HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-4-13, Page 6al I e ecaisa.Y, Assam LS, 1911 '111E ;411;NAI, : 4;011ERICH, ONTARIO THE MILITIA CAMP. LONDON SURPRISED V DECISION iN FAVOR OF GODERICH - Advertiser Says It Means an Annual Loss of 11100,000 to That City -- Londoners Declare It Was Gods- rich's Energetic Campaign That Brought the Camp Marc. cciriunents of the London papers betray a good deal of di/Appointment over Use removed of the militia camp to Godeiric,h. The Advertiser of last Tbursdas peening bad the following: (oh 11..dgina, D. 0. C.. bas received weed' dust the militia camp of the western district iII Iw hila in the future at (anderich. Lest night the message came. noti- fying hien of the tact. It With understood that the camp would he held in Loudon this year. and as a gestalt all the ineparatione fur it bave been made bete with that end in •iew. How ever, av soon as the of- ficial annouticetureit came !bat Gude- rich we. aeleeted se the -it... all plans had 1t) he changed. The dates aunounced are front Jone 19 to J • 30. It will In shout the moue sized- (Amp an last year. The artillery will go to PetAwawa. while the cavalryawill go to Magma.. Next yealorthe infantry, cavalry and artillery will all naip at Gorterirla making. it a very large affair. The city of London will foe- about 111110,000 a year by the change. aVben the croup increases in size the amount will be b larger. Much' diaappoinunent is expreesed among the citizens over tbe tact that tbe change has been made. It was confidently expected that the camp would come Isere. the finance committee of the city council having made arrangements to lease a lenge farm south of the city for the pur- poses of drill. However. Godelich waged a great oompaign for the camp. For mane wombs they have been working with that end in view. There were several deputations to Ottawa to toga their claims, and in other ways the alleged advantages of Goderich were impreas- ed upon the militia departmeat. "Yes, we have received ward that the, camp will go to 0-ode:Bich this year." said Major Shannon to The Ad- vertinr, nn bebalf of Col. Hodgins, who was eogaged and could not he seen. "A telegram came last night anoouncing that fact. and we are now 1 issuing orders to that effect. and mak- 1 ing the necessary preparation,. Tbis enda a strong campaign on behalf of Goderich citizens. They etarted out ionic time age and have bent all their energiee toward bemiring the ciunp. "They bad plans and profiles of tbe rilopaseci training grounds Prered. ey had any quantity of in rormaa tion in band to show why the camp, should go to their town. I must say 1 that they really did put up a tine cam -1 pawn. 1 understand that deputa-I Lions. several of them. went to 0tta- wa, to explain their position. they never let up for one moment. and the decision to hold tile camp there is a tribute to their persevet slice. "I have no desire to criticise. but it , duce net seem to me that the city of London urged their case as did the Goderich people. Had they done so. t the outcome :night have been differ- ent It now seems probable that the camp will remain in Goderich for many years to come. -We have no knowledge of the fact that all the officers of the regiments attending camp were in favor of the change. As a matter ot fact no ex- Ihression of ipinion was asked. The °Scent were hot cm:nutted. However the citizens of Outlet ich tuay tate had inter% war with all of tissue ter oti titin that adorn:Alaimo, but e have slot 19en &eked to teat the f ling of the o ans. Perhaps that was part of the tiodericb campaign. "The agitation to change the casup commenced back in 1907. It will he remembered tbat at Dant time there was an agitation on the temperance question. In 1908 there was still more agitation, and the result wag that A round robin signed by practically all the officers in camp was sent to the Department waking tor a change. Since that time, I piesunee, there hate been more or leas of a move to take it away from London. I am of the opin- ion that tbe interference at the time mentioned bad much to do with the present baste of affeirs. "At Clattered:I we will have no trouble controlling the men. They will do as good work, if not better. (ban here. and we have plenty of room. Howe% er, some of the officers regiet that we are leaving this city." ••I am very sorry that the camp is leaving Lanidoo." said Mayor Beattie. "I think we did all we could to hold it, herr. but apparently it was impassible to do so. It i• undoubtedly true tbat the tetopeiance agitation of some years ago has had something to chi with the decision to leave the city. lr means a big loss to London. The camp was a good thing for the mer- chants, and I am awry to see it go." Dr. Hany T. Reason. president of the Board of Trade. wap also disap- pointed at the decision of the Militia Department to remote the camp from itindon. He had hoped that it could be kept herr. but the decision of tbe authorities bas settled the case, prole ablv for all time to come. "the officers, so fair as I can learn, were not in favor of going to (lode - rich, raid la. If. A. Stevenson. one of the officers of the Twenty-sixth Regiment. "Some of them found it bard to teat tut men to go north. as they prefeired to come to a city. HOWeVer. the -re bait been some agita tion to go to Goderich on the part 01 some officers, and this. Nicked by a good catnpaign on behalf of the citikens of that place. made it certain that the Government unmet grant tbeir re- quests. - What The Free Prose Says. The Free Press said tin part): Cols Hodgins was asked whether it were likely that the camp would be located at Goderich for all time. al cannot answer that. tity gone fellow.- responded the Colonel. have nothing to indicate that. the mat- ter of choosing a permanent cramp has been considered.• Major Shannon. D. A. A. G.. stated that he t bought that the Deplete inetitat intention was to diecoter if (he limb-- rich ground, were suiteble. Mayor Beattie. who has been keep- - inir in touch with the Department in an effort to land the catnp for London inn -again. received wool beat week 1 that no land would be purchased thio year. He was urging the purchase ef tbc al A It . city. and it would appear that London has a good chance of getting the ramp for neat yearend in future years. Militia men of London. while de- ploring the removal of tbe camp from a commercial standpoint. look upon it an a sort of mixed blessing from the military standpoint. The careless, was- in wbich some of the rural egi- nents camping here year after year are tinifol turd is said by the office's. to hear had a had effect on the men of be ,city regiments and upon the people in general. giving them an erroneous opinion of Canada's militia men. Word was received at the barracks this morning announciog that the crimp was to he held in June, and ordering the drill instructots stationed et the barrecks to attend the camp thele in June. I Advert(sement.) WILL RECIPROCITY INCREASE FARM VALUES? (From The Canadian Century. Advocates 1 re•cipoccity are making statements to the effect- that the adop- tion of reciprocity will immediatelv increase the value of Canadian farm- lands 2: per cent. or more. Instead of making wild guesses let us get et the facts. Since the reciprocity negotia- tions began the United States Govern- ment has had a report prepared by experts showing tbe comparative value per acre of Improved farm lands in 1900 and 1910 in various border Staterfeind in the Canadian Provinces adjoining them. This report states that hetween 19011 and 1910 the value of improved fast, lands increased 67 per cent. ili Maine, 37 per cent. in New Hampshire. Xi per cent. in Ver- mont, 1141 per cent. in Nova Scotia, 120 per cent. in New Brunseick, 70 per cent. in Prince Edward Island, 90 per cent. in Quebec, 43 per vent. in On- tario, :it per cent. in Michigan, 77 per cent. in Minnrsote. MS per cent. in Manitoba. all per cent. in Saskatche- wan and 158 per cent. in Alberta. The great influx of matters in Mani- toba. netlike tchewan and Alberta account* It i the rapid increase in farip values in those Provinces ; but wheat is the explanation of the extra- ordinary incresne in tat ru values in tbe three Maritime Pt ovine' lc of Can- ada r Why did Nova taani• farm widower increase 181 per eent. while farm values in the twighboring state of Maine only inerenerd 1S7 per cent. i• Undoubtedly the west inc,?.... wattles in the Nat it mw Poi% inc..,. is due to the est•blohnient rnantifee- turing industries in recent y eat e. The rata/di•Illtbritt of West iron .td rtrri fruit:solo, in Nova ticatie bee re% olii• tiitifithed though/oil tb.. abler Province -a A profits ale lions, noir et ties hews ervated Ittr rt ) 111114 the farmers priAltice. The.- in- atotrie• have bees squall% teener( to the label no'', As the sterl intim hire are located in Nova 1.4..ol la the in Beware n the price of (atm land• been roost marked in that Proving*. Prin... Edward Island and New Brune., irk bay. leen aresitt Ilene filed The derelopmeent ni 't. John n winter pet has helped to in- ternee fans esibies in New la mow srk It will be weed that the in. -mese at feu a. values is noneiderabit ereeseer in 44.....tee that, in Maine New Hemp sasiva and Verueont end she onerove ment has been greater in Ontario than in the adjoining State of Michi- gan. In the face of such facts how foolish it is to indulge in wild dreamt ot a sudden increase in Canadian farm values as a result of reciprocity. The Price or Barley. From October 1, 1890, to August 27, 1(444, the United States custom. duty on barley was :10 cents per bisehel. From August 27, 1844, to July 24. 18417, the duty was thirty per cent. 'id val- orem, equivalent to a little over ten cents per bushel. On July 24, 11497, the specific duty of thirty cents per was restored and it hen been cotitin- ued Over 'dace. Of course (luring it period of 21 yeais there would ally be considerable veriest a .nic in pricea, but for purposes of cemearison it will tis fair to take the threw y. ars previous to the reduction if he duty. the three years during whieh eh.- low duty prevailed and the first three years after the dear of 'holy eent. • pet bushel was restored. Ac.• ming to reports of the United Sta... De partment of Agiicultme .1. 0.1n, priors of bea ley averaged 44.20 .-sr'- per bushel thinner 1i92. am' INN nnder a specific clie k 4 it or . • Per bushel. in P405. 14011 n 11.1147. tinder a duty fit at. la a • ,. • pa bushel, the farm prices 'eve. air .1 ;I at. while for (MIK ISM its d 11•151, kir •'1 .• inpreifle duty tit lhir,y i1.1 Intshci. the In See. g.r1 401. . per Inahel. Thus, in... ed • radian fernier gating an iv- d price 1, r the y h• . 0 . ile.- ited Store Se fir 11.. duty the price acme doe: ited States. 1941 is teeeonrible ci. t' %ion that if an a resell ia • i• y large quentitiee C.naa•ati I le), who 4. and nate go ea.. a lamed otos.. is mere. ea. Abl I h. American (wires will s son. .1 shots that t h• toned:an pt b.. s. 1 nip • .71- An yntw IL I on r I n prOCtirr. ih. wrier.. /.I *rt.( I. • n • ton- ing realprecity elms -le Pee. a pear..1 in tha paper she sad owed It r. arbirer- ti• the chief cite. t .1 1 Csn• admen 1 rntiii) iirseste•n• M s, t el. mod a pammblet t n a nil.' 1 • •tt• ieles end other •allnarile 'oto salon will he re carat free of ehas gre MARKET REPORT& alverpeel and Chicago Wheat F Cletie,r Higher -Live Stock - Latest Quetatiens. 1 assent crop report proved much less rosy than expected wheat to -der usa ap, rePtar tn Prier The clos,. which was almost at the hMheat point of the ses- sion left the net gala 16,c to 1%e. In cora the latest figures were lee to 'lie improv. s0 and for oats there was • Baal act - niece of %c to %c. Provisions ea the came showed Ic to lic decline. The Liverpool market closed to4a7 1114 15 litd blew, on wheat and %d higher an nes. coothared with maturday. Parts obserd 15 to 1...c higher om wheat. Berns %c higher, and Budapest 1%c higher. WhwiinaS Orstlerna ohne open. Nista tow clime Wherit- May Jady 110 IS% 11114 Pt 11% It Pros 111% °ate - July se sees ft May TS% TS% SS% Ma 2 Toronto Grain Market. %anat. bushel SO OD to 110 d Wheat, goose. bushel Rye, bushel 0 it 033 Barley, bushel . o ft Oats, bushel 0 X •••• Buckwheat. bushel 0 48 540 Pees, bushel 0 711 0 40 Toronto Dairy Market Batter, store 1041 0 17 • Butter, mparatos. dairy, lb0 22 0 M Butter, creamery. Ib. roils0 X u IS Butter, creamery. solids- 0 34 0 X Biggs, new -laid 0 11 Cheese, lb. • . I IS% 0 14 Honeycombs, dozen Honey, extracted, lb 0 10 • 11 Montreta: Grain and Produce. MONTREAL. April IQ -There was an improved enquiry from foreign buyer0 for Manitoba spring wheat. and bids la some Mitances were-1(00higher, but eves at this advance they were P.144 k Per bushels out of line. The Inquiry for oat, was also good, but on account of the re- cent advance in prima in the wort and tae higher rates of ocean freight, bide were id to Id out of Line. Owing to the recent wee/room In wheat, and the fact that lake and rail freights from the west will be reduced in a few days, coupled with the oontlaued cutting. a weaker feeling developed In the flour market. and prices for spring wheat grade* were reduced 30e per barrel. The demand for bran and shorts is good, and prier's rule , firm. i Oate-Canadian western, No. 2, 31'4c W„ IOW. oar iota. ex -store; extra No. 1 tees. =Ste to 31c; No. 3 C.W., 37%c to 37%c; Na 2 local white, Me to 31%c. No. 3 local width. Sr to 35%e; No. 4 local white. Ma Egygs-Prestb. 17e to lec. • Cheme-Westerea. 11%e to 11%c. Hatter-Cholcest. Se to 31'.4c. sero Mc to 24c. CATTLE MARKETS. Union Stock Yards. TORONTO. April Ill -Receipts 14 live stock at the Union Stock Yards were 103 carloads, consisting of 2158 cattle, 33 hogs, 511 sheep and lamb*. 104 calves and 9 horses. Exporters. Shamberg & Sons bought 224 steers for London, 1383 lbeeach, at an average ee X.M. Butchers. Prime picked lots sold a1 15.16 to MI6; loads of good, 16.110 to MAO; medium. 15.111 50 S6.50. corrunon. X to X 313; cows. MX to 116.3. llnlkers and springers were not plena - Milkers and Springers. fel. and prices ranged at from 340 to 161. Veal Calves. *SEW ranged at from 14 to 87.30 per oat.. and one extra choke quality brought 87.75 per cwt. Sheep and Lambs. :Thema ewes. sold at seas to tan: nuns. (4 to 114.50: yearling lambs. X to CM: Inking lambs, $4 to 88 (-sea. Hogs. Hoge are assail quoted lower: ',lefts. fed and watered at the market. OM, and M.20 to drovers for hogs f.o.b. cars at country points; • thick. fat hogs, over TM lba. each. 50c per cwt. lees. Montreal Lie• Stock. MONTREAL. April 10. -At the Montreal stock Yards west ead market the re- ceipts of live stock for the week ending Aprn 8 were 3116 cattle, 210 sheep and hanta. Me hogs and 223 calves. The sup- ply m the market this morning consisted of, MO cattle. 160 sheep and Iambs. 1500 bogs sod 460 calve& The weather was fine and 000l, and thls Important factor, coupled with the generally good oondi- lion of the market, gave the drovers and deaters mi opportunity to display their stock to the best advaatage for the Em- ber trod*. The quality of the cattle offered was geoeraur above the average that mimes to this market. as is always the cam at Easter time. consequently the butchers bed m difficulty 10 Widen out some- thing extra for their stalls and .hops. The fathering of buyers was large. and, aa the run of cattle was not any Larger than expected. an active trade was done, rind the prices realis00 for tho extra choice stock were to• to le par blether them the ordinary sold at. = aboice garter steers sold at 714c to le: esteem at sac to 7c; good at Pfic to SSW; tarty food at 6%c to ie; fair at Pac Iper. and the lower grades at 41,00 to to choice bulls on the market. wi= per pound. There were a number of weighed from IMO to roe pounds. and myth= brat/02°1d 1* tt WaCframt0ziarftcto"rnIacP°perund.esurad.and sa to quality. The market for hogs opened stronger. and prices ruled Hie to Mc per /SO pounds Meter than last Wednesday, with sates of selected lots at 5740, but later 113 the dory the supply turned out to be somewhat to Pieof the requirement,., and In con- sequence a weaker feeling deveioped. and Vrkss reacted skertalr and dectined 30e be is per 1011 pounds below last Wednes- dart' closing figuresi. and males were made. at E per 100 pounds. weiehad off oars, making the mete for the day go MAO - The display of small meati was rie1 large. owing to Um fact that butcher, generally leave the buying of each stock later 041 in the week, but there wase Borne choice stock amoes the offerlaga, for which good priest were realairdL few very ehotee fat Lambe soil at SS each. and the eommoner mem at from that down to sun. 00... weilhtng .11 the way from MI to 700 pnueda earn mold at Ile to Ile per poundamid the lignier nom at from them figurer, down to Se par pounds. OM sheep brought Pee per pound. 'set Ridlalo Cattle fd•rtre. F:ART 141-lelleA1,0, April 10 -Cattle-Its- reipts. MOO .1c00; market for choice grade. fair! y sett yr . common Now and lower; prime -Norm. le to to MM, sh'pping teepee. X to PI.11, butcher gr.d.e 1551 to 3331 betters. NM to 1311; cows. $2.11 to SAL balls. Ma (0 3315; ninth cows and elarisf- era. 13111 to Calves-Reirelpts. IMO heed. martet :Me- te &cues *ad steady; eel1 to choke. 31.31 • M Sawa and Lambis-Reeetpta. MOM head; matinet Now: Samba tie Mew, elm, Peso,: rheas Ismna, 01.110 to P 3 min 10. raw, Nit to 3340, yearlings. OM to IL ahem el to 01 Homs-Recolpts, 14.320 head. eamilest fair- ly active. 15c to Tec lower. 'meters, 1111.11 itt essplea. it 1i.d, all to MO: heavy, 3350 to OM; rough. tan to OM • • i maga. he to s. Chimes Lies Week CHICAGO, Aprit 111.-rsosp-issoseras Was head, market slow; Me to lower mired act butcher; len 1. 114460104 heavy. OM to see mash heavy, se 5*11. light. 51.31 to sus. sees wit ss 31411. hulk, 333131 31* glom yet Lionbe-11eto* birg, merge, 14k- lower, jive arse mallasek in SS Meths 1141111 to 1111111 A Free Start on the Road to Health • Ivo -story pressed -brick bulking. ailed with costly apparatus, equipped wtth electrical machinery and esPPg- ratite- • spiendld building in every resPera, situated en 8padina Avenue, Termite, Is eloquent testimonial to Psych's& Per Puebla* in a third of a mu- tim7's extraordinarily soccessfal sae "mat Um' building - Aad it did mars- h eared hundreds of theasande of people suffering from disease - And made the most remarkable re - mud for cadent curing power of any preparation known to medical edema. Psychine Ls a tonlc- It builds up the body -by strength- ening ;he welt° corpuscles of the blood, or phagocytes, whicb by devouring the germs of &same keep the body in con- dition to cure or resist sickness. • Below is a list of dimmed tint Pie- * mill Cam If you are troubled with or fear any, plasm All In and sand the coupon to us today -you'll never regret /our de- cision: Lee= liemarrhager gem Mums Aaammia Vii, Wessinmes Peer Appetite ChM aed Poems Obattembr e iliessiesemmeemd LarymplOr=b5 Newman Troehleo Dy•••••ta ahmeedgeeto01 Plmeney, Pasessesti mad La Grip& • Now. we don't ask you to take our word for toe tremendously beneficial effect of Psychineinn coat the coupon toolow, mail It to us aed glen give your drugelst an order (for which we pay htm the regular retail price) for a 50 -cent bottle of Psychine to be given you frt.* of cost. We will undoubtedly buy and dim tribute In Ibis dianner hundreds of thousands of tbe se 50 -cent bottles of Psycalne. And we do that to show our entire confidence in this wonderful prepara- tion. Breental Oceans Week Lays' Weak Yokes 8 1,1=0:0=eass Oatarreal airetelees Catarrh el glemeeob • confideaos that has been based on our thirty years' experience with this splendid preparation, with a fall knowledge of the hundreds of thou - made of cures it has made. • COUPON No. 40 To the Dr. T. A. i.00Ulit Lad. 191195 Spading Arm. Tonne .frice4merser ear te & cootursexcsonsaywebibehawsuargt riodeAe. Kieft advise my dreigglft 31 this betas tot ma My Nam& 0•1110 G.* ••••••••••011 Tome.....».•so• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Bereft Nunder Dreggins Nana. ..... Mem' asi Nmeimer . . memisso Soot geed tor. MoMAU 01 Pmehless 11premated 1. 14*. -It meet bo seat e.-w.ttellegZ the Me. betas of Psychics from yew druggist and direst Wm to deliver it he yea. This °Ow may be withdratra at witimet notice: &Mg teepee The first pound you use will win your lasting favor ceVIDOR S,s+e -"More bread and better ROM NAM ' bread".- ...„-aaeeaai „,,„/,,„„ PURITY„ FLOUR ingleFare FOR EASTER Good going April 13, 14, 15, Id, 17. Return Iiu,lt, Wed- osselay, April 19tb. Mini- mum rate a 25c. sitxT HomeseekersEzeursioi TUMIDAY, Aram Dint Through train Toronto to Win nipeg. 2 p.m. Colonist sad tour bit can. Ask for Honieseekers Booklet. Jos. KIDD, Agent, tioderieh. wrsorososississiwwwwww.rsek GRNO TNK:iTAU5ts Easter Rate: SINGLE FARE For Round Trip (with minimum chugs of 25a) be tweet' all stations in Canada, ale to Niagara Falls and Buffalo. N.Y Dee reit and Port Hut on, Mich Good going April 13. 14. 15. 16 ant 17. Retuin limit Aped 19,-1911. Low Rates to the West Ask nearest Giand Think Agent about "Homeoeekriaa” "Colooist and "Settlers" e xcut skins oraiddrest A. E. Duff, D.P.A., Totonto, oot. .• Full particulate and tickets from F. F. LAWRENCE, Town Agent. J. BKOPHEY & SON GODERICH THE LEADING Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders carefully attended to at all hours, night or day. YEW can have we or/hese five Every boy and girl in Western Ontario has an equal chance to win one of these handsome ponies by collecting the bottoms of the cartons of Orange Maize Toasted Corn Flakes win always taste good to you no matter how much you eat. Thoroughly and scientifically cooked, rolled into filmy flakes and then toasted to a golden brown, it is chock full of nutriment Eo sure that your next order of Toasted Corn Flakes Is ORANGE MAIZE Get It from your grocer to -day. Do notaccept substitutes. • 1,•e; • .rn0e, M C corF ICKS ERSE Quality Incomparable A Wholesome Food A Nest Nourishing earl Economical Food Rival Bread for Ecosomy At Your Grocers For Fagan Try ars wcsrasswayssass. Mem. as.. 31 10.. Fe, 3aa4 faits 3.d". go semi toe. 11 REAM ODA BISCUITS ••••.....,...rtmomommunim••••nampw • MII3C.1'