HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-4-13, Page 8'I'llErthISDAV. APRIL 13, IVO -emits leranteprt."--. eNeeWel. TH. SIGNAL: OODERICH, ONTARIO 1.771.7 Wall Paper Inducements We have passed into stock tbe following quantities of Wall Paper: 4,000 rolls Canadian Wall Paper. Special. 5c and 60 per tell. 5.000 rolls C&nadian Wall Paper. Speci&I, 8c and 10c per roll, 3,500 rolls Canadian Wall Paper. Special, 12, 15c, Oil- and 2ac per roll. Without doubt the above papers are the best values and most artistic papers shown any• where for the money. Imported Wail Papers We make a specialty of itn- ported Papers, which &re lem expensive and more daintv and az tistic this year than ever. Price, ot above papers tangs front 1e per roll up to 75r Many of these paper. are border I.. *bile othern kukt,e ears pretty .eureotiee paled or coo h erder.. rearm* in prim from, Se pee v tied t o SO per yard TheCelnial Rod Store l'4 oHTFtt Phone Its' 1 Call or 'Phone N It PINDER. HAM liLoli Street. whim you have anything to do in the line of ELECTRIC WIRING PLUMBING HEATING or METAL WORK All orders will re- ceive our prompt and careful attention. No job is too large or too Ntnall for us. A full line of Grenite and Tinware, Electric Supplief, Stoves and Ranges. W. R. Pinder 'Phone 155 HAMILTON STREET estreesiewereeereeeeseeete i'" 1 Cliat 3 easter fl'a'ti It wouldn't seem like I Easter without an Easter bat - and Easter bate must have Pins. As an Easter gift, therefore. what better suggestion I than' III HAT PINS? The style of other years will pot suit tbe fashion- able hat of 1911, you khow. Among y 0 11 r Easter gifts you might appiopriately dec id e upon a Hitt Pin from ;amongst our attractive designs. Special Easter Hat Pine 75c I See our window. Walter 11 Harrison On he Square. Ooderich 6111111111. OPERA HOUSE GROCERY First door off Square, Kingston St. Everything in Groceries Fresh. Pure and Good PURE Maple Syrup UI aeas-rego) The kind we used to get when we We,P & boy. GARDEN SEEDS A complete stiick of fresh seedflower and garden -- Itennuee. Steele - Briggs* and Ill. M. Ferry's. ileadquartere Inc cherier. Rutter and fresh What To Do _FOR_ Sickly Children Letters from Mothers "1 wish I could induce every mother, who has a delicate, sickly child, to try your delicious Cod Liver and Iron Tonic VINOL It re- stored our little daughter to health and strength after everything else had failed." -Mks. C. W. STUMP, Canton, Ohio. ¥.r& F. P. Skonnard, of Minne- apolis, Minn., writes, -I want to reomunend VINOL to every moth - who has a weak or sickly child. My little boy was sickly, pale, and had no appetite for two years. I tried different medicines and doc- tors without benefit, but thanks to VINOL, he is a well and healthy boy to-dsy " C Allele of New Bedford, Mass., writes, "My two puny childrengained rapidly in Beshand strengthin every short tune attire taking VINOL" We poems -els. know VINOL will bead up Ink ones and make them healthy strong and robust. Try, ase ecade. and If you are not saes. bed tee will return your money. Druggist. el-AeelEOD. KO•SIMAI. Ariell 12th. Ilitsorrist i. Bre. --The Presbyter - isms lied • roupir of ebses" lately clevuong and dee”eatingt tbe basement of their ,hurcb . The young people .4 Trinit y church ..ie bury preparing for their soma' And bazaar to be held in the near future Mr. and Mrs. Ornerge Erwin elbowed on Monday to the rooms &helve the dr ug store and M. and Mre. Foster moved from their Pine on the Flont road to the bowie vatated by Mr. and Moe Erwio. which Mr. roster recently purchased The telephone men sic busy putting in their poles and lit ribging the wires through the village, this week ...Dr. Metcalfe and family, of Detroit spent the week -end at their bome here. .... Mies Mabel Stioson has been en- gaged as clerk at J. Fteid's store The Moses McLeod. of Goderich. spent timidity here, with their friends, the Misses Sterling Misr Eva Woods spent a few days with Miss. Luella Sterling. last week. MacLeod's System Tomo When a person feels “hlite" tired out"-"doesoe feel like doing anything" -cannot concentrate his mind on his work -feels weak ment- ally -doubts. his powers -complains of poor appetite and sleeplessuese-suf- tees headaches -nervous system run down -then his system demands good tonic. MacLeod's System Tonic is the beet remedy known, has re- stored thousands of bufferern to health. One dollar a bottle. The MaeLkoti MEDICINE Co., Goderieb, Ont. Sold by E. It. Wigle.:chuggist, suc- censor to JAN. Wilson. • FOR CONSTIPATION. A Medicine That Does Not Cost Any- •ething Unless it Cures. fhe active medicinal ingredient of Rexall Orderies, Whiell are odorlese: tasteless and colorlese is an entirely new discovery. Combined with other extremely valuable ingredients, it forms a perfect bowel regulator, in- teatinal invigorator and strengthener. Revell Orderlies are eaten like cendy and are notable for their egteeableneve to the palate and gentleness of ac- tion. They do not cause grip,nc or any disagreeable effect or incoven- ience. Unlike other preparations for a like purpose, they do not create a hal-dr. but instead they overcome the came. i f habit acquired through the Use of ordinary laxative', cathartics and harsh physic, and permarently re- MOVP the cause of constipation or ir- regular bowel Fiction. We e ill refund your meney with- out so gument if they do not do as w • say they will. Two sizes, 25c. and 16c Rot A only at our store -The Revell Store. R. C. Dunlop. eouth side of mg 'tare. The North American Chemical Co. shippeo five cars of salt to various points during the past week. Nokomis, Saskatchewan. Nokonaie. &Lek . the commercial and railway centre of the Last Maintain Valley district. is one of the subs' an- ted new towns on the lend of the Grand Trunk Pacific Situated in the heart of a rich agricultural dis- trict at the junction of the (,rand Trunk Pacific and Canadian Pacifica Winnipeg -Saskatoon main line. it has greet advantage over othet points. And now comes the Canadian North- ern. accerding to their latest folder, with a line from the Quill lake country crossing the tirand Trunk Pacific at Nokomis, then leading emit hwest by the Last Mountain loke in du direction of Calgere With three railways •t the age of five y. ar. Nokomis certainly has a good star 1 in life. eeneerweeee•wesieweeesieweweese SALT i 1 lit 1 1 i ) I R VI TRE NORTH AMERICAN SALT WORKS Near the ft T. It Statein FINE AND COARSE Reirreett sad AeOrt• Lee') eel/ CATTLE NALT A PRACTICAL SPEECH. --- These are few men better tonSlifles1 Lothar' Lori recipas wily from a farater's point of %lett than Mr. Kohler, the repreeentetive of Hakiimand in the Legiela t .4 e Assembly. Mr. Kohler is s large dottier in rat- tle, and in that capacity ie not only brought into chase touch with the farmers of his tsectitm of the oountry, btu he is also more obaervant than most 111011 of the relate e prime of live stack Roil farm produce on both sides of the bound&ry line. Taking bunhe Mr. Kohler gave the following comperision in a recent speech: 1901 Octoher November December . 1905 October. November December 1906 October November December.-- • 1907 October.... November..... December IOC October November 5 35 December . 5 73 1909 October . . 5 75 November ..... ,5* Deeem bee 16 80 Mr. Kohler next deelt with hogs, showing the relation of the two mrer- kete from March. 1906„ to the -preti- ent time. These figures, he said. showed the highest prices for each month in each market, and in only three instancewas Toronto as high as Buffalo, the difference in some instances running to over 51 per cwt As to butcher cattle, the average prices in Buffalo and Toronto umrkete were given as follows: Toronto Date. prices. 1908 Otoober ..... . $4 45 Novembet . . Dec• timber 1900 Janukry. February . March..... . April May. Ttoronte Buffalo priers. prices. 4460 116 00 473 55(* 56) 7t*) 000 770_ 580 773 ft 15 fki: ft 25 790 810 5 35 e 00 7 111 644) 6 1 7 550 680 525 Ol) 7 00 735 690 780 Se 95 430 435 400 4 80 5 10 530 550 June 580 July 5 25 August 4 75 September .... 4 85 October 4 85 November 8 00 December ... 5 00 1910 January 5 33 6 15 February 6.66 6 40 March. 80 7 10 April 646 785 May.... ... . .. 6 40 640 June 646.745 July' ... .681 700 August . 5.21 657 . Sept.- mber 5 60 • ft 50 ... 6 70 6 50 November 5 50 6 30 Huffah privet.. 5530 345 630 635 650 640 590 6 •-f 640 6 10 62!) 600 6 00 625 625 Ela, ing givess similar figures for calve Mr Kohler ststed that no bet- ter evidence could be addiaced to prove the value of the United Suttee market to the fartners of Ontario than the rious fa ling:ofT of cattle shipments to the Buffalo market following the h gh duties under the Dingley tariff. For example. in 1879 Canada shipped to Buffalo 79,164 cattle; in 1898, 71,131 settle; 1899, 62,511 cattle, and in 1910. af er the passage of the Dingley bill, 213,441 cettle. Mr. Kohler continued: I need not enlorge upon the advan- tages of he . Buffalo market for poultry and fowl, as the large quanti- ties shipped to that market from western and southera Ontario afford ample pr of of that. Turning to other products of the farm, I di, e t , your at. ention to the differetwe itt he price of hay in the Toronto and Buffs. te'raarkets. I made enquiries at the • steck yards in this city and one of them quoted an aver- age price of 513.61 for last year and $13.05 for this year, and the other titiottel 1113.1,0 f r last year. I also made enquiry at the stock yards, Buf- falo, and tound the aierage contract Prier'" 1.1ere were $18.110 last year and thie ye re a vast diffeietice be tween the Canadian and Aniericati markets. I mention theme two mar - krt.. Immense they ar4 the largest wholesa e purchrusere and consumers. The h norabl member for West Hastings a:fruits that the fartners of hls onnistitoency made a greet deal of tnoney out of growing barley. but that Lite McK:nley bill deelt them a fatal blow. Is there any rennin] why we should not accept free entrance to that market *gain ? I well remember when the ferment of Heldimand oleo made a great deal Of Money from their barley reps and I am sure they would welcorui. a re -opening of that. market. It may be argued that the barley could he used for feeding purposes. but if we could se I our barley to tlie Auserieene for a good price, and buy their cern cheap, which is heavier and seronger feed, it windd be much more profitable. Now let us sum up and see what effete. •his reciprocity agreement • cited have on what the averagt. fa, iner produce* : Eight tw 'Id eters and heif- ers is $5.0i '4410.00 each. Teti .11111 e, saving the duty, at. 75e. each. • Pivi• sheep, saving the duty, at 411.50 each. Th., it liogs, ving the duty, at $1.5. Thu hutelred pounds torkeyo PIRV-• ing t irty, at rbi . • lb. tat tons hay, savitig the duty. at lei Th o drat teohelc burley at reside seed price. hecidee higher .iresi teseluetes. Mr. Iv te.tinheny ix valuable. iterseie fl 4 men nonver- he Buffalo and Tor - sant • Dig the 4 uriets4 a 'southern Inter- lkin.tta; ,,y. His 'statements s. )'tit the result of . sr not b . and experience. tetras n. • f. 1J1.TtNE. T. seines, April lith. I In 0•01 atter; led isn at i• week foe rn. N un hour urniinwir pA ririntty have to heti te keep tee Store 'Phone 57 Store North Side Square 111111111111111.0111111111111•111,111111.111111111111•111.11, House 'Plane, ats Howell Nard4are Co., Limited All Ready for the Great Spring Painting and Housecleaning Season Town and Farm Wants Our stock will be found most complete and bought right, by which we believe we OM SST ing *15 sad get • supply of Campbell N'arnish Stain Campbell Stain Pushes old things e Campbell • etain cam be mad with perfect results on the finest of furniture. steirways. front doors. etc se wed as al floors and the lour borders around rugs It is made in althe slietenal uiod toilers Liget oak. dark . Irak, elder,. walnut. suahemeay. rosewood and tessearai or ovate paretic. Week oust wants. It's • sous. • varnish and an enamel -esti coos bowel The desired enior ti ellfeet can be prediaced- me weed with but 1.1.0 Mlibt• 4( sompana Stain. It is applied has with as ardiaary YOU mi• do year we SWAM- ing with the sad of & Camper* Graining °utile We soli Cansphelle Varlets& Stain in Ws 16s. Me. Mks. 1146.. $1410. Tbros stains are specially adapted Jew I' - Paint Brushes. Whitewash Brushes and Var- nish Brushes, white aod black bristles. Prices 5e. lec. 15e, ake 25c and up. Carpet Tacks, 2 pkgs Tack Pullers . 10c Curtainearet cher Clamps .. be arod 8c . ... Door Belli ...0c, 75c and 61.00 Clothes Wringers 113.75 Cotton Gloves for ladies, per pair, 10c Dustb&ne for .weeping. per Ib. 7c. 41he., tor ..... 25c H. 11. Brand Odorless Pipe Enamel, per bottle, Briglaten up the pipet, for the sun:in:ter. 1 to our customers. lo the publication of this advertisement the re- .ult. we desire ia that it shall prove helpful to every teader in the plan- ning of the usual Spring activities and tbat it Isbell , be of lasting vieue. The prices; named ere our beet regular prices. which will compare" vor- ebly with ethers. We beadle beet qualities of good& Our stock IS WOOL COMpleL41 now and it will pay you to eet us fill your wants. Liquid Veneer. The .e furn.r.rire polish of merle Tonuesods of betties are sold day &fuer day to how- all uiar ttw United ewes and Can *da. Tbe simple method which it is used ta one of the moot &t- ole -titre femurs -4. It cleans and polishes at once. Just dampen a piece of cbeeeeeloth with Liquid Veneer. Then with it ruh just little your chair., t &Nes. plate). pictures, stained Bootie, etc. The result wilt as- tonish anyone who haa never used this partieular kind of polieti before. Thousands use IL on dusting days. 1 -oz. bottles ..... ..25o 12 -oz. bottles 50o • Quart bottlee....$1.00 Varnish. We have a complete stock of Varnish at 111 prices. A varnish for every purpose. Our (.rani - tine and Liquid Granite are extra good for floors. We have all kinds of things YOU need for the House-cleaning job. Alabastine. For wall -finish. We carry a • full stock of Alabastine and Muresco, tint color.; oleo Jell- ' atone and Mural°. We sell f these at 2151 and 45c per pack. I age. Tbey are sweeter and bet - tet than paper for walls. Can he beautifully stenciled in pretty designs. We will loan you stencils. • Enamels of ail kinds. Floor glaze Enamel especially suitable tor kitchen floors. steps. verandas. It is extremely tough, will stand any amount of abase. It id not a paint, but a tough, glossy, floor enamel. Sold, Pints 35c Quarts 615c ffitallODS •1.25 Bath Enamels, tin, 2Se Bicycle Enamels, tin,- ..... 1166 Straw Enamels, . 2▪ 611 White Enamel for Heeled - room or drawing room at per quart ...... ..... 61.25 Carpet Whips., 10a and 150 Galvanized Palle -Alio and 300 M. L Paints. It was a good move on our pert. when we seeured the agency of this high-grade paint. Several houses were painted with it last summer and are to- day looking as fresh- as if done yesterday. These paints are trite to color and are made of the beet wear- ing materials. We believe they are the best paints on the mar- ket. We have them in forty good shades. Good to uee both inside and outside. On account of the increased cost of Linseed Oil. the price is a little higher than last year. 4 -pints, 91c- P1nts. 3$c. Quirts, 66c. 4 -gallons. 411,25 ' We have some ohe lines of Paint we will deer out at 4 pint 150, pint, 25e, quarts, 50c. Waehing Machines of all kind. 86.015 to 510.00 Self.wringing Mope. 51.00 Picture Hooke a dor..10c, 15e., 25c Picture Wire 5c and 10c Screw Eyes a dos 3c and 5c Clothes Hooks a dos. 10c Because you don't see mentioned here the particular thing you want, don't conclude we haven't it, tut we cannot give a full list of the things you need, but we have them right here in stock. Howell Hardware THE BEST PLACE TO BUY 11 I Co., Limited HARDWARE RIGHT 1111111MININSIII111111111111111111 I II I I lb I I 0 MIMI 0 11111111/1111111 11:1WEItt 11010.641 "ZVI Wil0 THE NEW FISH BRAND REFLEX SLICKER LOOKS LIKE AN ORDINARY COAT. The Wide Moan lap with our Reim Eds. (Petenteal) obenintely Finivenes wafer from ran- nin• in et the frost Only frve buttons Ask for the Irish brand ILISLEX end get abetter wearing, leder funsibed. heater loam, dicker in every e87. 501..D XVLRYWHLAL. TOWER CANADIAN OILED CLOTHING CO.. LTD. Terms.. Caniid•. DI Carthy has returned from her home in Men ritton. Mies Sullivan, of Ash- field, is visiting ber friend Miss Kate Brophy .. ..A number of farmers in this vicinity started to plough: this week Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Greven visited Prolipetity ft iends on Sunday. The Bald Headed Man may Look Wise But If He Hlad Been Fle, Would Have Hair Now vou do not want a scientific treatise on the hair follIcle-you are not par- ti,ularly interested In the name, of the Getman scientist who laolated th• bug trait Is mot to cause baldness. What )ou do want to know Is hotr to sav• the lair you have and make it Strong and hint roue. Nvala illrauton• will do It better than anything else. It Is not ci•Imed that 111Irsittone Is a wonderful scientific secret -but It l• the concrete result of all th•t provni in the sel•ntlfle treatment of sick and diseased hair and scalp. It to a happy combination and you will notice a prompt Improv•ment In the feelIng uf th. scalp and the luOk of th• hair. Hiritutone loosens and removes alt scaly •nd mimed deposit on the swain -etImulatea the hair bulb' and gives n•sv life and vigor to t h h•Ir Itself Myers IfIrsuton• given back to th• h•Ir and acarp lust whist It has been robbed of by your neglect and abuse. It Is time to start right. 1.eHir- Sutone. It Is onf of th• Nyal remedies and no higher reeernmendstIon can be Cr en It Th•y •r• all good Ask your Nyal Druggist He recommends R. Sold and guaranteed F. J. RUTLAND S. F. HICK H. C. DUNLOP E R. WIGUI GODRRICH Clue for ascii irarrreiimailillind 1An Unusual Display of Stylish Coats II FOR WOMEN We bave,just placed in stock this week a large shipment of Ladies' Spring Costs. These have been imported direct from Germany and we are safe in saying no such collection of high-class outer garments has ever been shown in Goderich. We have bought higher grades, better qualities and a larger assortment than we have ever attempted to show in the past. There is a style and a distinctiveness about these coats that mark them as different from the ordinary run of ready-made gar- ments. Of most we show but one of each style, thus guaranteeing our customers that individuality in dress so much desired. A prominent feature of this display of new imported Coats are some very hand- some silk and lace garments. These are shown in about a dozen different styles, no two alike, and are in very much better qualities than we have heretofore at- tempted to keep in stock. These new garments are displayed in our upstairs Cloak Department, where we will be pleased to show them any time, and invite you to come and see these really handsome coats at your leisure. The best choosing will be done early before the assortment is broken. Linen and Repp Coats $4.50 to $10.00 Cloth Coats: 8.50 to 16.50 Silk Coats 15.00 to 45.00 Our Special S2.5.0015ult We have inede a 'medal feature this sesson of a lady's tailor-made Suit at $23.00. These Snits come in blue& blacks. end greys. They are made of geod.quality all -wool eerges or Venetiane cut in etyles that. have been warted as ootrect for the present season. Every garment is: man -tailored. Costa all estin-lined, either perfectly plain or trimmed with wide braid. These are decidedly stylish fer- ments, made from high-grade materials and will give moo satisfac. tory wear. Other Suits, tailor-made, $12.50 to $20.00 NewjSpring hosiery New Spring Hreiery pita opened up this week. Whole of till the populist. makes now reedy. • Splendid value, foe ladies and children, at, per pair.. 1114o, Ian. 311542 and 50c Fifty-four ineh Drees Tweeds, good ranee of patterns. 35c worth doubt(' the money. Speci&I per yard Forty owe inch &II wool Serge* mind fancy Lustre.. dark 7c •44oringft, remalier /10c and 80e- Special per yard. only Illeterreserern eeet- Easter 0 loves Eiutter 010,0, will to in big denueod Saturday. We are ready for it with a stock of Kid Gloves ttf guaranteed qualities that is not equrned hereabouts'. Nothing goes over our eounters that we cannot guarantee. TIIK Pwitneesis-real kid Glove, le black anti all the leading colorings$1 00 Per pair . THR Gs.,cytnra - a genuine French kid Glows, perfect fit- ting aod a splendid wearer. Black and all the lead- ing shades. 1'•1 ci qg petit JP I .Aml lent Downey a fligte grade Preach kid Glove. made from selected skins, shown in black* and the moat iilar shade* for epilog 50 wear. Per pair Twit MkRt.signiko Heavy leather glove, P H. sewn. reg- ular maonish effect. el .00 Sprinkel at per pair .. • 11 • 1 •