HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-4-13, Page 5•
acfltitainl'Aek use g steels "WA
AT, APRIL lir l/OIL,
The marriage of George Hodgens.
brother of the wan, Hodgetu of
teem, to Miss Mickle, a (sewer resi-
dent of ()lino, took place iu Toronto
rat seaturd Meech '5th. Mr. and
Mrs. Hodge will reside in Winnipeg,
Mr. Hodtcen being engaged with a
large drygoode house in that city.
tieorge'r Goderich ft lends extend cou-
gratuletioos upon the happy event.
This Would Be a Good Train.
It is understood to be the intention
of the 0. T. R. to pmt en a new train
from Stratford to Toronto, bowing
Stratford at noon. It i, hoped that
the G. T. R. authorities way ser 'hoe.
essay to make Goderich the terminal
for this new train. 'l'his would make
the time of departure from Gn ilerich
about 10::41, and a [title leaving at
this time would lie a great c onveni-
rnoe to travellers aIon;; the GrNlerich-
litratIotd line and should have a largo
patronage. Mr. Lawrence, the G. T.
R. agents is taking the matter up
with the district paaserger agent.
••The County Fair.
'Ibe event of next week will be the
production of "The ('runty Fair." by
w cast of fifty people at Victoria
Opera House. under the directive of
Miss Ella P. Been. of Cleveland. and
the auspice of the Menesetung Canoe
('lug The play is bright and witty,
witb many opportunities For a laugh,
and the scenes will he intespersed
wit's clever specialties and musical
numbers. The reserved seat plan will
he open et Edwards' restaurant 'text
Wednesday noon. and as Mene'. tong
Canoe Club events are invariably pop-
ular three who wish to enure seats
should be on hand early. Prices are
:t,c, 35e and 50c.
Cannot Get an Engagement.
Little progress has been made since
the January meeting of the county
counril in r'onnection with the power
project. Reeve Leckie, of Hot -seta,
chairman of the county council com-
mittee having the matter in charge,
was in town on Monday. end ex-
pressed himself ae ahuost discouragei
in his efforts to recuts- any .•o age-
ment for his coo uuittee with Hon.
Adam Beck and the Provincial
Hydro -electric Commission. He hos
written several times without sati.-
factory ,+esttlt, and he fears that little
can now be done before the June
meeting of the ,ounoil in 'the" way of
placing the scheme before t ho public,
as it was intended should he done..
Harbor Notes.
Cetnent work on tie workhouse of
the Hig Mill elevator was ro,•nm-
menced yesterday afternoon and
Superintendent Johnson announces
that with six weeks of fine weather
the whole building will be completed.
Over twenty men are employed ou the
structure and more may be put on
The navigation roeason opens Friday
at midnight. nut only tw•n of the boats
will be leaving within the next few
darn. They are the steamers Neehing
and Fairmount and they will depart
Possibly nn Sunday. southward bound.
The St. Mary. River is full of ice and
the other boats. whose route is to the
north. will be here for an indefinite
time. The )ions remaining will be
the J. A McKee. Keniinistiquia, Beav-
erton, Acadian and Gordon.
Public Library tboard.
The members present at the meeting
of the public library board on Saturday alone in the house when the neighbors
evening were Moors Kidd. GAIL, awakened her to tell her the sad news.
Tom. Fowler, Elliott. Tigert and Irr. it came as a great shock, an Dr. Hut-
Strapg. An Account of $13.85 from ton was always of splendid physique.
Geo. Porter for hooks was nrlertd to e
he paid, also en aro tont of $11 fl,i from LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF.
Harper for electric light repairs.
etc., and of W. K. Pinder of iso cents
for repairs to doorbell. The librarian
baying requested an increase in salary
or reduction of the rent staid by him'
it was decider' tit reduce the tent from
$7 per month tit $i. The report for
March shows an issue of 1.807 hooks
and magarines and receipt, for the
month of $5.1ti. Dr. Strang, Mr. Tom
and Nr. Tegert were chosen to repre-
sent the hoard at the Eshtet' meeting
of the Ontario Library Aesociatio't
and the requisite fee of $2 was ordered
to be paid.
tore. Although the father was not
present he waw severer' reprimanded
for peovoking the son a. he had done.
' L. E. 1)ancey defended the accused.
Hort'. A. G. MacKay to Speak.
Hon A. G, MacKay, leader of the
Prot/Metal Liberal party. will address
meetings at 11'iighauw, April:blth. and
Goderich, .lptil'9)th,
Presentation to Dr. Field.
At 11 o'clock this utoroing the staff
and pupils of the Collegiate Institute
gathered in the assembly roosts to
mark the close of Dr. J. M. Field's
term as principal mf theischool. 1),.
strong president. and after expressing
the feeling of gutadwill, mingled int
this snot/thin with regret, which the
teacher+ held toward- the retiring
principal be called on Benson Lung.
who read an addrress fruit the school
to Dr. MeldThis was to be accrete
hreuied with the presentation of a
uandsnone shield, engraved with We I
toil and motto of the school, but the i
fit tit c '.sinned to prepare the
shield had not etunpleted the work
and ilDr•. Field wills receive it later. 1
The rest iring principal gave a suitable
reply, in the eoIitee of which he eg- i
pretwri his pleastio yy that he would re-
main a resident ofrUo(terich and also
his gratification in banding hack to
Dr. Strang the autboritd a, principal
which he had received from him
Dearly six years ago. Judge Doyle,
chairman of the trustee hoard, was
peseta and added some fitting remarks
iu eppretiation of Dr. Field', cert ices.
It is nearly eleven years since Drs
Field joinetj the teaching staff of the
Collegiate. which he leaves to tike the
petition of inspector of public echtsds
in twist Huron. Dr. Strang will again
take the position of principal after the
Easter vacation.
Death of Dr. Herbert B. Hutton.
Much regret will be telt aur„ng
former friends here at the untimely
death of Dr. Het)tert 13. Hutton. son
of Rev. B. 1.. Hutton, formerly of
Goderich and 'Iloogisonon. The and
event occur -ed at Cort Colborne on
Satutdey last. The London, Free
Press makes the following reference :
The death of Dr. Herbert B. Hutton,
son of Rev. B. L. Hutton, of dui Bruce
street. occurred suddenly at his home
at Port Colborne on Saturday morn -
mg. Dr. Hutton waw about bis duties
as usual io the mortising, when he had
an attack of heart trouble and before
medical help could be summoned he
had passed away. The late l)r. Hut-
ton was born in Kincardine thirty-
three years ago, and attended the pub-
lic and high schools in that town, go-
ing from there to the Toronto Univer-
sity medical school. where be gradu-
ated in liter with high honors. In his
years at college be was exceedingly Tumidity evening, the oc;obi,•n being
popular with his fellow -students and one of the moat gratifying event+. in
was one of the hest athletes of his the church's history. After . the
year. immediately after his gradua- gathering bad partaken of the dainty
tion' he, took a short course at New repast provided by the ladies. Rev. Dr.
York and settled to prefer ice in Port Medd. as chairman. gave a compre-
Colborne. where be had been since and bensiee review of the past year's work,
where he built up a large and suers°" which has been most encouraging.
ful practice. Dr. Hutton was a mew- Addresses were given also by the
ber of the Shrine. And the funeral, following officials:. Sidney Belcher,
whirls will b held from his fsther's representative of the Epworth League,
residence to Woodland cemetery this Young Men's union and organized
afternoon et 2 o'cloek. will be coo- Bible classes: G. M. Elliott and Geo.
ducted ny St. George's Lodge A.. F. Green, the class -meeting department :
and A. Be
of this city. sides his G. M. Elliott, Sunday school depart•
father and mother, Dr. Hutton is sur- went ; Rev. Mr. Ly'mhurner, on Le-
vived by ooebrother. Albert, of New half of the strangers; .1. H. Million,
York City. and nos sister. bit's. Mc- for the business inteesta of tbe
Donald, of Detroit- Dr. Hotton was ehoi'ch; Mrs. Medd, Women's Mis-
marrieri in ltiili to Miss Etaodtord, of aionarySociety ; and Mee. T. S.
Tottenham. who 1. a sister of Mee. Nicholson, Ladies' Aid Society. The
Jack Tennant. 5:?I Quebec street. reports showed all departments to be
Rev. Mr. Hutton was out of the city in a flourishing condition. There has
on Ft iday night and Mrs. Hutton was been an increase in membership of be-
tween seventy-five and eighty. and
tbe finances have oleo increased to a
marked extent. During the evening
Bolos were given by E. C. Belcher,
David Wells and Miss Hattie Belcher,
and recitations by Cecil Lynn, Miss
Hattie Belcher and Miss Minnie Gibbs.
Henry H, Humber writes from Rad
Deer, Alberta. March 'Sith: "Wel
wsrw and dusty here for the past
week. How do you find it" 'rhe day
this was received here !April 3rd1
there- was brill some snow on the
ground in Goderich.
A quiet wedding was solemnized by
Rev. Janie' 'Hamilton at the Leeliurn
and l'nion mase, East street. on
Wednesday of last week, when Ethel
J. Carey. youngest daughter o' Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Carey, of Goderich,
was united in marriage to Harvey R.
Scott, of Berlin. Mr. and Mrs, Scott
will remain in Goderich for a few days
before leaving for Berlin. where they
will reside.
In the Governor-Oeoeral's competi-
tion of 1910 ---open to all Canada --
Howard Russell was awarded the gold
medal for solo singing. in the face of
keen competition. .in this occasion
(at the Royal Alexandra Theatre. Tor-
onto) his singing of the .difficult test
piece aroused e very critical audience
to an unusual degree of enthusiasm.
(;oderieb citizens are to be favored in
the near future with en opportunity
to hear this popular soloist. tie Ap-
pear* in North street Methodist
chinch nn tbe evening of Friday, May
12th. Reserve the date.
In Knox church Baster Sunday will
he celebrated by special services. Mr.
Roes wiN preach in the morning and
Rev. R. P. Mackay, It D., of Tor-
onto, in the evening. The congrega-
tion will make the day memorable by
placing fully $2.21)1 on the plate as a
voluntary offering.and great interest
and enthusiasm are manifested.
North St. Methodist Church Easter
11 a. Ill.
Organ Prelude. "Koster Chimes". Eddy.
Anthem "w-ake Thou that Sleepe.0
bolo...."The Reru.recUon Morn ..Hockney
Mrs. King.
Sermon....'Tbe Us log among the Dead' .. .
Fie•. Dr. Doctnll.
Anthem. .. ..' Hs.
e 1a Risen Park
"Coronation March. . Heel
Geo. H. King. Organist.
o. m.
"Love Triumphant" ti a ,tory of the first
Eastertide. representing the Re-une.tion a.•
affecting .the first Christian.: it u. adapted
from "Tor. a Street Foy of Jerusalem. written
by Florence Morse Kingsley. author of "Titus.'
"Mephen." "Paul,.. etc. A- the tory proceeds
the vital points are illustrated by the choir
singing wu,.ioal ..erection. by various writers.
The ernioe. th,.ugh unusual. i. eminently
appropriate. and will be Illuminative and m-
sp ring.
There was a large attendance at the
congregational bangpet held i u
Victimia street Methodist church on
Anthem of the Sterling Bani, Tomo -
too is home fora shorn time R. A.
$oherton sold his house and lot last
weak to Mr. Manning, of Hullett, who
is moving his family to the village.
A• A. Naylor has t sited Wm. Ander-
son's house and will wove there
Cavite/1 NO Ke. -At' the service in
the Bap thrt church Sunday afternoon.
Ilse. Mr, Wylie. the pastor, sang a
solo. "Let )esus Come into Your
Heart," in god voice Atter the
regular meeting of the Epworth
League, which ryas held on Monday
night of this week. the election to' of-
ficers took plate. The followii g art
the officers for this year : Pr.- dent,
Miss Mabel Erratt !re-elected, : hit
vice-president. Miss Effie Knox ; bud
vice president, Roy Munro; 3rd vice-
president, May Ferguson ; Ith vice
president, Mrs. R. A. Miller; secre-
tary,'Miee Laura Jackson t treasurer.
Miss Louie Jackson ; organist, Miss
May Irenstedt The choir of Clin-
ton Baptist church is coming to assist
their friends of the Baptist church
here next Sunday. Mies Hoover, of
Clinton. will tender some sacred twice -
Gone on the violin.
Good Program at the "Lit"
.k most enjoyable evening was
spent' by those who attended the
meeting of the G. C. I. Literary
'Society Net Friday evening. Inspec-
tor J. E. Toni acted as chairman and
the program was opened with a val-
edictory address by F. J. McNaught.
who thus conehii b d a succe estul term
as president of the Society. Miss
Hattie Belcher gave several elocu-
tionary numbers in good style, and a
drill by twelve young girls, trained by
Miss Hodge. was very prettily exe-
cuted. instrumental selections wet.
given by Miss i.. Elliott, Mies iris
Warnock and Mr. Shore's orchestra.
and vocal numbers by Messrs. ('ook
and Fowkr. Two budding comedians.
Miss Ella and Master Elmer Robert-
son, fairly brought down the house
with their contribution! to the pro-
gram, three selections being given in
succession before the audience would
allow them to retire. Dr. Strang
spoke briefly at the close of the pro-
gram and the audience dispersed after
singing the National Anthem.
Fluster card-- a large eetertion of choice
designs a: Wilmer Smith's Art Store. Fist
street. The sending of greeting, to friends at
Fie•er 1- much in vogue at preieot-
When you go rousting. young man. don't de
it with • law -nit. Much more of save wout.I
be a suit of the kind that P idbam the Tailor
tarns out -natty. well made. perfect fitting.
The manager of the Lyri' Theatre
has kindly offend a benefit for the
Boy Scouts on Wednesday, April
On Good Friday evening Knox
chinch choir will render Stainer's
"Crucifixion." Everybody weLome.
Silver collect ion.
Poster, are out asking for tenders
for the furnishing of food and fuel
supplies for the military camp to be
held here in June.
Fred Holwell. D. D. G. M.. of Haden.
made hi. Annul fraternal visit to
Maitland Lodge, A.. F. and A. M.. on
Tweed -y evening.
The Late Mrs. McLay.
At the advanced age of ninety-two
years. Mrs. Roderick Mc t a v passed
away at the home of her daughter,
Miss Annie Massy. Quebec street. ap
Wednesday of last
ceased bad lived in Goderich for the
past, two years. Met previous to that
time abs bad resided at FRiplev for
fifty-four years. lithe wee horn on
the 1tde sof Lewis. Scotland. In the tear
1819 and .migreted to Canada in the
year IONS, settling at Ripley as stated
above. She waw the mother of three
The regular monthly tneeting ofthe
Daughters of the Empire, to be held
on Monday afternoon, :April 17th. has
been postponed until Monday. April
The rendering of Stainer's "Cruci-
fixion" by the ,choir of Knox church
on Good Friday evening will afford an
opportunity to hear a most beautiful
sacred compneition. The service will
commence at 8 o clock.
The Gcsierich Citizens' Marine Band
will give another popular entertain-
ment on Friday evening, May 5th.
Miss Pearl O'Neil, Toronto's well-
known elocutionist, will be one of the
special features. Farther particular.
On Monday evening when about tc
leave Victoria street Methodist church
after the cnnaiwgational banquet.
Mrs. James Wells, Albert street,
tripped and !truck her head on the
corner of the organ. She was ren-
dered .incontseious for some time.
MoxuAV, April lith.
Lolsiot His H.CRN.-Joe Hannah. of
the 10th concession, lost bis barn on
bis farm on the 8th concession by fire
on Saturday. the 1st of April. He
bad the lantern hanging on a book
and when taking it down the handle
came out of the lantern. •Mr. Hannah
tried to save it, but the gime broke
and the lantern fell In the hay and set
fire to it. He lost most of his ebeep,
some farm implements and also con-
siderable feed.
The underwear
without a fault
lnderwearand Hosiery
" r , for any season or climate,
for man, woman or child,
at the right price.
And it won't shrink!
Nachos', by
en -Angle
Neese are muds to tell you
that it's ormolus. others uwee-
urs time for the work in the
kitebetl- Seine ars voiceless,
others bund the hour from end
to end of the house.
Some area lit tie larger than a
good mixed watch, here are
anti bigger red ggast. Bial
.each is totent .l for a certain
put pose.
Needing um in your hoarse
You'll find what you are ti.tk-
iog for riga here.
Clocks if all sizes for all is..
at all prices
Jeweller and Optician
South Side of Square, G,alerich
medium weight
JARDINE ON TRIAL. Father Morriscy's
Continued from page 1.i Remedies 1
within two weeks. If not paid within
that time. judgment to he entered for
the sum of $1.300 and costa of action.
Bird vs. Logan—An action for mali-
cious prosecution. This action was
Stothers vs. Taylor -An action to
recover the price of a grocery stuck.
This actino was postponed until the
non -jury sittings.
The Robert Bell Engine & Thresher
Co. vs. Kimble -An action to recover
the price of a threshing outfit. Settled
out of court.
The Guy G. Major Co. vs. Turner -
An action entered on account of the
nondelivery of a quantity of flax
seed. The ttial was Postponed until
the next non -jury sittings.
The Sovereign Bank vs. Walker- -
An action on a promissory note, the
price of a threshing machine bought
at Clintoe. This :action was settled
a.c ording to agreement.
McTaggartet al. vs., Smith et al. -
An action to set aside a will. A settle-
ment of this case is pending and will
probably be disposed of before the
sittings are concluded.
Seafortn Milling Co. ve. Jamieson -
An action to recover the price of a
quantity of flour. Settled.
Lambtrtus vs. Dalton -An action
to recover the price of stock. This ae ,
tion was postponed until the non -jury
Maw es tale le Meade
When Father Morriscy, the famous
priest -physician of Bartibogue, N, H.,
died a year ago last spring,' he left hie
prescriptions to the Sisters of the Hotel
Dieu, at Chatham, to be used for the
benefit' of humaney and of the church.
Not being in position to make op and
-distribute the prescriptions themselves,
tbe Sisters arranged with a number of
gentlemen, who had been Father INorriscy•s
friends, to do it for them. These gentle -
seen working under the ofthe" Fat ber
Morriscy Medicine Ce., Limited," had by
the first of the year placed the remedies in
nearly every store in - the Maritime
So gladly were they received. wad so
satisfactory has been their record of cures.
that the Sisters and tbe Company have
decided to place them on vale through- i
out Canada.
Father Morriscy's "No. 7 for Rheu-
matism and the Kidneys—"No.. so':, ;
Cough Cure and Lung Tonic- "No. it. . ;
Stomach Remedy—"No. re-, for Catarrh,
and "Father Mornscy's Liniment"- can
now be obtained from most dealers in this
Province.• If yours does not keep them
write the Father Morriscy Medicine Co.,
Limited, Montreal, Que.
Sold and guaranteed in Goderich by
F. J. BorLANO.
From .%mil 3rd .merges into our
Summer Swaim; from July 3rd
and alo•da continuous oppor-
tunity for bright young people
to qualify for good business po.t
Unna. our school the Centre.
Hudd-. College of Torooto-
thr largest and be..t equipped in
Canada, Invites your oonslders-
tion. Catalogue rn. a f l u d on
request. W. H Shaw, Prineipel
Yonge and Gerrard `ata., or -
That New Spring Suit
and Overcoat IS NOW
The selections of goods which .ve
cart' ale of first -chis quality,
and we have all the latest shade:;
The up-to-date Tailor
Business College
tyultTH N ,1 INH
Stratford, Ontario
THE B1*,T --Trips school has a cootinen'al
reputation for bi F.grade work and for the
succur of its students. We have tbree de
Lr [men's.—Commercial, shorthand, and
Telegraphy. tmbltlous young men and
women bould send at Dore for our Targe
free ,catalogue. Write for it at once and
see what our graduates are doing. This it
a good time of the year for ybn to enter our
Claimer. Students are entering each week.
Commence your course at once.
It. A. Mcletetr an,
For Victor Hog and Cattle Feed.
Baked Hay and Straw. Timothy and
(lover and all kinds of Field and
Garden Seeds. 'phone ''Jc. and your
wants will be attended to.
All kinds of brain beragt t and
.old and good- delivered to all parte
of the town.
tsawslueasr, - `HOOdlsath tit
MAW(' CORN Chttit Cute• while you
sleep. 'Li tents a brittle. $old by E. R.
Wigle, druggist.
Remember the concert to be given
in Victoria street Methodist church
iy the Sunday echoxtl nn Easter Mon-
day evening. Admission 15 cents.
You can depend upon satisfactory
res tilts. if you treel y • grain with
the reliable grail.. of formaldehyde.
Sold by E. R. Wigle, druggist. succes-
sor to James W ilsi,n.
For spray pumps and ou1Ats, spray
ing material. etc.. call and see rate. I
have them for both members of she
Am ocietion and others. 1 have the
cheapest and the best. D. F. Hem -
Li NS.
Take advantage of the Easter rates
and give yourself a little holiday-.
The Grand Trunk is giving a tingle
fare rate for the round trip. good go-
ing today (Thursday) or any day up to
next Monday. and returning next
Wednesday. Huy your tickets from
F. F. LAWRicN( E, town agent.
"Demerara in Story and Picture" 6
the title of an illustrated lecture to be
given by Rev. Gen. E. Roes in North
street Methodist churoh next Monday
evening, April 17th. in tis own church
Mr. fleas lately gave an address op
the remarkable country in South
America where be Was missionary.
He will present other phases of lite
and work in Demerara on Monday
evening. illustrated by many lantern
pictures. Admission 15 and 5 cents.
A meeting of all interested in the
formation of a town iene`all league
will he held in the, council chamber. at
the town Hall.on Wednesday evening,
the lilth inst., at it o'clock sharp
Clnhs intending to enter
w ll piers
Alive e
ve their representative.,
Thin' will he pal Easter ser•ttoas
Lease runs out on May 1st. Must vacate
the Bank Corner. Only
THURMner, April 19th.
Oirood T. -A Bobbie Burnet ctmret't
will be held in MacDonald's hall on
Werinetstay evening. April 19th, tinder
the auspices of the A. f'. Gulld. Ad..
tniAaion 'lice_ 'a Dor* open 7:I10,
Wgu+tarAY. April Iltb.
BIR txre.--Mr. Ferguson left Monday
morning to accept a position with the
rem wed eFx daughters. One dot h- Granada Foundry Go., of Toronto..
ttgg at the Baptist r ere'. next Monday Mr. and Mrd, W. Btuevbck left twat
ter, Mrs. McDoug all. ref Fort Qn'Ap- (Tb mornings ntbpa•t of the PaA '1, week for tbe West. 1 will hereto
py41w, Mask.. M derewhswd The rxb l 1 Rev. J. Polkoek• will tow 'Thu IV" in Regina R. A. h.st:erton w
members d shy family ars Mitt. Mal- ' Drays." and the subject in t be even- tended the spring fair at Clinton haat
mlm McDonald. Mra. David Marwick.will he 'The Risen saviour." The i week. He was so'tnsa led by Mee.
Mrs las iersruaed. Mn, Angus Mt'- iog tiPt Rntuertnn who vtnted friends there
1 cut std nan(e n( M,Iv isss well Fos
Nevin toed Mise Antis Mci.ay, al '
snMeushvrJ at the duets of the evening WO air plwaswd to be attlw to
town 1 Jtrhn Mcteay, rA Feet A v 1 state that the operation on little ('111
Pelle. flsst.. Msrelnhck Meteor, i Thy ewe► in the Police Coon against 1 ford Plat Preen • ear wee naeoensful
I/tsar~. MICA-, weed lineeld McIA7• (Hsory Kr ap • r oe for of me rand LW he is no v homy wed aMe to
•he r eubshw of the agesseed d I
erMr / rarely bwatlthR ls ?Mbar again
to R IoeardiM
w..fit •Anew of 14.,
tr rr eel
the lets t(.•terire 14 1 •Ne' ' le
vireejr iyee r*ra amu
was be about Joe % iboe said
of )sat Friday The young mom was sassily are shoving to Mrs. HuebIa 's
s.,a ."., .• - •use ♦w.. w.,,.w to the vlltagw On aeeou"$
,.e , -•.J Www. .wester hire ..t ' ••,b , s i, t h • .•v -I• John 11
to sell the balance of the stock. It's got
to go now and it will be
The Chance of a Lifetime
to get new and up-to-date goods at almost
your own price. We are busy now
slaughtering the prices and still lower they
will go until the last article is sold. Shop
in the morning if possible.
Cameron's Departmental