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P •
Children's Aid Meeting.
The annual meeting of the OhII-
drem's Aid Society will be held in the
court house oo Friday afternoon next.
April 7th, et 4 o'clock. for receiving
reports and electing officers. All who
reel so interest In this work are ourdl-
ally invited to attend.
Memorial ot Late W. D. Tye,
7 On Saturday last J. M. Farrow and
T. O'Mara, of London. waited upon
Mrs. W. D. Tye at her home here and
on behalf of the railway mail clerks of
Loudon district presented ber with an
embossed memorial. as a token of the
deep respect in which they held their
late tallow -workman, W. D. Tye.
A. M. Todd Withdraws from 'The Star.
Announcement was made last week
of the withdrawal of A. M. Todd from
the firm of Mitchell & Todd, propri-
etors of The Goderich Star. Mr. Mit-
chell will continue the business. He
has had a long connection with The
ti tar and The Signal wishes him con-
tinued success. Mr. Todd's plans for
the futu$e are not announced.
C. P. R. Notes.
W. Oostie left on Tuesday for the
West with a car of settler's effects.
His destination was Saskatoon, Sask.
He was accompanied en the trip by
Dan Wiggins.
The exodus to the West still con-
tinues. The passenger train on Tues-
day morning hied on board eleven pas-
senger* who were ticketed to Saska-
toon. Mooeejaw and other points In
G. T. R. Notes.
The work of placing the slate roof
on the station was completed on Tues-
The North American Chemical Co.
averages it shipment of four can of
salt weekly.
l'he American Road Machine Co.
shipped a car of road ntaehinet y to
Calgaryy last week and another one
yesterday to Vancouver.
The Doty Engine Works sent a car
of m;rine machinery to Winnipeg on
An Assault Charge. '
Henry Kemp, jr.. appeared in the
Police Court today to answer to •
charge of severely beating his father,
Henry Kemp. The tether is lying sot
his home suffering from injuries in-
dicted, it is alleged, by his son in a
fracas one night last week. It appears
that some remarks made by, the
father provoked the son, who picked
up a small baseball club and gave his
parent a severe beating. The case
was adjourned this afternoon until
Friday of next week. L. E. I)ancey
is defending the accused.
At the Hospital.
Eight patients are receiving treat
went at the hospital this week.
Two very successful operations were
performed last Thursday.
-Geo. Attrill, the young man who
had both lege fractured last fall by a
osweat form tailing on him while
tasking at the Big Mill elevator. ex-
pecte to leave next week for hie home
et Southampton, England. He has
meow red sufficiently to he able to go
about on crut.:hse. He he. been a
patient at the hospital for the pest
four months.
Many Happy Returns!
J. J. Wright, Faq., born Mareb 28th,
1883, Seventy-eight years young as
Elbert Hubbard would say, on Tues-
day last. Mr. Wright is not by any
means the oldest resident of Goderich,
but his memory et local affair' in
which he took part goes bask a long
way. and he has contributed many in-
teresting reminiscences to the local
press. The Signal hopes to publish
another article from his pen in the
near future.
At tit o'clock last Saturday morning
the marriage was solemnised quietly
at the home of the bride'. parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Detaing, 81.
David's street, of their daughter, Misr
Lillian Grace Palmer fJeLong, to
Charles T. Nicholson, of Port Huron,
formerly of tioderich. Rev. James
Hamilton tied the nuptial knot. The
happy couple left oo the 7:10 G. T. H.
train fur Port Huron, where they will
commence married lite accompanied
by the best wisher of.a large circle of
The "Twelfth" in Goderich.
The "Glorious Twelfth" will he cele-
brated in Goderich. The village of
Exeter was to be the scene of the an-
nual "walk" of the Orange lodger of
the dirtrict, but being unable to ac-
romtnodate them Exeter defaulted in
favor of Goderich. At a meeting of
the local Orange lodge held a few
evenings ago committees were ap-
pointed to make preparations for
the coming event. Special trains will
be run to Goderich on that day and it
le confidently expected that the num-
ber of visiting lodger will be double
that which visited Goderjch in Milks.
County School Grants.
A special comrnittes of the county
council. consisting of Warden Geiger,
and Messrs. Bailie, Greig. Leckie,
Reid. Reis and Switzer, met in Gode-
rich en Wednesday of last week fur
the purpose of deciding as to the mat-
ter of grants to continuation classes
and high echnols. The committee de-
cided to recommend to the council at
the June session that continuation
classes receive double the Legislative
grant and the four high schools the
usual grant. cf 12,i»). divided equally.
This arrangement is the same as that
in force last year and the committee
will report Nut the grants made in
1910 to the rontinuation classes and
high schools were fair.
.The County Fair," April 21st.
"The County Fair" is announced to
take place in Goderich on Friday,
April 21st. Lost anyone should imag-
Iee that this it a premature announce-
asent of the Goderich lnduetrial Ex-
WH.itioo, we basses to ezplalo that
'The County Fait!" is; drama which
is to be produced at Victoria 'tapers
House under the auspices of the Meo-
estung Canoe Club. This energetic
organisation is making preparations
for an event which will tank with the
past successes of the Club, and while
these preparations are going on the
good people ot town acrd eountry are
oinked simply to remember the date—
Friday, April 21st—and to keep their
engagement cards clear for the even-
Goderich Wants More Houses.
Judging from the uumber of enqui-
ries that are befog made for houses to
rent, it would t,e a good investment
for someone to build a number of
medium sized dwelling houses in town.
The [lumber of households in (lode -
rich must be increasing, as a great
many new houses have been erected
the last few years, and they all seem
to he occupied, and at present there
are people asking in vain.for dwelling
accommodation here. Even the
rooms over the stores seem to be al-
most wholly occhpied. Those who
favor the single tax on land values
could get in a good argument bare.
It vacant Tots were taxed up, and no
taxes were placed on improvements.
it would not be long before many of
the now vacant spikes would be filled
in with residences.
Walter E. Kelly Manager.
Owing to continued trouble with'bie
eyesight, Andrew Porter. who has
been manager of the Goderich Rural
Telephone Co. ever since it was organ-
ized, bits retired from the position,
and his successor is Walter E. Kelly.
Mr. Kelly has his office on -8t. An-
drew's street, just orf Hamilton street,
and is already attending to the digin
of the Company. Mr. Porter was ad-
vised by his physician some months
ago to give up work until bis eyes
were again in good condition, but he
did not wish to retire until the Rural
Telephone Company, in the organize,
Goo of which he took so active a part,
was in good running order. The Com-
pany is now firmly established, with
a constantly increasing number of sub-
scribers, and under the menage.nent
of Mr. Kelly will no doubt yontinue
to prosper.
Presentation to Mr. Mikan. r
The members of the choir of Knox
church on Monday evening bade good-
bye to one of their number who is
Leaving to seek fortune in the metro-
polis of the Pacific coast. After choir
practice the members were invited to
seat themselves at tables spread in the
lecture room of the cherch, Mrs. J. B.
Hunter 'having kindly provided a
lunch. Following this the choir con-
ductor. Mr. Hunter, in it brief speech
presented to Mr. Karl Wilken a gold -
mounted umbrella as a memento from
the choir. Mr. Wilken expressed his
thanks, and Rev. Geo. E, Rosi, Rev.
his. Hamilton and others added ex-
pree+ions of appreciation of Mr. Wil -
ken's aesietance in the service of song.
Mr. Wilken left on Tuesday to spend
a few days at his home at Clinton be-
fore proceeding to Vancouver, where
Ihe intends to locals. His friends in
town all wish him good luck.
8 • ' of Trade C
he question raided . me time ago
by the report from Germany in refer-
ence to the alleged discovery of pot-
srh deposits in this neighborhood.
and renewed from time to time ever
singe by enquiries Prow various
wutees for arty available information
cm the matter, received the serious
consideration of the council of the
Boar! of Trade at the regular meet-
ing on Monday evening. Among the
communications before the council at
this meeting was uoe from a firm at
St. John, N. 13., ennqyuiring as to the
existence of inane h deposits here.
After some discussion of the matter
it was decided to prepare a memorial
to both the Proylncial and the Fed-
eral Goveinntentaeking theum to meet
the expense of staking borings to de-
termine If potash beds are to be found I
here. President Macklin. Secretary
Mitctell and Marrs. Campbell and
Kidd were appointed a committee to I
deal with this matter and to secure l
and report W the Board any informs,
tion that can be procured relating to
the matter. A letter from A. McD.
Allan was with reference to the pro.
ject for the erection of a big grain ele-
vator at the north side of the harbor.
Mr. Allan suggested that the Govern-
rcent should be asked to deed the
water lots north of the river break-
water to the company which proposes
to build the elevator. The matter
will be referred to the town council
for its consideration. The improve-
ment of the bathing facilities at the
beach was discussed, in view of the
approach of the summer season, the
members of the council feeling that
the town had been at a disadvantage
of recent years in not having proper
facilities of this kind. A committee I
was appointed to look over the beach
and prepare a recommendation to be
presented to the town council.
Did you notice that. "special" arnonnoed by
Pridbun the Tabior • A made -to -measure suit.
in fancy worsted. Scotch tweed, bins or black
serge. for $tL.ie 1 Style. fit and tailoring all
guaranteed. Don't ml.,: a chance Ute thio
In the soring house-cleaning thus the house-
holder will and a chin to Witmer Smith**. tIsat
street, especially Interesting. Many articles in
stock for the brightening of the home plc-
ture& ornaments• bric-a-brac. Call and nee
F. F. Lawrence, G. T. R. ticket
agent. has an interesting announce-
ment for persons who contemplate
going West. Be sure to read it.
The license commissioners of West
Huron will meet in Goderich on Fri-
day. April 21st, to consider the appli-
cations for licenses for the coming
license year.
Jas. Gordon. Sbeppardton, baa sold
his feral of 150 acres to his son, An-
gus Gordon. Hr. Gordon, sr., has not
yet decided whether he will move into
town or opt.
On the evening of Monday. May 1st,
Dr. Dougall will repeat his illustrated
lecture, "Ben Hur," iu behalf of the
Woman's Missionary Society of North
street Methodist church. Reserve this
The lot on Picton street advertised
for sale in The Signal hiss been sold to
David Thompson, of town, who put'-
pose seting it cement block house
the c wing season. Work will be
cunt ced as soon as the Weather
A meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary
of the Y. M. C. A. is to be held at the
home of Mrs. McKie), Church street,
on Saturday, April 1st. at 1 o'clock.
As the meeting ie ab ifs ortant one,
the members are urgently requested
to be present.
Jobs P. Patterson, for many years
associated with The Mail and Em-
pire, and for the past few years
Advertising manager of The Chnedien
Courier, has resigned his position with
r he latter puhlication and has joined
the Woods -Norris Advertising
Agency, of Toronto.
The regular monthly meeting Of th
Goderich branch ot the Women's' In-
stitute will be held in Oddfello.va'
Hall on Thursday evening, April Oth,
beginning at 8 o'clock. A cordial Lt•
vitatiou is extended to the member,
and their friepds to come and enjoy a
pleasant evening. .\ good program
will be given and refreshments will be
In reference to a scheme which ie
being advertised by a certain maga-
zine published in Montreal, which
proposes to send it number of Boy
Scouu to England for the coronation,
the Dominion Council of the Canadian
Boy Scouts issues a warning that
members of the organization are for-
bidden to take part in the scheme,
which is entirely contrary to the prin-
ciples of the movement.
The Provincial Government of Al-
berta has constructed a good road
from the town of Edsoo, 1'25 miles
west of Edmonton on the line of the
Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, for set -
Wets going into the Peace River dis-
trict. This road will have its ter-
minus at Beaver Lodge, Grande
Prairie. and a good stage line will be
operated between Edson and this
point, transporting passengers at the
rate of forty miles per day. The
complete distance is about 15) miles.
The collections at the service, in
Knox church last Sunday, taken in
aid of the Chinese famine fund,
amounted to over $137.
"Every Bush a Burning Bush" is the
title of the second in the series of ad-
dresses on "Mose&' now in course at
North street Methodist church. This
address will be given next Sunday
Rey. Geo. E. Rosa will speak on
"Moses' Vision of God" at the morn-
ing service in Knox church next Sun-
day. in the evening lie will preach a
sermon to women, taking 'Ideal
Womanhood" for his subject.
The Ladies' Aid Society . f Victoria
street church will hold an apron sale
and tea on the afternoon and evening
of Thursday, April 13th. in the rooms
on North street next the Signal
North street Methodist church choir
is now busily engaged preparing the
Easter music. Besides a fine program
for the morning service of Easter Sun-
day, they are working on something
new and attractive for the eveniug.
This service will be entitled "Love
Triumphant," it tale of the tied Eas-
tertide. It is • tale adapted front
'Tor, a Street Boy from Jerusalem."
written by ?loran.. Morse Kingsley.
As the story pioceeda it. in illustrated
musically by the choir. The music is
by various composers.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Ministerial As...ciation of Goderich
and yi •inity will be held on Muuday,
April ' , at 10 a in. Th.- vice-presi-
dent, v. Jas. Hamilton, will review
The Letters to the Seven Churches"
by W. A. Ramsey.
The Ladies' Aid of North street
Methodist church is arranging top an
entertainment to be held in the church
at an early date. A series of readings
front Nellie McClung's new book.
"The Second Chance," will be a part
of the entertainment.
The pastor, Rev. J. Pollock, will oc-
cupy the pulpit of the Baptist church
next Sunday at both services -11 a.
tn. and 7 p. m. The Sunday school
and Bible classes meet at 3 p. w. The
Lord's Supper will be celebreted at
the close of the morning service.
On Monday evening, April 3rd, Rev.
C. J. Cameron, of the Baptist home
mission board, will speak in the Bap-
tist church on "Mission Problems in
I►ntario." No one should fail to hear
Mr. Cameron, as be ii an authority on
missionary work in Ontario.
The monthly meeting of the Wom-
an's Missionary Society of North street
Methodist church will tie held in the
church parlor on Monday, April 3td,
at 3 p. w. The Easter thank -offering
will be received and a delegate will be
elected to the branch meeting to be
held at Exeter on May 18. 17 and
Rev. J. W. McIntosh, late pastor of
the Mitchell Presbyterian church,
bade farewell to his congregation last
week and left with Mn. Mclntosh to
spend a few days in Toronto before
sailing for Europe. They expect to
visit several of the Continental coun-
tries, as well as Great Britain, return-
ing to Canada in July.
After the regular practice last
Thursday evening the choir of North
' street Methodist church adjourned to
'the basement, where tefr•esbinents
were served and short addressee re-
lating to choir work were given by
C. H. Humber, the president. W. C.
Pridham and Rey. Dr. Dougall. Dur-
ing the course of the evening the choir
took the opportunity of showing its
appreciation of Mrs. King's valued
services in the choir, and more espec-
ially in the recent concert. by present-
ing her with an envelope containing
$10 in gold. The choir, under the direc-
tinn of the leader, G. Harvey King. is
doing excellent work and making
great progress and when the new
organ is installed still greater things
may be expected.
The (.rand Trunk Pacific steel is
now fifty miles west of Edson, and
has reached the foothills of the Rocky
The "Billie Burk" sundae—some-
thing new—you'll he sure to like it.
tHLNabAs, istun s., lei
Is dtiisr to introduce The Signal to
those le this district who are not al -
wooly taking it. w.- make a very spe-
etd Offer to NEW S('BS('ItIBERS
eddy : Tbs Signal to any address in
Canada tot the remainder nt 1911 for
only FiVl'\' CENTS. Present aub-
scribere to The signal are .eked to nee
their kind offices in drawing this offer
to the attention of their neigIRb ore who
are not subscribers. The more sub-
scribers we have the tetter paper
we s an give tbeiu : ,u it is to the
interest of ell friends w 'The
Signal to help the good cause along.
Remember : The Signal to 1st Janu-
ary, 1912. to new subscribers for only
1f You Have Scalp or Hair Trouble,
Take Advantage of This Offer.
We could not afforl to 50 strongly
endorse Rexall ••9S' Hair Tonic and
continue to sell it as we do. if it did
not do all we claim it will. Should
our enthu•ia.m 'wry us away, and
Rexall "98" Hair Tonic not give entire
satisfaction to the users, they would
lose faith in us and our statenaente
and in consequence our business pres-
tige would suffer.
We assure you that if your hair is
beginning to unnaturally fall oat or
if you have any scalp trouble, Rex -
all "9g" Hair Tonic will promptly
eradicate dandruff, stimulate hait-
growth and prevent pr imature bald-
Our faith in Rexall "93" Hair Tonic
is so strong that we eek you to try it
on our positive guarantee that your
money will be cheerfully refunded if
it does not do as we claim. Two sizes.
50e. and 11.00. Sold only at our store
—The Rexell Store. H. C. Dunlop,
south side of Square.
Tourist Cars to Western Canada
'There is no more comfortable way
to travel to the west than in a Cana-
dian Pacific tourist sleeping eat.
These cars run from Toronto to Win-
nipeg. Calgary and Vancouver daily
M 10:10 p. m. Berths are fully equipped
With bedding, every travelling
convenience is afforded and an atten-
tive porter is in charge. The extra
cost is very small and tourist cars are
attached to wish home,eekers' special
train from Toronto. Early applica-
tion to local C. P. It. agent should be
made for berths. 21.
The "Maple Moose" is a special
on Saturdays at Bt -nus rrE',. Come
in and try it. At the BALMORAL
Cis A F K.
Fresh Virginia eealed oyeters, deli-
cious ice cream in bulk and fancy
bricks. Blackstone'.. 'Phone 210.
Magic Corn Cure—cures while you
sleep, sold by E. R. Wigle, drug-
NOW for the second week of the biggest sale ever held in Goderich. Just think --a new
stock of over $12,000 worth of every kind of merchandise being sold at less than whole-
sale prices! We are getting the goods better displayed than we had at the start and we
are better prepared to wait on the crowds that are sure to be here. The weather has been bad
at the first of the week,and our advice is to shop early on Saturday or you may not get waited
on in the busy afternoon. This sale is genuine, and if you appreciate values now is the time
to come. The sale is now on—come as soon as you can. Everything marked in plain figures.
Don't forget that we have all our new Spring Millinery stock
opened up and skilled operators getting it trimmed into hats.
Thirty of them, values up
!osis Sell- Fifty pieces Furs left, to and 12
Ladies, Goats i -out rice $2.48 urs values. Selling -out price - $ - $4.85
Pg p
A big clearing sweep of men's $io and $12 Over-
OYercoats coats this week and next. Selling out at. each $4.95
New Spring Dress Goods
Hundreds of Whitewear for Ladies
pieces of
Next Monday we will close the Grocery Depart-
ment, so come quickly if you want your share.
Our Delivery�utit to be sold, 'consisting of a good Servceable heavy
driving horse, wagon, cutter, harness,
blankets, etc, also a quantity of hay. For quick sale, firct buyer - - - $95.00