HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-3-9, Page 1ENV )fow Is the time Oto renew your subscription to The Signal. See premium picture offer to paid - in - advance subscribers. 1 ionat. t LXTT-TBIRD Tian -N. MI GODERICH. ONTARIO. CANADA : MARCH 9, 1911 See Zhu Signal's Clubbing .Gist for newspaper batgaius. All the leading Canadian publi a - tions at reduced prices. THE SIGNAL PRINTING 00.. Ltd., Poat.aas, FINANCIAL OF CANADA BitTAISLIBHED ISM than the temptation to apt eid from nuke a practice of depositiog your Capital, Rest and Undivided Profits $6,900,000 Total Assets over $45,000,000. THE TEMPTATION TO SPEND money wbi.:h is ewrning in- terest in this Baok is far lees the roll in you• pocket. 1f yon sparecash regularly you will he touch better off at the end of the year. One Dollar will open an account. 1Vby not start one now in our Savings Department. • Goderich Branch, W. L. HORTON, Manager. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS AUCTION SAI.i. . Copy of change to running advertise AUCTION SALE ants must be left at this office by • dOUSEHULD VNL ABL' relentofficeR>z Monday noon to ensure insertion .1 J. Edward will Belt by pudie asetirn at In lues of same week. ^rbe, aolRouts atrvet. Godsrieh. on BATCLtDA Y. MARCH LITH, oommen-ing at 2 o'clock share 1 exten.lon Tables S Dint ('halm. 3 Small Tables, t ]lookers, 1 Parlor chairs. 1 MaaUr Clock.. Folding Chairs, 3o Volumes clopeedla Britannica. 2 Couches, 1 Gaso- line t with Tank. etc ; 1 Kitchen Cabinet. Kitchen Utmdla. Dishes. LampeI Bades= Set. I Lon Bed. 1 Foldlbg Bed. 1 Chiffonier. I Refrigerator. Curtain Stretches,, Fruit neatens. Jare etc, etc : Carpets, 1 Dustless Ash Sifter. Terms . Cash. J. J. Ll) WARD. THOS. OUNDRY, Proprietor. AucUooesr. AND FUR PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE..• Those person* desiring an extension of the Goderich Township Municipal Telephone Spi- te= met lake appli.•wtlots for same u writ - Lag to the heed °tans of raid System, et Hohnem IUs, on or before the first Monday In A wit 1191. G. HOLLAND President. MEDICAL TUI. F. J. R. FOHSTER-EYE. EAR. It ..s and throat only. House surr,eon• New York Opbthalmb and Aural Institute. Clinical tadst, Ear. Nose and 1hrOat Hospital. Golden Pynate. and Moorefi$d Eye Hospital. Landon. farmland, Office. Albert street. `trat- ford, oppoeits Windsor hotel. Hout. : 44 1012 a. m.. r to 4 R m.. 7 to 8 P m. Telephone 445'7 • GUNDRY Livery, Cab and 'Bus a s St tale_ THE RED BARN South Street. Goderich All our Rig, are New. 'Buses meet all Trains and Steemers. Particular attention given to t 'Phone No. 50.calls from private residences. . 'Phone No. 50. MORTGAGE SALE 1!1 FARM PROPERTY at Fared Hefei. Goderich. on SATURDAY, MARCH 111,13. 1911. at 12 o'clock .won. The property to be nolo competees the North bait of lot 1, concession ft Eastern Division. AShheld. I)0 acres. Buildings tied fences In Rood stets of repair. The property will be offered subject to re- served bid. THOMAS U � tr Dared t ie 90l at February.1911. ..0 RLE.9GARROW.. for Vendors r� FOR SALE ON TO HENT S Z` 1 0ODHRICH MONTHLY HORSE MARKETS NEXT MARKET TUESDAY, MAR. 14th The Committee expect the representatives of some of the leading bores -buying Arms in Canada at this sale. Good accommodation for animals and attendants. in addition to private sale.. horses will also he er'd by auction• commencing at 1:00 p. m. If you bays a horse to sell, come. Tf you want to bevy a horse. come. W.pt nF.((tleek. V 1 . Resident iei v _ CBOIOit LOTS FOR SALE IN THE Darrow property. Plot 131rc10n fee(, in- cluding corner of Market street and Min avenue. imitable for these horses: or will dl vide to cultp trrobaeer. High and dry ground choicest.abco*choicest. location in beet teasw nus ..lotion. Iles., aloes Elgin avenue. For por- tlenlwr,+poly at rd SIGNAL OFFICE. L'UR SALE. -FIVE ACRES OF 1' Rood land. part of lot 4. 1st ootoeesion. Goderich tow:whip. Good frame house and barn : also Roos fruit tree. ADply te MRS. N. CHURCH.Ooderh. P. U. tf. H OUSE FOR SALE. -TWO-STORY frame boors on Piston street near Colle- giate Institute. Five bedrooms, parlor. fitting room dining room, kitchen, pantry and bath- room. Good cellar under kMMellen. Lot has 104 feet 17ontage and is .l3 feet deep. Apply to JAMIE80.. RLID. aa- m VOR SALE. - TEN ACRES EAST side of South street, corner Hennett. street Goderich. If you desire a smaller tract of one or two acres or • bulldiog lot In the south side write H. A. JORDAN. 173 Windsor avenue. .VIndsor. Ontario. HOUSE: TO RENT iN GOOD LOCA. Til IN on the west side of Victoria street, second hoose south of Trafalgar street. 11 le an eight roomed brick house, fitted with bath, furnace rind all modern oonvenlenoes. Poe - session given on first of April. Apply to W. A. CHISHOLM. Victoria street. Sett RM FOR `;ALE. - i N THE F Atownship of Ashfield, 130 acres of E well watered, buildings In fine condition. good flaw the best snap offered this year. Mast be so at once. For further particulars apply to C AS. 0, IA10KE, Barrister. Letkea*. 4tom. • 18.0. MOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. - 1 Lot two hundred and twenty-five MN on Kinggsston street, in the town « Ooderteh, osn- tainrnR onequa*er « an sore. On the north Malt ooft this property there 4 erected s dory and a halt frame dwelling house and a blaok- smit0 shop, owe occupied by the late A ex - ander Kirkbride. Both the house and the .1.00 are. at present, ander lea, the house at P1. S a month and the ah at r The property will be sold in team, eor two �. "reei: as the purchasers; may desire. AppppIy to M. G. ('AMitRON, Barrister. etc.. Hamlltor street. 0oderloh. Outwit). fiFFICES TO RENT ON r' NORTH street,wetby and Andrew Porter. Apply te . P. iRO117N fiat WHAT i8 FRUiT LAND iN BRiT- 186 ()Mumble worth? A small felt farm in Cdgewood Orehard., k Ma- telot. B. C.. will make yon lode t fee 11ta These lards w new seine, frees to IMO per sere In seven W 9111• ales Leard ate worth over $1. per when n. an whew oaltivatmd and matured. Ideal climate, good (shies. tt.b-.mn�.t�. monthly Iwtdlment plan. J N W LU1YD. 4 (Astarte street. Stretford. goner'% gent fee Ontario The lost muff advertised in The Signal las( week was restored to its owner on Saturday evening. THE STERLING BANK OF CANADA FARMRRJI SHOULD KNOW that their money is In safety Many offer+ M Invwatsrnt promise large profit but the large profit ineeetenenr ie seldom + MA FF' ONS The tsA'.IN/.li DEPAR'1'MEN1 of the t$erling Reek of (Meade has three .trong point. Safety interest paid regularly Tbir MOON! .e creak always randy when required BRANCH/Pi AT Dungannon. Auburn. Valetta, Bayfield 'AA Goderich 000ERICH MARKETS. Tauamoar, Marco fah. rail wbmt, 0•r boar t0 70 tot r, til wamt. list bomb.. s0 10 •S to wwheats per ilea 0 u to 048 Ol Oats.. pee lam' ""• •••- a 40 133 w 0 ea i a'ara�Per�bar 116 to 0 3e 75 �u1Fr!r bOw Met to 19 n, egw�w{� 9TSto 9744 .icor: pb4snt. e%rt 3 111 to 3 u) lira+ per ton 01 00 to 91-111 88bn't{a. per ter 13 00 to H 00 SHtaay,per ten r to11111Straw) to 3 tpWood. Der fowl to 530 Butter. Cheese, per Ib ▪ s I6 iron ole Sam trerh, oar dos Co 17 10 Al) Potatoe.. per DnsheL.. ........ 0'M) to 4 50 Cattle, urd)ey to good, mewl. 4 tO to 3 ,r. Cattle, export, per cwt 3 30 to it at !IIMR Lambe '. 0 73 to s 73 droop, per owe t 4 UO to 110 Tallow, per lb l'3Hidesto ,AS heep'scin kklnper si .,r 7 5101 W al Apples. per bol 4 110 10 5 .0 Had you thought what a nice Rester gift to the fair one a box of fine cboonlates would make Try BURDSTTZ'a, at the Batoorad Cafe. FOR SALE, LIVERY BUSINESS FOR SALE.-- ♦ large livery bermes, in • good Weiner town near Goderich. Must be sold .t doer. For farther particulars apply to CHAP. 0. LOCILE. Barrister, Looknow, Ont 3a U. BICYCLE AND GENERAL RE- PAIR shop fur, aa1o.-KxoeUent opening for expert methane. capable of handling bicycle. automobile• gasoline engine and gen - er.l machinery rep dr work. ADph) to OEOROE VELE. or premises. Hamilton street. (Jiderich. 11 A. SITUATIONS VACANT. fjiEACHER WANTED. -FOR 8. S. 1 No. 3. Colborne township. with dost or es000dclawe certificate. Duties to ooauneace after isWer holtd.ye. Apply, stating carry. to J. J. *i4Ett sets r roue., Oodericb. 40-1 m kOOD GENERAL SERVANT greeted for housework. Appy to Miss J. WYt.E. West street It LIVEMAN OR WOMAN WANTED F: work er home paying $2 or *3 per day with opportunity to advance. +sparer Um.. can be used. Wor. not difficult. and requires no experience. WiNSITON, LIMITED, elpedlrw avenue. Torobt... 41-dt WANTED. -A (GOOD MAID; EASY place, two in family. Apply to M. W. Y. MAIDEN. Kirin avenue. /tWOD SEWERS ANL APPREN to TN'E.S wanted. -We have room tor two apprenUces and two or three good sewers in our dressmaking department. sod can give steady am to'm to Hoent D hand.. 1 ISM WriN COUTTP. Hodgens BSS. > at CARETAKER WANTED. Wanted, a caretaker for Victoria school. Applicants to mate salary and sight agreement for orsear. Lis a 1 t o[ duos can he seen at office of secretAry. ADpllcal ions to be in by 4 p. m. Monday. March 13th. A. STRAITON. Secretary Public School Board. NOTICE TO CREDITORS OTICE TU CREDITORS. 1N THE ESTATE OF DONALD MCPHAIL LATE OF THE TOWN , •F t:01.1Eet1411. 1N fHIC COUNTY OF HERON, DE- CEASED. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0. 1887. Chap. 190, that all ctedtto.s and others havlog crime against the estate of the said Dona t McPhail. who died on or about the Sth day of January. 1911. are requi, ea on or before the lith day of Manch. 1011, to send by post prepaid, or deliver, to the Undersigned, soild- ter for Joseph McPhail. the administrator of the estate of the -bald deceased. their Christian and surname.. addressee and descriptions. the full particulars of their claims and the nature of the securities, if any. held by them. And further take notice that after .nth last- mentioned date the said administrator will proceed to distribute the YOWLS of the deceased among the partes entitled thereto, having re - aveoul to the claims of which be .hall 'ben nouns, and that 0. will not be Mable for the said aoete, or any part thereof. to any per- sons of whose cla`n,. Dottie *hall not have been received by him at the time of such dlstrtbn non. Dated tills 24th day of F'ebruarf..4. D. 1911. CHAtiL*.41 (JARROW. Solicitor for 41 3t. Joseph McPhail. Administrator IN THR SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF' HURON iN THE ESTATE Or CHARLES KNIGHT, L LC IC AMU). NoUee Is hereby given that all haven` cilium. against he estate of thee above- named cleneased. who died at the town Goderich on the ire day « 1, February, 1441al requested on or berore the 1st day ., April, 1111, to ole their datm. with Josiah B. Knight the executor of the will of the .std Charles Knight, .le .seal. with the proofs and trartioo- lan thereof required by law. And notice le further Rlvm that after the said to day of April, Mil, the executor will premed to distribute for sweets of the deosased &momebt tee pettier entitled thereto having reward only to t N Bhi alm. of wt+ ounce *hall then have were Woe. rad tear he will not be heble for thrower or any part,thereo(. so dM- tttbuted. to 5.y poem or per -own of whose claim be shad eat lire have bad owlet Ileted'at Golet r this 1110 day of February. 1911. LorrU$ L DANCEY. M --4L debater Mr Executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. iN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE nF THOMAS GARDNER. LATE Or THR TOWNSHIP Or oosti 1RNL. iN THE COUNTY OF HURuN, -YEOMAN. DR- CEsaED. Notes is betebr given. pursuant to the Re viandWatatem of l)nl.11o, etre. ISS that .11 ramal* having Madre. +.+hest the eaten of *0. ode Thema. (lard..,, eche did on or about the R0 day of L'eoesiber. A. D. 140, in taw.erlp« k.ree. indeed the.' Pe.(wvrgos ( to ever thetundermined. safld ' N�t., FFel f4 yid net Ow awl Andress Mr el; aha m.s.b « t w +.0 latah.. on or whey tae ata W ef Aprtheir April lilt ,noes slagMas +sa.., with fell osrurulae of twNr elahtt r mites. and toe eater" of a h► .eicwrl es). by Won duty .sisalstabsisry t, And Wks asObb lbw .h.r las iris .sus ,M alsoi Me nib pesessif vyre rde,sat.tabst.W r.ar►ts of the oda eamonsO 11444411. the meow fo, 1bassaa. ns e�rgtri�.'sly g� of .1 tat.w love rte hued tot. ssieewltea sessenws win e a be thaw Aar tM its suets et .ay MO thereof es rep ear esu wof Whew Blum ..4411the 11 not hoes e~erevolved 1011 Iwo a raw date 1f rare ire dee .w MaTh meriew res u J/ and 0itoeeter. st* yeer eye on Harriette'. win- dow few nen Raster display of candies, Web* *pp. ete.-_at the Weems! THE TOWN COUNCIL. WILL ASIC FOR COMPETITIVE PLANS FOR NEW TOWN HALL. Steps Necessary to Secure Interswitch- ieg at Harbor -Letter from Hydro- electric Commission -Organiza- tion of New Fire Brigade. The regular meeting of the town council was held in the council cham- ber last Friday evening. All the menll.ers were present except Coun- cillors Wallace and Vanatter. After Town Clerk Knox had read the min- utes of the previous aerations and Mayor Cameron had attached his sig- nature theeet, Reeve Reid suggested that ex -Councillor .1. C. Laitbwaire, who was present. Ise the council's guest of honor fur the evening, and have a seat beside the Mayor. The idea was heartily approved and His Worship in expressing his pleasure at having the ex -councillor beside him common' ed on the active interest which Mr. Iaithwaite always had taken in the town's affairs, whether he waw a member of the coancil or not. The gue-t having been comfort- ably seated. the business of the meet- ing was then pI•oc, «sled, with. A request from the chief of police for two uniform cops was sent to the special committee. David Brown asked for permission to alter a tine -wall between his two stores on the corner of Montreal street and the Square. His letter was re- ferred to the 6r,• co ttee with power to act. iaterswtbchtng. The secretary of the Dominion Board of Railway Commissioners senr a reply to the council's request for in- structions as to the procedure neces- sary to bring about inter.witching arrangements between the 1'. P. B. and the (3. T. R. at Goderich harbor. It was advised thatthe town should snake application under section 128 of the Railway Act, which provides that where the lines or tagteks of two dif- ferent railways run thr)ugh or info the sauce city, town or village the Board may, upon the application of One of the companies, or of a munici- pality, order that the lines or tracks of such railways shall be so connected at or near the point of intersection. or crossing, in or near see h city, town or village, as' to admit of the safe aid convenient trawler or passing of en- gines, cars or trains from the trears of one railway to those of another. It was suggested in the letter that the town se, ve the railway companies its; terested with the appkcation showing what connection is desired. This be- ing dune the application should be sent to the Board with proof of ser- vice. oh the railway companies inter- ested. The waiter would then be taken up and dealt with. Mayor Cameron pointed out the im- pottxoce of immediate action in this Natter. wheat. r the harbor improve- ments asked for were obtained or nut, and suggested that a committee be appointed to deal with the mat- ter at once. The c ' tee named to take up the [natter were Mayor Cameron, Reeve Reid. Deputy Reeve tn Munninge and t otcillm Nairn. . At this juueture His Worship inti- mated that he would hat e nothing to say at present regarding the success of the deputation which interviewed the (iovernulent respecting harbor ill I pro Veinen t P. Sewer Construction. W. Chipman. C. E . Of Toronto, applied for the position of engineer to superintend the cooatruction of she new sewer system. He stated that for surveys, plans, and other docu- ments necessary for placing the work under contract his tender world be two per cent. of the coat. He would undertake the superintendence of the work on a monthly salary ; that is. he would furniah an engineer with neces- aAr t instruments for $8011 per month for the actual teen. engaged upon the work in Goderich, this .nun to cover his (Chipmen'sl services aa consulting engineer. The fetter was referred to the public works committee. Maitland River Power. The se retary of the Hydroelectric Power Coummiesion, in a communica- tion respecting the set -mine of a re- port ea to the Advisability of develop- ing powee. nn the Maitland River, stated that the hydraulic engineer had this smatter in hand and was working on the report. a copy of which would he forwarded OR .,on as completed. A blank resolution form was sent to he filled oma. b • the onuncil, stating the quuntitiea of power required. As noon es it was fol•wwrlad to the Coinmis- cion, an erigineei then could he sent to look fully into the requirements &net report en that an estimated root of power scold lee given. The leiter was .efetterl to the special committee. Committee Reports. T h e flnanee eoninlittee recom- mender! the payment of a nnether orf *in't'act* end advised no Action re- verting the c.,n imarneetinn from the R.ther•t Bell Engine 9 Thresher ('o. aa tr, the payment of Mr. Bell for'ner- vieee rendered Ihe town $s •eltisUtr. A cheque f, o se, vine. renderer at Ihe rate of SDI nee day .Sas rot to Nr. Rall Mot ws. n,., ,rtept el ue fall pey- event Th. waw di Vied TTnr elw•emsI •..miilt e• re aenn,ereled that n„ wchoe ha talc*•. re+jp+•.r.•t rug ' lae dommnwicst,..,, rnwn William. Iwnet with rferen- joining the t n, arr. Mien qua, 1 ,ailon enet • het 'he terl,s.et..4 i.. •r•ge Megrim ire trans fen of rh moving pi.•tnry IMeage INs� granted Adopted 11 The fire re nemitt.. iepnr•terl ee tel the forming and organizing of the new fire company and recommended that Wm. Thompson be appointed fire warden for the year 1011. It was ad- vised that the matter of effecting an accident insurance on the firemen be kinked into. The report was adopted. New Municipal Building. The public works ttee locum - mended •'that a new municipal build- ing be cunstri*cted on the site of the present town hall ; that the building be such as would he suitable for a town of about ten thousand people and to contain a council chamber, offices for the Mayor, clerk, treasurer, collector, police office and cells, mag istrate's office and quarters, public hall; vaults, Bre hall and firemen's rooms. room for hand practice and all niodern conveniences, the cost of the bpilding not 0, exceed $35,(310." it also was recommended that competitive 'dans of a suitable building be asked Or by adve. tieing, the plans to he in by April 16th, and that prizes he given as follows: For the first, $100: se:- ond, $50, sod third, $25, the first prize to be paid in thirty days but to Apply on commission tut the work proceeds. The report was adopted. On motion of the Reeve, seconded by Councillor Clark. it was decided to hovea telephone.placed in the office of the town treasurer. The "boys of the old brigade' (of Areinen) are entitled to- two months' pay and it was suggested by some of the councillors that they he paid at once. After some discussion it was decided to leave the matter in the hands -of the fire comtnittee to settle all w(a)n as all the rubber golfs are re- turned. The council then adjourned. HOCKEY MOTES. a The intermediate hockey team which journeyed to Clinton last Fri- day evening and played a game with the team ot that town was worsted by the erore• of 7-6. Capt. Ed. Robinson was the referee. Prestons Are Champions. Preston won the O. H. A. Inter- mediate chatnpionship at Midland on Tuesday- by defeating M' land on the r Hund by two goals.ton went on the ice with a lead of three goals, having beaten Midland in the first game by the score of 0-14. The result of the game at Midland was 7-6 in favor of the home teem. Preston moored four goals in the fire'. ten min- utes to their opponents' nil. but the Midland players showed up better durinv the remainder of the gamy. The Wanderers Win. The game nn Tuesday ovening be- tween Kelly's team and the Wan- derers1the Wan- derers reg lr,rl in a win for by the score of 6-3. The ab- sence of Pridham at coverpoint for Kelly's team weakened the line-up of that team considerably. W. Proud - foot, however, deserves credit for the showing he made. During the (atter part of the game Robinson, the 1Ven- derers' rover, was hit oe the knee with the pack, which sent him out of the game. Burdette went off to even' up. The following is the line-up : Kelly's Team -(coal, Kelly : point, Burdette ; coverpnint, Proudfoot rover, U. Robertson: centre, Swan- son; right wing, McArthur ; 1eft wing, C. Kidd. Wanderer. -Goal, Johnston ; point, Thompson ; cuverpoiot, Doyle ; rover, Robinson ; centre.. Snezel ; right wing, M. McDonald ; left wing, Dodge. Goderich 6, Seaforth 6. The Goderich "Junior*" were at Seaforth on Tuesday nitrlit and played a game with the fast junior septette of that town. The Goaerich boys did a little better than they expected. the .corp et full time being 6.6. The score at half-time was 3-1 in favi., of Gode- rich. Webh's good work in goal saved the day for Goderich. A return game will probably he played. The t_)ame were er follows: Goderich-Opal, C. Wehh ; point, 1Velter ; co: erpoint. Waiter ; vover, Cruickshank; tenths, Wiggins; left wing, le Webb; right wing, Thomp- son. flea forth - Goal, Troyer; lwins, Reid ; cover point. Reid ; rover. Sone., ; centre, Dick ; left. wing. Dick ; right wing, Muir. The Girls Wee. A hockey game which attracted a large crowd of epeetators last Friday afternoon was played on the Weet street rink. between representatives of the fair sex In attendance at the Collegiate and the hand.ome youths of the same institution. the latter the champions of the town league. The rules governing the gams differed somewhat from those used in a league game. it hail been arranged that the hays should wear skirts, and handle their hock •y shirks with one band. The ladies proved to he expert wielder.) of the stick and the players of the point and rover positions demon- st.•si.w1 that they bad made a special elude of the art of ebecking. On on* occasion when the two rovers met In • tamale for the pork Referee Clark de- cided that the former rhampinn player required a few minutes' rest in the penalty hors as the result of the telling jolt to his anatomy. After forty minutes' energetic work time was rolled and the Scor* waw an- nounced 5-A in favor of the ladteme The following www the line-up • (Siris --coal, Mies McArthur; p,.iwt. *goes Hai 'Mon t (evenly d rot, Irwin' i'ridham ; rover, kwtr (`jerk : renter, Miss H•ed.,: left wires, Margaret Galt : right wi•R lea Webh. Boy. Goal, W IRseett point 11.I Walter novsepie 9 4 •ng rnr.r T Isl1,ott . (.sears. Le M Cache n left sing, ' R Nac 1'aec .un . tuft' wing. A Tom Nine. eh. %teen• Rao» .v. play ten the artang.n,.nts penning ..1 a germ betosn wthe tger 0 rhampior.a and the Oilnton Collegiate tette have Motu Aa shred off-- by (histol DOESN'T WANT IT. REV. DR. DOUGaLL ANO THE PRO- POtiEU REVENUE FROM BARB. Thinks the People Will Not Care to Receive Benefits from a Fund Raised in This Way -Looking to the Next Local Option Campaign. Un Sunday evening Rev. Dr. Dougall. pastor of North street Meth- odist church, addressed his congrega- tion on the liquor question. In his opening remarks Dr. Dougal dealt with the present a 1iistio throughout the Province and the changes in the law which are consid- ered essential by the temperance people to make the local option move- ment more widespread in its effective - nem. He advanced arguments in favor ot the abolition of the three- fifths clause and of the taking of the local option vote in the county as a whole, and argued from the large wa- jcrity of nt n u icl liter that have been P'► a en voted "dty" that the Government should - adopt Provincial prohibit ion. He referred to the latest proposed en- acturrnt, which provides that the Government shall receive live per cent. of the proceed. of any bar which exceed' $40. He pointed out that it would mean a large increase in the revenue of tbe Province, but, he ex- claimed. "1 don't want any of the mone" Appealy.ing to the congregation h asked if they wished to see their chit dren educated, their taxes paid and other expenses met I.y- such he in- come. He did not think that any per- son would want to becume a partner in such a business by receiving a bene- fit from the proceeds. Referring to the vote on local op• tion token in Goderich too years ago, the reverend gentleman laid stress on the fact that it required he changing of only eight votes to make the town dry. "I am confident," he said, "that by next year there will be no liquor sold in this town in the name of the Government." "I have been told," he continued, "that last summer there were twenty men drunk on the Square on one oc- 'asion al,4 hat jt .nen were in the lockup • An employer had told him the wenty-two of his men had been found drunk in • shed one morning. "Who is responsible for the evils enacted since the vote was taken list time?" asked Dr. Dougall. "The responsibility is as straight as an arrow : four hnn3red end thirteen men are responsible." Further, he said, "if I vote for a man to stand be- hind a bar I may as well stand there mye'lf." The Doctor then challenged anyone to name a place where local option has proved a failure. He affirmed that it had been a success everywhere and added that the traffic had no right to exist ; that it had nobody- to speak for it. Concluding. he asserted be did not kuow of it better business the devil had in Ooderich than that which was licensed by 413 voter's. 1 n 1' CHURCH NOTES. Next Sunday evening in Knox church Rev. George E. Ross will preach the annual sermon to the sailors and fishermen, prior to their departure for their work on the (creat Lake.. His subject will be "Outward Bouni." Mr. Irwin will speak on behalf Of missions at both services in Victoria street Methodist church next Sunday. The offering for missions will not be taken till :Sunday, March 19th. Mr. Irwin is a splendid speaker and a most enthusiastic missionary worker. Rev. Geo. E. Row. H. D., pastor of Knox church, will give a lecture on Monday evening, March 80th, on bit missionary work in Demerara, British Guiana. Having been in close touch with the natives of Demerara for sev- eral year.. Mr. Roes will have some- thing very interesting to tell about the habits and customs of these people. The lecture will be under she auspices of the MacGillivray Mission Band. Admission 15 cents. itemeru- her the date -March 80th -in the lec- ture room of the church. A union meeting of the young people's societies of Knox church, North street Methodist church and the Baptist church was held in the Baptist church on Monday even- ing. Following the devotional ser- vice a short program was rendered, which Included vocal solos, recitations and an address by Dr. Dougall, in which he outlined a movement to ire begun shortly which will have for its membership all the young people of tbe different churches in Goderich. Further particulars regarding the movement will be announced later. After the serving of refreshments the gathering dispersed. highly pleased( with the manner in which they bad hewn entertained by Rev. Mr. Pollock and the young people of the Baptist eongteg•tiob- _ _ Hear Mies Irving Friday Night Guelph Herald : "All that one rnnkl with In an elocutionist seemed to he embodied in Mine .laa.i. Irvin Her manner eras grate in keeping with Mr cheerfnl little sell. while her work was .Ttrem.l. wrtietir And her 'sheerer - tees rho PH, portrey•sd Her e.iee- Mon. were 'A Horning (Sear p. 'The l'ncle with plane anrorspanirsea . The Popping of the tlirw.Lion ' writ ten M net by J W Renee -nigh serf Pies to Fare. ' the last a hrwutlful And . ery .renreeslye piens. with /dam. and siw(ting aeelmp•nisntent Witt every etlrlsetiou .he won a heart. y were.' PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs 0. H. Ripe spent last week In Toronto. SarAr hie Miller lett on Tuesday for 9aakatou , Mir Brown, of Calgary. is visiting Mrs. 0, H. King Mies A,lma Dance, left on Monday one visit 10 Montroal. Mise Mabel Strang left today on a tint to Toronto friends. Mrs. naruldge, of Chicago, it the guest of 31... Downs, feet Street. 11144, Jennie Whitely left on 3Vedneed•y on a visit to friends in Belton. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. McElroy and daughter, of Port Huron, are guests o[ Mr.. Crag, Wert strew` Stratford Be.ecoq : Mr.. J. B. Kelly. of ()ode - rich, W StrvtIeet.tdng her stater, Mrs. C. P. Moore, fo 1 neuro J. M. Best and Mimi Leila Best, of Sealortlx were In town oo Saturday to attend the funeral of the lateJohn Salkeld. Mrs. D. Stoddart returoed yesterday from Rochester, N. Y., when; she was visiting her Sou, Rev. W. W. Stoddart, for the past month. Mr. and Mrs. D. MoBrien lett this week o0 the return journey to their hone at Edgerton, Alta. Mr. Mclineu took a car of Bottlers etrectr with him. J. Alex. McLennan has returned to Last Mountain. Sark.. to resume his duties as school teacher atter spending two months' holidays at his home here. Peter McEwen Edwards, of BAy City. who attended the funeral of hi; brother, the late Williau, A. Edward.. returned to hie home on Tuesday 01 this week. (Jeuorge Stothers and son Earl left ton 'Tues- day fur Omens. Sask., where they expect to take uu homesteads. They took a car of aet- tlere effects with them. Prof. W. Glenn Campbell has resigned his position as organist and choir leader of Willie church, Clinton, and will henceforth devote all his time to teaching music. L E. Challenger, of Edgerton, Alberta, who had spent the winter with his p.r.nt., Mr. and Mr!. Challenger, Lakeview. Marin avenue, re- turned to his home in tee West uo Tuesday. Mr. John Kernighen, who 0 at the home of MA son. Reeve Kernig1[naw, in Colborne town. • ship, hes Leen seriously 111, but we are pleased Cu be able to report that he is now much Im- proved and Is able to be out. Bruce Ander-ton. who had been teller in the branch ur the Bank of Cummer,. at Exeter for the last three years, has neon transferred to Ottawa. HIS ruotou-, .firs. Jae, A. Anderson, mid the other members of the family are resi- dents of that city. Murdoch Mckenzie, an alderman of theclty of Brandon. Man.. was in town last week on, in, way to vi -it hes relatives in Ashfield. Mr McKenzie cane hast mi a visit to Ottawa in cpuaectiou with railway matter. In which Brandon Li much Interested. He is is former resideut of Ashdeld, but went to tho West, some years ago and is doing well out there, BORN. KNEESHAW.-In Ooderich, oo Sunday. Feb- ruary Stn, to Mr. and Mn,. Thos. H. Knee- shaw•, • eon. SMALL -At ties- menet, Blytb. on Sunday, February 111 h, to Ret. J. L. and Mrs. Small, a dengbter. DIED. Bootie -In Godericb on Friday March 3rd. Anna Harrows. beloved wife of J. C. Bogle. aged 48 year, and f months. SHEPPERD. In Colborne, on Saturday, March 4 h. IClizabeth Jane Pentland, relict of the late Oeo•ge Shepperd, aged St year., .3 montes and ladle. SPROUL.-At Denar.oe. en Friday. Maroc 3rd, Mr-.. SprouL relict etthe late Andrew Sproul aged 77 year... AUCTION SALES. • MOXDAY, March 13th. -Auction tale of fa,., stock, property of EDWARD MILLION. *1 lot O. ooncawlon 3. 11. D. Colborne, oonlmencdng at 1:30 o'clock sharp. TutaDAv. March 14th. Uoderich monthly borne sales, Auction sale to commence at 121 o'clock sharp. WRDNgsr,A Y. March Mc -Auction side of farm aleck and implements. propertyof H. JOHNSTON. connection 14. Hallett. amle wM of Blyth. TRCRSDay. March 111t41. -Auction sale of farm st,ok, implements. etc., belonging to the estate of the late 8. Samna, at the farms south of Clinton. FRIDAY. March 17th. -Auction sale of farm stock and implements. property of Wet. H. COLIC, lot 11. concretion 10. Goderich township. Everything to be•sotd, as proprietor is leaving fur the West. SATURDAY, March 181h. Auction sale of two carloads of right good draft and general par. memMaros and gelding, ; property of Dr. Mesh. V. P., at his stables In Dungarmon. This na a splendid lot of horses and will posi- tavola be sold to the highest bidder. rulteDAv. Mareh Slat. -Clearing auction sale of farm stock and implements. property of Trios. Cots. concealer 10. tinnier, one and a- 0,10 miler from I, udesbom'. The farm will also be offered for sale at the same time. WRDNg,,AT. March ?Lod. -Auction sale of farm .took. implements and household hunt lure. omppeeity of Wm. GaAs. lot 2. concession 4. Ashfleld. A genuine cleating sale, as Mr. Gray hag sold bis farm. Thomas Gundry is the auctioneer at the above sale.. How's This? ete offer One Hun.ired Dollars Reward for any case et Catarrh thatcannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. ('HENEY & r'4).. Toledo. 1) We the undersigned have known F. .1, Cheney for the hut 15 year.. and believe him perfectly honorwhle In all Minimal tratieactloos and financially able to tarry out any oblige tions Shade by his firm. WAIAING. KIN VAN e: MARVIN. Wholesale Druggiw a T ,ledo. 0. Halla Catarrh Cure 1s taken i.tereaily, act. Ing directly upon the Mood and renewal err - fres of the system. T.stjn,enlaleRint free mesa Prior 73 mesa per bottle. rebid M all drug. Rich. Take Hall's Family Pills for con.tlew'ioe NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Mar. 0th. Page tots for Sale- H. Tanner 1 New Spring Mantle. --.D. Millar& Ron..... .. 3 That New laming nett Bush Duero ... 3 Work at Horn. Wibaten. Limited, Toronto 1 Reedy for Sprier Rurinaw J. H. Colhorse 4 Canada is Open Door The Canadian Century 1 Bicycle Repair Shop for ger-(.Seo. Yule 1 Your W ateh Need. t Ts. •-d.8. 'Skyey Bsem111.r V'.r.eries Jori t •tt F.stete • 8 Peres lose The "ignal , . 1 New Wall Paper. -.leen Pantie s Rale of For.- W .4nheeen t Mr . Jewellery and I eamonde--Walter U. Har - rises Dnst.bane Howell Hardware tom. Vegetable-, J. W vagal, .,. - t Set Ls to Pacific Comet -C. R R The Merlins Real et Came& . I Styr Martie Qts . - ..,.«... • t eerveet %venue .ta. *2 Itet1Q.. veil.•e orderW. reseal** Heid*-" TSM abeam •Sues I reaeetig •ins Imps. ,went. Knb.-O Wiliam 1 • Mold '. .n•wd Mr* w t garden . 1 , taming yner•4ate Redly. 1►.,• e Router. r. hatrrn val Ca „-.• IthirWate, Wanted a atro4101 ... . R rMeoee suss & J Clean Aeneenewenesr Y. M. f a .,a.. Rsease• Inaekstawe'. ... ., 1 :.wets Wasted - Redeem/ Orbs