . .David Hardie end Duoc.
Matheson. of the G. C. 1 . are spending
the Faster bnlidays at their respective
homes . IM. and Mee. A Cowan
and child, of Toronto. are visiting at
the home of be foormer's parents, Mr.
Arid Mrs. John Cowan
How to Tell if Your Haar 1s Diseased.
Keen if you have a luxuriant heed
of bait you may want to know
whether it is in a healthy ' t
sdilon or
not. Ninety-eight per
petiole need • hair tonic.
Pull a hair out of your head : it the
hulk at the end of tb.• root is white
end shrunken. it prove" that the bale
is diseased, mad require. prompt treat-
ment if its Mees would he avoided. it
the tenth is pink and full. the bair ie
W. want ...ryes, whose hair re-
quires treatment to try R.eza/I • P'
Hair Tiede We promise that it shall
Dot rot anything if it does not give
st}afe.tere remote. It is designed to
overseeme dandruff. relieve webs irri-
tation. to .insulate the hair eon(a.
tlgbtein tee hair already In the heed.
grow hair and own baldness
1t i. mmesus• of what Recall •4f"
Hair Tome hap doee and our .noes
faith In We rtnndnere thalWilt van
to try It at out risk Tw' a
ivet% 50r.
and el. Nn1d owl H.
c Dustings. south
ar store The
Revell Mon.
s''Jonalt Instioste. Guelph. .. `")• ar'
bAltbough D. D. D. Prescription has
een recognized for years as the one
remedy Inc eczema, psoriaaia, and all
other forms of skin diseases, It is now
known that tbere is no other wash,
even those used by the beauty special-
ists, that can compare with this mild
liquid for cleansing the skin of
pimples. blackheads, rash, and all
similar skin affections.
For tbis reasou alone, a bottle of D.
D. 1). should be kept on bend in every
household. A free trial hottle will
show you the merits of this great rem-
edy as a complexion wash.
b. D. D. seems to remove the cause,
whatever the trouble may be. cleans-
ing the skin, and leaving it as soft. as
smooth and ,tear as that of a Maltby
Write the D. D. D. Lehoratoeis,
De0L G. 8., 49 Colborne St., Toronto,
and prove its wonderful effectiveness.
For sale by all dt uggiata .
MONDAY, April 17th.
1'ERsONeus. -Mrs, tVlu. Black and
Mies Leila are visiting frienda'at At-
wood Geo. Wilsoo, of Hagers-
ville, is visiting at, the bottle of Mea.
Soothers brim J. Kilpatrick and
Mrs. 8. J. Kilpatrick are on the sick
list at present.... .Mrs. Anson Finlay
is visiting ftieode at Lucknow.
Mims Alma Alton, of Lucknow, is
spending Easter at the home of Mrs.
Blake Rev. Mr. McKenzie, of
Brussels, exchanged pulpits with Rev.
T. E. Saw yer, yesterday Jas.
Miller, of Ltrcknow." visited friends
het, last week J C. tod Carman
Stothere, of Wingbaw, mod Bailie,
8totbers, of Benmiller, are home for holidays Jos. Saunders is
visiting friends at London.
WEDNEsD.tY, April I2th.
&'Hort. REPORT. -The following is
the report of Port Albert school IS. S.
No. 1, Ashfield) for March. Names in
order of merit. Those marked with
an asterisk were present every day:
Sr. I V. --•Evelyn Green. • Wallace
Cunningham. *Sadie Ai insotottg, Mag-
gie lichoeohals, •May Dickson, Met-
vin Schoenhals, Tom Dickson, Tory
Swale. Sr. ill. -Una Willie- Alpert
`(male, John McBride, Harry Carey.
Jr. 11L -Joe Buckingham, Gordon
Pearson, Mary Fielder, Gladys
Fielder, Della McGee, Della \Viten.
Sr. Ii. Deere Schoenhals, Annie Wil-
son. Jr. 11. -Olive Willie, Willie
Dickson. Part I1.-' Harold Swale,
•George McBride. Part I. --Harry
Willie, Viola Hoy,, Minnie Dickson.
Mary Wilson, Wesley Fielder. Callow
Smith, Violet Wilson, Lorne McGee.
C. MILLIGAN, Teacher.
TUESDAY. Ancil ]Koh.
LOYAL 1/WALL- Ont• progtesatve
village merchant halt ommhenced hie
rounds, with his •'store-oo- wheels. " Mr.
Youri( bas a splendid stock of hook,
up-totlatr goods and expects a better
season than ever.... Chas. eft -Hardy
ba. sold his farm to Hiram Brindley,
Sheppateleen. We have not beard
what Mr. DdeHardyeo intentions are.
Tbe family will be much mitred in our
neighborhood William /inflows,
who has been on the sick list, is able
to he nut again Mrs. Bartlett. of
Arden, Man.. came up from Toronto,
where "he attended the Women's
Home Missionary Snciety general
meeting. and spent the Ester -tide
with her uncle, Andrew Gnwo, and
aunt. Mrs. Thos. Sallow-,. Mrs. Bart-
lett left Mondry on her return
Mrs. George Ferguson visited at her
old home at Kintail, user Sunday.
Mrs. Henry Hobson. of Petrolit,
ia visiting her parents, Mr. and Mn.
Momrtnall That. Shields and tem
fly, of Auburnspent Easter Sunday
with William McPhee • Haughton
Somernsll has commenced work for
the Goderich Organ Co Miser.
itette and Grace Witte, of the Gode-
rich Collegiate Institute. are spending
the holidayy,'to at home with their par-
ents Mrs. Herbert Murdoch is
spending the Easter season with Tor-
onto and Dungeord friends'.
Haroe and Bruce Old Boys Hold First
Annual Banquet
I sent( Free Pros. A poll 1.
Former Canadian. fr(xn Huron and
Bruce empties. to the numher of
nearly 300. gathered in Elliott-Taylor-
Woolfeoden cafe last night in the first
annual banquet of the association.
Ur. James 8amaon, of Windsor, wee
the principal speaker, oto "Reciproc-
ity." but made hut few remarks,Ir.
,When Premier Laurier and mem-
bers of the Cebioet went to Washing-
ton thirteen years ago to confer with
the President on the trade relations
hetween the two countries.- said Dr.
Samson. "i propbeaied that within
fifteen year recrpr•(+cih- would be a
fact and that the11 nitetd Stain would
come to us after it. ibat prophecy
Dioceses to hs realised within the
next few worth.."
Other "peahen were D. A. MacKen-
zie. Mayor William B. Thompson,
Charles R. Robert/Km. J. H. Powell,
Rev. A. H. Cameron. Rev. T. P N k.•s
sad Dr. J. F. Mn
ieKeaie acted as
tnastead er. Mimic w as funti.bed by
Mrs. W. F. Hayateed. William O. Gil-
more. R. 8. Raskin and Mtg. F'Wesece
Nightingale Syka
The Northern Nes•Igabon Co. Gooses.
The Northern Navigation Co. ae-
noutnefe the following •ppnletseaots
for their steamers for the smarm of
1911 :
Ham. ole - R. 1) Pont" masts►
R. Kristein. chef engineer . J H. Re-
ran. purser ; Jasnea (rardhnesa- .tow-
Hnnmir A. 1 teemphetl. wsas-
ter H Myler. chief engineer . lend
penti.v Verger Wit Rester stew
Sarooto- -A M Wright. master ;
IWes. Whines. chief alegteloor : John A.
llalsb purser James MoMsne.
e •wars'. •
Tt'ssDA Y. A pril 18th.
PaRsoNAL.-Mia# C. Laurandeau, el
Detroit, spent the Easter holidays with
Mies Roar McCarthy Joseph •nil
John Nilson. of Auburnspent Sun-
day in this vicinity .. . Mr. Mcl'
Dell and daughter, of H ullet t, sp
the week -end at Gilbert Grieves'
Ringler is visiting her brother,
George Wallace, at present
Percy Burkitt, of H•lyrood, spent
Easter at James Robinson's Miss
May Redmond and Miss Elva Kear-
ney, of the Gods -rich Collegiate 'nate
tuta, are spending their Easter holi-
days et their homes here.
Won zee Woue. -The Women's
loetitute beld anter scceartul meet-
ing at the bone of weary
S. T ompaoo
last Wednesday aftern..on. Quite n
large number of members were pees-
enL An essay on "Spline" was read
by Miss Mary Cummins. and Miss Re•
bocce Thompson read a paper on
"Eggs"-tbeir food value and the dif-
ferent ways of cooking them. During
the meeting recitations were giver[
by Miss B. Thompson and Min A.
1Nfazoa The next mesons is to boo
held at the home of Miss Annie
Plenty of fresh air,
sleeping out -doors and a
plain, nourishing diet are
all good and helpful, but
the most important of
all is
Scott's Emulsion
It is the standard treat-
ment prescribed by phy-
sicians all over the world
for this dread disease. It
is the ideal food -medi-
cine to heal the lungs
and build up the wasting
'ed Ir.., .a....1 mime .ad tit .4. tsw
r e...utsl $..i ss. aa.k ....a Ohl hd•. 'tock. Lek kook a..uu.. e 'toad
L. rout.
12S W.&.et.a Si., W..t,, Oat
Dirt Cheap !
1 Wtaei.s., diem r
"ort li{smotai ►erre e
Land -hungry homeseekers are rushing into this fertile valley
by thousands. Sever railroads reach this district. Enttre town-
ships are broken up and put under cultivation every day during
plowing season. New towns and cities spring up over night. The
population of theevatley will increase four -fold In five years. Liv-
ing in Last Mountain Valley is like living in your own home
country. These new settlers have all the comforts and luxuries
of the homes they left. and are GETTING RICH. BE'SiDES! Grasp
now this ere ,t opportunity to secure choicest wheat land cheAp!
Our Prices Lowest -Our Terms Most Liberal
We hay( .t list :And bargains such as were never before
known. • cur prices are absolutely the lowest -and we sell on
small. easy payment!. No, other Colonisation Company can hope
to meet these terms and ;prices because cone can buy land now In
such enorm.. .,• tract,
Send for Free Library of Information
about the Last Mountain Valley -:,.,.,ks pi, -tures of farms, crops,
pictures of people who will be your n.-icht.ors. their own stories
of success. our special low prices and liberal terms. and all about
excursion trains, rates. date of starting. . Address your latter to
I have 175,000 acres of the finest wheat land In
the world. I am going to sell a part of it Quick• at
low prices. to advertise the district. and to the first
homeseekera er Investors who write me. I am going
to make the most ble land proposition ever
known. The price is o low % that the first year's
wheat crop will. in all robabfllty• pay back the en-
tire cost of the land -and payments so easy that you
will scarceiy miss the money. These farms are right
in the heart of the Western Canada wheat country,
:ocated in .
The Famous Last Mountain Valley
"The Golden "
Wm. Pearson Co., Ltd.' R,5L Toronto, Ont.
•, add the touch of elegance to a Semi -ready Suit by
attracting a high form of artistic skill in its tailoring.
Just as you nus the difference in a real artistic painting and a
painful daub ,
To mer who know rand w'tn appreciate the quset distinction
ie Clothes, doss Sessi•raady Tadtring more strongly appeal 1
Tsellleteay. AMYL 20, 1911
%Vht•u ordering that new spring ruin, do not forget that we are
prepared to cater to your wants in this line and have a large variety
I 1 chniee goods on hand, in eseorted colors, from which persona
with the most fastidious tastes may select Orli requirement..
It is impossible to form arbitrary laws to guide men in their use
of colors. The most delightful blending of colo[- stay be unheautiful
tp same, and Do authoritative verdict can be given in these days
when there is such a wide freedom of selection and choice. .ell the
beauties and all the ugliness of colors are mere matters of personal
If you want somethiug tete and good, scutething better than
you ever had before, satisfaction is guaranteed by :be ART
We oleo handle Memi-Ready Clothing. which nam won a wide
reputation of the highest order. We invite your inspection.
Art Tailors Men's Outfitters
Spring Tonics
Spring will soon be here and you will he needing
a good tonic to prepare you.fnr the bard work of
summer. We recommend and guarantee
Nedruco Blood Purifier Nadruco Sarsaparilla
Nadruco Compound Iron Pill Nadruco Syrup H•
Nadruco Tasteless Cod Liver Oil.
if these remedies do not do as rec ommende d your
money will be teturne$ to you. Agent fcr 0(dericb.
F. J. Butland, Druggist
'The store that 'pleases'
0 We'bave bought three carloads of the well-known "Pittsnurgh
Perfect" Fencing to arrive about the end of March. This is the
111 fence that iseetelded by electricity. which prone( the tons' of you
have seen at Toronto' and London Exhihitions. The uprigbta be-
come part of the horizontal wires. Therefore it is impossible for
them to slip as they do in other makes of fence.
For delivery from car and for cash with order
we make you the following interesting prices
5 -wire 88 inches higb, all No. 11 wire, per rod 21 c
6 -wire 40 inches high, all Nn. 9 wire, per rod 2 4 r
7 -wire 41 inches high, ei1 No. 9 wire, per rod ... 8lyc
8 -wire 46 inches high, all No. 9 wire, per rod 31 t•
9 -wire 49 incite.. high, all No. 9 wire, per rud '34c
iO-wire 47 inches higb. all N. 9 wire. per rod 'te.
Swire 3: inches high, ell No. 9 Kays. 12 inches
epee, per rod '3 3 c
!(-wire 32 inches high, all No. t1 stay., 1(1 inches
apart, per rod - Sl is
IIII 8 -wire 9'3 inches high. top and bottom No. 9.
others No. 11. stays 12 inches apart, per rood, 2ei{c
No. 9 Coiled Spring `steel Wire !fully atarantsedI
per 1110 pounds .. ........... . WO ii)
0 No. 12Coilyd SpringMiesl Wiretfollyguarantesd1
per MI pounds
Barbed Wire, per 1(11 pnusda. ,... 22.50
These price. as stated twfnre .use for cash with order W. will
look orders only to t he extent of tut p r ate/,
cat.e "car orris.. for the mousy we ant selling to
you at, as therm" hos
herr an advance on wire sinew purcbasiag %belle r.ars. Orden will
is• filled as hooked.
Are yeti going to rico! view house or baro
cin hrrnisb 70s with Metal Rnn9ng or with thee year ? If om, n
Roofing" andean also put 'Earn 00 for you.Call sand WO
hotness purchasing.
How about (,assent i Ars Ton going to do tiny normal
thio spring r .itmi, er ► We ■till handle
Use National 0
Casseat. the Cement that [rues perfect satiafathw
Of Nhelf and Heavy Hardware we never had • more -cmpppl
e aik, Let n. IRun net Your plemrshic Eating orveay.wtalei
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