HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-2-23, Page 4KIIIVEaDAi. Fe SSIJART *k hili
District News.
FARR CHANors HANDS. -•Neil Vont
Dell her sold his property, Iucludie
the 101i -acre farm on which he is
siding and the email lot on the aid
road east of l.ochaisb. Joe Fletcbe
formerly of Gordon's Corners, was th
purchaser and the price paid was, w
undensteed. ltd (M10.
Bulges. --Miss Marr McKenzie, of
Lochalsh, is visiting friends in Tor -
unto nwMev. Murdoch Matheson, of
Paraunt, is at present acting as
housekeeper for D. T. ifcKeuzie...
John N. McKenzie, ISO ouooession, is
visiting friends in Goderich.... . Don-
ald McLeod, of the side -road, has hexes
quite ill for the Iasi few weeks. but his
friends are pleased to see a dight im-
provement In his condition at present.
Miss Isabella Sutherland, daugh-
ter of the late Rev. Alex. Sutherland,
well known in this section as pastor of
Knox church, Ripley, was visiting at
Mrs. 1). McLennan's last week.
Th.. observer at the Locbalsb Marine
Observatory reports the passing
through the McKenzie Straits of the
revenue -cutter "Dasher," Capt. K.
Robb, and the yacht "Rusbor," Capt.
H. Ferguson, bet evening at 1:31)
p. in It appears that the taste for
oy stere is for many an acquired rather
than a natural one. A certain ybung
man from Hemlock City, who was
present at the Keayuec the other even-
ing was "breaking in"bis taste for
stewed oysters' and was just con-
gratulating himself on his euoeess
therein, when unfortunately his eye
alighted upon a piste of raw oysters
close at hand He was seen to pause
with a very solemn expression of
countenance, and Wes evidently hav-
ing trouble in pacifying the oysters al -
reedy disposed oZ, which appeared in-
clined to wake up again. and take In
an excursion on the up -line. We hope
he succeeded.
V oN nA r, Feb 20th.
FARA Pullet" Abell. -The 200 -erre
lain of Andrew M. Kirke, on the god
concession of this township, has been
sold to Wm. Webet.r at a good figure.
The purchaser gets posee..,ion in
March of next year. In the mean-
time Mr. Kirke will take a prospect-
ing trip to the West, where he will
Mttly Inmate. He bas been .t reeidetit
of this tuwoahlp for twenty-nine
years and his many friends and neigh-
bors will regret his removal. Mr.
Webster, who comes from near Luck -
now. will Hod that he has settled in
one of the beet neighborhoods in the
TI'E8DtY, Feb. 21st.
TOWN$Hlr CuCN(-IL. - Colborne
council met February 14th. All the
members present. Minute* of last
meeting reed and passed. The audi-
tion,' report was read and on mo-
tion of Councillors 1 sung and
Halliday was adopted as read, each
auditor to receive $7 for hi.. eervicea.
Accounts paid, viz. ; William Long,
inspecting , $5.45: Canada Express,
charges, 75c. ; William dtraughan,
gravel, Ow. ; F;dward O. Fuce, engin-
eer charges. 104.25. Moved by t)oun-
eilbr McLarty, seconded by Council-
lor Halliday, that Richard Carney re-
oeive $12.50 in full of eettlement for
digging ditch on Lake road. Carried.
Moved by Councillor Young, sec-
ooded by Councillor Chisholm. that
the collector have until March
7th to return the roll. l'erried.
Moved by Councillors Chisholm and
Halliday that lot north i 7 and 8, L.
It W. (Archibald Horton's lot). be
changed from snhool section No. 5 to
arbool section No. 9. Canted. John
'Pf ln'a request to change his lot from
school section No. 1 to Union school,
Nile, wag refused. Adjourned to
meet again March 7th at 1:3I) p. m.
P. W. Me'I)ot AnH, Clerk.
TUESDAY, Feb. 2Ist_
Wedoedav, February 15th, the soul
of Mrs. P. J. McGlynn passed peace-
fully away at her home on the 4th
eonceesion of Ashfield. Deceased bad
been ill for about two years. She was
barn in the county of Leitrim. Ire -
hind. in 1844, her maiden name being
Mary Masterson. She came to this
country when she was only two yearf,
of age. In 1861 she became the wife
.f Patrick McGlynn. They lived at.
Lindsay until twenty-eight years ago,
when they 'and their family moved to
the 4th concession of West Wawa -
nosh. Two years later they moved to
tbe 4th concession of Ashfield. The
funeral took place from the family res-
idence on Saturday. February18th, to
St. Jneeph's church, Ashfied, where
solemn requiem nae* was oelebratsd
by Rev. M. J. McCormack, and the re-
mains were interred in 8t Joseph'.
cemetery. The pall -bearers were Fred.
Robinson, Patrick Moran, John Dal-
ton. Thomas Garvey, Charles Moss
and William Hackett. The deceased
leaves to mourn her lose her aged hus-
band, six sons and five daughters:
James and Mrs, John Din'llb, Of Ran -
sock, Mich. ; George and Mr*, John
Templeton, of Moose Jaw, Sask.: Mrs.
Hemkey, Mre. Lareeu, Mrs. Clark,
Jaseph and John, of Detroit, and Fred
and Leo, atj►oure. The sorrowing rel-
atives and friends have the deep sym-
pathy of the community in their ber-
WEDNESDAY, Feb. t2nd.
Miss Roby Young went to
rich on Thursday.
Miss May Ferguson went to
on Wednesday for a few days.
Mrs. G. E. Denstedt came home on
Wednesday *filar n short visit with
vies.- blends at Stratford.
' Mimosa, Feb. filth.
e -
A 8o•I.tl. EvfNteo.-The t.ocbalsh
Rifle Club is a large organization
composed of members representing •
wide district. extending from the Lake-
shore east to Lothian, and Linin the
Sod concession of Huron south to the
12th of :lvhfleld. This flourishing
association has now fifty members
(more or leeel on the roll, and is at
preeent under the command of Capt.
J. McIntyre. The club, although it
bas for its avowed object the peeper -
Won for a time of war, yet believes
also in cultivating the social side of
life pertaining to a time of peace.
With this intent, therefore, a social
event came off butt Thursday evening
in the form of an oyetersupper, which
was held at the residence of Mr. and
Mrs. 8. Brown. of Amberley, who
most kindly bad placed their palatial
mansion at the dtapneal of the club,
and who :pared no effort in assisting
to make this event., what it really was,
an un.ivalified success. The members
were present almost to a man, accom-
panied by rnany friend.. of the fair
sex. The tables were set in the base-
ment, which was beautifully decorated
for the occasion, and ample justice
was done to the good things thereon
by all those present. Afterwards the
evening was very pleasantly spent In
social chat, various games and to the
measured trod of the "mazy dance."
All went home well pleased, and many
expressed the desire that a social
event of this nature should he an an-
nual institution of the Rifle Club.
THE TELEPHONE. -The latest burn-
ing question which is agitating the
residents of this section is that of
"rural telephones," A strong desire
to be up-to-date in this matter having
been expressed by some, the leading
pirit of whom is probably our ever.
etic postmaster, A. It. Finlayson, ne-
otlations were entered into with the
oderich Rural Telephone Co. with •
iew of extending their line, now run-
ing into Kintail, along the KIntail
de -road north to the boundary at
Lochalsh, and then east along the
boundary to Lucknow. The result
as that a meeting was held in Kin-
il recently at which were present a
umber from Lochalsh, Paramount,
nd the Lake Shore road, and also
official representatives of tbeGoderich
Company. Full intortnatioo was give')
by the letter, in regard to cat of in-
stalment and yearly m•inteoance of
their telephone amnia, as well as
on other matters relative to the same.
The next step taken will he that ao
official is to be sent shortly by the
Goderich Company to canvass tbe res-
idents along the lines above men-
tioned, in order to secure as many sub-
scribers as possible with a view of in -
'tolling instruments. It Le now quite
probable that before this time nest
rear a rural telephone system will be
n operation through thio district and
that a number of r.ur citizens will be
enjoying the benefits of that wonder-
ful invention, the telephone....John
Schoenhals of Port Albert, nos of tbe
directors of the Goderich Rural Tele-
phone Co., was last week canyaaslog
among the resident of tbis faction
and vicinity, in order to secure sub-
scribers for the proposed extension of
lines of the aboys-mentioned Company
north of Kintail. Mr. 8cboenbals was
accompanied by Peter Mrintyre and
they report fair eucaese in their mie-
Blyth n
Miss Erma Symington left on fiat- to
■relay afternoon to attend the opting n
millinery openings in Toronto. a
Quite • number frail the village
were out to the Masonic at home at
'Carlow on Wedneeday night. They
•pent a very enjoyable evening. ,
Hones KILLED. -A rather unfor-
tunate accident occurred on the main
street in front of Medd's tailor shop
on Saturday night by which A. Rob-
inson lost a velu•ble driver. About
half -pant nine in the evening, in meet-
ing Frank Robinson, who was driving
welt, the shah of W. Medd's cutter
struck Franke horse fair ton the jugu-
lar vein, and, although the services of
Veterinary Howson were immediately
relied into requisition, the animal
1.ved only five minutes.
FOREST/CRP' Solt -IAL EvaN1\0.-
Thb year the annual eocial gathering
of the local court of the Canadian
Order of Foresters took the form of
an "at home," held in the ball on Fri-
day evening. The earlier part of the
evening was spent in games sod social
intw•course. Then followed an inter-
nteresdng program with Chief Ranger
Parks in the chair. Kew. R. A.Mil-
lar gave a short address brimming
over with wit and humor. A very
tasty lunch wall partaken of noel the
malty guests went awe/ unenimous
in the opinion that the Foresters are
experts In the art of entertaining.
The Presbyterians are to be congratu-
lated on the success of their anniver-
sary Nerviest on Sunday and Monday.
Rev. W. Pearcy, ,.1 i.onde..boro',
preached to large cobgregsttoas
morving,and evening on Runday, and
on Mnolray evening at the annual
eiburrh supper the church was filled to
its rapacity. An excellent supper
was served in the hsammeeot. On se-
eonat of the illness of the paster, Rev.
J. R- Mann, the chair was occupied by
Bev, Mr Peavey. The quartette of
Los. Method.' church supplied
tthe ufwieal pert et thepart seas peeweesand
ere. be 1[malr t3artlett, n/ Kincardine
wad Rev. 11 A. MLllar, of Auburn A
eery pkmeelag feature of the evening's
peaee.dings was the turning of the
,esetptse al the chureb, which was
made law � lit eta mpbr" ofI
the ehersh, Tide hMatifel ehesreh
V UM& sew stands free •f
TCRODAY, Feb, Slat.
O. F. Yungblut shipped a carload of
cattle to Toronto last Saturd*y.
Reuben Taylor is home from the
West on a visit to bis parents bees.
Isaac Hetherington, of Nile. shipped
a arlpad of cattle from the station
bore to Toronto last Saturday.
William McKinnon, of the West,
arrived bees on • visit this weak. He
intend* taking s.wae borne back with
bim when he return&
Mr Walla. a and family left here
Inst Wednesday for their home In the
West, after a extended visit at the
horse of Mrs. Wallace'. paresis. *r,
gad Mn Jobn Rymirartna,
The atneuut of Ings received u the
...mill* Ares has not hese •aeeedd
for • 'ring time Hoywenees sant b
testy matins roller+, sad the sample d
el dime i. craning .° feat that they ars
enable to rout as fast as it is enmi�
In The •4bar tasiB ear ant .taarta/
Lestaow, W o•awdWa
pinata .ad .tu ► h
eno.tta gifvveis► soul.
µtsst�oa W Ih. b.ae olio. L• *..w,
M i le trend r., der AU madam
W tropes for T he Sew is at "hares -
will to reset uneuefterered ahoy wSew
ned h work. and rear wii l
Mims for .moan t. mail tee the .ase.
lioit*Y, Feb. Bhh.
A BUSY SEASON. Wm. Hill & Son
have been doing a rushing business
this season with their sawmill, Which
has been engaged in cutting on the
Snyder farm, keeping quite • staff ,of
use employed. The other day a ship-
ment of 201.10 maple rollers was seat to
Liverpool. Thiii was the seoond ship-
ment this year. In addition to this
considerable custom work is being
done, and material has been furnished
to Shipbuilder Marlton, of Goderich,
for the dredge and for • email steamer
which !dr. Marlton is training for •
Winnipeg customer. The Messrs.
Hill aro enterprising and ener•getic
and their industry is it greet help to
the cowwunity.
TUESDAY, Feb. 21st,
MEWS Nares - Bel. and Ben King,
of Molesworth, visited friends in this
vicinity last week . John and Miss
Margaret Jackson, of Welker•burn,
spent the week -end at Wm. McAllis-
ter'. The young men of the Dramatic
Club treated their friends to a dance
in John Leddy's house lest Friday
evening. All report having had a
good,time Geo. Webster, of
Luckow, who purchased a barn from
David McAllister some time ego, had
a gang of men engaged laat week tak-
ing i down and hauling the timber to
Luc► ••ow. He ir:tends shipping it out
Wer n the near future A num-
ber 1 ,a this vicinity took in (he tea -
thee, . r at Auburn on Monday even-
ing .ud report having had a good
time Mtr. Josephine McAllister
returned home this week atter a
month's visit with friends in Galt and
Toronto Geo. Webster, t h e
township aaeersor, is on his rounds
again this week.
TUseDAY. Feb. 21.t.
Joseph McGraw has been engaged at
Lfnklster's for the year, and will
move his family out about the first of
ScHooL Et.tc'rloN,-The election of
trustees to fill the place of those who
resigned took plate at 8. S. No. 5 on
Saturday. John Hunter and W.
Bogie were duly elected and along
with .1. Watson form tbe new hoard.
There is no reason why thiogs should
not go along all right now.
This week we are called upon to re-
cord the death of Richard Fulford, one
of the oldest settlers of this section,
who passed away on Thursday morn-
ing of last week. Mr. Fultoxd was in
his eighty-third year and was one of
the last survivors est those who drove
a team between Stratford and Gode-
rich before the railway waicompleted.
He farmed on the Stb eon.cession of
Colborne for some years and also
threshed for a number of seasons.
About the year 1888 he was united in
marriage and about tbe same time he
sett led on the farm on the Lake Shore
road on which he died. His family
consists of thtee sons and two daugh-
ters: George, living near Dunlop;
William, st bone ; Arthur, who has
been in New Ontario for some years ;
Mrs. W. Stuart, in Dakota, and Miss
Clara, at borne. .Arthur was home for
tbe funeral. which took place on Sun-
day afternoon to Colborne cemetery,
Rev. Jas. Hamilton eonduclial tbe ser-
vices. The pallbearers were John
Hunter, Joseph Cook, Jas. Taylor and
Edward Shaw. A large number were
present at the funeral to pay their last
respects to the memory of one who
was a good friend and a kind neigh-
WEDNESDAY, Feb. '2od-
RtSIONED.-F. A. Jellisha, resigned
his position as manager for D. For-
syth at the postoMce store, and the
position is now filled by Rupert Hell.
from Toronto.
THE Btu Coecgar.-The C. M R A.
concert and box .oci•1 held in Mcfloo-
aldi. hall, Kintail, na the evasive* rot
the 7th inst., was one of the mom wee -
eyeful events of the kid beid in these
parts for wane timer- Promisees
among tbe artiste who took part was
Dave McGill, of Blyth. the w.44.'.
vocalist, wbo env, several mrmehses is
a style that greatly pleased the aimM-
eoce. His ear ourober sem "Team
Pocket 1e 1 -ger Yphad-- H,
O'Hearne, of pia- meld. a telt
as a soloist. the fawners. .math. ira�e�g
If Those tip y U
I:spasiy lipsN.
A. Jell* the Ki
• asltb Irriesellatri
Wisb i Rd
a Par beim; a tweriag
Coag- Mow& J. and >lMa eases
gave • deet. sad A. Iifetil . bass .cis
lot. sang "Arises is the Doer srft�
much espresso Was ANrwtg 13eekf
lyy}'tdeoom Maoist Walser +Dalton took
the pises sof A. Fitaril, d Locknow,
who was .estie to be present, and
gave • first-rate pssfonsaoee of the
Irish jig. Miss asst McGregor and
1. Mtepas.n gave valuable itaidetanoe
deeming the evening as accompanists.
Npseial election most he made of the
work of the Kingelledge Mympbony
°relievers, which rendered classic
music in a highly popular style and
made a tremendous hit. We under
stand that this orchestra is opes for
engagements and your eorrmimondes*
recommends it highly for first-et•.s
events. The whet program was
heard with great delight try • large
aedieore. The duties of chairman
were ably discharged by Moravia 1.1s1 -
toe. The auetiosing ni the hoses wag
the oeusk.s of groat iet.r.s( and see
rimiest. J Purvis did tbe telling, and
the wirer. raged from Bok- to 111.8
The hal pert .i ter night'. proopy
was • daises which It to need/ea M
elv. wail heartily as)pye.l Icy ells hr
sad Jamie, Truly it wet a meneasei e
ler.ai noels' es anode foe all p..
rota Platte rose order es ons .ad
pt eh..htet est erne iiL►wMJ-
gagswasta On ► One kW each overplay aiming
1 wouldn't take a thousand
dollars for the good VINOL has
done me- 1 was told that Cod Liver
Oil was the medicine 1 needed for
my weakened condition and poor
blood. 1 could riot take the greasy
mixture, and when out druggist told
me that VINOL contained not only
tonic iron but all the medicinal prop-
erties of Cod Liver Oil without the
grease or oil or bad taste, I made
up my mind that was the medicine
for me. I tried it and today am
strong and well."
Greensboro, N. C.
W. Esaraniee the'gesule....• of tae
ah... teul,.oaia1.
We sell VINOL with the
understanding that if it does
not give the purchaser per-
fect satisfaction, we return
his money without question.
Will yoij try a bottle un-
der these conditions?
The Coming of Spring
Has been hurrying us up with new merchandise in Drees Goods, Silky and all wool,
cottuta and linen Suit Inge in most of the leading shades. Some of toe strong feature+ in
Crew Goods aro new stripes and diagonal designs in .I -wool fabrics, and the Mediae
,boles ale likely to be greys, fawns, greens and blues. Tam are oomlug in In log every
few days rod io about one week more we ezt w
our stock to he shout complete. If you
are looting for something suitable for a • ng suit, come and see'het we tam do for'eddiedyou. We are 'eddied we have some of t e very newest productions intended for the
coming season for dresses and suite.
SILKS In Foulards. Shantltngr, Taut/dines, Louisioes, Marrluieettee, 'Taffetas and
other thin wakes suitable for waists and evening drawee, in spot and 'torsi
patterns. Some of them 48 inches wide. They are quite new and exceptional value,
DELAINES We never offered such an artistic showing of these good,. The cloth is
finer and the printing is more perfect than ever before, and the prior
is only 13c . Colors fast.
PRINTS We always lead io PRINTS. because our cloths are pertsrt and colors
Lost. When weanling Prints, come here and ask for CREST -nothing
like thew for 12ic. A few at 11k -good strong cloth end fast colors.
GINGHAMS A new lot of Scotch [Hake. and only l0c. Just twenty pieces. They
are great value at 10c. Better (.inghatns-lS{c, 15c and 25c. Sixty
pieces to select from, all new this spring, and we never had such elegant patterns.
EMBROIDERIES Our stock this time surpasses any previous effort in these good*are Al.
ere showing some :.c 7e. Sc,tgk and liht ik Edges and Inser. direct from the tions tha�dw . neveresreached
before in value.
LACES Orientate.About I We rs of Leers in i
never had so many ho stock k Torcboos, lrMelte.
before, and prices are
from :lc to l5c a yard. Almost anything you ask for is here in Laces.
OVERLACES In white. cream, Paris black and silver black and gold and Dresden
gold mixture. Theme are very new in overlace for yokes and
triminiugs, from 7bc to$3.opa yard -NEW.
If you want the beet ,ilk, Oic, 75c. Mc, *IMO, $1.15, $1.'_5. $1.50 and $LOO
Corset, buy D. & A. Every pair gupranteed.
Etc., Etc.
w -
Only eight days more to get hip on
spacial ideal Fence sale, 11gwlt,L
Estimates cheerfully furnished.
Minter • saitings
W. R. Pinder
'Phase 166,'
Boys and
of a modern watch vibrates live
times every secnnd and with
each vibration it rotates one
and • quarter times. Thais in
one year it makes 196,850,0010
revolutions. if a locomotive
were eon until its wheels had
revolved as often as the IiUlr
balance wheel revolves in one
year. the locomotive would have
to circle the earth twenty-eight
times- Bot the locomotive bac
to stop frequently for food and
rest and oiling - the balance
wbeel vibrates day and night
without ceasing for a year or
longer at a stretch. re.furrine no
other atteutiou than winding
once a day. ;tdpm101111
Probably your watch re-
goires cleaning and oiling: if so.
1 would los pleased to do it for
!res. Prompt/sees mad accuracy
are our mottoes.
g. S. Da'bey
Watchmaker and Jeweller
Month its of &parse Oettilsit4.
>lhoodd learn these subject., by
which they can earn a living.
51****** Business Colleges ars•
(the largest trainers in Canada,
' and ou: graduates secure the
heat positions- Yon can surly
at home, or partly at home end
finish at the college.
10 Cutters
to Be Sold
at Cost
Business College
010. $POTTOa, Pr{Mlw•
Must be
cleared out
regardl e ss
Call and
see them at
the Massey -
Har r i s
Shop on
Hemi It on
Robert Wilson
A Geed Ides la Hair
The tremble with mak woman's hair
1. that they won't take the Mine to
give ft proper treatment It you wast
peer hair to hav• that look .t letter
asvitailty. you must take are of It.
Tots caanot •:peel to have splendid
hair If yeu simply run • comb through
It 1* the mernlna--five It • dab ea
the outer sage with a brush -threw
it Into a brad --•witch It around this
head -lab In a few hair plot -and lee
It `(o •t that.
Hair Is like any ether growing thlag
-4 needs attention -It 'teeth care --ft
se a thorough ar.snlng regularly --
not only the heli rut the sealp-
rf yeu hav the time aril patlsaes
you won't need any hale tnnle_bet
most women heart D. nett boot
thing Is Nyel'• Rlrwtose. It 1. the
hest thing offered to take the pia..
of hours •I remitting and hraging
It tones up th• roots, brifhtews tt.
rotor. Iwprsyss the trauma sad snake@
1t star ar•eefutt• w are It Is pile
Hlrt•s. !Dwell/ r.•Nsifwee
neglected hair.
year Nyal D.0 gt t cheerfully rea-
d, Rirwtsne bolo be brews
1� a►tl«te eerom ft se sad lea
gas u.gmeassdb
SUPERIOR a every demi of
`. diyi Sblie cad Falai,
aad representing more actual value
than was ever amsopted Wore at
moderate prix The nab d
betimes tell bems than oaring
.Int what the pabie think of this
Ina It has "mf& goad" whe:-
sett introduced and is dsnbl'a$
`Mies every strias,
Newel Derbies an . a
ides by de .rhes kir atite lei e
MAR sod gtarr comity. Aa b
no i Gobi b mors gasps+}
1)nce y,a/ see them we feel
confident that your sense of
geed judgment will decide in
favor of the Mt that sot only
4 N
As tbe kitchen
• is the workshop of
the bolus sob the
Our Plato: "A mean deal b everyone "
the work hooch and nothing adds to the sous/cot and
subtracts from the drudgery .4 bitches wort like • new
vreion t Klteben ('shiner.
Ws have a sp•e al value In this line, pargr enough
to bold all the utensils required in the culinary art sed
TA Man enemata to go tato the tiniest kltcbns.
T'rsst vnurself to one of these lahsrsving and life
prolamin" rirth-1ss.
McLean Bros.
.• Ms el -ACP t"0 OUT /IMP
W. J. M U I R & CO.
b. se.: 'Pe bent vases oessaide for yaw menet'