HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-3-30, Page 7, . • Y Y
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District.The News of the 4
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TU)tiwDAY, Mar. 2titb,
To RtWLSMZ.N.-The liuderich Town-
ship Rifle Association will bold a meet-
ing in the urual plaoe on Monday,
April 3ed, W make arrangements for
• TUtfSDAY, March 28th.
News Nolte. - On Monday. the
20th inst., Peter Cameron and Wil-
liam Clark went West to Kindersley,
where the former has n homestead
the next shoot, which will be bell oo and the latter hopes to get one. They
April Ith. took a carload of horses. implements,
WEDDINU.-A quiet wedding took etc. We wish them succee& in their
place at the Leeburn and Union new home, Mut regret that •u many
manse. hast street, Goderieb, on Tura- are leaving Ontario for the WVeetern
•lay of last week, when Miss Rhoda prairies.... .Isaac Jerrott has rented
Battles. daughter of Mr. and Mea. both the Cameron farms, on the ith
Thomas Battles, of the Mb cooceseion and ah couolrsinns of Stanley. These
of this township. was united in wed- with his own 1110 acres will give him
lock to W. J. Jordan. of the sank! line. x16 acres ofgood land to manage, so
Rev. i.e. Hamilton performed theme. so that be wrist ism • very busy man for
mony. Mr. and Mrs. Jordeu will taste the next few years .. .. Mrs. Alair bas
up their residence on the 6th conceit. hewn in London for about two weeks
alon and have the best wishes of a visiting her daughters. Mr. Mc -
large circle of frieods for their future Kenzie. of Torouto, spent the week -
happiness and prosperity. end in the home of J. B. Dinedele... .
AVillIaru Row is moving out to his new
farts oar the 2nd contestation, Stanle .
He will now nave 2260 acres to work:
having Thomas Gemmel''s farm of 150
acres rented S esley Harvey hue
rented the std Cudrnore farm and will
MONDAY, Mar. 27th.
Tons Ltert Meta. M.M'L.Eori.-With
the passing of Mrs. Archibald Macleod
in Ohidytu on March 4th. this town- have plenty of work. During the past
ship lost one of its oldest residents- winter Mr. Harvey has done a Targe
The deceased's maiden name was business in buying and selling horses.
Janet Nicholson- She was, born in Albert Steep. who is engaged
Portree, Isle of Skye. Scotland, In the witb Jas. McDonald, wee leading a
year 1828. " Here she lived until the colt one day last week when it. became
year 1840, when, with her husband, unmanageable and he slipped on the
she sought a new b in the forests ase, resulting in a broken collarbone.
of Ontario. settling in A.hflekl. 1)f a
family of four eons and six daughters,
live are left to mourn her demise.
They are Mrs. Finbtyson, of Lucknow ;
Mrs. Hill. of Chicago : Angus Macleod,
of Hamwood; Malerim, of Chicago.
and Harry, of Baton Rouge. The late
Mrs. Macleod was not only an exemp- -Whitworth. Temiarnuata Co., Que..
fairy wife aged mother, but hospitality March 27. -(Special) -The sensational
was one of her outstanding virtues. cure of Mrs. Julien Painchaud has set
Many a weary traveller in the early the' entire ruunty talking. She inher-
asys blessed her nacre for the warm ited iH health from her parents which
welcome, with food mud shelter, which developed into kidney dieesse and
he received at her fireside. Her intel- heart trouble. and for seven years
lett, developed to an unusual extent. weary, dragging day. and steeples('
lost none of its keenness with the peas- nights made her life almost continual
ing of yeare and remained ucim- misery. She was hardly ahle to do
paired till her death. Formany years her housework. when. acting on a
ehe vas a loyal and devoted member neighbor's advice, she started to use
of Ashfield Presbyterian church and a Dudd's Kidney Pills.
large repr eentation treat the; conger. 'The fir•.rt box," Mr.. Painrhaud
gmtion was preempt at her lltuenet states, "relieved me of all pain. I took
which took place f the home of six boxes in all and am perfect[, well."
ber daughter-in-law,.. Mrs. K. Mac- Even inherited kidney disease can-
leod, to Kinloss cemetery. not stand before Dodd's Kidney PHIS.
Of the Marvellous Cure of Mrs. Julien
Painchaud by Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Is the United States Market Worth the Price that
We Must Pay for it under Reciprocity ?
A Question for Farmers. You lose your t. During the te-
rrain The ('anadia• ('enters. cal year ending March 31, 1910, 227,931
Wbep we' allow vast quantities of pound. of cheese were imported into
food from Australasia and the twelve Canada from Switzerland. The Dane- PBlt,uoYAL Awn GxNERAt -l3an-
favor'd foreign nation. to come free dian customs tariff on cheese was day evening Rev. W. Peatcev, of
ly into Canada how are we going to three cents per pound. le it not. ream- Londevenin preached in the Pre•hy-
prove to American customs officials Doable to eulpp•pee that when Swiss twrien church, and sten baptized Rev
cheese can c'nue into Canada free the t
Oust the farm themistimeUt we are bruins Mr. Small's baby girl. tfre. Pearcey
to send aerosol the United States boon(!- quantity imported will increase rather led the ineetin of the Christian En -
'try were really produced in Oaneda?' than diminish? Aeavnr Society
g in the eveningA•k your neighbors this question. .Prices in the United States. John Nivins wid hi. house and nrop-
We may be sure that the farmers of liven if the Reciprocity Agreement erty to C. Hall, the new C. P. R. sec-
tor sTnegd States will insist upon cunt did not let in Anstralia, New Zealand .inn foreman. last week for $700. Mr.
Canada becoming the hack prevent door en- toms regulations that and twelveoregn nations he.idea the Hall ha• got a goo.[ property and
trance to the United States for all the d'oited States, even if the favord na- cheep.
Mr. Nivine hes rented the
great fond exporting countries of the tion treaties could be got rid of so that Truan house and we understand is go -
world. The enforeemnt of these reg. Crusade (meld open Re market to the Ing to remain here Alex. Mc-
illations will be very annoying. The United States alone, the majority of Ceclght. 1r•• who ham been renting a
necessity of proving that every con- Canadian farmers would gain nothing chopping mill here for the past couple
.ignment of food imported into the by Reciprocity. while they would take of y r • '• con ngu iteun andeer hn es.e-
t'nited States from Canada is'actually very great risks. l'
Canadian will .care American buyers. Anyone who makes a careful .Wdy W Ingham electric light plant He ex -
They will ppeturaily pay lower prices of the markets in the United States 'its to ango ibe a wont to of jt wee ntrt nn
for Cadiln farm prducte then -for will note that the prices vary in differ- Popplestone
farm products when they ent sectione of the minutes'. Bootee. Tuesday to attenddthe f u+t erathe It 0J. O.
have to take the risk of disputer with New Ynrk. Philadelphia, Battle, De- Eine, grand
customs officials as to whether they troll, Chicago, St. Pfeil. St. Louis, F. A number from here attended
are genuine, came:hen or come from New Orleans and Ran Francisco all the funeral of John Kelly, of (Hinton,
countries overseas. 8 bave diffetent prices. and there is still nn Monday of thee week. He wee
Priors are always fluctuating in the greater variation in prices in small well knmthe
here, [having t one time
United States, and while a consigAttleew
o• rit
• towns and villages throughout nrkeWilfnat d, of h. t.b am, is at present
went of Canadian butter or eggs is be- the country.
ing held up et the United states cue- The Canadian farmer should coin- .rending a few days at hi• home here
toms awaiting proof of genuineness pare the prices he obtains for his pro- His father is still on the sick liet
the price may go down• ducts in a email village near his farm. The Blvth Stendae•l will not h.. issued
Australasian Food for Canada. not with the prima in Boston, New this week. the staff being inlay moving
York, Chicago or some other large the plant into the Indo.ery Hall store.
During the fiscal year ending March city in the United States, hut with the where the proprietor will have a more
31, 19111, there cams to Canada from prices obtained by farmers insmall up-to-date printing office. He ex-
pounds of butterr..ew Zealand 1,14V.9799 you dseof distant from the great centrein the United s of equally
weetk to
and rit shouldd- hes better next
fresh mutton and lam'., 107,283 pounds ulation. He meet take into consider• to attend to husiness than in the peat
of canned meats and small quantities ation not only the coat of transports- Mies E. Glaoev, of Wingleam,
of other meats In view of the fact tint. to the big citie. of the United vlsitwt'friend• in town the past week.
that such quantities are imported lin- States. hut also the middlemen's Dr. Perdue in getting the him -
der the present tariff, what may be profits. her nn the around to rebuild his livery
expected when the duties on butter A table of comparative pricee in stable on the old stand where he wan
and cheese are abolished and the Montreal and Boston the week the burnt out last winter. He expects to
duties on treats greatly reduced -as a Reciprocity Compact was made was have an no -to -'fate stable ..... W.
result of the Reciprocity Compact with e Liberal newspaper,
Montreal[ Herald, he meets- wllshinned a this rk rv0fa 0. P. home. o the
the United States P paper,
Farm products from Australia and Lance of a number of prominent pro- ('hamper. & Co. and Popolestone &
New Zealand come in by way of both duce dealers and food experts. Cheese, Gardiner held their millinery openiele
the Pacific and the Atlantic. New eggs, live poultry, carrots. celery, let- last Restorday and am the day cave
Zealand frozen lambs coming in by tune, onions, squash. tomatoes, hewns waren and the evening bright a large
way of Vancouver have been sold as and cranberries all commanded higher onniher of lassie. were nit viewing the
far Beet as Winnipeg. A large con- price. in Montreal than in Boston. !new spring stelae. Roth hooses are
•igomettt of lamb caresses from New The beet creamery butter was 1 i tents well pleased with the outlook thie .
Zealand has just trached SL John. N. per M nt eat whiund ne to r in Boston then in PIPMIon fee- a rage creamery but- Messrs. Ws. Aon Ripped two cart inlwineel nt
R. to Toronto nn fiat -
The New Zeeland steamship 'dor- ter was one cent hither 1r. Boston• nettle via CP. R
ante" is now on its way to San Fran- Dressed p. same in po_ultry averaged about the lira practising right a(ild„Qell� wheiers expect
anc► mutton
6,[1(11 cares ergs
quantitiesf New sof were con id rably highere two eities. r• in Boston. tand oata o fer the t' enud (leer'ee at the
but molt h and larfga q
horror. They cannot pans into the Sines [ben Mutter prices have de• ledge of inetntctirin in liritlwrirh on
United States withot payment of bleb elined In most of the markets of the Good FrMay• when it i. expected
customs duties. Is it not probable United State.. A leading produce there will bea large attendanee
that etch cargoes will be diverted to dealer of Montreal received the other lire F. Maann and mfr.. R Maroon vis-
(iaeadiaa porta when the Reciprocity day a telegram from Chicago offering ited in Llodeehnr•.i Imo
we visi•M eek tin
Agreet goes into effect 1' There is him 30f1 tole of September creamery and Mrs. Geom.
nothing in the Reciprocity Compact Mutter. cold stored. at 18 amts, Chi- Benasele nn Runde, .L Hili has
binding the United Mates to admit ergo. At the time this telegram was started un his planing sill for the
fawn products free or at redooed rates reeeived the same kind of Mutter was seaeron sol expecte to have a pend
from Australia, New 7.ealand end the worth 111 coati to 8; cents in Montreal. !mason in the brtifdlns line Geo.
twelve foreign reentries that have Mr. Hage. President of the Toronto Helm*. whn by been working in the
favored nation treeties with Oanada. Board of Trade, reeenUy prepared a Winghion flax mill for the poet win-
Laprier hie of priein Toronto and New ter'. ham returned home. it in to he
Ne lenses His HSL York, (veneering the Toronto market hoped that another Year we will hese
A New Rrcunewick farmer writes to menet.. with the New York market re. a mill here and he aisle to keep sir
Iles Oanadisn Century as follows: parts ea elven in the New York Oom• men al home and get tither* in .T.
•+liens nay stn
oethit&g in whasyou wee oriel Bulletin. the table follows. Taman shlptred a ear of "ohm. to MA..
my about danger ooff wosPitltion Toronto New York
exporting ententriM price Delo.
Ilf to Australi food
and Argentina. but I'm am* per, hatter
willing to bet that not one pound 01 in print&, wholewle -lA• -4'
food will cones to Canada tenors Rwlb Meme rhi-k.ns.. 1$ ->Ni -15
ourland. whieh M one of the twelve prime tore,” 1b -Ie
ewnta'ies yon mtwtstlns as MtJNed to Duette 112 16-1$
lb. rri•ileart of the + 7 Game
A al ...orient W bet de you say to N , . •,
that r Nen.
NATrKDAY, March 25th.'"
r fit 4g,+ I.OU•Ata..-we are pleased
when we can look forward to the com-
ing of sprite weather in the near fut-
ure. All signs indicate its [sear pres-
ence- The re'ow. blackbird. robin,
meadow lark, ple.ver and graybird
have already made their appearance.
The roads are very disagreeable
for driving with either cutter or
buggy. A young man came welkin/
in the tenth Saturday evening leading
harnessed horse. In the course of
convention his remark was, ••1 pre-
fer walking." We think he was about
right when we !insider the runaways
and upsetsEspecially the upsets,
Frank Charles McLean is one of
the jurors for the tiodrich spring
itemizes Mn. McLean, who has
been a victim of rheumatism for a
number of years, is keeping wonder.
fully cheerful. She is at present suff-
ering from an attaek of grippe
The Lazy "emokea" of the syrup
makers are seen struggling through
the tree -tops wt present Miss Den -
ed. Sherwood. of Lucknow, has been
home during the past week ...Percy
wears a hroad smile this month
W. P. Reed is very much under the
weather at present Anybody here
see Nesbitt?
TUESDAY, March :Nth.
town made an offer to the Motoring
Bank to nerchase the electric light
plant et $2,5lrl and we understand the
dean has gone through. if so, the
town should he congratulated on hey-
ing Made such a wood bargain. Now
if the council will go ahead and get
the flex cumpan%' to come here, and
teen other industries, the town ought
to have a boons. even if it is late in
roming. R 'rte
A GooD MAN GONE. -11. McQuerrie,
who was one of the oldest, it not the
olde.t resident in town, peered away
last Thursday after a long. lingering
illness. The funeral service rook place
on Saturday in the Presbyter-
ian chu.rh, the church being well
filled. Mr. McQuerrie came here
and .Carted a hlarksmith shop about
fifty -Ave year. ego and every person
in the town thought a great deal of
him. He always took a great, interest
in church work, being superintendent
of the Sunday school for over thirty
Ave Yearn. +let an elder in the chinch
for a great many years. Oply two nt
hi. -hildren were home in the funeral.
Robert. frim Manitoba, and Mrs. A.
M. 13ahh, from Teeswater, the rest of
the family living tem far away to
come. Mrs. McQuarrie and the family
all have the sympathy of the whole
ronuuunity in their sad loss. but they
have the eat isfactien of knowing that
the record of a worthy man hits been
left behind. The Preshytrian Son-
des" school held a memorial service for
him on Sunday afternoon. at whieh
there was a Targe attendance.
t► MONDAY, March 3itb.
Tux LATS Jo)tii H. TAYLMt,-One
of the sturdy - pioneers of this section
baa beep removed by the death of
John 11. Taylor. in his eighty -[hint
year. Deceased bad been in the veto
best of health up to within a few day.
of bis deatb, when he contracte3 a
heavy cold which developed into poen•
monis, resulting fatally. Mr. Taylor
was bore in the county of Durham,
England. and came to Canada with his
father when twelve yeah et age. The
family settled in Naseagaweya town-
ship, Halton. county, and resided there
for several years, and it was there the
deceased was marries to Elizabeth
Inglis, who predeceased him three
years. In the !piing of the year 1862
they carne to Writ Wawantab, where
they made a home for themselves.
Ten years ago the deceased and his
late wife celebented the fiftieth anni-
versary of their marriage and thus the
aged couple were spared for tlfty-seven
year. of wedded life. Mr. Taylor had
been for year* as official in the Meth-
odist church. lie was a Liberal in
politics and was an active campaign
worker. He was a justice of the peace
and had acted as tax collector in this
township for weevil years. He was
secretary -treasurer of S. S. No. 8 sine
the section was organized. A family
of five &one and two daughter, sur-
vive, viz.: David, 01 Blyth; Benja-
min, .1 Westfield ; Thos. H., of Eaat
Wswanoeb; NVilliam, of West Wawa-
noab ; Robert, on the homestead ; Mrs.
Matthew Lockhart, of East Vawa-
DimmerAe, .isatin it, 1911
A 5o -cent bottle of •
Scott's Emulsion
given in half -teaspoon
doses four times a day,
mixed in its bottle, will
last a rear -old baby near-
ly a month, and four bot-
tles over three months,
and will make the baby
strong and well and will
lay the foundation for a
healthy,, robust boy or
Seed Mr., same .f paper and this sd. fee
car bssatifsl Sevier. Rask sad child's aketeb-
Best_ lack bask commies !Good Lack
ISS Weisser_ So..e, west Temess, Ost.
nosh, and lire. Joseph Stalker, of of Toronto. This school offers unesj
Wingham. oeiled advantages. Open entire year.
Enter r;pw. Catalogue free.
Be sure to look
for the Signature
The success of Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes
has brought many imitations. But you can always
tell the genuine by the fac-simile signature
"W. K. Kellogg," which appears on the front of
the box. This signature is your guide in getting a
scientifically prepared
breakfast food.
unu tern■ �
tete Ammer/ fie OHM
10c Pet Pk
tatde in Canaan,
London, Oat
The age of martyrs
is not paaaed. There are thousands of women all over the
countryenduring physical torture and mental
anguisalmost beyond description. They me
not victims of persecution, like the martyrs
of old: they are not called m to tore the sat -
fold or the stake, 'out their sufferings -borne
In silence and hidden from the world at large
-are scarcely less intense.
Thew ladles, as a ode, are women and
Riess of refined and sensitive temperaments.
Knowing that their sufferings are due to n
theirdnativmodeetyd condition edeters them f the efromcseek-
ing relief to the earlier-tagea: and when they
do consult a physician, they usually get some
drug mixture to take internally.' which its not
more effective for troubles of
this 'kind than it would he for
a toothache. a bruise. or any
other strletly twat ailment.
The seat of the trouble being
In ROMP one of the female nes•
" sans. the remedy. to be ease -
1 tive, must act on this portion
1 of the anatomy.
• ♦ This Is the secret of the ,arc -
cess which always follows the
use of OitAN'IE LILY In de-
rangements of this kind. 1t Is
a strictly local tr. atm. • t. It i..
absorbed directly Into the parts
that are Inflamed and congested
and its beneficent. soothing In-
fluence Is noticeable from the
start. The Irritation of the
delicate membrane 1s relieved.
the congestion 1s overcome b,
the discharg • of the watery
matter which served to oppress
the nerves and CROs. mental
depression: the nee. es are
toned and invigorated:
and the sunshine and toy
of life aln become; part
of her Ins. Reed the
following :
Archer, Ont., h 1, 'M.
Dear Mrs. CUrrah:—I
received your kind letter
some time ago. but was
feeling so well. and sol
needing medicine that I
neglected replying sooner. I must say 1 have more eonddenee In ORANGE. LILT
than In any other thing 1 have ever used. Before I knew er found out anything
about this medicine I doctored away hundreds of dollars, and when 1 thought 1
was dylne with inflammation of the womb, a box of ORANGE I.II.T was sent me
through the mall from a friend. The first suppository I used I was greatly relieved.
and In a few months completely cured. That was nine Tenn ago this winter, els
you ran imagine with what esteem 1 hold the ORANOS 1.11.Y. i am thankful there
Is such a relief for poor. sufferingwomen, for 1 have been One of them and cam
synnathise with others Your sincere friend. MRS NORMAN WEAViLR-
g, Trenton, Ont., Dec. 4th. 1tss.
Mrs F tO marsh. Windsor, Ont .-
Tpear Intend, -T feel Il my duty to write yon a testimonial O• in what (Iraw►igge
1,11e has done for Inc last winter I wee feeling very miserable Indeed. I (•(IoM
• earrely do my hon .work during my menstrual period. and for twn months nes mere 1
waw never fore from pin In the wnmh and overtop. The pain would run down the
g rnln. en 1 ',mild fr.gnent►y near[ double up Then the pain began RCMak ep 1e.
bark of my neck to my brain until 1 hardly knew what 1 was ening at times 1.ffe
was a Tureen indeed 1 finally could endure It no longer, en went to our I.adtng
town dnetor and had en examination Hs pronounini It (1 fokir.t the word) a
rigid cnniltkm M the een.rativ. mann•, produced by ref...steel attacks of inflamma-
tion. He said 1 would haws to take a Rowse of treatment, and If that failed to
ev•reome th• rigid cnneitia' 1 s t, In tris. be compelled to helve the ovaries re-
moved. 1 oble-ted to that. se A11.A not Dr. Cooday's symptom blank end ter -
'ranee It to him. end h• dlagnmM the memos the same ■o m7 [cant doctor se 1
derided to take 1, Cnnnlev's Treatment T ••nye used two )ars of Cerate MessatSsa
two packages of Hereto Womb Tonle and sir h-• •-. o1 Omaga t.lsy. 11 1. eeSwt
month• eipne 1 began the treatment Mit f teM Ise a n---- woman. 1 Werk right
through •`erything now Hardly know a pain, even during menstruation new 11
often acv. •'1 weuM not ?aka floe sod he In the .t.t. that 1 was Mat Mnreh." 1
feel that rw COns5ew. Hoene Tr.stm•nt fa a Godsend to •,A.ring womankind. and
• halt root to seine its peals., whenever 1 have •n npportuntt•
saehn•etts et week A M. Rates Your. gratefrutir MRR T 11 HATTON.
Wended the funeral of Mr. MrQnsete. ORAlit(' TATA' as • leemet for these MI as well es ter Nueortbeee
on Retardate rd Mies Stewart whiffed teemed. Ire. ,,i.. BIsc r.neM5 In their earlier stains tumors .4i. 4.cewN.1• Yeer-
paten • Me Ment .m i Of [dict fiat 1 w end fro 7s' tr.alwt.n �irnn R
week .) Moss wan M Doderk'h en , •e ant •!Rene AAROt,r-m T P'R1UR The (r.•tmest le . twaxesnetee. esM M
4Lillitcerq for hien
It is just tour weeks to EUte(•. The ladies are hotly
preparing for a grand diapiev, but let us emphasize• the fact
(eteans' `Opening
of the latest styles in Nien's Hea.lweer is an event which
will attract the attenuoo of every man in liodericb and
We have received a full stock of Spring Hate fu :LII the
leading mates :
Fit�lxll Scott
Christy's Fedoras
While the stock ie complete is the better time to choose
[bat }':aster bemire
Come in Today
Men's Outfitters Ooderich, Ontario
Spring Tonics
spring will wore be Mn and you will
summer. d tonic prepare ��m. i�,n w�
�.r. guarantee
spring soon here and trill be needing
e gruel tonic to prepare you for 1 he herd work of
summer. We recommend and guarantee
\.drv��o Blood Yurllle�� Nadruco Sarsaparilla.
\rlrv�m Compound Iron Pill \Wrvro Syrup Nedruco Purifier Sarsaparilla
Nadrrco ('ompound Pill Nadrueo Syrup Hypophosphites
Nadruco Tasteless Cod Liver Oil.
If these remedies do not do as recommended your
money will be returned to you. Agent for Ooderich.
F. J. Butland, Druggist
' 'The store that pleases."
with hee p t at t.r►weeaaha•v tart s'Mn• ane an Ovarian tmautste lila■ Ions fir• p.+.«t t re v car agate I
hnein&se trip 4.t week .J. A [roue• eh we ehysir'an a eeressar7 erne at epee ter eke
Smith. of xlnettrdtns, wise ban Won
.1a ...—u moray* holMaye hears. rMneed 1 IMAM � MAIMS LILY can) rya .►alae.
1 ---
irk _I% `'n ,,+silt., h Riweasd(R$ am qct - =ram to rlw 01101111104, WINDO . ONT.. Saar a ., I
144 _i6 -l4 day.
9 t4
We bave hmlgbt three carloads tit the well-known "Pitt. ourgh
Perfect" Fencing to arrive about the end of March. This is the
fence that is welded by eleetricity, which process the most of 7011
have seen at Toronto sed London Exhibitions. The uprights be-
come part of the horizontal wires. Therefore it is immersible for
them to slip as tb.'y do in other makes of fence.
For delivery from car and for cash with order
we make you the following interesting prices:
5 -wire inches high, all No. it wire, per rod 21 c
[)-wire set inches high, all No. 9 wire, per rod . 24c
7 -wire 41 inches high, ell No. 9 wire. per rod...... Jfic
'4 -wire 43 inches high, all No. 9 wire, per rod 31,
It -wire 49'oche• high. all No.,9 wire, per rod 3-1c
19 -wire 47 inches high, all No. 9 wire, per rod t K
8.wirr U inches high, all No. 9 etaye, 12 inches
apart, per rod .. 'i 311
8 -wire :r'2 inciter high, all No. 9 stays, 16 'ocher
apart, per rod clic
'[•wire :fit inches high. top and hottont No. 9,
others No. 11, .t ev• 12 inches apart, per rod, 'alje
No. 9 Coiled Spring steel Wire Ifully guaranteed)
per lug pounds $'2.4)
No. 12 Coiled Mpriing `lteel Wire (fully guaranteed)
per 1u11 pounds :3'111
Barbed Wire. per IUl pined& 2,5s)
Toew prices as stated before are for cash with order. We will
hook orders only to the extent of out pnrehase, as we caonot dupli-
cate our node: for the money we ars selling to you at. as there ha•
hien els edvssew on wire since purchasing these rare. Orden. will
be Mad se hooked.
Are you going to roof roue house or Karn this year If -•t. w•
tram furnishoru with Ureal Roofing or with our gtrsr•antec l Reedy
Roofings and son clse pot theta on for you. can and ewe reseplet
before purebaeing.
How ah'eut (.teeet I Aro you going to do any cement work
1h14 epreng or •eiwwr• We *till handle the National Portland
Centre_ 1lbs Cetwt that gives perfect satisfaction.
(lf Hhelf and Heavy Hardware we never had • more- ccompi, re
anrk Let no figure oe your plumbing. heating. eav(atrougbinw
sod elrctrte wiring.
House Phone No 112 Store Phone No. s
g=== Q