HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-3-16, Page 5LOCAL THE SIGNAL : GOJ)ER1CH, ONTARIO TOPICS. C. P. R. Notes. Aloold Bros, shipped scar ot horses to titarbuot, Man., this week. CooAuctor Wm. Scanlon, one of the first maduotors to run out of Gods- rlcb iso the C. P. 8.. is again making GOdsilch his ',snidest, after en ' absence of several months. He takes the plats of Cuuduct 'r Jenow McDon- ald, who has been countered terred to the Woodstock and St. Marys branch. The River Has Broken Up. The warm wave during the early part of the week was suttloilent to set Limbs moving on the Maitland River. The ice broke first above the Saltford bridge sod moved down some distance and on Tuesday It moved on out into the lake. Indian island, north of the river breakwater, is covered with pugs cakes which will likely remain there until tbe combined effoate of the gentle spring rains and -old Sol" will Mud them to that state from which they sprang. Inspector Robb Dead. Word was nteelved • this morcing from Brussels at the death of David Robb, inspector of public scboole for East Huron. which occurred at his home at Brussels last night. Mr. Robb had been in failing health for rune time awl at the January meeting of the county council be resigned bis pogo Rion. the resignation to take effect at the end of thhr rnooth. Dr. J. M. Field, of town, was appointed to suc- ceed hits. file late inspector was ap- pointed in June, IWO. and has been a inoat'emcient and painstaking official. aright Outlook for Menesetunt Park. The Doming season promises to be a busy one at Menesetung Park, A syndicate representing resideots of Toronto, London and Kt. Marys has purchased thirty lots en which it is (attended to erect summer cottages. It is confidently expected tbat sixteen of the number will be built this sea- son. Each cottage to be erected will be of a different type- of summer honer, and local arcitects are busy preparing plans for the mane. Men- esetung Park will, doubtless, be a lively spot this summer. Ladies Have Successful Evening. The &Imael high tea given in Knox church lecture room Iasi- Thutrday evening by lbs ladies of the congrega- tion .vas one of the moat suc^et►aful events of the kind ever beld in Gode- rich. For o r two bours the ladies were kept serving the good things pro for the occasion to the large number of patrons. who had learned from former experiences of the reputation Knox church ladies bad a.yuired as providers of • first- class aeon. When all had been served Rev. Geo. R. Ross acted as chairman while a short rnuoical and literary program was tendered. The net proceeds of the evening amounted to *125. Nothing in 1L A report gained considerable circu- lation during the past week to the effect tbatthe Canadian Paciflc Rail- way had secured control of the line be - Matsu Goderich and Kincardine whieb is being oonttrueted by the Ontario West Shore Railway. The report was published to severs! of the city papers: but The Signal lip infnruied that there is nothing in it. H. J. A. McRwan, secretary 01 the Ontario West Shore 4'ompan y, states that be knows of noth- ing whatever that i-ould give ground for such a report. The Ontario West Shore has not sold out to the C. 1'. R. or to any other company. As soon as the weather is favorable. ronstruetion work an Use line to Kincardine will he pushed to completion. The track is already laid from Goderich to Port Albert. and the grading north from Port Albert to Kincardine is pretty well completed. House of Refuge Committee. The bonne of refuge committee of the county council met et Clinton on Tuesday of last week. All the mem- bers were present. The house of re- fuge was inspected and the committee expressed itself se pleased with tbe management. There are eighty-one inmates in lbs house at the peewit time. Two tenders for bread so were received and the tender o yV H. Agnew for either white or brown bread, at *2.75 per cwt.. was accepted. The quarterly accounts, amounting to 111,484.711, were audited end ordered to be paid. The account of Hoover k Bali for $35, for the burial of Mrs. Wallace, was ordered settled. This amount war left in trust with the county for thin purpose. The oom- miittme coosidered .the application of Mre. F. Bilge, to have ber father and mother, who are aged residents of Mullett, admitted to the hoose. Reeve Leiper, of Hullett, was prees•t hod gave information respecting the case. The clerk was insta ucted to write Mrs. Mk* telling ber that it will be necessary to meet and confer with John Torrance, inspector of tbe house et refuge. who is asked to act in the case as be thinks proper. Th. Rink That Is To tie. The re -erection of the Goderich skating rink, as pleased out by V. M. Roberta and J. A Fowler, wi11 sake it one of the wadi capacious and com- modious; buildings of the kind in the Province. The plans provide for the extension of the rink the fun width. 71 fast. (Ser north to moth hom its present Ned se far enetarIv as Water - el, the residence now • onthelot. TThevwarless sod will bay a gallery raised tier stove kir from the lee up, .i 21 fest The lee will use 170 feel fest clear, and at the asst wed there will he atsethre eni Maw giaaurgfrom the Is. t1 At the Mel will he osrvow pllNfm tiros sod tewd, Preis every porkies of the • sear view of the ice will . -MNud and t>s Ease will hehel• fur at to stages• sart MOM for the int= Ailed at wooers sod taier"IN to perms 'nauseous fres of . mid at She mattes etteset mod resew Ottr kris slid eeafMeeme with reddest sued wait w ai w sea kb and flonOr roust MMefi'a of the this. dee rdpsk for tba hewaeR doh ea tae either .ewes glee pr sale ee s 1_ seeagrees pd4ltttle ler Lala Po" "me C. fort amid . tewi (tree hese low soden in *very possible es••so. Good Prices for Horses. The bone market last Tuesday war favored with excellent weather and a large crowd of farmers was intend- anee. A number of prominent yets werelpraiseot from Montreal, To etc. Stealth th and Lucknow, braider erveral local buyers. W. Rutledge soil Chas. Briwlrocuhe, of Goderich township, Richard Orr, of town, and Prank Keegan, of Bayfield, sold dnt-clase animals at good ces. Other -sales were made, both by auction and private's. '1'wu beavv teams brought over *tit (tech. The imarket was the last of the series arranged for this treason, though another one may be held sorne time in Mae. Public School Board. A nteetitrg of the public school holed was beld in Victoria school on Mut day of this week. it was agreed that the town council he requested to on the title for the cogl prop - pad on Reboil 'street, whichh ertynot been done when the pro y was designated for school purprieea. Jas. Tait's request for an increase of $25 in salary as caretaker of Centre' seboul was granted. Ben. Hoggarth's application for the posit.on of care- taker of Victoria school eras accepted and Mr. Saunders gave notice of motion that if he he tunable to begin his duties by April lit the boned ask again for applications. Public Library tioara. The members of the public library hosed in attendance at the meeting on Maturdsy evening were Messes. Kidd, Tow, Fowler, Galt, Strang, Elliott and Tigert. An account of Vt2 96 for mail purcbaaed from the Goderich Coal Co. was ordered paid ; also an insur- ance renewal of $15 ; C. C. Lee, re- pairs. *4.Oh, and Geo. Porter. book, 111.20. Mr. Fowler and Mr. Galt, who represented the board at tberecent meeting of the library institute of the district at l4tratford. gave a report of the proceedings. Mr. Fowler was elected a member of the executive committee. It W.P. derided to ask for tenders from the dealers for the sup- ply of twenty-five toms of coal. The librarian's report tor February showed receipts of 114.20. and a total issue of 1054 books and magazines, An Excellent Program. The choir concert In North street Methodist church last Friday evening drew* fairly large audience. Tbe.num- hen rendered by the choir, under the direction ot Mr. King. were well re- ceived end showed careful training. The reading. of Miss Jessie Irving, cd Ham- ilton, were thoroughly enjoyed and she will he heartily welcomed here on any future occasion. The singing of Mr. King wax a delightful feature of the program. The solo, "Good-bye," was sung with much feeling, and ber second number. "Rose of My Life," was an artistic success.. To hearty en- cores she r•eeportded with " Home, Sweet Home." which was charmingly sung. Mrs. King is a decided acquisu- tion to tioderich'e musical circles. Mr. Fowler, bass soloist, made hie fln.t ap- pearance before a Goderich audience sad made a splendid iwprewion. A. E. Cook also sang with good effect and was received with appreciation. to all. the concert was an exceptional treat to lovers of music, and Mr. King, the conductor, and his choir are to be congretulat. d upon providiug so ex- cellent a program. Shipping Merger Consummated. It is now reported that James Play - fair, president of the Inland Lines, has obtained control of tbe Northern Nav- igation Co. For some time negotia- tions to this end have beee in pro- gress. The offer trade hy Mr. Play - fair, and made public at the annual meeting of the Northern Navigation Company, was that 31 per cent. of the stock should be turned over to him at 5125 within a certain time. The sale of the stock was to he conditional on the approval ot C. M. Hays. the com- pany having a contract with the Grand Trunk Railway which bas some years to nun. Mr. Hays at first opposed tbe negnntietioos, but was persuaded to give his consent, end the deel went on, Saturday wit. tbe deal day for the stock Le be turned over and at least 54 per cent. was transferred. it is ex- pected that the lines will now be merged. Mr. Playfair, it is said. is now negotiating with the directorate of the Richelieu & Ontario Co., with the object of forming a Ng merger of the tnr.e companies. The Gift of the Marys. On the occasion of the coronation of Queen Mary it is proposed that the Mays of Canada shall unite with their newness -keg throughout the Brit - 1.6 Empire in offering a gift to Her Majesty. The imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire bas been asked to collect for the gift in On- tario. Contributions will he received from five Dents to five dollar@ and may be given only by those who bear tbe name of Mary, May, Maria. Marian or Marie. A list of oontrihutcra will be forwarded, but not a statement of the amount given by escb. The choice of the gift will be left entirely to the Queen. It is hoped that the Marys of Canada will appreciate the opportunity of showing their affec- tionate ffecttionate loyalty to Queen Mary. The list must he closed hy April 1st. As the time h eo sbort it would greatly help the cornmittes if all who are in- terested will send in c.,ntributioss, with mantas in full, as early a. pos- sible to Mrs. James Clark. treasurer of the local branch of the Daughters of the Respire. LOCAL TOMO IN BRIEF. . lraaek •at.- nag et.41u ear k has 45. lags saaatsrt eat :at weeeXiiketawi to Qat mallets recuelf w eocihu sed I. ` ` rr*irwwees. `.°,"jp.. alta e Rest eels vis Piss iris fast alt j'a ad at estakltehuged. Tbtoc avow (P4lday) 1. St. Ps s ay. WM, est the green reek meeting The amoral g .4 the Bast H,nTbmbsre Mendocino is to be held at *needs blah alb and fish. n .• to !he Adasa•e „e C. R..R.,, b► to e) gismo y bean • •. •. he •1s. ef Lloyd Armstrong, charged with boreseatualing, hoe bees postponed in- definitely. The monthly meeting of the laugh. tax's of the Empire will be held at the wart home oat Monday afternoon nett, Marcb 2Uth, at 4 o'clock. The people of 8t. George's oburch expect to have a due new pipe organ beton lona. Arrangements to this end brve been proceetling for some time. There is some talk of the formation of an association of beekeepers in Huron county. A meeting will likely be held for this purpose at Clinton some time next month A great deal of iotereet is being waaifested in the Huron County Fruit Growers' Association and the mem- bership ot the organisation is rapidly increasing. For the benefit of the new members and thaw who porpoise joluing. meetings will be held sber• /y at Benmiller. Oarlow and Porter's HHI. Pumps and all material nfor spraying purposes are now .valla le at D. F. Hamlink's office. W. T. Murrey is -purchasing from Mean. Kelly & Kelly a new E-M•F motor car, which will help to make the streets of Goderich lively during the coming season, Messrs. Kelly & Kelly are W. R. Kelly and J. B. Kelly, who have formed a partnership to deal in motor can. It is likely that several new can, will come to Gode- rich this year. The members of the new fire bri- gade had their first work-out last Thursday evening. The alarm was sounded shortly before 7 o'clock and they succeeded in turning out and throwing water in Victoria Park with- in three minutes. Now that the new brigade have made such a satisfactory start in the performance of their new duties, when will the next practice Res. Geo. 1R. Roes, B. D., pastor of Knox church, will give a 'Secture on Monday evening, March 20th. on hie missionary work i n Demerara, British Guiana. Having been in elo.e touch with the natives of Dem- erara for•oeveral years, Mr. Ross will have something very interesting to tell about the habits and customs of these people. The lecture will be under the auspices of the MacGillivray - Mission Band. Admission 15 cents. Remember the date -March 20th -in the lecture room of the church. CARLOW. WEDNESDAY, March 15th. Ete RRTA I NEn.-Last Th ur ed s v even- ing Mr. and Mn. Charles Robertson, Carlow, entertained a number of their friends at a euchre party. All had a most enjoyable time. During the evening the special prizes given by the Colborne Rifle Club to the best shooters were presented to the winners. - KIPPEN. MONDAY, March 13th. A HAND4eH11'.-Last Wednesday the personal property of the late Thos. McKay was sold by auction. end a very successful sale wru the result. R. B. McLean is ad'uninistrator. It seems hard in ccnnection with the winding up of this estate that, since no will was lett and there were no chil- dren in • the family, half of the value ot tbe'farm property goes to the Gov- ernment. even though Mre. McKay has worked bard, very hard, to pay for their little farm. NOTEat.-Our obliging station agent, who hasn't been enjoying the beet of health recently, is taking a holiday. Mrs. Thomson an children, after spending a week with her sister, has returned to her home at Brooks - dale. Oxford county Miss Potter, of Holmesville, is spending a few days with her cousin, of Zion City, ill„ and other friends here . ..1. B. Dinedele, who has returned from Mount Clemens, Mich., where he went last December, is very much improved in health, though not completely cur'eel His many friends rejoice with him ih the marked improvement of his health. He considers Mount Clemens very superior bo Preston, which he tried first, as Sanitarium for those, suffering from rheumatism. The ex- nse is only about one-half at Mount Clemens. EAST WAWANOSH. BELORAVE, March 7th. Coe:it 11, MEETINo.-The council met today pursuant toadjourntient. Mem- ben all present. Minutes of last meet- ing read and adopted, on motion of Councillors Campbell and Stonehouse. The following pathmasters, pound. keeper,. and fenceviewen were ap- pointed for the present year and until their successors are appointed ; Path - masters -O. Rsitbby, J. (7. Stoltz, G. Jenkins, R. J. Powell. Wm. Kehr., or., J. McCluskey, W. J. Dnbie, J. J. Raithhy, W. Rtraugban, Wm. Toil, G. Quinn. J. Caldwell, W. Fear, F. 11 Stalker, J. T. Wilson, Thos. Kernick, G. Johnston, J. Hickingbottom, W. H. Campbell. H. Buchannan, W. J. Stack - WANTED To complete our files, ,we shall be glad to buy copies of any issues of The Signal Of the years 1904 and 1905. Persons who have any copies of thews years will confer favor by allowing Its to procure tbs.) at the earliest pos. aible date. TES SIGNAL PalIfTllti(- CO., LIMIT= joiu Where Are jibing, My Pretty Maid P W[WYN &MAN a5L "tailCan•ua.i -when ars yea okra. ray pretty Wsail r "Enlarring my raarketa, kind .dr,' she said. -Way I trade with yea. 07 WOW maid r -lie equal twas kind sir,' ahai id. "Woe 1. year bt.Lar, a 7 petty mud r' "Joliet Mall is 07 tether. load -Ir, she weld. "What Is your tartisans, my pretty maid r' "This land daddy gave me. kind .Ir, .he said. "May I vee papa, my pretty mild r• "1 run m7 own ranch, kind air." she said. "thee 1 may marry yea, ml pretty maid o ."Nobody asked yolk kind air." ,he saki. "Bat If I asked you, my pretty mall r "There would be 'nothing doing.' kind dr.' shr said -Thos. Mcutlltouddy. BORN. POLLOCI.--1s. Gedeeis5, on Friday 1March. • cath, to Rax Rev. Mr. sad M .1. Pollock, son. DIED. PLATT. --In Detroit. on Sunday. Marsh itch, M.,.rry4.A. Iri relict of the late Hamish el MENTION. Dr. Holmes Is la Toronto use week. Crown Attorney Santer le oo the sick Wt. it. J. Magas loft on Wednesday on a trip to W inuipgt. Mrs. Jar. M. Field and daughter went to Toronto this weak Mrs. Wm. Could., of Exeter was the guest of her moo. Leroy, and other Mends to town over Sunday. Wna inghaAdvaaoe: Miss Minnie MacDon *14a1 , 01 Ood.,iccb, hi visiting her uncle. Mr.K D. atellonakt Sams uel and George Bissau left Monday afternoon for Strath000a, Alta. in response to it telegram announcing the death of their brother. Robert Gleam Mr. and Max Oboe. It. Chrystal and two oklIdren, who bad been visiting their relative' in town and vicinity stnoe Christmas. lett on Saturday on their return to their home at Mortlach.:iask. house, Ben. Taylor, J. Williams, C. Johnson, W. G. Nethery, Fred Cook, S. Walsh, W. Fothergill, J. E. Noble, W. McDowell, W. Rath, J. W. Mason, D. A. Dunbar. W. Wigbtman, J. S. Scott, T. H. Taylor, R. Owens, W. Watson, D. Robertson, E. Pearen, Ed. Walsh, N. Bolt, G. Page, J. Mc- Burney, P. Gibbons, V. Anderson, J. A. Brandon, J. Fergusoo, R, James, J. Cochrane, George Coultia, R. Irwin, J. Reid, I. Walker,' R. Currie, R. H. Scott A. McDougall, W. J. Currie, J. J. Ken, 1. Stewart, G. Wiiaon, G. M. Robertson, T. Mowbray, F. J. David- son, D. Crow, W Purdon, J. Smeltzer, 11. McGee, D. Martin. J. Gibbons, J. Jamieson, G. C. Naylor, 11. McBurney, A. Jamieson, Wm. James, J. Cham- ney and L. Marwood. Pouodkeepers -J. Hoare, 0. Quinn, J. C. Stoltz, B. H. Taylor, G. Cunningham, R. F. Mc- Gee, o-Gee, D. Clow, T. Rohnson, J. Camp- bell, J. Cochrane and J. C. Currie. Fenceviewets-D. McGill, sr., P. D. Stalker, G. L. Sturdy, W. Pattison, H. Shiell and A. Robertson. Statute labor scale same as last year. viz. : Assessed up to *500, one day's work from $500 to 111,0110, two days' work, and for every other $1,200 or frac- tional part over *000, one additional day. The clerk was also instructed to notify all petbmasters tbat road lists when not returned by October 1st nett will be placed on the collector's roll as unperformed statute labor and charged against the several parties along with their other taxes. Moved by Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the clerk correspond with our local member, Mr. A. H. Musgrove, urging him to give his asistance to the hill now before the Local Legislature whereby ail iron bridges of eighty feet or over to be built in the future .ball be .:county bridges, the county also maintaining all iron bridgek of that length already constructed. Carried. On applica- tion a further extension of time was given those parties interested in the toll drain to Dome to Borne settlement among themselves, it being expected that some agreement satisfactory to all parties concerned will be arrived at in the near future. The clerk was in strutted to call for tenders for thecon- structlon of concrete piers and abut - menµ also steel superstructures for river bridges : For Mat'nnch bridge, a two -span structure of 110 feet' each. clear of abutments, tooth for a 14 and 10 -foot roadway ; for 101h line bridge, a two -span structure of 100 feet clear of abutments, also for both a 14 and 10 -foot roadway. Tenders to be re- ceived up to 1 o'clock on Tuesday, April lith next. Order. were passed for payment of hall rent, ; Cbas. F. Martin, putting in drain on western boundary, $4. The council then ad- ourned to meet again on Tuesday. April 11th next, et 10 o'clock a. m. ALEX. PORTERFIELD. Clerk. j English 'as Spoken. George lacy Hillier. Rnglisb hicv:le and tricycle champion in the days of the hig wheel and hard tire, used to tell an amusing 'story about his trainer. It appears that the trainer would at times sot on Hillier's nerves by calling him Mr 'Mier. One day. in ezaspera- tJnn. Hillier said to him, "Why do yon always cell me Mr. 'Illier. It is not my name, you know," The trainer stood heck In astonish- ment and replied, -Well, if s hafe and a hi and a hel and a bel and a lel sed a he and a har don't spell 'Oiler. I'd like te know wbat it do spell.'-- Lippincott s. Straight from London. I• Asariea they have a Ane new eagle iIl int W serous, who is always nothing tato other nemils's Mtdeous. They Bell him a "rubber " An Rlaraab- wan is • New York stew day was attracted by the e asarroee orf a baby is ars. powhom mother was seated opposite bier. U. amid sot keep his eyes off the nhIW, and Ube mother. grow abgry, l.•s.e for w e. r d and Word, • • Rurriew 1" Tsawk you. nsedst exclaimed the allsfflI.h.uan, sstsMi relieved : '1 thoulabl was nal."iLosdoe Chron- MIL Ths "Maple elno.sW' M a 'special on satusrdays at Ar asrr7w e. llo,,,. is Sad try It Ai the BALIMORAL Core Mian floes. ,rh .1 • •ods a eresets t 11) vttrtaisa lei the 1.41Se to at.etal her Mm b Tessa". r TinmsDaT, Kano Id, 19111 • Stomach Troubles Cured by Vinol MERE IS PROOF " I suffered so long from stomach trouble and indigestion, that I lost flesh rapidly - VINOL cured tae after everything else had failed. It strengthened my digestive organs - gave me a hearty appetite, and I can eat anything without the slight- est distress. I do not believe any- thing equals VINOL for stomach trouble and indigestion." W. Lt WATIRHOUSI, Portland, Me. Mr. Thos. G .Wallace, of Detroit, Mich., writes, "I suffered for years from a chronic stomach trouble. VINOL entirely cured me after everything else had failed." It is the curative medicinal ele- ments of the cod's liver, combined with the strengthening properties of tonic iron contained in VINOL, which makes it so successful in re- storing perfect digestion, and at the same time building up the weak- ened run-down system. Trya bottle of VINOL with the understanding that your money will be returned if it does not help you. 11. 1'. Dunlop, Druggist, Goderich Now IS THE TIME TO BUY Furs We are offering any Fur in our stock at ONE-THIRD OFF regular prices. Women's and !'hisses' Coats are all marked down to less than half-price. John Stead Hamilton Street SUPERIOR SHOWING of EASTER and Spring Millinery Miss Donogh announces ber Spring Millinery opening to take plane MI Tur.,las . March 21st, and following days, when the high-class display will include models of superior deeeru and smart, natty style'. also a fine assortment of Flowers, Feathers, Ready=to=wears and some particularly good number+. in Misses' and Children's Hats A most cordial invitation is extended to the ladies to attend at their leisure and view the showing. Selling at Cost FOR TWO WEEKS, BEGINNING MARCH 18th I will sell Fancy Goods, School Supplies, Granite and Tinware, so as to make roomy for my spring stock of Dry Goods. Here are a few prices that will interest you : The best Talcum Powder 5c to 2(k Perfume, per bottle ic, Itx sad lbc Dolts at 15c Dolls worth 25c for Sc, IOc, late Clothes Racks worth :5c for 15c Jardinieres worth 'Mc for 20c Jardinieres worth 50C for 40c Window Shades, complete, each • • , 30c Scribbling Books worth 5c ea,;h 7 for 25c School Bags (leather), worth 50c for40c School Bags worth 26c for 20c Stockings worth 15c and 25c for.... ilk and 13c. White Embroidery Floss at 10 skeins for 95c Silk Cushion Floss at, per skein do Ribbon, 3 inches wide, per yard Sc - Good Washing Print at, per yard 5c Ladies' Suits worth *15.00 for$111.01) Plaited Skirts for .... .... *2.25 Call and see my tables. These are only a few of m} prices. GOODS DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE TOWN. seeleseeteVieteestorsesesesessiiiesesseessee Warehouse News For the Farmer We have a carload of Victor Hog and Cattle Feed..i full stock of Timothy and Clover and all kinds of Field and Garden Seeds. Baled Hay and Straw and all kinds of Grain bought and sold. Goode delivered to all parts of the town, A. J. COOPER ra am.Non Street * °hone 207 THE TIME TO URC That New Spring Suit and Overcoat LS NOW The selections of goods which .vis carry are of first -chow quality, and we have all the latest shades at HUGH DUNLOP'S wEST STRKF:T The tip -to -date Tailor toseiesteareetseieueseerwitesseetewees What Has Dandruff Cot To r Do With Baldness ?• You see the statement every day T,st the one cause of baldness 1e dan- druff. Rut is It? True, dandruff often precedes the departure of the hair. • Is equally true that you know men with a shock of hair you can hardly pull a comb throu`h, whn have -arrled around a dandruff laden collar as long as yon have known them. You have also seen men whose scalp • as kept as clean as a baby's whose hair was surely departing. That dandruff tall[ sounds welt and convinces a goad many of us. but let rs not tool ourselves. 01 course dandruff Isn't a good thing is carry around, but It le only an In- 'Iration. The same trouble 1Mt causes the hair to tall out usually causes dart. druR. so If you get at the cause and arrest rhe loss of halm, you w111 stop dandruff too. 7'ho•• who use Nyal'a Alrsutene Mid It the most satisfactory hair healer and heir dressier they have ever seed. It does stop the hair from falling out. • 0 It will ale" step *en.iruff. Tour K al ltruUlst eheertully ree- e las • It --111.I$ and tee In sprinkler bott Sold and garages h P. J. OUTLAND S E. HICK H. C. DUMLOY E R. WIGLE GODERICH + 1 P. T. DEAN Monarch Shoes The season for spring footwear is here. Now that you are going to put greater demands upon your feet, the question of proper footwear is of great importance. :1 careful consideration of shoe claims will lead you to select MONARCH SHOES, becuuse they are loyal servants and faithful friends, always demonstrating your good judgment and making no exorbitant demands on your pocketbook. Displayed in our store in a variety of patterns and leathers. Sole agents for goderlch Downing & MacVicar North Side of Square, Ooderich A Startling Aonouiiceinent would be eosttett to buy ea good quality, There are Fred Hunt's NAmil TON STREET ly We don't wish to startle aro one, without cause, but what we do wish is to have everyone take advantage of the remark- ably cheap offer we are making in Coal Oil. The long winter evenings ere not over by any means, .o now 1. the time f,rr you to buy Pure American Oil 15c Per Gallon 5 Gallons For 65c is hotter still and, anyway, who 15 tents worth of Oil of smut' Barrels of It at Hardware Store GODVRICr. Etas hassle w.teriai ammo