HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-3-30, Page 1Che Signal FROM NOW TO lee JANUARY, feta, TO NEW SUBSCRIB- ERS 50c 50c 71, Zhe Wm*. See Che Signal's Clubbing e.Cist for newspaper bargains. All the leading Canadian publica- tions at reduced prices. SIXTY-THIRD TLs-Me. aft GODERICH. ONTARIO, CANADA : MARCH 30, 1911 THE SIGNAL Mlle. 'NO CO.. Ltd-, Pvausms FINANCIAL OF CANADA t$TABLISHED 1816 prosperity, but alio of exceptional at your disposal for collecting or transferring money. or for any other phase of legitimate banking. Open an account in our Savings Department. It's the first step towards financial independen:e- Capital, Rest and Undivided Profits SOSJU0,1100 Total Aimee over g46,00O,000. NOW OVER 200 BRANCHES The rapid growth of the Union Bank of Canada is evidence not only of sound banking facilities'. These are Goderich Branch, W. L HORTON, Manager. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS Copy of change of running advertise meats must be left at this office by Monday noon to ensure insertion In issue of same' week. PUBLIC NOTICE 11URHAM BULL FOR SERVICE. - JJ A young pedigreed Durham boll will be tooad at Riverside Farm for service of•oows for the public.. Terms ter hours 1112 par7able on W 3r lea of Jaouary. leJE KIN BROS.. Proprietors. Colborne. NOTICE. Nouns 1e hereby ghee that i hold • balm of 1400a.at the Prenerre .n Angler& street m w\iob 1 am •t present living ; and althousb I am now paying rent ea aecotat of eel= to dbg.r eeesme I do mot thereby eeU.gsii my said china nor admit the right of any per - 44 -41 DANI sop to reflect rept from no. Mct.E0D. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 14• VXECUTOR8' NOTICE TO CREDI- 14 TUB&. IN THE MATTER OF THE )iP 767 PETF.R MCFAULANY, LATE OF THE TOWN OFOODEKICK.,INTHYCOUNTY OF e U 110 N. BAOGAGEMAN. DL CEASED. Notice a hereby atom por.sant to the .tat - oleo in t hat behalf. that aU creditors and others having claims against the estate of the tate Peter McFarlane. who did en or about the 5th day of February, A. D. OIL are hereby required o0 or before lis both day of spit 1 to send by pprepaid. or deliver b the onIost enlgned solicitor, for the executors of the .aid deceased. their Christian awl ...roamer. addresses And de.crlptlo le and full particulars in swathe of their Claim. sod detailed state- ments of their secot 0ts and the nature of their ecurities. it any. held by Them, all duly rob tied M statutory declaration Aid further take notice that after the said 23th da) of April. 1511. the sold executor. willpronged to dlaWbate the ants of the raid de ceased Amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the calms of whish we -hall then -het e notice, ane the said executO,e will not be liable for the rid •nosh or a0y part thereof so distributed to any Arson or peroons of whore calls aorta shall not have Men received. PRO( DFO(IT. HAYS it KILLORAN. Sdkdtors for Executor.. Dated at Ooderick tela rya day tit March. W 11. 43-31 OODERICIM MARKETS. TavasnaT. Marek x,th- Fall wiliest, per boob SOW M t it 11 per bosh. iw*!Ms too !D3 wheat. per Mi... sir pr imbed. le 0 41 111 J 46 Barley r a. •4 per Screend 61 075 Fleur. est1 T! toto to Ott Floatpates; per Mlle .. I ID to S /s ikon, per tea 1S 00 to IR e! HfH.7, per 10 a w o w Ae6 6 SO to 5 68 thaw . Mr.. ,.,........ t W Ul •.H M u 24 y4efPEI i M >ao 0 1e Cottle, 0!'d / q g0Puses • tl i to S se tggrsef. par eel•6 M to 600 s55to 665 =6.ytrarWg Lssshs ' 0 6 15 to 500 Sheep awash - 6 06 W 1 3 os to fes =owe ..... ....... . 7 6u to 7 e6 rkta. 60 W 76 Appbt per W 4 00 to 5 •0 SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTS') AT ONCE. --A GOOD general servant : no children in fate Ur. MRB. 1. 1. NUORF fart street It WANTED. -A GOOD UENERAL TT servant for general homework. Ord wagers._ aoist MRS. T. H. HROWNLE$Iflex FOR SALE OR TO RENT HOUSE FOR HALM -JUST NEW, fed eeirt, *Mire covvolenea, npteadld 1.s•t► O.ail etcc. Prise rea.oeabls for quiet .alae•. p1My to 0. M. ELLIOTT. East. street. 44-2t FARM FOR BALE. -IN COLBORNE f being IK Y en Maitland evo- ee.don. 1SeOwea fel sorsa, eighteen or Mitch is ceased with hardwood bosh, dxteen In wheat Arty In gear and rematsder in good sate of oelUvaUon. There are oven sores of Moard and the hrm Is well fenced. rchL a good solid Mink Sones and two bank barer on the property. For further par - Malars en to Drina. teed., 0ar.. apply to JACOB FLICK, on obs .•hero or B.rnnailler P. U. 4411 WANTED AT ON('E. - YOUNG sae to learn reed oraau voicing. A rare champs. Apply et Ooderich organ Co. factory. F. L oTt'. %MIDDLER. 1t uANTSD.-A 000D GENERAL sermat Alaa.d.a bo-p•toL Apply to Mali 0111721746. asperintvodeot HOUSE FOR BALM. -FRAME hove. on Tretslpt vne.t-Ao tri - rooms. parlor. diolugfeS , kltoir0, p•atr1. et.rwr.om and wood.Md-W rooms exouptto•- ally large •rd •trr11 hose foundstioe ruder whoa house (Sad cellar under kitchen. .8table •n4 hen tonne. Lot aeon I.0 feet square. Termo tom. farts ars at 7 HE SIUNAL OFFICE' HT OUSE O RENT. -NO. iS ON Newgate street. Servo hoar sad sum mer kitchen : garden sod soma fruit also good lawn. Apply to MR'S. !SCHAFER. on the premiss. or at rMK SIONALOf uu IIOUBE FOR SALE. -TWO-STORY Ll brick boom, on the await of Waterloo WANTED. -A DININ(iROOM giro :good wages- Apply to NORVAL DAVIN. Hotel BedHd. 1 IVF MAN OR WOMAN WANTED • for work at korn paying t2 or 1121 per day wit ossortaal to edits, pa , oo. owe num can be wi. Wireknot difficult and 'equine no .speetawoe. 1A1NSTON. LIMITED. dpadlna as eau.. Termite 11 .1L yOUN(i MAN WANTED. There is • hood opportunity for • young man who purposes gulag Wset:o ,score rwploy• moot fur the aumar wilt • farrier 1n ou, of the bent agricultural f.trtctr In southern Byt•teh.waa. FWkroiutorutauuo m.y be *banned by add . OFF IC E. mouialu iue to B OK 160. and St. Patrick's .Vest. : eight rooms. furnace •►"-e►-•- -rr-•+ter`-" V and hath. Lot contain. one-quarter of an ,. Yen Alocation. For pm rtioo FRUIT TRE_S_ lassos w. LANE.NE. • ILO i HOICK IAYIS FOR BALK 1N THE Thu TJ Harrow oludlno oornerrecet Market 400051 and s rty. Met Laub het, to BENMILLER NURSERIES •ron. ennoble for three hoopoe: or will divide to wilt pus High and dry 1 around ; choicest leca l0 bait r.aideeta are noted tor the excel1ore and .eetia.. Sewer us. Ilda avvo s. For per 1lr q uality of t air Fruit Trues. Hogan appy at TdO t31(iNAL Uf►10E. Dreamer tel Trees. Eraegreset ` tshroM Renee and Chnieb'ars ell uOUtili FOR BALE. -TWO-STORY 1 enquiries r r orders siren our 11 frame boom e° s(wst near Collo- can(ul attention. Addrwa mato Institute. Five +Mss, ..inns, silting room, *thing rosin. k p..try and 5M•ttth JOHN STEWART ESTATE men. (iodcalarnoist Lot hen int feet frontage and le A bet deep. Apply to BEN MILLER JAMIll7l0a REID. Is. -Iii Rural Telephone-oboult 113, Ring 1-51. `-w eJ { GUNI)RY'S Livery, Cab and 'Bus Stables THE RED BARN South Street, (ioderich All tsar Rigs are New. 'Buses meet •II Trains and Steamers. Particular attention given to calla from private residences. 'Phone No. W. (10011 SEWERS ANIS APPREN- os TH;R>S wanted. -We have roam for two appreatloes sod two or three geed .ewe141 le our drao.maklog department. and can give steady employment to god hands. Apply at pone to M 188 C'UU ITS. Hodseas Bros. MEDICAL DR. F. J. R. FORSTER-EYE, EAR, noes and throat only. Hou.. sart000, New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute. Clinical and,t., liar. Mcleod 1 hr at Hospital. Golden &soare. and Moorefield Eye Hospital. London, England. Omee. Albert street.Strat- ford, opposite Windsor hotel. Hoerr : um 12 a.m. ! toiRm.. 7 toile. in. Teo:maim ' ER BALE. - TEN ACRES KANT rtl. el South street, comer Benmatt street ebb. 11 you desire • ,sort trete of w or two amen or • betides lot la tis ssath el" write H. A. JORDAN. 171 NIaMr aroma Nimbler. Ontario. AUCTION SAt.ta. A UCT1o1(1 BALE tt OF HOU331tHOLD FURNITURE AND FURN- ISHINGS. PIANO, SEWING MA- CHINE STC. Mrs. Albert Mitchell will sell by public auc- tion at her re.idence, Bruce street Ooderich. oil TUESDAY. APRiL IIT11, oos.enciog at 1:,1 oclock sharp : One new upright piano; one Singer sewing machine, parlor, d.ologqrr0000rrrr bedroom and kitchen for niture and other articles. Everything must be disposed of. es Mrs. Mitchell is leavlug fur the West. Tern* cash. MILS. A. 24ITCHSLL THOS. GCNDRY, Proprietress Auctioneer. TOWN PROPIDITY FOR BALE.- Lot two hooked sed aw.M eve tem on KI ton street. 1e the tows etGoterith. cos talo ng one quartet of ao aero. On the north haU of this property there Is greeted • story and a half frame dwelling holm hid • Uwot- .mith ahem saes occupied by the ate Alex seder Eirkbrides Beth the beam and the sloe are. at pe.ro4 ender loom, the bow at TS • otos tk and tbe ahoy at $7 per pso.lh1 The property wiL be odd in one or two psree G. . s the porebasara may dwdre. Apply to M. . CAMSRON, Barrister. eta.. Haelhos slue Goderiea Osten.. 11 a girl isn't a good looker she might consult an oeulat. FOR YOUR MONEY A SAFE SAVINGS ACCOUNT in the Sterling flank of Canada is • meth hotter proposition than an investment in Oceko or bonds Inc reel vale. of which to unknown to vine and the market for which is flnetuating In .toe 9At1Rtia Utf`ARTW*NT interest is paid every six esootlas, end your mousy te •vadahle whenever vote want it Dungannon, Auburn, Varna, Bayfield and Goderiell PER1ONAL MENTION. W. Coultas weals Exeter over BorrAas. Yrs A. Morrie went to Philadelphia on N edneday. Myo J. Dastow,q NUe. is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. A. J. Cooper. Mrs. H. Campbell. of W t.a«ham, had been In town tats week whiting her p•trorr. Mr. and Mrv. A. 81.511on. Mn. Jahn Manson. of Blake. to rpendlnq • taw weeks at the tome of Mr. sod Mn. Walter F Kelly. Hawley Smith sad family have returned from Mitchell and will again make their not donee in Uedertc5. (horse Wanes lett oo Mooday. 0, e i•- Ward - Peg hs wsu b heated will be at hie t mo,the aiming reason. Mrs. W. Porta. of Salt/ord. telt off Tuorday on • two menthe volt to her daughter. F. J. Zech. at butte. Montana. Mor Lawsao, of Uwe° Sousd. to the guest of Mtr Velma WU_ +on and relative. . town. M1.rr Taylor, of North .treat parwmye 1. ala i - awes to Toronto on • x wrotet.tt with her brother. C. H. Taylor. 107 MacPherson avenge Mies Uldys El10. daughter of W. 1. Eliot, manager of the Rana of Montreal. has been very seriously 111 the put week. but an 1m- proveneeot to hoe oo.d too 1. reported today. A. H. Aderuon, of Lockout., 1. hi town this week and intend. lest he next week for Sae- katchcwdn. to attend the summer looking after bi. interest. thole. Mb. Anderroe may follow later In the Boron. t Mrs, M. J. Maya, of Houatoo. Toast Is at "Aho. Lodge," tee fi nest of her mother and slater. Mr+. tt;ap.t elitism and Mn. 411w W11 mon. air.. U,beoa, we regret to say. has not been very robust alms •. Arthur J. Bate. of Stratford. was in tows for • def or two 'art week combining • VIOL to his tether. Chao. Bates, with bu.ltera. Mr. Bare is in IM Western real opiate bodnwr And wade here armored of fifteen or twenty Wort ern town lots. The Wtrw.m Advance reverts that Dr. Cbk.bolm. M. P.. who had Men residing lo Toronto. intends returning to tiring ham to re- side e.side these main. Ile will rebuild bis bu.i,ees Nook 1n whereas which was partially de- stroyed by the recently J. L. KUloran returned lam week from a three week: visit to the Pacific Coact Be a greatly Smpre,ned. as all slaltos to the Chat are. with tb..nppl1d development of the olt7 00 Vancouver. w►fch le believes Jo dest:nd'10 be one of the great cities of the eoutiee0. Mr. Killoran also rutted Victoria and Seattle. :MORTGAGE SALE. UUader and by virtue of 'the power of sale contains' In • nnortgage dead the eleventh day of May. 11103• made by August:. H. 1111- 15..■. [tab w1lllaonw $culet H. W'iltlamsad Robert B. IYflllams we men -button. 1 here will be offered ft r rale by public wuctiuu at the Colborne Husee. in the town of Gderich, on Saturday, the 15th dal of .April. 1111. at 12. o clock nonm nil and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and prem(ser.'eituate. lying end being in the township of l'olborW an the crawl of Huron w. d Province of On- tario.being compo.edof lot number two and the south belt of lot number there fu the Lake read lu the east 00100 slo,. western dlvt.lon of the mid township of Colborne. and contain - um one hundred and fifty acre.• more or 1.4a, rave and except the right of way of the On- tario and Not Pbore hlectric Refiner Com- pany, running along the trent of the maid prop- erty. The tacit is known as the "WWlam. bowe,.e•d." un the property there le • trams hoose and barn. The whole fares ,r practically under culnvatloe. A worm, 1. meadow sad pasture. Tben, are • few acres of .snood growth boob on the place. There is good well water on the property. The Noll 1. • .aody loam. The property tis t0 • good forming die- trlot. It H 'shoat three ane a quarter miles from Ooderich and one -gunner mile tram Dunlop. Tann* or Sets The pnrehamer w111 be re- quired to pal ten pus oent. of the purchase money at the time of sale and the balance at expiration of thirty day. hom nab male. For tun her parUsul•rs •ppl to THOS. GUNDRY. M L'I..AR t: SIMS. Anti. neer. Vendor r Solicitor.. Ooderich. Ont. Berlin. Ont Dated Mardi 21.1. 1511, 43-11 ADMINISTRATOR•8 SALE or vs LI.APLE MOWN PROPERTY. HUR8520. FURN i- TURL ETM'. I have been Inatrnded by the adminl.trators of the *'sate of the late Robert Orr ■d other. to offer for .ale by public auction at the fol- lowing Dunes on SATURDAY. APRIL 1ST: Rococo- The house. outbuilding• and land 114 iota,, on Maths street. belonging to the Re6art Orr estate, This U certainty one of the hest places In Oodench for a'nrdenlng par - env.. and le only • few minute.' walk from the Square. Also A new brick hoose and throe Iota on Egff. *venue, jolt on the border of the badness.sotlon of the town. The above pmpentee Moat be ob. u the dminletrator while. 10 olives tate eerie. HoRAc.. Ft-RYTTURR. RTO. The following article.. will •leo be offered for male ,r1 Light- hoosestreet, opposite the market. en the rams its, e. namely • One driving man, five year* old. vend and mole : 1 dining horse. tour sar+..04and. good ro*der : 1 d driving horse : 2beavy worklne horse ; 3 top btaggtee : 1 rod ler-atred top buggy . 1 robber tired Stanhope : 4 seta single Mrnw.s.: 3 good 11aht wagons : 1 omen' ; 1light sleigh ; I exeroleing cart ; 12.010 feet 1i Inch matched maple flooring; revers) plies 014d !umbel a quantity of brick and stow ; S1arye hotpheada. minable tor .4.- 1.15*: several large hW boxer : show cares whips : 2 da.tao' : ! Incubators : 2 tables : 4 bedsteads •` _I -boreal' : 1 brooder : 11 window beta 1 beaus therm. about J tons of hay1 • quantity of net/wished oats and a la of other a dales too nurnte►wa to mention. Tatem • Re•1 erode • Ten ppe.ct cent. of pnr- chu. 001.7 on day of rale B•Iwn.e In thirty days. Tie other timbales : Alt sum. of !MAO or ender. cash : 0,6( that .monnr three months' credit on htrnl.hing approved joint nota... or a dlaeeunt of Mx per nen. w111 be allowed for oast. The male wUl eo omens. at 1 0 cloet shorn on Lighthouse 0(0*!. For further Infoemeti.e to IiAP 01-NDRT. ROBERT ORR. ' Atmtlw.sr. AAddminlaersser. 11voo MBI. Oat. BORN. • DUFF.- in Dungannon. on March 21.t, to Mr. and Mrs. L U. butt; • von. BARMY. -1n Goderdch. on Saturday, Match 4th, to Mr. and Mr.. Hugh Hardy, a dauaah- ter. BAKER.-ln Gderich• on Fundy. Mash 10th. to Mr: ad Mr.. Wm. b. Baker. Quebec breed, a eon. MARRIED. NICHOLBON-DsWNG. At the borne of the rwide'r parenbs. 8L I0avld'o eroet,(lode- rich, on idauedity. March :Sib. by Rev. Ja.. Ha.ullton, Mier Lillian tirade Palmer, daughter of Mr. and Mn. Richard DeLoog. to chariest 7'. Nlrhoh.on. of Port Huroo, formerly of Ooderich. JORDAN - BATTLRB. - At Coburn and Union mama, (loderich, on Tuesday. Malta 'let by Rev. Jae. Hwultun, Mir. Rhoda batt5Jtlese., ► dto•F. of M• . each Mrs. 7beaas J. Jordan, all u( GodMoh towmhip. DIED. BTRAUGHAN. - .51 t'llulon, on Saturday. Mares 25th. Junu...a Str,ngtau, wooed youngmt (lnughter of kdwaad eltraugh•o, uoaertch. building. OEM-- in t;odertch township, on 5 rlday, March 14th, E11eu Doie1L beloved wife of Tbom•a V.e, aged a 30.r •1. 1 month. ■d 21 days. LOM;. -In Goderbh, on nide). March 241h. Charles Lorsg, sired 71 years. HYSWP.-In London, on Friday. March 24th. Robert L. Hyslop. aged It ye•n.. LUST.- In Ooderlob. on Sashay. March Mth. Mary • uby, evUot of tee late John Luby. 0.700 fit yuan. Y. M. C. A. BANQUET. SUCCESSFUL. ANNUAL FUNCTION OF GODERICH ASSOCIATION. President Robertson Outlines Plans for the Coming Season -Addresses by Henry Yeigh, of Brantford, Rev. J. Pollock, Rev. Dr. Dougall and Dr. H. I. Strang. The annual Y. M. C. A. banquet, held in the Association rooms halt Fri- day evening. was the means of bring- ing together a party or, over sixty, in- cluding member+ of the Association and business men who are interested in the work or the organisation in Goderich. The tidier' auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A. proved excellent caterers, and after the inner wants of every guest had teen supplied the table were cleated and A. M. Robertsou, president of the Y. M. C. A., called the gathering to order ani a program of 'peaches. int-rsper•sed with a piano solo by 0. lie King, vocal solos by A. survived hy three brothers and four E. ('ook and Mr. Fowler and mando- rioters : WilliaroI Devon ; M lee , lin selections by A. Shore, was carried of Los Angeles ;e, Patrick, in Albrrta ; to a successful conclusion. Mrs. Dwyer sod Mrs. Batey, of De• Mr. Robertson, in his opening re- tram . Mrs. Foie of Chicago, and marks, reviewed the work of the Amit (' y• aR elation during the past year and pointed Mrs. Farr, of Goderich. The remalne out the progress wad.+ in the different. were conveyed to Clinton, where ser- out of work undertaken. For the vices were conducted in the Catholic coming summer he. outlined proposed fee intery ment wast mhor it Du nn Hullett plane along athletic lines andru Carbolic cemetery on Monday.The re Rested the organization of beball ' and football leagues in town, which pallhealem were Michael Floe., J B. might prove to be as successful as the Kelly, Wm. Kelly, John Reynold•, town hockey league had been. The Patrick Reynolds and Jos. Dwyer. organising of the Boy Scouts was Straaghan. mention ed as a successful venture of With startling suddenness came the married while living at Melancthou, but his wife died before be returned to Colborne. Three brothers and a sister survive: James Long, of Ben - miller ; Samuel, of Guelph ; Matthew, of Clinton, and Mrs. Alex. Roharuoo, of Goderich. The last two or three months he had been at the home of hie sister. The tuners.' took pace on Monde to Colborne cemetery, Rev. Geo, P. Boss officiating.iThe pall- bearers were Robert Douglas. Wm. Blair, W. C. Potter, Alex. Stirling, WM. J. Cox and Jaa. Colwell, Kelly After a ten days' Illness John J. Kelly. of Clinton, pawed away Thurs- day of last week at the home' of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly, Church street, Goderioh. He was in his forty-fifth year, The deceased had lived in Clinton for some time past and while in town on a visit he .vas taken ill, moulting in his demise. For melded yeats he had eided in De Poo., where be was foremen in the Michigan Stove Works. Lauer he vin the Union hotel, Ooderich, and aft.,- wends AS engaged in the. same busi- ness at Kinra•dine before removing to Clinton. lie WAS married nhout n sa- teen years ago and is outvoted by bar widow and three children. He also is last Sj e se which will be continued dur- log the coming summer. ttev. J. Pollock. pastor of the Bop- tist church, was the next speaker. He dealt with the spiritual and intel- lectual condition of man today and showed bow the Y. M. C. A. has helped to further- knowledge of Christ in the civilized world. Rev. Dr. Dougall followed with an address He gave five re LOOS why Y. M. C. A. work should 1'e supported in Ooderich. it provides a place of good resort• open to boys and men without danger ; strange' a can make good companions there; it is a place of pleasure : the Scout ,movement ie a good one and worthy of support, and in Y. M. C. A. work ,t young man coo find a piece to serve his fellows. The Doctor believed a paid 'secretary was needed, elan larger rooms and a gymnnriuui. He suggested the town hall site as a good one for ouch a Free Instruction. Commencing with Mond•v. April ltd, and coDLlnetine each day until Mstnrday, April Rah, Miss Fenton, ex- pert operator for the White Sewing e Machine Co., will he at Tho»nn'• Music Store to give Institut-Geese on the "White" &ttaoh.wOta AR own. rs o rig "Whin" wishing special fro ettuetinn are invited to take •dven- loge of this offer. No charge. every- thing free. Ail pennon thinking of buying • new maenine are also M- elted to call end they wIU readily coodervtard why the '•Whito- I. timed '•Klug of all Mewing Ma- nilas..' Rtenweabee the Rees, •ad take *4 ventage of the offer. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Mar. 30th Page For Your piney The Sterling lank of Can - da .IP Spring elbow at C1 otos--C. E. Dowding, Sec. roar, 4 When Spring Comes -TF. Hero. ... . 2 Two Great Bargain Days -J. H. Colborne .. 4 Readers -O. T. R Spring Claming Time -D. Millar it too .1 Notice -Daniel McLeod.. ..... .. ... 1 Fencing --Howell Hardware Co. ,.. 1 Readers - C. P R Servant Wanted Mr'.. T. H. Brow.1M "" 1 Reader,. -F. F. Lawrence. ....:. 4 Boys' Clot hong- W. C. Prldham 4 Reeder J. 5'. Thomson W all PnperColonial Book Store ...-8 - OurMArtln-Senour Paint -Fred. RuntServant Wanted -Alexandre HoaplW 1 spring Styles of Thieved 8,lto-Madgeas Bro.. Young Man Wanted 1 d -i' L Stahleker Farm for tab Jacob !lick 1 Durham Bull-Jcokt . 1 Silverware- N alter H.Homilies.arrl.o0 .."' ... Fruit Trees Homilies.Ronnie. •... 1 Selling 000 Caaueroap. l Dertmantr11110e 1 Hoon, for Sate- G. M. kneed • 1 Servant Wanted -Mrs. J. L Moore Reader. L R. Wielys........ W1111 Ferment Dale erl.ss t- Caaaakii.bgni. Aomlon Bak- Mee. Albert Mitchell 1 Readers Balmoral (rise. 5 AUCTION SALES. FRIDA V. M..•.• % 310. AlMlon al at farm .reek. Snelmit ng fon•?•en rand draft gel- ding. and mores freer one year .Id en, .lglitern head M rattle and :ropKtor Dave Chorohit1. lot 111.se •^.•..echos, 04. Dnd.rrich toweahlp. Troost. Ore me". auctloneer. l4an-Rn0r. April le. - Admtnl.usto✓. .wis of vv"ah). property. (lotted: b. the estate of the ate Robert Orr. and horn boon ma ere. Roeser Ono, MmiMahar TROD. Gcrn'v, anetIateer. Wsocaxsoay. apr0 6th. -Auction hie .( farm mock and implement.: protan' of George C. Thompson. let M, esuessad••n O, Hol - Mt Everything 10 rw, as proprietor has rented IoM farm. Twoea. GI Array, ane loner Morn. T. April Sed. - Auction sale of tan actor of good beth wad tiny oor . of bag wood : property of J. C. Red and Thom*. Browne., lot 12NetyA.tet read, Stanley. Tilos A4 (J t *DRY. a•etlaa..5 8.i- RI*T, April wit--{-leeasing suet isn rale of hon.etroto furniture and tnrnlsblapi kobng lig to Mrs. Robert Thompson at her erodes**. armee of V Nara and Pieta .t10P1. Rode • Everything to be std wit hoot revers. Thomson i. leaving tieder4ch Tama Thomson, l'lrnraT al'r1lo .f. Mown . r, A pr11 "kr' A °ouoe .we. of Arm eonrwtoOsock04 Imlup. leNnegw1 nlih.vwpw 4 ,, at 1 o'ebt lon lig, .learn Ib ARO,. M•'H arm, wow lobo. I Toms .,1 sn•r •nononeer Thr deth ret (:harlea 'slog recrossed T, DADA, April tau. Ane(len Matt 01 on Friday last at the home of bin lion turnum u,i. and remind o. the= brother -in -low, Alex. Rohrritaoe. Wit- tiest -int • of 34,- Alhwe Mk.aMl, iaerate eo nm.n..•lag a. 1!t .here as wnniw road Mt Long bad re•obeil tit "OM t, •eeUnwwe. the *g. of seventy - we rare. and R.n:R'., April dmf Auction els et • . greet lewa t of his life s spent in eom t. ; at ~ 0e feta • litriwleh and vicinity A native of rged ler t .""4140 reef : •1.e fsaaas. o4p., , y ret eeenn .R let en, •serer hogs.: Mltssrel on hvland. he muse to ColMeige town - the ow owner se Lambs,1 ....•d wPan( t, etaq wit whip with hie Perot"' wired • bop. M wows, r. u , da gimp to Upon reaching young manhood he sus •..41.7+ kIw JnaR =p , M moved to Mstwnrthon. wheegt he 'fl- int Otrrtrwv. agetlaaea. In tonne , but Attester vests intaloer Aprilfftk. 111.. Mem gh ytoT jM r.{at In (ktlMwtie tolder- 1eyvo., I. sd14 _br55llthM•a'Marspry•q •p'. wards 0003'1105 80 O..dlerbb- fir• ked •fl'wta. ee•wt.:./ w tM.wR. a s h..• y tamR T •betaee 'ewe+ st Ovtrt - - afMu.w. H Henry Yeipb, ,of Brantford. gave the Speech of the evening. He ex- pressed himself as touch gratified with the report of the work already under- taken or planned in connection with the Association here, such M teachers' training closes and athletics. He em- phasized the tact tbat the Association was a child of the church end that the churches Should assist in carrying on Y. M. C. A. work. It also served as a bond of union for the churches and, concluding. he pointed out the tier - reaching effect for good which Y. M. C. A. work had upon the civilized world. Dr. Strang then moved that * vote of thanks he passed to the speakers and entertainers for their pert in the program and also to the ladies auxili- aa y for the important work it bad dune towards waking the banquet the success it was. He stated reasons why Y. M. C. A. work .holtld he con- tinued in Ooderich end advocated the engaging of a paid mecretary. Dr. Emmerson seconded the vote - of thanks. This concluded the evening's pro- gram and after the singing of the Na- tional Anthem the gathering dis- persed. OBITUARY. Oke - announcement last Saturday morning of the death in Clinton hospital of Miss Johanna Straughan. second youngest daughter . of Edward Suaugbao, Nelson street, Ooderich. The deceased lady lied entered Clinton hospital just two weeks previous and on the %Vednesday following her admittance a successful operation was performed to relieve a throat ailment. There were good prospects of a ( peedy recovery when pneumonia set in, re- sultiog fatally as stated above. Mies Straughan was born in ('olhorne town- ship n had resided in Goderioh for the past tvg s years. She was held in the higbTTt esteem by a lsrge circle of frienus. She is survived by her father sod foor brothers sad three sisters : George, of Goderich ; James. on the Bth conce'seion of Colborne; Edwanl, of Parkland, Alto.; Albert, of Sapulpa. Okl.- ; Mre. W. H. Ball. of Mullett .- Mr.. J. 1'. Goldthorpe, of Saltford, and Mrs. (3. Faroubar, of Mullett. Mrs. Straugban, the de- ceased's mother, passed sway only four weeks pteviou's, on the '214t ult. The funeral took place on Tuestley afternoon from the family e 'eesridencr, Nelson street, to Colborne 4einetery. Rev. Geo. E. Rose hoot charge of the funeral soe vises and w.0 assi.ted by Rev. Mr. Hamilton and Jae. Mitchell. The palls eaters were four nephews : Ed. Straughan, Ed. Ball, Norman Ball, Howard Fro qubar, end two courios, Will Straus,hoan and Arthur Straughan. The sorrowing relatives have the sympathy of the entire com- munity in their bereavent.me Paterson. The death of Mrs. John G. Paterson mother of Mrs. J. M. Field of town took place suddenly at Agineontt on 13aturday, in her sevensy-second year. The Toronto World makes the follow- ing reference : Inexpressibly touching and follow- ing closely on the anniversary of the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. John 0. Paterson, came the death at stn early hour on Saturday morning of Mn. Paterson from heart failure. Although not in especially good health, and somewhat wearied from the excitement incidental to the great occasion, no anxiety was entertained regarding Mrs. Paterson and the news of her demise canoe ea a great shock to the family. The golden wedding took place on Tuesday afternoon, and all the members of the fondly, though re- maining over for a day ..r two, had re- tuned home with the exception of Mrs. Stover. of New York, wbo had reenaine'l over et the hotneeteod. The death of Mesa Peterson took place .bout:f.'1n on Msturday morning and was "'bully unexpected. The de- eeaee•d hill was in her seventy-second year, uiA ie survived, besides her hue - hand. by a family of two sone and four daughters. The sons are : William H., deputy -reeve of Scarbm'o, &nd Robert at home. The daughters are Mrs. McNair. of 221* Crawford street, '1'nionto: Mrs. Ale. Donaldson, of Milliken ; Mrs. Edward Stover, of New York, and Mrs. Field, of God. - rich. Ex -Rewe Litman Kennedy and John H. Kennedy, .of this villoge, and V. A., of 8carhoro villsge, are broth- ers, and there are greeted sister.. A woman of deep religions life, and one dewily beloved in the village nd• townatip, the death of Mr. Pater•» removes one of Meerhnrn. brat -knows and deeply respected resident's. - Mee. Field ws. on bet wayhome from her visit to Agincoer•t wen sbe received the sad news of her mother's death. She returned to Agincourt for the funeral, which took place no Mon- day. i►r. Field also attendant the fon- oral. Lein The Mee Is of Mre Mary Luhy. w•Mow of the Into John Ceiba +blob Oomarred no Sunday last et be, horny on the Honor read removed ►m old resident. of Goderioh. The deoessed tied reached the great Nee of oisetT- two years. She Iran one of the early satiety al Ooltmrne, rooting to the township ohoet sixty ream ate+ Her early days Were spent at Onbourg. The Net rare of bar lite were spent as After an illness extending over sev- eral years Ellen Dovell. wife of Thomas Oke, departed this life on Fri- day of last weak. at her home on the Huron maid, Ooderich township. =he was in her sixty fourth year. She wan a native of England Mat the greeter part rf ber life was spent In (olh orne and (loderich townships. amides her Mu,"wand her death is mourned hy a tons'' of two sons and three daughter". They are Mrs. J.•hn Halliday, of (i.wleticb ; Moe. Rote., t Thont'peon, of Ooderich township ; Mrs. Alva Way, of McKillop ; Martell Oke. of Benmiller, and Rtu.ell, of Ooderich. Abe also is survived by two broths,. and three sisters :.iohn and William Dowell, In the West ; Mrs. ('. H. Apron', of Cannington ; M. Rohh, of Clinton, end hire. Pneksrim, of And - ley. Ont. 'the funeral took pia -e on M•.ndev afternoon to M.itland tvem.- t.•r,, Rev. Dr. Medd having charge of the (unere'servicer. The pallbearers were John HaHidn •, Robert Thmm - son, Alva Way, Wil.on (►te, 0. H. Mpr rel and A Murria The bereaved family and r•ehativee will share in the sympathy of the eomrnnnity in *be loge abash they Nay sustain• d. SPRING ASSIZES WILL OPEN ON TUESDAY, APRIL 111h. lived la tows the Inst fit saes~ eosdoeabeg a market ration. . was Two Murder Cases to Be Tried -Sir Glenholme Falconbridge to Be the Presiding Judge-Jard;ns s buys posed Confession Still in tis Dark. c The Huron spring &seise , which will be unusually eventful from the fact that two murder canes are to come up Inc trial, will open in Godo- rich nu 'I'.0 eday, April 11th. The presiding judge will te- Mir ellenhoime b'alconhrid1e. Chief Justice of the Queen's Bench division, It is likely that the two murder case's will be beard first. Edward Jardine will be charged with the mur- der of Lizzie Anderson, and George Vanetune with the killing of his five- year-old .ono Freddie. The circum stances in oonnection with these cases are fresh in the recollection of read- ers of The Signal. Nothing further bas transpired in connection with Jardine's reported confession. It le said by some who profess to know something about it that Jardine did actually make a con- fession of some kind or other ; but the authorities are keeping very close mouths and nothing definite can be learned. George Tate Blackstock, K. C. who gave Jardine such a griddling at the coroner's inquest, will be the prosecuting Crown counsel at the as - rises, and the confession, if any has been made, will no doubt be in his band.. As the time of the trial ap- proaches, popular interest in the case is again becoming very active, and the progress of the trial will be followed closely by the people who wish to sew the mystery of the death cf poor Liz- zie Anderson cleared up. a resident of Ooderich. She leaves one son, J. P. Luhy, and one daugh- ter, Miss Luby, both residing in town. The interment took place in the Cath- olic cemetery on Tuesday ' morning. atter mass in 81« Peter's church ENGINEER EARITH GIVEN HIS FREEDOM. Sentence Suspended on Man Who Had Charge of Light Engine in the Drumbo Wreck. Woodstock, Mai eh 28. -Robert W. Earith, Grand Trunk engineer on the light engine which caused the train wreck At Drum")) un February 415 in which rix persons were killed, was charged before Judge Britton at the R3eise3 here today with manslaughter in killing Peter Macfarlane, of Gude- rich, one of the victims of the seer dent. Earith pleaded guilty. His counsel, T. C. Robinette, K. C., of Toronto, pleaded for mercy on the grounds of gocd character and the neroistn displayed by the prisoner in sticking to the engine and helping in the rescue work, though seriously injured. 0. L. Blackstock, K. C.. Crown prosecutor, joined in the plea for leniency-, and contrasted the prisoner's conduct with that of Con- ductor Meectan, who ran away. Judge Button let the prisoner go on suspenbtd sentence. WANT CAMP AT GODERICH. Men of Kent Regiment Hope to Train Here in Jnoe. The Chatham News in its report of & meeting of the officers of the 24th Kent Regiment last week says : Coneldetrable discussion was in- dulged in by the officers in regard M the probable location for the spring training camp. It is expected that they will go to Godericb for two weeks' manoeuvres during the month of June. The men are 10 favor of this location for a camp and it is to be hoped that the department will decide in favor of sending them to (iodetich. An Expreasson from Clinton. The Clinton New Ere said editori- al) last week : Indication* point to the pprohahility of the permanent location the militia camp et Ooderich, on the Atlrill prop- erty. No wore eligible site could be chosen and the Government will make no mist,ke in completing the negotiations. if beauty of situation. ample acoomm.tdatinn and health- fnlnt'as of powitJon count for any- thing then Gods' ick has it and should get the camp. Are You Going West ? P.usenger. hearing Gnderich for the West will find the G T R. ,t most . v,nvenient tutu,,. They eon lore (indendh wt COO p. m. and lake • tourist train at Stratford which nun• right through to FAmonton without change, otopp.ng at *11 points on the Gland Trunk Pacifies Railway System. The first through train from Stratford will leave on 7'ue.day. April 4th, and thereafter these will be a similar train once a week. every T.areday. Berths In *loopiest may he secured At A very Mw rots', and reerrvstinna nay be made and Octets pr.cntrd tet the ..Mrs. of F It. Lawrence., town ticket egoist (3. T. All Inforseatiot. ebwerf.ully turoiehed. Do not forget to .-rent''' rF. 1.awresee it yo.. sr* thinking orioles Went. Nervus* as Seta! *111 bre Sold next Monday in Victoria street rhumb. Her. Dr. Medd w111 preach. Good mrssic-bre seat.