HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-2-23, Page 7THE SIGNAL (.ODFR1UH. ONTA KIO
rig** 019 iv 4,119.909 +019 olosi9+ ++91eciiesti +499ticily9t949 0191v9i94491e it* 949 cie 919A"A`'i`*'i`'i`'i' 'ifii't` T'A`'gif'i`'ar
. The News of the District• of
a3 4545 616 4646464 6ed 454,f• 616 446446 446454464sk*4444 4454544.45 454s454545 684456)1645365414 4+44
MONDAY. Feb. 20th.
C. 0. Middleton has sold hie farm on
the 11th concession to Ed. Wise. The
prim paid was 37,10►, Mr. Middleton
has purebased Levi Trick's farm near
°tiptoe for the consideration of $7,110U.
hear Salkeld, of Walnut rams,
Bayfield road. has purchases) a pedi-
greed shorthorn bull from A. G.
Beeline, of Hensall. The animal Is
cloven months old. Mr. Salkeld 1s ad-
vertising two other shorthorn bulls
for tele in this week's issue of The Sig-
MONDAY, Feb. Lf)tb.
News OF THY Wgstc.-Charles Rob -
insole of 81. Augustine, and his sister,
lent Geo. Naylor, of Fordyce, spent
Sunday with their sister, Mr.. lYm.
Burkitt Geo. Snell, of Eat Wa-
wanosh, spent Sunday with H. Brad-
ford Jim Pierce, of Lucknow,
spent Sunday with bis parents, Mr.
and Mn. Henry Pierre, of chi, place.
Mr. and Mn. Geo. Han ion, of
near Kincardine, spent 8uoday with
the letter's parents, Mr. and
Henry Pierce Tom Eadie, of
Wingham, is spending a few days
with his cousins. Edwin and Edrid
Switzer Mr. end Mrs. Tom Cer-
ern spent Sundae with friend. at
Greenock Victor Haines, who is
attending the Wingbaur high schot ,l,
spent Sunday at We home Mr.
rind Mn. Ernest Ackert spent Sunday
with the latter's sister, MrsCba+t
Ckwgrain, near Ripley Henry
t.radfonl bad a fire last week which
destroyed a lot of his furniture. The
house was saved,
TC=DAY. Feb. 21st.
CH U ru NOTES. -The flat Fehruary•
meeting 611' the A. Y. P..\. was held
on February 1 at the home of E. Fos-
ter. A musical program consisting of
solos. duets and violin and organ
selections was much enjoyed by all.
The second meeting was betel oo Feb-
ruary 15 se John Schoenhals'. This
was a literary eveoing and essays on
-Pleasures of Travelling" were fwd
br Misys C. Milligan, S. Hayden, 0.
E. Fester. Masers. Alfred Quaid, W.
Sage sod John McKenzie. The essays
were listened to with great pleasure
wad gave the flsteoen the desire to
take some voyage to experienoe some
of those pleasures. However, we were
remleded that mare all G avellers in
the Journey of life, so all have equal
opportunity topantake of those deeper
joy. The next meeting will be held
in the basement of Christ church on
Marsh 7 and will be • social even-
TUESDAY, Feb. 14th.
SAYING FAasw1LL-The weoebers
of the Donnybrook church gathered
at the h of Mr. and Mrs. Rangier
Iaat Friday evening to say goodbye to
them beton they left for their stew
home near Listowel. The evcnieg
wren spent in prss
ying games, eingina.
etc., and during the evening Mr.
Ringlet wee presented with a writing
desk and Mrs. Hingler with a chair.
showing the esteem in which they are
held by their neighbors mod friend..
We wieb Mr. and Mrs. Ringlet success
in theirnew home.
THE FARMER/I' CLUE. -Then was •
word Attendance at the Ferment Club
•oeeting which was held in the church
ball IastTbursday evening. President
Thompson occupied tbe chair. The
main feature of the meeting was a
debate between sides chosen by Vince
Walsh and Gus Kinahan. Gus Kina-
hao's side won by a few points. The
subject war. Which is the more profit-
able, mixed farming or specializing oo
some particular line ? The latter won.
The judger were John Boyle, Tom
Leidy and Berner] Brophy.
linters. --Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson,
of Auburn, called oo friends in this
vicinity last week Miss Belay Mc-
Allister visited sebasrtapol friends
this week Wm. Thompson and
Robert McAllister took a trip to Tor-
onto last week Rd. Robinson and
David Tisdale are entre/tad cutting
logs In Albert Johnston's swamp at
ppee+'eeessoot .Cameron Jefferson is The Grand Trunk Pacific moors!
helping Oscr,e Brophy to eat wood passengerhas been ad -
this week A aum.ber of ramp Thud by tbeet of the Inter
people from Ibis vicinity attended the lot at °Win a t there are approxi -
hoz social at Dungsnoon last Friday mately 10.800 quarter -sections sur-
prising and report having bad a good veyed in the Grande Prairie -Peace
time .Mise Martha Waliam en- River District -which are now open
tertained a number of her friends last for homestead entry. in addition to
Monday Peening Inst Thursday that, It is the intention to subdivide
•venin a toad of young people from twenty-seven mon townmhipa. nearly
Dooneh ocer and vkinity drove over 4,000 quartere.ctiooa during the pres-
re♦to John Mills'. near Auburn. and est season. lookingin all about 18.000
spent a pleasant evening together. quertereeetions or free boineeteed
entry in 1911 in the far-famed Peace
River murder.
A wagon rood has been ooe-
st partly by the Government
end ly by the merchants est lCd-
sou, Alta. through to the Mand.
Prairie couatry a distance of HS
alba from Edson, which Iv all peas.
Welly computed and is reported to
be r'emarkaMy level. with on heavy
hills, sad over which heavy leads may
be draws with ease. Road houses
bare also he metahUabed along this
lriet travel
the settler will be
•tp �ogopaestive ease and
at i n from Fdeon on the
Teen Peelfic this year in the
rousse of a week where the forgoer
routes Na EdsoentoO and Leser slays
Lake oeoopled several maths tad
very great ohole distant" to
be traversed over tour times as
*nog as the new
it le reported that there are thee -
sands nt p
espeoaily a ttbi `t'sa bwe psi
States, who have waiting
eagerly for the opening el Peace
River 'wintry lo Mona- hag. sad
wham the anatiaseeesent rembes thews
Sheri wpp1 be the greaten lead teen ta-
te Ue Peace Il,ena+d 6e..& heirie
tuuatry that hes ever flakes rine to
nay esstiee a Oesisds. The Omni
Trask PReNa is tektite
TUE.DA Y. Feb. 21.1. MONDAY, Feb. filth.
Noesis. -)lige Lours Whiteman, of Chas. J. Rintoul, of the 12th con -
Detroit, visited at Chas. 11cPbail's j session, has sold his leo-acre farm to
rind 0. W. Potter's this week I Geo. M.!Robertson. It is an excellent
Mn. Sterling McPbaii and daughter, farm and being next to Mr. Robert -
are visiting in Kippers.. ...A very , son's it will give him n farm of 21111
pleasant evening was spent on Thum- acnes io one block.
day last in the Chosen Friends' hall.
A Dumber of the Oreng.• brethren
from the 7th cooce.sion ere over. MAFEKING,
bringiog with them carpet ■ud carpet MONDAY. Feb. 2001.
balls, and after arranging the two PttRaoNALs -Mfr Brief Henry is
carpets and each lodge selecting a visiting friends in Wingham Mr.
team, the two teams lined up tor buss- and Mn. D. Aoder.ol, of Nevis. Alta,
near and two very interesting games are visiting friends here at element -
were played, resulting in • score of Mime Agnes Kilpatrick leaves to -
se to 79 in favor of the Chosen day tor Brown City, Miele. atter• two
Friends. Lunch wee then served by week& holiday J Hopper, of
the bane lodge and after a short so- Belgrave, spent a few days at the
Ciel visit all returned to their homes home of wee Haley last Werk
fueling they had bad a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Jaa. Saunders enter-
tained a few friends or, Wednesday
evening of last week. All report an
— eujoyaisle time Robert Blake had
Dodd's Kidney Pills Cured His Bright's the misfortune to fall and hurt him-
t)isease and He Praises Them.
Clam Point, N. 8., F.•h. 210t1. -(Spe-
cial.) -"I was treated by ,r doctor, but
it was six boxes of Dodds Kidney Pills
that cured me." That is the mtatrnrent
of Joshua Nickeruion, postmaster hen.
Mr. Nickerson is els, interested in tbe
H•bing industry. and the above re-
mark care in answer to a question
from his brother flsherrden es to bow
be got rid of the Bright's disease
which appeared to have marked him
for a victim.
"D4e to a bad cold," Mr. Nickerson
continued, "guy kidneys commenced
to trouble me, and the trouble gut
worse till Bright's disease developed.
But Irodd's Kidney Pills cured roe and
that is for reason 1 think and speak
so highly of them."
TL`FADAY, Feb\'21st
NEWS Noris. -Mr. and Mre. Thur
low *peat Sunday in Ashfield
Mins Bertha Courtney. of Amberley
is spending a few weeks with her
friends here W Retberford_aod
W. 8. Mc('roetie went to the county
town on Tuesday lir, and Mre.
T. Watson and Miss Campbell, of
Lucknow, visited at Mrs. r), Todd's,
sr., on 8uoday W. E. Gordon de-
liverred a valuable horse at the Black
Horse on Saturday. He realized a
good flgun• for it Mir Ella Mc-
Pherson returned to her borne at
Crieff on Wednesday, after spending
an enjoyable two months at her
uncle's, fi. McDonald's Mr. Phil-
lipe. sr.. bas moved to the house on F.
Todd's farm. C. Mc.tllister will oc-
cupy tbe house vacated by Mr. Phil-
lipe Rob McGuire has been en-
gaged by A. Durnin to work on his
Perm. We are sorry to bear that
Louis Grant is confined to the bouas
with an attack of Iumbag••.. ...The
box social held in the ball last Thurs-
day, under the auspices of the
Women's Aid Society, was a decided
success. The proceeds amounted to
about 845.
Will Grew More Hair.
Parisian Hage will erne. falling hair
in two week, cure% dandruff in the
same time and stop scalp itch at once.
It makes the hair soft, silky and lux-
A.. A H.tIR DRgasIND
Parisian Sage is without peer. It con-
tains nothing that can harm the hair
-1: is not sticky, oily or greasy sod
prevents as well as cures diseases of
Use scalp.
Women and children by the thous-
and (see it daily as a dressing sod no
home is complete without it.
Druggista and mores everywhere
guarantee Parisian Sage and will re-
fund your money if it falls, Ask drug -
Fiat I!. H. Wigle what be thinks of it.
He sells it at 5Oe per large bottie or
you can secure it by mail postpaid
from Giroux Manufacturing Co., Fort
Erie. Ont. 8e.' that the girl with the
auburn hair is on sorb package.
Sold and guaranteed by E. R. Wigle,
north side of &Iuare.
A Rush to the Peace River Country.
if This Medicine Does Not Omsk Yee
Pay Nothlmg.
A physician who made a specialty
of stomach troubles, particularly dys-
pepsia, after years of study
the formula from which
peptic' Tablets are made.
Our experfeuee with Rexell Dyspep-
sia Tablets leads uv to lei.ve them to
he the greatest remedy known tett the
relief of acute indigestion sad chromic
d e . j -I5 Ingredients '�
.00t-bing and beating to the inflamed
muesbnass of the ore
rich Ie n. nee of the di-
gestive known t:) as. The
lease they afford is almost i . latss.
Their me with perinea.; and regu-
larity foe • chert time brings about •
tometiom et the pains edened by seller
acts atomism. _
Rlily Dyspepsia aid
prakhy eetrition. As Mimes of
oor �mMimes
faith 1. Resale Dyspepsia
Tablets. we ark yea M try thea at
oar risk. if they de not sive you em-
irs sstldaetins. we watt retains yea
the mesas paid see for then gowith-
out gtrstk+0 or frrr� Ti�
Mee. to three skimpries >6 esots' w
seats and elle ltswree•hee Too eats ,means So hs.v
obtain them esea The
Renalaids et tsefrtits bobween
Were. M. O.
MONDAY. Feb. 20th.
PxR.lONAL MENTION. -Jesse Gled-
hill is able to attend t+ his duties at
the factory again J J. Moore
visited in Godarich last week Mi
and Mrs. John White, of (;oderich.
spent Sunday at the home of 1L
White's patents, Mr. and Mrs. Heddle.
Hat old Mandel. of Saltford,
spent last week in the village.
MONDAY, Feb. 20th.
A general delivery • ystem has been
inaugurated among the grocers.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mills, of Car-
lyle, Sask., are the guest,• of A. Mills,
Miss McDougall, who was with Mrs.
J. A. Sutherland during the put
month, hat returned to her home at
Miss Sarah McLean has accepted a
pelf se that be isnot able to be around. millinery position in Winnipeg abs
We hope to hear of a speedy recovery, will attend the openings at Chi: ago
Mrs. W. Stothets orient the' en route,
week -end with friends at Luckouw. W. H. Cook, as second best sales -
Mrs. W. Hall is krill on the sick man for the E. D. Smith Nursery, i.
Ii.L the winner of a 8100 prize. A hand-
some fur -lined coat is part of the
MONDAY, Feb. 201b.
Miss Mee MacGregor left on Friday
for Chicago.
Miss Jean Gilmore, of Lothian, re-
turned house on Haturdav, haviog
spent a few days holidaying with her
friend Miss Tens Kempton.
with deep regret that we report the
death of Jame. Steele. of Amberley,
who for many years herd successfully
managed a blacksmith sbop there.
Much sympathy is extended to the
bereaved family.
WEDDING. -A quiet wedding took
place at the home of Mr. and Mn.
Kenneth MacKenzie nn Wednesday
forono.to, February l5tb, when the
former's sister, Miss Isabel. was united
in the holy bonds of matrimony to
Andrew MacMillan, of Unnum, Al-
berta. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. J. 8. Hardie in the presence
of a few of tbbe bride'. immediate rola- WINS THE RHODES SCROL t}tulH1Y.-
Lives. Alter dinner Mr. and Mrs'. Lucknow citizens were pleased to
MacMillan drove to Lucknow to take learn that Eldon Rooklidge Siddall, a
the early train Thursday for the 'native of this town, was the successful
Wrat. Thw good wishes of their candidate from Manitoba for the
maoy friends hen go with them for is Rhodes scholarship. Mr. Siddall is
long and happy voyage through wed- the only son of George Siddall,
ded life. banker, of this place. He is twenty-
two year* of tyre and attended tbe
public school at Lucknow and alar the
Clinton Collegiate Institute. where he
spent one year. On account of his
health he went to Winnipeg seven
years ago and entered the Collegiate.
able and unhappy the little pairs and Oraduatinr there be began work at
ache,• make one % A stinging cut, 'Manitohe College, where he won sev-
badly chapped hands, a nasty burn, s eral scbolerships. He won the Iabie-
son foot. a poisoned Heger -none of ter prize in the first part matl'icula-
teem wounds or atlmenta ever likely tion. In first year arts he won the
to cause serious trouble, which come scholarship in Latin and mathematics.
to every woman -and man too -and In second year arta he won the schol-
u•e just sufflcieot to take the edge off arships io English pbilosophy, Latin
onsf'. temper and give one a '•groucb." and history. In third year arta he
Ism-Buk is just the thing at. such won the scholarships in political euon-
times. As noon as you put it on to a rimy and history. He was a member
'.ore. a eut, a burn, or any skin injury, tf his class debating team in 1900 and
it stops the pain, and the smarting, won the interclass championship. He
and starts up healing. Dnn't make took a deep interest in athletes, and
the mistake that because Zan, -But is during the past three years he has
so widely used by medical men, by been a member of the Manitoba l,ol-
nu155*. and fur serious akin diseases lege track team which has held the
and accidents, that it is only for inter -collegiate chaunpionship. The
serious cases. Keep it handy ,and use point that carried Mr. Siddall through
it immediately- you get some trivial in- to winning the Rhod.•s scholarship
jury or have some little sore. was the uniformly high standard
Mrs. Chas. H. Barrett, Harmony which he held in all branches of his
Road. Trutt. N. S., reps: eI had an work. both oo the field and in the
ingrowing toe nail, which caused me class room. There was no department
acute agony. Sometimes the pain was of work at college in which be took
so seven i could not sleep. It became part that he did not keep a high stand-
eo bad that I feared blood-pd.oning Ing and it was this splendid combine -
bad set In. I was advised to try lam- Goo of his different college undertak-
Buk and hound up the sore toe with Ings that won for him the scholarship.
it. in a few days it was much easier, Mr. Siddall wax pursuing a special
and 1 continued the treatment. The course In political ecxromy and bis -
result is that today the toe ibi sound tory at Manitoba Univereity during
and I have no more trouble with it, the lase two years of hie course. He
We always keep %stn -But in our will leave for Oxford next fall.
house, and I would strongly recom-
mend it to every housewife,"
Zaut-Bok is just the thing. too, for
the little ones. Pure in Its composi-
tion, and herbal in nature, it is suit-
able for the most delicate skin. It also
Duns piles, eczema, verlooae ulcers.
cold sores, absceer.es, blood polsoning,
ringworm, and all similar skits die -
eases. Sold everywhere at 50 mots
a box, ur post free from Zeal -Bak 0o.,
Tito. upon receipt of prion.
Miss Mims Graham left last week
to attend the millinery openings at
Cleveland and New York, before go-
ing to Clearsfield. Pa., to her former
position. .
Hairy McMann, who herd been as-
si.fing in T. %Vatson's barber shop for
several months, has returned to Tor-
onto. Harry McCreath, of KIncar-
dine, takes his place in Mr. Watson's
Ens. --The second consolation prize in
the recent big bonspeil• at Harris -
ton war won by the Lucknow
rink -J. W Henderson, A. P. Stew-
art, Geo. H. Smith. Robt. Johnston,
•kip. There were forty-one rinks in
the competition. The first prize went
to a Seuthrimpton rink. The prize
won by the Lucknow rink consists of
four gold medals.
A Talk With Orr Lady Readers.
Have you ever noticed how miser -
TUESDAY. Feb. 21st.
LOTHIAN LOCALS. -Misses Pearl and
Violet Glahn, of Bervie, spent a few
days the matte of her slater. Mr -s.
Tom. Mandy Geo. Swan returned
to Acton today after spending some
thee at his been here Miss Mary
McLean M visiting Mende In Chi-
eago... . John Plumps. of Fordyce,
spending a few days with friends
Mary Swan spent a
few days last week with friends In
Ltaoknow Ell MacNlamerw had a
very seeosesfal wood -bee on Wednes-
day ret last week -.o ssmcc.uful that
he had to tell the amen to quit or they
wonld not have left s tree steatite„_
EU had annou.csd beforehand that
he was giving a dance at night. an
heAlleverybody was anxious to to the
report a swell time
Jim MacDonald wad ..ter, MIs Ella
of Agoheslvy, were the guests of their
grandfather, J•a. MoT)croand, no. day
nnggweek .. M hm Riede Monism. of
Lange&is spending a few week at
Allan Minnie Handy i.
appending • couple of week. with
Meade In Mipley.
Oatevrl, Oastmet Se Cured
win twat, 4PPf,ICA ese
Itrr+ti ssNarspke'�m
,awe t.er..►. i'w
ea me tinemie•
-E.ea~ me
;era he
;a. MillIesetn►
corn• r w hep " e � " e
Alfalfa Tea.
Correspoodenos le St. Pall Despatch.
Four bundred men and women par-
ticipated in an alfalfa luncheon in this
city last evening. Biscuits and cookies,
made from alfalfa flour and shipped
here from Billings, Mon., were served
the guests, and tea was served made
from alfalfa leaves. Alfalfa has re-
ceived quite a good deal of attention
in the corn show, and this popular
stock food was featured at the lun-
cheon. it le the first time it bas been
used in this form as it part of refresh-
Cored M 1Cid.ey Tremble.
Mr.. Alex. Moore, of James street,
°ward. N. 8.. says : "Booth's Kidney
Pills *tired our tittle datigbter. Chris-
tian, ape six yeah of many symptoms
of kidney weakness. She complained
of a sore hack, the kidney secretions
were frequent and nncoetrdlahle, es-
pecially at nighL Her stomach was
weak and her appetite poor. This
her ee have frequent head-
aches, and the least exertion would
tire her. We
had tried many
remedies, h u t
she db tett im-
prove. Finally
R'• learned of
Booth's Kidney
(' 0. and pro•
r-nred • hot in
• abort time she
was well aad
,tore not now
o' plain *hetet
her beta, the k loopy .~retirees haus
tenemet nerwial, and mite plays around
the booms with no t f
We *wars see, rem ass,e Sone h's i,i
nerrds'eeKUs-.uy Pins atter) a tome -
seem that N yom derive no benefit
fet# he Wooded. tioetli'.
KMney PI11s are • specific far all die
mem motel the k Maher fined
it. Wee le. noose .lea ..t Itepatt..
Booth 5
Plenty of fresh air,
sleeping out -doors and a
plain, nourishing diet are
all good and helpful, but
the most important of
all is
Scott's Emulsioi
It is the standard treat-
ment prescribed by phy-
sicians all over the world
for this dread disease. It
is the ideal food -maedi.
cine to heal the lanes
and � build up the wasting
good Mk, memo of ..gar .ad Mae at ler
sketoktifal Mariam lamb Oil'.
bwW y
Hook. hank beak .ast.rr . bag
Loot Ye..,.
story a'OWNS
125 W.li. S.. !e-. Mw. Taoists. Om.
The only through tote
For settlers travelling with live
stock and effects
S pecial Trains
will leave Toronto
10.10 P. M.
Settlers And families without
live stock should use
Regular Trains
leaving Toronto
10,10 P. M. DAILY
Through Colonist
and Tourist Sleeper..
Colonist Cars on all Trains
No charge for berths
Through Trains Toronto to Winnipeg
and West
Ask any C.P.R. Agent for copy of • tetters'
409. KIDD, Agent Oode►.ci
Win ter
Mexico, Colorado,
California a n d
Pacific Coast
— — Points
The (.rand Trunk Railway Sys-
tem is the popular route from ell
points east through Canada via
Doubie Track, Fast service. Finest
Roadbed. Modern houipment, Un-
excelled Dining (;ar Service -all
element* of safety and comfort.
To the Sunny South
No more desirable route than via
Grand Trunk and r-onnecting lines.
Very Low Rates
Full information, tickets, etc„
Town Agent.
Office boon it am. to
Or address .1. D. McDonald. District
Passenger Agent, Union Station,
Tenoned. Out*rio,
ieueenar. ,. , AAI 2:1, 1911 '7
Have you taken advantage of our special stock reducing
sale? All winter wear marked down to ridictltlously low prices
Bargains iii Furs
Bargains in Ladies' Coats
Bargains in Girls' Coats
Bargains in Tailored Suits
Bargains in Separate Skirts
Bargains in Underskirts, etc.
Cloaks, Furs, China, Etc. Hamilton
Clearing Sale
Everything in Footwear for the cud weather must be . learel
.>.t once to make room for new goods coming in for the spring tr:Ae.
felt aqd Felt-l/gsd Boots, Shoes and
Slippers, )(envy gum Rubbers,
Overshoes aqd )(ockey Boots
.rt prices that all. .111•• to clear t.heni in a hurry. t'. • and I. t
us show y.•u what we havr to offer.
Downing & MacVicar
North Side of Square, Goderich
THE (.hAli1W.
Funeral Director.
And Embalmers
Orews carefully Mewled so
et as h..v, .iglu or .a,
We have bought three carload.) of the well-known "Pittsburgh
Perfect" Fencing to arriye about the end of March. This is the
feoce that is welded by electricity, which protege the most of you
have seen at Toronto end London Exhibitions. The upright. be-
come part of the horizontal wires. Therefore it is impossible for
them to slip as they do in other makes of fence. ,,
For delivery from car and for cash with order
we make you the following interesting prices:
5 -wire 33 inches high, all No. 9 wire, per rod 21 c
d -wire 40 inches high, all No. 9 wire, per rod, 2 4 c
7 -wire 41 inches high, alt No. 9 wire, per rod...... 2dic
rewire 45 inches high, all No. 9 wire, per . . . 3 1 ,1 c
(wire 49 inches high. all No. 9 wire. per rod 3 4 c
10 -wire 47 inche, high, all Nc. 9 wire, per rod '16 c
$-wire :12 inches high, All No. 9 stays. 12 inches
apart, per rod 3 3 c
S -wire 32 incbe9 high, all No, 9 stays. Id inches
apart, per end 314c
'wire 32 inches high, top and bottom No. 0,
other, No. 11, st.eys 12 inches apart, per rod. 211ac
No. 9 Coiled Spring Steel Wire sfulty guaranteed)
per 100 pounds. ff.2.40
No. 12 Coiled Spring Steel Wire (fully guaranteed)
per 100 pounds 3.00
Barbed Wire, per 100 pounds 2.90
These prime as .toted before are for cash with order. Ws will
book orders only so the extent of .ter porches., as we •'aonot dupl.-
eau our order for the money we are melting to you at, aft then ham
been an advance on wire since purchasing these care. Orden will
be filled as booked.
rill going to roof emir hoose or barn this, year? if ,, w
ran furniish you with Metal Roofing or wish our guaranteed Reedy
Roofings and can also put them on for you. 4'611 and see sampler.
before purcba.ing.
How snout Cement 7 Are you gnieg 1n do any cement work
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