HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-3-30, Page 3TUE OIIIINAL IND ONLY IENOINE BEWARE OF IMITA- TIONS. BOLD ON THE NSiUTR OP 1111,111S LINMKI BOOK BINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES,. sued or repaired. GOLD LIM ERINO on LEATHER GOODS ..t II order.. proetrem attended to on leaving titres et TAE SIO MAL 0ed.rich. k. R. TaYLOH. RTtATvrraD CIVIL ENGINEUJIIO ()AMMAN w. KOBEKTB. CIVIL see Hydraulic' Eaglomm Oa i4. Led errister ot>llsiwaa Book. aor*elc'a, rower Meafesal stesst. Tsopaase m. teo� MEDICAL DR W. F. °ALLOW. M. B. 041os and reradeoe.. North Arse, &Merles. .erth of County R.srLtry Macs Telopissere m LEGAL DEUUDL#OOT, HAYS & KILLOR- 1 bsrrt.t re, .ollcdtoe, noterWpa lata proctors to the Maritime Court, etc. Private fonds to land at lowest rotor of Iotere t /Mos liar: aide Square, t°admire. W. KRUUI'FOOr K. C., R C. RAYS, .1. L. PILLORAN. LG. CAMERON. S. C.. BARRIS- TER. soli tor. notary pablfc. Ohort- too Suea& isoderick, taint door from Wase. CHARLE8GABE°W, LLB.,BAR- sI$TEu atMasoys, •ololuir, tort_, flees rich. Moss to lead at mime. rates. 11,1 O. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER Oiegdto . cosownsalloW oet, 'notary psc ( a Maalkun ..t, Uodsriea Oat INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC. 11 cliILLGP MUTUAL NLRB IN eURANCE Co. -Nara sod heard u wn IrrM•art7 ImYl.a. uratt,r.-J. B. Moisn, Pres, tl.aforth P.0 : Jas. Connolly, Vico-Pro. aloeriuh Y. U : theater r lama, r.o.-Tess, tlesforth P. O. Directors -Not. C'he.tisr, oeatorta; Joao U. Orlev., Winthrop ; Walrus Rise, twetaaas Jana Husnewe., srodtua.o ; Jarn.. Evans. Bosch. ood ; Joan N rt. Sarlook ; Malcolm Mckwen, isrumeeld. Butiockr• : J� c mi Mona Yam DRi te; Wachter, Ssfdth. Yuteo7-sonterr tea pay ae.e.emtat. .a.a rat teals cards r.oripted to "lost a Wewa's t. Linton. or at R. R. t:.it'e emery. enre.tsn stress utiew re. PRIVATE FUNDS 1 esu.,. rioter Ifamitt u .0o . 0eio.ttwer M. wrb 1N R. ROBERTSON. INSURANCE AGENT. etas aso Lusa saw : Lepra. Caaseoa sal American. I n1D•$T, 8KQNDea AND kwrtorairt IAA IL- Iry : she Oman Aeeid.ot and emanates ,.orporaUon, Wetted. of Loudon, Lege. Werwury AND l'Uakartsa Boom : 1 he U.& lld*11t.7 and Gsa*asaslXapso7. Gael at r.sl-eras, surbsna marsor of vie sod et David's ssasasa Palos IM JOHN W. 0 IWL LIF$ FIRE aM =darn Assist ter bates -mow aM uwrwow m au ass eaMtss sed es Isweet rates. ..all at Wheat corner Mem tamed sea tsetse. pp Woroerms IU. uew�ris J. W. CRAIrtst GE UCII1Sa W ALTlllat s 1t1LLLY, J. P.. YIM/krtlekt, 11r41. Milli* OP MARRIAGE LECENSEIS. W• LLNM, L88L88171111t EON AiLR1- AMD Moses., floosies. oak SHAVING PARLOR 1.)1*DFORD BLOCK BLKBER IsHOP- +A�A 1114 wWkaewe sod revoke ward DMses Mir pWan* the ssr�v'foertmea---"—militirepomwthar emit Madegi at vez Lin&J. BARo BOW MEDAL LIST Acral hiwlisu BOWS ArsaeeaY sail.-tesetta Moss. Goasetea. Plena Me and Sr .oteoatlos• prepared tar read wee mobile balldlama tArr._.-,. .s It AUCTIONEIRING now fso as nein d�*san wN�iAc'real�d►ies11 - Mart Y ,- W0� mai =titre, ..re, sale 'Ara*ire we* s tomonaW W stars sees mot w sive you smmeesUsa !brio . Trust rIODLRiOM CONSERVATORY OF kJ Muaw JL L. C. M. 1 E.1D►.n.f r r T. t M. iTereorea apart Rosa Mame .orae eel tura organ sad prase. horns*..►t s.4arser.t are. A. t Lora Maws horns,..rasa,, palet. Or Mum Arnome e k Pod Maas Mpg HaXNNlF-errors.. a- Pwow sans sad dowdy_ Per into mattes se te rates. etaswig se the esso,ereota T. W. J. MUIR do CO. UA'OtRTAKu/N AND LM1ALMQRS gait 1'a tit ts. •. nide at Olsen f1 •► THE S1eSAL, GODERICH ONTARIO 1ew of the Sistrfrt, A..1. Todd has sold hie 1110 -arse farm near Hensaf to Edward Broderick, o Dashwood. Two sizes, 23e. and tUt•, Sold sale at f our store -The Rexell Store. H. 4. Duolop, south side of 8qu ler. KINTAIL. Mies Annie M. McDonald is learning dressniaaiog in Kincardine. Mr. and Mr.. • Rob. Scott. jr., of e Auburn, visited Mrs. Soots,* horde at Kiotail on Thursdsy. 1 o- Slsaforth may have a watchman ap- pointed to guard the G. T. R. ceorsin in that town. A. Harvey has disposed of hie fifty sere tarns in Hay township to James T. Jarrott, of Hills Green. Mr. sod Mrs. Robert Smith, of tb lith 0000swion of Hullett, celebrated their golden wedding on Monday of last Meek. A pioneer of Howiok in the person of George Totten is dead et the age of 108 years. He retained his ateutel faculties to the last. Henry O'Brien, of the 3rd conces• sloe of Hay township, dropped dead on the roadway a short distance from his home on Monday of last week. Irwin Raynard has purchased the 160 -etre farm of Ben Jackson. Dear Ethel. The price paid was *5,400. Mr. and Mn,. Jackson are removing to tb. WreL Rev. Robt. Pearson, B. A. of Ed - mouton, Alta., an old Grey township boy. bas accepted an invitation to be- osase pastor of the Methodist church at Red Deer, Alta. The oontract for the new hall at Jamestown, to replace the one destroyed by Ate some time ago, has been awarded to Jenkiva Bros., for $1,Ou1. One of the oldest resident of Hen- sel' it demi in 1 be- person of William McDougall. He had " been in fail- ing health tor some tune -sod bad reached the good age tit eighty. rcvr° ytory. A sudden death took place at Ex. eter on 1+ridav afternoon, lith ,net., when Ain. Tbowas May expired in- staotly as the result of toe bursting of a blood vessel. She was in her seven- ty-eighth year. Albert Soutar. of Brussels, had his band and forearm badly bruised and torn tine morning cast week by having it caught in a carding machine in the knitting factory in that town. For- tunately, no hot ee were broken. A quiet wedding was solemnized at Clinton on the 13th insL, when Miss Emily Alice, daughter of Mrs. E. Tur- ner, of that town, was married to Alexander Broadfoot. of Tucker - smith. Rev. J. E. Ford officiated. Atter a long and painful illoeea of nearly two end a -halt wearer, Mrs. Mary N. Moffat died on WVedueedry, 8th test., at the home of her ren -in. law, L. C. Jacklin, of tbe Howick boundary. She is survived by one daughter and two esters. A bright and promising young life was cut off on Friday, 10th inst., when David Cowan. youngest son of John Cowan, of the Bronson line, Stanley. passed away atter a short illness. He was a piano tuner by profession and bad been employed in Chicago for some time. The Fordwich Telephone Co. with a captahaation of $10,010 has been granted a charter by the Ontario Government. It is understood this companyis taking over Dr. Footer'; liner wich are connected with the Bell Telephone Co.'s central office at Ford w icb On Wednesday, 13th inst.. the nup- tial bow was tied between Joseph Yuili, a well-known young farmer of the 4th line of Morris. and Mise Mabel Proctor. daughter of Mr. and Mre. Geo. W. Proctor, of he Ah line of the same township. A company' of immediate relatives and friends witnessed the ceremony, which was performed by J. Rev. J. Durrant. A •eriou* conflagration was averted at Exeter one night recently when the Boot about the stone in the rear of Baker's machine shop was dis- covered to be on fire. When seen Brat, a Large bole, several feet in di- ameter, around the stove bad been beeped through the floor, and the heater had partly toppled over. TUESDAY, Meech 28tb. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Pollock. of the Oosben line, Stanley, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Wednesday, 15th inst... when Mies Agnes E. Pollock, sister of the boat, was united is marriage to James Pol- lock. of Iwdian Head. Sask. The owetnosy was performed by Rev. Mr. Carrier,. of Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Pollock have left for Indian Head to oohnsence married life on the groom's farm near that town. Trtameh rico of Blood. Exeter Advocate: An important operation bee been performed in Har - per's hospital. Detroit, b Dr. 3. W. Hatrisoa, formerly of by upon hie twitcher -in-law. Ray Fan.on, for- merly of Exeter. The operation con- sisted of trsn.ferring about three pints of bitted hoer the arteries of a bealtby relative. John Wisner. into Mr. Rawson's vers*. Mr. Fanson has hese ill with pernicious anemia. which is a durgeneratioa of the Mond cell., and bad become so weak that he was unable to walk. it wan thought he could sot live more than three weeks. The operation. however. seems to have been a decided success. The patient is sow able to walk about. and conspiste recovery is looked for. Y su .Is of THE DOCTOR'S QUESTION. skit Sickness Dee to Bowel Dis- orders. A doeuw•s tint question when con- ked by a patient ir. "Are your bow- "" He knows that PE% illness is attended with in•etiee bowels and torpid livor, and that this condition mime be removed gently sad thoroughly Astons health PAP be reste Resell I►rderhes aro a pelt] e, ptivaaaet and safe remedy for conatipa- tIet •std bowel disorders in general. W. are so certain of their greet cura- tive value that we promise to return the para .ore's honey in every case when they fail to produce merit'- satis- Reaatl f)r(ierliea are eaten like they set q e14 t l , and beim b . sM.agkhentog. �Iltg isasossels os the !Mire =ill The people who have been wakin maple sytup will have a rest t day. The monthly meeting of the Women's institute will be held on April tkh at the home of Mrs. Richard MacDonald, Hinted l. AUBURN. WEDNESDAY, March 26tb. Wm. Mutch is section -foreman here now a, sucgeasor to U. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. C. Bell and Madeline moved to Blyth un Tuesday. A new Thomas organ was placed in the English church last week. Fern Symington visited ber sister, Erma, at Linwood over Sundry. The Misses Erratt treated .e number of their friends to maple taffy last Fri- day evening. Mr. end Mrs. Harvey McGee enter. tone .l .. few of their young L I. let last Frehty evening, Mt. Ilepry Lawlor end family et•e movi •K to Ibe viltai.. slat, Mi. need Mrs. Suulie from thein farm near 1,un- gannun.. Mr. Swzvick came over from Filet, llieb., on Saturday. Mre. Same,. k bee been riga uig with her mother hese for rums time. Fred. Plaetzer had the misfortune to give hie foot a gash with theeiexe in the bush on eatulday. He will be laid off for a few days. The Epworth League held a social evening at the home of A. A. Naylor on Tuesday evening. The evening was spent in playing games of various kinds - progreeeive crokinole, etc., interspersed with music and social chat. After this lunch was tam ved by the ladies. Instead of the regular quarterly review, a special miesionat y program was followed in the Methodist Sunday school last Sunday. Very interesting papers on "rhe Beginning of Our Mission" and "The Province of Sze- chwan" weregiven by Miss May Fergu- eon and Roy Munro respectively. A message from the miseionery sup- ported by tbie district, Rev. O. Hams, was read by A. A. Naylor. The missionary otleriug awouuted to al- most $14. LOCHALSH. iiloAY, Mai ch 27th. DIED IN Onto -Lust week, Mr.. (Rev.) J. S. Hardie trceired the std intelligence of 1 he sodden death of her Lather, Mr. Het ett, whit h ocserred in Ohio, of which State the Oecearrd was a resident. The fuuetal took place et Burford. Ont., to which place Lite remains had been brought, a$d among those present. wee Rev. J. 8. Hardie of this piece. The sympathy of tbe community is extruded to Mot, Hardie in her beteavewrnt. NEARLY L0sEei FIYtiER.-Last Fri- day, D. ie. Mclhisald it -et -teed a eome- what serious rut on his lett band by which he Orsi rawly eaeeped losing one of his Hugi i t. It appears that while he was walking through the ewewp on the McLennan properly. he acci- dentally stumbled, end in tailing for- ward the shut p edge of the axe which he, was carrying came into contact with the little finger of his left hand, and alms st severed it, near the Hist joint. FoitunateIy, the doctor was *hie to unite the severed parte to- gether again by some stitcher, and Mr. McDonald will probably yet hAve the good fortune of raving the whole finger. NOTAI..-A. R. F iniayuon, Mies Milliq Robb and H. J. McKenzie are at present down with the grip, which bas been very prevalent in this dis- trict during the winter. ,. ..The nuc. tion stile on the McLennan .-stat took place lent \Vedne.dny end war $ dis- tinct Duple**. A large number were preeeot and most of the chattels went off at high prices The match be- tween the single and man ied. tactile hers of the Lochalsh Rifle Club took place last Saturday= at the butts. As there is Dome dispute in connection with the score, the result i'. still un- set tail, and probably another comps, tibial will take place in order to settle the question Peter Fletcher, who spent the winter at Porcupine, ar- rived last week to visit friends in the diet. let . Mr. and Mre. Neil Mc- Kenz a returned last Pride from their wrddrog trip to Detroit and other points and intend settling in their domicile .Deur time during this week. THE MANIC OLD DAN. -Last Friday while we, ,u attdpany with two other cowboy., were proceeding along the 12th concession ssgaged in breaking In a colt. • tall Agars was observed approaching. whirh proved to be that of D. N. McKenzie, of Goderich. As Mr. McKenzie hes bean retired from the farm and residing in the county tow* for some montbe. we had in our mind's syn a figuta wearing n Derby hat, an itiwaculat.e while vest adorned with a gold pendant, a one- eym ilia'*. and a ippine along with *bort step., elegantly swinging a cline with one hand and with the other lightly holding a choice Havens be- tween the first two fingers, with Hon elevated at an angle of 15 degrees to the notizon. Hut, to our memo trent. we disanver.d that, instead of tbe hard bat, it was a rap ; instead of the cigar. Dan was chewing -.one of last year's timothy .talk,, and were - ing an ordinary vett, besprinkled with hayeeede. in fact, it was tbbs sane. old i)en, with one of his side -pockets bolJng out Ar in days of yore Now, aa Dan is a Seotcbman. out modere weoid sasnrslly and even al most mone- tarily eoscipeie that the *ants of We wow a bottle. Not so, however 1 for the moos of the hnlgl.g not leas big wed of money which be earrbq }est in days orf eM, when returning hoes* from the market, after taking a hoary Iced of grain there. May he --a...... ,. •h re,,, treat. They do sat pews, gAps, earw lie etseerse AaaMhees, .xoas lve Moge- n, 41‘..061001 lir other anseavIne -"- THU WILDAY,p MAWS 911 1111 $ r'Phone 56 D. MILLAR & SON 1^"` SPRING Cleaning Time Your houeefurnuhing wants for the spring cleaning now at hand, will be best replenished trona the splendid variety of up-to-date Furnishings at the • Scotc4I Store Rugs Rugs Rugs Hugs, suitable for any room in the house, in every wanted size. in Union, Tapestry, Brussels, Wilton* and Velvets. Special values in Huge at $7.50, 1110.00. 1115.00 Ur KM OA1. Linoleums Linoleums Our import order for Nairn's Scotch Linoleum* will be at band this week, and includes all the newest floral and tile patterns. in 2. 3 and 4 yards wide. Complete showing of Floor Oilcloth* in all patterns, in all widths made. Per square yard, 301c. Curtains and Curtain Materials Exrep ionally shone showing of all the latest de.igne in Nottingham and Series and L ish Point Curteties from 50c t , $7.50 per pai , . Madese Muelins in ecru, white and calsrs, from 30.1a card. We feature John Brown &•'Sons, of Glasgow, Scotland, Madras Muelins and Curtain Materials. pleases people hard to satisfy Father Morrisey's "No. 11" Cures Stomach Troubles. fluids in thestomach are not Father Morriscy's "No. in concentrated form. Each will digest i ) pounds 6f aver'bge Heal. When your stomach is working right you never know it is there. But when it feels as heavy as lead— when you have Heartburn, Belching 'of Wind, Sourness, a gnawing hunger, with ' distress after eating—when you • feel 'irritable and depressed — then you may know that the digestive sufficient to digest what you gists. i I" Tablets supply these fluids tablet, dissolved in the stomach, food, which is more than an Read what Father Morriacy's treatment did for Mr. Gosline, of Salmon Lake. He writes Nov. 3o, 1908 : "I was troubled with indigestion, se severe that 1' really thought I had semen of the Monist!. I ask wets doctors' remedies, till I wen Gamed to seek soother seosasoe, and tiffs was the ley. Esther Monis y. His ttieataseab wedged arirsclea, until I have been entirely envoi, ss WtR awe I do set look to the quality of the diet but too lbs iuma J." 911C. at your dealdr's. phew; rano s. Mtl10Maa pate . W.. . Sold and guaranteed in Goderich byF. Jr. 'RUTLAND 63 mwsws4 Qw Another verse or two of the songs you like a waltz or two-step that is long enough, a monologue that gets somewhere and musical selections played as the composer intended, not cut or hurried. That Is what Edison Amberol Records offer These records play four and one-half minutes, taking selections never before offered in record form. All Edison Phonographs pia}# both Arnhem! and Edison ' Standard Records. Have you an F,dison' Thom a e 1 silos A..r.n ...reeler• 1. se IM parity WIta_ rr.. I. 1 .�1�r/ we ...Maas trete a ` 'MIA al 1104k Samos DLA =J unser ft RATIONAL samstoriaarse COSOPAINY MO 'oleosus AD..m. Oseems111 A. V.LA. ~ - *aaaaan*ftp Also • sir impos filial. 1r TH._. Maris Jap Mattings Jap Squares Il 'Phut 56 MILLAR'S SCOTCH STORE ?hole56 THE ladies are invited to call and+inspect my stock of Millinery for Spring and Summer. Both trimmed and untrimmed Shapes in all the latest styles. Special attention has been given to the selection of a suitable line of Hats for Misses. MiSS CAMERON HAMILTON STREET OODERICH Monarch Shoes The season for spring footwear is here. Now that you are going to put greater demands upon your feet. the queetinn tet pruner footwear ia of great impnrtanre. ,► (-armful consideration of sone rlsims will lead you ti) Arlen MONARLH SHOES. heron.e tikes on. loyal servants end fait hfal friend., always demon*,retirig your tter.l judgment and making no exorbitant demand. nn yo ,r pocketbook 1)i.plsyed in our at,,,,. i., a variety of petters,. end bather.. Sols agents for coder:cif Downing & MacVicar North Side of Square, Ooderllch