HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-2-23, Page 8•
• R.
Iree elry:t...471,.,4r113.4.e.t47 '
111 1ava/m.41 , nom, ea `.r.s, del i
Note Paper
Aii,thci 1' reams lot 41
Notepapet latwIled " Very
Heat Uiiru. nice light
%weight, special price. 35c for
5 full quire.. or 5c per singh-
File thosesand envelopes
to utstch. correct shape 2-3c
Vol 5 packeges. or tle Per
single package.
liesidee the above we bave
a few odd lines clearing at'
one-half price or leas. At -
stated in my laid week's aid-
%ertierinent you can cei -
taint). save money by not
1.-nding out of town for
ceir Stet loner%
The Colonial Book Store
t.tso. 1.0itTER.
one 1110. I‘sslerich
They are notole I.y t in•
I•IsillPil mechanics in the %oil.'
t ro mem e me(t' vac) and from t 11,
toiest n.aterials •ibtainable lois
the sake of durability. Thev
al e made is little bettei than
ss ems necessary
We can y a Lfii:l line of t he-...
W *Leber.
• . _
Walter H Harrison
Go the 1u1!e
F. R. Watch Inspector
tiodericli Ontatio
jet:Vetter ani Optician
%%RITZ TODA1 for our
of our go ad mite- are now ear,,
spg {rem Arta to 111.k.ee...1) jea
We place large number ell,
dent. in good po•ition. every
Lot u. educate you tor ...omethloic bet
WK KhuW HOW Lennie omen all
Enter any time
Yotilet ahlit ALILIC/12DMIS Ore., Tomos to.
Fir:t d,,°, off Sousre. Ktngston S(.
E.eryth,ng `.n Grocer.et •
Fresh. Pure and Good
'In 1 Material. -Mie ortutea, "t lent
ona 10 cups Matt. 30 up- sees,
Preparation Slice orange., and
lenient. fine, trout% e seed. and soak
L.enty-f0nr hour* In the water
Boll for one and one half Mora, add
auger and boll for half aa hour. or
until It 'enter, Put In tumbler* and
co% et
No. 2- Material. -Twelve orange,. h
lemon. Perparation • Cut fine.
remove ...Ned.. out in granite dish
and co% et with cold water and let
.tand for t went ytour hour., boll In
-ante waler one and one-half hour,
add audio. • pound to • pint. and
boll for thirtreartlutew.
No. 3- M•t Oriel. Nine orange.. 1
grape ?tan. 4 Yeomen. Moe Ililn
nod take o..% •eeda. cover with foot
quarts of wenn. let stand thirty -all
beta* untll rind. are Gott,
then add t ight sound. of 'rano
hated attest and boil tut thirty min
e‘ery Cam* all .ss., .lasukt br
bested In otos before 1sena tiered.
Have yon tried I nn
blend of English Breakfast Tea?
'We believe we have as- Ane
Seemed Tear as the market
affords. 'Cowes of our Teta be
Ilene i be 'wine git we do allow
them ; and We believe you ni
if you try them.
Our Coffees are in the 'sank'
Headquor ter, for choice HUI ter
and fresh Rgir•
Jo. W. Vanatter
Oner• Honer flietre
Phial 166 C31(16166111
}A..15 4717.4 -r -.44Z4.•74.•
-sesta,steurt.sst,"entatsi smsresseset TOT
' "rta4:443
4 I '
t ,
Kr. Preuddoet WW Mow* Aa isli 'b-
p! Three-fifths Clause.
'tomato. Feb. 17. Tbs Ontario Ler
islature Yesterday approved of the m-
erest* ot the memberseeeitional in -
demand% from SLUM $1,400. Only
four member* opposed talar toorisaise--
Made of Kingston. ettudbohne of
Houghton. McEwing of West %Venice -
too and Stock uf South Perth.
Toronto. Feb. Its. -W. Proudfoot.
Centre Huron, is, forestalling the
lead.' of tbe Oppositiou in mewing
for the abolition of the three-liftbs
clause from the local option law. It
ba. been common know6dge that A.
G. MacKay would make suck a motto*
when the linvernoseot's amendments
to the Liquor LIcoose Act were before
the House. but yesterday Mr. Proud -
foot gas e notice of a special bill which
has t be some object.
The member fur Centre Huron also
lute gi% en notice of a bill to amend the
municipal act. Tbe amendment gives
municipalities the right to buy and
operate spraying machines for or-
ctuds. In the western fruit-gt owing
rectious, on whose behalf Mr. Proud -
foot is bringing in the bill, there are
many ferment who are not in • posi-
tion to buy a *praying niachioe. but
wbo would willingly pay a rental if
the municipality in which they resided
had one available in this way.
Mr. Proudfoot and Wecnan's Suffrage.
Toronto. Feb. IN. (inc. more is a
VOiCIP to be rained within tbe Provin-
ci•I Legislatine in favor of tvOlDell'Ill
aufTellite Of the voice will he
the voice of the labor party, Allan
Studholme, M. P. P.. East Hamilton,
but he bor. *fief much searching.
found a man 'neve enough of heart to
stand beside him and furnish the sec-
-owl part of the duet which Le oeoss-
sary to bring a hill befobethe House.
The man who has thus linked him-
self with the labor party for this great
purpose is W. Proudfoot, whom
Centre Huron sent to represent it in
the House. The fact that a fight
hopeless does not diact.urage him Roy
mote than it does Mr. tit udholme. He
has already announced that he will
move for the abolition of Ole three-
tifths Ileum in lucid option. so that hy
the time be is done arguing that he
should be tetaly to, take up any other
t•urdt•n in sight. It may be that be
has "Iowa 'meet- with Mt.. Studholme
and that Mr Studholme will vote
against the three-fifths if Mr. Proud-
fuct votes suffiagette.
Mr. Studholine tried hard to bring
in e ',Millar bill last session. but
-ouldn't find* secondei. A couple of
doughty Douse' votivee who- under-
took to baolt him •up on behalf of the
women weit• frightened away by a
Inw rumble from the Premier's office.
Mr. Proudfoot is not quite so strong
a Part)* Wan, discipline in the Liberia'
ranks is not quite io severe and. any-
way. Hon. A. 0. MacKay is not quite
so prejudiced.
Mr. Studbohnit's proposed measure
will. apply only to Provincial elec-
Anotner.Successful Event Held by Tor-
onto's. Hui -mates. • •
The annual at-home of the Huron
Old Boys' .1 arroeiation of Torouto was
held in the Temple Building on Friday
evening lest, and was the most
successful in the history ot that or-
The first hour was given up to a
reception by the president. Major
Beck. and Mr-. Berk, when a happy
reunion atuongst the Old Huronitee
took piece. Am. -mina the crow,( were
noticed many new faces of those who
had made Totonto their home during
the pest year. After th• reception a
conceit was held, all of the artimts,
except Will .1. White, being Huron -
ups. The following took pert : Thos.
Rose. Highland piper, who opened the
1,rue-recline- : Minter Gordon and
Ross. Hit/bland dancers: the Misses
Hoovet. violinists ; Manx! Douglass
sianten %. the boy singer : MI.. Dr,
Maxwell. soprano: %%III J. White.
comedian. short humorous eddresses
wet -e giVerl bv R. Holmes. and Thoustur
Mc( 4 illictiild . Secret at v Flood:- read
letters and telegram* ot regret flow
prominent Huronttea all over the
Province. including the following tele -
tome troth Mayor Spotton of Wing.
ham : -The citizens of Winghom
bend heartiest greetings and will en-
do•avor to he represented in the fut-
At to p. tn. the dance program of
twent$ii beta watt comtnenced with
d by Bodley's orchestra.
The dining -loom was opened at the
same time and was beautifully decor-
ated. rapper 'wing served by Caterer
Among- t thtori prettent were
noticed the following: Major and Mrs.
Beck. Dr. and Mrs. Suanbury *nod
lire. &Anhui.% iltayffeldk lir. and
Mts. /Sloan. Dr. and Mot. Rollin.. Mr.
and Mr-. F. Floody and Mies "body,
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Sloan, H. Chinas
and Mies Logan. W. 0. lidel'ostimrt.
Dr. and Mrs. Belden, Robert Holmes
and the Mimes Holmes, Di. W. E.
Struthers, Mr. and Mrs. R. 8.
Crocker. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Horton,
F..1. B. Duncan. T. O. Soole. John
ttobtartiron and Mime Robertson. F. M.
Hick. J. A. McLaren, W. Prender-
gast. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stewart,
Dr. and Mrs. Maggie. Dr. W. Graham,
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. fly -slap. Mr. and
Mr*. T. SV. State, Mr. and Mrs. V. T.
Bodeen. O. McBee...It, Mr and Mrs.
Jarrott and the Misers Jarrott. Mr.
and Miss Mi.. Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Stews+ t. Mr. and Mee. T. Kent, J. H.
Chisholm. W V. Lloyd, F.
Mr. met Mr. Bieber. Kr. Hornbeam
and Mr.. Collins. W. Casitaloo (Van
neuter). Mr. and Kee. C. Plebe? I Win -
&peel. Mr. and Mra. Athol Stewart.
Mrs. J. F. stewart. Mn. W. Foote
and Miss Foster, H. fieriVelli. John
Moon. Mr. and 51ra. C. L Scott. Mr.
and Mn. McElroy, Kre. Martin. Mr.
end Mrs. V..i. -Walker, Only Seeneernes
M linfir. Snowden, tie Rallholt
suffragette. war tete. re Meow in
New Vert the otior nairtat by • %toy
likuservatiyos Senator
Thie flasaisa aft*, attack's* tha
sew 0110•11 .0 a 1011M harsawsw,
said to Mrs Illaserdee Wheel)
w..ndu awl,. aft she tenets.. t
'Alli tile. tos mud Mrs nartised?!,
•selling. `mak," al errwr434 of the
ttoub3 •Pit tubule TURN,
-speeteeeeatlieSiStessm.miscourieVnjekatilitha.kliellklalt, flt4
100 Remnants of
Dress Ooods
- -• --...--)..1
Kat tools) 116414i16 the
end of out Hetuoant Male.
We will ha% e ready on
Itable* al/ our Drem Goode
Remnant., pent -Godly one
hundred in all to select
[from. Lengths running
from one tu four 'ard..
and tie re is pretty ;merit
merything in Drees Geode
reps rooted. There are
some teMit of good block
material that are extra
gime' 'Ali*. The whole
L tableful Sat urday at pretty
r ererly
regular price
-A --.... -..-...-.-........"-.-...
Dress Goods at 25c
One hundred and fifty
yards of Ilse Goods, black
and colors. t3W clewing
up of various lines that mold
30•• to 7:et a Fend. Mostly
in clerk colors. Saturday
and Monday pet 25c
54 - i nc h Plaids 95c
pat tet to. only fine
1400(10(3 Plaid Suiting». all
wool. 54 int•lies wide, dark
coloring*. except lousily good
designe, very lotitable for bele
;trate skirts. regular $1.25 to
S2.111.1. Sat today and Mon-
day per yard 95c
Venettarns 55c
l'hree ends only i4
Venetian cloth. 4s inches
wide. very tine quality. rich
satin tinieh. in a good Aiwa. -
of red. medium brown and
black. regular Wk. good
Anderson's Scotch
Ginghams 15c
Ten pieces Atiolereores
Scotch Gingham.. Areko--
emit tringimitia are known
the world over for their
eventing and washing quali-
ties. These are new designs
just opened up from the
manufact firers • in Seidl/old.
Potterne suitable for chit.
dren's wear, drespes or sere
arate waists. Very ,5c
special ter yard only
Dress Trimmings sc
One I lied and hit %-
yards of Dress Triutinittg,
black and color.. The elt ril-
ing up of liars tliat said up
to 3le• pctyen'. Als••
good amortmeet Fency
Tri. g Braids. (leav-
ing on Saturday and 5
Monday at per yard
Another Tableful
at 10c
Tht•ee are short length,
and broken litter of Trill'. I
minge that old as high as
*Leo per yard. We want
thtlii out of the way liefote
the spine stock arrives, and
to make the selling sure
we offer them at the very
low price of /*I oc
27 -inch Flouncing
Embroideries for 43c
Four ends Flouncing Ent-
, iiroiderit-ii, new and hand -
1 designs. Just opened
hip. 27 incurs wide. strong
'lune on Hne muffin. iota
itain.00ka, regulartgic. Sat -
tintay arid. Montle). 43c
per yard only
A Special at 8c
'niter hunt' lied yards new
fresh front
the Swims manufacturers.
Neat, strong and haudetene
designs on tine *lint' or
the firmer and stronger
catiihrics. widthe •from 3
inches to ft inches. De-
cidedly special id per 8c
yard only
Kimono Flannels 10c
English Kimono Flannels.,
three demignm only. dark col-
ons, extra good cloth. regu-
lar 21k. ('leering Met tiolay
and Monday at per oic
vest .... I
Better Kimono Cloth
at 15c
The regular price of thew
Kimono Cloths was Mc per
yard. They are tine Eng-
lish make snot they •ne
four really good pattern. to
wk.", frm. Lamming. Inv
A II dark. Mal tirday anti ,5c
Monday per yard ...
50 Ends of Silk
Fifty pads Nat k sod
colored Milk*. Lenart h• rm,
taloa freest one to they..
and ufte-lbalf y -
upload ml irt intent of
abode. rweitaillew for trim
twines Out 0s one of tbs.
reninAnt 1110100. es' t "IN
snag* 00 • • . hems o
111111111111•11 11111111111111111111
onth=End Sale Days
SATURDAY, February 25th, and MONDAY, February 27th
This is a list for February Month-end Sale Days.
Every item is a bargain and a money -saver. It is
practically the last call for winter stocks, and on Satur-
day and Monday there will be many and many a bar-
gain such as you seldom get. We would rather take
very little prices for winter goods than carry them over.
New merchandise is crowding in every day, and spring
stocks must have first place from now on. Read the
list very carefully. It is full of good things for people
who want to make their dollars do extra duty.
These will undoubtedly be.your best days to buy good Furs
or a Coat. We still have many garments that we are very
anxious to get converted into ready cash before the month is out.
For that reason we have cut the prices right and left without any
regard to the actual- value. The qualities are up to our usual
high standard, and every article is backed with our unqualified
guarantee. There are still some exceptionally good Furs -in
stock that we cannot take room to mention here, but we will
(make it worth the while c:f anybody thinking of buying Furs to
buy them here and now.
Furs and Coats at 13.90
We have gathered together about fifty, or sixty ladies' Coats, Fur Neel. Piece,.
and Muffs. and made them all at one price for verynpeedy selling. The mullet
prices of these tun front tito.U0 /Saturday mid Mt uday, take $3 90
yom• choice of the entire lot for only
Any Coat Ont -half Price
Twenty or twenty-flve good Coats still to sell. one-hiilf price takes any of
thew Saturday and Monday. Black or colors, this isea-on's styles each and Ps ery
one of them. Regular 815.00 to *MOO. Soweto y Monday
One-half Price
Children's Coats 13.33
Ten Children's CosUL, reds. riasties and greys. garment. of style and $3 35
quality, regular up to 1$7.111t. Saturday and Monday at ................
Fur Jackets. 122.50
Six only Near Seal and Astrachan Jackets, 24 to 'X incites long. Garment. -
that are' comfortable and will wear. Regular 1186.00 to 1140.00. $22.50
Saturday and Mouday. choice
5 Fur -lined Coats to Sell
Just live fur -lined Coate left to sell -brown. navy and black. Extrs %-
Aurtriait broltacioth Lined with choice Hamster or Natural Rat. (03351!
t111,1 I •
vans otKock Fisher or Western Sable. Clearing S3650 and $49 50
now at
Coats with Fur Collars 110.00
Two only black Coats, very warm and c (unable garments. Collm and
revess of pood quality Western sahle. Either garment Saturday
or Monday for early Si 0 00
One Mink Set 188.00
(inc only Muff and Stole of high-grade Natural Camillo% Mink. TIii k,
fur. well marked, muff rug shape. degulu• 01216.010, llaitedaY or $88 00
Monday yon can have it for...
It is a partictharly good set and a decided n.
One Hudson Seal Coat $125.00
We Ls.iigtIt this Coat away below its regular cost
1.114 h money. regular value of i1 Cunt like thin
inches bow wish shawl collar. We guarantee it
of iludnolt ben!. Lined 1 uroughout with heavy
An undoubted bargain Saturday and Monday for
Other Furs at Reduced Prices
We have mentioned only a few of the flu* that will he on sale Satiudity and
Morality at priees from one-quarter to one-half leas than regular.
There are some very choice pieces of Isabella Fox, Alaska
Sable, Western Sable, Persian Lamb and Isabella Opossum -
Collars, Stoles, Fancy Neck Pieces and Muffs. The original
prices run from $8.00 to $40.00. Saturday and Monday we will
nave every piece marked away below the ordinary price. We
want to emphasize the fact that the quality of all these furs is
absolutely beyond question. We guarantee them all. With us
it is simply a matter of turning them into money and getting the
use of the cash rather than carry the Furs into another season.
We draw particular attention to the Hudson Seal Coat,
special at $125.00. It is beyond a doubt the most unusual bar-
gain we ever offered since we have been handling Furs. We can
give you either size, 34 or 36.
(it SSP (MAI Ina it for
ill511. 1011,4 VAN).111.. It i, folly
the fittest and highest gi
furrier's' wien. Si 25.00
Fancy Hat Pins 10c
$4.,ty only teary Hat
Pins. easorted dosaigne. teg-
nist I* Mpeeial 110.
1 oc
Dress Shields gc
Fifty pair. swarnleass Mtock
loom, meets 14hiekin, meth
sim site. Maturdity and 9c
Monday per pair
Linen Collars 3 for 5c
Fifty linen Collars, as -
meted styles. deep hands.
Saturday sol
list 11 for
t. 75 Ends at About
eleveaty-flve *ads Lace
and Embroideries, lengths
raaging from oaehaff to
Ouse yarda. regular price.
5c to 5bc per yard. We
have gathered thew all
together. aseastired theca
ma and put them on one
of our bargain tables at
pretty nearly
one-half price
Their will be some ex-
ceedingly good bargains'
found on thus table on Sat-
urday and Monday. •
Dark Flannelette 10c
One end only dark grel-
Flannelette. nest, emelt
pattern. h•ai %*%. clot
Very special per 10c
11.00 Hand Bags 55'
Twelve only new Hand
Bags, good quality leather-
ette. complete with coin
puree. A month-end 5R
Tourist Frilling
3 Boxes for 25s
Fifty Nate only white
Tourism Frilling, each box
standard nee. Special fot
Saturday and Moo- 115c
day only. 1 boxes for L
2 Yards Ribbon for sc
All %ilk 1R/Ishotts, 11, inches
wide. in pink. sky. Dile and
cardinal. regular OC, Smut. -
day and Mouday 2yard. &
Collars and Belts 10c
Fifty lawny Collet* and
Belts, a cleating up of the
stock mart sloes:taking.
seguiar "AIM, ilp 'Soc.
SatUrtirity Monday 10c
your choice for only I
Doilies Sc
I'ller linen Danuisk Doll-
asetoted kises. exult
Sot. *awky. round or oval
shapes. fringed edge*. Sat-
urday and Monday 2 gg,
Boys' Heavy Hose 19c
Fifty pairs hoys' h(0%
rit•heut worsted Hose, seam-
less feet and well Ilitalle. ....i-
viorat.le Hose lot *ehtett
boys' wear. Vet y ape% la I
Stiturday and Mon- 19
day. pet pair
3 for 25c
mixt, op ly lathe*: !wino
. Stitt tied 'men Handker-
chief., mom w hew, good
quality, all pure linen. sat
urdey and Alonslay 3
fur 25c
Gentlemen's hand-
kerchiefs 3 for 25c
G.-ntlemetf. hemst it. hell
Handkerchiefs', made ft (1111
extra quality crowbar linen -
finished cambric. t egoist!
:1 fo
day 011111 Monday* r
12c. Special Matins 25c
Oxford Shirting
One end only Oxford
Shirting, mla r k. English
make, guaranteed fest CIld-
orp. neat (lenient.. Ver.)
special Saturday anti 1 Oc
Monday. per yard ouly I
Linen Towelling 6 1-2c
Two hundred lards linen
crash towelling. red horder.
regIlliir 10e quality -One 04
the finest apecials w,. ever
offered you. /Saturday ale.
and Mondry per yard lon.
Cream Wadding
3 for Sc
One hundred and teen()
Ave sheets cream Wadding,
one yard square. good qual-
ity, repair's-(I(.day rind Mond.% 3 for
Table Damask 27c
One end only hall -
Near bed TelJe 14anuusli,
good litudity. Arm, etyma'
weave. Special if per
yard only
Blankets 32.15
Ten pairs Ca it•d inn
Rbinkem, white with hire
or pink borders, double bed
site, good weight. Very
epeeist. pet pair $2.15
Remnants of
Laces and Ribbons
2 for
A took,* ow o
and Rihiron Remnant*
all kind* *ad many
letrtbs. (het • hare
at two, three to
four times this pele.
Nat itrdsy and y
op**401. 5c
1111110111=Warialf/O anli111111111111111111111111111111