HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-3-30, Page 6r -,ops-S1 sea yeer--sv-.1111•tni r'
• 1r, awonv. Maratti ter, LNII
v retial liovernweut will I■• $750,000
Inst of 4.4,114 Ne the sale .4 the resew
will esters Must of that.
Railway Extension.
. ieitbe, telex 41 muchgratifcatbn
it. the inauguration of new 'wawa
THE building b) the C. N. R. The city
already has two railway lines.—
the 14. & N. il•. 1'. H. I .aquitual
& Nausiwol now being extended
to the wrist ciao. and the Vic
t.ria A eydeley. The t' a n a d i a t
Northern ?tee now commenced con
etruction on a lite trout Victoria
to Barclay Hound on the west coast
and this to later to be extended to the
mirth of the island. This inland is 280
utiles long by seventy in width and is
rich in rrjlou ces : lumbar, minerals.,
fish, agriculturist land. etc. its devel-
opment will wake Victoria a greet
city. A still "nom ambitious railway
project, however. ie that for a rood
undo' charter hon Victoria to Ed-
monton. with a bridge to the main-
land acmes the aeyarour Narrows.
Nature has herr provided a soles of
islands like stepping stones fur such a
bridge and the widest channel—the
Seymour Narrows— is only 275 feet
across and has a large rock in the mid-
dle which could he made to auppurt a
central ahmtwenL The rock cutting
required in the approaches would 1
very expensive. but the bridging is
said to present Ito great difficulty.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier is said to brave ex-
pressed 1 ' self favorably as to Done-
e on assistance for thispru)ect, which
DO doubt will be carried through be-
fore ninny year:.. A. Victoria ra the
filet port of tail for incuwiug ebips
and the last outward, it is believed
that this would Make her the premier
shipping port through Advantage in
time and fteedtau from the fogs
which are often very dense at Van-
Many other projects are getting
under way: Great harbor improve-
ments, new railway yards, docks. etc.,
on the reverie, new factories. new
shipping. The whaling fleet is now
starting nut with eight strainers (in
place of three last ycari. while insets
new lines are coming here. Of course
countless new teal e.tate subtivisiorue
are bring pmt on, etc.. etc.. etc.
, held which was a wonderful display of
r svosralisut and color. Finally, titter
burning "prayer papers" on the to set
ail night, the de it and bootee weere
Cast int. a bonfire to trach thele to
1 keep away.
Y 1 need hardly say 1 was inezpre-s-
ibly shocked at the terrible deaths of
poor Tye and tMerVitrlsne, whom 1
t knew so well. The -deepest sympathy
seems cold and hare in the presence of
- retch affliction.
WALTER ('. Go ooi .
Mai p Large Projects in Hand for the
Coming Season An Interesting
aged Ambitious Scheme Is That of
a Railway from Victoria to Eamon-
ton—The "Rainbow" 1s a Fine
e Victoria, March lath. Dill..
To the Editor of The Signet :
DEAR fiat,—I write to assure you
that Victoris is still oo tbe map. In
fact, rather more so than ever. for
this city. once kfOWll as "a slow
WWI). ' h. now throbbing with life,
energy and progress. The spring-
like weather which poises fur winter
here enables all kinds of building
work to proceed the year round, and
many etructur•es have arisen since lost
fall, but the sesu,n's great construc-
tion enterprises are now getting ander
way and will be by far the largest
which the city has ever known. The
euriwration of Victoria is relatively
small. and "Oak Bay" on the east and
Esquiutalt on the west furor with it
practically one city, served by Mee
street car system, but under separate
administrations. Prom the poste/Bee
to "'itquiwalt" harbor is about three
miles and to the water front at Oak
Bay about the salve distance. In this
"Greater Victoria" the total building
was three millions. more or Tess, last
year. but the building projected for
this year amounts to the astonishing
total of ten or eleven millions already
in sight. This enormous total in-
cludes- the great drydoek at Esquintalt
to be subsidized by the Dominion
Goverruneit and to cost without the
shipbuilding outfit about $4,000,1100.
Thie•vill be the largest dock on the
Pacific covet -950 feet long. 100 feet
wide, with 80 feet of water on the sill
at low tide. it will therefore be cap. Additions to Shipinge
able of accommodating the largest
warship yet built. It will be situated
on Long Cot e. an inlet of the tnagni-
ficent natural harbor of Esquimalt.
The compplI Iy has been organized by
Mr. Bullen. who is alreadv- at the
bead of the largest shipbuilding and
replairing plant here.
Another important item wiit be an
enormous tette/my block, including a
hotel. theatre and stores, facing on
three streets right in the heart of the
city and built on the moan up-to-date
fireproof principles. This will occupy
a portion of the burnt area resulting
front the great fire of last November.
The remainder of the block between
View and Fort streets on Govern-
ment was formerly occupied by the
**Five Misters Block, a fonestory I in ner polls of call. One day soon
block containing shout a dozen stores.after she started she ran down and
offices, etc. Plans ate ready for allI sank an American boat, herself
right -story block to occu�,y this space. grounding on the- 1`. 14. shore. A
The latter building wi 1 cod about claire for damages was at once made,
half a Million sand the former over ei but before it was exeeuted the corn -
minion. Just to the north of this mender of the C. P. R. fleet nutde a
burnt area a banking company is dis- remise !table rush effort. got her off in
lodging over a score of tenants, in a night and towed her into Canadian
order to raze the buildings and erect waters, where she has remained ever
a honking aryl office" block. reported since on the Victoria -Vancouver
to he six stories in height. To the run.
west of the burnt ares the Spencer A pathetic figure to hovers of the
Pepartntent Store Co. ham purchased lea is the grand old brig "Glory of the
the whole froetege from Bread street Seas," now for sale in Fsquinialt har-
to Dougleson View street, including bor. She was built in Maine about
the ihiard hotel, six stories. and the thirty years ago. but her oak timbers
second best en the city. They have are as sound as ever and she is said to
been doing business in these strut- have been one of the fastest and
taros since the fire and have prepared staunchest shipe that ever sailed the
plans for an right -story bitiek to cover Pacific. But now libelled for seaman's
the whole aura and be completed wages, elle lies there "for sale" with
within two years. The G. T. P. Co. few bidders. Her day is gone and she
bas purchased the entire block to the lingers **superfluous on the stage.•'
south of the C. P. R. "Empress" t
hotel. and will erect there, just across H. M. C. S. Ratebow.
the road from the grounds of the The Province has presented a set of
Parliament buildings. a fine hotel at plateto the fleet .hip of out Pacific
a coat of about '750,0(10—the land fleet, 'These Rainbow.' Many citizen%
coat them nearly $1100,(X). Thr Pro -as well as the "dignitaries' were on
vincial Government has purchased thee board to witness the formal presenta-
remaioder of the block upon which its tion. Still greater numbers turned
buildings are situated aad has re- out to greet and inspect the ship on
moved the bootee in p.epsration for a her arrived here, and her officers and
new departmental i)uilding, to cost,men were 'nee ed and entertained
not lee. than LIU' 0,0tee Many otherwith gr eat enthusiasm. Of course
atrrrtures ate projected almost as !everyone went out in u launch and
notable as these, but much toonumer- made an inspection. A member of
mus to mention. One worthy of the crew was stationed at every gun
mention is a fine $61).000 building for and point of interest to explain every -
the Alexandra Ladies Club, which thing, which they did with the most
has been built this winter and is nsinstaaking thoroughness. 1 coo-
nearh ready. This will contain a eluded, on my part, that she is a
room. om. dining -room, amusement much finer ship than 1 expected to
and reading roome, bedrooms. etc, ems, comparing favorably in evel•e
and demoulst,ates very clearly that: way with the Japanese cruisers "Aso
the ladies of the West are well to the and 'Keys," which i had the pleasure
of inspecting some time ago. While
inspecting her guns I could not but
think how tremendous navel arma-
ments have become, when this ship.
with all her fine engine. of destruc-
tion, is no longet lit for the main
fighting line. Nile has two bineb
guns, one in the bow. the other In the
stern, which are effective et ten or
twelve miles. All the merheniam for
loading. sighting and firing west fully
expbnined to us and was veru interest-
ing. Along the sirem the guns are ail
gnickflrene maxim., etc. In the lat-
ter gone tate cartridge% ate on a belt
and once (he lever is, thrown over it
rains bullets until exhausted. Below
we were shown two torpedo tubes.
These are about fifteen feet long and
.the torpedo itself about eight feet.
The latter sur pee gilled by a small
screw motor when di.ehiir-ged. We
Speaking of shipping. the G. T. Y.
made a rush on the construction of
their new docks and freight sheds last
spring and have two tine steamers on
the Prince Rupert teen --the "Prince
Rupert" and the "Prince George."
In the same trine the C. P-. R. has
added three 'splendid abuts to the
coast fleet—the 'Princess (.hsrbtte"
and the "Princes." Adelaide" both
added to the Victoria -Vancouver run
and the "Princess Mary:' lately ar-
rrived, not as large as the others and
to be used for the smaller ports.
These changes relegate to a secondary
position au interesting steamer, "The
['harmer." first of the C. P. R.'s roast
fleet. Originally she was known as
"The Premier," and included Seattle
front. A Chinaman. "Lien Bang,'
Ila started on a five -story hotel and a
building costing $1O).000 is almost
completed for the Y. M. C. A. But f
think 1 have mentioned enough to
show the substantial character of
'Victoria). pr•ogr•es% in the line of
building. 1 must not- however, ornit
mention of the fact that the city coun-
cil in slew placing under contract well
over a million dollars worth of street
work, Including widening of enols im-
portant streets. paving, toad -making,
Neater lighting. rte.. etc, Work has
also been started on a new water-
works system. which wilt take about
five yeers to complete and will cost at
least 1 we and a -half million. An-
other ttob'it outlay is a $31Ml,01s) high
school to ts• built this year. and an
enterprise .f h pest tic interest is
en eleetrir power plant, costing $l,-
fl11fe0010. now nearing completion by; weer nl•n ehown the armory where
the street railway company. rifles. bayonets, leo lasses. etc., ete..
Purchasing the Indian Reserve. air kept to ,wHfll Innd trolls. She. is
An srrynplishnrent w bleb Rives s long, graceful -looking ship sod we
neer h unte.faethin to our eitir.ens. and haveorisninnineed (. feel a li... of her
for a beginning in het tins,.
aspens the way t e most important im-
pr�••trrvrrm•nts. is flu ee t entent of the A Chinese Celebration.
songhees Indian reserve. This lies A weird and intet.•+ting e.•Iebrstion
slaacet in the centre of Vict,.tia, in China Town sense time ago wait
"the foist of the rertrnine dead,"
kept once in three years under tlx
ampere of the 'Cher Kong Tong�." .w
Made 1.er twenty )'.ors hark to settle ,t'hinese Free Moan% it last. -4 for
this. ue-tion. Ind the. Indiana are eat re
the days. beginning with eer.•mun-
iw4ll�,tent class of men and atrial otlt Isla by priests in ;forgo -nos rotes on
presiaten. h for an adequate prier and each •'.net M else -rise rix evil aplrite
Two bilge fi 1lree made of porde narl
and cloth, -1 in garments of paper, rep -
reset Ring demana. and two harslet,
life she, rep. eventing the devil (who
alma) s .-nme. oro horsehtiek 1, mew
ha leg ,t long and highly valuable
frontage en the ismer harbor and Vic -
torr. Arra Many efforts have been
term" The It •inini.en Government.
haiinp transferred its rights to the
poen-ems the latter hap at last tore
ed a ',Regain Forty foo, lodien
email i.... art will receive $1(1,(100 in
gash, the fon, milt t,. De depoeit•evl in a t placer' in Chit Maaawla hall and jom
bank to each inn's c rent befogs. they .ticks, etc . wet., Seemed before teen,
mom A new retort,. hes hem put eo that they w eild not. interfem with
_aael with a email frontage. on the the returning friends Rech night a
awes of Pe iilrnalt harbor and hearses banquet was hied et wbkh tie de -
.1 a pod (hero -ter will he bnllt for roamed friend. were mpp..ed to be
bra The total teal lay of the Pro present.. Oa. day a p'eeessioo was
A Sample Anti -reciprocity "Argument"
Montreal star.
A boost for reciprocity is a boost
for Jim Hill and the Stars and Stripes.
Jim and the flag need us in their busi-
Why Men Are Better Cooks.
Toronto star.
A Chicago man won fleet prize in a
cooking competition with women. A
clever and venomous lady once ad-
rnitted that wen could nook better
than woolen. because ••their hearts are
in it."
Not for Hint.
$uoday School Teacher -If you are
a good boy, Willie. you will go to
Heaven and have a gold crown on ycur
Willie—Noe for mine, then. I had
one of them things put on it tooth
Why Not ?
Stratford Beacon.
Wb3 do not the opponents of reci•
proeity advocate the closing of the
tunnels at Sarnia and Detroit, tbe re -
'novel of the bridges at Niagara Falls,
Fort Erie and other places, so as to
make it more difficult to tz*ntport
produce from one country to the
other . This looks in some respects to
he as sensible as the other obstruc-
Another "Thin Edge of the Wedge..'
Toronto World leonwwrvative,.
Sir James Whitney opprhed the bill
to give municipalities local option In
tee matter of assessing land bigher
than buildings. He objected to it on
tbe-ground that it was the thin end
of the wedge of single tax. Objections
like this will be the thio end of the
wedge between Sit Jame. and the
Sense versus Prejudice.
Hamilton Herald Iind.,Con.i •
By a vote of 74 to 17 the Ontario
Legislature has condemned recipro-
city. The argument and sound sense.
as set forth in A. G. MecKay's splen-
did speech, was all nn the side of the
17. On the side of the 74 were blind
prejudice, false sentiment and party
loyalty. The Herald confidently pre-
dicts that it will not be long hetnre
Conservatives are ashamed of that
A Leader in the Farmers' Movement.
Perot and Dairy. the well-known
agricultural publication, in its issue of
March 2nd makes the fallowing refer-
ence to a prominent Huron county
far leer :
Thos. McMillan. of Huron county.
Ontario, like Mr. Drury. is also an On-
tario farmer. and is giving of his time
and ability to further the present for-
ward movement of organized agricul-
ture. Though still on the sunny side
of fifty. Mr. McMillan has taken a life-
long interest in the ngricultural, pol-
itical abd economic problems of our
country. The natural bent o' Mr: Mc-
Millane mind, coupled with his wide
experience. in business lite. bay given
bids opportunities to study and dis-
cern in these matters such ea come to
but few of us termer•s.
Mr. McMillan was born upon the old
bowestead of which he is now owner.
For ten successive winters, when he
was from fifteen to twenty -flue years
of age, he enthusiastically engaged in
the inspiring work of discussing all
the varied questions' which naturally
come before an old-time debating soci-
ety. During the same period he also
repeatedly contriouted prize essays
upon agricultural topics to various
farm journals. Such a training, to-
gether with his thorough knowledge
of agricultural conditions and his suc-
cess as a practical farmer, brought bis
services into recognition in the earlier
days of farmers' institute work. As a
lecturer at institute meetings. and as
a judge of animals, he has visited al-
most every county in Ontario, and has
also been engaged in agricultural edu-
cational work,in other Provinces of the
Along with his father and brother,
Mr. McMillan was also for many years
actively engaged in the export cattle
trade to Great Britain, and in the im-
portation of Clydesdales, in wbkh bus-
iness one member of the film always
followed the sbipweate io person.
This experience enabled him to gain a
firsthand kn•ewledge of the actual
conditions prevailing in free trade
England, the price and values of Brit-
ish goods. cost of living, and sn forth,
which information thus gained proves
to be invaluable when applied to the
dismission of the trade and tariff ques-
tion. es it is now being brought home
to the great mass of Canadians.
During the nMasnn of 11105, before
the Government tariff commission.
Mr. McMillan ably presented thefarm-
ers' rase, at ata sitting in London, Ont.
Sinop that time he has made a contin-
uous study of the tariff question from
tbe standpoint of the farmer as well as
the point of view of the greatbody of
our consuming pop elation, with the
result that he believes and is able to
present oonvineing testimony to prove
that the Canadian people have been
nursing a flm al system which bas the
effect of robbing the farm anti Enti-
nt*ping the bread-winnere of the nation
to build up great cities and nourish
Low Round Trip Rites to Ninety
Northwest Points.
)teeptionally low rates to principal
points in Western (Canada nn Cana-
dian Paeiflc homweekeri seem -aeons.
leaving Toronto Tuesday, April 4t.b,
at 2 p m.. and every second Tuesday
during the n.mmer. Tickets ar• geed
fix testy day with liberal stop -over
pelt—Wires. $peeial train. are rim by
the faste.t and wast dint route`
avoiding any change of ears and pns-
siMe delays. Bertha in tourist aleepine
care ran he secured at a small adds -
tinned roe Full partienleze gime in
bosneseekor* pampphletempire of
whieb may he retained from any O.
P It agent or rllrvee ?nen R L
Thorn district passenger t t.
0. P. R. Toronto.
To be. 61VEN AWAY
Not a Cent to Pay. Do You Want One?
Wouldn't you enjoy one of these beautiful little pets—
with handsome trap and splendid harness? Think of
the fun it will afford you. Then write to-day—just fill
out the coupon, mail it to ua, and we will tell you
HOW TO GET ONE. We will send' you full particu-
lars and instructions. Don't delay—time is short. No
boy or girl has a better chance to get one of these
ponies than you have. You can own it if you will.
Ina eetaat—Rear! TIis
Only Boys and Okla
who send in their name.
and addresses will be *lig-
Ible to compete for the
Ponies and Traps. Regis-
ter at once, and get an
early can.
Use the coupon Wiwi,.
Charming aad Useful Pets
The three ponies offered in
this contest are splendid and
handsome children's friends.
They are beautiful in appear-
ance, quiet and docile in nature
—a cbarming children's pet.
Tbey are true ponies of med-
ium size—small enough for chil-
dren to manage, but large enough
to be useful to grown ups as
Cut out this Coupon
and Mail it Today
I wish to enter the competition
for one of the ponies and outfits.
Resi.ter my name and mail me
full particulars.
" Now We Are Enthusiastic"
Our fine Tailoring Stock is replenished
with new Semi -ready Clothes—advauced
styles in the finest tailoring.
What we promised has come to pass. The
new steles help not only to distinguish
between Semi -ready tailoring and ready-
made clothing, but to emphasize the larger
'service in the real meaning of Semi -ready
tailoring—tailoring, mind you, not ready-
We want to show you.
We want to show more than we desire to
sell, for it is future btt:aness we are think-
ing of.
To offer you such service as will bring 3 -on
again and yet again.
To show you the styles worn in New York.
in Toronto, Montreal, and in all the creative
centres of fashion.
Your buying now is not what we want.
It is your interest, and the helpful impres-
sions which may come from your frank
expressions—which I shall prize most.
Now we are enthusiastic. The shipments
of new garments which have just arrived
force unstinted praise, and we have spent a
brief lifetime in their study.
And the new Semi -ready Tailoring will win
your enthusiasm.
Do not for one moment feel that this is a
store of embarrassing insistence. We assist
you to a'finding of what will suit you and
pleas* you.
50c. Bottle FREE
—because Psychine (Si -Keen)' is its own best advertise-
ment Read this offer:
Toe iraew the "kaew.gt-alit" Bee-
awplceos. .f merited, aad eserrIldoli
7wt*y presaisd well at cess time in
Melt career. thea they aeeawe to asses
to a fell tltep.
Just because of tkat ashappy &le
trust. (bat seispiieies that woe for tame
(ie saes eWtaee le stars. that wises
every see distrust and dislike there
Now moue. met a "mew -it -eV "
Only about sae- per coat of the Wolf I.
We feel sore tkat ,on Imre an ogee
yereptirs rated- one that Is anxious to
Imre more, to edemas
And to you we fray that you owe 1t
to your ewe baa: judgment to try
• • •
Every see aad tlx* we rami to a
certain epoch In wiedirine when we
that *dream or Improvement Imp
Tb.o some one rernes sooner and Lae
Whole srhnel •f wi.dleine Is overturned,
sew sad appareletty ',disputable titter-
er', a:l goad. all progressive
in the progress of medIetee we some
times d 1 erne.♦ see wise. is e11
One el thew 4s 'r IL searary at nor
tate Serbs to euro abalone
&MI the mom they sera 1• tae'
Obey Isere's* ed stlougtheie leap shill
eursord,_. e+ .e, o ^ •_._.
true—the scavenger: of the body. sr-
voatang every genes of disease that
galas estrous to titre body.
A tblyd of a amtury ago, Psychine
was compounded of metas bens.
Glace that tune it has cured hun-
dreds of tbotuaada.
Aad all because It 000Wned those
barba tbat setenee now knows builds
sip and strengthens the white cor-
puscles of the blood ---the P9tagocytes.
• • •
It you herr any of these ailments
doe/ be a "know-it-afl." It won't pay
Learn something at our expense, till
out the Coupon and mall to us.
�rieve Ws*..
tir atlaal Chortle
Aaraorvhaay. Weak Vales
leve These ftofiar weak no..a
t= sa.an la ca10r, )al 41
w•riTtis Mali, DO ftM.eal,we.
taayre.s.ean CWrra r4 aniegarh
Fmsr w ptsWre
Matt awes
ChM sae Irevala tastallaa.
Afgllamara/k""9Aeelp�tet a11 lifr.as W
!YN, we Joel ask yaw to take est
wori ter the tUemeeS*rab bees$e4a1
rivet .1 a lli& /III ere the ..-
10).., mill It to m and we'll give year
trunglet ea order (kr steal we pen
les the review reh4 iuhu l tw It
item! fears -s,+_ --- --
Ws will undoubtedly buy and die.
tribute In this manner, hundreds of
thouaaada of these feecent bottles W
And we do that to show our entire
confidence In this wonderful prep* -
A confidence that has been based on
our thirty years' experience with this
splendid preparation, with a fate know-
ledge of 11x hundreds of thoasaad■ of
care: it has made. •
To the Dr. T. A. SLOCUM, toe
lel-lee Spadini Ase., Toronto
1 sesapt rear alone to try • N►^heal.
nt Perohlne (pie.annn•d SI kaent N
))nor • ofPsy90n. t Mve•Mgr 14eel lead a see
tw,ttie 4.
Kew..4,10 ray druatat u daits
thle 1.t1M tens
Mr Name
Street and Number .... .......
seises and dinnlibai! ...
ta sees gad straw. kettle
—Dem* 1. viaw
meet sem- s 0) rl..A1y
Ole dlln nAlie at Pear.aaa. Ales rear
drnaseen: rlst2 sed Nr na_. .._A.,irt its r
that tiV. R. PINDER is
"the man" when you
have anytbiog to du in
the line of Plumbing,
Heetlag, Electric Wir-
ing. Roofing and *ll
kinds of Metal Woek.
Sols agent for "Brant-
ford Roofing.", which is
put up in seven ditto ent
weights and styles, to
wit ell classes of build-
'Phone IM
or call at store,
W. R. Pinder
,setWisteseaPeseaseistesteeele v.OVe/V•M.si
Robert Wilson
The Massey -Harris Agent
on Hapedtorr Street
ham just received a carload of
the famous
Wire Fence
and tee (nrl.eads of
Massey -Harris
He also will have here in a trw
days it carload of the blest
that money can h»•. They will
be frotu the factory of Wm.
Gray & Son. Chatham. If you
want anything in my line or
know anyone who dose, I will be
plea/bed to show you what 1
Don't Hake ar.y miateke.
1 atn the lance fellow—not the
`other one.
Robert Wilson
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
and Embalmers
Orders carefully m
.i all Awa... night or e.>.
Orders carefully attended to
♦t hours, day.
W itsba, $sgaeetewas, Asti
Street Tei. h.e. Tsars L00lam sa
JULY MU Allo k U IIPT h 1N
3w..d dr idarrom O..io aatisss r Ideal •l
_wars s... at
Weepy .t d news Meet Felons sad Jaws
141 .00, rd w eke pose is ....s .. Tahiti
asst . sans .ia10 40 dart 10. inns Jame.
...1.......a C�1.e.1f. bad,.. heir stlois•�
*"aa lydiss..ab�.cww4..eair.srtl.aiawss�ja
..1 rem.
Sart, application moot los series •
Ann FOR HOMtettat.$' PAMpNln
• ..sets arm raise iida.is.
Amb r aellial
Dix No., T. The+.,,
Agent Goderich
Vannoover B. O.
Spokao 1ieash.
Seattle, Was\.
Portland, Orr.
ISan Franoisee,
Loot Angeles. Cal
, Meek* City
On«+eaJ Sensededeas frees Aoderich.
Ywlt.otoa Reaketehe res. Alberta.
lesosedingly low ratee eaeh TWO.
(ley April Yitb to principal
point* in Ra.katebewam and
Alberta, includlng peenta on timed
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