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THVR DAT, M•heti 1911 l♦
est Us AN Oat Ready.
A weioome note conies from H. H.
Ayer, °sturgion sent of the White
Star Line. Detroit, announcing the
dates of the annual Detroit excursion
from Oodericb. The big steamer
l;reybound will leave Goderich et 8:30
a. tn. Saturday, June 17th, and re-
turning will leave Detroit at 1 p. m.
Monday. June 10th. The round trip
will be $1.60.
School Property Purchased.
A fel meeting of the public
school boa d was held yesterday after-
noon when the tender of J. Andrews
for the purchase of 8t. David's ward
reboot and two lots fronting on Elgin
avenue, at $7110, was accepted. The
tender for St. Andrew's ward school
site and buildings from J. W. t%raigie,
at Steele also was accepted. Another
meeting of the board is set for next
Monday evening.
Fruit Growers Meet Again.
The meeting of the Huron Fruit
Grower.' Association last Saturday
was well attended and a number of
new members were received. Ar-
rangements were trade for the pur-
chase of spraying machines and other
article*, necessary to ensure proper
care of fruit trees. Another meeting
of the Association will be held in the
near future, thedate of which will be
announced later.
A Program That Wilt Be Enjoyed.
An attractive program is presented
for the choir concert in North street
Methodist church on Friday evening.
In addition to choruses by the choir
there will be solos by Mn. King, Miss
Brown. Mr. Cook and Mr. Fowler,
and • very epeci•1 treat will he the
readings by Miss Jessie Irving. of
Hamilton, who comes to Goderich
with a reputation as an elocutionist of
rare ability. 'The tickets for this con-
cert are only 2,5c and there will doubt-
less be a large attendance.
Harter Notes.
Harvey Young and Arthur Haw -
man. Het sod second engineers res-
pectively of the etearber Keministi-
qula, are here and commenced ye.ter-
nay morning the work of fitting out
the boat in preparation for the open-
ing of navigation.
Workmen have been engaged
during the past couple of weeks
straightening the stent of the steamer
Gurdon. It was damaged last fall
while coming through a canal on the
,tit. Lawrence River.
Those who found perch fishing a
very protltahle pastime during the
winter mouths report that the catches
of late are greatly diminished in num-
Wort on W. Marlton a new Dredge
has been delayed somewhat by the
non -arrival of the required timber.
Fir and white oak are the prineipel
woods used in the construction of the
framework. More wen will he put on
now since the nel•ee.ary tenter has
arrived and better progress will be
made tban heretofore.
Templars' Social Evening.
A very pleasant evening was spent
in the Tetnper•nce HAII on Wednes-
day night, when a -shadow ended"
was held under the auspices of the R-
T. of T. The entertainiuent included
an enjoyable program of readings by
\Ire. Young and Charlie Young; vocal
solos by Messrs. Hopkins and Brown,
and instrumental duets on the trom-
bone and ,:ornet by Walter Marchant
and George Thompson. A special
feature of the program was a dialogue,
entitled "turn About i• Fair Play,"
the parts in which were taken in a
very able manner by four ladies and
two gentlemen. Select Councillor W.
efcUreath perforrbed the duties of
chairman. Teat y refreshments were
aerved at the close of the program.
concluding the evening's entertain-
A Big Sale.
Alex. Young's suction sale at Car-
low on Thursday last was one cat the
largest in this section for some time.
Among the big crowd in attendance
were quite a number from Godericb,
and others from Hallett, Holinesville,
Belfast and other places at some dis-
tance. Auctioneer Thomas Gundry
wielded the hammer, end the prices
were good. Mr. Young has always
prided himself on keeping extra good
stock and the prices received were •
recognition of the good quality of the
animals sold. Forty ewes brought
[,rices from $10 to *16. A rant, "Big
Billy," mold at $213.50. Cows brought
fromg85 to $116, yearling cattle aver-
veraged about' $45 and calves sold at
from $25 to t646. Hesvy hones and
colts brought high prices ; for light
horses the bidding was not so keen
The whole sale totalled in the nei`4b-
horhood of $2,2(11, very little tpealdee
the live stock being sold. Mr. and
Mrs. Young intend to become resi-
dents of Ooderieb shot try, but will
keep the farm for greasing.
About Sunday Funerals.
The following resolution is submit -
led to the citizens of Goderich and
vicinity by the Ministerial Associa-
tion, with the request (bet the towns-
people will consider it carefully and
give it all the support tbey own :
Whereon rot nutter a and church
workers in general have found that
!Sunday funerals were a serious inter-
ferer'ce with the regular work of the
Sabbath, especially with the impor-
tant week of the Sabbath 'reboot. and
whereas in airiest every instance tri
the borial of the deed on the Lord's
Day it has been friend that there ex-
isted re) valid reason why the inter-
ment conk) not have taken place oe •
day other than the Sabbath, therefore
resokfed, that while we ares ready to
miablker In the tendert aympstby to
all wbc are in sorrow, and as far as I.
poasihle to meet the wish.. of tbe be-
reaved friends, without even the aug
geetlon from as of any ebange in the
time of the burial of their dead, never
thelesu we nines kindly and strongly
urpe that in future funeral. he bell rest,
a day other than the N•Mratb. In the
event of unmeant conditions tb•t is.
'nand the Ister'msent of the dwarf on I
the Lord's Day, the foregoing .ball
Have no refbarwee, for entice sorb oir-
enelsitaneea we obeli deem it err duty
with any rrqu.poetst Were
to do go, we weed advisability of eriinng
Tth he lash-e►e" the nee *mews'
err•rgoras•ts are Indo.
• t
Here* Market Neat Tuesday.
Next Tuesday is the data of the teat
monthly bores market to be held la
Goderico this se•aon, and it promises
to be the most successful of the mama.
There will be present Meese. Peareon
& Wasson, of Montreal ; Charles Mit-
chell and James WiUlat�sno, of Tor-
onto, who are Doming prepared to buy
a carload of horses each. Other good
buyers also will be present The auc-
tion sale of horses will cotnmenre at
1:30 sharp. The fees for selling D
auction are 511c. for each hos entered
and two per cent. commission if sold ;
no commission to be more than 83.00.
Huron ltd Boys' Excursion.
The annual excursion .4 the Huron
Old Boy• of Toronto to the home
county will be run on Saturday. July
fish, returning on Monday. It is pro -
that a sort of side-uip mayalso
arranged for thorn wbo wito
take it, possibly thirty or forty, though
the details are not yet all complete.
This side -trip would consist c f a drive
from Saaforth to Bayfield Saturday,
then on to Goderieb ; from there t.e
Dungannon ; then en to Wiagbam,
and from Winghaw to Clinton, catch-
ing the train there. The expenses mf
the ride -trip, which would not likely
be very great, would he horn only by
those taking peretberein.
C. P. R. Notes.
General Superintendent ()borne.
Divisional titipetintendent Mcfieillie
and Divisional Engineer Hertshurq
were here on Toseday on a. tour et
general inspection.
Fred. Davis shipped a car of berme
on Weineslay morning to Irricana,
Alta. Tbis is the second lot Mr.
Davis has shipped this season. Mr.
Davis went Nest last week to look
after the disposal of the .tock.
The annual spring rusk of settlers
and their 'ferret to the Weetern Pror-
incer hegan in ear•nert this week. A
train left bete. on Teo -day morning
with an initial bead of four can of
horses and settler' effects. \Vben it
bad reached Guelph the length of the
train had been increased by about
twenty cars. ••nmpossd wbotly .ef.
effect,' for the Western settlers. The
cart which left here were R. C. Me-
('lefisnd's oar of horse. for .Souris,
'1lanitoba:\l.w. Kilpatrick'*, settlers'
effects, to Provost, Seek.: 0. Me-
Brien's, settlers' effects, to Edgerton,
Alta., and George Stothers'. settlers'
effects, to Forward, Yank.
Wednesday morning a train .if
twenty -never] can loaded with ream
and Hour pulled out of herr for Tor-
onto, drawn by two of the Company's
powerful locomotives. The flour was
for Eastern Coterie and Quebec and
the grain was chiefly tor export.
Charged With Horse -Stealing.
A rase of alleged hoes -stealing has
heen interesting the police of Goderich
and Clinton during the last few days.
Lloyd Armstron,t lalfas Stevensoni, A
young fellow nineteen years of age, of
Stanley township, is the remit)
charged. It ie alleged that he hired
a borne and rig from Liveryman
Reest, to Vinton, sex day last week.
and drove to ti.aforth, where, imbue -
ting that hr wanted money on which
to go West, he sulel tee borse to
Adam Hays, of tbat town, for fee
He received $10 and promised to de-
liver the eternal the next day. In-
stead, hr task it to Holtn...vine.
where he left it. Here it was identi-
fied he the owner on Saturday Ie t
and the police were pot on the trail of
the thief. it wan learned that be had
dome to Goderich and with the tsdice
after him he hired another livery out-
fit from Fred. Davis, of town. and
drove to Hlvtb. wbere be mold the
horse to Wm. Johnston. who con-
ducts a livery ►ueiness in that piece.
He was gil-.n fi5 on hie hergain. when
he informed the purebaser that he
was in need .d the money for a trip
West. dHe returned tea' Goderich and
Chief Peetlethwaite, ,being informed
of the latest venture, learned that the
young fellow had engaged a livery at
(sundry Bros. •table and bad been
driven out to a faun on the tett con-
t:HMion of Goderich townabi . near
Porter's Hill. Her. Chief Wheatley.
of Clinton, arrretnd bias on Tuesday
afternoon sod took hint to Clinton,
where be appeared before Police Mag-
istrate Andrews on the charge of
borne .teal ng He was rent up to
Goderieb sad he is now lodged in the
county jail. He will appear before
the magistrate tomorrow afternoon,
wben the over of disposing of the horse
at Berth will be dealt with.
t*. Parfet Dar po.tsrdo at Wilmer
fiatta'e. gest erste Ab. a large sew stack of
isdle.' hair .•abs baseea.e ..d (Aber Mir
cr*ssent.. all In Tae latest and teas[ el. -
mat aging (]da and am teen
The .salt et spring 1s 1n the sir .ed you
•May Hat riser seder 1s at r J. Pr 4Mm's ter
7esr sew sup mese use wealepilog neigh seta
Is A tsM et geed. ter t *emaciate.
■est sutra 0mt i... worms. petted fit.
The slate ewe is hetes placed on the
0. T. It. station this week.
Importer Rpe.tton was here this
week en an ',Metal Melt to the Colleg-
iate lasts tute.
W. T. Marney has hew struggling
with that enemy of mankind, the
grip, this week.
An esawllsse report of the recent
convention cot Sunday model workers
at Neste In type. hut is unavoidably
erewded nut this west.
The foxy Bastin•• Works Co
ahippppeer'ri� two ears of marine machinery
to Collingswood this week.
R..n.mMr tib* horse market on
Tawdry next. 14th lest Itis expected
to be the testiest and hest of the series.
The exsneert to be givesbbyy the
cbnlr of North street Metb«llet
eburob etyma -row t Friday a *treeing
promises a treat to lovers of aw*ic.
During the Lenten omens get those
fresh Vi nig sealed oyster. at Slack-
asee'a, wbere you ties tbat delicious
ie..+reaes in Milk ,. fairy prick..
'Moo. 24ct
Tree North Aese can e'llemicai 00.
made • shipment of several carloads
of salt this week This is the Gra
sblonwent steer Ger resepentng tt1 the
plant ree.MJy
The misty
t braes ist the
Rask OOtusesMsu s yam laser
teodutwi •shot wire age --ere Ines •
toe enter a bsstbd sni.oC p zle ween
r m.. .. overawed, fee e want. belle
ing of documents algd other valuables.
The boxer are rented at a very remote
able costs
A. Y. M. C. A. Tal is to be held at
the residence of Nsiro, Keays
street, on Friday, M h 17, at 14 p. in.
A good program, epppropriate to Ht.
Patrick's Day, will be given. Admis-
sion 15e. 9
An addition to The Signal's sub-
e eriptlon list today is the name of
John J. Wbltty, Oshkosh, Wisconsin,
a nephew of Mew. J. Lynn. of town
They aft like to keep track of home
D ews through The Stgnat.
Cbaa C. Les 'sable to be Out again
after bis serious illness, although not
yet quite in the fighting ranks. Mr.
Lee is one of our most active and en-
terprising business men, and we hope
to see him soon in his usual vigor.
The regular monthly meeting oI the
Goderich Horticultural Society will
be hied in Secretary Lane's office in
the Court house on Tuesday evening
oext. General beeiuess matters of
interest to every member will be dis-
At Detroit, Mich., on Thursday,
February 23rd, Malcolm MacDonald,
Quebec street, wasmarried to Miss
Helen B
jorkon, of Marquette, Mich.,
by the rector of St. John's church,
Rev. William Frederick Faber, of
Detroit, Mich.
Mn. Malcolm MacDonald was called
away to her home at Marquette,
Mich.. on Friday last, by the serious
illness of ber sister, Mrs. Krowliey, but
undo" t itoately the lady passed away at
3 a. ns. that day. The funeral took
place on Sunday last.
=r. Macklin returned on Monday
from his visit to Rochester, Minn.,
where be attended for several days at
the famous inimical hospital con-
ducted by the Mayo brothers. While
be wan there he met Frank Sallow.,
rat Portage la Prairie, well known
here• whose wife was undergoing an
operation for appendicitis.
H. Hale, Park street. is the proud
posee,aor of a last years pullet which
as pulling off torus lig stunts these
days. One day this week it laid en
egg 4i ounces in weight and measur-
ing Ri incb.s and 0; inches in circum-
ferences. The phicky little hen,
which is of the buff Orpington breed,
has produced several very sizable
Of Miss Jessie Irving. who takes pert
in the concert in North street Metho-
dist rhurrh tomorrow (Friday) even-
ing. The Kingston Whig says : "The
star of the occasion was unquestion-
ably Miss Jessie Irving, of Hamilton,
the elocutionist. Each number made
her the recipient of nnanimous an-
plause and encores. She is certainly
mistress of the art and displayed ex-
ceptional ability in the impersonation
of English, Scotch and Irish charac-
In the 'annual inter -collegiate as-
sault -at -arms held in Montreal on
Tueeoav evening, A. K. :Anderson,
formerly of Goderich, a student at
Queen's Crnivereity, Kingston, won
the welter -weight boxing champion-
ship (145 pnunda), from H. R. elns-
tard, of Meliill l'niversity. The
Montreal boxers, wrestlers and fencers
were unahie to take the honors in is
single final bout and the Queen's
athletes are again .hampione for an-
ut her year.
A recent hrawl in the suburbs of a
certain city was being discueed by
the neighbsn-s of the man who was
worsted. The victim had received a
telling blow which had laid him low
and a sympathetic person made the
remark that to effect a result so dis-
astrous the champion must have hit
him on the spur of the moment. Nine-
year-old Johnnie showed he was bet-
ter informed by declaring "He didn't ;
he bit him on the jaw." I
The members of the W.O.T,IJ,e de -
site to express their gratitude to all
those who by their contributions and
patronage helped to make their "pan -
rake simper and sale" the success it,
was. They wish to make special men-
tion of the kindness of the Wewtern
Canada Flour Mills Uo. in giving a
generous supply- of Purity flour, from
which the ladies made the delicious
hometnade bread that was for sale ;
also the Aylmer Condensed Milk Co.
for their gift of cream, the Ingersoll
Packing Co. for their cheese, and the
Red Rose Tea Co. for their tea.
Robert Wilson went to London on
Monday and arranged for the delivery
at his warehouse on Hamilton street
of a carload of baggies and rubber -
tired runabout.. These vehicles are
the product of the factory of Wm.
Gray R Son. Chatham, which firm has
• large warehouse in the Forest City.
The articlee manufactured hy this
house have a wide reputation for qual-
ityand intending pur'cbaeers in either
of these linea should drop in and see
Bob's display as soon as his car ar-
rive*. Watch his advertising space
In The Signal for •further announce-
William A. Edward's of Chicago,
son of Peter Edwards, of town, passed
away art Irwin Park hospital, in that
city, on the 27th of Fehreary. De-
ceased had not keen well for the past
three years, during which time he vis-
ited several times at his parents' home
In Goderich. He spent the past sum-
mer here and left 1n November in
bop.. of escaping the severe winter,
and entered the hospital the 15th day
of January. Deo.ased well forty-six.
years and five months old. He was
born in Chicago, coming to Ashfield
with bis parents when he was five
years old. He lived there until he
wax sixteen years of mgr, when he re-
turned to Chicago, where be spent the
remainder of hie life. Hs was a steam -
pipe fitter by trade and it was while at
his work that he caught • severe cold,
which Willa finally tbe cause of hie
death. The remains wets brought
here for huriel, the funeral taking
plane on Friday. March 3rd, Rev.
(iaerge E. Ross oonducted the funeral
servieee. The pallbearer* were all
friends of the family—Messrs. Graft,
Cox. McKenzie. Catwall, McMnrehy
and Hunter. The family desire to ex-
press their heartfelt thanks for the
matte kindnesss*. shown them In their
sorrow by hired. and netghr.ora.
Alter •n Moans
wheel bad extemdM
over warty a rear. Mrs Jams, C.
rr1 low
the final call oiM-
etrilAen Gantt ea* Anna Burrow•
Sbe was a daughter of the late George
Burrows and Mrs. Burebws, of Ash-
8aldo and was born at Sleeppartiton
nearly forty-nine years Age. Four-
ourteen years ago she was warned to ber
now sorrowing partner, and inc,e that
time had been a resideot of Goderich.
Here she gave generously of her time
to the promotion of good work*, being
an active member of the local W. C.
T. U. and a diligent worker in sonnec-
tiod with Knox church. HetIdes her
husband, two little daughter•+. Marion
and Jean, are left to mourn the loss of
a kiud mothMrs. Beer
vived also by ear.
brother andgie five
far .sura-
ters : Mrs. Peonebaker, of (Tint00 ;
Miss Mary Burrows, of Ashfield ; Mrs -
Harrison, of Maryland ; Mrs. McLen-
nan, of Denver ; Mrs. Peterson, of
Detroit, and Will Burrows, in Sask-
atchewan, Mrs, Pennebeker and a
nephew, \Viii Burrows, of Stratford,
were among those present at the
funeral, which took place en Monday
afternoon to Maitland cemetery. Hey.
George E. Ross, deceased's paster, con-
ducted appropriate funeral services.
rhe pallbearers were. Wne. Watson,
James Tait, Richard Wilson, James
Stewart, H. Pennebaker and David
Bogie. The sorrowing family and
relatives have the ay-mpatby of the
community id their bereavement,
The Ottawa Citizen of Monday. 8th
ins.., says : One of Ottawa's leading
literary women, Mies Ruby M. Roth.
well, died this morning at her home
'n Rothesay apartdlents, kfter a short
illness of typhoid fever. Deceased
was well known throughout the city
as a leader in literary affairs and an
urgent worker in woman's realm.
She was the daughter ot the late Ed-
ward Rothwell, of Goderich. Ontario,
where she received her darty- schol-
astic -training. The late Mise Roth-
well came to Ottawa about fifteen
Years ago and after attending the
Normal School was appointed to a
position as teacher by the public
sctool board. She taught in Waller
street school, was also principal rat
Robinson prirhary school, and was
one of the most popular teachers on
the staff. Her death, therefore, will
be mourned by a great number of
students and graduates throughout
the capital. Miss Rothwell resigned
her position on the teaching staff of
the public school board in 1002 and.
with a party of Canadian teachers
went to South Africa to instruct tbe
Hoer children. 1Vhilst tbere she
wrote a number of interesting letters
to The Citizen. She returned a few
years later and was the first ofdlcial
appointed hy Mr. Burpee to the staff
of the Carnegie library. Miss Roth-
well continued in that capacity up to
the time of her death and was recog-
nized in the institution not only as a
very etTh'ient cataloguer but also one
of the best informed and most helpful
members of the staff. Deceased leaves
three brothe•re, Harry and iVilliam, of
Toronto, and Ben, of Chatham; and
three sisters. Mrs. Brian, of Chicago:
Mrs. Dench, of Toronto, and Miss
Fannie, of Ottawa, who resided with
her. The funeral will take place on
Wednesday at 2:30 to St. George's
church and thenee to Beechwood
cemetery. Rev. Mr. Snowdon will
. Ameher link between the early
days of this comtnunity and the pres-
ent period was broken last week in
the death of John Salkeld, who passed
away on Thursday morning at his
house on Market street, following a
paralytic stroke received on the pre-
vious Monday. Mr. Salkeld, wbo had
neatly completed his seventy-eighth
year, had been a resident of this local-
ity for three-quarters of a century.
and had seen the town and country as
they are at present emerge front the
almost un broken forest. Born in
Cumberland,' England, in the year
114], he came to this country with his
parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. John
Salkeld, in 1130, They settled in
Gcdericb township, the original home-
stead being next to the farm on the
Hayfield rood which ions .o long the
home of the deceased and which is
now occupied by his son, ex -Reeve
Harry L. Salkeld. It was in 1005 that
he purchased and moved to this place,
where he lived continuously until two
years ago, when, after a long and
faithful devotion to his farm and: his
home, he removed to town with his
wife and daughter• eVbile he was
always recognized as one of the prom-
inent and successful farmers of (,ode -
rich township, he never sought mune
etpet honors, hie only public position
being as a trustee of No. 1 school see -
tion, for which he acted as secretary
and treasurer for twenty-one years.
He was a member of North street
Methodist church and in politics gave
his adherence to the Conservative
party. He was married In 11188 to
Miss Ellen Beat, ot t.odericb, who
with four daughters and one eon sur-
vives him. His son is H. L Salkeld,
residing on the old home farm, and
the daughters are Mrs. F. H. Taylor
and Mn. A. 0. Wilson, of Pickfoxd.
Mich. ; Mrs. Joseph Merrett, of Win-
nipeg, Man., and Miss Rete, at home.
Mee. Taylor and Mrs. Wilson arrived
home for the funeral. The bereaved
ones mourn a kind and indulgent hus-
band and father. ,and many friends to -
meet the loss of a man whose staunch
and sterling qualities they had loos
admired. The funeral, which took
place from the family residence on
Saturday afternoon. was tervely at-
tended by old fi fend. and neighbors
from the township. Rev. Lor. Dougall
conducted the funeral services, and
the pallbearers were de nephews—
sons of brothers or siateme rat the 4.-
eensed : J. 13. Ituneimae and Wilson
Salkeld, of Stratford ; John Hunter,
of Colborne tnwn.hip : Rees Jenktua,
of Clinton : and J. W. M*lkeld and O.
W. Andrews, of Gosierirh township
The interment was made in Maitland
Warehouse News
For the Farmer
We have a (-arined of Victor
Hog and Cattle Feed. .t fn11 atock
of Timothy and ('lover and all
!Indio of Field rind I;ard.n Reed,.
Railed Hey and Straw and .11
kinds of Brain hought and sold.
fiend. delivered to all parte ,-if
the town.
4areaaen mbar Meeh. OW
How to Stop
A 11
Stubborn Cough
We dont wean just stop tee
tation in your throat esbut cure the
underlying cause.
Cough syrups cannot do this. It
bt kes a constitutional tonic body
uilder to do the work properly—
and cure you to stay cured. Vinci
is the remedy you need.
HERZ rx moor
Mrs. rehab (I•a• cul, of (.less Tana,
1. Y., w rite•:- " Alter trying several rear
edl•s for a bad cough and ,roll wittiest
benefit, I was salted to try Vtact. It
worked Ube rxagk. It eared lay egad
and cough and 1 galoed t■ bandit and
strength. 1 ron.lder Illaol tug mast
wonderful soak rod fartgorstor 1 ever
If we cannot stop that cough
with V I N O L—our delicious cod
liver and iron tonic—which is made
without oil—we will not charge
you a cent for the medicine you
buy. This seems like a pretty fair
proposition— and ought to be ac-
cepted. Don't you think so? With
this understanding we ask you to
try a bottle of VI NOL
H. U. Dunlop. Druggist. testi-rich
er 11
IVe are offering any
Fur in our stock at
OFF regular prices.
Women's and
!'lasses' Coats are
all marked down to
less than half-price.
John Stead
Hamilton Street
�Beamiller Nurseries
will to found moat moderate
and our stock A 1. We have
a good supply of the best
varieties of
.Il orders entrusted to it.. either
through our agents, or by nail
car 'phone, will have our very
(peat rare and prompt attention.
all enquiries cheerfully a n -
, w erect.
John Stewart Estate
Roral Telephone -circuit 81•S. Ring 1-2.
The season for spring footwear in here. Now that you ate esseg
to put greater demauds upon your feet, the question of prep' r
footwear is of great importance. :1 careful consideration of aloe
claims will lead you to select MONARCH SHOES, becuuse they ere
loyal servante and faithful friends, always demonstrating yourgotd
judgment and making no exorbitant demands on your pocketbook.
Displayed in our store in is variety of pat teres and leathers.
Sole agents for goderich
Downing & MacVicar
North Side of Square, Ooderich
That New Spring Suit
and Overcoat IS NOW
The selections of goods which ,ve
carry are of flrrt-class quality,
and we have all the latest shades
The up-to-el:a(e Tailor
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders carefully m
ss .n hours, night or a,y.
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orden carefully attended to
•t all holm, day.
Renew Your Subscription to The Signal.
A Startling_Anflouncemeot
We don't wish to startle
anyone, without cause, but what
we do wish is to have everyone
take advantage of the remark-
ably cheap offer we are making
in Coal Oil. The long winter
evenings are not over by any
means, so now is the time for
you to buy
Pure American Oil
I5c Per Gallon
5 Gallons
For 65c
ie better sti11 and, Anyway, who
would be content to buy only 15 cents worth of Oil of sleet
good quality
There are Barrels of it at
Fred bent's Hardware Store
We PayY�uiThtiggist For
your -first -50c. bottle of Psychine
it ha. only been mitten
yeah that we have coats to
know about tbe white etrgpesalee et
tile blood or !be ph aswrytes tad mist
their reaction la
That they Sr, the pelletetre0 elf
scavengers of the body -
Devouring every disease gems that
ewes Ow body when theya.rrstrrlalg
sough or is sufficient ■Imbrues
Or being dee:need to torn by tarts
dls•a•e germs w ben inferior In
strcngt h
7' est only bees w1151s the: teat few
years that wiestlsts base found eat
than r., -tai& herbs strengths* sed la
ATras, these wbite corpuscles, or bodes'
el • •
si teem barbs largely rompees
Peyc1 ae.
For thirty years Psyches. has trees
.trengtb.eleg sad Ineteasiag tke whits
rorpuelM of the blood.
Rnr thirty years Pryrhise has boos
building up rundown vitality, curios
many of apparently hopeless diseases
We hive sold *Meese of blether of
I'elrb.se Ip t ear a oa•
Vs b•w qtr krramelwth • epi
4:s..ts r,...-
tt'�•.tbaose reveled hundred! of
tbea�trtr•[ eaaolhJted testimonials.
AY deo to tats marvellous power of
ebsettheniog and increasing the white
surpeselaa.d the blood.
line are the diseases In the treat-
aatmstde width Payable. Is Indicated.
liteeaswe the diseases of which Pay-
ahWbaa erred many thoasamd cases:
is {f♦IAs Bronetiial Coughs
aeniltie VP oak Looms
Reassebsfaas Wadi Voice
Mare Masai Baring Weakssa
Averts Barb Decline
ramie Weakesa f'tarrbal A ter -tier•
tadbmgles t' tarrb of /Unsnarl
Flier Appears N*Me wrote
o fills and ►osars ltb.0 b t'o.gk.
rasgleear sed ILary ngins awl
Hermes Trestles Dyspepsia
« Mason. Pseumonr and
IM adore.
Now, we deal ask you to take our
word ler the trresw•doaaly beneficial
deet of Ptyebtas. 1P111 out the coupon
below, mall it to m Ltd we'N give
year dregeh t as order ( der Hieb we
par bra Ilea relator retell prise) ler a
slant beak ee Puebla* ta be ghees
ysi fres a cwt
sands of these ZiG-cost bottles m' Pay.
And we do that en show ear railer
confidence to this wonderful prepara-
A confidence that has been based on
our 30 years' experience wtU, ,his
splendid prepsrsrtoa, with a full know
ledge of the hundreds of thousand's of
cures is has made.
COUPON No 40 •
To the Dr T. A. SLOCUM, 1 rd.
101.105 Spadtoa Ave.. Toronto.
1 mnnspytt your rarer fo try w len 1. ttie
..f t\tcirt,.. Ipronounerd di -bee"e pt•
)sum es l.eiw. 1 have net And • 111•.
holtle of tlryehin., orodar th,. plea.
Kindly adrlew my druggist to de IIT e
Mho battle to ma
My Maria
Sweet and 111aabs................
V y ilwaggiere Kama
sheet aid lraabtit...
Thh.wean le ietpse ter • et►
w P•ye de. 1f per•meieed a
--41. mar 5. Beet se} -we arm tki,
the sit bade of
desgltsl and dines
raw T'Ieb elf gear
lag �e K7 dao *MAD aesmopiwommetemp�wttbgr eemMr