HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-3-16, Page 81 R t.wereumt. lilYC'U 1111 NE CREATIONS 1 WALL PAPERS We have just passed through the customs spec- ial Imported Wall Papers which are entirely differ- ent from those commonly shown. These Papers attract favorable atten- tion,and reflect good taste in color as well as in pat- tern, and people of taste commend them. Prices range from 15c to 75c per roll, while the Canadian Papers range in price from 55�C, per roll up to 25c. � wYgaesrr imagine T 6e CdNial BM Store 0140. PORTER, Prop. Phone UV_ God erich SPRING TERM FROM APRIL 3 CORAL OPERA HOUSE GROCERY FOW door off Square, Kinofilm St. neer ything M Groceries Freers. Pure arta Good EXPECTED THiS WEEK Fresh Tomatoes Lettuce Radish Rhubarb --Long juicy stalks Maple Syrup Buckwheat Flour -in bulk ; and self -rising, in 10c and 15c packages. Apples Fresh hand-repicked Baldwins ; also in quarts and gallons -ready for the table -or for pies, pud- dings, etc. Pigs, Prunes, Peaches, Apricots ani Dried Apples. Ftreh. Melt and Smoked Fish. Headquarters for choice Butter and fresh Egps. Jno. W. Vanatter Opera House, Block 'Phone t64 lGngstoe Street 0T11M ATrOtvo. 0T. ✓r W hat. three departments - Com- mK•iel e•eaaesd .ed Telegraphyy- All onsmes are llteroeg� sed pte.tfe•t Ts. teaching V dews fy seven experienced mei rafters sod we wee presets in good este.► sae. of lean year's students are now earning $1 .I .t4per esteem or better. r tadeaA.r.enter t each week. Tib M lipoid time for you to enter. Writ. for err tree cstalerne at once 504 learn what errcaadoteryea. 1o. A. McLAcuwi, Prl..IpsL DON'T FORGET that W. R. PINDER is *the man" when you have anything to do in the line of Plumbing. Heating, Electric Wir- ing, Roofing - and all kind. of Metal Work. Sole agent for "Brant- ford Roofing", which is put up in seven different weights and styles, to Bait all classes of build. Ings. 'Phone 155 or call at store. HAMILTON STREET W. R. Pinder ww�/wr. COWAN' PERFECTION COCOA Is good for Growing Girls and Boys -and they Wee it. It nourishes then little bodies and makes them healthy and strong. Cetvaa's COCOA, es you get it from your gr•cer, is absolutely pure. its deicer. dvr is ebtaised by the We of 111e lug est grade of Cocoa be.aa .kafaliy bladed. Noshes is added to impair the (te.kh- beldas properties of the Coca. lm t'' r Do Yon Use Cowan's Cocoa ? -/1 Miss Donogh announces her spring milliner opening for Tue.day, March 21st, and followin r days. 1 O O Special Now in the time to buy your wedding presents for the coming season or something that you may need for your own use at home. Come and see our BARGAINS IN FLATWARE Every article in our EAST window is greatly reduced. We have a number of pieces of Flatware which we ate offering at very low prices. as we must have the room for our new spring stock. The pieces we have reduced are all the best quality silver plate. made by the best manufacturers, 2 BERRY MPOONS, each, regular $2.60, reduced to 51.00 3 PIR SERVERS. each. regular *2.60, reduced t o .... 51.00 3 Pie Servers. each. regular *2.00. teduoed to .. ....51.10 4 Butter Knives, each, regular $1.26, reduced to 3 ('old Meat Forks. each, regular $1.50, reduced to........ III Sugar Shelly, each. regular 85c, reduced to 1 Pea Server, reviler *8.01, reduced to.... ..... t ('hocce Scoop, regular *2.00, reduced to Half dozen Better Spreaders, regular $2.50` at. . daft-doaen Orange Spoons, regular $3.50, at. Half -d( sen Orange Spoons, regular *8.10, at Hall -dozen Berry Forks. regular S4•00, at Hell down Berry P'orkv, regular St.511, at Ifo 00e •OO 51.70 51.10 51.50 52.00 .51.7• 5=.50 52.00 3 carer Fruit Knives, with pearl handler. In neat leather t• rz ; regular •8.50 -- Special. 53.50 1.doeen ('uffee Apoon'. 1 pair Sugar Tongs and *'ream Ladle, is lined bow. Raoul/ix *8.75. Special .. _ .$4.00 Our Fist window 1. filled with BARGAINS. Nash article is marked In plain Agnew, WALTER H. HARRISON C P M Mertes �en...s... C. P N K arch Inspector I.weller and Optimise On the tlqu.M oawwI11111111O4111100.1.111.O THE SIGNJAI, : GO'tDERIC11; ONTARIO DISTRICT NEWS. 5T. HCLENS. ....:.. W EtutaSDA Y, March Il6tb. harlot. -Mies Marlow MoPbeeeoa, ut Clinton hoepit•l, spent • few days visiting friends here Mr. and Mrs. John Reid, of Algoma, are visit- ing friends in this vicinity.... _ Little Evan McDerlald.returned to his hon oo the boundary on Monday, after visiting hie grandparents for some time ..Miss Lizzie Miller spent Sun- day at her home here .......Quite a number from here attended the non• cert et Lucknow on Saturday evening We are sorry to report that W. J. Todd is not improving as rapidly as his man friends would like e W.P.M.S.Th niet at the home of Mn. Hyde on Wednesday of last week..... Mid Humpbrey brought home a Ane teem last week. The price he paid was I1400. Jas. Joynt, principal of Blyth school, spent *Sunday with his mother ..Rev. Mr. Tate, of Teas - water, will preach in Calvin church here next Sabbath. not al the beet thing Don- ald A. ¥atJtwon left last Thursday for elosttharn Alberta, wbere 1'e in - Lauda residing for a few ntantttai..... Jas. Uo[eourtck has again returned to the po tomue *row Detroit. Jim says Hatt be will soon koow every ends post between here and Detroit. Mor Hill and Malcolm McLeod, Uhl. ergo, Angus Mcleod, Hamm(.pd, (11.. and Harty Mcleod, Louisiana, who had been attending the funeral of ei their soother. Mn. Archibald McLeod. last Wednesday, were renewing ae- qualatanoes in this section and vicin- ity on Thursday Misr Tee Dick- son. who had spent the winter 0i Tor- onto, arrived at the parental home last week That the winter is about "over and gotta" was signalled today by the welcome appearsooe of the Ant robins in this diutrtct Sickness to somewhat prevalent in tbe section at tbe present time. Very little improvement is noted in the tier - bells illness of Donald McLeod, of the sideroad, while Mrs. Alex. Campbell and Mrs. Rod. Cameron are laid up with severe colds and grippe Far- quhar Matheson has arrived bome from Alberta, where, we understand, he bap secured a tract of land consist- ing of =acres acres Mrs. Mustard, of. Chi, is visiting at Mrs. W. MaDUNGANNtNI. 1)R.N1sWToN, DENTIST, OF • Lueknow, has oes.+ed visiting outride n putnte and will henceforth jive hie maim attention to the home oRoe, Liwknow, where Ws be found every day. All modern meth- NOTIOS.-THE LOCAL AGENCY 1 ad - I° moa tor The 8lsual is at the Poes- omus and Stationery Storewhet*l orders will b e renewed for subscriptions, vertWna and job work, and receipts will be meso for amounts maid for the same. WEDNESDAY, March 15th. Jame' Gibson is moving from the . village to his farm at Prosperity. J. Glover and family, of Paisley. visited at the Mallough House last Sunday. T. G. Allen is getting his lumber teamed in from Luckuow statiod at present. Mrs. H. Walters bas moved into the dwelling in connection with Scott's jewellery store. Miss Better, of Milverton, arrived Tuesday of this week to take charge of Chas. Elliott'' millinery department for this season. J. H. Medd intends having an auc- tion sale of about forty horses on Sat- urday, March 18th. Charles Fowler left Tuesday morn- ing for Goderich, wbere he has a posi- tion in the'Wheel Rigs factory. Rev. Mr. Scott,.of Toronto, premis- e./ in the Presbyterian church lass Sunday. He- is expected to take the service melt Sunday as well. ASHFIELU. WEDNEsDAY, March 15th. WEODINo.--The marriage was sol- emnized on Wednesday. March 8th, of Mies Mary McKenzie. of Lochalsh, to Donald McCharles, of this township In the evening a reception was held 1 the groom's handsome new residence and was participated in by about 126 friends of the oung couple. The evening was spent in music and danc- ing. The company left for their homes about daybreak, wishing Mr. and Mrs. JicCbarle' many years of wedded happiness. DEATH OF JOHN WERKTER.-One of the old residents of this township has been removed by the death last Fri day of John Webster. of the 8th line. Mr. Webster was in his eigbtitth year and was ill only a few days before his death. He was a native of Tipperary county, Ireland, and when a young man he came to this country and to this vicinity about the year 1866. S.'ver•al blathers accompanied hien to thio country, but with the exoeption of Thomas Webster all have passed away. A sister, Mrs. Morrison, lives in Ireland. Mrs. Webster died eigL- teeninontbs ago. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon to Green Hill cemetery and was uuder the sur picee of the Orange lodges of Luck - now and Maple Grove, LOOHALSH. MONDAY, Mar. 13th. DIED AT CHICAGO. -The funeral of Mrs. Archibald McLeod, whose death occurred In Chicagnon Saturday,lUareh 4th, took place last Weonesdsyy from the residence of Mr., K. J. McLeod, Lucknow. The deceased bad reached the advanced age of eighty-nine years and was formeriy a resident of Hem- ock City. 1 ' THE LATE REV. DR. MCDONALD.- :1 number from the *sbfeld Presby- terian congregation attended the fun- eral of the late Rev. Dr. McDonald, of Kincardine, which took piece at that town on Saturday, the 4th iu't. Dr. McDonald was formerly pastor of the Aehfleld congregation tor some years, and the sad news of bis death was re- ceived with much regret by many in this district. ARRIVED FROM ENGLAND. -Dr. W. Chambers, formerly resident in this section, passed through here last Thursday on his way to visit his sister, Mrs. M. McKenzie, Lake Shore road. The Doctor has just arrived from England, where he ham been taking a special course in the London hospitals tor some time back, and in- tends leaving for the Northwest in a few days, with the intention of set- ting up a practice in one of the towns in that country, probably Fort Wil- liam. Owing to his wide experience, both medical and otherwtse, the Doc- tor will be well equipped for exercis- ing his profession, and the good wisher of bis friends will follow bine wherever he may take up his abode. S('AOOL REPORT. -Following is the report of U. 8. 8. Igo. 4, Ashfield, for the month of P'At•usry, Names ap- pear in order of merit. Those marked with An asterisk (•1 were absent for one or more examinations: Sr. IV. - Alex. Campbell, Mary Bark well, Annie MoLenoan, Alex. McLeod, "Bain Stewart. Jr. i V.-Liella Fin. layson, Frank McLennan, D. A. Mc- Lennan, Kenneth McLeod, Cameron Campbell. Sadie McDonald. 8r. 111. - Clifford Oannell. Jr. I11. -Wm. J. Ensign, *R. D. McDonald. Sr. 1L - Donald Campbell, John McLeod, Mar. garet McLennan. Jr. I1. -Mary Fin- syooq, Dan McRae, Jessie McDonald. Pt. IL -Margaret McLeod. Sr. (.- Helen Moline. Perfect in attendance: Alex. McLeod. K. McLeod. John Mc- Leod, Duncan Finlayson, D. A. Mo - Leeman and Clifford Cannell. Num - her on roll, 25. Average attendance, 27 83. EDGAR RoBB, Teacher. No'rrn.-John MoKenale, of the t boundary, has peen laid up for the last few days with grippe and incip- ient pneumonia, but. It is hoped that be will soon be restored to his usuei health The friends of John Cow- an. jr., are pleased to see hint again en Ida feet after having experienced a very severe attack of quinsy. Jack thinks that this poles out at night. is yopA Free De., gar(y;A s are Many fee ur t M masa sew eery Wepions slplalslss 4a Mu - dents,. apypw Iarfe�.vK - e Crter. N7` Klih, tHt1w fr a: et eY- ___.a Roder my time ELLIOTT BUSINESS COU.E0B (leo. sores .esu Maltawsea Sasn. Taus *a SPRING TERM ,linakris ssM2 t_tee"FI a'('a:M(e,.24atM:re oe ♦.iter eri r tea 77Is THE SIGNAL'S. CLUBBING LIST 1911-I1 THE. SIGNAL and Toronto Weekly Globe AJp Toronto Deer 0101M dew Msutreal Family Herald sad Weekly Star • 2.0 e Weekly Bun 1Torootol 1.00 Toronto belly star 1.20 Toronto Dally World. 1.50 Toronto Daily News =,yb Toronto Weekly Mail sad Smote Let Farmer's Advocate 2.35 Canadian Farm hat Or with ,.bolos of one of Ralph Coe nor s Books- The Sky Pilot, The Man from Glengarry Black Rook, The Doctor acrd The Prospector 2.00 Fermi and Dairy 1.75 Winnipeg Weekly Free Pres, 1.a0 London 14117 Advertiser. ,,p, London Weekly Advertiser...,1.e) Lander] Daily Free Pres Morning gdIuon gee Kvening Ed1Uon.. ......... 295 Montreal Rally WItoees , rids Montreal weekly Wittier • 1,85 World Wide 2,95 Western Home Montkly (Wlanl- segi 1.00 Presbyterian 2.95 Westminster 2.2.5 Presbyterian and W eetalmtee143 Catholic Register. 1.70 Baterday Night (Toren tol... au) Beer Mao's Magazine ... 2.50 }tants JournallTorentos 1.73 Thew Theprfeee are tor addresses 1n Canada or Oreat Britain. Lippincott'. Mata:ins Y GS Ieclndins postage to Canadba eubecrlbera Youth's r'ompanlon (Boetanl tic including postage to Canadian eebsoil bore. Women's Rams CLmpsotso (New vorkl• 9.70 Inoleding postage to Camilla snbrortbera Tie above pnbtkatbma easy be ob tabbed by Memel .ubaceibete la any combination, the price for any piddles' tion being Use aware Riese above Ina *100 nspresenung the prise of The Mu - For Instance • The Mama sod the Weakly bleb. 1111.015 The Panner's Advocate itis nee SLIM Maklet the pine et the Nue Meer, aro Tho missal and TM wawa Bu. s fbe_yorwnta Des Our ism Ina Toe Weekty Gl.b f*ta 1st *AN .w Lei OM the rase papers ist111111 It t M petM'ed.. yea greet 1s est in shove Ile. let me tee. Ws ma supply %leant any well•tswr QeMlaa pe► neuron. gond wrlervieeMe. through, Nal agent or by peetnlaeenr eztwaw seder to OAS THE SiGiNAL PVINTiN6 CO. Li*rry WAN SEE The New Spring Milline FORMAL OPENING DISPL THURSDAY, MARCH 23, AND FOLLOWING DAYS At 2 o'clock on the afternoon of Thursday, March 23rd, we formally open our Millinery Show Room forSpring,1911. There will be an exceptional display of high-class Millinery, such as we have rarely, if ever, before shown. The season's leading and most favored styles are fully represented. You are cordially invited to attend and study them at your leisure.' Formal Spring Opening commences.Thursday, March 23rd, at 2p. m. i Women's Handsome Tailored Suits $12.50 These Suits are made from a pure wool French X'enetian. The skirt is cut in one of the season's most popular styles. The coat is the new short effect and has an exceedingly natty appearance- -a very stylish suit, well made, well trimmed, properly cut and put together ; it is, by long odds, the best we have ever offered at anything near the price -black, navy, brown ; any size. Very $12 50 special at Other Suits, all good styles and good values... .515.00, 518.00, 520.00 and 525.00 Some Exceptional Values in New Lawn Waists New Lawn Waists, exceptionally good styles and exceptionally good value, area big feature this week. Properly cut and not stinted in material• the lit is perfect, plain tailored effects or the more fancy garments trimmed with handsome embroidery inset - don. A splendid collection to choose from. At 51.00 Waist of Ane India lawn or muslin, new sleeve, handsome embroidery insertion -garments with good style, made from serviceable material. Each, only A Waist at 51.65 These are exceptionally good Waists for the money. The material is of sheer India lawn, and the trimmings of high- grade Swiss embroidery insertion and tucking -really $1.65 extra good value at 'Tailored Waists , Several good styles in these very popular and dressy gar- ments. Made from fine lawns, mercerized vestinge or Hue linen, medium wide tucks -garments that bare style. 00 $2. At, each 51.25. 51.50 and IN 25 Sample Waists front (of $1.VV Twenty -live only Semple Muslin and Embroidery Waists. Garments that are pertect in every way, carried on the mad a couple of months as samples. Regular prices run 5 �A.� from *1.25 to *7.50. Clearing now at Seto to `i If you want a really handsome waist at a reduced price, you are not likely to get a better chance this season. 27 -inch embroidery 65c . This is an eiceedingly pretty Embroidery, the design being new and uncommon. T h e material is plain muslin with fine cord about one half-inch apart. The workmanship is of a high order. and the designs very new - an extra good Embroidery for this money. %social atper yard: 65c 0 Fine Corset Cover Embroidery 39c Cornet Cover Embroidery, full width, fine nainsook with handsome edges, and dots or eyelets embroidered peer the full width of the materia'. Regular 50c and up. Special at, per yard, only 39c New Motor Veils and -Scarfs --about the handsomest lot we have ever shown• will he more popular than ever this season. Dresden, Persian. and beaded effects, also plait' colors. New designs in all the gorier colorings E a c h, 1110e, • 1 .0 0 to .34.50 .A Navy Serge 75c Forty - eight - inch Navy suiting Serge, Indigo dye. worsted flnieb. heavy enough to retain its sbape when made up, will stand no end of wear, just.ia this week. wiasc At. per yard. only...... �J Nigh -grade Suiting Serge 52.25 Petra quality Suiting Serge, made from the finest Australian wools ; colors absolutely test. Beautiful quality for the high - class tailored suit Black or navy only. A t, per $2.25 yard ...... .... .... 50c Dress Goods Some particularly good values in new spring Drew materials at this popular price -plain colors or new fancy effects in A splendid range of colors. Every wanted s h ad e t epre- ffeno teuite Quality orty suitable drew. Value decidedly good at. per yards g. only.... ........ JMl/ 1 • Still Some Furs to Sell This is the last call for Furs. As we near the close of the fur selling season, reduction of our stock becomes a straight business proposition with us. Rather than take any chances in carrying furs forward we are ready to make great price con- cessions that make the buying of Furs now very profitable in the best sense of the word. The buying of any of these at the prices quoted is not spending money ; it is an investment. We o ff e r this week : 1 only high-grade Canadian Mink Muff, Imperial shape• strictly flat -class article ; reg- ular *10.00, tor $42.00 Fine Black Wolf Stole, This is a very stylish garment and bas the appearance of black lynx, but will be more serviceable: reg- $22 00 ulcer *30.00, for.... '(N 1 only choice Alaska Sable Scarf, guaranteed natural, thick Ane fur -a very hand- some garment ; regular *33.00, for $23.50 I only No. 1 quality Alaska Sable Muff, imperial shape, matches the above scarf ; reg- ular 190.00, for $20.00 1 only black Pony Coat, 4E inches long, size 36. strictly high-grade ; rseg. C50 A0 ular *70.00, for..., 'xt w 2 onlyblack Astrachan Coats, incbor lung, worth a gond deal more mooey. Lot call. . $18.50 a50 1 only Persian 1 ambMuf, square shape, extra quality fur. regular *30:011. $20.00 Last call I only Persian Lamb Th, rich and glossy curl. regular *20.00. Last call $14.50 Abut one down Neck'J Pieces in Mink Marmot, Opossum or Western Sable. Regular values up to 11000. Last cell, choice... $5.00 lei only Throws. Collars and fancy Neck Piece.. One half dOzen good tufa represented. Regular values np to *8 OQ Last call, C3 90 only Coat, only l lady's Fur - lined collar Western gable. *wen of ole, Oriental Mink lining, shell high - **ode beaver. L a s o t �I Dail, only. .00 1 only Fur -lined Coat. 60 Inches long. shell of best quality beaver cloth. Ooliar highestU n natural Alaska Sable.g genuine high go Muskrat --an excep- tional stylish garment; reg - esti tdar 6.00. Lest $52.50 High -Grade Coats We offer so exceptionally bigb-grade P1tr- iasd Oeat, beet quality heaver shell. natural rat %lug, natural Oanadlan Mink Dollar. This coat is ase exce•pUoeatly high-class garment, it is better than we usually carry in stook and it. regular value 1s 05101. it is ah.nlntesly perfect, and for a reason not necessary to state here we an this W uRgt you this extra elnates$�/ W M savlIt inetsad you eau bay it for *1 0 heHudson flea/ Oast we are offering at affords as ex copal oppor- tunity to seems a high-class garmentg t msttbum double wheat we e setae! value of the roast is nearly ah'otntsly highest eek. blainity le.wThere ie a reason for this low nand it is ood o . priets�apd It is a good one. No ebatiee to opt rare IIkN to arum your way, for manufaeturat s are asking Deere than this for next season's delivery. S125.00disc 38 or 38. Pries Genuine Imported Kid Gloves Black, tan, gray and light shades*, all oases. at. per pale 51.00 34•Isell Tend Draw Geeif aid Stalker* Plain and fancy mixturtia. Morelal at. per yard ................. . 35c 11 1