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d{ Tuveu.av, AI•RIL 13. 1911.
District News.
Trusties'. April 11.h.
JoTrINts.-Donald McLean 'spent a
few days last week visiting tranvia in
Kinloss Mies Ellen Harvey. of
Ripley, spent Sunday the guest ot
Miss Minnie Bandy .... Mr. and Mrs.
Peechyr lately out from England, ser
at peeler'', res•iding in a house on
David Ferrish's farm.... Kenneth
Campbell is spending a -few days with
friends at Lanes Spring is bere
again and the farmers will soon to
busy wiLb their ploughing. There is a
considerable amount to be Anne here
on account of winter setting in so
early. _ _ - -
W-- AT. £nril nth.
BRlxts.-Winter stall Nadi sway.
though we are beginning to Ione for
spring weather. Many are atillsuffer-
ing nom colds and 1a grippe.. .t num-
ber in this vicinity are busy making
maple syrup. The yield is unusually
good, both in quality and in quantity.
1. Tiffin is gradually recovering
from his long and serious illness.
though not oro rapidly as his many
friend.' would wish Mrs. James
Girvin has leen quite ill for some
weeks Mea:. J. 1tustow visited her
daughter, Mrs. A. J. Cooper. Istat week.
J. H. Pentland had a heavy low
in the death of a valuable young borne
from paralysis this week.
CHURCH Ntrreet-Rev. W. Conway
pretscbed an interesting aerttion on
Sunday evening, taking las his subject
"Some Different Kinds of Fools"
Tuesday evening, April 4, was the an-
nual meeting of the Epworth League,
when report. were given by the of-
ficers of the work done in their differ-
ent deptartmente. The executive for
the coming year was elected The
W. M. S. held their rnonthly meeting
atthe home of Mrs. Stanley Cook on
Wedneedav afternoon.
MONDAY, April 10th.
is at hand when some tit our local
'hunters will be observed meandering
flown to the lake shore for target prac-
tice. In the fall it is called duck -bunt-
ing, but in the spring, when the game
laws are in force, it is necessary ;to
keep up the practice of using firearms
by Itrmg at a target, and if a ••esw-
hill" happens us come within the line
of aim alt the worse for the duck -it
should not have heen there. But.
reader, it you happen to "meet in"
with a Loan who with a solemn air
talks shout observing the letter of the
law. look out ani keep your eye on
frim and your hand on your money
for he wood filch a flve-dollar hill
from your pocket in a ti ice, it he had
a chance.
NOTES.- Herbert Ensign arrived
home a few days ego atter having
:pent the winter in Detroit .... The.
trustees of the Lochalsh school have
engaged the services of Edgar Robb,
the present teacher, for another year.
Wni. Long. who spent the
winter with friends in the vicinity,
left for Toronto last Monday .. .. We
learn that it is now not necessary for
W. Buckingham and J. Bradley to
take the circuitous route by Amherley,
as the hridge has been partly repaired.
.Rod. Ross of the boundary is at
present nursing a somewhat sore we ist,
which be attributes to muscular rheu-
matism. It will give hien, however, a
much needed rest, as he is a strenuous
worker Word was last week re-
ceived from John McRae. ot Lochalsh,
on the Huron side, who h -ft three
weeks ago for Alberta. He reports
six inches of fresh ati3W in that
nnuntiy.... U. T. McKenzie left last
Thursday to attend the funeral of his
sister, Mrs. .McKenzie. of Glencoe.
whose deatWtook place last week.
and Mrs. Neil McKenzie, 13th conces-
sion. who were recently united in the
bonds of matrimony. last week inaug-
urated their married career by hold-
ing a large and suoceseful wedding re-
ceptioo, which took place last Thurs-
day evening in their splendid granite
mansion. Atout 140 invitations had
been sent out, so that when all had
arrived • large assemblage was pres-
ent to do honor to Mr. McKen•rie and
his amiable consort. A number were
present prom Li act Paramount
and other outside points. As in this
wide Scottish district the "mazy
dance" forms the principal amusement
at all social gatherings, so also on this
occasion. During the course of the
evening a number of Scotch reels'
came off. which were enlivened tiv the
akirl of the pipes under the skilful per-
formance of Roy McKenzie. Ala.
rouod and 'square dances galore were,
gone through with animation, to tbe,
lively and inspiriting sin of violins'
played by K. Mclnnes. Alex. McDon.
ald. Ken. McLennan and others, ac-
companied by the harmonious chords
of the organ. while ever and anon
.•Gild la heard the stentorian tones of
••calling off" by Hugh Ferguson and
Neil .1. McKenzie. At midnight a
dainty repast was served to which
ample justice was done by all present.
The hours sped quickly by and dawn
wan beginning to break on the eastern
horizon when the happy gathering
hr;ke up, all going home nnanimously
declaring they had had • "good time.
Mn. McKenzie, on this occasion. re -
c tired numeroue and valuable presents
and It is felt that she will be a valu-
able atditicn to the social and moral
element in this section. leing held in
high esteem In her former neighbot-
hood. Those present at the reception
from Ltocknew were Mr. and Mrs.
Phil. McMillan. the Miss.'s Jessie and
Elizabeth Douglas, Mho Kate Bea-
ton. Miss Rena Cordon and C•vrron
WOO Reward. 111100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
Yore that there Is at lase aae dreaded abeam
thee adasee has been able to .pre in all Its
ea .1 that Y datarrb. Hell'. t rearrb
7=te t
t4s a ees& fraternityiv'wlaanf. being • costa
tattenaa erst
ase r.ersna
e a oetltut latest that
miss start+ Cute 1a taken Int Melly
sedan dined, epee the knead and swoons ear
Wei of the 4Raa thereby destroying the
Ilseedstas. d tea Mame and riving tae
paWet d,vtaat$ be builNwt r ole ...vests
lpijstpa� sad awastiew setae In doom 1. week
The preeri•tw. two • as reach �irrdn • sots
O~ keel tam�rrle hexer le Wee
sow. ,ar,d �
ser ► J (:egad a rases o
P.tl'.Iran sill soar anempam•a
eleacituer. April 8th.
L4ICA l The roads this past week
are in .r t d condition, owing to the
disippr•r ng of the snow banks
A large outuher from that surrounding
locality attended the sale of horses
mud rattle it Lucknow on Siam -lay.
...Richard Twaruley has already
started ploughing. Spring must be
earning. if out already here . The
last couple of days has been ideal
syrup weather Jas. Rose, of
Bridgeport, has again shown bis wel-
come face in our midst, arriving in
the village Saturday night with the
intention of remaining to run the
blacksmith shop for W. .1. Lane
Mr». W. H. Read has leen staying
with her sister. Mrs. J. F. Andrew, of
Lucknow• for the past week Be
present at the rifle watch on Good
Did you .. sot to buy a trice box of
chocolates tor your ftlend ? Come to
Hurdette', and try our fresh llanong's
choice bon -peons.
TUIDSD.ar, April Ilth.
Soci tt. Evt>ivo.-A parlor social,
uoder the *medicos of the Women's
Institute will be held at the home of;
Mrs. ioseph Gaunt on Wednesdav
evening. April 19th, comruencing at
7:31l. A good program will be given
and lunch wilt be served by the ladies.
Admission Inc. The pioceeds are to
go toward buying a piano for the pub-
lic hall.
Jorrly.e.-Mr. and Mrs. Crow, of -
Toronto, are visiting the latter's sin-
ter, Mrs. Thos. Todd Miss E. U.
Rutherford visited friends at Port A 1
bert last week.. ...Mrs. McKenz
who has been visiting Mrs. ('lark. 1e•
on Monday for her home Dear Bra,
don .Mies Elizabeth Miller was
bonze from I)ugnannon over Sunday.
.Miss Lillian Clark is home for t
few weeks, her school near Westfield
being closed nn amount of a arlet
fever Miss Jean Webb visited in
Lucknow last week.
Here Are Facts We Want You to Prove
at Our Risk.
Marvellous as it may seeut, Hertel]
•'90" Hair Tonic has grown hate on
beads that were once held. Of coulee.
in none of these cases were the hair
roots dead, nor had the scalp taken
on a glazed. shiny appearance.
Reran ••t+;i'lf•air Tonic acts ecientifl-
cally. destroying the germs which air
usually reetxonstble for baldness. it
penetrates to the rests of the hair.
stimulating and nourishing them. It
is a most pleasant toilet necessity, is
delicately perfumed, and will not
g or permanently stain the
We want you to get a bottle of Regal'
" U3"HairTonic and use it as directed.
If it does not relieve scalp irritation,
remove dendrutf, prevent the hair
hem falling ant aid promote an in-
creased growth of hair, and in every
way •give entire satisfaction, simply
come back and tell us, and without
question or formality we will hind
back every penny you paid us for it.
Two sizes, 50c. and 81.(0. Sold only
at our store -The Rexall Store. H.
C. Dunlop. south side of Square.
1.7 Lucknow, has cased vtdUna ontsid e
Pointe and wilt henceforth give his entire
attention to the home oMoe Lucknow• where
he will be found every day. All modern meth
ods. -
in Du moo for The Signal is at the Poet -
office Boole and StaU onery Sttoorero,, where
orders will be received for subscrtpUo.s, ad.
remising and job work. and receipts will be
given for amounts paid for the mune.
a.- Spring 1. here. and with it have arrived
all tbe latest de.dgns in new wallpapant st she
PoatoMoe Store. Best .aloe to be had spy.
where. Call and see our stock before baying.
M. RYAN. Dungannon.
WguNxaDAY, April 12th.
No'rtte.-Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Has-
kell, of Michigan, are visiting at
James Mallough's T G. Allen
and Wm. Pierce left Friday for the
lumber camp at (iooderhani Miss
Ada Sproul, of Godericb, spent Sun-
day at her borne here 1liw Mary
Ryan was a Goderich visitor Tuesday
of this week R. Bell has received
his first shipment of machinery as
agent for the McCormick en. here.,..
Moston Sands has taken s position as
clerk in J. R. McNabb's eg store..
Rev. W. Conway, of Nile, occupied
the pulpit in the Methodist church
here Sunday last. Rev. L. Bartlett tak-
ing Mr. Conway's work on the Nile
DU'N(:ANNON PUBLIC tt'H((tl..-Fol-
lowing ere the results of the promo-
tion t'xaminaticns : Sr. department-
entranee class -Lillian Pentland 77,
Ralph Disher 72, Rae Stothers 711.
Stephen Medd 06, Lorne McKenzie 04,
Marvin Durnio 58, Melinda Culbert 56.
Sr. IV. - Ethel Brown, Fred Erring.
ton. Lirmfleki Anderson, Marion
.Dl.'her, Clayton Sands. Willie Fitzger-
ald, Mabel Culbert. Provisionally-
'rovisionall -
Hazel Carr. Pearl Iver,, Fred Fowler,
Sr. IIIc -Hazel Augustine. iva Carr,
Alpert Brown, Sheldon Bartlett,
Edith Hands, Ruby Allen. Olive Glenn.
Victor Errington, Judson Bell. Jarvis
Anderson. Harold Sproul, Melville
Culbert. Provisionally - Margaret
Medd. Edith Anderson ..Ir. 111. --Lit.
lie Errington, Edgar fair, Lew
Elliott. Bert Smith, Gladys Rrringto0,
Itedvers AugusUne. Provisionally -
Marion Bice. Georgie Caldwell, Irene
t:an. Wit. J. MOFFATT, Principal.
The following are the results of the
county promotion examinations held
in the junior room of the ihtngannon
public school nn April tkb. 7th and
111th, the nature teing arranged in
order of merit - From Jr. 1i. to kr. 11.
-Belle Keeingtron, Sadie Mountain.
Russell Barlett, Amber McKenzie,
Freida Sands. Wilbur Brown. Pawl
provisionally Flounce Itorn in, Vit
bur Stewart. t..srge (.levan. From
Part 11. to Ji If. Mabel Johanna.
Agnes (%nssaiva, Harel Robinson, Bert
IBradford. Agree* (afd w el l From tar
1 to P•rt 11. --Re. mods Sande Harr.
(tan Walgae. Hart1eu. otsmtnt. Glenn
Morris imps From J t I t•• tar. 1. --
Warner ()opsins, Raymond Broire.
Iiardd Orville Ryan, Willie
a Wgotais Sanaa, l'eaetrer
TUESDAY. Ape -411th. Ij
Pa aro s a L AND t i tN ttita 4 - M. 'Ro b-
insoo received a new Ford safe on
Monday for bis harness shop. Since
the fire he had last fall he is going to
be on the "safe" side, so that if a rite
occurs again be will have his ts•,.ks
wcule •Mies Fanny Mason. colo
has •
been working in the postoMce at
Perla, is now spending a long holiday at
her home here, and enure say she will
not go lack again .... W. Davis, who has
heen visiting here for a few days, left
on Saturday for Trenton aitd front
there he will go to Bridgeport, N. J..
where he is foreman on a large con-
struction work Miss Oraoe Stew -
set. who has been attending Normal in
Hamilton, returned home Saturday
and is now prepared to teach
Messrs. Watson shipped four cars of
cattle to Toronto on Saturday -three
from McGaw and one from hers via
G. T. R. . . Twenty-five tickets were
sold here last Thursday for Clinton.
Besides, quite a number drove tb take
in the spring stock show.. find they
claim it was one of the beet ever held
in these parts The'(}. T. R. sec-
tion gang are at present engaged in
the vicinity of Fleeter, where the com-
pany is .grading Ole road with new
gravel' 'Dr, McTaggart visited at'
his home in Esseer hast Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Mason visited
the latter's parents in L .deetor•o' last
week. Mr. Manning is very low and is
not expected to live much longer.
Quite a number of members of the
Blyth 1. 0. 0. F. loage.are going to
J3oder ich on Good J" ri'day to the lodge
of instractioli, and their team is ales
t.iking part.. ...A number of the
rural telephone gang who have been
working on the job here expect to
leave April 19th for Toronto, whence
tbey will be sent to a large contract
which their boss has in Muskoka.
W. Coombs, who is' employed
Joy the G. T. R. on the bridge construc-
tion neer Toronto, spent Sunday with
his mother here. .A. Carr and J.
Cowan are in Godeeich this week a,
jurymen on the assizes.... P.. Somers.
our popular constable, had a growth
Bio his cheek, an he decided to have it
operated on and be went to Clinton.
where Dr. Genn performed the opera-
tion successfully, and be is now nearly
all right again....A.Nixon, who owned
a farm to (ha north of the town, has
disputed of it and is going to have a
sale of his stock on the 18th. Then he
is going to move into town, having
purchased the Henry: residence on
1)insley street, the mire bring 81,1011.
He has a good property which should
make a comfortable home for the rest
of his days Miss Annie Cowan,
who has been atteuding Normal at
Stratford, bas returned home for the
Easter holidays A. Wells, "who
has been studying an Toronto. had to
return home rather early on account
of having an attack of rneaeies; but
he is all right now under hie grand-
ulotber'e care.... Quite a number of the
farmers in this vicinity are at present
briefly- engaged making maple syrup.
but until lateley the run was not very
(baud.. Some of the farmers ars
tryiog the piowing. but it is rather
too soon. as the ground 1. hardly fit.
'There has been no "Standard"
for the past two weeks, on account of
..4;re moving of the plant. but this week
it is to be out again. The editor, Mr.
Elliott. has been on the sick list for a
few days of the past week. hut 1. now
able to resume his duties. He ex-
pects to get his household goods
here soon and get started housekeep-
ing, having rented the Terrace house
on Dingley street west A. Mc-
Creigbt left iait week for Wingham
to take a position with the GVinghani
Electric Power Co. He intends mov-
ing his family in the near future
Mts. McVittie and children, who had
been visiting her parents here. re-
turned to tbeir home at Aylmer last
week Rev. W. McLean and wife
are at present visiting the latter's pet
lents here, also visiting the former'•
parents in (.odericb. Walter is sta-
tioned in taint -eon county and likes
the cn loty very ranch Bainton
Bros. received another large shipment
of sheepskins from Toronto and are
busily engaged pulling the wool off
them, after which they will use the
skins to make into gloves. They have
bad one of the best se•snns this year
since they started . E. Schaeffer,
of Hensall, wbn bas been carpentering
around here all winter, left on Mon-
day for his home. where he expects to
have a busy season John McMil-
lan. who was confined to the house for
• while, is able to resume business
a*Rin Jas. Anderson is now able
to be around again after an attack of
sicknessFrank McPherson is still
used up with a had attack of rheuma-
tism .. The low case which was to
come off this week hetween Taylor
and Stothers. of town, at the epriog
assizes at (.oderich, has been ad-
journed till a later date.... .Jas.
s der Secrete •
Wby She Always Looked 5o Yaw
Everyone refers to h.r as one et
the most attractive women In tow$,
it wasn't her features. for while regu-
lar. they were not unusual. But the
charm lay In the head of splendid,
slam oup hair treat mad. a .eritabt.
rr-wn. it had that peculiar Iratre
an 111.e sun gale It an ad•l.d brili:nnoe
-)nv couldn't took „• her Wit nowt
at .enr1I6N10.• enmmentli.g on tlia
1»- .'" ,o! Iter hiJr.
• •-•t ar':.•t haw .h. kept 1t JO
...�. .,'n1 s4. tent ed 11.:.: :t vas ne
4.epress.,t. H•press., el.. up...Inc reg.
I r. :n t , r ..r• the-.•recleatle n
'•Ne'e.ts lied 11
1 n n• -Mese.. -Ie t•..st ewndltle•
"t d M rt..es t . Uwe
•••'*1 • •.' l • I. 4•. i
k :e *eyes.. •
-- • sow
•. .
Sold and guaranteed 0y
Oar for oath Winder aims"
are simply kidney Biaorde e. The kidr.eys
filter the blood of all that shouldn't be
there. The blood passes through the kid-
neys Beery torte minutes. if the kidneys
do their work no impurity or cause of
disorder can remain in the circulation
longer than that time. Therefore if your
blood is out of order your kidneys have
failed in their work. They are in need of
stimulation, strengthening or doctorsng.
One medicine .v til do all three, the fust
and MOM imitated blood medicine there
Pills •
Cutt and Robert Stewart spent Sun-
ady with friends in- Brussels AU
the churches here are having epeeist
Easter servic. - next Sundry, also
special music .... W. H. McElroy is
going into the cal husineis this year
and is around looking for orders.
Is good for Growing Girls
and Boys -and they like it It
nourishes their little bodies and
makes them heahhy and strong.
Cowan'. Cocoa, la you get i from your
areae, is absolutely pare les delicious
flavor is obtained by the use of the highest
gratis d Cocos beans. skilfully blended.
Nadal is added to impair the health -
budding properties of the Cocoa.
Do Yon Use
Cowan's Cocos?
will be found in our Al). this week for those who want
to get the RIGHT GOODS at the RIGI}T PRICES.
People come here to look and buy, and our printed
announcements are devoted to telling the news as it i•
found. We mark in plain figures, same price to all.
Our showing of dry.. Silks never was as large as
it is now is black and colon. Our otterings in 36 -
inch blacks sr.+ wortbv of the careful notice of the
silk buyer. 81.151. 81.2a and $1.50 quality, guaran-
teed FOULARDS. in a number of the new- spring
colors. .'7 to 28 inches wide. pure alk. dainty.
fancy patterns, admired by all who see them, and
the price is just 900.
S't BMKR weight, faney pattern dress Silk, 27
inciter, all new eludes and Mack, pure
silk, See to 4.0.
ANOTHER LsoT - Srreo dresses in thin Int. ail
new shades. 311 inches wide, pure silk, regular 75c
goods. M srked dawn for Saturdsy to, 500.
Pl.'in 211 -inch col•r•rd silk. new shades, also
black and white check.. only •00.
Our sales this spring lead all former sruons and
so they should, for hoth the goods and the prices
are right. Come a and see what we can do for you
even if you don't want to buy just now.
Just eight piers in this hunch, all g sd service-
able, ail-wuul cloth, 38 to 48 inches wide.
$1.00 for . App
"wen for...,
85e fur ....lobe
e5c fur.:.. ,$80
tate for 30c
47c for.. 35c
This is your chance jn get good goods at a small
All our wool 'lode wilt be on Sale Saturday at
cleating prices:
2.5c for.
Sic for
)tic for.
9)c for.
sic for...
it shesuld pay yon to buy stockings at these sale
prices even it you duu't waDtto use thew at the
New fresh Kid Gloves, Perrin's make. guaran-
teed. black and colors. 41.00 and $1.45. We
ask for the best only $1.115.
New Lisle and silk gloves, this. 36c, 40c.
Black and colon. 25c, 35c. 50c, 75e, 81.00.
Come here for your gloves and get the best.
Ten pieces, all new designs this spring, patterns
just as good as in the all -wool Frencb makes.
colors absolutely fast, usually sold 40c to :i0c and
we ask only .. lac
Twenty-seven in•:hes wide, in white and some
of the new shades. They are new and will in
many cases take the place of organdie timeline
When you come to the store, ask to see thew.
From 13c to 50r a yard. •
Thirty-six inches wide, all linen. A special lot.
Values the best yet at our prices, 48o, $00.
Sao. 400 and 150o.
Thirty-six inches wide. 150 and 400.
Just here, French make, fest colors, and • swell
lot they are at the price, leo and 20o.
Direct from makers, in all sizes, plain and em-
hroidered, the very lateen. shapes. new this week.
Plain Dutch Collars and Jabots -16o. 400, and
We still hold first place in Prints. Ask for
CHEST BRAND. 31 to 32 inches wide. every yard
absolutely fast. Our guarantee pines with every
.yard we stela None higher than 1410.
Another lot of 10c Gingham., Englisb,
and Canadian makes, full widths, colon fast, 100
Better ones, 14;0. 1s0 and The.
All new for this spring's selling. Al values.
When the Children Come Home From School -
give them Kellogg's Toasted
Corn Flakes.
"Kellogg's" is a wholesome
cereal that satisfies a child's
longing Lor sweetmeats. You
can give them all they crave of
it, too, for while strong in quality,
it is light in digestibility. Be
sure to get at Kellogg's."
1R� . 1F1 i e
J3aster Clothirig
The reason the business
is coming our way is not , '"•�
simply chance. :If we :
did not keep the good,
reliable. up-to-date, well -
fitting clothing, our trade
would be very different
from what it is now.
For your Easter Suit
you will find a big selec-
tion of tbe newest color-
ings in fancy worsteds
and tweeds ; also a very
fine class of blue Berges
and worsteds from the
beat looms and made by
Canada's best clothiers.
Prices -S10,11$12.:$13.
$ 18, 520 and 522.
Take our advice this
time and buy the famous
King Hat -- correct in
style, very durable and
• style to tit every face.
Walter C. Pridharn
Our Mato: "a4 square deal to everyone '
3 We will deem it a pleasure to show you our goods
and quote prices, but will not urge your purchasing
master opening
We feel that we hays in our store one n( the finest
and most up-to-date stooks of Furniture ever displayed
in (.oderich. and in order to convince you of the fact
we have decided to hold an
Laster Openiqg
to which we particularly invite the ladies of Gtulerieh
and vicinity.
TtP!lolltfPTT0.1W1!41kiloRTtPMTotitt ltolviltTT'it
W. J. M UI R & CO.
011151, 'Tin riser sadly rserook for g•.• norm '