HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-4-20, Page 3THE t$IGN L : GODERICH Q*TTARIO
ois �1�' newd 6f the Si3trict.
IND IND S. Nixon has sold his fifty-art•e carol
ONLY sotuh uf lielgrave 4, t,Malculw Walsh
for $3,0u0.
�iENUINti hu d Pike
hile working humb of hi. on a tIp• oleft
the furniture factory in Wiugbatu the
_ other day.
Robert Broadfoor, of Kansas, a son
E W A R E of the late James Bvoadfowa, of Tuck-
etemItb, is deals at the age of resent y -
one yeiu
On 'Tuesday of last week. !Mrs.
1 M ITA -
f -and or repaired.
Allmd.n. v mons attended to on leaving
them at THIO SIOSA , God.rleb.
A. E. TAYLOR. SrearroRD
new ,.pplicant being Janata toxworib,
of Herman.
Seafortb's Assessment.
The ataaessrnrnt toll for 1 he town of
Seafortb for the year lelI places the
tutai asarssu.ent figure• at 6939,967.
The population is 2.117. r decrease ut
twenty -hie from the preceding year.
New Mathematical Master.
N. Miler, of Kingston. a graduate
of Queeu'a University, hits been ap-
thisClelife, of a ripe
de- Punted watbewaticat toaster in the
parted life at the ripe age eo- l ulleaiate institute at Seafo th. He
nighty yeah. wccerdw G. e. Culling, who mice to
'The town of Seafurtb is considering Peter he
an offer of Aodrrw t'at•uegis to grion Tie% Late Joie Stra^^.ban.
$6,tesd for the erection ut it library Dna of the oldest and must highly
huildinit in that town, respected t•eaidesta of most
Gerald Hendon, of l'sbortte. met locality, in the person of Jobb'
with a nasty accident the other day Strectum. passed peacefully to his reset
by falling from a tree which he was on Sunday, April bLkh, after an attac
prunigg, wuKerlog a duhicatrtl ankle. of acute pneumonia. Tbe deceased
war tarn in Argyle, Scotland, in 18:34.
T. E. Handford has sold hit rest- He came to Canada when be war tbat-
drutx to Kxeter to Michael 1►oyle, of teen years in age rod a short time
McGillivray. Mi. Handford intends after landing the tenthly, came to
moving hut family to Idm.lotrin, Alta. Hut -on county and wade homes for
Miss Annie Somerville, of Win- themselves. The deceased Wilti mar-
tbrOp, has been engaged as teacher in ried in 18.11 to hiss Annie McLean, of
Sealottb public s^houl to fill the Elgin county. who survives him with
vae•ucy caused by the re.agn•turn of a fa nib' of three suns and three
Hiss liuvrnlock. Daughters.
Tbe marriage was .edemnttad to A Clever Student.
Turais,ry in April 5th of Meas )Iynlr I'harks A. Mustard, B. A., son of
Kung w Janna ".. cLisvi.b, of tbit saner Alex. )luslrtd, uf Brucefleld, has
ter, pe p. ,Rev. L ceremony.
of Wioxe- mooed ors th.rd-year exautidativa at
err. pert^road ibe cerrliwny. I+uox College., Toronto, taking wet),
Jens Guthrie, relict of the late H. J. begh standing. Mr. Mustard and A.
J. Csampbell, of beatorib, died at her A. Scott. another third -year student,
home in that town on Thursday, tied fur the post-graduste fellowship,
April tib. She bad bean in pour which loch/deb the David Smith Robe,
health for a Dumber of years. the Jane bunter and -the MacWill aw
T. M. Henderson. of the Bluev'ale scbolar•bips of $:dal. $173 and $25, re -
road, neat Wingbaw. ha. sold bis IUs .q,cctiv«ly. Instead of dividing the
acre fdrw 1°1*. I'. Smith, of Wing-
'tn prise of $4tll the senate ii.ts provided
VA od M. ROBERTS. CIVIL as hate. In the transfer Mr. Hetsdettin an a+lditi.ival feIIowsuip ut *bid. Not
end Hydtwalr Eaaih.ea tbtarlo Land uuly is Mr. Mustard a clever student,
say• TheSesfortb Expositor. but be is
a good speaker. and on different occa-
eious bee billet different pulpits in this
neighborhood very acceptably. He
bids tear to become one of the Trading
young .ministers of the Presbyterian
churcu.------- -
t1Nee-McLean Book. Godericb. corner
Montreal sheet. Telephone tr.
oinks aad residence. North street, Godench.
uortb gilt County Registry office. Telephone in
AN. barristers. soltclur•s. notaries public.
la tier Marlowe Court, eta. Private
rinds to lewd at lowest rites of interest
office_reit side Aquatic. Godericb. W.
KROUFOOr K. C., It. C. RAYS. J. L.
1i1. TLE., .dlettee, rotary public. Untces-
bamlltae Street, boderlcb. third door Irons
R.11fi=R, &homers, aolicttut, Alt., bade -
*.ch. Meaty to lend at toss est rat r..
stlUottot. comm4.ltuti, notary public
inose Madltoa street twdench ant.
eUKANCb. Cu. -r arm sad related
wwa property teased.
u1ka..rs--J. b. McLecu, Pre.., t+esfortb P.() :
Jas. Connony, V tenet•. Uu len,:e r. u .
Mamas 1. Maya, bee. -1 ream. realortb P. O.
Lueotore-K et. lee•.an. renturib ; Joke
G. Cort.. K'Interns ; R'al lam Rum. t uostuae:
Jobe beimmo ei4 mrodha aro : Idult s hyaes.
lfeschwuld; Job. Watt. uarlt.ea; Muwtu.
Mckwen, A ut.Deld.
Agleam: J. K. leo. H of mery Ilk : R, `mit h.
Btu lock; Ju.tunmoor., hRmoid%ile; !:
bumbles. relefotth. rwwy-tslrwer. cµ pas
a..ewYtru .uu aft teen esu... .1i,Ztd si
'loser et thew u's.. datum. or rt K. b. t uu •
awry. lemesfon wrest. teeterlck.
takes .li. Swab s honor and lot iu
The death of Mrs. John Ritchie. of
Winkehatu, took place. on Friday eveo-
iog. April 7th, a'ter ao Wear lasting
stout seven weeks, of pataly.ia. She
is survived by her husband and one
Rev. Prof. Deakins, of Huron Col-
lege, London, bas accepted an invita-
tion from S. Paw's church. Clinton,
to become the macre of that congr•ega-
tuon. He enters upon bis new duties
at so early date. The salary will he
$1,300 and free rectory.
Usborne township has lost as old
resident by the death of Jane Wilson,
widow of the Sete Isaac l'lemente, who
died on Wednesday, April St h. at the
age of seventy-three years and nine-
teen days. She us survived by a tam-
ilv of two sons and four daughters.
On Wednesday. April 5th. a quiet
wedding took place at (bit James
street Methodist church lamina/re,
Exeter, when (;elinda P. Prouty was
united in wedlock to Wnl. Carrick.
Rev. R. Hobbs pet formed the cere-
mony. - Tbe bride and groom both au -e
reside -Seta of Stephen.
Ao old resident of Osborne town- cowtuen dal liwe-.ulphur diluted 1 to
ship is dead in use person of Kiz•beth I 3u or 35 ur Bordeaux 'Minute (4 of
Boswell, relict of the late Frederick idutrtooe, 4 of quicklime, 4u of
Flatter. whopassed sway at barter 00 trate', 4.4.40) and R w. marmite of lead
April srh-. M letraeed was sixty- to each 40 grit., lids sprryiue is to
four years of age. Her birthplace waw
drearily s. all early lreuiug c case
-be Marr,
' in Coburn township. She is survived
°Itch as teat ca.rryiflats, carr ltsirir.a,
conker worms.,
by one daughter, a enter and.. a sts., and true moths.
I Wither. Gil. The next and very important
W. J. Aitchison, Of Sarnia, a formerspraying abould I" 000e uwwaliately
after the blowouts fall. Uwe the saws
resident of Wingbwpaned the army at
diures ss tar No, 2, but the her-.ul-
Sul bensdacts ou .\pail orb, when Must phut• need out be stronger thace to
ups Pratt. oly ndaughterof ler. :and he Bordth3.3.-10
teaux an
To :be Editor of The Siteal.
DEAR SIR, -We have had different
enquiries about when to spray, vihat
to spray with. etc.. etc.
e .. ill give here a brief summa. y
..1 ruled for spt•ayiug orchards for nt-
.ects and dim -sets.
(11. '1hr first sptayiog may be done
any Oweuuw, ut shunt** neon. the
leaf hula are tau sting. 1. se lime -see
lo either commercial ur home-
made tui responding to the strength
of the 1•owweirial, diluted 1 gel. to 10
gals. with water. No poison as a rule
Id necessai )•. 'I'bit application �tl•a
oyster•shelt state, blister mite% and
aphis, and belps waid off caukets and
apple and pear seep.
i21. A aecoud spraying maybe done
just helot". the Wilmot's.' burst. Use
µ► nor
LO 000 PRIVATE F'UNLS TU I Mrs N. J. McMurray, Lindon woad. 'fh.s.prayitug is chiefly to euhtrol the
w i loan. Ase.y M. u. cam. . Sarnia, became hit htdr. Tbe nuplir.l codling moth and apple mud tear scab,
alw.'i. bouncier. bawutun _teat' Goderieh. . knot was ttetl by Hey. W. ti. Barra- but, it mist helps greatly against lte+er
kIAA AND 1,tOR luso. bliwh.l.Yau1aaWig
( 11ataT• bMCANAM AND AMPLO r ANS- LaaIt.-
ITT : 7 w (Masa Aucwtent and UdataOtw
.;urpotwtloi• l4wurd. of Loodoe. Les.
iD+UTT AND t' UAaAA1 a► DOMINI . '111e C.d.
FIa3Wt)rre Gsrrastsecompany•
°ewe at net- ram. oorthessc corner of Vic
and 5t. Dractd'. street.. Phone 1;6
rad setad.•t issatsnoo. Agent for foams
-.utast atl .reek e.op•atw.. insurersutt to as
nes militia ea has. plans sod at wwuri now.
-Ail .t OEss. eenier.K sit tsuwt arm bowies
or 'dowel .1. W. VIKAl W la. wonanu.5. AAL
Tele .how s4
%AL'1'lttt h wasl.l.1. J. P..
uuUkltI( h. usu.,
NOUNS or IILawmAios Lacers se.
LANK. INN UBlt Or Massa.W • aur Lush.Marianas► flet.
- w.e-•aswa aur wetu.t Anted
....ere rt. YrlA.w las awl ..ry)0s it. Jit. 114
'unwind/Arc saw .tit Loa..• ..wLdAddr .
Nee+aYty. VALI %surd harea wasavyal.
loot. yauenak. wW A apWR>aUa- 5. A
bva.taaiin, r iv.gnatatr.
LAMA iwyu lrst.uutr td11.3511 Attaau't.
..,.Iflr,be--raWU 5..ute, Dolma a h. ram.. tar
"ail ace t6 twasal- W eresea ter ietiteuew
arra ssastw hwtt -v- Asa rcwya,aae- ' '-
atrtulaAb arU AL/t 1, Lilabltrt,tt
.w ac OASIS .,.w.--. Uw 0I. emu
• ueeL waw le .e.. %4I•1 11loin.*u
wr lea •` aUtter .
a bb..ou t.../ILIAt.../lemur.•
N arlue. 1r.r. t.rx..etr •..d
tips alto.. Well W alas tow .a.i.iwtau.r
I hue
uohigb• p--wr of ('rail'.' McLhvlist 1 d gut cu win. It u
church. `arms. to the rept of •uv r worm un p u tt
Pry kuuw-n that as a rule about seventy -
about fifty uhviteo gut -.t..,, rive per true. ut the first brood hove -
Mrs .1tex. Taylor. for forty years • ut toe codling 'uth enter the apple
resident ut Chutou. died in London by the calyx end. Ibetelore, u we
law Friday, at the home of tier daugfh- Al•place putoun in this part before
ter. MIs. Wilbur N. Manning. 1 be the laryre eater we can kill (nese Ire-
deceased had been suffertog front tore they do any injury. In oberrv-
pneumuonia end had not sufflcteut tug toe growth of the young apple
strength to iuu.lsat the attack. jibe we Mod that for about a week, or
ore seventy -Dille 31 -ars of age and is eOrnetitues teen days, the little leaflets
survived by two daughters. that form the calyx tewalu open. but.
Jaw. Monteith, of lb. Thames Road. At the end of this tune they close up,
C wlnn-ne. met with • setta:s accident so it we are going to get the po.sou
Iret wok. He was driving ass train into the :a1yx we must begin uur
over the tanua wbeo they riecatme en- spraying at once after toe bwwonrs
tangled w a wins tenor. in fleeing atop and have it all finished inriue a
theist Mr. Monteath was knocked down week or tau 'rays. Theca when the
ihYdrr than. He *.tamed two calyces do clove the Iwoieuo will Ire iu•
broken s its rod wirer& bad cuts in the ode and remain there all through the
tate and pend wbieb requited t he at- araeon, so ttf.. t any (arse• tittle. of (be
tatetsuo tit • pbv.iclari dist or attend brood which attempt
Tiredertb of 'Moose Blair McEwen, to enter et any time will be ktlieu.
of tien.•tl, wheal took place w Vic- (4)• 'I'heti fur rue tentxintugtwenty-
torte letups at, LUattaon, uu Tuesday 01 "ye
per cent. o[ iodting moth that
Iola weal".u daepty regrnd4 d by • enter tbe side or stew end there
loom coca of Immo, rhe deorored Mimi it be 'knottier spraying about
w r uauve lit Lanark founts,
hams three weeks after the oto.wiwa uiop,
born tbstw axly-thine yeors ago. to and with tee saute mixtures as in Nit.
Sebe hl. lather taus w nuruu t:uunty S S . (ty coveting the apples and
craves thonogbly rt this blue we beep
awl tout up IfU/ scree•,f laud. Tbe 1,0 wake sure that almost ell Me first
f uruosUy •ttrrwudr
ass L5. •uhyett til tots . "nee taw. ft.- Tbe
Mist mid tbt
whskn he lived until bu death. very iwpuit.nt. lei the dist, use isp-
John limn.mn, a f.wvter oe.ideot ut of Aha scales, etc., rod to be infective
enutu std Rollin Au1Ss*Ipt, the tree must be thoroughly coveted,
dteu of bet 515
05 at Suuwfirte, Maur .nd the tend is chiefly to control the
lobs, •.h a211211111A1 :f
tylit. alter Au inurest1 euoliug moth and Bath.
Amain t.oly nve uuw tteti/uribat ul 1'o wive ww ecedu spraying ;ell
tis brei. The d.cwsed was a vs should study the nature ut the atlls-
0t Mullett, out bsl',i r i ewuvl4 IA: ease* and pests you sew to fight and it
Ahs Was -
Vit twesty !erre 'Wu be �l nowt be done spstematicaliy and Mor-
ticed in 'l uc•erwattu township fur a uugbly.
wise. He wt. req. -ewe Yes" .4 alta We give A list of Belle:int which
died I..wvivrd by LM wluuw and two tl
are published by the epttitwcnt ut 1
n mayC41ki'ra. Agriculture, Toronto, and wbicay
AAloe!r lung atu
al It) ism otiose el- ties ubtautru by simply writing i...
la/wily uitusrl y brood la destroyed.
td sprayings era
to pushers... ut LW more of laud, on
plicatwu dugs up the ht rattling pores
Lauding „Nei tee ...t ilacrn wuuttw. theta. 1hey give ver)- uelptul'worn)
1SoIKa.d !it7 agau a. a ...w aed wen- atom which it Iullowrd moist give -
& aunt. re•.dret ut tui I8 .. o:unorteson grows rebuit".
$USIC .1 Ire_ t..wu.Lip. I.a..vd .Woe eat List ut bulletins from Depaetiuet I
.1 kHicraw LLT.�ll.iy,gl.nd..► T.
In. elorouw...wdatum( ►dud ko to . cave . s.
.I.ts. rraau .W Waite. rarn.w.l. ..Whit•.twawl-
t A. L t took pesos, au 1.te.y. mW.t..
Mart. 111. MOO AMIMaw• •.,drt-gal frit
aha Plano. bun Hats a•a e - t w,a... A. h
INBUINA-11•1101110.414. x1111.1 mud a.1 Admit 1.6
,ane t.atime e• La, ..less. etc., •ewe at tae
Lo...rv.ur y
W. J. MUIR & CO.
AHD MI/44-1101R•
maw Pete A Mew 414e of ssean
145.4.10o rare. to �i .s
opposite Hospital tld.rl.i.its
Ilipa'tK stealth.
booth Herta LAVIN".
RISt'.M *III marl xet
t hrr on Aone tn•ehartra leader _
I 'All the err be►
meth 'mei the IW.nawe 1•,t. LM cusp err players *lit drunk ..
mg tea. (Tri oe
td 'het« areTweet rical Manager "Well, drag
IA. ern Itce•ese. in ford lwre end et. out We advertised a full 'eche*
.tsteee &mmik .hes. for next e'er. Ube us
Nowa.) Apo 9th, at' )ic'Tat art of .Agricaltutr. 'Toronto.
wa'tutu noll .. 1•amuUtu lowbaWli, b. 13I lus.'cunrs and F'tmgici ts.
Wgtu county. over seventy .sear* ago 1614-lri.tc•ta effecting Fruit'Tr-ees.
✓ aw tet• b..i urea a rtwwGe
rD4 ut e] (5 s
17od 143 - Fruits tecowwenued
. tut* toe yeas Iran. Hr I. •utv1/ord by for rlaotmg ntuntario.
5u our, te *u5 he wit. ud .srrteto 1137 -The Cooing Moth.
ir;:t, sifts a tame] .,t shire win and IYl Myra] Calendar.
wu 041.16(01.o -. 144 - Apple.Culture.
red Pwtmasterahrp.
177- lame Sulphur Wash.
Nee>< Report of the prum }teases for Hers
11101111141+4 atruw. D •tUuaNer al Yount Truly
1 reteu►y-teso years. ,Ione Siam.%ST h$TATR,
ilibt ._.-.......n lots 1.•,..gitell .Y. vain! to I•fe wilier Nul*atte&
$euvolia loot- lunar )
April 12, 191.1.
!ICC add e4,1111111141411.1.14441• toot. South
Ail Ready fee the Show
Poral Hints.
When you call at the office fur ye
wail and the po..tuiater hands it
enquur if that is all.
If you see bit. else and are lull
th"rr is natue. say 11 err ought to he .
turn Ro h and seed the teat nt lhr
family Gi the office .tt dilelent tiweiu
of the day.
Don't bring your nail to the olticrI
until the mail closes: then blame the
p,stinisater for not op•uini the mail
bag and putting your letter in.
When you want it stamp on your
letter tell the postmaster to put one
on ; if be doesn't like that, thrash him.
In case you put it on yourself hold it
in your mouth long enough to remove
the mucilage. it will then stick on
until it, is dry.
fie sura to ask the postmaster to
credit you with stamps; if there is
any accommodation slriut hits he will
do it.
If you have a hox, stand and drum
on it until the postmaster hand, out
your 1nsil. It makes hila feel good,
especially if be is waiting on someone
Wht•'n you can for teatime get close
ir•fore the 'tellers! trit.uow and pit
them on st leisure. Other people
writing for their "well won be 80 glad
when the lest stamp is on.
Start for your wail when you hear
the train whistle. You will nave a
Rood time waiting for it and you will
see how slow those elerkaate.
brotherhood of St. Andrew.
The Went/wit Ontario conference of
the Brothel hood of St. Andiew meets
iu Guelph on Prides., Saturday and
Sunday. May bib, -Itch and iib. The
iItouh•-rhood originated in 1883. Ou
81. Andrew's Day in that. year • down
young men of Ht. Janes' church. Chi-
cago, agreed to prev daily for the
spread of Christ's Kingdom among
young men and to make en earneat
effort each week to bring at least one
!flung twin within the bearing of the
Gosp•1 of Jesus Christ. 'rhe .ole ob-
ject of the Brotherhood of Mt. An-
drew is the spread of Christ's King-
doms among men, especially young
men. it is cowraeal of men
01 every statins in life, the ma-
jority cif whom ale active in the aRail'
of the world, who are understood to
have acknowledged this responsibility
S A resting upon themselves and ,who
are ready to strive like St. Andrew G.
lead wen neater Christ. •
While the dirset scope of the
Brotherhood's object iN limited, the
personnel bf the workers is all embrac-
ing ea the church itself. Prayer and
service are the only ruler' which got -
ern the Brotherhood. These rules
simply deflee the least amount of set -
.vice which a loyal mend er of tae . r-
g anization, of, indeed, sny Christian
men should render.
A Bad Case.
Standing hrfurit his .dresser after
coating home rattle" late from the
club, he picked up hie heli Mush when
be reached for his hand mirror. He
'veld it helote his face ter a moment
avid then said to himself': .
"Gtrift Skutt, old. wan, you need a
"I am all right now,
anks to Dr. Miles'
The same relief is ready for you.
:1>�e you sure you do not nerd it?
1f Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy helped
11c'.Inet, why won't it help
9 wes trouble.: with be:rt disease,
.1.1 a to rta.:.:.Z aiiout 1)t. Mike
Ilea,* Reale y.1 rot • tott:e. be-
i e I :•.e tits Ilea-: kcrt:dy I hal
t . tit sp coot of tate a ht. and felt
r. Lad r: my a'.,ma,.h. W..atever
i weciu ,; made etc feel worse, and
nv heart mat very last. But thanks
U Li. Miles' !leirt ktc1-. ly, I am
how. 1 ca i -rid, racy
C ad. mid Leel like • new wan, al-
t• uco 1 an almost (3 Scars old. I
i. -et been a ashler in ea late war
el he rebeiltos, and era. badly
aousdedL' CHARLES 111 '.)il.'J,
Priva:e Co. 11, 5yth N. V. infantry
trudlo.ttais. %V:dion, Delaware Co.,
N. S.
Dr. Pules' Heart Remedy
is kept in thousands of homes as a
fritnd alwzys to be relied upon in
time of need.
Sold by all Druggists 1t t5is first
bottle tads to benefit, your money
.a rertrrnod. Aak any Drusgnst
NILES MEDICAL CO.. Toronto, Can.
Dr. Mors.'s In- dian Root PURi
Floaitsd Sir. Wilson's Soros
When the sewers of the body -bowels,
kidneys and akin ducts --get dogged op,
the blood quickly becomes impure and
frequeatly sores break out over the body.
The way to heal them, as Mr. Richard
Wilson, w he lives near London, Ont.,
found, is to purify the blood. He
"For some time I had been in s low,
depressed condition. My appetite left
me and I soon began to suffer from indi-
gestion. Quite a number of small stores
and blotches formed allover my skin. I
tried medicine for the blood and used
manykinds of ointments, but without
satisactory results. What was wialed
was a thorough cleansing of the hind.
and I looked about in vain for arias ani
tine that would accomplish this.
At last Dr. Morse's Indian Bast Ma
were brought to my notice, and Airy ass
ere of the East wonderful meatless I
have ever knows. My blood was
ded dna very short time, sons hesled up,
my indigestion vanished They always
have a place in my Some and are looked
upon as the family remedy."
Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills cleanse
the system thoroughly. Sold by all
dealers at 25c a boa. 6
Father Morriscy's
have been curing for 3o years,
and are curing to -day, all
the common ailments that
come to every family. We
have hundreds of grateful
letters to prove this.
Father Morrlsey's No. 7
tones up the Kidneys, re-
moves Uric Acid front the
blood, and cures Rheumatism.
In tablet form, 5oc.
:r ittsA4i It
Tist't.raet, AP*&L 3), lull
'Phone 'Photne
Oar Import
Hobe Arrived
We have just Fasted into stock our import order of Nairn's
Scotch Liooleuues. This make of Linoleum is considered the best
that is made.
Nairn's Scotch Linoleum. in 2 yatds;,aod 4 yards wide, in
new floral, tile and Oriental deulgns.
Best quality Oilcloths in 1, I. 15,2 and 25 yards wide. Per
square yard. 300.
New stock of Table Oilcloths
Special values in handsome .lacquar.l Silk'. in all the newest
colorings, in neat designs, 27 inches wide. 390 per yard.
Yard -wide guaranteed Taffeta Silk. beautiful quality, $1.25
per yard.
Yard -wide Mescaline Silk. A nice'silk for dresses and waists.
$1.00 per yard.
Special values in Shantung and Honen Silks.
Special Easter di.p'ay of new Giovee, Belts and Neckwear in
All the newest creations, at popular price•.
Spring and Summer Styles
HE ladies re invited toucan andlinspect my stock
of Millinery for. Spring and Summer. Both
trimmed and untrimmed shapes in all the latest styles.
Special attention has been given,,, the selection
of a suitable line of Hats for Misses.
Rev FatherMorrisry
Father Morrisey's No. 11 is a most effective and reliable
cure for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma and Whooping
Cough. A real Luug Tonic.
Trial Bottle, 25c. Regular Size, 5o.
Fader Morriiey's No. 11 Tablets relieve and cure Dys-
pepsia and all forms of Indigestion. Each tablet will digest
1),1 pounds of food. Per box, 3oc.
Fader M6rrtsty's Ns. 21 positively cures Catarrh. A
combined treatment --tablets for the blood, and a healing
salve for the affected parts. Tablets and salve together, 5oc.
FACTM.rrhllyS UIEsesl is a household standby for all
sorts of aches and puns. Pleasant to Ase -quick to relieve.
Per bottle, 25c.
At your dealer's. 51
Finbar Morels, NNW's, Co.. W., nesser.ak t$esE
13cid and gat ,r..n-ecu in (.otletich by F. J. HvrL.ten.
F 11durf sit Ilio
b di u lits
*tP f li els g t
'v slue becalm)*
t, does wear
Come in and
If you are not already ac-
quainted with the merits of
try a sample order. You
can be certain of securing
seasonable godde here at all
times. Our 'phone number
is 91. Give us a trial. The
quality of our goods will con-
vince you.
Sturdy & Co.
Grocers On The Square
/rhos• PfsrA
That New Spring Shit
and Overcoat IS NOW
The w•Iw uui, . of goods which v.
carry are of that -clew quality.
and we have alt the latest shades
The up-to-date Toiler
b e c a u:• >�•
knit. tht
`' adapt Slays
in it. These
reasons should make you
request that brand and
look tor the trademark.
Have you tried Penman s
�. 95 ? F'lr the children
a• as Ito
en- n
Ih1iD • .. a
Single Fare
1 )It
Hotel goings .April 13. 11. I:,.
18, 17. Return limit. Wed-
ueeday. April littb. Mini-
mum rate of 23c.
x -r
Hotimeseekers' Ezeursien
Tt'Kruty. droll. iteTtl
Through train Toronto to AVin-
nipeg. I p.m. Colonist and tour-
ers ears. Ask for Hooteasekers'
Honk let
Iia. &il.n. t1..SL e'odor-orb
TO BE �m.u. We
have just �...�..a .
nom.��Y buggies, and
.. everything �n.�
in� better n��,;�.
BE SOI.1). �Ve
just received a
car of buggies, and
have everything that
is new and up-todate
the carriage line.
No buggies
ever came to town.
We have them on the
floor now. Call and
inspect them at the
on Hamilton Street.
We have the STAND-
and (.ATice. the fam-
and almost every-
thing a farmer needs
on a farm.
Robert Wilson
We also have a few
extra good drivers for sale.
Some are made to tell yo
that it's morning, others m•ae-
ore thine for the work in the
kitchen Some are vuiceli'c..
others ...rind the hour from end
to end of the house.
Slane ,i,• s little lerger than e
good sized watch, others are l.ig
and higg.•r and higgest. Reit
each is intended for a :attain
poi pose
Needing one in your house
You'llAnd what you are I,s.k-
ing for right bele.
Clocks of all sizes for all tiles
it all prices.
5. S. Davey
ieereller ..,d a int stun
wwtb Mile M Rgrart. Istydericb