HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-3-16, Page 44 lieu Italia tr. M*iot,•M IA, IVil
District News.
Wnoreesosor, Mar. 16th.
TEACHES KNOAOKD, --The trustees
of S. 8. Nn. 5 have engaged the ser-
vient of Mies Lillian McManus aa
teacher in that section, at • good sal-
ary. Her duties will commence after
the Easter vacation.
Tomato, Martis 14th.
AT HOME -A very pleasant evsD-
ittg was spent in the ('bosun Friends'
Hall on Thursday evening last, when
the members and their lady friend. as-
sembled together for a social visit.
Carpet -balls was the chief attraction.
Norex --Miss Jennie Burke is visit-
ing in Colborne Meas Sophie
Lindsay has returned home, having
spit two weeks in Lucknow
Will McDougall left for the West on
Monday . ... Ji'bn Eulusersoo and
George Vandhrburgh ...tended an
Orange meeting in Clinton on Tue-
day evening.. .. Don't forget the
parlor social at 0. W. Potter's on Fri-
day evening.
TUESDAY, March 14th.
PRESENTATION. -The Ladies' Guild
of Christ ebureb met at the home of
Mrs. Sehoenhais on Thursday. March
9th. when Miss Rosella Schoenhals,
who for some time has been the effici-
ent organist of the church. was pre-
sented with a gold bracelet and Mise
Lizzie Foster read the following ad-
dress :
Port Albert, klatch 9th. Ivll.
Mow Roemta temosNRAtw:
Dear Friend and C.aworker.-It 1>• with
meat pleasure that we take the opportunitr
of gathering here today to endeavor to ex-
pre.s to you our appreciation ofoar services
as organist of our church. During the Ume
you hare been thus aiding in chun•b work we
always found you punctual and ready for
your dates.. ; In fact, in every branch of
church work we always found you eager and
wiping to give all the all within your powe..
in the Sunday rebook the A. Y. P. A. and the
church we food you one on whom we may dr
pssd In the furtheraooe of all our efforts. Aa
• Matt t ken of our esteem we ask you to
accept this bracelet, not for it. Intrinsic value,
but as • muiernbrano. ad Oar lave a. a Cengre-
ration and as a moiety. Trusting
I, be to our midst aidingin all good orwork..
S ped no below of te Ladle.' timid of
CT church.
Ens. Tnoe. Dotutrarrrr. Pres.
Miss Husain H.irore. 8.c.
British Columbia Man Tells Why Wd
Speaks Highly of Dodd's Kidney rills.
Elktnouth, B. t' . Mar. 13th.- (Spe-
ciel,}-Frank Miller, sixty-two years
old, and section foreman on the rail-
road bore, says : '•1 can recommend
ilodd's Kidney Pills to anyone buffer-
ing from lumbago, rheumatism or soy
other kidney disease." And when
*eked the reason why, be ie not slow
to7tbe teen,
I m. tour years," Mr. hillier says,
"I auftrcrd with lumbago, heart dis-
ease and theutnatistu brought on from
a cold. I used Dodd's Kidney Pill"
with the very best results. That is
why I recommend them."
if your disease is of the kidneys
or caused by had kidneys. Dodd's
Kidney Pills will cure you. if you
haven't tried them. ask your neich-
TUESDAY. March 14th.
Women's Institute held a very success-
ful meeting at the home of Mrs. Jos.
Flynn last Wednesday afternoon.
There were about t wenty members
present The subject for discussion at
the meeting was "Bread -making."
Addressee were given by Mrs. J.
Flynn, Mrs. 8. Thompson and Miss R.
Thompson. The next meeting is to
be held at the home of Mei. 8. Thomp-
son, the second Wednesday in April.
JOTTINGS, -Making maple syrup is
the order of the day in this vicinity.
Mrs. Moir, of Ciliates. visited
her mother. Mrs. Ed. Brophy, Iaet
week Joseph Wilson. of Auburn,
spent the week -end with friends in
this vicinity Mas. R. Roberton.
of Auburn,, visited at Wm. Thomp-
son's last week Walter Tisdale
left for the West this week after
spending the winter et his old home
herr Joseph Sprung. who bad
been visiting friends here during the
winter, left last Saturday for Toronto,
where be intends visiting a few days
hetore leaving for his home in the
West. - .. David McAllister attended
the high tea in Knox church, Gode-
rirb. kat Thursday evening.
TUESDAY, March 14th.
SUDDEN DEATH. -Death carne with
startling soddenness to Mrs. T. C.
Pickard at the home of her son o0
Sunday moraine, 5th int. The de-
ceased bad come up from London tbe
evening previous and retired in her
Casual good health. On Sunday morn-
ing. no sound being beam from her
room, an investigation was made and
abe was fouod lying across the bed,
partly dressed and dead. Deatb was
due to the bursting of a blood vessel.
Mn, Pickard's maiden name was
Mary Oaotrlon. fbe wan the only
child of the Tate William Cautelon.
arse of the first settlers in Goderich
township. to palely womanhood she
was married to T. C. Pickard. who
peedeesse d bur ten years. For years
=farmed on the place now ocou-
pis� by Errs Pickard. On leaving
abs farm to their eon. Mr. mend Mrs.
Pickard moved into the village and
bold retired. 8iooe toe death of bar
Mrs. Pickard had spent her
.rich her children. a good part of
bl Winnipeg witii her daugbter,
fig, Claude Fiaber. The surviving
d bow easily are Mrs. J. W.
(bof Northville. Mouth Dakota :
ade Pusher, of Winnipeg
1 H W. McRoberts. ,.i Lowdtra
nn the Flekard bosewtead ;
01 the. old ('aasteioa
am y, d Loaders. All the chllehren
Wale i at the fuser•al except
Mrs.ter* The Irstertwt was
made ite dsetery- Re. TII.. asekted by Rem .1Orestes. of .
sendeeted the spr-
at lbe
were Wan Stanley .t
et itias. Potter A Hullos
Qsc std A. 1 faxerrbs
TUESDAY. March kth.
MAITLAND OoNCaerLtiN Ntyrrs.--
Mrs. (Rev.) Hallman is visiting with
Meads in Berlin this west Mrs.
Michael 8cbsrsas spent a few days lo
Orediton last week John ;Flick
returned last week from a few mouths'
stay in California. lir likes that
country tine and apparently bas some
inteatioc of returning in the near fut.-
use Mies Stella Jewell iso visltinss
with friends on the Maitland ibis
week James White, while cutting
wood last week, had the misfortune
to cut his foot with the axe. The
wound ie doing nicely and we hope 10
ase him around again soon.
TUESDAY, Mar. 14tb.
COMM; AND Oolxo.-Alf. Sher-
herwood was a Crewe visitor one evening
obi► week Wm. Nixon, Peter
Hastier. Rudolph Oiebermann and
Wm. Smellier lett on Tuesday morn-
ing for the West Miss Bertha
Sberwcod visited friends at Crewe on
Sunday o• Chas. Alton was borne
for tbe week -end and left for Toronto
on Monday to take a position with T.
Eaton Co. ot that city Wm. Mo -
Croatia was with friends near Nile on
Sunday Mies Lizzie Rutherford,
of Winghaut, spent Sunday witb her
mother and brother here Will
Nixon was at Teeswater last week.
TUESDAY. Mar. 14th.
John Jamieson is busily engaged
making maple syrup. The sap runs
well and it promises to be a good
sugar season.
Ken. MacGregor left on Tuesday for
the West. We wish him every sue -
cess -flat the band of prosperity may
be streythed out to him.
With the thaw the bridge over the
Eighteen Mile River is deemed'unsafe
and for some time all traffic across
same shall have to be stopped. The
council is at present taking steps to
have it repaired and it is hoped that
ere long it will be ready for nee.
Oxi-mem.--On Thursday, March
9, an old apd highly respected re.fident
armed away in the porton of Mrs.
John Johnston.. The deceased had
been in failing health for some time,
but not until a few days prior to the
mummaidejgr edail, when she was
stricken with a sey+et•e efface of la
grippe. was she obliged to give up her
daily round of duties. Through lite
she had been an earnest, active
worker, quiet and retiring in disposi-
tion, one who had borne the beat and
burden of the day without murmur or
complaint. In religion she was a
tnemher of the Methodist church. To
mourn the loss of a kind and affec-
tionate wife and mother she leaves
her aged partner in life, two sons -
James and Villiarn, at home -and
two daughters -Margaret, at home.
and Mrs. Andrew MacCall, of Rainy
River district. The funeral took place
on Tuesday to Kincardine cemetery,
Mr. Young. of Amberlev, officiated.
The pallbearers were Wm. Wiley,
Thos. Johnston, Robert Walker, AVm.
Kemptoo, Sam. MacNain and John
council held its regular meeting
March 7th. All the members present.
Minutes of last meeting read end
signed by the Reeve. Accounts paid :
M. 0. John•t -.u, law costs in Potts v.
Harri'•ton, under instructions from
Reeve McEwan and Councillor Mc-
Manus of 1909, *17.17 ; Municipal
World. assessment rolls and notices,
*4.90; John Barker, discing and lin-
ing pitcbholee, Lake road, *10 ; Bert
Markell, discing road, division line,
84.50• Moved by Councillor I;hieholm,
seconded by Councillor I ouog, that
lot north half 6 and south half 6 be
changed from school section No. 5 to
scbool section No. 9, and that a bylaw
be passed ;communication
uo cation from Charles
Darrow claiming 847.00 for Richard
Carney for digging ditch on Lake
road was read. No action was taken
in the matter. Richard Carney, disc-
ing Lake road two days, 85.00: (Seel.
J. Ferguson, collector's salary. 883.10;
William Collinson, refund of tax per-
centage, 81.65 ; Joseph Thompson,
discing 12th concession, *510. Moved
by Councillor Young, seconded by
Councillor Halliday, that the follow-
ing sheep valuators for the township
be appointed,
division o
ArtburSttraughan ; No.2. Jae- Mc-
Manus : No. Gordon Young ; No.
4. Alex. Sterling. Carried, Moved
by Councillor Young, seconded by
Councillor Halliday, that a bylaw be
passed authorising the Reeve and
tr'easur'er to borrow the sum of
*600.00 to• bund telephone lines
through the township. Carried. By-
law No. 9, confirming the same, was
read a first, second and third time and
passed. The regular number of path -
masters, pooidkeepen end fence -
viewers were appointed and will be
duly notified. A dirnmuoicstion was
received from G. Herr. onntaining e
list of grefo donated by farmers in his
locality and asking the council to dis-
tribute the same. Tbe council con-
sidered the matter and, while think-
ing it a very kind act of Mr. Baer
for returned
w p larecehw aAdjourned to 1774.-111c-
.aain I i
Pr( 'n
DnxAoH, Clerk,
�gt it too delicate a proposition
thorn to deal with and
W tosrltanAT, Meech 15th.
John Flick is hose from it five
months' visit In loos Angeles Cali-
Jas. F. Baugh left this afternoon ton
bis return to Saskatchewan after
spending two mouths under the par-
ental roof here.
WttipDnset.-At tba 1�enmillrr psr-
�-Ick today (Wednesday). Rey. W.
Baugh performed the marriage co re-
mony uniting William ft. ARM and
Mira Adeline Hornby, both of Col-
borne township.
guar.are new les AWE at We Waffle
MONDAY. March 18th.
Battu--A number of our citizens
are the victims of le grippe Ibis week.
We bops to be abie to report nut
week a full recovery Miss Jean
Barge, of Lothian, is the guest of Mir
Lizzie Brown Samuel Brown
purchased Mrs. Francey's farm last
week. The two Praocey boys, Ernest
and Wilford, are golfs, Wast about
the first of April. They will no doubt
be missed in this vicinity Thomas
Bueglass it at present working with
our miller, Woe Buckingham.
HOLMgSVILLK, Mar. 6th.
Cootie -IL MEETING, -Connell met on
above date, all members being pres-
ent. Tbe minutes of last meeting
were read and approved. A com-
munication was read asking for •
grant to the Clinton spring show, but
no action was taken. Andrew Shep-
pard was present and stated his case
In regard to having the Blyth tele-
phone system extended to his resi-
dence, brit the matter was left over
until 1 he amendments to the Tele-
phone Act were received. Wilmot
Mina .• was appointed pathmaster in-
stead .• fames Jewell. The following
accoui• - were passed : Harland
Bros., Lit., *2.10 ; C. C. Lee, tile.
$7.4t ; clerk, school census, 6250 ;
treasurer, postage and stationery,
$5.50. Council adjourned to meet the
first Monday in April at 1:.11) p. m, N.
W. TRKWARTHA, t)lerk.
TUESDAY, Mar. 14th.
left for Saskatchewan on Monday,
afeer spending the winter- at his
home here Mies Ida Glazier,
of Mafeking, spent a few weeks
the guest of Mime Mary Sweatt.
A number from here at-
tended the banquet at Andrew
Smith's, Paramount, on Thursday
evening, prior to Mr. Smith's depar-
to the West Miss Mary Mc-
Donald spent a few days visiting
friends in Ripley .... Mist Jean John-
ston spent the week -end at her bcme
near Kintait . Mr. and Mrs. Hill,
Chicago. Angus McLeod, of Ham-
mond, Ind., and Harry McLeod, of
Baton Rouge, Ls.. were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mac Leen one day
last week Rev. Father John
Hogan, of 8t. Thomism. war tbe guest
of his parents. Mt. and Mrs. Wm,
Hogan, last week Hey R. H.
Barnby, of Lamheth, was up seeing
bin fattier. Tilos. Barnby, one day last
MONDAY, Mar. 13th.
Nearly everyone in this section as
soave from a distance attended th
dance given by Jack Farrish Monde
night. Everyone reports a most e
joyenle time.
b Rbeurnatiso of tbs face
Uric Acid left in that blood
by dieordsssd kidneys
lodges aleag the oasts
which branches from the
eye over the forehead, and
across the cies& to tite
aide of the soca The
cartes is the came as in all
Rheumatism- disordered
Kidneys. The ewe is like-
wise tbs same-
L that of its Weakest Link. Father
Norrlacy'c No. to Forges it Anew.
The chain of the physical system is
only as strong as its weakest :ink. When
that link breaks, the chain breaks, and
serious illness folkrwed by death often
results. The weak lipk t• itis many peo-
ple is the throat and lings. In fart, sta-
tistics show that over twenty-five per
cent of all deaths can be directly traced
to diseases of these ,host important res-
piratory organs. Weakness here is very
During his lona and successful prac-
tice, Father ,Ij¢ornscy, the learned priest -
physician, was often ca1kA upon to treat
bronchial and pubroaary affections. He
soon found that it was not enough to
make temporary repairs on the "link,."
but that tt had to be forged anew, in
order permanently to strengthen the
After much study, he succeeded in
devising a prescription that would secure
this result, by not only giving prompt
relief but also by rebuilding and strength.
ening the delicate tells and membranes
of the throat and lungs.
Thisprescription, Father Morriscy's
Lung Tonic, or Na 10, has cured thou-
sands. It is absolutely free from any
dangerous drug, being compounded from
Nature's own roots, herbs and balsams.
No. 10 stops the cough, relieves the
soreness and strengthens and, fortifies
the system against future attacks. Even
in the early stages of consumption it has
proved helpful, but the wise plan is to
take it in time, and avoid serious disease.
In our climate it is well to have a relia-
ble and tested remedy bate No- 10 always
on hand. Take it at the first appearance
of *cote. and keep the chain of life strong
and capable of resistance.
Trial sue 25c. per bottle. Regular site
50c. At voar druggist's or frons Father
Morriscy Medicine Co., Ltd., Montreal,
Qua 96
Sold and guaranteed in Goderich by F.
d J. Baked.
master Shaw is out this week with a
staff of helpers plowing and discing
the roads, which are at present v.: v
fled, Ed. Lawson has had several
snapshots of them with his camera
and we hope to see the results shortly.
MAPLE BUOAE neg.-Sugar-mak-
ing is now going on end Roy Link -
later is conducting the business on a
lame scale. The weather so far has
not been very favorable, as frosty -
nights and bright sunny days are
necessary for ri good run of sap. Mr.
Roy is nothing it not enterprising and
deserves success in his new venture.
He batt a good equipment
HORSE FELL ON Har. --Joseph Mc-
Graw met with a painful accident
Monday of this week, while helping
to disentaogle a horse that bad got
caught in shite way. The animal
fell on biro and crushed him pretty
badly. At present the extent of big
injuries M not known, but one band
was cut rattier badly, besides other
A Chat with Mothers.
"Whenever my children hatre okay
sore places, cuts, or skin troubles,
they ask for Zam-Buk. They can al-
ways depend upon it doing what is
So says Mrs. A. Alce, of 1*() Chat-
ham street, Montreal.
A missionary, writing front the
West Coast of Africa, says: "One
boy who wan treated for a had twee of
ricer tame back recently and said.
1 like hest that green medicine.'
The 'green medicine' was 7.•m-Buk."
Now Why should children, all the
odd over. show such • warked pref-
erence for Zem-Bak P
Children. like Zein -But because. ea
soon as applied to a burn, a cut, or a
sore. it stop the pain and tben grad-
uaily, but surely, it heals. As soon as
he pain of • wound or sore M re-
eved a child can o�tto on with its play
and leave 7.ani Buk to finish nQ the
Mothers might look a little more
deeply into the act.tne of lam -Birk
Pint, it Is highly eoussptiis, As soon
as it stops all d of fester-
ing, -poisoning and inA•mms.
tion Srw'esnd, It is soothing. it Boob
the wound or sore ; allays the Irrita-
Ilon : stops the man and smarting.
1ben. thirdly. It ethnologist, the cells.
beneath the iojund pert, to healthy
ashes, and maws the speedy casettes
of new. healthy tissue.
Jost try 7nrs-Bek for mita, or burns,
or coal iners. ire seers„ news, dishes.
lied leg. Wes. verisose sleets. or Iefasel diesesed roedklao d the
skin Its affect will highly satiety
YOU All drvgRi 7. and Ter-
or hue hos 7r.1i�g
eller and .beep, waeihlrw wketl-
Used D. D D. Six Meade An !Idl-
ing Gone.
This Is the actual 'experience of 'nne
Croatian, Sent Ross Oat.. with the
wonderful D. D. D. Pres.... ion.
D. D. D. 1. tie proven ie comm Owe,
the mild wash that ewes laetest
Ref la all forms of skin trouble.
Cleanses the skin of all hsl/taraNgF
washes swear blotehee sod es1tspiPs.
leaving the meta as sloop It and healthy
as that of a child.
Write today fret a free teW brittle
of this wonderful Beepers Ours to
th. 1) D D
A.. Or On*West, lhoens ist,,lla weed 1,
will give roe lestant wine{.
(Per elle big al dugorhay
A Fortune in 11
if you have an orchard take
care of it. If not, you should
commence this spring by putting
You cannot make a better in-
We sell nothing but clean,
healthy, No. f stock. Do not
delay in sending in your order, as
the demand is unusually strong.
John Stewart Estate
Rural Telephone-Oboult 21.1. Ring 12.
WEDNESDAY, Mar. isth.
CHURCH limes. The sacrament of
the Lord's Supper was admioiutered
in the Baptist church at the close of
the regular service Sunday afternoon.
Rev. R. A. Miller assisted Rev. Mr,
Osterhout, of Londesboro', in evengts-
listic services in the Methodist church
there on Monday oigbt Rev. Mr.
Badke was unable to take his regular
work last Sunday on account of being
laid up with a rather severe attack of
la grippe. We are pleased
to report that he is to
be able
BRIM'S. -Miss Clara Sclater, of Sea.
fortb, is renewing old acquaintances
here for a short time Miss Duff,
of Dungannon, is visiting her sister,
Mrs- Jas. Medd . Miss Maude Fer-
guson went to Ooderirb on Monday.
Mr. (ioehorna, who for some
time pout has been manager of the
Sterling Bank here, left yesterday to
a position with the Impelled
Ban Toronto. Hie plate here is lie-
ing filled temporarily by Mr. Duggan,
of the Goderich waft .. .. Mr. and
dere Smiley left�wtetda ftheir
home near Star Cit , Sask.
. Att
the time of writing. tem is some im-
provement in the condition of little
Harry Sturdy, who has been vary i11
with bronebi*il posasopia. We hops
that his recovery will be speedy and
oomelette... Jac Nedsood le alp
ping his household effects from
to the Weet, where be and his
win entre locate. A somberfila
farmers In this lossap a�te In
making maple eyes WM wee eel
Teacher -"Yowls Johnny bate a Ase
bead.' Father -"Yee 1 bs's a ohtp of
the ode Hoek : aren't yea, my boy
6r r
Johnny- "TK
sae eon, vsaer•da was 7ass a biota
heed t "
Who W sever tasted whet, is bitter
. Ise1 know what b
Incoming Spring Good
EVERY few days bring us new additions to our Spring merchan-
dise. Glance over our specials for Saturday's selling. You may
find something among them that you need and the prices are less
than you usually find for such quality ot cloth.
We hats fo urteeo Pieter that will be found
at very low bargain prices for Saturday, in blue,
brown, and garnet, Every piles all wool
and ect in every way. Note the reductions :
50e. OOc and 15c for only Mks
76e to 135c for only Nei
*1.00, for only S
Five pieces 30 to 54 -inch tweeds, *1.00 a yard,
kr ilio, A rate cbance for a hie bargain.
Let us +bow you our new spring Muslim. and
Voiles. Thejust got here thio, week and they are
the choicest lot we ever offered. White, cream
and new colorings and designs. French make,
ateolutely fast.
We dropped on a choice lot of these Muslin*.
310 yards in the bunch at from 5c to Sc less than
regular pric. s. Fine weave and small spot, all
Good Nottingham Lace for 3c, one inch wide,
in Valenciennes. This is a great bargain in Laces.
Our ac lot is worth more than we ask for it.
1tk Oinggbbams are a great feature in our kaol-
ine* DOW. They are the beat ten -centers to ba
found anywhere. Never had such Gingham sales
before. Good cloth and last
We can surprise you in values in white Lawn
Gowns, frost 50c to *275, trimmed with wide bice
in bands and edgings. Others have 4-ineb inser-
tion and Bench edging embroidery. and new this
A new lot front the makers this week, and we
never offered such values before. Trimmed with
mei ioaertion and tucked embroidery. Edgings
4 inched wide.
Come and see what we can do for you in white
Lawn Waists. Our spring stuck lb now complete.
We buy direct from the makers, which enables us
to Five you lowest prices.
We carry only Perrin's Kids, become* obey ars
the best for tbe money asked. Black and oolors,
61.00 and $i.95. NIrrt:-We ark only $1.25 for
Pawn We HEST.
Prin-cip le
of This Store
is to play the game of bupiness
fair and *Flare ; to do this, day
in and day out, the year round ;
to do it with everybody, rich
and poor. oldend young, with the
experienced and the inexper-
ienced buyer; to offer goods of
reputable character ; Co sell them
at the smallest prices, being
content with email profits.
In short, this store does what
it knows to be right ; and on that
basis it solicits your trade.
S. Dabey
Jeweller and Optician
South Side of Square, Goderich
Funeral Directors
and 'Embalmers
Orden carefully attended to
tt all hours, night or day.
Boys and
Slibuld learn those auhjrrta by
which they can earn :t living.
Spotboa's Bsemees Colleges are
the largest trainers in Canada,
and tis; graduates secure the
best poeitions. You can ready
at home, or partly at home and
finish et the college.
Business College
GEO. SPOTTON, Principal,
Come in and
If you are oot already ac-
quainted with the merits of
try a sauiple onler. You
can be eertain co •securing
seasonable good- here at all
time.: Our 'phone number
is 91. Give us a trial. The
quality of our goods will .roo-
v ince you,
Sturdy & Co.
Grocers On The Square
The Bald Headed Man may
Look Wise
Bat if He Had Deem FM Wold Have
You do not want Now
th• hair follicle -you are not par-
ticularly interested +n the name of
the german scientist who leolated th•
bug that le said to cause baldness.
What sou do want to know Is how to
ease the hair )-ou hat and make It
.strong and lustrous.
Nyal•s Hirautons will do It better
than anything e1N.
11 Is not claimed that Htrsuten. is
a wonderful scientific secret -but 11
IA the concrete result Of all that Is
proven In the scientific trsatm•nt of
*Irk and diseased hair anti scalp.
It Is a and
will notice happy pprompt blprovm my In
the feeling of th• scalp and the look
of the hair.
Hlrsutnne loosens and removes all
scaly and matted deposit on the scalp
---tlmulatee the hair both• and gives
new life end vigor 10 the hair itself.
Nyal'• Illrsntone gives hack is the Is
hair and erslp fust what It has been
robbed of by your neglect and abuse lag
It 1s time to start right. Use Hir73111
ssttone. f
it is one of the Hyal remadlea and
ne higher reesnenseedatt.n sy be giv-
en 1t.
They are all see y•
t(yal Druggist He rw�M
sads It.ur
Sall and assessed b
i F
4 our Wolfe: 'rd peat ,sal fir ewene .-.
�Everything U de Down F
1 That is "belt the way F
things are in the home at
IPhousecleaning time, IF
Yon have been t onside,-
'f ing purch*aing some new
pieces of
1 w �5.4.9..
-e ) for a Ioag time. and now
Is the cbseee to de It.
We have a oa,uiplete stook of up -to date Furniture of all kinds
on hand. and we east guarantee the quality to be of the neat end
the pries reasonable.
C O.
Oer sass r •'11kr *no wishes pawl* floe yaw err aey ' •
oraa for each syr gsdlhs alma 7:71.11r0 It•'I1T P*!1! r "W ilMtrif""IP!1!!r''►