HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-4-13, Page 3• THE . SIGNAL : GOD ICH, ORION* ewe 6f the$J13(r1cI AND ONLY 'ENVIE TSE TIE BEWARE OF IMITA- TIONS. 1 HOLD ON THE MERITS OF i1NARD'S LINIIENT BOOK BINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES ' :und or repaired. GOLIi LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS Atlwdam promptly attended to on leaving them at THE SIGNAL. aoderich. 'A. E. TAYLOR. SrrIArrORD CIVIL ENGINEERING t1AUUHAN M. 1tUliKR'lb, CIVIL and Brdrwallo Engineer. Ontario lend burveyw. tense- Melee Hoek. Ooderlcb, corner Monnet amok TeY.bo-e 117. IiIKDICAL DR. W. F. GALLOW, M. B. (thee and residence. orte street. (lodench. sauna d Coenty Registry taloa. Telephone In LEGAL DRUUDVlx)T. HAYS & KILLUR- • AN, barrl*.rs, solldtore, aotartes public pepoWe. lo Menthae enthae Court. eta !'ovate hinds to Iced at lowest rates of interest t�l�o�s,, Eel ado r(psare. Ood.ricb. W. K ROO.•FOo'r C. C.. R. C. HAYS, J. L PILLORAN. G. CAMERON. K. C.. BARRIS- M., T, R. s.ltitor, notary mane. Oncee- taamlltm dirs.t, Uod.riek, taisd door from •pews. CWJ1RLBSGARBO%, L.L.B.. liAR- kI01r 1t, attorneys. come',.., et..• wide - roil. Mousey to lend at iris ,.i tale.. II 0. JOHNSTON. bAKRIts1ER J11 wOctIse. comm W. tot. autary pubuc union kamiWee street, bu..tib Ont. INSURANCE, LOANS. ETC. 1AcKHLLO? MUTUAL FiRE IN 111 et U R A N C k. C O. -t nam and isolated woo Yropertr iusettsl. unison -J. li x..aw-.a. rt, -a. Seatorth P.0 ; Jae l;mnotly, V garYtua. Oedencb P. 0 ; '1 homes Y u hays. seaat -Tice+.. .orth P. 0. Directors -Wu,. Chest...). - .torte; Juba O.Ones., Winthrop; w i4;.ua Ken.. Cenaaaace; J uan irennewik Wodla a.1 ; lawns kcal., 1 thschauod ; Join Watt. oarlock ; Malooloi McLaren. br*aoeld. Ageut.: J. W. feu, Honae.ville ; It. Sminh. liatlork; Jae. l.ummliyia. kanto.dvfte; Hlw•kiay, SeafoetA.,'t'.t17•scalers taw pay assee.rgarta .*d art thea~ caro, reoeipt.ed at Toast t Raowai, ivat.n, or at K 0. Cutt's e mery. ttlaas era street. Uoder•iob. �wi..�i bom.w�w ..di-rno.o Miss Label Scott. of 'Itoxlo,ro. hae been appoint"! .a•ge'ist of Sesttorth Methodist churl h. aKdwara Arugdrong, a well-kitruwn resideot of the 14th concession of larey, died un Wednesday, Aril ,ith, aged sixty-three years. 7be 100 -acre fern' iselongiug to the Shine estate, ma the 12th concession of Grey. has been ppusrhased by Hobert Shine, V. 8., of Mouktot.. L. W. Hanson, has heated the Na- tional hold at Winghant to B. Doyle. of Dundalk, and the new landlord will take pissessiuII (Nile IA of May. Ml nto boundary resident ..Iead in the pptw k1 rson of Mn. McKenzie, who tweed away last Thursday et theism. of ninety-four. Josiah Tyreman, of Seatorth. with his daughter, Mr.. J. E. Best, and her two children have left for Vancouver, B. ('., where they will reside in the future. o The G. T. R. will lay a new siding at C,�lioton from the ••Y" to the station. It will be laid oath of the present track, will be half a nude in length aqd will coat about $3,090, After a lingering illness from con - Harold M. Menzies prosect away at the parental home in (:rev township on Wednesday of last week. Deceased was in his twenty-fifth year. After a long and severe illness Mtn. Alfred McKesiwn died at her home in Clinton on'1'uesday of last week. She had been a resident of that town since b,id. She ie survived by brr husband and thtre daughters. John Mao', of Wingham. bas pur. chino -al a gasoline yacht, sixteen fret Inng, targe enuttkh to carry six le right paste -toren.. A plea.aot tints on Ib. Maitland River during the muting sumuaer is looked forward to. Jas. C. l'unnuings, a Isomer Wing - hem )(bung man, who has been massa- ger of the King street branch of the Traders' Bank at Toronto, bee neer' transteired to Lekefield, where be holds a s 'lar position. Fred Maio -low. clerk of Tucker- sumith, met with a painful accident the other day. He was starting a gaso- line engine, when his finger. get caught in the gearing of the gov- ernor•.• with the result that the two 'riddle fingers on his tight hand. were trolly crushed. W. H. -Wenzel. of Crediton; has sold his shave of the carriage building sat repair-'tusine.s in that town to Alhert Morl.s•k, with whom be has hero as moe- iated for the pant few years.. Mr. Wenzel's health has not been good and if he finds what suits hint he way 1 locate in the West. The death of James Patterson, of Henaall, took place on 8undey imbru- ing, April 2nd. after a brim Miele of three days. Deceased was leen at RodgertilIe, but bad lived nearly all his life near Br urefield, where he re- sided until two years ago when he 'meed to Hensall. A quiet home wedding took place at the home of Mee. James Lowish, Goy - Ise, on the 20th ult.. when her only daughter, Helen W.. was ed io marriage to Wm. Trench, of the same village. The cettenon y was pert or tiled ,y Rev. A. E. Dobson, of Fordw ich. A pretty wedding took place at the residence of Jas. Stevens, l'lintun, oe Thutaday, Match 30th." when his youngest daughter. Annetta, was uoited in marriage to Herbert Hughes, of Fort William. Rev. T. Wesley towns was the officiating clergyman. At the manse, Cranhroc.k, on Wed• nesda_y. !latch 'Sth, Ret-. D. B. Mc- Kie tied the nuptial knot which un- ited Dan. Huether .ud Miss -Ethel V, Straughen, both of Grey township. Thr y g couple have commenced hou.ekeep ng on the 10th concession of th•1 township." On Saturday evening. April lot, Alexander Marklem parsed over to the great majority at the home of bis daughter, Mrs. John Long. Brussels. He was iii his eighty-sixth year. The remains were conveyed to Kincardine for interment, the deceased having formerly lived et that place. The wedding was solemnized at the bride's home in Grey township. on Wednesday, April bth, of Miss Isa- belle, dal*hter of Mi. and Mrs. John Kirkconnell, to Frederick ('aklwell, of Hullett. Rev. Mr. Lundy perforated tbe ceremony in the pr•eewuce of about forty gueau. The happy couple will reside near Londesboro. A happy event in McKillop was the marriage on Wednesday, 5th inst.. of Miss Esther Helen Beattie, fourth daughter of Robert Beattie. of the 5th oonceesion. to Wilmore. Scott, of Sea - forth. The ceremony was perfo.ntwd by Rev. D. Carswell. Two little nieces of the bride acted as rimolwarers, carrying a basket Of pink and white carnations. The death of George Wnt.eo. .f Ottawa, elrr.t 'anti of the late W. N. Watson ofSeaforth, took piace at the parental h .m Thursday, Match lith. Mr. SVatscn left Ottawa on the 4th ult... to attend his father's (mime) at Seaforth on March 7th. He was taken .erimiely ill on hi- journey honer and did not rieov,•r. The de - reamed had reside) in Ottawa for the Paas eleven years and was employed in the D. pion Oosernntent printing teleran. A very pretty w.siding was w.len) niwd 00 W•dne..lay, Mani' A'h, at the home of Ilr. and ` r'.JJ.MP.iL C- low, Stretford, when a May. daughter of Mr. and Mrs thin 1'htis- tian Trick, of 1'r.dite... was united in marring. t.• Eldred 4. l.ill ow. The ceremony- VFW. i,erfotnt.d Int- Het. x. M.' Hauch• and the bride as.gtye•n away by her brother, Harm Trick, of ('rerlitiel. The happy eon pie will re aide in Slrat font. East Wawaaosh Home Destroyed. Hugh M. Itormo. loth •neof F.wt Whw ani oeh. l.isi his home to nee* few nighla ago. The faintly wn• *n.Pnt daring the daa-. and it i- stated that the ane v4.111 -fled boswe in the iening and rigtcrgwssg tit%ben lnred OrMalin was in flames and it WA- i.ui..•aaiM•. sarr any of t' ,intent. Accident at Wbwa:n act As .t-eldent ,iernrred a tit. ••• milt at Wbiteebureh tb' ether day NTARIO Something got u... about r�r �. � while .,�, told .w ���.,..w�i� heed �rt the Something Rut louse te... etLgine while rwtuing nod the coot�ul'ng parts Ile.. in all ditr •tines. line piers ;mimed e1• •se• to the head of the Bret en- I ser, who happened to he stammon at the lb nttle valve when the acc•dent occur" ed. The steam war abut off 4414• mediately, but over SUN dau,ag. wa• done. The Late Mrs. Barron, eft McKillop. hThe death of Emily McKillop, relict of the late Alexander Barton, "move. one of the old and respected re -idents of McKillop township. Deer/tied was eighty -there years of age and she was la native of Argylesbire, Scotland. She case t.. Canada with her parents In . the year 1Kil. After her Marriatge in 1818 1 , her late psrtner, they -e-d 1 to McKill p anal settled on the 11th coocessi..n, ti het e they re-ided tinuuusly until death removed thew. A Fins Clydesdale. Messrs. Manning & Met'onnell, of Blyth, Ont., have purchased fiow Ww. Muvip. iwpoiter of Clydes, shires and hackney titanium'. St i Marys, Ont., the hig 'wpm ted yrar old Clyde lidale stohiuu King's Lyon No. Iltr7434 14304, sited by the good breedieg horse Acmt, 11 Baron Pride. King. Lynn war imported io March, 1111:;, and has proved himself to he an extra sure foal getter. The owners are to he congrstulatttd on tlheir purchase and the breeders in si that olistIiet should feel stratified in boring such at gonad breeding .euimal at their service. . A New Movement ;n Huron Farming. Clinton. Aptil 10. -Ln ae.etal ways farming in Huron eonntj has under- gone quite a. change in the past few years. Dairying bee increased and there is a greater acreage in flax, hots, WADS arid onions than was for- ' warty the cage, and DOW a company bas been headed tibias will grow s on a large scala it: tom- poof Major McTaggart, 1). A. Fue- restee and James Hawiltnn, *ad will he known ss •'Tbe Huron Farm Pre. l ducts Company." • The intention is io begin with oue.bundred serer. and t.. g row . petetos accoiaing to came, w is done in New Bruoswie►, whence, by the way, the seed will be obtiiuete-1 The moist up-to-oete methods will be empieyed. for which perp tie the cow- pany air purchasing such machines as a cutter, planter. sprayer. digger and aasorter. These will simility the work and enahle it to be dour with h Treater expedition and .1-o n., doubt, better. Thr operas ion.• of -The Hurtle Farm P.uduets Co.'' will be watched with int/nest Icy the fanners of this county and the methods_ ewip'oyed will no doubt serve as it h.-macinl.ob- ject lessors. to000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO tD�+l/ll loan. Agony to M. 0. CAM atar.i. tsarriatar. Hamilton street Ooderleh. wlt. ROBERTSON. . INSURANCE AGENT. Fula AND Lw ■ gnga : tat ulna, C+uadlan and A..rl.a. C•*1.0!T, *K *1(xsis . D ayrnpT'ne Lust 4 brr : 1 be (eisa A. ides( and Ouara.We .,sea.*stloo• Limited. of London. keg. I c 11DeLJT7 inn t•D*asstCC BoaD.: the L8 1rldWty and Onanuwe Company. Uhp st reel. -rook sanest ooruer d Vic and bt. Dat od'a absents ' Phone 1711 JOHN W. ORAiOIE, LIFE, FIRE and s.idsat famranos. Aayst for boding ^mut.al sad stook oomprwi. insurance la an nes e.setad on brr plass and at lowest ratty .,all .t Mhos, corner Most 'Snot and Square or address J. W. (. KA10IY, (hod rsoh, Ont. IOW Elmo sI irARRIAOE LICENSES • W ALTER Ii EKLL Y . J. P.. QODEIe1Ck. 00'1. 1tteVER Or MARRIAGE LICENSES. vv-LANK, ISSUER OF MARRI- • ABS Rosacea.Oodsrid4. Oat SHAVING SHAVING PARLOR ---1 JEDFORD BLOCK BARBER SHOP - Nana odors w uw the lost sarrios to shaving haMeut. eta., eta Lenore shampooing a s •dais' skilled °temil BOgrtaterw,.. ARCHITECTURE A RTHCR J. HARCLAY. MEDAL AG. L18T Royal institute British Architect., oaddenoe-SaaltsHouse, Godes tali and id edU 110aon. prepared for Meets e at peour buildings. • orresponde.oe fa- vWL AUC IONEEIJNG fI 11UMMAts GU1vDKY, LIVk81UCK 1 sae general a.otlsear. Orison on South street win re lee wW be Nand at all untie alien no ,eserine gals. Toren reasonable and else/ raw mod ts give you eatisfacuor. MUSIC (IODSRICH CONSERVATORY OF volt Mt1fM:. J. k ltirvsR L L C. M. 1 g,. 1.M o. F 1. t'. ly sa,.saaMst Kae ekerrhalae c.t- . o., amen and mass, MAIMS, Mantle/OM pea, nr. Mars Arr.aawa -t and puns. Mow H.netci -' J PROM-ss.aMYa. ream and Mnslsg- Thr inrermatla se se term Me.. Mab st tM ee evafgsf 1LW. J. MUIR & CO tUNDUTANIA AND staaALMtRN The Apple Business. A family man caul scarcely exist On the salary 'paid license inspectors. so the holders of tome positions st needs add to their incomes in utter ways. Por instance, inspector As- quith of Centre Hutorn own. au real- urator at Auburn. that smiling village overlooking the Maitland River. and during the season works it to iia ut- most capacity. He also hues and --. Give me a chance to PROVE my flour T WANT folks to know what the West is. I want you to store. 'Ise it for a couple of a splendid flour Create of buy a bag at your grocery bakings and see the result. Cream the West Flour is guaranteed for bread ' With Cream of the West you will have-uccess or your money back. Your bread will slo you credit or you don't pay one cent for the flour. Bring h what you 'have 'left in the bag and your grocer v:.. .,:fund your {poney in full. It's an absolutely straight guarantee, madam, !alt the best dealers co-operate. A strong, nutritioo•.:ight- rising flour, unbeatable for bread. That's C..am of the West. Try it. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0= 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 4..; 6uarantrr TE hereby affirm and d_clare that Cream of the West Flour is a superior bread flour. and as such is subject to our absolute guarantee --money back if not satisfactory after a fair trial. Any dealer is hereby authorized to return price paid by customer on return of unused portion of bag if flour is not as represented. The Campbell Mnlhing Co. Limited, Toronto. Archil,ate Caap ball. President 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 L_ TMC.aDaT, Aran. LY,ltl'Il Ire D. MILLAR & SON 'P56ne Oar Import LINOLEUMS Hobe Arrived We have Just passed into stock our import order of Nairn's Scotch Linoleuwe. This make of Linoleum is con.iderrd the best (halls made. Nais u's Scotch Linoleum' in 2 yards; and 4 yards wide, in new floral, tile and Oriental (leaigne. Best quality Oilcloths in 1, li, 14, 2 and '2a yards wide. Per square yard. 30o. New block of Table Oilcloths $ NEW FOULARD SILKS Special values in handsome Jar-gturd Silks in all the newest colorings, in neat designs, 27 niches wide. sec per yard. Yard -wide guaranteed Taffeta Silk, beautiful quality. 51.28 per yard. Veld -wide Meesatine Silk. A nice silk for dresses and waists. 51.00 per yard. Specisl values in Shantung and Bonen Silks. NEW GLOVES. NECKWEAR and BELTS FOR EASTER Special Eater disp'ay of new Gloves. Belts and Neckwear in all the newest:creations. at popular prices. PERRIN'S GLOVES MCCALL'S PATTERNS ' 54 MILLAR'S SCOTCH STORE Time 5i 111 ships apples and now he has taken a step which puts hip~ into that husi- e nets more deeply than ever. That is, BARGAIN OFFER he has rented orchards as follows : John Hoare right scree. Sam Scott six acres. and R. Huston set en acres. With the first two he has * five-year lease and with Mr. Hustot. se•yen years. All the owners of the orchards are required to do i0 to hauly tbe O N L l brush and draw the fruitt10 to market. Mr. Asquith pays as high ss $25 an acre rental. He cultivates, prunes. spays and picks. v The Signal for the balance of 1911 Mr. Asquith is a firm believer in the cultivation of the soil. The orchards decidedly should'°nut be sllowed to be- come sodbound. In this connection he telates the experience of bis moo who •vas engaged last felt in New York State packing and shipping apples. Two growers on adjoining farms differed as to the most profit- able method. One contended for cul- tivating the Boil while the other held that to let tbe grass grew and hogs and sheep to tun in the orchard would be more profitable. it only needed a couple of seasons to demonstrate that keeping the soil worked yielded very much better results. There was more fruit and of a much letter quality. \Ir. Asquith's management of the orchards be has tented will be watched with interest in the district in which they are located and that his up-tn-date methods will be of value to Os community as well aa himself is not for a moment doubted by those who know bin. -Clinton Neweitec- ord. LUCKNOW. Tr1sDAT. .April 11th. News Norse -Thomas Gauley, of .kebfleld. has Moved to town and is living in a house on Gough street.... The residence of ('hart McKinnon, on Victoria street, has been nurcha.ed by Mr. Reel -men Mrs. Jame. Irwin, win, recently -.1.1 her farm on the 2nd concession of Kinlos, hae tonight the residence of Mos. D. B. McKenzie. on Stauffer street Miss 17. McAl- lister, of town, who underwent an op.•tatiOn for appendicitis at the Wingha.n hewpitaita few days ago, is reported to the improving On ac- count of the failure of her voice Miss Rate McNabb bax been forted to ret - sign her place on the test hing .teff of the public aehaol. Mi•a Katherine Me- [utoeh, of Maple Hill. has Mem e. - waged to till the vacancy.... .Mies Gwendollen Mcl e.d is away on en ex- tended . isit with friend. at Chicago and IR ie.', Rouge. I.msisiana Mia. Helen Pritchard has rs.eigned bee position in J. 1:. Murdoch k (••.- atter, and purp.•ae. studying prefeeeiooal n ursing at Rattle lice* Seniteriu'n. Walter Spindlet has nerved bis family to White Oak. near London. He will engage in the market gmrdin• ing butanes. there• Bert Feeley lest less Tuesday morning fog the West Mr. McNabb .an] daugh- tors Kao end Annie. have gone to Wisaipeg where th. put - pees seeking their home J O. A0Nersoo. who has twee. Awaked dIreatne of the ,Metbodlst ebureb else* foe tam past teen years, has resigned o a.d gone to Toronto. where be has an e�s�e�wt as sage painter, ao art in b�e� De U gait, proficient. 50 CENTS TheGllJIFfEIsAnEconomv0' u p p 0 0 Not An Extravagance O Because a fairly good open -blade razor can be bought for two dollars, while a GILLETTE costs five, have you concluded that the GILLETTE is an extravagance ? It Is not. The open -blade costs you $2. AO to buy and at least 25c. a year to keep honed and in condition.. Total. $225 for the first year. The GIT•I.F,TTE, with 12 double-edged blade,,, costa $55.00, and a second box of blades (should your beard be very tough) adds $1.00. Total, 16.00 for first year. Difference $3.75. Looks bad for the GILLETTE, eh ? But wait! The three-minute GILLEITI. will save you 5 to 10 minutes every time you shave. Put it at5. That's over three working days a year. Isn't your time worth over $1.25 a day ? When you're nearly late for the train or an important engagement, the five minutes which the GILLETTE saves you is apt to be worth several times the whole cost Then there's the comfort of the clean, coot, easy GILLETTE shave -worth in itself several times the difference in price. For real economy -time and face as well as cash considered -buy a GILLETTE and enjoy it. Standard Sob Woo. reeks* Lineman 85.00 te 116.0o. At veer Drwsist'k Jewei.fe M war Dsl.r'a. Spring and Suminer Styles THE ladies are -invited to call andiinspect my stock of Millinery for Spring and Summer. Both trimmed and untrimmed shapes in all the latest stvles. Special attention has been given to the selection of a suitable line of Hats for Misses. MISS CAMERON HAMILTON STREET GODERICH Come in and Get Acquainted If you are not already ac- quainted with the merits of STU RDY'S GROCERIES try a sample order. You can he certain of securing seasonable goods here at till times. Our 'pipone number ie 91. Give us a trial. The quality of our goods will .•on- t•ince you. Sturdy & Co. Grocer. On The Square 30 Buggies TO BE 501.1). We have just received a car of buggies. and have everything that is new and up-to-date. in the carriage line. No better buggies Peer CAMP In town. We have them on the floor now. Cali and inspect them at the MASSEY-HARRIS WAREROOMS .m Hamilton Street. We have the STAYt- ARI) WIRE FE'S.E and (.ATire, the fam- nut FLEURY PLtiwn. ('RrtAFt SEPARATOR' and almost every- thing a farmer needs on a farm. Robert Wilson We also have a few extra good drivers for sale. s. ill Footwear Gillette Safety Raz.r Ca. of Cassia. United. OMfew ..d Faeeeey pit. Akeaawdsr SL MeetreaL 011trr ta law Ir OA. Ohre•. lies. Ifaq_ sad ab.a.►d Cabala eraasi.a 1a end era 'es 0 0 for easter Easter is the opening e•t the season .for Oxford Ties and Strap Slippers. Atour store may be wen .t lety rd dainty Footwear to plea.e'every taste. The selection is so exten.iye that We are sure we can please you if you will only let us try. For those who prefer to Wear high boots we have the usual variety of stylish and attractive shoes in mat patterns and leathers. REPAIRING Downing & MacVicar North Side of Square , ()oderic h -aao-e rows. _:v.. a.ia