HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-3-9, Page 4a ferkupti et tit tat tttt pee tw to Ifs test rtca tha for NO nth end m ata coil dur etc 6o In k • tMvaaDay. Monts 11, 1911 .vvp1,i,rvi-4, 1j + K.t`. t o:P1.`.� raw�_�f, `+�'. ,A74451:' TNn' SIGNAL: r> DERICN OTA RTO • District News. LANCri- MATURDAY, March 4th. SCHOOL RiroRr.-Followieg is ties report of 8. 8. No. 10, Aabfieid : 8r. IV. -R. Alton. J. Scott. Jr. IV.-('. Sherwood, W. Drennan, T. Little. Sr. 111.-'t'. Johnston, H. Caird. Jr. 111. -E. Far•rish, M. Downey, L. Oven - nee. Sr. Ii. J. Bowler, 8. Stuart, L. Farrah, J. Scott, B. Johnston. Jr. 11. --EL Fe , A. ricou. M. John - stow Pt. I. -C. Mullin. Pt 1.-R Johnston, Ferguson. M. JonN- irroNE, Teacher. LANES LOCALS. -The past week has been very pleasant considering the amount of snow that has fallen in the fore part of winter. We hope to have some fine weather, as March generally gives us some eunsbine.... .Frank Johnstone won the shooting medal Inc February for professional, while William Gardiner carried off the medal tor tvroe. It must he won for three months in succession before it becomes the property of the one most successful The young people of the 10th are having 1. merry winter, congregating at a number of homes in this locality. where a very pleasant evening is spent in games and music. Next week looks bright. hove. .W. H. Reed and W. P. Reed attended the funeral of Mr. Mel- ville, of Teeawater, this week Mrs. Henry Johnstone, of Mafeking, is et present the guest of Mrs. W. P. Reed ... A young couple of White- church were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mamuel Sherwood on Sunday last. PORT ALBERT. TuesD.tY, Mar. 7th. CUUtu:H N(rKe.-Tbe first meeting of the A. Y. P. A. for March was post - pond but will be held on Tuesday next. 14th inst. it will be a social evening. SCHOOL REPORT. -The following is the report of Port Alhert public school, S. s. No. 1. Ashfield. for tbe month of February. Names in order of merit : Sr. IV. -Wallace Cunning- ham, Maggie Sohgqeenhals, Evelyn Green, Melvin Schoenbals, Sadie Armstrong, May Dickson, Tom Dick- son. Tory Swale. Sr. III. -Albert female, Lina Willis, Harry Careyy. John McBride. Jr. III. -Joe Buck- ingham, Gordon Pearson, Della Wil- son, Mary Fielder. Gladys Fielder, Della McGee. Sr. I1. -Dora Schoen - bids, Annie Wilson. Jr. 11. -Olive Willis. Willie Dickson. Pt. II. - George McBride. Sr. Pt. i. -Harold female. Jr. 4" . I. -Oallow Smith, Harry Willis, Minnie Dickson, Mary Wilson. A. C. MILLIOAN.Teacher. LEEBURN. Teennee. March 7th. LEEuuKN L(xmuf.-Mr. Stevenson, of Ripley, is waiting hie aunt, Mrs. A. Horton Miss Jean Clutton, who le teaching in Utd•ricb township, spent tbe week -end at home Miss Farrleh, of Kdstail. is visiting her heotber John Arthur Fulford returned to Cobalt on Friday , Mr. and Mrs. Archie Norton made a flying visit to S•mforth last week O. J. Gook was in Godericb Tuesday at the borer fair and bought a valuable !mese. It pays to buy good stock. Mrs. Hewitt.. of Mitchell, is here at presen=t atteoding her mother, Mn. R. Gliddoo, wbo is ill. Her many friends bops to see her around again soon 1'. Kelly has sold his farm to Mr. Freeman, of Woodstock. We welcome Mr. Freeman and family to our burg. Mr. Kelly has not made up his mind yet where he will go, but we bops be and his sister, Miss Mary, will still remain with us, as they are good neighbors. EAST WAWANOSH. MONDAY, March 0th. AN EARLY DEATR. The people of this township were shocked to bear of the sudden death of Mrs. John Gibson on Wednesday. February 22nd. The deceased was the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs- Chas. Rintoul. of this township, and was born in Kart Wa- waoosli twenty-seven years ago. She was married about two years ago to John Gibson, who is left with an in- fant daughter a few days old to mourn ber early demise. 8be was a young woman held in bigh esteem in the community and her sudden death is regretted by a Targe circle of friends. The bereaved relatives have the heart- felt sympathy of the community in their loss. WEDDINo BELLS -A pleasant event at the home of Mrs. James Martin, on February 22nd. was the marriage of Miss Ida May, youngest daughter of the hostess. to Robert Henry Thomp- son, eldest eon of Mamuel Thompson, of Donnybrook. Mrs. Chea Smith played the wedding march as tee bridal party entered the drawing -room at 4:90 p. m. and took their places under an arch beautifully decorated with morning-glories and ram. The beide. who war given away by her brother. Charles Martin. was becom- ingly gowned in a drew of cream tee fete silk. She wore • wedding veil with a wreath ot orange hesesoms and carried a bouquet of wbite carnations and maidenhair fern. Miss Ella Thompson, sister of the groom, was bridesmaid and wore nee blue silk. The groom was attended by Jeeps Martin. brother of the pride. Little Helen Lockhart acted as flower girl and wore blue duchess satin. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. A. Ferguson, of Belgreve. While con- gratulations and best wishes were tw- ine offered. Mrs. (Rev.) Ferguson sang "O Perfect Love." The company, numbering over one hindred. then sat down to a dainty wedding dinner and after all had been served the re- mainder of the evening was enjoyably spent in gamer, music and dancing. Included in the gathering were friends from Cobalt, London, Gnrrie, Luck - now end Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson have commenced house- keeping nn the Ath concession and have the best wi.bea of a large circle of friends Inc their future happiness. ee, THE DOCTOR'S QUESTION. IJLOTMIAN. Tv U RSDA Y, Mar. Ind. MOHOOL REPORT. -The followleg is the report of 8. H. No. 7, Ashfiel& for the month of February Names lour in order of merit :' V. -Greta Camp bell. John MoKeitb. Sr. IV. -Ken- neth Henderson. D onelds Hogan • Jr. IV. -Kelso MaNay. Sr. III. -Clar- ence lteuderson, Olive McKeItb. Jr. III. -Jennie Johnston, Graham Me - Nay, May Stein, Eva Hog+o, Elsie Barge. Earl Swann, Thomas Cooke. Se. i1. -Rob. Helm. Jr. I1. -Alva Mc- Nay Wellington Henderson, Laura Sterrs Stein. Pt. I I. -Thomas Helm. Bea- trice Stein. 8r. Pt. I. -Basil Hoge'. Jr. PL i. -David Cooke. J. E. Jotter. eroN. Teacher. DUNGANNON. fill- NEWTON, DENTIST, OF 13 Lockeow. bas owed visiting outatde pointe. and will henceforth rive hie enure attention to the home office. Luekoow. where be will be found every day. All modern meth- ods NOTICE. -THE LOCAL AGENCY In Dungannon for The Signal last the Poet. oMoe Book and Stationery S he orders will Le received for sabeortpuooa, ad. verUstng and Job work. and receipts soulwre be given for amounts Deist for the same. W EDNENDAY, March let. Se0ooL REPORT. -The following is the standing of the pupils of li. 8. S. No. 17, Ashfield and West Wawa - nosh, for the month of February, names oceurring in order of merit : Sr. IV. -Fern Wallington. Norman Kirke, Oliver Kirke. Jr. IV. -Harold Rivers. 8r. 111 -Gladys Rivers, Marie Sproul. Ji- III. - George Nixon. Sr. 11. -Hazel Wallington, Stanley Rivera. John Sproul. Jr. It. Winnifred Wallingtoo, Howard Sproul. Sr. Pt. 1. -Edna Rivers. E. S. MILLER, Teacher. WEDNEbDAY, Mar. 8th. H. McGregor. of Allentord, is linen the position of teller in the Sterling Bank here. The auction sale of Jas. D. Smylie was well attended and good prices fur all articles were received. ]Ile McCartett, of SImcoe, arrived on Sunday to take chews of the mil- linery department for J. Walkom. The funeral of the late Mier. Geo. Shepperd, of Nile. passed through the village Tuesday afternoon of this week. The monthly meeting of the direct- ors of the West Wewanosh Fire In- surance Co. was held here Tuesday of this week. Fred Savage. who had been a reel - dent of the county 'town for several months pain., has returned home and will resume work on the farm. Rev. Jos. Elliott, of (oderich, preach- ed in the Presbyterian church lastSab- bathin place of Rev. Mr. Cameron, of Mount Albert, the latter being unable to come on account of illness. Rev. Mr. Soott. of Toronto, is to occupy tbe pulpit the next two Sundays. Meth Sickness One to Bowel Disorders. A doctor's Erst question when con- sulted by a patient ie, "Are your bowels regular?" He knows that 98 per cent_ of Illness Is attended with in- •etive bowels sod torpid liver, and that this condition must he removed gently and thoroughly before health can he teatnre•d. Rexall Orderlies are a positive, pleasant and Nat. retteedy for oonsU- pation and bowel disorders In general. We are to eertain of their great curw- tive vain* [bat we promise to return the purchaser's money In every case when they fall to produce entire s•tie- dloNnn. Recall Orderlies ere eaten like randy. they act quietly, and have a • nothing. s.rengthening. healing tnflu- eNtes on the entire intestinal trwet. They do not pntge, `rips.. cause Ba=lsa. 8aWle nee. exorable. loo•enese. 41114arrbvm or totter anno Ing effort- �I''���'�� are especial) for children. •«ta preens or � folks. Two •tons, ie and lftc linM tint? at rear store Sebe Masall Were. It C. Dunlop s tee l aide of Bquer e. Drtn'( •o too tart, yoss• esan sem and s hnr»sr le 11)e hien were nimble a - - • r w NMI le Meath e., he p egied. NILE. WEDNESDAY, �� Mar. 8th. DEArm 01' AN 01.1) H IDENT.-An old resident of this locality pawed away on Saturday last, when Eliza- beth Jane Pentiaud, relict of tbe late George ehepperd, died et the ripe age of eighty-four years. The de- ceased was a native tri Amherst Is- land, coming to Wawanoeh when eighteen years of age, She moved over into Colborne at ber u,arriage In 1848, and ever since that time bad re- sided in the latter township. Mr. Sheppard died mix years ago last De- cember. Four sons and three daugh• ters survive : Samuel, of Carlow ; Alex., of Nile ; Tbos. G., on the home- stead , John, ot Cupar, Sask.. Mrs. Samuel 'Treleaven, of Duogannon, and Misses M. J. and Oatherine, at home. The funeral took piece to Dungannon cemetery on Tuesday. Rev. W. Con- way conducting the services. Three sons -Samuel, Alex. and Thos. -and a son-in-law. Mr. Treleaven, acted as pallbearers. AUBURN. WEDNESDAY, March 8tb. A t ' qe number of the farmers in this -•gbborhood are making prep- arst.: • to engage in the maple syrup b uei u ere. George Howatt, of Wingham, was, visiting friends in this neighborhood during the oast week. Mrs. Howatt, er., has been on the sick list for the past week. She has been confined to her bed. LEAVING FOR THE WEST. -George Willard and Mrs. Willard,leave for their home in Alberta on Friday, the 10th lost John Jackson left the station hen last Tuesday for his home in Alberta. He spent tbe winter with his parents on the 13th concession of Hullett. He is taking a carload of settlers' effects with him Alex- ander McShannock, of Manitols, lett for his home this week after spending a good part of the winter visiting and renewing acquaintances with his former neighbors of thirty years ago. William McKinnon, of Mani- toba, has been here and purchased some horses and leaves this week for his Western horne The Western visitors leaving for their homes is as sure ah indication of spring as the ap- pearance 0f the robin. PAPrfRSON intsotf HAS SOCIAL EVENING. -On Friday evening, March 3rd, a pleasant evening was spent by the members of Patterson Lodge No. 352, A. O. U. W. About forty-five members and their wives gathered at the home of J. Hickingbottom, wham an excellent oyster supper was served. The forepart of the evening was spent in nnteic and games and at about 11 o'clock adjournment was made to tbe dieing -room, where oysters and other g=ood things were partaken of after which H. J. Morrie, D. i). G. SL, of (;odericb, was called to the chair. Mr. Morris gave a very interesting address on the work of the Order in the Province of Ontario, and peetictt- tarty in the Huron district. The fol- lowing program was then given : Gramaphone selection. E. Cunning- ham ; recitation, Miss Thomson : ad- dress, J. Wilson ; violin solo, T. Rat- cliffe; gramapbone selection ; recita- tion, Bert Marsh ; song, D. Ramsay : •ddreee, S. Thomson ; duet, Ebner and Miss Ella Robertson ; address, Wnt. Campbell: gramaphone selec- tion. A vote of thanks was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Hickingbottom for their kindr-ess in giving their home Inc the occaei . H. Morris, D. U. G. M.. also te$dered a vote of thanks on be- half of the Grand Lodge of Ontario to the host and homes. and those wbo kindly took part in the program. A very enjoyshle evening was brought to • close by the singing of "Auld Lang Syne.'. DEATH OF MRe. SPROCL.-OD Fri- day evening last death removed an old resident of Dungannon, in the per- son of Mrs. Sproul. widow of the late Andrew 8Ftrout. The deceased wax a native of England, but lived the great part of her life in this country. having been a resident of Dungannon for over flfty years. She had reached the age of severity -seven years. Two sons and a daughter survive : David and Will. and Mrs. O. Begley. all of Duneaonon. Mrs. Sproul was a member of the Methodist church arid the funeral ser- vices on Sunday were conducted by the Methodist pastor, Rev, L. Bartlett. The pallbearers were J. McLean, H. M. Duff. W. Thompson, R. Bowers. H. Jones and W. Ryan. DUNGANNON SCHOOL 1. REPORT. -For the week ending March 3. Arithme- tic in all classes : V. -Riley Bradford, 96; Fanny Fitzgerald, 711 ; .Mostyn Sands, 60: Stanley Walker, 46; Edith Stothers, 36 ; Myrtle Allen, 25. Sr. iV.-Stephen Medd, 86: Lillian Pent- land, 80; Lorne McKenzie, 80 ; Lotus (libretti, 00; Marvin Durnin, 00: Ralph Dasher, 50: Melinda Culbert, 40; Rae Stet hers, 40. Jr. IV.- Fred Errington, 70; Lionfield Anderson, 00; Willie Fitzgerald, 00; Clayton Sands, 56: Marion Dieser, 56 ; Hazel Carr, 26; Mabel Culbert, 20. Jr. iII. --Sheldon Bartlett, 66; Albert Brown, 56 ; Iva Carr, 65: Olive Glenn, 30; Judson Bell. 25; Edith Anderson, 20 ; Melville Culbert, 10. Wet. J. MOF- FATT, Principal. PeReee:e. MENTION. --Mr. Culliton, of Stratford. is here visiting his sister, Mn. Curwin We are sorry to have to state that Mr. Curwin is not improving ae his friends would like. Miss Cora Roberts returned on Fridayfrom her trip to friends at Fort rie and Buffalo.... .Mer. S. J. Young and her mother, Mrs. West, ere improving after their recent 111- tksa Mrs. B. Redmond is on the sick list Mrs. S. E. Sanderson, who has been on tbe Met list, is. we are gled to bear, Improving . .. Miss 811a Ryan. of Wingham Business Col- lege, was hoose lest Sunday.... Miss E. Marsh, of (inderirh, visited at B. Jonei this week Mrs. E. 8. Mit- chell le visiting in Toronto.... J. E. Malloogh Is in Lucknow looking after the drugbusiness of Mr. Armstrong. ill Begley, of Hamilton, was here Sunday attaoding the funeral of his grandmother. Mrs. A. Sproul A number of the • (1. C. f. students spent Sunday at their homes here.. Miss Donna Bice has returned from her visit In Toronto. Teenensv, March 9th. [MATH OF DAVID MAvAor--Word was received on Wednesday of the decease of David (Gray) Ravage. who diad at London the previous day. Mr. Ravage wee for many years a resident of Asb8eld, removing ale.ut four years ago to Clinton and Is .-, to London The remains were Iaterred le the cem- etery bere this morning. Two 'totem. Moa. Berry. of Port Arthur. and Mrs. Partridge. of Buffal.., were boss. Inc the fuming. Two • Sten la New York W ITEAY fee Our LAROIt CATA (J1. Many ree of our graduate. are now earn - trig We placefa I*r oto f n nbberhof steach n - dents In good novitiate ever year. tet u• educate you Inc ,omethlog bet- ter. WE KNOW HOW. College one all year. Enter any time. ELLIOTT BUSINESS COLLEGE ('os. Yoaor AND ALZXANDRI Sys., TORONTO A Good Idea in Hair Treahwnt The trouble with most women'/ hair le that they won't take the tire.• to rive It proper treatment. If you want your hair to have that look of lustre and vitality, you must take oar. of It. You cannot expect to have splendid hair 1f you simply run a comb through It In the morning--gtv. 1t a dab os the outer edge with • brush -throw It Into a braid -switch It around th. head -)ab In a few hair pine --and let It go at that. Hair Is llke any other growing thing -It needs attention -it needs car. ---1t needs' thorough grooming regularly - not only the hair but th. scalp. 1f you have the time and wieners you won't need any pair tonle-bur meat women hay.n•t Tb• An.st hest thing 1s Nyei's Hlrs,tten•irit In the best thing offered to take tit• Place of hours of combing and brushing. it tonss up th• roots, hrlght.ns the color, Improves the texture and makes It •ay gracefully where It to pot. Hlrsutene !literally • rsvltafts.i the neglected hal►. Your Nyal Druggist cheorfnlly rec- ommends Hlrsutnno b.ea.M be knows Ia artistic bottles 81 OC .M fee. Sold sod guaranteed Dy P. j OUTLAND S. E. HiCK H. C. OUNILOY E. R. WiGLE GODS RICH Ow kr sea everyday anon r 1 One of tit• most danger- ous and repulsive foga of Kidney Dkwss is oPsY for *tech Dodd's Kidney Pills aro the only certain cure. to Dropsy the Kid- neys are actually da,easad so. and the water, which should be expelled in the form cf urine, Bows back aad lodges in the cells of the les'band puffs out the skin. Remove the filth which plugs up the dram Restore the Kidneys to health. There 1. only sae Kidney Medicine DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS • CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. M Write us at onos ter our free catalogue and learn what Y being done in the leading business oolkere In Western °nisrlo. Our graduates secure good positions, and meet with success. 'indoor nen nay they are he best We have throe deppa•rtment.-- t commercial. t'cmmercial. Shorthand end Telegraph). We give individual Instruction and you may eater at any time. .D. A. M7LA('HLAN, Principal r Get Ready for the position just ahead of you About 1500 young men end women prepare for promotion to better things by spending • few months jp our grist school - Shaw's Shoot - The Central Business College of Toronto. Our new catalogue will interest you. You ere invi ed to write for it. W. H. Shaw. President, ' Yonge and Gerrard Streets. Toronto. ANIIIIIIIMAINISIIIIIIIII ems= Boys and Girls Should learn thoee subjrrl. he which they can earn a living. Spotton's Busman Colleges alt the largeet trainers in ('anal,(. and ou: graduates secure the Joest positions. You can study at home, or partly at home and finish at the college. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION ENTER ANY DAY l i Ready for Spring Busiiess We are fully ready now to take ca4e pt your spring business. There is a completeness about our new spring lines that is rarely found so early in the season. In the following ITEMS you will find named just a few leading articles worth considering. You will find prices right, too. .41 r ja WHITE SPOT MUSLIMS A few days ago we came nelos.' a clean-up tot of tine, small spot Dress Muslius. The regular prices would be soave 20c and some 26c ; and you can buy any of them for lbc. They are al- most like organdy timeline - very tine. They will be here for Saturday. IIGINGHAMS Come and get some of our 10c Scotch (iinghauis before they are all ettne. LACE CURTAINS Our new Lice Curtains art• here -Nottingham wake, which is known as a guarantee of the beet in the market fur the prices asked. GOWNS We can surprere you in values in whits lawn Gowns, from Ste to 82.76, trimmed with wide lace in hinds end edgings. Others have 4 -inch insertion and 0 -Inch edging embroidery, and new this week. LAWN SKIRTS A new lot from the o=aken this week, and we never offered such values before. Trimmed with 34 - inch insertion and tucked embroidery. Fwlgingt 4 inches wide. CORSETS Our spring stock is here in all the newest m=odels, from 50c to 52100 a pair. D. & A. and E. T. makes. Every pair guaranteed. RIBBONS Two hundred and ten pieces, washable, white, sky, pic=k. cardin•1 shade, 11 to f inches wide and only 3c a yard ; five yards in • piece for 16e, and washable. LAWN WAISTS come and see what we can do for you in white lawn Waists. Our spring stock is now complete. We buy direct from the ma.kene which enabler us to give you lowest prices. PRINTS Remember that this it the place to buy Prints if you want the beet valise and RICK-F4.14T colors - 1tk: and 12ec - none higher. Li. H. COL -BORNE 1 1 Lucknow lady Fractures Leg. Guelph. Mar. 4. -Mrs. Mary Mello. of Lucknow, fell from the north- bound Grand Trunk train at the June tion this morning, and fractured her leg. It is said that Mrs..Martio, in- stead of waiting until the train stopped, jumped off while it was still about 100 cards south of the platform. She fell on the slippery roadbed and fractured her leg just above the ankle. in .lip- ping the narrowly escaped falling under the wheels. She waspicked up promptly and con!eyed to the hos- pital, where she was attended to. The accident is a very painful one, and 'seri- ous, Mrs. Martin being in the' neigh- borhood of sixty years of age. Genuine maple bon bone, maple sugar. maple fudge and maple cakes at Burdette's Candy Kitchen. Select Groceries Here are a few of the many lines in which we can give you excellent value : SALMON CHEESE MARMALADE STARCH SUGAR ORANGES LEMONS RAISINS CURRANTS SPICES NUTS Etc.. Etc. Sturdy & Co. 'Phone 91 The Square WE HANDLE THE • SHOK THAT HAS STYLE AND COMFORTABLE QUALITY ENTIRELY BEYOND THE REACH OF OTHER MAKES Pea., ,v .e Asca THE NARTT SHOE Young men appreciate this shoe, because It bas the latest thing in finish and style: and because there are added to this man little original touc� which give the Hartt Shoe its distinctive individuality. Qlder 'ten like the oboe became. the range Includes luta that fit the foot and that give real foot comfort All are of leathers that guarantee the shoe bag toot ones our large rave of new mws aril! can'br, -e pea. Up-to-date *pairing HERN c$ ELILJOT7a 'Phone 224 The Square a MEI MEI IT ZONE Woman's disorders alwaysyleld from the very beginning of the treatment to the mild but effec- tive. action of Orange Illy. Within two or three days after commencing Its use the improvement becomes noticeable, and this Improvement continues until the patient- Is com- `Pletely cured. Orange Llly is an applied or local treatment. and acts directly on the womanly organs. re- moving the congestion. toning Aad strengthen)M the nerves. and re- storing perfect clrculatlonioln the Meowed parts. In order to convince all guttering women of the Vu.alof this remedy. I w111 send a s4.rcent box. enough tor ten days' treatment, absolutely rRms to each lady senates me her address. MBS. FRANCES E. CURRAN, Windsor, Ont. ARE YOU SWEEPING WITH DUSTBANE? It keeps the dust down and kills the disease germs, purifies your carpets and polishes your linoleum' and floors. Fresh stock just in. Howell Hardware Co. , Limited THE BEST PLACE TO BUY HARDWARE wwwwwwwWNfWwwOWg1ZlrW0/wWwwW0WF As the kitchen is the workshop of the home so is the Oar 'Sotto : "A square deal to 1 KITCHEN CABINET ▪ the work bench and nothing adds to the comfort and subtracts from the drudgery ,of kitchen work like a eon - everyone " veenieot Kitchen Cabinet. We have a special value in this Ilne. Large enough * to hold all the utensils required In the culinary art and 1 yet small enough to go into the tiniest kitchen. iTreat yourself to one of these labor-saving and life- prolonging articles .se. • AGINC' SORDHEiMER PIAV(K W. J. MU1R & GO. s Qw elrtt t "!gt iwf serer ssndikk M yiwa► rtleasg • 41,1,110 44****TETT. i"," "Ili Vi,7a!!1 1