The Signal, 1911-4-20, Page 41 : • 401 • Tuuttoyy, Arm'. •-s-mirerss-soir- , `,77,7/1711.31P•'^ Aly•asi{ eLzt - townlyne• „1,11.1t,i4 t ,k7r.• • !. •s.., „Ssis'Its,...*rteroiv - • 7, .t 7,o,Pr , , ,•t (I igt t '• - THE SIGNAL, GODERICH ONTARIO District News. ST. HELENS. BAYFIELD. %ViDNMSDAY, April 1961. Tessiativ, April IA'enitgxSt letTrTs. -Thu e mostbir 1 !Nt-, rioN MAY Writ.--Neveral dele- rneeting of the voluen.,. institute wi gates 1E010 the Prerbyteisen chinch attended the Presbytery meeting in he held at the home of Idirs., W. I. Clinton on Monday afternoon and pre - Miller on the afternoon of April 27th. at 2:310 o'clock. The subject is "tiar- "'wed the cell to area, A. Meeferiene' denims" The quilt for tbe Iso•pital Thin induction services wiU be held in will be patched during the oseetiag. SLIAndeew's church on Tuenday even - Alt the ladies are cordially invited. May ith, with Rev. D. Johnston. of Vat ne. to preach: Rev. G. E. Rose. LOTHIAN. of Goderich, and Rev. S. F. Sharp. of Exeter, also to take part in the see- Turtgl'•••Y; APILI lSth.views. .Special music will be provided Nor. -P. R. McNay spent a few for the occasion. days visiting friends in Seaforth Miss Moisten* McKenzie. of Lucknow high school. is spending the vacation at her home here Miss Hennah Hogan. of Listowel, spent tbe holiday at her home here Finlay 'McLen- nan and family left last week for British Columbia.- Miss Jean John- ston is spending the vacation at her home near Kintail Alex. Bainby is spending the holiday s at his home here.- Mies Ella Metionit'd. of Ain- lierley. way the guest of Miss Florence McDonald last week. LAURIER. FRIDAY. Aptil lith. Scritiot Rgeowr.-The following is the standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 12, based nn the county pr tion ex- amination and weeeiy testaThoee merited with an asterisk were absent for one dr more examinations : SI. IV. -Marguerite MacLennan, et per rent.: Maggie MacNeil). 75; Robbie Walker. 71; Isabel ,Walkei. 65; Sadie Johnetons, Annie 'Blues. Jr. IV. - May Johnston. 78: Sam Bradley. 51: Geo. Blue. 12; Lila Robh. 34. 111. - Blanche Jamieson, T7; Violet Maci.en- nail. 76: Elmer Bradley. 71; Hugbie MacKain, St; Kempton„ 61. 1l. -Ida• Jamieson, Jessie Bucking- hiun. Tommie Tborburn, Marshal Bradley. Pt. 11. -Aust it' Bucking- ham. Pt. 1.-leabel MarDonald, Mary ROSS. Johnnie Ross. Clials. J. Msr- liastirnit, Teacher. LEEBURN. TrlitBDAY, April 113th. LILIEBURN LOCALS. -NI $ e Alice Bogie was in Goderich for Fester. Miss Jerrie Linklater is bons, fromPeterborough for the holiday. AVM Glidden was in 'Hamilton last week Mrs. A. t% Rheum and (laughter are visiting in Buffalo at present Lockie Oook is borne after spending the winter in Wood- stock Mn. Join Hunter was ip Goderich for a few days last week. .. ...Miss E. McKer is visiting ber friend Miss Jean Chilton Mrs R. Glidion is on an extended visit to ber children in Mitchell and HantiltOn. O. (*lotion and children. of Stratford. are the worsts of Mrs. John Horton..., . Mies Winnie Shaw. of Toronto. and Miss Ruth. of Porter's Hill, spent the Easter Itelidays et home Mr. and Mis. Kelly moved limit week from the farm Mr. Kelly has just sold to Mr. Fireman. to the old Kelly homestead.. ..Frid•y evening last Mr. and Mts. E. Show entertained the young people to the nutnber of twenty-five. The evening was spent in games and moan- and all went litre voting Mr. and /doEfb,sw royal enter- teinei Monday evening t he Misses Linklater invited a few to spend the evening in honor of their mister. Miss Jemie, and Mr. and Mn. Biatchford. ot Hensel!. --- WESTFIELD. Nurses -Mies Jean Munroe, ot Port Elgin. spent the Kasten vacation with Miss Chat lotto Sterling at her home herr Miss Frankie Evans, of Buffalo, is visiting nt bey father's brine on the Sauble• line Mis. Forbes is 'pending ber vacation at her bonne in Clinton.... . F. A. Edwards and Slue Floy are spending a week in London.... .Miss Ruby Whiddon at- tended the Sheffield Oboir concert in London Good Friday night.. .. H. Faulkner left this week to resume his summer s work un the lakes . Miss Alice Tippet and Miss Edith Spack- man. ..f (Afoot, busionis eollegr. @pent the Easter holidays at their homes here. .. Geo. Greenslade is moving into the store formerly occupied by T. J. Marks and will open business in it short time. TUESDAY. April 114th. Pgittersst..-Will Taylor is home from Toronto University for the vaca- tion Miss t)ella McDowell visited her sister, Miss Vera McDowell. at Hensall the hitter part of last week. Mre. Woodcock i visiting friends at Dundee, this week .... John liamiSird, of Toronto School of Pharmacy, was home over Saturday and Sunday Hobert Brooks. of Winghans, @pent Sunday visiting his cousin, Miss Annie Cliamiley The many friends of Harvey Mcl tow - ell are pleased to know that his little daughter, who has been very ill with scarlet fever. is recovering as rapidly as can he expected r \limy of the farmers here have commenced seeding operation.. hut some find the land !maser wet yet Raymond Red- mond returned home lest week from Stratford Normal, having written on the Easter examinations. He pur- poses remaining home until after Mid- aUtUnner. when he may take up tbe teaching profession again Mrs. Clark. of St. lielens, is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Marvin McDowell. Mr& Ringler. from near Tmw- bridge. visited ber Mother, Geo. Wal- lace, last week. Her little daughter Nettie returned to her new home with ber mother Mrs. Ramsay, of Guelpb. spent the Easter vacation with ber mother, Mn. Hebry. and ber Aster. Mn. W. J. Wightman . Mee. J. N. Campbell is visiting her sisters nedr I indesnorothis week James NI,•Clinton, of Goderich, is re- newing old acquaintances here this week . Willie Robison spent last week in (ioderich, attending the smite* George Williams, o f Guelph. was renewing old acquaint - *noes here over Easter. - - A BAD BACK AUBURN. WEDNESDAY, April 19th. Nuo s Nerrss.-A meeting of the members if tbe Rifle (Alibis to be held in Herb. Knox'w shop next Tuesday evening. 25tb inst., at 8 o'clock. FOIL attendance requested Don't for- get the Old Maids' Convention in the Temperance Hall Friday evening. .... The choir of Clinton Baptist church furnished tbe music at the afternoon 'service in the Baptist church here on Easter Sunday. Idre. Hoover wig a solo in good voice and Miss Hoover, an accomplished violin ist rendered Noisy efficiently 'The Holy City."- The front of the church was very prettily decorated. In the centre et ferries was suspended. draped in white, With Easter lilies twined shout and at either side was a !tinging vine. The serum& by Mr. Writs *as very approptiate to the Is • Warning That the Kidneys Are Sick. A had hack turns every t wenty-four boors into one dull round of pain and misery -you are lame in the morning, bawd all day. by a dull throbbing hacksi-he. remit rest in the evening or sleet, well at night. It hurts to bend (neon straighten u p, get op from a chair. o r lift, even a light weight. Any sudden twist. torn or awkward movement sends a tearing twinge of pm in through the weak spot. Booth's Kidney Pills reach the week spit. the kidney.. and quickly- motors Iodises health and comfort. they are gmarenteed All dealers and drug/rine See . or postpaid from tbe K. T Rooth o Ltd Port Erie. Oat genii for free hos ethic\ will he enadly went on eppliestion. Fiend and giastrenteral in Ciederieh by E. R Wiens Booth's PORTER'S HILL Trusties% April 18th. N Addie Cox hi visiting in teirafford. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cook. Of Colborne, spent Sunday at 0, W. Potter's .. _Miss Mara Jane Cox re- turned to her home in Stratford au Tuesday home Tabor spent Easter with his parents et Swebeirg.. . Mowat is apeuding few days in Caledonia Mr. and Mos C. Johnston. of Toronto, are visitiog at R. V. l'oz's Mr. and Mrs. %VIII Lindsay and child of the %Vest, returned borne 'wit week Mist Shaw is spending the Easter holi- days at her home at I hinlop. CARLOW. MoNDAY. April 17th. MII.SIONARY WOKKHNS. -A thank - NI Winona re Sceiety in connection with offering meeting of the Woman' Smith's [fill church was held at Mrs. R. M. Young's on Tuesday. Ilth inst. Mrs. Bartlett, 4,1 Arden, Man.. who was a delegate to the recent meeting of the Home Missionary Society in Torontogave a very interesting re- port 1 the proceedings or tbe conven- tem and of the work earned on Un- der the auspices of the Society in ber own bonne district. Representatives were present fr Nile. Auburn and leeburn societies. A PUhst rustled offering was taken. The local Soci- ety was only recently organised and is already doing good work. occaason (*OWING AND GOINO. -Gordon Moore. of Beigrave, visited friends in the village for a few days this week. . Mite Cora Ferguson, of Cain.ville. is spending the Raster vacation at her home here 6 R. Denstedt visited his daughter. Mrs. Steausser, and other friends at Srbringville from Thuriday till Monday Miss Ger- tio Asquith spent a few days in Lon- don last week .... Miss Clark. of Var- na. and Mrs. Reed. of Brucefleld, vis- ited their sister, Mrs. (Rev.) R. A. Miller. from Saturday till Monday. . .... Mrs. Doerring and Miss Koehler. of Pbillipshurg, and Valter Schafer, of Berlin, were Easter visitor@ at G. F. Denstedes Alt. Rollinson is in Kippen for two weeks Miss Rrma and Clarence Symington were borne over Sundae Mr. Manning and family moved to the village on Tqes- day Wm. Sturdy. of Wingbam. visited et his old h here from Saturday till Monday. SCHOOL REPoRT.-The following is the etandiog of the pupils of the Au- burn school as a result of the promo- tion examinations held recently- : V.-Fromilda Pf•ff e r. Entrance class -Lila Howatt. Rena Barr, Rob. Phillips, Jennie Stalker. Sr. IV. - Lima Yungblut, Reggie Menu, Effie Stoltz. Fern Symington. Ellen Phil- lip,, Gordon McClincbey. Jr. IV. Lena Plunkett.. Willie Carter. Arthur I emp. Sr. 111. -Elwin Raithby. Ethel Stalker, Berdie Ferguson. Olive Tamen. 'Jr. 111. -Roy Barr, Iona Mc- Clinchey. Leonard Yungblut, Fred. Earle, Georgina Beadle. Lureatha Mc- Knight. (interne Symington. Lewis Ruddy, Victor Yungblut. Harry Resole. Sr. II. -Ethel Mordoch. Mag- gie Taman. Jr. I I.-Oertrude LAWS. Leslie Schultz, Eldon Stoltz. Victor Isemp, Mary Barr, Ezra Schultz, Her- vey Dawson, Glen. Rwithby. Frank Raithby. Audrey Dawson. Pt- II. - Eddie Earle, Harvey Armstrong, Syd- ney. McUlinchey. Edna Ralthby. Pt. I. -Moil Lemp. Mary Wilson, Arthur Yungblut, Clayton Ladd. A. A. NAY- LOR. Teacher. HOW TO SAVE MONEY. A Pointer to Housekeepers. • • mitationsi Dodif • Kidney Ma ate legion. The boa is imitated. • the outaOle coating and shape of the pins are imitated sad the aseee--Dwits Kidney Pills is imitated. Imitations are dani,-erous. The origal is sate. Dodd'. Kidney P.11. base a reputation. lents. tors have nooe or they wouldn't imitate. So they trade on the reputation 01 DWd'S Kidney Pills. Do Dot he deceived. Thole ni only one DODD'S. Dodd's is the or*ittal. Docid'e is the name to be car.. MI about - GOOERICH TOWNSHIP. TUESDAY. April lith. CHURCH OPSNINti. -Sunday, April 30th, is the date announced for the re- opening services in futon church. A concert will he given on the Monday evening following. Further particu- lers with reference to the coming event will be announced next week. DEATH OF A FORMER REsIDENT.-A tel ream was received by relatives Cli last Tuesday aanouncing tte dee! at Sousie, Man.. of a former rest •••t of tbi) township in the per- son • 1 John McCartney. The de - was t. native of Ireland and for over forty years be was it resident ot this township. When he was hut a hild the family carne to this eguntry and sixty years ago the subject of this notice located in this district. For it time alter his marriage he lived in Hullett. then upon the Maitland eonoession in this township, and later on the 7th coineession. About ten years ago he disposed of that farm 'nod moved to Holmes% litewhere his life partner died six year' later. Since that time he had lived with diftereot members of his (Amity. and for the last couple of years with his daughter. Mrs. D. bevies, at Souria, Man., where bis death took piece. He was in his eight y-tIrst. year. The surviving members of the family are Mrs. Imam nod Mr*. H. Mitchell. of Souris : Mrs. G. B. Hasley. London road : Mies Minnie. of Detroit; Miss Tillie and Adam, in Clinton. and George, of Woodstock. Mrs. Henry Gook, of Souris, is the Only surviving sister of the deceased. Look at the financial side of Zane Buk's use. A cut sustained in the home. the store, or the workshop, a sore which it unattended, revolts, say. in festering or blood -poisoning. You have to lay off ior a day or two. What does t hat mean when pay day mines round? insures you against that loss! A little Zatii-Bilk applied to such an injury prevents all danger of blood -mixing, takes out the smarting and MEADS oF FAMILIES knowhovi costly doctoring is. Be wise and tact on the pre% ent ive line. A box of 7.atn-Buk in the home is so all-round useful. The beby's rashes, the older children', cuts and bruises, the inevitable burn, cut, or scald -for all these, as well as for more /serious ailment's such as piles. likens eczema, ringworm, etc.. Zan,Bak la without a rival. DANORR bIt hHAVINO.- Vent get a cot at tbe barber's shop. A little /am- buk smeared ou the wound prevents all danger. If any ailment bas lento ron- t met ed. "Lem -Bilk rune. Mr. °emerge! Ilnbden. 1014 Manitoba street. St - Thomas, Ontario. 'eye : con- tracted barber's melt. and the whole of my left cheek broke out In one mass of red. watery pimples and sores. Theee spread to other parts of my fare until face and neck were covered with running sores. How far the dimease would have spread had it not been for Zam-Riii.. 1 don't know. I Applied Ibi link°and in 'a short. time Zeal- lituk effected it cotnplete cure." ZAN-BUS KoAP 1.1 good as th• hair's but in a differ". way. Witabed in 7.euielitih Soap thee akin le disin- fected and 41...... -get MO lying upon it are killed Mot here will And It un la I Itsi for halls • hell' /Am Bull Balm and Zarb Risk notep ass sold by all druggists and stores ai Mbn for the balm and 16c tablet be the soap REID'S CORNERS. Trtssoav, April 1Fitis. CONINO AND GOINCi - E a t• r brougbt enemy visitors to homes from different quarters -"There is no place like home." Misses McDonald, Scott. from Wingham Business College: Ena Welsh from Goderich C.I.; Miss Lizzie Welsh from Conservatory of Movie, London ; Roswell Rutherford, from Toronto. University. Some of the older boys whoplayed with the other old boys of the Corners some years ago renewed acquaintance :-Mr. Mc- Tavish from Stratford. Mr. Fraser from Petrolia... Norval Bice hat re- turned from Guelph College to assist his father in the cheese Inverness Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell. of Kincardine, were at the home of Mrs. Mitchell's parents. on Sunday, calling on Miss Nellie, who is not as well as her many friends would wish We Bell. of Vhden. and her mother, Mrs. Shielle, are visiting in Brantford ....Mrs. Loft intends to visit sisters in Clinton this week. We hope the chsnge will benefit her, her health having been poor lately. N ors. \York of destruct ion, propbetic of improvement. is going on at the maps. grounds. Who was it said, "Woodman. spare that tree"? ... We are very sorry to hear of the sud- den death of Mr. Strischan, of Grey, tether of Mr. Strachan, of Pine River, and of Mrs. Alex. McCostie, of the Oth of Huron .... ...The meeting of the Farmers' Club on the 17th was as good aa any of the past. Thos. Welsh incited the termers present to an interest in the value of draining the farms The ladies who supplied the chinch with flowers and plants, to make Easter so signif- icant of what it ie, deserve the thanks of the conaregetion. The cbqir rend- ered special service in song appropriate to the day and occasion The surest evidence of the advent of spring is that Mr. McDonald, Point Clark. is on duty at the lighthouse M .Armstrong is replacing the beautiful maples that the electric road axes destroyed in front of his home by new bill consider- ably smaller ones. Someone will en- joy their shade. D-0- D - KIDNEY PILLS ClYd•Sdal• Stallion. Graham k Renfrew Co.. of Bedford Park, have sold to the nether Bros- of Henn:tiller, the imported Clydesdale demon caned "Glenlivet Chief." No. 13000. by Aroma 10492. be by the noted horse Baron's Pride 91`.2, darn Lily Mellroy, No. 97Ws by Prince John. filenlivet Chief 1. a grand big -sized handsome home with good clean flinty hone and is eery choicely bred. His sire. Argus, le a .on of the lir vineible BeronlisPrkle and of • Lord Erskine mere. This horse should be well patronized by the breeder' in his locality. A immipenj has been f,,rtned with haul offices at Seaforth. for the pur- pose of dealing in automobiles. motor trucks, motor boats. and otbei motor vehicles. The name of the rompeny is "internal ior,a1 Mot or*" and the rap italizati, is g 4,1A1iil A Atarter hem been applied fet and it is the intent i,in of Mall POW 1.411lo 0.44/81./t0h ban,. be. Iti legitieS0 %I. introit, Mr lotin Dalt his. Whales, I 'algery and van towene11le assieretuud that the MRS = Iiisessired the NOW tot sae is fit a weva•••• • of Rea lest CeiterI ot • tr. mashieee ML Of aU the paints you can buy, either prepared or spe- cially -made, none will spread so easy, cover ao much sur- face and give such good satisfaction as ML . Pure Paints To poise des whole &woe est sr is fw merely tombs. so • WI swadwork.11•4 - L Pow. Se•w1e• puff irsd.sar• sta. sod pore oil Here's • spesial Snared:est ter makes id -L. P.n. protect and boom* any ~lees Jay sewer ler mime as leed ores.,, psioa Forty -ewes eskers and hate ter all prpose. Mee by Imeoriel Vanish & Geier Liases. Tar.... kl-t. Plea Well Coders to point am* Admires. esaitarr. • • le ahods. 706 Recommended and sold by Hardware Co., Limited. Howell spring 4tock Xow fontplete Silk A full stock ()f all lines required to complete au up-to-date showing for the seasons wants. We are now right. in the front rank of PROGRESSIVE MERcHANDISING which means much to you and much to us. Here is a store full of bright April merchandise for you to select from. ; Zip to Sate in 2ualitq and *ice We are showing this season en unusuallyleige asoortinentof black sod colored makes - S :31). 23. 20, 28, 36 and 41 inchee wide in this season's attractive productioos. Some exclusive fancies. in our colored offerings. Haviog bought at the right time we know that out prices ate just what they ought to be. Linen Suiting Thirty-six inches wide. till linen. A special lot. Values the hest S yet at our pricer. Mies 30a, 380, 40o and 800. Delaines French usakes. Ten piece, all new designs this spring, patterns just as good it. in the Gloves $1.25. We ask for the beet only 81 23., New fresh Kld 010Ves. make. guaranteed. black and colors, 81.00 and Collars Hosiery Cotton Hose Direct from makers, in all wives, Mein and embroidered, the very latest shapes. new this week. Plain Dutch t 'oilers and Jabots -150, 20o, 25c. Mks 40o. Lod 504. All our wool stitekings are 1101ff o ,&h -at (-leering prices: 25c for leo 35c 'foe 97o ; 415' for 150o ; 505' fot 4.00: 55c fur 45o. This is a big stocking proposition. 'onsider it. A full stock in black. tan, white- and opera shades in all sizes from 4 to 10 inches. Prices: 10o to 500. SECONDS 1 lines which sell front !roc to 36c and Toy ran huy Goon 2 pairs for 25o. Some of them will wear just as well as firsts but Still not perfect. Sizes. 9. 94 and 10 Don't forget • 2 for 25c. IIIIMMemetalMiiimsmemmi J. H. COLBORNE Seats for 'lte County Fair' are go- ing rapidly. The plan is at H. Md - ward's restaurant and those who wish seats should not delay in securing them. CR 0 UNKITI-r4 TORONTO $3.90 RETL RN from tioderich. plus 50c for admis- MIMI to Canadian National Home Sh0V1. Tickets goes] going April 2.5th. Return limit May 1st, 1911. Low Rates to the West Ask neal.at Grand Trunk .A gent about "Homeserkers- and "Set- tler.'" extensions or address A. E. Duff, D.P.A.. Toronto, Ont. Fuhl ratrtirolars and tirketa from F. F. LA WRESCE. TO 11 Agent. The Old Folks find advancing years bring an increasing tendency to constipadon. The corrective they need is weneneseseseneeeneenewnesesenewnet,esesenewsFsessne'sreneennesewneeWesee COMING "NA -DRU -CO" Laxatives Entirely different from common laxatives. Pleasant to take, maid and painless. A tablet (or less) at bed -time regulates the bowels perfectly. lricseasing doses never needed. Compounded, like aS the 125 NA -DRU -CO pre- parations, by expert chemists. Money back if not sathdactory. 25c. a box. If your druggist has not yet stocked Mem send 25c. and we will mali them. NATIONAL DRUG 4 CHEMICAL COMPANY OF CANADA, UMITED. MONTREAL 22 SWITCHES TRANSFORMATIONS POMPADOURS CURLS PUFFS, Etc. DOIENIVEND OF TORONTO till 1* at Bedford )(ore! Goderich, 011 Wednesday, April 26th with a large and varied stock of the newest Parisian, London and New York Creations. Ladies with thin hair will be interested in our iAiproved Transformations. The new designs in Curls are very dainty and attrtctive. We invite your inspection of these goo6s. Dorenwend's Sanitary Patent Toupees for Men who are bald. are so constructed that, only the weeuvr, will know that it is not their own hair. They give the pesitection 'neennary to physical health. Adjust tberitselves as readily as your own hair would - light., strong. made in any style. shade or shape. TOSE ONLY SANITARY AND PAT INTRO TOUPEES MANUFACTURED De 01 1.11 to can and see thstn. 6 " ORANGE LILT SAVED NT LIFE" These words or expressions hay - Ing the same meaning are contained In hundreds of the letters I have re- , eived durinx the past year. Many It ere from women who had suffered agonies from tailing of womb: others from -• omen who had escaped dang- erous surgical operations. as the tumors and ulcers had been remov- ed by the action of Orange LlIy; and others who had suffered from suppressed menstruation. leucor- rhoeapainful periods. etc. For all these and the other troubles known In general as Women's Disorders. Orang. Lily furnishes • positive scientificnever-taning can. Olt Is applied direct to The suffering organs and Its operation Is rert•in and beneficial. As a. trial actually proves Its merit. I hereby offer tn tend absolutely free. a box worth :15c suMetent for ten days' treatment. to every suffering woman who will wilt. for It. Enclose 3 stamps. ma& FRANCIS a. CURRAN. Windsor. Ont. • Be sure to look for the Signature The success of Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes has brought many imitations. But you can always tell the genuine by the fac-simile signature "W. K. Kellogg," which appears on the front of the box. This signature is your guide in getting a scientifically prepared breakfast food. sYt4114"904 17 TOASTED CORN,/ FLAKES :Kf("ef7 Doreoweod Co. of Toronto, Limited ale House of Quality Hair Goods, 103-105 Yoage Street eisPieNPMeil -4111k.- -- 't 3 3 3 3 3 4 33 34 3 3 33 3 3 Oar etiotto: "A arum deal to eveneene " THE BEDROOM it win waft. in t. molm• et mil prism 11W111=1111Mea. according to sortie. ahouki he the best room in tbe house, for we spend more time there than in any "thee single room. Nothing will assist you to beautify your bedroom like a nice Brass or Jron Bed Disward thomi, old un - nightly a o d ungainly wooden Ix& sod purchase one of thew beautiful beds sad Dole whet a difference 1% e have them in many designs and AGENCY NORDNEJMER PIANOS ,I=S15=Int W. J. 411111? & CO. Ov. valet • "115. &it wove vssrier .ass. owases at Stade in Camilk Lallikst: Oft lit4P.MM,Ogit*OrgigASIMOMMUMWOPIP PiiiM 't SNP, 71'W r:/•~7,... -W1•11 ,PRINfarssormws•ww.....,