HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-4-13, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODE
TYUMSDAT,' APRIL 1$. 1911 i
i 719 's ok+ 910 401"196i940 i9 40+ + cii9 44 9t**********4 9tit*iectiU
ii 4
_ The News of the District. ge
WRONI&IuAY, April lath.
It had been expected that on ex -
soma of the re -opening aervicep .
l nioo church, lioderich township; the
service at the Presbyterian church
nest Sabbath would be in the atter-
Di on. The former having been with-
drawn the aervlcr will be at the usual
time. I)r. H. P. McKay, foreign miss
.Rout secretary. will preach.
WKINs$DAY, April 12th.
Ht!-uresinte 8Ray1CRe Poen-armor.
-The re opening ser vices in Polon
,.hurcb, Godertch township, an-
nounced for garter Sunday, are with-
drawn and service will be held at the
asual hour in the afternoon. Dr. R.
P. McKay. foreign mission secretary
,.f the Presbyterian church, will
preach. A date for the re -opening
services will be announced later.
"Your D. D. D. Prescription fur
aurora is the beat thing we have ever
handled, and w giving Rood uatlsfec-
tion with our customers.'.. -Spur SPAY -
.neon Drug Co.. Birtle, Maas
"1 have had eczema on and off for
about Hoes year., and nothing I tried
has done so much good as D. D. D. It
will stop that irritation in a few .nin-
utes. I can do my washing and if I
have D. D. D. on hand it will Pose it
9t once." writes Mrs. A. J. Squires,
Coleman, Ont.
These are just samples of lettere' we
are receiving every day from grateful
patients all over the country.
-Worth its weight in gold." "All
my pimples washed away by I). D. 1)."
••1 found instant relief." "D. I). U. is
Tittle shott of miraculous." These are
the words of others in describing the
;;reit akin remedy. D. D. D.
.proven by thousands of cure., for
ten years, te, he absolutely bermless
and reliable in every case of skin
trouble, no matter what it is.
"Write today for free trial bottle to
the D. 1). U. Laboratories, Dept. G. 8.,
l9 Colborne starve. '1'nronrn.
Fax sale by all drutigiat..1
MONDAY, April loth.
Nitwit ' Narita -Service. in the
Methodistchurch next Sahhtth at 3
p. to ... Mrs. Peter McDonald re-
wrnerihome last week from Algoma,
after having spent a month there....
We are glad to report that Mri.
Walter Wilkie is able to be around
again Mrs. Peter Cemphell, jr.,
visited friends at Reid's Openers last
week Peter McTavish, of Ripley.
visited friends in this vicinity last
week Semite! Brown bought fifty
head of cattle from R. H. Iteid last
week. It looks as if Mr. Brown is go-
ing into the cattle business this -
uter Mrs. C. Ferguson spent a
few dates heat week with her daughter,
Mrs. R. McDonald, in Kintail... ..
Alex. Fraser, councillor of Huron
township. was around this way last
week canvassing for the Huron tele-
phone and be reports having been
vetv eucrreahil in getting names on
the roll for this new telephone line,
whRh is to be built this summer•... ..
Jame. Wilkie, who bee been laid up
eine la grippe sf late. .a able to be
around again .. ...Messrs. Hoes and
Anglia McLean purchased Bert Grey's
driver last week.
The young daughter of Mrs. T. S.
Itougall. 523 Mora avenue. Winnipeg.
wa• arranging some 'of ber doll's
cashing on a clothes rack, beside the
-love. when she fell, and her hand
came in contact with the hot stove.
she sustained a *sinus burn, and her
■mesons brought ber mother quickly
to the spot,
"I sent to the druggist Inc the best
remedy be had fur barna." she mays,
-old he sent beck a box of 7xm-Bol.
He said that there was nothing to
equal it. I applied this and it soothed
the pain so quickly tbat the child
laughed through her teats. I hound
up the hand in Zam-Huk frequently
sod liberally, until the burn was quite
"I'he little rime was soon able to go
on with her play, and we bad no
trouble with her during the time the
burn was tieing healed. '
7.sm-Buk Soap should also he treed
W. all mothers for baby's hath and for
Win troubles, rashes, pimples, etc.
All druggista and stores sell 7.am-
Buk at fifty cents box ; and soap at
rte. tablet. Poet -free from Zam-Buk
lb.. Tr.ronto, for price. Refuse harni-
fel imitations,
'. t•orrespondent informs us that
at the last scientific meeting of the
Zoological Society Mr. Oldfield
Thomas described a collection of
mammals from Eastern Asia. and
stared that in recognition of the help
given by the Dike of Hertford in form-
ing this collection be proposed to
names new spet�cci{es of Striped Shrew
after the Due(ogee. - Punch.
With healthy kidneys one bas a
gond shams to llve loeg, but weak
kidneys afflict old Mire with discom-
forts. The bark becomes hent and
lame, rheumatism is chronic: eyesight
, falls and too fre-
quent or Invol-
of the toggle
oanse ernhwr-
raeswtwnt by day
and Ittaf of deep
at night -
Booth's Kid-
ney Pills bring
new etrrngtk to
�old brads and
relief to weakened kidneys
h.y h1111411twek nmatk
1)". regulate the hire etnil rbeand urine.
,w'.. EJ oe" Pill, are for stet
i8neys la oNor ynwgg and are ggla
met es he the proprietors. The 1� T
r•ettatae.e • lk. tout. PI...• trial •w
sea teoptapvl.
Tt')CMDAA, April Roth.
'(newt. HIMONT -Report t f S. 8.
No. 9, Ashtl •Id, fur the month of
March ; name* in order of merit : Sr.
IV. -Jessie Stotbers, Eldon Twaullry,
Edith Johnston. (.euage 'l'wxulley.
Sr. 111.- Lilian Alton. Jr. 111. -Beryl
Johnston, Marie Baker, HeLa Twaut-
lev. St. IL --Juhti Glenn. Irene
Moran, Vincent Kik, Petereaezier.
Jr. 11. -(Roarings Glenn, Cecil Johnst..a.
Pt. 1I. HArvey Anderaaal, Leuven,/
Hackett. Fred. Finlay. Sr. I. -Tillie
Hackett, George 'I'waniley. Jr. 1. --
Frank Moran. 'Phomas Glazier, Len
nun O'Loughlin. Number on nil, 22.
Average a tendauce, 16. MARY H.
(;etexlrr, Teacher.
Personally Conducted Tours
To Cuba, Europe. Mediterranean,
Panama, Orient, South and Central
America, Mexico, Alaska and around
the world. Particular attention is
called t.. the coronation tour to Eng-
land, also the National Education As-
sociation trout to San Francisco. Full
particulars from A E. Duff. District
Passenger Agent, Brand 'Look Rail-
way System, Toronto, or 1. A. Got -
doe, tit, Catharines, Ont.
A breach of trust evinces a want of
that common principle which keeps
human society together.- G. ('rahb.
Dieu not life go down with better
grace, foaming in full body over a
precipice, than miserably stt•Itgling
to an end in sandy deltas ?-DR. L.
To the Growing Belief That Dodo's Kid-
ney Pills Will Cure any Forst of
Kidne Disease.
tdent.ridge, SRk , April 111.-lSpe-
cial)--ham D. Vickar, a well-known
resident of this place, is another con-
vert to the growing belief that Dodd's
Kidney Pill" will core anv form of
kidney disease. Here's the reason be
gives : '
"1 suffered for three years frena
lumbago which developed from a cold.
1 had other eymptcans that led me to
believe my kidneys were the cause of
the trouble. fly heart would ache.
I war always tired and nervous. i
had a bitter mate in the mornings,
was often dizzy and always thirsty.
A doctor attended me but did tint help
me niuch. it was one box of Dodd's
Kidney Pills that fixed me up."
Heron County Cootribates Its Quota to
State Celebrities.
An ir.tere.ting volume, tne North
Dakota Magazine, has found its way
to our dean- It contains short bi-
ographical sketches of the representa-
tives of North Dakota in Cr agrees and
Legislature and of the State officers,
and we notice several Hur.in "old
boys" among the number.
A former student at Goderich Col.
legiate Institnt- and teacher in Hnron
county is new the Hon. 8. J..1. Boyd,
member of the State Legislature of
North Dakota.
Another member of the Legislature
is Hon. Jerry O'Shea, who. it is stated.
was horn in "Goodrich" no doubt
Gnderich), Ontario, ('.nada. May 12.
186I. His parents moved to Chicag
when he was but two years of age and
afterwards went 1farther west. Mr.
O'Shea is now a rewiden( of McLean
county, North Dakota. a successful and
prominent loan, and he was choeen at
the last election to represent his dis-
trict in the lower house of the Legisla-
ture. .
Representative Henry Geiger, nf
Hamilton, N. D., was born in Zurich,
Ontario, May Z1. 18tt1, and Represent-
ative August Moritz, of Dresden,
spent a number of his boyhood year's
at Zurich, although a motive of Ger-
Hon. He'hry McLean, .State Senator,
was brought up on a faro in Huron
county, about sixty years ago, moving
to Dakota in lfiti'2. He hes now a
farm of Whl scree, besides other inter-
ests. The sketch does not say in what
part of Huron county his early domi-
cile was situated ; but we helieve it
was in the neighborhood of Brussels.
The sketch of Representative Boyd
is as follows :
A busy and useful life bas been
that of Hon. 8. J. A. Boyd. who will
take his feat for the first time in the
State Legislature at its twelfth session
as representative in the lower house
for the eighteenth district.
Namuel J. A. Boyd of Hannah, N.
D., was born in Listowel, Ontario,
Canada. September 17, DNS. He was
raised on a tush tarm in Perth county,
Ontario, and has hid practical exper-
ience of the difficulties attending
farming operations in that neighbor-
hood. leaving his school studies to
help in clearing the family homestead.
At the age of eighteen he engaged in
railroading, continuing in that occu-
pation for two vearv. then retnrninP
to the farm, where he remained until
twenty-five years of airs. He then un-
dertook to obtain a better edoration
and. after a course of 'study, graduated
from the Goderich Collegiate Insti-
tute. This was followed by six yy-earx'4
experlenee teaching school over Luck -
now, Ontario. in OM he rearmed his
poet -graduate studies and took honors
at the Ottawa Normal Reboot. In
1997 he secured a first -grade life cer-
tificate and high school tearber's cer-
tificate from tbe Normal School at
Hamilton, Ontario. He then heraame
nrpe*intendent of the high and public
schools at Exeter for three years.
On limitary 1, 1902, he came to
Hanneb. North Dakota, and pur-
chased The Hannah Moon. the pubil-
eatJon of which paper M has eon -
tinned ever &nee. Hine. coming to
the Stat. Mr. liesy d has hero prineipal
of the Hannah school, for filer years.
and. during the past two tears. has
been deaput% soperintsndent of rebook
fnr (leveller county Ha is the owner
of two fins farms in the varinity nf
Hannab and take. • deep interest to
alt farm problem&
He was 'turreted to Miss Margaret
A 1 ..-.l1• 'a : flea
, b n r - , or rime --let
Refuted Women the World Over Um It
Every woman knows that there is
nothing so good fur hair and scalp
trouble as Parisian Hage. If Parisian
Sage is used two or three times a
week it will Leep the scalp uice and
clean and remove daodr utf. It make..
the hair lustrous and Huffy and keeps
it trout falling out.
Wo urge every woman who loves
radiant and fascinating hair to go to
E. It. WVigle's todayand get • large
5I) -cent bottle of Pirisian Sage. He
guarabtees it to cure dandruff, falling
hair and itching scalp, or money back.
An Object Lesson f,,r Ontario.
Toronto, Apr. 3, 1911.
To the Editor of The Ernal.
Deem 8ttr,-In his interesting letter
Oq Victoria, B. C., in your last issue,
Mr. %Vatter C. Goode makes the start-
ling statement that last year the
building operations io Victoria
itmout/ted to about three million dol-
lars, but the buildings projected for
this year amounted to an astonishing
total of ten or eleven millions already
in sight.
Ih this connection it may be well to
note that at the beginning of this year
the people of Victoria decided by a 5
to 1 vote to abolish all taxes on build-
ings and ituprovements, and to levy
all the municipal [avenues from a tax
on land values.
The obvious result of this system is
to encourage building operations, and
to induce the holders of land to uutke
use of it at the earliest possible mo-
ment. This undoubtedly had some
influence in protnoting the tremend.
oust expansion of building operations
reported be Mr. Goode.
Ontario pee.ple who wish to see at
h what real industrial prosperity
means should support the work of the
Tax Reform League in promoting
le,rislation that .►ill allow. Ontario
municipalities to follow the example
of Victoria, R. ('., abd adopt the ra-
tional tax svetew.
Yours truly,
A. 13. FARMER,
Secrete, y Tex Reform League.
April Weather.
Those who,Jik• t3 kee,3 tat, on the
weather will be interested in Prof.
Hicks' predictions for April. as fol-
lows :
Storm+ of rain, wind and thunder
will culminate on and touching in-
lay the 2nd, winding up with possible
snow in northern extremes. Rising
barometer, fair weather and frosty
nights will visit most parts of the
country between the 2nd and 3th.l
(luring the 6th to Stir, storms of rain,
wind and thunder will make their
transit from west to east, touching
most parts of the coantry. Fair wea-
ther and cool nights, with possible
frosts northward. will follow these
storms. Low barometer and very
high temperature on and touching the
Ilth and 12th will bring severe thun-
der, rain and hail to many sections
On and touching 18th. 19th, 20th,
expect April storms and squalls. at-
tended by hutil. The entire month o'
April seems exceptionally free from
great and general disturbances, but
the storm periods will bring normal
and regular phenomena such aa are
rommon to this season of the year.
From the date of this eclipse of the
sun, tbe 28th, to the end of April.
there is a combination of astronomical
causes which is certain to excite
phenomenal disturbances in the at-
mosphere. Prom the 25th of April to
the 418 of May is one of the moat
positive seismic periods of the year.
Mark this prediction and note results.
Violent electrical and msgoetic muti-
festatioos, in earth current., aurorel
lights, electrical storms, volcanic un-
rest and earthquakes will reach maxi-
mum disturbances within and about
this period. But the opposition of
Jupiter. and the conjunction of Sat-
urn, within two hours ..f each other
on the 30th, together with the perihe-
lion of Venus on the 29th, will creates
seismic strain that will be felt severely
all round the globe.
The people of Kincardine and other
lake ports to the north are trying to
secure a boat service for the coming
season, and the Dominicn Govern-
ment has been interested in tbe propo-
sition. The Northern Navigation Co.
offered to put on a boat if the Govern-
ment would grant a subsidy of $10,000
for a serines of four months. This the
Minister of Trade and Commerce
deemed an excessive price for inch a
short service, and it is not likely that
the offer will be considered. John
Toknie, M. P., is trying to interest
some other steamer line in the pro-
Scoll's Emulsion
is the original -has been
the standard for thirty-five
There arc thousands of
so-called "just as good"
Emulsions, but they are
not -they are simply imi-
tations which are never
as good as the oryginaL
They are like thin milk -
SCOTT'S is thick like a
heavy cream.
If you want it thin, do
it yourself -with water -
but dont buy it thin.
?Oa SALE JY ALL DaoeYlggg
Ora far, ammo ad Mw W We aA Ow air
ba.Mtral Sseiy Bask and OIW. Se.aaa.laaf.
Rola bark esaAaW a ,baa L..ta roast.
SCOTT & RoMslt
11as Wetiaema !pass. War Teresa*. tilt
If you purchase a piano you must have a life-
time of study and practice to be able to enjoy it.
If you buy a player -piano you get nothing
but piano music.
If you own an
Edison Amberola
you get an instrument as beauti-
ful as the finest piano and one
that gives you at all times all of
the best of all music and songs
When ordering that new spring suit, do not forget that we are
prepared to cater to your wants in this line and have a large variety
ref cboi-.e goods on hand, in assorted ^olure, from which persons
with the most fastidious tastes may select theii requirement.
It is impossible to form arbitrary laws to guide risen in their we
of colon. The moat delightful blending of colors may be un beautiful
to some, and no authoritative verdict can be given in these days
when there is such a wide fre'dom of selection and choice. .111 the
beauties and all tne ugliness of colors are mere matters of personal
If you want something true and good, something better than
you ever had before, satisfaction is guaranteed by the AR's
We also handle Semi -Ready Clothing. which has won a wide
reputation of the highest order. We invite your inspection.
Art Tailors Men's Outfitters
Spring Tonics
Spring will soon he here and you will be needing
a good tonic to prepare you for the hand work of
summer. We recommend and guarantee
Nadruco Blood Purifier Nadruco Sarsaparilla
Nadruco Compound Iron Pill Nadruco Syrup Hypopbgetphites
Nadruco Tasteless Cod Liver Oil.
Kber types of Union
Phonographs, $ta.ia
toars•N. Edl.on
standard Enrorda,40w
Edina Amberol ger
orde, play totes as
tenet, tin Edison
grand Sesame,
to *RASO.
If these remedies do not do as re;,nmulended your
money will he returned to you. Agent for Goderich.
F. J. Butland, Druggist
..T�� store that pleases.'
"The pleases.'
There an Edison dealer everywhere.
to the torrent wet hear the Edw.,
"...VASA pian both Llnio. Mond
•,1and r a.tm Amberoi:,-meds. 6.1
• mi piste raining* Pros year dealer
r from u.
def Lakaii.A....,(k....,IIJ.,U.S.A.
JAS. F. THOMSON, Goderich, Ontario
The Correct Styles for Spring and Su-ier
THE chief designer of the Semi -ready Tailoring, who is a world-wide authority on men's dress, hart sent the
above sketches of four of the leading model.' for the current season. The Semi -ready shops, with their
great wholesale organisation and splendid system, occupy a commanding position in Canada such as is held
by no other concern in its own country_
Not only do they [let the choicer and more exclusive weaves and patterns from the Foglia!' mills, but
they are able to secure and to hold the moat expert and talented skill in dela„o and , raftseseg sip. Their
e„rrneerts this season are far in advance of their previous hast.
We'h:we bought three carloads of the. well-known "Pittsburgh
Perfect" Fencing to arrive about the end of March. This is the
fence that ialwelded by electricity, which process the most of you
have seen at Toroht.4, and London Exhibitions. The uprights be-
come part of the horizontal wirlis. Therefore it is impossible for
them to slip as they do in other makes ..f fence.
delivery from car and for cash with order
we make you the following interesting prices
5-wire3i inches high, all No. t) wire, per rod 2I c
ti -wire 40 inches high, all No 't wire. per rod . 24c
7 -wire 41 inches high, all No. 9 wire, per rod_.... 281c
B-wire 45 inches high, all No. 9 wire, per rod 31 c
9 -wire 49 inches high, all No. 9 wire, per rod 3 4 c
10 -wire 47 incbee high. all•No. 9 wire, per rod 36c
8 -wire 32 inches high, all No. 9 stays. 12 inches
apart, per rod 33c
$-wire 32 inches high, all No. 9 stsya, 18 inches
apart, per rod 31 c
tt-wire :;2 inches high. top and bottom No. 9
others No. 11. stays 12 inches apart, per rodotic
No. 9 Coiled Spring Steel Wire Ifully guaranteedI
per ire) pounds . .... ...... S2.4e1
No. 12 (oiled Spring Steel Wire (fully guaranteed)
per 1110 pounds 3.00
Barked Wire. per 1011 pends 2.50 e
These prices as stated before are for cash with order. We will
book orders only to the extent of nut purchase, as we caeont duplt-
rate our orde.• for the money we areetelling to you at, as there hes
been an advance on wire since purchasing three cars. Orden will
b filled se booked.
Are you going to roof tour house or tarn this year If - ., w.
can fur•nisbnsi with Metal Roofing or with r granteed Ready
Roofings and our eacan also put them on for you. ('.all and see samples
before purchasing.
How aho.ut cement ? Are yon going to do anv cement work
(him awing or summer % We •till handle the N•t.saal Portland
Cement. the Cement that gives perfect satisfactiss. ,,ss,11g
Of Shelf and Heave Hardware we never brut a mos-4eo.a�te
plumbing. Let tot figure on your plubing, heating, es'sstronetung
rind electrie wiring.
House Phone No
112 Phone No. t