HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-3-30, Page 4• Two tray. Manna 30. 1914 istrict News. DUNLOP. LUCK!dOW. TI•CMDA V. Ver. 2rith. Mosinee, March 27th. Eva In AIN KU — e young people of the neighteirtur4were entertained in a social way by • I.izzue Horton last Friday evening. A very enjoy- able time is reported. LOTHIAN. TURSD tY, Marr. 2tltb. LOCAL NOTKb. Murdoch McLean, of Charlottetown, P.' E. l., visited at the borne of Alex. McLean one day last week .. Miss Maggie Hogan, of Mer- lin, is at present visiting at her home here ..Min Rhoda NI -Kenzie, of Paramount, was the guest of Miss Jean Johnston on Saturday last T. F. Henderson left on Monday for St. Helens. where be has engaged with Mr. Todd. SALTFORD. \VEme sio.y, Mar. 29th. FOR THE CHINIQIE FAMINE FL'ND.— The box social held in the schoolhouse last Friday was a very enjoyable event.. J. T. Goldthorpe performed the duties of auctioneer and secured good prices for all boxes 00 sale. The proceeds, amount ing to 83D, have been donated to the aid of the Chinese fanz- ine sufferers. A special collection taken in the Sunday school on Sun- day, amounting to $dll, also has been contributed to the same fund. FALLING HAIR. Mrs. Jas. Harris, of 1Vapelie, Sask., says: "I have found Parisian Sage to he the hest scalp and Bair tonic and dres- sing I have ever used. My hair had been coming out in combsfull and was very dry and brittle and the scalp was klwnys itching and full of dandruff. 1 have used two bottles of Parisian Sage and it has stopped my hair from falling, the itching and dandruff have disappeared and my hair is fine and soft and Rloesy. I would not be with- out this fine hair tonic for many times tbe price." For women, men. or children Pari- sian Sage is without doubt the finest Preparation for the hair. Daintily perfumed, it is Mee from grease or stickiness and ought to he where every member df the family could use it daily. Lerge bottle 50 cents at ell druggists or from the proprietors, The Giroux Mfg. Co., 'curt Erie, Ont.. postpaid. The girl with the siihurn hair is ort every packsgP. Mold and guaranteed by R. R. 1Vigle, uorth side of Square, ('nderid,. BENMILLER. MONDAY, Mar. 27th. A GIANT Tams.—W. Hill dt Son have had- Messrs. Burk and Williams, of Goderich, engaged cutting loge and wood for a couple of weeks. A soft elm giantwits cut, out, of wbieh was secured 5,0011 feet of lumber. \S'hen the top of it was cut it made ,seven and a-balf cords of four -foot wood. Few trees remain in this district that compete at all favorably with this one which has just met its fate. PRESENTATION.—On Monday even- ing of last week about eighty friends and acquaintances met et the reei- dence of/Ars. Rd. Ailin, Colborne, to spend a farewell evening with her son Will and his bride (formerly Miss Adeline Hornhy, of Colborne), it heing the eve of their departure for Wet. roue Mast. A very pleasant evening was spent, during which Mr. and Mrs, Will Aplin wee.. trade the recipleuts of a silver sugar spoon, a handsome parlor clock and a lovely berry spoon, also the following address :— Mit AND MVP. WILLi AlLLIN �abDct. tstt. takleear FrIends.—itthis opportunity pleasure with greet ty of gathering here to- night to endeavor torrents*. to you the esteem in which you ars held In this oommunity. and also to try to convey to you the regret which we all feel Io tbe severance of your runner.. Uoos with us. We era hope that wherever your lot may be omit you will always merit as always ind [good you For friends ids we hare con- genial eompanlons. and while we aro sorry to have to say good-bye to you ws hope It M for Your future benefit and welfare ; sq in parting we aak.yoa to aooept this slight taken of re- membrance nom us and we trust that when mare In your new hors enjoying Its nom• your thoughts will span the dl,twnoe end travel back to your old rrlends in 1 olborne, 8lgned on behalf of your sln.wre friends. MA(rt.AND ALI.UN, WILRRRT MILLION, Mr. Aloin in a few words expressed sincere thanks, after which the re- mainder of the evening was spent in social intercourse. Lunch baying been served, the meeting closed with "God Be with You till We Meet Again." Mr. and Mrs. Will Aplin are now in their new home at Watrous, Sask. SURE SIGNS Of Kidney Trouble. If your hack Is constantly aching and if you ex/vete-nee Ault shooting polos. your kidneys are out of order. if your mine is thick and cloudy -or your passages frequent, scanty and painful, your kidneys and Madder are out of order. Neglect quickly brings on rheumatism, diabetes, lumbago, sciatica, etc. Mrs. John Wagner, of 110 Hollis street, Halite:. N. 8., Saye : "Dull, shooting pains would catch nie across the small part of my hack and extend into niy shoulders and neck, often causing me to suffer with severe head- aches and Vella of dizzineaa. Spots would daezle before my eyes and evnything would turn black. 1 would fall to the floor and be unaile to get np again tritbnut aasistanee. A friend told me of Booth's Kidney Pill. and 1 began their nae, The nest hoe gave me relief and i am now well and strong " All druggists well Booth's Kidney Pills, fGb. a Aux with a guarantee to relieve or your money neck. They are the worlds greatest .peeier. for kid- ney and bladder trouble Port. tr .rn btu" Im_o wietals, t. ha R T th t lid.. Bort Rrls. &4d and 4,41174.40.11 "" R. }i. W10* north aide et fifrfraaLP0. (>lrltisrieh, Will Armstrong and Nelson Donald tett for the West last week. F. W. Lees, assistant et the G. T. R. station, has been transferred to Mount Forest. Mrs. H. J. Cameron fractured her arm the other day by falling on a piece of ice. U. N. Lawrence, who has been laid up with a severe *flack of pneumonia, is about well again. Miss C. Mc41lister uoderwent an operation for appendicitis at Wing - ham bo:;pital Doe day last week. James Caesar, of Kinloaas, shipped a carload of settlerseffects from here to Swift Current, Mask., last Tuesday. A(•(•IDKN'r.—While resisting in cut- ting wood with a circular saw Fred. Steele had the misfortune to have his right hand badly injured by coming in contact with the saw. It was found necessary to amputate the middle fin• ger at the first joint. Rn'xtt ON RAMPAUE.—Thr spring freabet was the cause of considerable damage in Lucknuw this year. The thaw which bad been in progress suf. feted a Budden set -back when the snowstorm came with lower tempera- ture. The snow settled in the river on the Hata south of Willoughby street, bh;cking the current, and within a short time the waiter had covered a considerable section of the low ground. Nearly every cellar in the business section of the town had from one to two feet of water, which damaged goods of considerable value, in some Gases. Furnaces were out of business" for several day.t and more primitive methods of heating had to be resorted to. TRAINED NURSE ON ZAM-HUK. Read What She Has Found. Miss J. Keith, ot Olds. Alta., a trained nurse, who has had a wide experience of Lam-Buk, speaks of it as follows; "I wish U. express my high appreciation of Zuu-Buk. have personally tested it in a great numher of case. and find it excellent. I ,have introduced it to several pa- tients, with highly satisfactory re- sults. indeed, in many cases I have been warmly tbdnked forits int roduc- t ion. Streaking Ifrofessiogplh, I would give all sufferers from skin disease the following advice: Cleanse the parts effected and apply Lam-Huk freely and tegultrly. Use clean lint and clean, soft raga for drving. bun - Bilk and cleanliness will he; found suf- ficient for the most stubborn case of skin disease." Zam-Buk will also he found a sure Duro for atecessea, ulcers, blood - poison. varico.e ulcers, sealp aorea, eruptions, _ children's rashe., piles, e'rta, burns. abrasions, scralA•hes, scalds, and alt skin injuries and dis- eases. title. a box. all druggists and store. Try Zara-Buk soap, too : 25c. per tablet. DUNGANNON, DR \. NETON. DENTIST, OF Leekeow. has cea.nd HsiUha outside Points and will henceforth etre hi. entire attention to the borne once. L'w'know. where he will be found every day. Ail waders, meth- od+. NOTICK—THE LOCAL AGENCY In Du non for The Menai !set the Poet- oMoe Hook and Stationery Store, whore orders will Le reneired for sabecripUon.. ad vertLing and job work, and receipts will be vireo for amount. Decd for the saint. THE L.iTEST IN WALLPAPERS. `i pr:. .g 1s here, and with It have arrived all the lat.rst de.ttmo in new wallpaper* at . he PoaloMoe Store. Hest vales to be had any. ..here. ('all and see our stock before buying. &. RYAN. Dungannon. Toximae, March 'kith. 8. J. Young was in Goderich on Mondky of this week. Bert Roach and Lorne Young, of Goderich, spent Sunday in our village. Mise Ruby Robinson. of Nile, visited at the theeidence of J. M. Roberts last Sunday. The millinery openings in Dungan- non take place on Friday and Satur- day of this week. Jasper Walkout was in Mitchell this week to attend the wedding of his daughter Beulah. Rev. Mr. Watson, of Toronto, will occupy- the pulpit of the Presbyterian church the next two Sundays. D. G. Bickle, of West, Taylor, Sickle & Oo,. Toronto, paid a visit to old friends here Tuesday of this week. DUNOANNW( SCHOOL REYORT.— Wiek ending Mareb 24: V.—Science —Stanley Walker, 90; Fenny Fitz- gerald, 70; Myrtle Allen, 50. Sr. IV. —Nature Study and Writing—Lorne McKenzie, 85; Ralph Dieher, 90; Lil- lian Pentland, 75: Stephen Medd, 69; Rae Stothers, 90: Melitsda Culbert, 60; Marvin Dumb), 58. Jr. IV. Drawing—Pearl Ivens, 73; Marian Dasher, 72; Willie Fitzgerald, 67 ; Fred. Rrriogton, 65; Fred. Fowler. 85; Mabel Culbert, 04 ; Clayton Sands. R2; Linnfeld Anderson, 09. Jr. III.— Drawing—Hazel Augustine, AI ; Jud- son Bell, 751 Jervis Anderson, 75 ; Al- bert Brown, 71; Sheldon Bartlett, 70: Edith Sands, tlli; Ruby Allensri(l; Olive Glenn. 56: RdIth Andervon, iib; Mel- ville Culbert., 45 ; Harold Sproul. 49 Margaret Medd, 40. Wet. J. MoFFATT, Teacher. Through Train to the West via Chicago and St. Paul. Personally conducted Grew' Trunk special train *10 leave Toronto 11 p. m. April 4th, for Edmonton. st.(Ipping at all points on the (grand Trunk Pacific' railway West of Winnipeg. Pullman tourist Bleepers will he car- riedfully equipped with bedding end E. in charge. Oodericb psaseeigere join train at Stratford. Heaths may he seenr•ed in these ears at a low rate. This is an exceptional opportunity for throw wishing to tyke advantage of the r'emar'kably low one-way settlers' rates, or round trip hotseaeekers' excursions, thr(.ugh the Americas cities Tickets, berth reservations and hill parte-islets me% be obtained from. ane Grand Trunk agent, nr ad- ders. A R Duo, district passenger agent Treento Gat Consult 1 swrenee agent at GotieHiels. for any Outran isternatly, THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONTARIO mitatiooct of Meld's kidney Pies are legion. The hog is imitated, the outaide coating and shape of the pate ars imitated and the name—Dodd's Kidney Pills is imitated. Imitations are Ja geroua The original L safe. Dodd's Kidney Pilla have a reputation. imita- tor's base node or they wouldn't imitate. So they trade on the reputation of Dodd's Kidney Pilla Do not be deceived. There is only on. DODD'S. Dodd's Is the original. Dodd's is the Dame to be care - tai about— o-o-n-o-s KIDNEY PILLS AUBURN. WgpsotBDAY, Mar. 22nd. Miss Agwie Ladd returned from Clinton on Saturday. Harry Sturdy has almost recovered from his rather serious illness. - Wallace King is suffering from an attack of erysipelas at present. Charlie Asquith is home after visit- ing in Toronto lor a few weeks. Rev. Mr. Badke is able to be out agaie after his attack of la grippe. Mi ion Plunkett was home from Blyth -chool from Saturday till Tuee- day. Th. ::i.worth League will hold a so- cial evening next Tuesday evening in- stead of the regular meeting W eso iii v.. o SATURDAY AND MONDAY � APRIL THE FIRST AND THIRD will be a G to price extra low for early bargain selling. As has always been our custom on Bargain Sale Days, nearly in the store will be reduced. 2 GREAT BARGAIN DAat this store This FIRST -OF -APRIL SALE of New SPRING MERCHANDISE At prices that mean a big saving to you. WWWe have secured many special va;ues in desirable goods that we a Having secured the position of sec- Soiree of our gon Dress reatest reductions will be tion foreman at vtb, Chas. Bell will bought on some of' Goods. W a are over- lion move there with his family in we Myth, these lines and now take this means of unloading. '1 li 11 1 1 a e d It A of tl el of ht tit til th c. can afford everything Come in and Get Acquainted u you are not already ac- quainted with the, merits of STURDY'S GROCERIES try a sample order. You can he certain of securing seasonable goods here at all times. Our 'phone number is 91. Give us a trial. The quality of our goods will eon- s' ince you. Sturdy & Co. On The Square r SPRING TERM ere 1 __ and From April fed manse InW summer session tae's July affords continuoasoppG funky ter brltht rimed people to Quality tot• geed basinsw poet iron_ Our school --thOaten ot the Taranto— the largest sod best quipped in Cat lavftas your oonsdders- den.request. se. . _mailed on Veen and Gerrardw S rt.'o onto. After -a- while Customers Hundreds of people read our ad. who have no need for a new watch not at present; but if you succeed in educating them to KNOW that this is the home of know - proven WA tub /alue•, we will he satisfied. This knowled will be good fee both of us when watch - buying DOES come. There is nothing worth while in watch - don) but what we have. And believe T H i S • there will he nothing worth while produced in the future bet we'll got it for von --Ori that this is NOW and will remain YOUR watch Naw. S. `Da?,ey J.we1Mr and (tptacsan mouth Nile of Agnate. (l..der.ieh This Sale gives you a great chance to get new dependable fabrics at close down to "'WHOLESALE PRICES. r / Bear in mind, not a few named articles but a whole storeful of reliable, u - tp-date articles at bargain prices. p SATURDAY REMEMBER THE DAYS— AND MONDAY, APRIL 1st AND 3rd J. H. COLBORNE alt O y of M i i O IMO near future- He has commenoed work there already, going up and re- turning by train each morning and evening. Mr. Wes. the funeral (tthe letter's graodfetber, l the late Mr. John Taylor, of Fordyce, on Monday. Miss Hannah Mole was home from Seaforth over Sunday. Sbe was ac- companiedby her little Aiece, Liars Mole, of Sorth, Tette:rim TO A Boon MAN.—The news of the late Inspector Robb.* I BENMILLER. death w with whom he cameof l mut in contact 1 in hie official capacity as inspector speak in the highest terms of hie eA!- c cy a s a public servant and of his in know and Inspector es a man. Tlove and respect him. g si bfuneralpbeing held on Monday, the school wse closed and the flag flown at hail( -mast. Was received with sadness by' The Signa! to Jan. lair, 11111, for 50c. IT'S THE BOYS AGAIN OUR OYS' CLOTIIINO U01)4 `Boy, ccut in fora Lion &and soft. We have selected our fashions to meet the requirements in cuteness, nattiness, durability and swagger ; designing to conform with the "cute" age. the "rough- house" age. and the "sit -up -and - take -notice" age. Oar Lion Brand Salts for Boys this reason are better thin ever and combine all the essential a o d reinforcements necessary for the bo}- who is herd on clothes. A boy wears his coat out fleet at the elbow. Lion Brand has double elhows of cloth there, and it last. longer. A boy wears knickers out at the seat and knees. Lion Brand hove an extra piece of cloth right where they wear nut that, and the seams are stitebed twice and the linings are the tet we have ever seen in boys' Suits. This mates a gavel reason why you should mak for this make : and the price is so higher—that's anther good thing about it.. A snit at Wiwi, $600 and 07.50 is fully guaranteed and Bot in the w very sews style. ; WALTER C. PRIDHAM THE LEADINO CLOTHIER WKDNKSDAY, March 19th, Noo•ss.—J. W. Gledhill was in Tor- onto Out week Richard Fisher, of Clinte)p, visited in the village last week ..Victor Newell was home last week, a victim of influenza E. T. Pfrimmer received a carload of corn this week ......Mr. and Mn. W. W. Fisher have the sympathy of their many- friends in the lose of their in- fant twin son, who died this rotrning. ..Mr. and Me.. John White, of Goderich, 'are in the village this week. •The Rev. R. M. Lacklend, of Walton. preached three splendid ser- mons on the Benmiiler circuit last Sunday. The pastor. Rev. W. Baugh. was at Walton, preaching missionary sermons, ECZEMA CURE A BEAUTY WASH. Although D. U. D. Preecription has been recognized for yeas as the on remedy for eczema, peuriasis, and all other forms of skin diseases, it is now known thst there is no other wash, even those used by the beauty specie!- , iota. that can compare with this mild liquid for cleansing the skin of pimples, blackheads, rash, and all sim- ilar akin affections. For this reason Slone, a bottle of U. D. D. should he kept on hand in every household. .4 free trial bottle will show you the merits of this great rem - ed as a eotaplexion wash. D. D. D. seems W remove the cause. whatever the trotsble may be, cleans- ing the skin, and leaving it as soft, as smooth and clear as that of a healthy child. Write the D. D. D. Laboratories Dept. G. S., 49 Colborne street, Tor. onto, sod prove its wonderful effec- tiveness. (For sale by all druggists.) Putting up a bluff is something like making a mountain out of a molehill. i W�ir�Y�lririliiliiliViil'nrVrVr�lr�lf�lfVrr,V,V,>r,�>V,w� Orr Moble : o'A square deal to everyone " Everythiog Upside Down F That is about the way thismi ars 1n the home at ■ housecleaning time. Yon have hen consider- %� !J �j h,• log purchmeing some new t �_�ha•a pieces of Furniture for a long time. and now is the(cbance to do it. We hate a complete stork of up -to date Furniture of all kind. on hand. and we can guarantee the quality to hs of the hest and the prime rraaonahle. AGFN/ NORUHEIMTtR PIANOS W. J. N1 U 1 R I & C Ot, Oar stew • 'l a Hes( tufo, oorribia fee yews "mey " 1' ch H hi Ili rt tb fa u is A Pe