HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-3-30, Page 8e ft w 9t *Eta the win N Title asuit v, 1tAtrc'ir :39th, 1111. THE SIGNAL, GODERICH ONTARIO • Wall 9aper FOR SPRING PAPERING We have a splendid assortment of l'acadian Papers, ranging in price from 5c per roll up to *.Zr. .kported 9apers We make a specialty of im- ported Papers, and are allowing the very newest creations for this season, ranging in price from 15c per roll to 75c. Watch our show windows for papers and prices. The Colonial Book Store GPO. PORTER. Prop. 'Phone 100. Goderich 1 OPERA HOUSE GROCERY First door off Square, lKingstdn St. Ewrythint in Groceries Fresh. pun and Good EXPECTED THIS WEEK Fresh Tomatoes Lettuce Radish Rhubarb —Long juicy stalks Maple Syrup Buckwheat Flour —in bulk : and self -rising, in 10c and 15c packages. Apples Fresh hand-repicked Baldwins ; also in quarts and gallons—readv for the table—or for plea, pud- dings. etc. Figs. Prunes. Peaches, Apricots ani Dried Apples. Fresh, Salt, and Smoked Fish. Headquarters for choice Butter and fresh Sgt's. Jao. W. Vaulter Opera House Block 'Phone 164 Kingston Street THE TIME To UKI' That New Spring Salt and Overcoat IS NOW The selections of goods which me carts are of first-class quality. and we have all the latest shades at HUGH DUNLOP'S WRIST STREET The up -to -[bate Tailor sAistaiftwasytiewasosowisaistowwwism "The Only Thing That Will Relieve Neuralgia." The piercing pains of Neuralgia, which often follows a bad cold or La Grippe, arc frequently almost un- bearable and few medicines afford any relief to the sufferer. 1 am a rural mail carrier and have been a user of the Dr. Miles medicines for years. Dr. Miles' Asti -Pais Pills can't be beaten. They are the only thing I have found that will relieve my neuralgia and I have tried most everything, besides medicine from the doctor. 'l 1 am willingto tell anyone what the Anti-ain Pills did for me." CHARLES H[LDS tutANDT, Box 20% Woodvill. Ohio If you, like Mr. Hilderbrandt, "have tried most everything" in vain, why not do as he did, fight your aches and pains with Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills. Let the pills bear the brunt of the battle. No matter how stubborn the con- test, they will come out victorious. Dr. Miles' Asti -Pain Pills stand on their retard, which is a long list of cures extending back a generation. Druggists werywhers sell thane. If Snit package tans is be writ, year drug - shot will return your roomy. MILES MEDICAL CO., Tomato, Cam 4 keeds!Seeds! I arry a tarter .tock or seed than any other wed house in the bounty. Any farmer want torr Seed Clot se or Timothy Amid are me. A spootaity made of Alfalfa. AU k.mde of Field and Garden Seed for sale. also baled Hai- and Straw. Good. delivered to all parts of the tows. 'Phone 'x27 or call at warehouse. A. J. COOPER rlarnitton Street endiSetineeiWireseweilegeseaneesessete Walter H Harrison Jeweller cnd Optician IC. P. R. Watch Inspector I On the Square Goderich L MEM Bert H. McCreath, formerly of Godericb, played centre an the All - Canadian All-star" hockey team which visited Cleveland last week, playing the, regular Cleveland team cm riday night and the Western Univer- sity seven on Saturday night. The Canadians won both games, I+rlday's by 9 to 6 and Saturday'. by 8 to 6. The games drew the biggest -roveds of the season it Cleveland. WHEN BUYING FENCING GET THE BEST W he irk f. IDEA1. bas been proved to be the BEST. More of it op this district than other makes. r.r We are selling at prices that are RiGHT. We watt your busies.., and it Is to your advantage to RI Y of ea Howell Hardware Co, Limited THE BEST PLACE TO SUY MARDWAR! THE WILLINBRY OPENINGS. Some of the Styles as Showa by the Lord Establishment•, Last wc4 the snoring openings in the various urillinwry establishments of town took place. and as usual they were attended with mush interest on the part of the ladies. The displatvs were [Host creditable to those in charge. and Thr Signal has endeav- ored to father a few points frau each for the fallt.wing descriptions. To he Cully appreciated. however. the dis- plays must he seen—a piece of advice which. however. it is hardly necessary to present to our lady readers. miss (•A1 ZEOa'e. A complete variety of shapes; from the email hrlwet shape to the very large bats is to he seem at Miss ('am- eron s parlors on Hamilton street. The colors are good ink King'siblue, white and black, coral pink. Paddy green and bright red. One very pretty and st'lish hat was the heltnet shape in King's blue with a smart pair of black wings at the left side lack. Another smart bat was the Napoleon shape in black straw. with velvet wings at the side lack and a touch of red. This makes a very stylish and becoming shape for young girls. A very pretty little hat was made of small roses and a handsome bandeau rim and n mount of flowers. A large hat was made of Hatt'enhutx lace rive, with a crown of small flowers in different shades and a large lace butterfly at the side. Another large black hat was very attractive. 1t was of rose lace with a trail of sutall• roses across the front and banked with roses and foliage at the back. g=.griealturdl and roadster.. spatial prises are offered in the horse Omens alone, such as bees heavy draught, and bent .agricultural teams in harness. bast beavy gee teem, individual bores. team with equipment. child's nirnuut, combine - goo roadster, draught ally. family of three oaks and so on. la, the cattle clawms ars included shorthorns, polled r Angus, Herefords. dairy cows and fat cattle. In grains and seeds $8 and 52 prises each for the best two -bushel sample. of wheat, barley, oats, tim- othy. clover. beans and potatoes. To those wbo contemplate exhibiting a post card to Secretary O. L Dowding, Clinton, will bring • prise list. ('AMER(oNa DEPARTMENTAL sTVRE. A considerable change has taken place here this season, as the millin- ery department has been moved to the ground floor in the rear of the dry - goods department. This department is in charge of Mrs. C. MacKay. who has it reputation its ..ne of the best- known milliners in the I)o.ntinion of ('anatla. Mfrs. .Mackay is practically taking a rest this season. and is spending the time assisting Mr. Cam- eron to dispose of his spring stock of millinery. It is only „ few- days since this store was re -opened and it is sur- prising to note that about seventy t ' ed hats air shown altradv on the tables. Never has this depart- ment made such a large showing of flowers and feathers. Mrs. MacKay says that the styles in millinery this season are the simplest she has ever known. A great uaany irssed shapes. trimmed with lots of flowers. will be the strongest features. HOD(:E i$ lino:.. The shapes on display at Htaigens Bios.' this season are in a greater var- iety than ever, as both large and smaU hats are offered, and' the trinuuings and their araangementr ate even more varied than heretofore. The stows. in small hats show a decided tendency to be high. while the large ¢luapirs in- variably nvariably have low crown.. The brims show it pronounced upward tendency in loth small and large shapes. One' model noticed is a Robin Hood turban of the colored novelty braid. edged 1 with a baud of black and white ninon. This band is separated front the clown by a tine piping in the deepest tone of coronation blue. nutt- ing a most striking color combination. A quill of I4ue and white caught down with a bead cabochon in the coloring of the ensemble comprises the trim - g. A large black hat has for its material a rich Tarsen net. Thr upper riot is shirred 011 twits, and the lower has motifs of blur braid placed to the e,lue of the riot. The crown of draped net has a large willow plume. caught at the "wck and falling to the front and finished with a long jet buckle. Another is a coronation blue Lain!. overpaid with chiffon of the same shade. A high mount of cornflowers and American beauty rosea placed high at the hack forms the cifompiete trimming. The colors which are proving the most fashionable ate black and white. royal blue, weal, coqueli- cat. Paddy wren and Quaker giey. Miss Reynolds is again in charge a the millinery department at Hodgenif. and patrons are immured of the moat skilled service in the tilling of their orders. Mbar DO%lOn6't.. Mime Doeogh'a ou-llinery- showroom on KiaMon street was the Mecca for the pedis coo Tuesday and following days of last week. beteg the opening days of the spring display of ladies herdwesr. Then was an extensive showing sf the season's shapes and colors eusnbioed, forming essay mod- isb models. 'the Empire effec to were much in evidesee. foremost amongst which were black and white, combined with green. onrsnatins red. King's blue, besides the usual various popu- lar dainty shades and the new Helen k asd cowl. Some of the larger were conspicuous for the low am crown. The popular turbans: both stiff and collapsible. were quite high. Nome novelties noticed were all lace roars with lace foliageOak roses with partially Lee petals, htoe butterflies, chiffon cherries and numerous bend effects. An attrartive shape wall a large hlack and white tagal picture hat with the brim rolled slightly at Nie hack. The crown was low and the upper brim was veiled in block chiffon over white, across which fell large black and white willow Neither'', garnished with veiled renes in a ardt pink tint. A gage model of ttitditnt Rim was much admired for its parties, - Lely gond style ami simplicity. It had a softly draped crown .if rearm braid is French Mw. with a flaring aide front faded with Mark velvet caught to the crown with Isco and a r•iral ornament. The .sinter model. the perfeetly Rat shone. In Mack, white and in den' Mir. was arvanvvd along strikingly anode lints. Thr upper brim was rowers' plainly with !Mark ark and white lair. The trimming was formed of large hunches a Meek and white silk marguerites on Mire► side. atrapped t'gether with wide dell blue ribbon velvet. One mid was formed into a how drawn to under the *Mtn, which was faced with a hiterd of k velvet not the cuter edge. the remainder of the facing be- ing cit white ninon. Spring Show a Oilmen Cbei Rams sweatynos! sad seed show will tis held at aros es 'Nahum day. April *lis sad promisee to be the beet to iia history. is horses the Mss tatty care of Oirleedd.s, 14m.s„ Perehernna !seen--- —�•r Tit. beautiful weather .which Dow being enjoyed L Western Can- ada is enabling tarsier. to make good and the demand for tares Esdp it 8askatobewap and Manitoba is tar In exam. of the *apply. Train- loads of emigrations ars refebing Win- nipeg daily said all wbo desire employ - meat readily find it.. There are splen - le did ui1 rand Tres k Pacific between Wheelers and Ed- monton for term help. Sloes the be - giantism of tbM innate over VD car- loads awloads of settlers' streets and live stook bays mused Manitoba and 8uskatohr wen trots the United States. ST. HELEN& Tunaraav, March 281.1s. Nines Ncrres.—Sam Dentin John Patterson and Herman lett ou Monday to seek their fortune in the West Colin McDonald had the misfortune to sprain his shoulder. We hope soon to see him around as usual. . ....Miss Kutherford left on Satur- day to visit her sister, Mrs. Lane, of Kiniougb. wbo is at pressistoolea poorly Rob. McGuire and McDooaki brought home a very valu- able matched teem of horses for W. E. Gordon. 'They were purchased about Clifford John McGuire end Car- lyle McDonald loft Monday foe Myth, 1 Goderich and other points W S. McCrostie had a wood bee cm Friday. Duruin Phillipe was home over Su witty .... Miss Emma Woods. of SS -legitimist Business College. spent Sunday at home We are pleased to hear ths.t Jame. Purdon and W. J. Todd are still improving. Tbe nurse, Miss Taylor. who has teen waiting on Mr. Todd tor three weeks. returned to Wingleam on Saturday. . We are glad to know that Pearl Taylor is better. wideepread regret was frit in Ashfield on receipt ot the news of the death of Alex. A. Boyd. w as already noted in The Signal. took pla?e oo Sat- dey. Meech 18th. at Virginia. Minn. The deceased was a son of the late Donald Boyd. rod was born id this township, leaving four years ago to take a position in Minneeota. His wife was Mies Nina Carrick, also a Ash - Held. to whom he war ,married six years ago. and who survives him. The renieina were interred in Ehnen cem- etery on Thursday last. Rev. Jas. Hamilton. of Iloderich, conducting the funeral services. The pallbearers were Hector McLean. Kenneth Mc- Lennan, Hugh Bell, Kenneth McKee - de. Hugh Idcidurchy and Kenneth man a line parts. higbly by all who knew bim. He was an elder in the Preebytetian thumb at Vir- ginia. and was one to wham his assoc- iates looked for leaderehip and 'guid- ance in right living. He wdi be misaed and mourned by many. How's This ? we oder Om Hubs& Douses Reward ter .ny oars of Catarrh flat masa ba sand by . Coagireli (Am. . ciftnIZY at co.. Tends O. We tbe nederalsoad bags known r. Cbeney for the Mat 16 years. and bairn. bias and Mane/ally &Me to carry oat sas iddidli- tioni made by bia Amu Haire cmant Core is taken istarnaity. sa- ng directly noon the blood and names mar - seer of the asuman. Testimonials tem from. Price 1.5 costa per bade. Mid by ail arse Take Hall's Family Mister ilanstiantRig- ▪ Honiessekers' Excursions To Western Canada I- as Chimp" including certain points oo (hand Trunk Paddle Railway. April 4th. 181.11. May god. ift..11, 30th, Joao llith. 27th. July 1.1th. Ilkh. August 8th. Sepeember Stk. 1911. Willadlirg2ta return. INN; Edinootos sod muerte, 114L 'Tickets mood tor sixty days. and Alberta. erxeurtion poise. in Mamitsiba. tickets will abo'be ow on certain deem via Salmis and the Northern Navigation Company. Secure ticket. sad eatustrated literature from any °Toad True& or athletes A. E. Baseball Mastieg. A seeeting foe Use purpose of organ - season swill be held _At the town ball at ▪ 8 o'clock. It is b o p ed that towline, and thai atlases who wish to see the game played at its beet daring the miming season will he on bead to smite in tbe work of organ - What Has Dandruff Got To • Do With Baldness ? Tou sego the statement *eery day :hat the one canes of baldness Is daa- drufT. But Is it? True. dandruff often precedes the departure of the hal-. It Is equally true that you know hardly pull a comb ?hoe:rush. ink) hite• as Ions ato you hive known thellS. You have also 0~1 noes whom sear) wait hunt ea clean a• a baby's eglioso ?ha' dandruff Ws owniofe well a^ d us not fogi our.elyee. Of course dandruff isn't r;1041 thing' dtofr.catireers meson est la es r en The same troatil• that 0111111S111 1 "Or to foil out mpiatis. minors San- e.ruff go If vise ost tit the Mum and arr. at loss of hair. you sten Those who nee Nyal'a HlrStitatiti sal Mir oreerise they Mee veer 11, 1 It Wee step the hair tress (-ling "If*III will* MOP 1111:41A ear Nrat Druggist ny rec- ommends is -61.14 and Sas la swishier battles Om kir IS& 4111101,4117 Seed wed aseransens fey opportunities on the n Germ aetitity will height with wane There may be miI- hons millions ,rt health• senac- ing Remus about your premises. inac- tive now t dangerous with the first waren ung days. Better dl.lnlrct now. W. have aA teetantit and germicide@ that Asotartolo i.0 tide, have prov dt. $$. IL the druggist. (lode . Ont.. Showing of Spring Styles in Tailoredl Suits for the Coming Season Is Most Complete High-class Suits are those we are showing to- day. Every garment is man -tailored, designed, cut and put together by experts. The materials are good, being made from dean, honest, Australian wools, woven on the best looms in England. - The linings are of equal quality. Serges, broadcloths, panamas and tweeds are all repraiented, and there is not a style shown that is not correct for Spring and Summer wear. These Suits represent a com- bination of good style, good material and good value. Better suits are not sold for less money anywhere. Black, blue, grey and brown are the shades most in demand. We sell these Suits at $12.50 to $27.50 Suits Expressly Designed for Stout Figures A feature of our suit stock fhat is of interest to many are the designs ex- pressly for stout figures. They are cut from models entirely different from the ordinary suit and fit perfectly., We are showing them in black only, either serge or broadcloth, at S18.00 to $25.00 The Opportunity for Saving on Embroideries Is Very Apparent Very unusual are the Embroidery values here today. There is an immense variety to pick and choose from. The finest and most delicate of Swiss Embroideries on muslins and mulls are largely rep - presented and there is equally as good a showing of the stronger and more substantial cambrics and nainsooks. The work in all cases is of the highest order. Edges firm and strang and the designs new and uncommon. Extra good values are those at the following prices. At 8c a Yard A Large amortment of gen- uine Swiss Embroideries and Insertions. various widths and designs, many patterns to choose from. Very extra value at per 8c yard A Special Lot at 10c At this popular and roan - amble price we are offering this week Embroideries worUt more money. Doz- ens of designsio make your selecti.ons from. Widths run from four to six inches. Part of a big special pur- cheer very much underval- ued. Clearing at per 10c yard, only Another Special Lot of Embroideries at 15c This lot is made up of Embroideries and jneertious of higher grade and quality then the 10c line. Value. . are just as good. E rr new and out itit: eitbee on fine muslin or main - N ook. MInbrdideriee In tide lot Makable for almost every purpose you MO USW dirtoW or medium widths for. De- cidedly special at per 15c Some Wide Embroid- eries I9c These Embroideries are from six to nine inches wide. There are some really beautiful designs on very fine muslin and some on nainsook. Values are really much better than any here- tofore shown. Hplendid for trimming undetskirta. Ves-y special at. per -19c Yard A 27 -inch Embroidery 43c This FlouncintEmbroid- ery is fully 27 inches wide. material is ot fine fedi& lawn, the patterns neat and the work strong and The would not be too much ta ask for it. Our epeeist 43c abet ably 45 -inch Embroideries - 51. 25 A splendid assortment of wide Flouncing Inebroid- erten beautiful designs on line • lawn. hemstitched. edges. Out op in nide. just enough bt each for a costume. At Pee S12541.50 That Most Remarkable Dress One Ida Basement Sale ot Dress Goods st 27e a pled will oontisnie until ell are sold. This is practically coos of the most remarkable of our mosey Elasement Dress Goods Sales. There are plain and fancy Drees Goods from 88 imbues to 64 inches wide, telling at the remarkably icee pries of. per yard. 27C One line thin. is remarkably gond is a good Mobair or Lustre lit black and navy writh e mail whit. dot and stripe. This will make fr.dactual value is at 'este elk pee 'raid. waist., stunmer skirta or underskirts. Aeother good thing is a line of fine Vene- tian is black and colors. Ws is meth even more than tee. Still another is a line ot a/I-erool effects In a good range of dark ectiore.87: which flOc would be a low price, These Deem flouds suds are all trellis( at the manors price of oely 27c Black and White Shirting' Jost put into stock this week, w bhp* and white These are bard Sok* goodquality. and color guaranteed absolutely fast. They will steed no end a bard weae. There are tour 7, patterns. and price pee yard oaly. 1 The Value of the $4.00- White Underskirt is Very Unusual • 1 1 The White Underskirt we are offering At III.00 is the most temarkable Under- skirt value ever on oar counter* We mould not laiy them today and sell at this prier. They are made from ext..* auslity canehrie finished English cotton. The ennui are double sewn. The gar - meet is cut to conform to the prevailing style of dram They are finished with a Baldly very specie/ value at 4[1 •