HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-4-13, Page 1nowelliew rhe Signal FROM NOW TO eat JANUARY, cera, TO NEW SUBSCRIB- ERS 54c 50c Iona. Fell Your fr1en s of the special trial offer of The Signal fpr the hal- anee of toe year, to new subscribers. for • SIXTY THIRD Mitt -Ne. fits QODERICH. ONTARIO* CANADA : APRIL 13, 1911 THE SIGNAL PR1N C'NG CO.. Ltd., Puatmeesar. FINANCIAL OF CANADA ESTABLISHED 1866 Capital, Rett and Undivided Prolt. 08,600.000 Total Aimee over 845,000,000. THERE IS NO RISK in sending money to any point by our BANK MONEY ORDERS. DRAFTS or TELEGRAPHIC or CABLE TRANSFERS, For sums up to $50.00 our Money Orders are cheap and most con- venient. For larger roams we issue Drafts at moderate rates. When you weal the money paid over AT Ostelt at some distant point we arrange it by Telegraph or Cable. Goderich Branch, W. L. HORTON, Manager. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS Copy of change o• running advertise WANTED. -CATERER FOR THE truants must be left at this office by °m°a' mess std Ragtment. Godes eb camp.Jbyethth to luth. .sCTender.will be •el Monday noon to ensure insertion Regimental Delved by the W C'aesmittee until In lase of Mme week. Tuesday May r Co M. .. 1elc.. ART, • Mair. Committee. Clinton. SITUATIONS VACANT. FON SA1.L. EGOB FOR SETTING. -WHITE Wyandotte., Regal strata : tarty wWt. blocky type: winters wherever exhibited. .wept everything at Goderich. woe Alas Meek Minorca.. peri,. -attain. Rm from boa DOW. 1I per U. C. W. wuH$$LL. Godertch. MEDICAL DR. F. J. R.FORSTER-EYE, EAR. Boss and throat may. Reese n eon. New York Opbthalutb and Aural rte. Cilsleal hales., 13v. Nome and 1 hroat capital Golden Square. ..d llo.eeeld lee o.pitel. Landon. England. Omea Albert street. eine ford . °ppo.dts K end.or hotel Him is : 9 to 12 a m.. 2to4a m..7 to m. Telephone ser' PUBLIC NOTICE WARNING -PARTIES RIDING Bi- mete I- ks within the ear- poesao n et the Wan 01 (Goderich are hereby notified that they will lee prosecuted ender the Djew. R. C. POSTLKTHWAITE. 3t Chief of Police. NOTICE. -- Notice is hereby gyrea that 1 hold a claim of 1400 against the property oo Ani1ew sweet on which 1 am at preffint living ; od although I an now toying rent on account of attempt• to deposer. me I do not thereby rrlinqub.h my mold claim nor admit the right of any per- ms ermb to collect rent trona me aigned. 4441 DANIEL M4LFOD. :LEVATOR AND HS GODERICH F T TRANSIT l'UMPAN Y LIMITED. Please take notice that the annual general meeting of the •barreoiderw of the Oader4ce Elevator and Truett Company.Limited. will be held at the office of the anager. North street, Godrk b. on WILDS VADAT. MAY 3rd. 1911. at 12 o'clock noon. for the ebeuoo of director. for Use ebsuIng year and the transection o other buena.+ that mai prppetly be brought Furore tae roeedree ( W. L. Horton. Manager. Ooder4ab, Apil Igtb, 1211. tgw MONEY FOR THE FARMER L IVE MAN OR WOMAN WANTED for work at home paying 1}t or 13 per day with opvorIuldIy to Meatier. Work not dlff - oult and require* no eiprioese. W INSTON. LIMITED. Spadlaa avenue. Toyota 41.5( \lT ANTED. -A MAN PART OF THE 11 to attend to lawn and Iranian dur- uny1tr e.nd summer mouths. Apply to C. BEA . West street WA NT S D. - BOILERMAKERS end inseeheste who are acoortumed to marine work. Three boilermaker.. one ,Fret Into worker. two Who hand.. and two Tisa Mads or floor men. testy tint -class. steady wetonek. need aRply'. HIgM•4 wagee and steady week. A COLLKVVOOD eH1PBUILD- ING Co ANY. LIMITED, CoI1letwood. oatrto. it FON SALE OR TO LENT HOUSE FOR SALE. -ON WOLFE henget. seven rooms. flood cellar under kitchen and toaodatloo under house. beleoging to the estate of the late Mr.. Jas. Reid. Apply to D. t3TODDART, ILa.t street. or to PROUD FOOT. 11•Y8 t KILLOHAN. ebbs VOR RENT. - A FURNISHED 1 hoose. all modern ossvenienoes. Apply at SIGNALOFFICL 45-21 VOR RENT. - A NICE SEVEN - room cottage with hot water beattig, lectaic light and With. beautiful ground., good orchard and large garden; conveniently located to Square. Apply W. J. MUIR. L1ARM FOR SALE. -iN (OLBORNE • township. beteg lot X vu Maitland con- cision. Contains 1fr acreseighteen of which is on end wtth barudwuod bush. dzteen in wheat .city in grans and remainder in good slate of caltivauun. 1 bere are seven acre. of good .reharft and the cum le well fenced. Thee 4 a good solid brick hoose and two beak barns on the property. For furl her par- te-Men arte-Men as to price. terra.. etc., apply to JALOH FLiCK. on the menins. or Beumillr P. G. 44-4t, HOUSE FOR SALE. - FRAME boor on Teafalptr west -tour bai- ronms, parlor. din' kitchen. pantry. storeroom end woodshed -all rooms ezoeptloo- ally large u,d air Stone foundation ander ms whole home Good cellar under kitchen. Stable and hep boon. Lot .00ut Iw feet epulue. Term. easy. Particulars at T H E SIHNAL uFFICIL 4 UOUSEFOR SALE.-TWO.STORY 11. brick bolts on the tenser of Weurloo aa4 St. ratnok's strode : eight loom.. furnace sed bath. Lot contains one garter of an tate... Very L desirable location. For 411'paitticu- Make 109 per eget ca your nto.ef by tavern. from $wSrNOW. to 1 1 ou can do this by putting out APPLk. PEAR. PLUM a n d ( BEERY TREES the sated A. 1.he demand y no wereally stiesg it le w.11 not to delay in mending in your order. AL orders receive our careful attention. Address JOHN STEWART ESTATE BENMILLER Rural Telepbu- circuit 443 Ring 1.2. r -,v -v -Y GUNDRY'S 1 Livery, Cab and 'Bus Stables THE RED BARN South Street, Goderich All our Rigs ars New. 'Rosie meet all Trains and steamers. Particular attentifm given to alt from private residences - 'Phone No. 60. I1HOIOK LWT8 FOR BALM 1N THE V Gamow peegert1 Plot mats feet, bl- ending corer - Of Market .tree and Elgin .venue. WOMAN for three hove.: or will divide to malt purchaser. H4gh and dry grand : choices tocaato% in beet re.Mentie ..coon. newer stoop fight avenue. For par Innen .ones at TdIS SIGNAL OFFICE. lOR HALE. -- TEN ACRES EAST side of South eteeet, omen Beensttdame If you desire a smeller tract of one or two eons or • building lot in the Route aide write H. A. JORDAN, 173 Windsor avenue. .Vlndeoe. intern. GODERICH MARKETS. TgWrBglih►T. April 13th. Rall wiriest, per bush 1 76 toe 0 41 wbeet. per huge-, b w a 8u to set wwhhe tom, per beet ° bh 0 45 to0642 Oen, per bash. 0 3u to J 45 Pees, per bezel 0 73 to 0 75 Barley per bust 0 u to 0 58 ecrgeoiege, per aro le 0s to 10 0u Flour, candy, per lw$ 2 75 to 2 75 Floor. pewit. per Orel 300 to 3 0r Mean. per tea 23 00 to n 01 2tee .... MW to ii UI to 1000 to 10 Stra @r4 00 to 5 OU .g1 r40 021 tan 0 30 B tt24 Cheese, ter lb a 15 to 0 17 ffas, fresh. per des 6 14 to 0 16 P.tators per bushel.0 40 to :1 50 Cattle, atetm7 to good, pr cwt 4 00 to 5 .n Caul., .zoom, per owl S JO to 4 en Yee • Yearling .Lambe 3 SI to Mau Sleep, per cwt 4 00 to 4 55 flow, pee lb 05 to 0 00 es, per ewt 7 Sheep alder 30 to 7 0570 Alelesper bbl 4 00 to 5 .0 (POWN-PROPMRTY FOR HALF. - LK two h.ndred.ad tweet ave .Claw On HI ant In the tows et etich. rec- ital.srq•arter d a. sere. O. the north ball ray property cher. M tweeted a steam sad s -hall bane dwelling hewn theand st.n Noels - = 1pkbrmMe. ooB4daby d' P .n..t ppeee..wsn t. under loam the Mese at S a weer.' and Use .hop at 17 per math. The property will be sold in Mew tee paresis as the parous.. s try dein. _Apply to Y 'O. CAMLRON. an. arvister, e, iiassiItoa street_ Gederieh Ontario A •pleodid aseortmeot of Easter novelties and fresh oyetere fir the Master trade at Black.tooe's. 'Phone 110. GROWTH AND SERVICE Tbe constant growth of this Bank is a significant indication of the pertinent basking a•rvie•e Riven to its many customers SAVi VOS BANK t!'4 BiTMIN1IIM 1OCO1'N'tft IS V ITSD Dungannon, Auburn. Varna, Bayfield and Goderich AMMO AUCTION SALER. TcnuaT.Aprilllith Auction 'ndrofhosae- hold furniture and furnlahing-. at 1 o'clock sharp the property of Mk. M. H. 4u.lnrr. at late Dr. Cre-s hon,.. Goderich. THOMAS Creeper. auctioneer. SATURDAY. April _lod. - Auction sale of a oomtoretble brick hotter of ten rooms on a rood lot 140 x lel feet : al -o Mance stable. Lore of room as lot for another house : situated no oornr o Cambria road and Park street_ At Use came time all the bousehold furniture will be said. without temerve, ea family are leaving tor Vancouver. MRs. Jean Vet.g. pro - primrose To o An G12DRy, auctioneer. THURSDAY. April ! tea. -Mrs. John Ache- son'• property on Cambria toad. on which wire is • spsdld brick house. teenier with all the mutants of the home. will be sold by auction. THOMA. GUN DRT. auctioneer. PERSONAL MENTION. M. Swanson left oo Monday on a trip to 3seam var. Mita .Agnes Hawkins. of hepiwrdton, ie visiting her aunt. Mrs. G. H. Green. Angleeea street. Mr. nod Mn. F. J. Prldham and Mt.. Restate. are speeding the Enter holiday. in Tornow and ober ..stern points. - Mr.. . Rev.l J. Pollock w ill receive for the first time on Thursday. April Mb. from 3 p. rn. toe p. in. and afterward.. every rooted 1burw day. Moen. Haddon. Tutlord and Drinkwalter left o. Monday afternoon for Winn peg. where they will be employed by the 1)oty Engine Weeks Co. for about a month. BORN. IIOTY. - In (:oderich, on Saturday. April 8th. to Mr. and Mr.. • herle. Doty. • sun (John Dougla. - MARRED. FOWLER JOHNsTONE.-A t the mann, Locknow, o, V.edneweyevening. Marsh 29th. by Hee. J. S. Duncan. Mtsr Emma Johnstone to Harry Fowler. both of A.h- DIED. GRIFFIN. -In Goderich. on Tuesday. April 11th. Winnifred Mary Josephine, daughter of Joseph C. Griffin. EDWARDS.-At Wenchope. April 'ih. infant •.,o o' Mr. and Mn. Reginald Edwards. THOMSON. -At Bowemont. North Dakota. on Sunday. April 9th. James Thomson formerly d Goderich. aged et year.. AVMS SAL. .1.tUCTION SALE - 1 or HOUSEHOLD FCRNIT('P,); AND Rt; RN- 18HINGt Mrt M. 0. E7liort w111 sell by public auction at Use late ler. Ure s house. Goderich. on Tl' KSD A Y...3 Pltl t. 1itTH. commence). at 1 o'clock share : All the furnish- ing.y oonnaisting of parlor furniture. including one lbod piano : dimesroost furniture. fooled - Ing table-. ebaire. sideboard. etc. : bedroum furniture. Including ell the eminent. of eve room... kitchen furniture : ioclud.og a oo..l or. woad range : carpets. curtains. blind.. rugs dishes. cktln.. crockery. els-aware. ^ut)ery, etc EceryUitltk most be sold. as Mrs. Elliott 44 giving op keeping. Ter csab. MIS. M. N. ELLIOTT. THOS. GUNDRY, Premiums. Auctioneer. 41Kri IONr SALE or INE RESIDENCE. F CRNITURF ETC. The undersigned ha. been Inetruoted by Mrs. John Acheson torten by publie &notion. on THURBD.AA', APRIL 27TH. at 1 o'clock p. m.. et the premise., the residence at the corner of Brock ■treet and Cambria road. oonupied by Mrs. .fiche oo hewn her reOOTN to Toronto This 4- a moat dextralle property. the bowie berg emoted ion. and the grounds well kept Alto at the mane time the tureihingv. ooasietinet of 1 dining fable, q.arter-eut oak. 1 dining table. 1 .debeard, walnut. 1 china cabinet. gearter-eut oak. 1 own - hinted bookcase and Secretary. walnut. 1 peeler table. mahogany. 3 t.boursb,, .u.trooe email tahim, pertains and portiere.. I clock. 1 three- p4mtr bedo,..to set widget, 1 three piece bed- rooms met, 4 ch. -os of drawn... IOr yard. of Hru. ado oar /et... wool carpet 1 Urn Arn.lm ter nut, kitchen utensils, tabs., china. 2 .tote., garden MOM verandah cMln lawn mower. r.frirerw- t.w. ire creno freezer and numerous ober articles. The hewss will he open the day before the sale. Terme on the home. Ten par cent. of the mediate mommy to be paid or •rrenged for at tip.e of rale. baleen within thirty day.. or artaegements may be mod.- by whish an amount may remain on moderats a• a ree-oo able rate of Interes'. Terns oo furniture and fu'ninrmgt. --A11 sums of 210 and under, rash : neer that ameuotthreee month emrdit will be given on furnishing approved Joint nobs. A dyoo.at allowed for cash on audit amount.. MIt& JOHN ACH)0n.N, THOS. GUNDRY. TGAI;E SALE THE TOWN COUNCIL. year, but h e would not do unless :L', Emily Grummets 167, Nellie I i DD/NE ON 1 RIAL the building war put in pro1V r shape. Everett absent. Jj`Sl JJIj SCHOOL MATTERS REQUIRE SOME ADJUSTING. Town to Take Over a Portion of the Grounds at Victoria School -Chas. C. Lee Gets Summer Hotel for Another Year -A Letter from Mr. Moyes. In the absence of Mayor Cameron and Reeve Reid in Timone, girt Fri- day evening, Deputy Reeve Munningr presided at the tweeting of the town coined. All the other members were present. .1 letter was read from J. W. Moyes, president of the Untatio West Shore Railway. in which he asked that the council give immediate c risideretion to the matter of runuing tights of the railway on certain streets of the town. The matter was referred to the committee of the whole council for consideration. A petition from ratepayers on Nel- eon street requested that a granite litbic walk he laid on the north bide of Nelson street. The ,;ouneil of three years ego, it appears, had promised to i have the wok door and also to have a walk laid on the north side of New- gate street, On 6ebalt of the rate- payers affected in the letter case N. V . Nott appeared and asked that the work be proceeded with this yeti-. Both matters weer reterred to the public works committer for considers •tion. Thos. E. Buri owe sent & request to have a tree cut down in front of his property on Nelson street It was re- ferred to the cemetery and parks com- mittee with power to Act. The Western Canada Flour Mills l'o. , wishes to enlarge its salt words plant and asked the council for a ninety- nine -year lee of the street east 1 as of the present plant. Tn. matter was referred to the public works commit- tee. in reference to me drainage at the Grand Trunk c ing on the Huron road, Proudfoot, Hay. A Killoran Rent it, letter stating that the township' wouldlike to have the matter ao- justed, ny finding nit whether the liability tests with the railway com- pany, the township or the town. It was a+ked if tbe town wowed agree to procure the services of aa engineer for that purpose. The letter was le - 1 feared to the pnblic works committee with power to Rel. A request for tinanciil assi.i,ance from the Canadian tree library for t he blind wee referred to toe floaoce committee. A. Straiton, secretary of the public eehool board, informed the council in a letter that the hoard was willing to Ilionever to the town the proceeds of tbtdifferent school properties if the town agrees to great an order to close 4 ildin user count. it also was r statedthe bu that the hoard had agreed tb accept .the offer of E. Kuntz to purchase the site of St. Patrick's ward school for 590n. provided the council agrees to give Nd feet front- age. Further. it was asked that the council provide 011!210 for ordinary school purpoeee for 1911. The clause referring to the widening of the St. Patrick'e ward school site was sent to the cemetery and parks committee and the last clause in the letter wag re- ferred to the finance committee. Tbe special committee reported : "With reference to the request tuade by tbe public wheel hoard for pay- ment to it of 114.210 for building pur- poses, it appear. free a statement made by the chairman of the board that it has received 81.700 for some property since, and all tbat is now re- quired to close up all taccountt and reach A final settlement is 12,110. Therefore, this coni mittee recom- mends that an order be drawn on the treasurer in favor of the public school board for the sum of *2,510. upon the receipt by the town of a rrenlution of the school board, properly authenti- cated. agrweing to torn over to the town the ppoxede received from the remaining property for sale, that is. all f Patrick's ward school tardae rewaioder of the. St. David's y ward school privet t . ..n Park street, and also agreeing t.. deed to the town all :be ptop.rty within the present public school grounds south of the north side of Raglan street end east of Gibbon. 't. -ret. 2uppo.•el to conr*Lin five acres more or leas. The report was adopted. The finance committee 'venni- mended that on the understanding that Robert Bell, ..f Meefortb, will lac- cept the sum of $4344) in full of all amounts for •nitrating. the amount be paid. A' number of accounts also were recommended to ire paid. Adopt ed. The /ublir works committee recren- Beereded that V. M. Roberts 4.e ap pointed engineer to ..used to the con @truetion of Use proposed sewerrs as rvromnrended in the report of Willie ('h1 . C. 6 - sulitect to tern4. to ire In • by the chairman of the puNic I work• enw.mitt•. aryl Councillor (lark- Thr report ,..rt Ted. Under and by virtue of :he power of sale o..tal.'-d In a reat..se dated the eleventh day of May. lent made b Avenel. H Wil - saw, rna Ba. ht by it afros Mem R K'lutamia.d Robert a. H wl a. mortgagor.. there will be offered far mil by gre bite auction at tee Ceiberee Hose. is the town of (.odericb. on Saturday. the 13th A.y of April. 1211. at 11 clock noon. al and dna lar that eertaie =and tree of lard •n4 premises. situate. stag and being In the tnwn.blp o venom.. in tea merry et Him.,. a, d Proven•, K On. WM the g of numt andnIb000el Int number three is the Lake red la the east noocea.fon w.aten dlvidea er la. 044 wwn.ln p of centime and amnia tag elle banAre d and wry acre•. .were er het m.vs aM incept the rt d way of tee elm. Mete and west 'borefir Railway f'om ponyrunning ninon the Treat of the Ald rover asrett the' • The term i. knows a. twli.ne Hnaw.»tmd On t. [ r+14..t then a • haer and tar•. 11.e whole farm M under altiva15 . A portion is meadow pewter. Then are a few ere. d grown inlet, eat the peer'. There I. end well wet Ton'b 10. propertyna .11 i. • -.ads property geed farming db Viet 1t 1. sheet three .m a geometer nib. 54... 1e G.odwin, sad .mem tame' mile nee. TesWa or Bats - The plummier wgt M re golrrMM to tee tae Mid. of tbeamebas. toeaq at Gir tine of .ate and Th. Italarry at espllta40.e sf salary da boss nee was Mt lar.j rn 04'*T*Y > 1LI..iR t 01YR ls mereeser ander • Om .Migrre 400 @oe 11. glMiiI OM, e 1 0. 4' Lee wee pr•eeot at the meet- s afed nn motion of t 'o uiv tIIor Nairn 141 Mas agreed that he he hard reapeet- ' Me the Iwinr of the immerser hotel. Mr. lee .tared he had i!Aerie orid that !Mei ee.ost .1 sees ant willing t.. nnwaidee the selling of the `` 'pee t7 but that the hotel might b. I..erd Inc another year. 1n any event remodel aide is prevenient* wool.. Thor, to he made he- fe.r..t could be nec,el•.41 the eoming Waid1011. The roof era. detertivs and the rain was running dews lbs watts en the east aide. The exterior needed a seat of parte anti 11e sky44wht de - m minded attender. ' r. los said he o wse w411irg to Imes it for another On wotioo of Councillor afro, sec- Junior 11. Class -Total 0111/ -Fraser 1 Newell 384. Harriet Porter 378, Verde McViLtie 963, IDeLong 7, H Howard 344, Loula ie MacDo35nald t25, elen CASE STILL PROCEEDING THURS- Kenneth Cruickshank. 321, John Pio-1 DAY AFTERNOON. der 285, •Dorothy Smith 2:(3, Willie Benjamin 272, Oliver Keene 208, Lily Lwhbrook 267, Herbert Wart 230 •Ruth Murray 396. ' 'eta Murray 211, •Karl Ross 200, •T•ddie Johnston lit2. *Cecil Carry 144 •Horace Kell 1%. `Maggie MacAdaw 72, *Irene Burk- holder 61, Herbert Ackcroyd absent. DIVleme V11. --Senior Class, Part IL -Total 350 --Dori. Hodgen 385. cow - Study Panzer 315, Bert Megaw 91)4. murder of [.lair Auder.op cou,- Martin Price 90(1, Harold Nlaegel MI. mince 1 at the cunt t house ..reeds Hugh Roberts 270, Albert Leonard yesterday 261, *Margaret Muria 253.morning and it still proceed rgging, Morley, Court opened Tucaiday atter000n, JuniorClaes,Part IL -Taal 350 - Chief Justice Slr Glenholme Falcon - John Bedford Mk Elya Young :7178, bridge presiding. The Gladys (fowler 274, Inez Porter 288 Bid jury Mary Sanders 252. John Austin 214 " sworn in with A. B. Carr, tet Julia Beevers 900, Alex. McLean 172, Eye' as foreman. During the atter • Willie Roos 85. noun a true bill was returned in the Fourth Class. -Put I. -Total 26- case of Edward Jardine and the trial Catharine MrKeozie'146, Gladys Mier -Ines r- was culnwensed the following rnorn- ray 2240, Clifford Johnson 214. Alice Cockfield 213, Erie Stewart 210. Ar- The following Jury was sworn in Char Curry 193 Olive Craitlie 173, Dor- t10 for this case : George Andrew. Us- othv Davis 163, 'Sydney Roberts 148, 4Tae ' William S. Linklater, Wing_ \\'aeon Carrick 81. ham ; John Geiger, Hay ; 8amuel Walker Morrie • John G McIntosh ooded by Cuuncilloi Kelly, it was named that the hotel be rented to Mr. Lel for 1911 on the same terms as legit ytier. It was moved by (ouucillor Kelly, seconded by Councillor Nairn, that the public worts committee look into the matter of repairs on the hotel. Carried. Councillor Helly brought up the matter of securing smoke protectors for the Brenton. and the fire commit- tee will septet as to the advisability of securing such protectors for the brig- ade. The chairman of the fire cone wittee also ass given power to pur- chase any rubber goods required and the council then adjourned. GODERICH PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Results of the Easter Test Examinations Is Your Name Here. Following are the results of the Easter exawination4 in the Goderich public schools. Those marked • were absent flow elf or part of the examin- ation*. VICTORIA SCHOOL DIVISION 1. -Senior IV, -Total 660 -Elsie Galt 566 Muriel Galt 637, Harry Brandt 5116, Edna Pridlkam 478, Ruth Hamilton 476. Hazel Hartwell 4116, Doris Hays 459. Flurrncr Sheer - down 443, Sam. Bti,orcombe 413. Beth Boyd 441. Jon Habkirk 438, Nettie Green 431. Kenneth Hawkins. 498, Walter McDonald 409, Elsie Eider, Willie Suth.laod 304, Alma l' •x 300 Isabel Doolittle 3111. Hairy \Nation 389. Carman Stoddu t 384. Willie Babb 378, Hildred McCe l 370, Hazel Stewart 369, Gladys Kernighen 987, Irene Tburlow 346, Laverne Murray 344, Gledye Cruicksh.nks 337, Lillie Johnston. Agnes Mcl\ or Marguerite `Ailler $L5, Etta McDonald 319, Arthur Roach 271, Maude Pinder 201, Edna Junes 2561, Morris Swanson 7432, Hilda Scheifle180. JCNIOR I V.- row 900 -Lawrence Wark 772. May Hunter 8611, Ada Johnston 888. Edna Sallow@ 660, Mar- garet McDonald 662, Allen Sinclair 607, Roy Hunt 594, Grace Wootton 510, Elizabeth Proudfuot 588, Eva Walker 578, Verde Kudoh 570, Eva Keene 562, Helen Griffith 542, Lulu Bates 541, Bert Cutt 537, Etta Halliday 521, Lottie Murray 515, Katie Weston 5415, Fred. Bates 504, Bennie Smith 501. Bellma Johnston 498, Percy Beattie 484, Laura Salkeld 455. Albert Baldwin 436, Willie Black 431, .lobo Bates 4%, Edna McLean 410, Ina Muir 408, Har- old Bates 355. Chester Johnatoi (Cecil Given 25)2, Otto Lyruburner 264, Florence DeLong 255. SENIOR i11. -Total ()2)5 -Maitland Pridhaw 0/7, Arnim Brandt 588, Grace Pinder 583, Harold Marney Fes, Eleanor Hays 554. Peart Hunter 527. Myrtle Johnston 525, Robert Clark 521, Katie McDonald 4134, Olive Bleck 484, Beroiu a Davis 480, i.aurel Bates 40B Del hivei Hall da 40.4., Bruce Noble 450, Laura Morrow 4424 Hartel 'Wilson 440. Pearl Fraser 438, Roy Black 437, •Kathleen McGuite 430, Clarence Robertson 4'L4, Haonah L.eon- atd 427. Stella McRae 419, Gordon Noble 418, Wallace Duckworth 413, Florence Johnston 392• •Lila Mitch- ell 389, Albert Wiggin..354, Minnie Drink waiter 326, •Ed d Lymburner 31t W allie Proudfox.t 315. Gertrude Ur. Bruce Smith Tells About' Pris- oner's Confession in the Jail -Jar - done a Pervert --True Bill Found against Vanstone. McDonald 303, Gladys M'L.od 288, Goldwir. Harrison 230, 'John Bell 316, *Ernest Clark 18'2. *Ernest Lee 71. JONIoR III. -Tot ►1800 -Victor Kent - lake 6724. David RAs 645, lone Cutt 641, Emily McArthur M0, Hazel Bel- cher 538, Eva Morrish 620, Greita Mar- tin 6$l, Edna Stewart 594, Ethel Stokes 500, Gladys McKay 589. Harry Howard 578, iimey Thompson 566, ' FAith Marney 552 Claire Hays 542. .Ie.eie Wilson 542, Nora Statham 530, Bertha Down 530, Charles Roe.. 634, Norman Wark 522, Eva Jones 507, Margaret Wilson 48b, Jame. !hinter 481, Mattie McMath 4714, Emmett Bates 473, Stephen Kirkland 407. •John ` Hazel 406, George Buechler 443, Wil- lie Baldwin 436, Eva Schaefer 409, Irene Morrow 4(01, Alfred Warner 410, Stoll Ring 379, GMce Hunt 376. George !Stewart 3(16. *Lilian McLean 3304 liltirtnan Mcleod 296, *Stanley Oock6•ld 256, *Harvey Elliott 242, An- drew Murray 29:3, *kobert Bell 180, Knox McLeod 1119, •Balm. Wallace 131. Absent from examination -Grace McDonald, Edward Bennett, Div. V., Sr. ii. Reader. -Total 4100- Wioote Gledhill 484, Arthur Roherte 52. Roy Foster 448, Edward Pridbam 43i, Isobel Foster 435, t.etneita Le?w 421, Beata ire MacLeod 420, Erl Porter 408, Gladys Bedford 397. Frederick Breyer 353, Fanny Panzer 388, Henry lokster 349, Glen Murray ENS, William Hander* 2.90, Isobel Austin abm.nt. 1, Middle Class, iL Reader -Total 450 1)harses Nairn 334, Gertrude MAO. Lean 3t2, Pearl MacLean 312. Jetties Hadden :301, Willie MacDonald 301. Vesta Y'..ut 200, limpet Videan 2(427, Henry Hnntalivy 254. Elide Mtan- opmhe 2M11, Marion Filein.er 27n, Reta Wilson '111, John Raid Flit, laky Youn1411, Llewellyn Taggart 161. Jno ioe ('4...., II Newt et. --Total 350 -- hinge Low 273, Vern Wilson 257, W il- lie Williams 249. Irene Hunt 244 Alex. Dooley 244. Marguerite Stead 242, Nneusa .Johnston 216, Annie I•mom lee. Rebeoa Neegele 157. John MacDonald 148, Percy Warner 149, Laurance Nicholson ■bent. illVlalo' VI.--MentoriI.Ciam -Total ISlit- tile Newell 481, Men rein Weston Mil, (irons Green (51, Willie John - moil 414. Helen Rooth 412, Mat John- ston 411'. Mars Pinder 940. Clayton Walters MI. Irene Thompson '577, Pixels. Therwtsn 9¢A. Reefs Rats. 316. (cordon Down )111 Reggie King , 918, •V4nlet Borley Ai8, Rtewart Burk holder 0(4, Havel M rnie FIFO. u Doff bell Fred Arnold 178, Speiren !At. *Bernard Welters • The trial of Edward Jardine for the TM 1 13511-Vera11Latlmrr. - or 284, Mel -Class - Grey ; William Staples, McKillop t. ourne McVittie 272. M1'g a ares Bell VI, Charles (amm, Utaborne ; William Breckenridge, Turnberry ; Alex. His- Arville Robinson 27(1, Reggie Pinder lop, Turn, eery ; (linage H.Holt, 253,Pamley Murray til Stanley ` Mc- Howick ; Martin Armstrong, Hallett Lean ;,44, Eddie Morrow 196, Llyde (Ai ver Turnbull. (itey. Carter. L.S. Dancey, counsel for the s- Juninggrre Claire -Total 350 -Margaret ones, cbaltenged eleven of them o Liliandiing 266, Di301, ms Andrews called for jury duty before the reyui F:rnewt Mug 246.ath 114, Elaine Proud site number were sworn. The Crown Pelta did not challenge any. Those chal- fexet 2D9, lenged Were from the town of Gode- Fifth Claes - Total 309- Clarence lieb and tlodrrieb and Colborne town- Juhn.to n 217, Ford Weston 210, Jack ship.; so that those chosen are all Fotden 184, Frank Thompson 174. from parte of the county at some dis- Willie Thowpeon 128, •Mamie Smith. tame tmnl Godericb, •Harry Leach. The prisoner sal in the dock, chew- ingg gone and looking hearty after his winte.'r confinement in the jail. He is apparently as stolid as ever, and follows the proceedings of the curt with apparently about the same de- gree of :merest as the ordinary spec- tator. In answer to the indictment, read 1'y D. McDonald, the clerk of for Court, Janie'. replied "Not guilty" in a flrw voice. The prosecuting attorney is George Tate Blackstock, K. C., of Toronto, who is assisted by ("robin Attorney Seager. The first witness called was Mrs. Anderson, mother of the murdered girl. Her evidence was similar to that which she gave at the inquest_ She was followed by Wesley Ander- son, . the girl's father, and Willie Anderson, her brother, whose evi- dence also was along the lines of that given at the inquest. The further evidence both yester- day and this morning followed the line brought out at the inquest, many witnesses declaring that they saw Jardine and Lizzie Anderson to- gether e t the fair g grounds on the fatal day. some of them bringing the time up to a few minutes before 10 o'clock - 1)r. Bruce Smith, Provincial inspec- tor df prisons. was remained this after- noon end stated that on his visite to the jail during the winter he dis- covered Jardine to be a sexual per- vert. Me won Jardine's confidence to such an extent that the prisoner made a confession to him. In this confes- sion, made by the prisoner on March 11th, Jardine told of conversing with Lizzie Anderson on different occasions during the afternoon and evening and giving her money to buy a lunch. She was b willing party to the pro- po-al that the deserted house be visited and in going down the cellar .tarps the girl fell end struck her head, exclaiming. "My God, oh, I'm hurt." Jardine went on to tell the Doctor of getting her into the cellar. where, at a remark from the girl, be said "the devil got possession of me. I took out. toy knife, stabbed her once in the throat, put it. in again and drew it right across," He then cut the clothes off the girl, piled them in 0 heap aid drew the body over towards the door. He went home and washed the knife and two or three days later while exeinining the knife as he was sitting on the lake bank he thought he detected signs of blood on it, 80 he threw it over the lank and had not seen it since. CENTRAL SCHOOL J37NUe0 V. - Total 900 - Riihy Stoddart 8113, Kate Hahkirk 7tf'd, Marjorie Dougall 752, Annie Brown 748, Dorothea Dougall 726, Phet n Jobneton 6711, Nur.ua Whitely 861. Edrieano Watson 623. Glare Hahkirk 830, Gordon Youngblut 816, Stewart McKinnon 610, Avnes Saunders 013, Pears McDonald 588, Emily Shaw 581, Christopher Brownlee 568, Ivy Elliott 543, Leona Elliott 524, Nina Roberts 518, Frank McArthur 472, Jets. Videan 453, Gordon McKinnon 481. John Stinson 445, Philip Carey 441, *George McDonald 430, Connie Stewart 390, Elsie Marlyn 264, Myrtle Walters 349, Elizabeth Wilson 344, Herold War- rener246, *Flossie Mitohell 211, Earl Jenkins, John Tufford, Laura Price, absent. SENIOR IIIA -Total 800 -Elsie Dun- nadge 741, Gerald Newton 702, Gladys Knight 880. Graham Roos (070, Leon- ord Macklin 667. Jean Bogie 6110, James Rime 644, Eve Jones 642, Ger- trude Porter 642, Benson Bell 6244, Margaret Rose 61' Donald teed DcDooald 5449, Harry Buchanan 5413. Thelma Roes 5434), Wilfrid Blair 551, Olive Clark 532. Scott McNally 505. Alfred Hebei 4442, *Agnea Niel onald 41)8, Mar- ion Bogie 400, Reggie Tulford 386. JrN IOR 11 1. -Total 400 -Beta Wor- rell 883, Gladys Saults 657, Cedric Dougall 653. Marjorie Jones 578, Elda Stoddart 670, Allan Blair 506, Mabel Monk 523, •Beatrice Wells 510, Jack Harrison 499, Harry Sanderson 497, Melville McNevin 497, Wocdbam Babb 475. Doris Knight 482, George Bell 407, Charles Brown 407. Jean Har- rison 4013, Rudolph Brown 390. Tena McLeod 380, El za Beck 359, Willie Halal tin, *Ernest McGratten 214, Percy Jeokin 207. .Sexton Ii. -Total 110 -Beth Ross 504, J-ean Habkirk 544, Helen Shaw 515, Herbert Dougall 504, Vinton Tremblay 488, Lilian McDonald 486, Willie Sturdy 478, Dorothy McKin- non 4414, Viola MiClache.ty 461. Gor- don Tebhitt 461, John Pattet son 467, Charlie Stokes 453, Helen Carey 452, Annie Vanstone 424, •Willie Stitt 418. *Mae y Vaitatone:itl4, •Willie McMillan 300. *Susie I oungblut 38(4, Lloyd Van - stone 348. •Florence Bell 274, *Maud Kemp 176, *Edward Ervine 164, •Arn- old Brownlee, •Alma Walters. JtN1oR if. -Total 650- Eileen Man- nings 5811, Vesta Snyder 6541, Dori. Martin mt. staters Watson 444, Hazel McDonald 436, Bcrtie Sanderst'n 407, Rowe Harrisnn :391, Lionel Mseklin 385, Lola McDonald Mi. Jennie Beck 381, Lena Murray 362, Hugh Hardy 345, ('lareoce Dawson 324. •Maitland Reynolds M5, *John Dawson 22D. *Robert Ervine 145, *Della Walters, Senior Claes, Part IL-Total5(0- Minnie Brownlee 4611, Isabelle Mc - Nevin 456. Dorothy Dancey 45.3, Mary Morrish 461, Kenneth Blair 451, Wil- fred Nichnlrr,n 407, Allis Burrows 3140. Mildred Stokes 383, Myra Mt -Nevin 376, Leonard McDonald 343, Helen Galt MP. Delphena Reynolds :312, Sadie Patterson :ii•l, i.awte'ece Currell 3434 Ivan Bell 2t1., •Nibs Mnasrl, •Janet Snare!. •Arthur Scheifle, •Hazel Monk. Mr. Blackstock this afternoon was continuing the exaneination of Dr. Smith in reference to Jardine's mental condition. There was a great rush for admit- tance u. the court room, hut as the witnesses and the men called as jurors took up a good proportion of the avail- able space the "public' had mostly to remain oiteide. When those attending as witnesses were a '- eluded from the room, at the instance of the prisoner's counsel. others were allowed to come in. and the fact that these included a-onsid- .rable p°prrtion of women was the suhject of comment, as it. was gener- ally known that much of the evidence Junior ('lass, Part 11. -Total 5ir0--- to sesame') would Dot be ..f a delict• Mary Howell 450, FiIgar Jones 424, able character. Hnwerer, the women (aloe Allen 337, Charlie• Hadden 364, as well as the men evidently are pee - Beatrice Tulford 3544. Marie Snyder 314. Leonard Hardy t(i, Wa:ler Koss 25( Annie Showdown 242 PART 1. --Total 23(1 Alse Rowe 2i4. Maxine Burvlette .22..lim (.arrow Mary farrow all. Theresa *inning. MA, Irene Steep 211. Kenneth Nichol 210, Harry Edwards 211. Jean hunter 212, (erabam Elliott dal, Hild. Wel- bank 118, Marion Mrl..•od lin. 1)onald I Me !Aced 114(1, Harry Schaefer P44. Ionia Ervin• 1141. Willie Grigg 17u, used Kemp 1119, ta,nauia? the 1114.. how they grow. Buy oor ehoev.lates and watch Mete Re Thta is our ...na, u, Kastoo rhyme At Burdetls's candy kiteb.s sr as time. seamed of a share of the molt hid cu11- oeity which impelled attendance on such an ..erasion. True Bill Against Vanstone. A true hill ham been r.•tut nod in the ear of George Vanstone, rhea -red With the murder of hie .on Freddie. and it *expected that the ease will kw called i8rredlat.4y after the eoraclu Woo of the triaI of Jardine. Tile CM' Cases The ear i l races . it the docket wen said r follow. phel1 ireRiasonnatte Aa w MOD on a prnmierenwr note. Judgment Wee entered for the plaintiff foe 51,11(1 le full of elaiwa and encs, to be paid IOaat►.,d es sash A